15 Gemstones More Expensive Than Diamonds #2

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we all know that apparently clear diamonds are a girl's best friend [Music] the problem is they can just be so expensive to buy as it turns out though they aren't the most expensive gemstones out there other diamonds and gemstones take that title from a stone found in just one place on earth to uncosting millions per carat here are 15 gemstones more expensive than diamonds number 15 herkimer diamonds herkimer diamonds get their name from the doubly terminated quartz crystals found in herkimer county new york from paradise falls in middleville new york they take on the traditional hexagon form of quartz but they don't have one termination on the end instead they have two this is caused by the crystals growing with minimal or no contact with their host rock such crystals or herkimer diamonds are so rare because they're just crazy creations of nature as a result they're both costly to buy and popular with mineral collectors you can imagine just how much their desirability drives up the price tag the host rocks for herkimer diamonds are little falls dollar stone from the cambrian age the dollar stone was deposited about 500 million years ago and the herkimer diamonds formed within the dollar stones cavities even though they're named after new york's herkimer county these particular diamonds are also found in arizona ukraine norway china and afghanistan so if you have no luck looking for them under the name herkimer you might be able to search for them as middleville diamond or little falls diamond before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping number 14 grand didier ride if you thought grand didierite was hard enough to say then you'll be shocked when i tell you they're also hard enough to get your hands on these precious stones are incredibly rare so you won't know too many people who've had jewelry made from them grandidiorite is a blue-green gemstone that differs in color depending on the iron content the more blue it has the higher the iron levels it's suitable for use in jewelry but it's also incredibly difficult to cut because it has good cleavage in two directions according to the international gem society the gemstone was first discovered by french mineralogist alfred lecroy in 1902 in the cliffs of andhra hamana in the southern part of madagascar alfred named the stone grandidiorite after french explorer and naturalist alfred grandidier he was the first explorer to describe madagascar in great detail since its discovery in madagascar grandidiorite has also been found in norway suriname algeria antarctica new zealand the czech republic india italy malawi canada and the united states even though it's present in all these countries and continents it is extremely rare and only small pockets have ever been found number 13. tanzanite tanzanite is an incredibly rare and incredibly beautiful stone only found in a small mining area near the mariani hills in tanzania it belongs to the epidote mineral group and consists of stunning blue and violet coloring caused by the zoicite mineral and small volumes of vanadium it was formed during the mid ediacaran period about 585 million years ago by plate tectonic activity and heat in the area around mount kilimanjaro depending on how you turn the stone you can note shades of blue burgundy and violet it looks even more violet when viewed under fluorescent lighting when it's in its rough state it's more of a reddish-brown color with some clearness heat treatment removes that brown exterior to bring out the blue and violet hidden within tiffany and coke came up with the name tanzanite naming it after the country in which it was discovered tiffany and co introduced it to the market in 1968 and didn't think blue violet zoa site was going to be all that consumer friendly in their marketing department in 2002 tanzanite was chosen as the december birthstone a decision made by the american gem trade association number 12. muskravite looking at muskravite it doesn't look all that much different from your standard clear diamond however aside from a few features the price tag is definitely what sets this striking stone apart it is so rare that even in rough form it can sell for 35 thousand dollars a carrot now that is insane the rare oxide mineral is used as a gemstone and comes from the ernabella mission in south australia's muskgrove ranges it's a gray green to grain stone that appears transparent and comes from the to fight family of minerals in fact the optical and physical properties of to fight and muskravite are incredibly similar so much so that only experts with high-tech equipment can really tell one stone apart from the other however given that it's only available in select locations most experts know what they're looking at when they discover it muskravite has been found in south australia antarctica and northeast greenland there have also been limited finds in tanzania and burma now you know why you'll likely never get your hands on muskravite even some of the most distinguished gemstone experts still haven't number 11. the bahia emerald the bahia emerald to most gem experts is like the holy grail of emeralds it's one of the largest emeralds in existence and has the single largest shard ever found the bahia emerald comes from bahia in brazil and weighs around 752 pounds or 341 kilograms it also contains about 1.7 million carrots it's been valued at around 400 million dollars but its actual value is not all that clear you'd think that an emerald of this value would be locked away in some secure vault in the mountains but it doesn't seem that way it was almost lost during hurricane katrina after it was stored in a warehouse in new orleans it was then reported stolen in 2008 from a secure vault in south el monte los angeles county in california fortunately it was located and ownership has been settled the bahia emerald was mined in the barrel mines of brazil in 2001 and was moved from brazil to the u.s many attempts to sell it were unsuccessful and there were conflicting claims about ownership a gem dealer in las vegas seized it and the los angeles sheriff's department took over custody after a court case fm holdings llc was deemed the owner after lawful transactions number 10 the pink star diamond with an estimated value of about 71.2 million dollars the pink star diamond formerly known as steinmetz pink is as desirable as they come but it might not be so much the quality of the diamond but the color that makes buyers so interested the pink star is a 59.60 carat diamond that has been rated in color by the gemological institute of america as fancy vivid pink it is the largest known diamond like it to have been rated this color which makes it incredibly rare even the cut is interesting when de beers mined it in south africa in 1999 it weighed 132.5 carats after 20 months of cutting it was finally unveiled to the public in 2003 in monaco the diamond formed part of the splendor of diamonds exhibit and sat alongside other stunning diamonds like the musaya fred diamond and the heart of eternity diamond it was auctioned at sotheby's geneva in 2013 and sold for just over 83 million dollars this was a world record for any gemstone however apparently the buyer never settled and it was added back to sotheby's inventory it ended up selling at an auction in hong kong for 71.2 million dollars number nine surrender in 1997 a beautiful new emerald cut gemstone was discovered the surrender bite it weighed 0.35 carats and the gia laboratory identified it as a surrender bite of gem quality it officially became the first faceted surrender bite recorded in all gemological literature so needless to say it was a momentous occasion the mineral is found in metamorphic rocks called scarns associated with boron metasomatism of carbonate rocks intruded by granite even though they look like ziocyte and sapphire their refractive indices give them away as surrender the name of the gemstone comes from the old arab name for ceylon which is now sri lanka it was recognized as the locality for the mineral its bluish green has a vitreous luster and measures seven on the hardness scale it's also transparent with reasonable refractive indices but can also be quite a black crystal even as we learn more about surrender bite what doesn't change is its rarity it's so rare that most people won't see this mineral in person putting a value on it's pretty tricky but it's rarity does make it one of the most expensive gemstones and minerals in the world it's valued at around eighteen thousand dollars per carat number eight benito light some gemstones and minerals are incredibly rare and expensive but they aren't what you would call attractive that is not the case with benito eye not only is it rare it's also probably the most attractive out of all those rare minerals having been discovered so far it's a rich blue stone with hexagonal shaping but can also be white colorless purple or pink it's ideal for use in jewelry and has been used in rings necklaces and more although you'd have to be pretty rich to buy something with benitolite in it it was declared california's state gem in 1985 after it was discovered there in 1907. it's only been found occasionally ever since in fact it's so rare that gem cutters don't actually try and produce the best cut instead they're looking to make the largest cut so the proportions don't tend to be as optimal as other more common gemstones surprisingly when you heat benitolite any colorless gems can go from clear to orange you can then start to notice hints of pink however heating is not standard practice because some of the inclusions can explode and destroy the gem number seven poudre taii poudre tayyip is such a rare mineral and gemstone that most gemstone experts haven't had the pleasure of seeing it up close and personal when they're given the opportunity they are amazed it's a colorless and light pink stone that's quite brittle and barrel shaped with colorful crystals it was first discovered in the 1960s in mont saint-hillaire of quebec in canada but hasn't been found in large quantities since the only other place they've been found is in the mogak region of northern myanmar's shan state only seven crystals were found during its first discovery and it wasn't actually identified and registered as a new species until around 1986. it gets its name from the pujeret family who operated a quarry in the area they were discovered they aren't the most desirable or expensive gemstones even though they are pretty rare this might be due to their brittle nature some jewelry websites sell them for under ten thousand dollars on one site you could purchase a pear-shaped single poudretteite weighing 1.820 carats and clean to the eye for a little over five thousand dollars number six jeremedjavite jerimejovite is an incredibly unique and rare mineral first described after being found in siberia in 1883. it's an aluminum borate mineral with fluoride and hydroxide ions and was named after russian mineralogist pavel vladimirovich iramiv when it was discovered in the adam chilon mountains of siberia since then it's also been found in the premier mountains of namibia's tajikistan and in germany's eiffel district the colors of jeremiah are wide-ranging it can be colorless and white or yellowish to blue a white yellow brown and even aquamarine blue in transmitted light it has a vitreous luster and is a very beautiful mineral when properly cut it's quite a prized collector's gem especially as it's quite durable and ideal for jewelry any necklace ring or bracelet would look stunning with the tapering and elongated crystals of jeremy in saying that it's rarely cut for jewelry since mineral collectors prefer their uncut form that's not to say this unique and wide-ranging mineral is perfect though it can sometimes have many inclusions like crystals growth lines feathers and fluid-filled fingerprints for some collectors that adds to their appeal number 5. fire opal you can define a fire opal as being any opal gemstone with yellow red and orange as the dominant colors every fire opal differs based on its play of color background coloring and origin they're described as being amorphous mineraloids with hydrated silica but the opals themselves don't actually have the structural organization required to form crystals so they aren't minerals and they aren't technically metamorphic rocks either all opals are valuable in one way or another but there's something quite unique and special about fire opals that drive their price up they often reach high prices on the international gemstone market with their brilliance base color internal play and translucency dictating how much they're worth given how these features can vary so dramatically you might pay as little as ten dollars a carrot to ten thousand dollars a carrot the market and how much someone's willing to pay can also determine their price current events and people very much drive the market their rareness can also drive the price up because of how strange their chemical structure can be when you compare their price to other more natural opal colors it's clear to see how much it makes an impact number four blue diamond blue diamonds are real natural diamonds with blue tones because of boron being present in the carbon structure of the diamond the blue can be subtle and light or it can be a deep blue with hints of gray violet or green showing through you might think that blue diamonds are manufactured with their coloring but they are found that way below the earth's surface they are only found in a few mines worldwide such as the argyle mine in australia india's golconda mine and the cullinan mine in south africa many things determine how much a blue diamond is worth such as the blue coloring's intensity given their rarity they can also fetch much more on the market than standard white diamonds and even diamonds of other colors most blue diamonds fall under the category of type 2b which make up about 0.1 percent of the world's colored diamonds all blue diamonds are classed as rare but those with pure colors and without secondary colors like gray violet or green are even rarer typically these fetch the most money and are also harder to find you can spend an average of fifteen thousand seven hundred dollars on a 0.3 carat diamond with light blue coloring but you may spend upwards of two hundred thousand dollars or even more number three red diamond the most expensive gemstone in the world is the red diamond it's not widely known or recognized and it can set you back about 1 million dollars each carrot if you're gonna find them anywhere it'll be in australia africa and brazil but even in these places coming across red diamonds is almost unheard of there are only about 30 true gem quality red diamonds in existence and most of them weigh less than about half a carat given how few red diamonds exist there are definitely some famous ones out there that cost a pretty penny for example the hancock red diamond weighs about 0.95 carat and is a brilliant round cut diamond it's named after a well-known collector warren hancock the size isn't the most noteworthy thing about this diamond because it's definitely not massive but its coloring is spectacular it has a gorgeous purple and red hue lauren paid 13 500 for the diamond in 1956 and it was sold again in 1987 for 880 000 you could just imagine what it's worth now i'd imagine in the millions number two hey knight even though pay night is not one of the prettiest gemstones in existence it is undoubtedly one of the rarest it's for that reason that you'd pay up to 60 thousand dollars for a single carat of gem quality painite painite is typically a red orange color or brownie red it gets its coloring from a small amount of chromium and vanadium however the gemstone also contains boron oxygen aluminum zirconium and calcium a sample of it was discovered in burma in the 1950s and only two crystals of the hexagon-shaped mineral were thought to exist only two faceted gemstones were reported to have existed before 2005. but that all changed after a new northern locality in northern myanmar was discovered several thousand crystals and fragments were found and several hundred pieces have now been faceted however almost complete crystals are still rare and you can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the smallest of crystals poor quality ones are just a few hundred dollars if you ever wanted to get your hands on them and many people do because they've been used as a chakra opener and for relieving mental emotional spiritual and physical pain number 1. verma ruby rubies are some of the most popular and traditional jewelry stones they're adorable and pretty much always red with incredibly saturated coloring even though rubies are widespread they are also expensive you can pay over a million dollars for a single carrot if it's of the finest quality compared to any other gem rubies also undergo some of the most intensive treatments doing so is clearly worth it because just look at how stunning they are but burma rubies are just that little bit more special they sell for about 1.172 million dollars per carat and a 25.29 carat mogok pigeons blood ruby sold for 30 million dollars the burma ruby differs from other rubies for its coloring it's red and slightly purple red with a medium dark tone and incredibly vivid saturation they also get called pigeon's blood red you can also purchase african rubies with orange red coloring beef blood rubies that are slightly darker than pigeon blood and french or cherry rubies that are lighter than pigeon's blood you may also see examples of thai or siamese and salon or sri lanka rubies for sale when you see the price tags of your standard clear diamonds in a jewelry store you might think they're pretty expensive but now you might not be sure that they're such a huge cost after all at least not compared to some of these other precious stones have you seen some of these in person what are they like also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
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Keywords: gemstones, gems, expensive, diamond, jewelry, rarest, diamonds, top rarest gemstones, gemstone, most valuable gemstones, most expensive, rare, crystals, most expensive gemstones, valuable, expensive gemstones, most expensive diamonds, largest gemstones, gem, rare gemstones, stones, rarest gemstones, largest diamonds, biggest emerald, stone, mining, rare diamonds, most expensive minerals, most expensive stone, largest gems, jewels, jewellery, rare gems, new, viral, price comparison
Id: _xAveiSyQTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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