We convert a Lada motor to air cooling

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today we have got an engine a car that can move under its own power and here's what we'd like to try out we have gotten a lot of questions on the matter and we've discussed this quite a bit again the idea is to convert a four-stroke lotta engine that is water cooled by Design to wear cooling I mean air cooled engines are out there they exist and so let's give this a try I am very curious to find out whether it's possible who knows we might even be able to pull it off as in go ahead and convert a regular old lot engine into one that is air cooled let's get to work then we need to come up with something and make it happen we convert a lot of motor to air cooling translation and voice over by BMI Russian foreign [Music] removed the radiator and all of the associated bits there's nothing left in there we obviously needed to get some airflow going and quite a lot of it for that purpose we've got this interior fan right here all of the hoses we removed and we've cut out an inlet in the block for the fan to blow into it's gonna be blowing air right under the cylinders now this is actually more convenient than positioning it up run as for the cylinder head we've drilled some holes around the spark plugs in the area where you're meant to have colon that's to provide good ventilation for the cylinder head this actually has a pretty nice clean look to it now let me tell you about how we are going to be monitoring the temperature we'll still be running the stock sensor I mean what difference does it really make whether it's surrounded by coolant or air at the end of the day it will still show us how hot the environment is around it and on top of that we fitted an oil temperature sensor muscle the reason for that being well as a lot of you know motor oil is only going to work up to about 125 degrees Celsius overheating the oil is something we'd prefer to avoid so as you can see it's all pretty straightforward we are feeding in plenty of air so the engine will receive proper ventilation plus we're going to be monitoring the oil and uh cooling error I guess temperatures yeah two sensors should be more than enough to keep track of it time to drive this thing is so loud time to go outside and this is a long wheelbase car [Music] all right I think now might be a good time to switch the the wheel sensor actually has to be powered up individually it's on you came all sensors are operational the oil isn't even close to warming up the air temp sensor is also not showing me anything yet I guess now we wait for a bit everything is up and running let's see how long this takes I am very curious that's a bit too fast of an idol five minutes later okay so the temperature is rising but not to the extent that it would be alarming but then the car is idling granted the revs are a bit High but the engine is under no load of course it'll be all right okay 10 minutes later so a bit of time has passed and the oil temperature is on the rise so the oil is starting to warm up however the sensor inside the cylinder head is telling me that the engine is still cold 15 minutes later so a bit of time has gone by and this isn't getting much hotter we've been idling here for maybe about 15 minutes and nothing is really happening but now I suspect that this is going to start to warm up huh here we go the revs are higher the engine is under more stress we're looking good and here we go okay so the coolant temperature sensor which is currently measuring the air temperature it is showing a considerable increase it's risen by quite a bit oh there we go [Music] the oil temperature has risen past the 85 degree mark it's getting hot for some reason as for the engine temp that's in the red albeit barely why that's not a problem well this engine is no longer water cold instead it's being cooled by air so I think this is a completely normal situation the engine oil temperature is just over 85 degrees Celsius figure out everything is looking fairly normal so far okay I've done one lap and I think I'd better go for another lap for good measure okay so if it's refusing to severely overheat I guess that means one lap isn't enough then here we go let's do a bit of back and forth foreign now the engine temperature itself is right on the threshold right on the edge of the red we are not supposed to be driving since the engine is overheating at this point it would be if it were water cooled anyway so I guess we don't really mind with it being air cooled let's go somewhere else to drive or a clearer picture that's 90. it has gotten a bit higher that's 96 97 degrees which isn't critical it's totally normal what's going on up here the needle is well into the red and there's no sign of the temperature wanting to go down any trouble I think we're good for the time being so the sensor after an hour of driving the coolant temperature sensor it's at the edge of the red but it's not going any further though it might just be maxed out I don't know yeah the needle is blown far past the red the engine is still operational though happily propelling the car as if there's nothing abnormal about this it just does not care at all but what if we measure the temperature using a pyrometer you take a reading I know he's brought two of them are curious to see how much it's gonna show okay what about the oil the oil it's 117 116 degrees over thereabouts they actually know but we're dangerously close to 120. and at that point it's a wrap I'm Gonna Keep On driving now let me flip around after 90 minutes of driving excellent that's maxed out as for you oh my that's a warning light I didn't even notice how the temperature got up to 120 degrees okay 120 degrees end up is an overheating scenario and here we are the temperature has exceeded 120 degrees and that's an issue now let's measure the temperature once again using a pyrometer this is sketchy foreign [Music] to 165 degrees ranges from 130 to 165. yeah that is just way too high that's totally unacceptable 10 minutes later come on you can do it can barely even start [Music] but then how can it even start when the engine temperature gauge is so far out of range we've literally pinned the needle at this point the wheel temperature is at 135 degrees sure this is about to crap out no not necessarily [Music] I am yeah I also think it should be able to start yeah nah it still fires I wanted to see it fires up but it does not it runs it still runs will you look at that I don't even know what temperature that is we are definitely overheating the oil temperature has exceeded 140 degrees holy cow but okay [Music] it's still running that's great [Music] how much that they're checking it with a pyrometer [Music] yeah it is 170. oh wow for real the gaskets are going to start burning up at such temperature the gaskets are going to burn up oh yeah yep oh yeah now the engine was not overheating initially but just as I assumed as soon as the oil temperature began to rise the engine temperature was quick to follow that's exactly how things played out I was able to get the oil temperature up to in excess of 140 degrees Celsius and that is severe overheating the oil is as good as waste at this point it can no longer be used oil should not be heated up like that and even though we've provided the inside of the engine with plenty of air craft we weren't able to successfully cool it there just wasn't enough heat exchange going on so our first crack at converting a water cooled engine into one that's air-cooled failed I feel like we're missing something here hopefully we can figure that out together so you share your thoughts in the comments for us to read and I reckon we should be able to get this to work and successfully convert a water-cooled Lada engine into one that is air cooled and that's all I got for him watch us subscribe send in your suggestions comment give us a big thumbs up all right catch you later
Channel: Garage 54
Views: 60,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, garage54
Id: -f_NsZYrtUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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