The MOST Megalodon Teeth We've EVER Found in a Day | Our Best Shark Tooth & Fossil Hunt of the Year!

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we've been walking for at least a mile already guys as you can tell i'm sweaty it's hot out here in the summer in florida but we're making our way to a creek that neither of us have ever explored before it has every my arms caught on a stick here has every indicator of being an incredible spot for fossils and potentially artifacts breed has picked up something that's a type of mushroom called xylaria this particular species only grows on magnolia cones it's very cool this is a beautiful place where you just found something else what do you got here it has three species growing on it that is so cool they are all coexisting on a little magnolia cone so there's some beautiful woods out here guys we're definitely gonna find some great stuff just up in the woods and then certainly when we get down to the creek we'll be finding some great fossils so stay tuned and let's keep walking what did you spot here bree i found a steam corn mushroom oh that thing is so cool they call them stink horns because they stink they are rancid i can smell it from here look at his little egg he popped out of oh my goodness crazy you get an angle from right here look at that thing oh they are so cool they are very cool all right cool there's really cool stuff out here in these woods let's keep walking it looks so cool in here big ferns everywhere it's magic in here i can hear the fossils calling how about you bri we finally found our first exposure of gravel here and it looks like a lot of gravel be careful bree okay all right oh there's some bone fossilized bone my friends oh it's pretty big gravel bigger than average more bone bone okay bone uh oh oh oh is that what all the black fish that's not i want fossils bree just picked up this beautiful piece of designed pottery native american like a bowl or something they put all these lines in it's amazing those birds are going crazy this gravel looks pretty good it's a great sign look right here see that we have shark teeth already there's one there look right here there's a tiny one and grab it and put it on my fingers nice there's a little tiny one there i mean the amount of teeth when you really look closely is pretty crazy there's one there the stingray mouth plates these things help stingrays crush up their food here are these little black things so it's the right formation we have shark teeth and we if we find bigger gravel here we should be able to find bigger fossils just spotted this right there that's nicer than the little ones that i picked up it got pushed up from some flooding look at that whoa the condition on that thing is crazy that's a big lemon shark tooth right there so we're walking to get to another spot now we want a place that's a little bit more cut this whole area is very like swampy muddy no hills or anything like that so we're going to keep walking look at all the different types of fungus on here that's one type there's another type there on up to here look at that i think it is yellow it's really sticky on the top right there and then you have all those all the way up a little frockles and then there's just flood water flowing through the woods here check out the delicious little chanterelle mushrooms right here those are not only edible but are also delicious but we're not collecting that today we're going to keep walking this way look at how destroyed i look right now we've been walking forever brie you also look destroyed yeah but we see gravel everywhere is there bones are there fossils that's the big question is it the right stuff bone bone oh my goodness we're here there's fossils it is confirmed this creek looks amazing guys so amazing i have a big flashlight here that'll help me see down into the water this is insane it is look at this right here oh my goodness i kind of want to put on a mask here we have one we have one in the backpack i'm gonna have to do that you guys see this down here those are all fossilized ribs to dugong our manatee like relative that means there could be megs in here too though it could totally be oh my goodness there's a piece of a poor fish jaw right there what oh my goodness all right i'm putting on the mask and i have this gopro here so i can take you guys underwater with me i also need a bright light which i did bring luckily so let's go check it out there's fossils start piling them up here more rib every little pocket has fossils there's endless amounts of dugong rib bone everywhere in this spot but i'm not finding anything else here um there's not a lot of gravel to actually look through let's leave a pile i'm gonna put this right back in the creek right where i found it i don't want to take any of these back they're very heavy but we're going to work our way down the creek and hopefully find a place a little bit more concentrated a lot of rocks here very little bone that's a little bit right there that's nice not a lot though we're getting somewhere though i think so we just hit a gravel bar here that's looking quite interesting first thing is right here we have a partial looks like a three-toed horse tooth right there oh no it's actually a complete three-toed horse tooth look at that breath that's a killer take it oh that chewing surface it's complete over here my friends we have a fossilized area a piece of a native american arrowhead right there it would have had the tip up there and the base would have been here so it's a midsection really nice worksmanship very pretty brielle hand that to you thank you and then we have right here you guys see that yeah it's a good little spot it is it's a juvenile megalodon tooth wow okay that is amazing for one little gravel bar a little surface hunt right here in the spot of this stuff a bunch of turtle shell and then some type of terrestrial myosin like bone right there maybe a little camel it or something something look at this guy right here in the creek he's so cool looking see his head right there he's sniffing me beautifully look at his tail he keeps he keeps shaking his tail he thinks uh he thinks he sounds like a rattlesnake oh he lunged at me he's mad all right buddy i'm not gonna get too close to you oh he's really mad i wasn't even that close but he's really spooked i'm leaving all right buddy see ya we just hit a spot here that has tons of bone just washed up here so we are going to look here for a bit i'm going to throw on some gloves and just feel around bree just took a scoop here do you guys see it you guys see anything funny all right go ahead and do the extraction um that's a little juvenile megadon tooth oh my god he's beautiful he's so beautiful rinse it real quick look at that oh my gosh that's a beautiful tooth i'm jealous i want a meg so bad from right here the color is amazing she did it to me again she's all excited let's see what she has no way what is going on i knew this spot was gonna be good i that meg is crazy looking i i still haven't found one take it out of my face right now give me my baby take it before i skip it bree just picked up another killer fossil i guess i'm losing today so far that is some type of very large porpoise tooth porpoise dolphin something like that i don't know exactly the species name on that one but it is a killer killer find all right i have something right here i'm so scared i've seen it yet right i haven't brielle let you extract it okay let me see you go ahead and grab it what that's the little enamel the whole thing is like a roof oh my god so it would have come out of the jaw like that with a bunch of these see let me get focused on it oh there we go so it would have come out of the jaw like that that's the crown right there that's the enamel that's a crazy huge tooth what might be sperm oil i'm not sure that is so cool oh my goodness bree that is huge that is a giant crocodile osteoderm that's like half of water that's a half of one right there gavialocas americanus right there that's the name of that one it was so much bigger than alligators oh my god that is like a massive massive animal [Laughter] there's a deeper spot right here lots of things are piled up so i'm going to flip my light on and we're going to take a real close look i haven't spotted anything yet be cool to get some more stuff live on camera let's see oh right there what what we just got here oh my goodness that's a broken megalodon tooth i knew they'd be here this is a great sign for this that's amazing fantastic oh oh oh oh i see something like what what can you guys zoom in right there let me see wait wait at the tip of my finger is it not focusing i can't tell okay i'm going to move the rocks real slow first of all that's not what i saw guys okay look at that that's amazing okay i'm scared what oh my god i just peeked out from the camera because it's kind of hard to see okay another one already another meg all right i'm gonna hand that to you and i'm gonna continue walking i'm so excited okay let's see these oh wow that horse tooth is really amazing that is beautiful three-toed horse tooth that's not to a modern horse that horse is long extinct back from a time when horses were the size of dogs so we put on some gloves and i've been scooping gravel right from where i showed you guys that meg that i found in the water so the method is just scoop the gravel all the way up towards the side right here and then splash it like that and i just did that right here if you guys want to come in close i do that stuff i splashed a couple times and i noticed that no goodness hold on i'm taking my glove off patience my friends here we go yes wow that's a killer little meglite on tooth that's three in my spot now it is and it looks like this one is perfect all the serrations let's get really close oh beautiful wow i'm so excited so i think we're staying here for a little longer i'm gonna pick up a bunch more gravel all right bree you got something did you did coming a little close oh my yes a beautiful snaggle beautiful let's get a nice close look at that it's got some sticks on it still oh my goodness where's the light look at that thing i'm in love with that toothbread that thing is perfect like the mega i just found i love the colors in it all right you grab it oh my goodness you terrified me oh my gosh brie is on fire with two finds in a row let me extract that one for you there bree that is amazing precursor to the great white shark right there that's amazing so if it had serrations we'd call it a great white but this is before our great whites developed their super serrated spooky teeth yes thank you good job i see right there brie look at that we got a nice snaggletooth sharp tooth right there nice you want to extract that okay so my hands are full get a nice close look at that right there now what is this i'm spotting this and it's bothering me wait let's see here we go that is a partial rhino tooth okay helioceras a partial rhino molar oh my goodness that's amazing you know the weirdest thing i swear to you guys woke up this morning and bree said why do i have the word paleocerase stuck in my head today that's why because we were going to find one oh that's amazing that is really cool oh sweet let's see the enamel yes nothing i told you i thought i wouldn't get out of my mission [Laughter] i just found this little thing right here this is the inner ear bone to a whale check it out you can identify them because they look exactly like an ear okay what'd you do breathe he just scooped it up that's a nicer coloring meg right there i love the color on that yep that's pretty nice little juvenile mega down tooth take it take it i want another we just pushed some gravel up off to the side right here we have two nice fossils if you guys come in close i mean first of all if you look here there's tiny shark teeth everywhere one there and one here so this is a good spot for teeth but we're finding other stuff as well the first thing is this that's the top of the cusp to like the chewing surface on a gomphother tooth so gone for the ears were these very large elephant-like uh animals distantly related to like mastodons they would have these big teeth with bumps all over them right here beside it we have a tooth to a crocodile cow called gabiello circus so gabiello sucus uh americanus was a giant giant crocodile could be up to 30 feet or so in length uh possibly even larger and that's one of the little teeth one of the smaller teeth in the jaw to one of those i just tossed up a killer fossil i love these things do you guys see that it looks a little bit like just some bone let me wash it off there that is a fossilized horse tooth tiny three-toed horse tooth that was probably the size of a medium-sized dog or so now we know this wasn't like a little baby horse because of how worn down the tooth is horses start out with teeth that are really long and it wears down throughout their life so this was not a young horse this was just to an extinct type of horse that was tiny i'll put up on the screen right now showing you guys a size reference of this tiny horse tooth versus a modern full-size horse's tooth we just spotted something on top of the gravel bar my friends let me move up closer all right the extraction time let's wash it up oh man check him out that is another three-toed horse tooth a an upper this time instead of a lower jaw and a totally different type of three-toed horse tooth so there were actually lots of different species of three-toed horses roaming around florida kind of around the same time bree's been hitting a pretty good spot right here look at all these little teeth she's been pulling out we got a little lower snaggletooth shark tooth lemon shark tooth another snaggle a little partial like horse tooth right there so she's doing pretty good oh yeah what you got oh okay i just saw a little bit that looks good it's a little teensy one but he oh look at the color uh meg it's a meg a little baby mag it rinse it put it in my hand with all your other babies oh that's a pretty cute that almost looks like a classic like bone valley florida megalodon tooth it's sitting right at the bottom along the right right against the clay huh that's a good little handful of vines a great handful of fines we cleared out that last spot we're pretty confident we didn't leave too much there so we decided to keep walking this way and hopefully oh my goodness almost died hopefully we'll get to another spot pretty good well that's kind of unusual okay so that's an antler to a deer i don't think a person put it up here you see all the chew marks squirrels and other rodents will chew on bone for calcium so a squirrel probably carried it up here that's a cool thing the cool thing about that too is we sometimes find fossils that actually have those same chew marks on them yup so they've been doing it for many years they have that's so cool unworthy we just stopped in this spot right here just got started breathe what have you done oh that's gonna be the nicest one today oh my goodness look at the color [Music] that is a beautiful tooth it is so sharp it's beautiful it's like it's like perfect oh my god i love it all right all right all right it is my turn i want one from right here okay i'm i think it's busted that was it's so serrated what the little tip is broken on it too but like oh my god that is amazing i mean he's still beautiful put it next to my meg over here look at how beautiful i would like it i would like to find something now please [Laughter] well guys i just felt something sharp on the tip of my finger right there you see that kind of where the glove was exposed and i joked around i was like it's probably a shark tooth it was a shark tooth i just got bit by a shark tooth it was millions of years old okay that's a little juvenile megalodon tooth how long do you think it's been since that tooth sunk into a chunk of meat okay that's just it's it's the best kind of wound you can get okay i just found this big broken meg i didn't get it on camera but it would have been a beauty maybe like that that long or so with the root that's awesome bree check it out we got a big piece right there that would have been a nice tooth oh i'm so sad it's broken yeah it would have been a really nice one yeah it would have oh well trying to like remove the sand from the gravel layer oh i think i just dropped a little snaggle tooth oh no it's okay okay fine i did myself you did a bone right there wow look at all of it oh my goodness oh it's so dark colored for this location oh that's uh that's a pretty decent sized megalodon tooth that's just missing the root that would be like that big probably look at that nice aubrey take that piece there might be more in here all right i want another one yes and bree strikes again oh that's a nice bone yeah with a tooth right on top of it i just thought i would try this little spot well you saw it right right i have completely lost count of the amount of megalodon shark teeth we found today that's crazy it's a really nice one too thank you getting very late now we're starting to make our way out of this place but brie just spotted something let's see oh you see that right there that's the backbone to a dugong right there that's a really nice feeling great preservation look at the ribs here i know they're gonna see them all in the water here i wonder why we found a bird there's a lot of other pieces here all right my friends there are most of our finds from this hunt we didn't get everything on camera but i think we got most there's that big dugong vert right there we got whale ear bones we got pieces of teeth to elephant-like animals gomphother three types of citations so well two types of porpoises and myosin camel ankle bone here snaggletooth shark teeth gavialocus giant terrifying crocodile bony armor plates we have that piece of point that bree found all the three-toed horse teeth which are some of my personal favorite and then a bunch of small little megalodon shark teeth so it was a crazy hunt one of my favorite hunts i've had in a really long time if you guys enjoyed it make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and subscribe if you haven't already check out bree's instagram link down in the description below and also let us know below if you want to see us come back out here and hunt for more fossils we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: PaleoCris
Views: 321,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fossil hunting, shark tooth hunting, megalodon, megalodon shark, megalodon tooth, megalodon shark tooth, megalodon tooth hunting, shark tooth hunting 2021, shark teeth hunting, florida fossils, florida shark teeth, finding fossils, finding shark teeth, arrowhead hunting, paleo chris, paleochris, finding artifacts, artifact hunting
Id: NKapECngmZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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