VFX Artists DEBUNK Ghost Footage

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Some y’all need to watch this. Note: NO ORBS

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sesom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

VR or VFX?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fighttodie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know the knee jerk thing is to hate it immediately, and most will.
BUT, while the hosts are kind of assholes, their insights are very good and some of the videos covered have been posted on here possibly multiple times.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ookiespookie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't need to watch some video telling me 100% of the videos and photos on this sub are fake lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mysteryofthefieryeye πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

They didn't actually debunk anything, they just shat on all the clips and called them fake. Seems like one or two clips were legit but I can also see the others as probable fakes. Not all of them though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnooOranges1918 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
ghosts hot on camera hopefully we can convince you that these are fake and official effects are at play and you can hold my hand if you want to [Music] i'll be honest this one's pretty good what is a ghost nico have you ever seen a ghost or had a ghostly premonition no i don't believe in ghosts all of my experiences can be 100 explained with science i actually haven't either i totally have not i know that people out there when they have an experience like this they swear by it so while we don't have that emotional connection to these clips we do have a few years of vfx experience under our belt hopefully we can convince you that these are fake as visual effects artists we can analyze the pixels figure out if we are looking at real ghost footage and if visual effects are at play we're not going to get into arguments about what happens after you die or anything like that leave that up to the frothy comment section down below so some of these videos have like 20 million views i'm just imagining the person who watches like one or two ghost videos and then the youtube algorithm's just like you like ghosts wall of ghost videos it's about to happen to you after seeing this video sorry oh goodness oh goodness what do we have here ghosts caught on camera all right okay so the ghost is wrecking the place so first off okay it's a ghost so a ghost is a person you have to pick up the spoon and ghostly throw it you don't go like but you don't like spider ghost spider web to a spoon and then yank it across the room that's what it seems like this is like ghost spider-man who wants a spoon okay so obviously option a ghosts are real the end option i b a pretty good feeling we're just looking at some strings pulling stuff all right now we have a lot of focus on this drawer it's one of the drawers that's quite well framed in the shot not any of the other drawers in the kitchen exactly but also think about this too now if you're gonna tug on that with a string you only have two locations you can do it you don't want to contaminate the space by standing in the room creating unnecessary like shadow or something like that so you're either hiding behind that door or you're off frame right around the camera not a frame right around the camera just so happens to be the direction that most of these objects are traveling the door that opens also follows the same logic there's probably a dude sorry there's a dude [Laughter] around frame right and he's got two little strings some fishing lines something small and one's attached to the handle of the drawer the other one is already attached to the silverware inside it i can't see any evidence of visual effects but this would be so easily faked that you have to go with the more plausible explanation their whole tick tock is uh ghost related by the way so really here's the question is the influencer ben and laney or is it the ghost i mean is the ghost getting a cut [Laughter] [Music] i like that one that's just some guy vaping out of his car window i'll be honest this one's pretty good but look out there's some smoke on the front left bumper too see i don't think it's smoke if it's smoke it's not dissipating the way smoke should the little flicker of white at the bottom corner of the screen on the car's bumper it feels like something really close to the lens is out of focus well it's a crappy like uh infrared sensor too so you might get some sort of streaking or trails i do not see evidence of visual effects here yeah could we remake this effect yeah we totally could like this is something you could do in visual effects and you can have it be flawless and be hard to see how it's made but the other thing is like would a vfx artist think to just put a random little blob down by the car's bumper no they probably wouldn't you know that kind of stuff is very accidental oh you know i think i figured out what it is it could this could be like a porch or something like that it could have something above it and somebody could have just stomped on the ground a little bit of dust from up in the rafters and just floated by and it's only like a few feet away from the camera so you have dust coming off the left too oh you're right oh you got it you got it you got it i got it you got it i got it all right moving on it's funny like once you like get it and you see it you're like oh that's it you just know [Music] this is just low shutter speed it's a low shutter speed on an infrared sensor look at the particles streaking so this is the trailing effect i'm talking about you see like dust streaking across the lens here if you look at footage of old video cameras it happens all the time with hot spots as well either we're dealing with trailing artifacts on the infrared sensor or a low shutter speed but not just like having a little shutter but having a shutter that's kind of like averaging or putting together these long exposures yeah most cameras take a frame 24 times a second or 30 times a second but sometimes you need so much light that you can only capture a frame say once every half second or once every second something like the background which isn't moving will appear really solid but the person who's moving is basically just turning into a big motion blur as they keep going across the reason he's disappearing over there is because the only reason he's being illuminated is because the camera itself is pushing out infrared light into the space for it to pick up for the sensor itself to detect and once you start getting that far away you're leaving that natural area of where the infrared light is because look how bright everything is whoa interesting his camera's getting screwed up that's a cool like data mosh effect going on okay i wonder if this is just the codec glitching out and not updating parts of the image uh as a person walks through it so the parts that say static basically the computer goes okay i'm just gonna give you a picture now you just hold this picture until i tell you that something there's new data there and that's basically how it saves space in terms of compressing the video so like the house the tree everything around here is not moving it's basically just a still picture that's been told to stay on the frame for as long as possible and so as this person gets close it could be glitching out and keeping some of that there and not updating it with new information because it's dark and just have one tiny little moving thing on screen it could be that it's just too little movement to trigger the codec to create a new keyframe basically to add new data to it or to add new data to that block what you're about to witness on this video can only be described as an assault these two fine gentlemen were minding their own business in the stairwell when they were brutally assaulted by a ghost he then endures a very brief but very aggressive session of some paranormal ground and pound all right so visual effects we finally have some visual effects this one's really straightforward it's pretty clearly a locked off camera the guys go and they do one their first pass and their friend goes and does the second pass as the ghost and they just literally literally layer the footage on top and make it transparent and then run all this through the crappiest most degrading color grade and color filters and smudge and blur and all that stuff this is a useless security camera this is actually what it looks like no one would ever put a security camera in a stairwell like this that has zero light and can't get you an image [Music] that ghost imagine being that ghost though and your unfinished business was kicking the out of that guy there's one guy i gotta mountain deliver a paranormal grounded pound to so yes i finally kicked kevin's ass the following clip was filmed while my mom and i were on vacation we decided to leave our cats home alone for the few nights we would be gone jesus christ oh that cat oh this is this is creepy the mirror adds a nice cinematic touch oh there's a second cat and you can hold my hand if you want to [Music] okay [Music] all right so the first thing that jumps out to me is this being fake if you look closely at the table when it shakes you can see that it's been composited in because you can see it fade in and out over the background footage so they've filmed that separately and then stuck it on top of the footage that they have there so the vfx they're basically debunked this whole shot but let's let's take a look at the rest of it and see what else stands out as evidence of this being faked so the shadow in the hallway based on the reflection the light casting that shadow is on the ground around the corner so somebody set up a light on the floor and you know most people don't put their lights on the floors also the door gets pulled shut in the same spot from where the person was casting the shadow how convenient that the things that get moved get pulled towards where the people would be the camera getting knocked off the shelf is unique i would assume that somebody else is in this room with a string one of the things they don't show you the end of the shot like if the camera kept recording it was pointing at the wall why not continue the shot until it points to the wall yeah in fact it's more likely the camera fell off the shelf and then it felt and then there's like a dude at the table i was like oh yeah i guess we'll cut this part secondly the cat that comes around the corner and looks at us happens to look in the direction of where the table was shaken in other words if there's a person hiding this room calling the cat they would have to be below the camera in order to shake the table call the cat who happens to look in this direction and then pull a string or whatever to knock the camera down the cat's motion on the left really implies that there's a person by the table slash camera see look at that cat look at the person on the floor looking at the camera a little bit ears twitch your ears twitching your switch back up yeah yeah the cat gave us a clue so even though this is a fake clip i still actually really like it you know stage or not the uh the cat acting cacting is really well done that was a pent up scream from all these scares the only way i can keep a clear head is if i let the tiny screams out occasionally [Music] a door has opened let's see if something else moves now that's usually how it goes i feel like i feel like we're going to get a locker slam [Music] yeah that convenient window there it's like it's only mysterious if people like us can't just look at it and go oh yeah there's a window there where someone could easily reach through and wiggle that thing come on ghost spooky face is it gonna be the slippery side yeah wow that ghoster has some good dramatic timing yeah the ghost slipped no that was the ghost of slipping i can't believe this person got 20 million views of this video what are we doing that's a professional youtuber for over a decade when i see a video like this that gets 20 million views and i think about how much work can put into our videos sometimes sometimes it's tough that's the real scary moral of this situation [Music] this is probably a real camera that they just stuck up on like a ladder yeah actually pause you can see an actual security camera it looks like exactly [Laughter] and you can see how high they are mounting these cameras so just that alone right there kind of puts this one to bed this camera is really at the height of picture frames this camera is as high as this it's like have you ever seen a security camera mounted at like just above head level yeah just someone's just someone back there slamming a door there's literally a window right there which provides a perfect entry point to push on that locker and then strings bro we can talk about strings all day but strings are great you can do a lot with strings like you're out there like i need a really good computer to do visual effects like no just literally black black thread like when i watch the stuff i'm like i'm not even trying to analyze it for vfx i'm just going i'm trying to put myself in the shoes of a ghost it's like i'm a ghost i go to school i'm like slam shake randomly open a door some stuff falls out it's like what are you doing then he slips on the floor like are ghosts just drunk i want to help recreate what a ghost does when it goes into a house it's just like just like yeah i'm a ghost [Music] like what are you doing just bumping into crap [Laughter] all right so after we recorded this video i heard some really weird noises from this hallway maybe somebody's just playing a prank on us but i grabbed my sound recorder let's go in there see what we can discover okay oh i'm hearing something hold on i got turn it up oh great spirits if you are there make yourself known i've really been enjoying cordon digital.com no ads early access to exclusive videos son of a dungeon is freaking awesome oh great spirits who do not rest in peace why are you so agitated crew cuts season two is dropping and i will not rest until i see it huh wow oh great spirits what treasures lion wait for us fifteen percent off on march live hangouts with the crew all the corridor videos you know and love are even better i i think the scene was coming from this room all right let's go let's check it out good digital.com ghosts it's most likely a string ghosts are made out of string i learned that most ghost videos are actually just videos of objects the ghosts move i was hoping for like more videos of like you know a girl in a colonial dress like floating through the air or something like that but no there's actually very little footage of actual ghosts the little smoke puff that senses tiny chill down the spine yes so halloween comes around every year in fact and so for next year we need some good ghost videos please leave a comment below of what you think the most convincing ghost footage is so we can look at it alright guys happy halloween have a safe time trick or treating don't be afraid of ghosts if you spot any ghosts this halloween night don't be afraid just look around the corner find your buddy with the string give him a high five
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,597,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghosts, breakdown, debunk, vfx, vfx artists react, visual effects, paranormal
Id: GZ6lgIlqvRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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