On the Hunt for Carnelian Agates in Washington

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okay and today we're gonna go down to Lewis County and we're gonna go look for carnelian agates today we got two things going for us number one we got a gorgeous sunshiny beautiful weather day so we should be able to pick those glowing agates out quite easily and also since we've been locked out of our public land we're gonna have to go searching on some timber land so we're driving along the road and we just so happened to see on the side of the road all these mounds of dirt piled up and notice the color of the mounds of this dirt how it's like a like a brick red kind of anyways that's a that's decomposed clay of the Logan Hill formation that's where you find these carnelian agates and and so anyways in that that's that's you can also find petrified wood but that's where you'll find the agates in is the Logan Hill formation that's the name of the formation so if you look on a geological quadrangle map of Southwest Washington you'll see that formation you zoom in on that and that's where you're gonna find carnelians and here's one right here here's another one very little though they're tiny I don't know Aidan I found a bigger piece here so was that shows you're petrified wood it's like this picture photo with a bunch of these agate wands in it yeah that's cool it's pretty yo check this out here oh oh oh it's big it's a big hunk of Jasper yeah you can find Jasper in this formation too in this clay red clay nice chunk I'm taking it yeah look at that oh nice grab that one yeah that's a good one nice nice size here's a real little one right here sweet so anyways we're riding our bikes and along this red clay notice the red clay again dirt road cleaned up okay what'd you find [Music] Eden yeah I was waiting for you to pick it up and you walk right over the top of it that's okay you don't have to come down here I'll get it I was wait I saw it before you walk past me and then you walked right over the top of it didn't see it I was waiting for you to see it and pick it up but you walk right on that's not that big but I thought you would see it okay and what did you find that thing was just laying there yeah that's cool don't orange that thing looks it's a little got an agate oh that's a nice one yeah get it get it cool yeah that's a nice red one you can tell it's a nice red one for sure okay here here let me hand the phone that's a nice one let me your hand the phone off to you that's a nice piece good good one ain't no slicing yeah that'll look fit sliced that's the cool thing about the would you find here is more agatized yeah it's yeah it's more more like Jasper actually it takes a good polish some of them take pretty good polish if they're made of Jasper oh nice bubbly red one that's pretty dirty piece of petrified wood looks like just bagged it more than just bagged it stuff [Music] [Music] hey Jenny red piece it's all soapy sir I was like a banding right there jeez Aidan I'd almost say this is like rockhounding the house or geode beds Pierce but they're just carnelian agates - burbles like really bandy like jazz banging like those colors if you slice it'll probably look really nice and soft these two nice ones here little bit I found one okay here let me see oh yeah that's a beauty Wow nice gorgeous oh man I got it good all right you know you better put that in your pocket or your bucket okay what do you see it careful okay go get the other one you see must be a good one if it caught your eye from that distance hand it to me hopefully I won't drop it yeah that is a nice one nice orange you red carnelian Oh bandy nice see yeah you said you found another one down there okay oh nice that's gorgeous man that's beautiful that's a gorgeous piece look how red that is okay Eden show us you think you found the prize of the day go eat read daddy's oh yeah that's a big chunky piece let's see it oh man that is a gorgeous deep red oh it's got a guru those are all gonna be I'm gonna clean this up and it's that's gonna be like a little drusy pocket right there that was once a geode a long time ago a carnelian geode I think is gonna look beautiful when I clean it up not picking up too much wood out of here I see several of them in this oh man yeah you can see some too the other ones no yeah what Spyder where's that ice here there we go turning around so Aiden said he found his new best piece possible trophy of the day and I didn't feel like climbing through all that underbrush to get to get now let's see that thing so I noticed outside banding yeah it was like that that's all that was sticking out of the yeah and I kind of recognized it because I know some a gets would have this outer banding yeah yeah stick it up to white oh man look at that orange red deep that's actually a deep red glowing nugget that's beautiful on the road here's a piece of Jasper cool thing about these small ones is if you throw these in with your bigger ones in it and your bigger ones will take up much better polish
Channel: Vug Meister
Views: 66,591
Rating: 4.8266158 out of 5
Keywords: Washington Agates, Lewis County, Agate Dad, Rookie Rockhounding, Katy Did, Washington Rockhounding, Carnelian Agates, Blue Candy, Thundereggs, Petrified Wood, Rockhounding for petrified wood, Jasper, Washington agate hunting, Rockhounding Washington State, Rockhounding Washington, Adna
Id: ET2ZNHX3_fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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