The BEST Arrowhead and Shark Tooth Hunt of the YEAR! | Mosquitoes, Fossils, Artifacts and SNAKES!

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you are scaring me what just happened what just happened i just took a scoop it's creek hunting today my friends and sifting right here for all kinds of cool fossils we have to walk down this creek to get to the first spot at this right here this is some clay this is where the fossils are eroding from this is old ocean floor so there could be shark teeth and other marine fossils coming right out of that stuff keep going [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right we have a little fossil right here right on the surface look at that that right there you guys see it it is a lemon shark tooth so it's myosin age you can tell it's a lemon shark tooth because they have kind of a little spike coming off of them like that that's what the blade looks like so sweet that's a great sign let's keep walking down this creek there's a crazy tree right here completely loaded with fabulous mushrooms these are commonly mistaken for delicious oyster mushrooms they're not oyster mushrooms on down here you'll see these little spiky things everywhere that's another type of fungus zylaria growing all over that and maybe yeah that might be my favorite one there that's actually an edible ah there's not enough to to have a meal so let's leave them here oh the flies like them yeah they do but so woodier zylaria and fabulous all in the same log yup that's amazing we're filling up a screen right here we just wanted to check this spot real quick before we move uh down the creek a little bit more if it feels pretty gravelly we see some bone on the surface so let's go ahead and sift this thing out real quick yeah we have a bigger mesh today so it helps us go through material faster but we're going to lose some small teeth it's all right it's worth it okay let's set this up here okay let's see what we have i'll push everything to one side one side just like that awesome oh right through that's chert right there huh where native americans were making stone tools so it's a little flake that they flaked off when making a tool or sharpening one or something like that awesome look at that turtle oh beautiful turtle i'm not sure what type of turtle that is i don't think it's soft shell but uh this is like one of the modified ribs to the top of a turtle shell so they would have had center pieces here and this would have been one of the side things that creates the dome to the shell we may keep that that's a cool fossil yeah there should be a shark in here somewhere oh that's dugong there's a shark tooth oh you got one yep this i just got a dugong rib bone we can tell these are dewgong because of how dense the bones are they're really heavy compared to everything else okay that's it for that one i don't know i think we uh let's try another one we'll do another one here yeah let's try it okay we're gonna do one more here and if we don't find anything we'll move down the creek awesome all right we got the screen filled up right here again brief you want to go ahead and sift that out let's see if there's any goodies in here oh that looks delicious so delicious here we go all right that's this way there we go [Applause] oh bone already all ready right plate mastodon enamel oh man that works mastodon so macedon's for those who are not familiar are giant elephant-like animals from the places scene they're completely extinct they had very robust teeth with all these ridges on them for crushing up like roots and sticks and mammoth enamel so two different types of elephants in one screen so it's probably hard to visualize what i'm talking about when i say this is a piece of a mammoth tooth i'm going to put up on the screen right now where this little piece of enamel would have been mammoth and mastodon is not bad and then yeah turtle shell is really cool so yeah that's cool sweet so you can see these are areas of hardened ocean uh floor right there along with a soft kind of uh clay that's where a lot of the fossils erode out of i bet if we look closely here we could find a fossil oh look at these little mushrooms let me zoom in that's pretty cool yeah look at those elephant ears up there by brie pretty pretty things i love all these ferns on the banks here look at this a what big snake big snake guys come over here oh he's up in a hole right there look at that that could be a moccasin there i don't know what type of snake that is from the patterns i can't see its head or anything but if you guys know what that is let us know down in the comments below i know there are a lot better experts on reptiles than i am we just saw that other snake and can you guys see in there there's another one i think these might be moccasins or cottonmouth snakes but you guys will have to let me know something tells me to stay away from that guy so just behind that snake is this tree here you guys know what this thing is yeah look at all that up there this is a tongue nut tree it's invasive to florida and it has a whole bunch of industrial uses because of the oils in there it was planted i think like 100 years ago and there was all kinds of like industrial like farming things going on for those and now they're just growing out here on the sides of this creek there are some log jams in the creek that we couldn't get by so we walked up in the woods and we found like a dried creek bed we're gonna walk that for a bit i don't know if it's gonna have fossils but it's a nice little path to walk where there's less chance of snakes here than up there where we can't see where we're putting our feet that way though okay the dried creek bed stopped so we're walking through the woods a little bit more but oh i see the creeks right there yeah okay okay not too bad not as far as i thought it was all right still looking for snakes really carefully down at our feet here don't want to step near logs like that it does look good oh it looks so good brie it looks amazing it's bug spray time they're starting to get my elbows really bad my legs spray me here perfect oh there's one on me get off get off i saved you thank you all right guys we're going to stop here and do some sifting but i want you guys to come in close i haven't even shown breath of this yet this is a good spot this is gonna be somewhere we hunt that's a nice that's a snaggletooth slide down my fingers okay there we go that's awesome sweet awesome all right i think i see something dark here look at that part of a whale oh that's beautiful that big that's part of the backbone to a whale this is what large megalodons would have been eating right here is big old whales like that i'm excited about this spot this is a good spot i feel some pretty decent gravel here mosquitoes biting me you see anything yeah oh whoa i don't know what kind of what is that oh it's a complete sawfish roster what never found a complete one before oh my goodness oh my goodness so uh i'll put up on the screen right now where these things are on a sawfish but basically the long long rostrum these are the things that come off the sides of them that's the saw part that's a small heart that's a killer killer fine incredible holy cow i'm gonna hold on to that i love it so much there's a shark tooth right there as well that doesn't matter no not compared to that like oh that was beautiful that's a good first little handle oh it's okay i'm gonna scoop some more seriously see if this is a magic spot or not hey what type is that oh my goodness look at my hair oh my goodness that's a nice tiger yep tiger okay okay okay i'm liking it i'm liking the spot should we go get the screen okay don't make me stop there's another one there's a lot of sharks right here trying to grab everything anything else oh there's a tiger shark right there in my hand there we go that is amazing what like three scoops yeah i don't know it's like that's crazy of your hands i know i'm so happy over that all right guys i got some cool fossils right here come check this out brie i haven't shown you what these are right so there's a piece of a whale ear bone i see that what does that look like bree how about a giant sloth tooth a giant oh my goodness giant ground sloth oh it is amazing gorgeous immaculate oh that's so much better than sharks to me i walk away for two minutes and you pull this out show them the chewing surface on that thing so we can show you guys how these things look in the skull it's really a really cool find there's no enamel these types of animals have no enamel no i can't let you can't have it i won't touch it so one thing to think about is that nothing had claws on it that would have been like this long okay and it could be in here all right holy cow that's nice that's a nice fossil what the butt yeah what's this what's this what is it more plasticine bone come over here for a minute right i'm so mad here on the edge of this washed out area i thought it was a leaf i thought it was too that's why i looked over it but that's not illegal oh my gosh oh my god oh the tip is gone do you think that happened when it was in use though i can't tell uh it's hard to tell really so beautiful this is a native american uh artifact here probably a knife the waist offset from there to there this is longer right here it was probably a knife half did like that where that was the cutting edge right there all the way up to the tip oh my goodness that's still a crazy fine even if it's broken i'm very excited that's wrong so one thing to keep in mind is that in florida you cannot keep artifacts from state-owned land many creeks in florida are state-owned if there are navigable waterways so you have to be very careful and really do your research this particular creek that is by no means a navigable waterway this is a private place and on private land you can collect artifacts with permission so we're good here all right bree sift that thing this is going to be a good screen i can feel it feel it oh yes yeah there's a lot of a lot of leaves i'll help here it's a little too shallow for me to get the leaves out yeah it's okay all right let's see what we have here so much bone collection there's a ton they want a sloth too i don't know how oh just that's your fun that's the thing that's what you came here for old snaggletooth moon oh my god oh what what breathe i really did not think that lastly anything i i didn't either the last corner oh that's a pretty color little megalodon juvenile megalodon tooth hey is that like an enamel right now looking at that oh mammoth yeah man but that little shark tooth that's crazy let me see that's awesome we're in a good spot now oh pretty pretty oh this has been exciting the past few minutes there's a gravel bar right here and bree just spotted an amazing fossil do you guys see anything right there that is an osteoarthritis killer killer osteoderm to a glyptodont i love this species so much one of my favorite here so you guys can see the pattern on these things very diagnostic to this type of animal we'll put up on the screen right here what these things look like but just imagine an armadillo-like creature that has a shell that looks more like a tortoise that's the size of a car we're walking back through the woods once again there's no civilization anywhere around here it's crazy all right flip them over quickly uh not here let's move on i don't know it's okay i don't know how long he's been that way we just went into this little culvert thing and uh this guy was just sitting here upside down i don't know how long he's been here i'm glad he's okay though yeah he would have been he would have been dead dead dead all right well on to the next part of the creek here let's looks wider right here our little turtle just went in the water here but look at this there's water flowing out of the bank right here these are freshwater springs they're blowing up so cool that is really amazing just bubbling up out of the floridian aquifer we're walking down the creek and we've come up on such a cool little place here there's some type of slime mold growing right here do you guys see that it's crazy looking and then right over here we have some type of cup fungus i'm not sure what that type is but that's very cool if we walk over this way just a little bit more we have all these growing right here look at that that's uh oh that's a really good one look they're like these little tube things that's very interesting and then over here we have the most classic looking mushroom i have ever seen look at that beauty right there but the coolest of all oh look there's another one of those things the coolest of all well not that there's another slime dog vomit slime mold that's strange but look at this there's a bug that has some type of fungus on it i wonder if that could be something that like uh killed it there or something i don't know yeah it's so crazy looking that's amazing it looks like he just crawled there and died i know so strange beautifully get up close up here wow my friends we have something down here first off check out this bone right here that's dugong rib bone beside it there's a shark tooth there oh yeah and if we come up here look at that a really colorful busted juvenile megalodon tooth can't believe i just walked over that no we did look at the colors on that thing wow that's amazing coming right out of the clay right here i'll leave the bone but i'm taking those shark teeth yes we're on the right track i'm being eaten by mosquitoes right now but we have a little spot right here there's lots of hard clay so the method i'm doing right here it's a little bit narrow to screen so i'm fanning down and i'm scooping up gravel right like that i'll kind of sift it a little bit in my hands and then i'll toss it on the bank now i was just doing that and come look at this okay i just tossed that up there i haven't flipped it over yet i'm actually gonna pull off my gloves hold on hold on this is harder than it looks okay come on baby it looks beautiful oh yeah look at that looks like almost every single serration is there beautiful i'm so happy with that i'm gonna keep fanning here because there's like there's like cracks all down in the uh in the clay here and this is where this tooth was that's why it was so well preserved is it was probably nicely down in a crack like that where the current was just going over top of it that's a beautiful little shark tooth all right we've been scooping some gravel right here it's time to do the sifting there's a little test for this one i see bone i see bone let's lift it okay see something what you see okay can you spot it there's it's there's something else touching it too i spot it right there is that a broken meg broken meg nice and a beautiful orange tipped snaggle touching it right there tastes nice lots of bones that's bone right there anyone else there a snail there there it's all bone except for that one that i just picked up that is right here anything else this bone and a couple of cuties that's not bad at all though beautiful that that negative beautiful it would have been darn it well we're going to keep poking around here [Applause] i like this stretch of creek i really like it so far i see lots of bone already ridiculous amounts of foam yeah let me get around yeah there we go okay i feel like this has a lot of potential yeah a little sharp tooth oh nice look at the shirt rolling out right now oh beautiful blue oh i love those colors together i mean this is madness we could possibly find another point right here we could look at this all this shirt all this bone let's hear those tinkled together oh so satisfying this is so good i can't stop okay that's it for this screen we got a ton of chert i love that these few shark teeth i'm gonna make a chert pile and i'll throw the shark teeth in the back awesome so if i come in close here bree was just throwing some gravel in there and i went down there to check out another spot look right here i will extract that for her to show you guys my hands are a little meg yes her hands are full because i was mid scoop while you were getting the camera this is getting to be just just there's a this is okay but all right all right extract it i gotta see it i gotta hold it come on baby oh i got that sound look at that that is a crazy i'm i'm befuddled are you kidding me it's so serrated oh my wait wait we gotta get in perfect lighting hold on hold on hold on is there more things in here look at that what what we got the next screen going here what'd you see on the top bree another why was he in louisiana why are we seeing all the stuff on the top look at that that's the base of a point there snapped right in half i don't know what point type that would have been i love how blue it is all right so beautiful put that somewhere safe and let's see if there's anything else hey the top again nice i'm gonna put this baby somewhere safe right now that's a lot of gravel oh there's some shirt right there beautiful we got something in the creek here we kind of murkied it up a little bit this is going to be hard to see i dropped it right on the top oh my look how is this happening to us how is this happening to us we've been having such good luck i cannot believe this this is one of the the luckiest hunting trips of my life i think this is one of mine for sure congrats bree that's a great crazy crazy find thank you oh my goodness we're taking scoops from right here and my friends i cannot believe what i'm looking at it's beautiful look at that already very pointy all right yeah okay is it gonna be whole i'm gonna find out here a second wash it wash it oh it's a hernando it's a totally different time period point from the other ones just a little chip right there but he's perfect that's like you've been finding so many of these types lately i'm like the hernando master i gotta hold it that's amazing so this point is like a thousand years old could be could be even newer than that i believe much newer than the other stuff i love the colors i like the base notches like that oh it is very black there you go bree oh my god you found a good one good job you are scaring me what just happened what just happened i just took a scoop oh my god look at the serrations oh there you go here you go are you kidding me baby that's a kirk serrated point and what does that mean uh beautiful point because of the serrations the classic classic serrated archaic point could be seven thousand years old or more i have to look up the exact age on that but that is an unbelievable trip maker it's beyond a trip maker that's i'm getting goosebumps whoa i'm trying to get you to help me like sift the screen and you go and pick one handful a deep spot to shift no no give me that give me that it's mine now no no no he's not him no don't hurt me how do you feel oh i feel good yeah so i was just trying to get a nice clip of that while bree filled up this next screen and she goes uh oh and you guys see that oh the color is amazing hold on oh that's amazing do you think that's bite damage i think that is bite damaged okay it's like it's like almost green it is unbelievable let me hold that tooth that is bite damage so it isn't something that happened like recently or anything that would have been i mean one of the prettiest teeth ever if that was in better condition but even still it is a crazy great fine brie that's what you were looking for right there it is well i want that but i mean hey hey that's still amazing yes i love it my mind is just so blown you can see the light coming through it translucent on those edges beautiful material those serrations are wild i'm so excited the mosquitoes are eating us and it's about to get dark on us so we're going to head back right now and lay out all our fines to show you guys mosquitoes biting me right there stay tuned we managed to fill up an entire display case from this single hunt i am thrilled i can't wait to go back here guys you have to let me know in the comments below if you want to see us come back here and do more hunting at this creek we got that megalodon shark tooth there we got points everywhere that point was found today but it wasn't filmed unfortunately that thing's actually from my last hunt if you guys saw my last video you may have seen us find that giant armadillo osteoderm i am thrilled with that sloth tooth right there and all kinds of other really cool stuff this i gotta hold it again my favorite find personally focus you can do it focus there you go look at that thing look at those serrations absolutely beautiful so i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up button subscribe if you haven't already check out bree's instagram linked down in the description below we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: PaleoCris
Views: 68,481
Rating: 4.9632463 out of 5
Keywords: arrowhead hunting, arrowheads, artifacts, artifact hunting, archaeology, fossil hunting, florida fossil hunting, megalodon shark tooth, megalodon tooth hunting, finding shark teeth, finding fossils, paleochris, paleo chris, native american, fossils, megalodon, paleontology, finding arrowheads, searching for arrowheads, searching for shark teeth, shark teeth, shark tooth
Id: Wa3LIuwJY7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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