That time we conquered the biggest tournament in history

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okay so last month i introduced you to my new team with which i was going to compete in the biggest rocket league tournament to date with a whooping prize pool of 250 000 and today i'm finally showing you the result of said tournament now before we start with the video though you're probably wondering why i haven't uploaded in approximately 93 years so i'll quickly give an explanation and an update for those not interested treat us like an ad and tap forward until the video starts i'll put a timestamp on the screen now i wish i could say that i was in the bahamas living my life but unfortunately it wasn't quite that basically most of you know that i've been studying at a university ever since i started youtube so i've technically never been a full-time youtuber ever that is until now because since july after finally handing in my thesis i'm officially an engineer yes i'm gonna build build that octane so that's basically the reason for my break i just had to fully focus on it and balancing both youtube and a hundred plus page thesis just wasn't working out and for those wondering why i didn't drop out well by the time i was able to make a living i was already too far in and to be honest my parents sacrificed a lot for me to be able to study so that was also partly the reason why i never quit and believe me it was awesome to be able to bring the news so yeah i guess the good news is that i finally graduated and that for the first time ever i can do this whole youtube thing full time i mean i don't want to get too sentimental but it always blew my mind that i was able to keep up with people like sunless and musty for as long as i have while having all this stuff going on simultaneously it honestly shows how strong of a viewer relationship this channel has created over the years i still don't know what it is but i guess i'm doing something right so thank you to every single one of you so much now what does this mean for the future i'm gonna keep it short because this is already way too long um more uploads i finally hired an editor to help me with the videos so the goal is to upload multiple videos a week and most importantly returning to streaming i know it's been over two years since we've done that so i guess leave a follow because i honestly cannot wait to come back there also i want to do more community events regular instagram and tick tock posts and potentially a second channel for vlogs and other games so yeah really excited about the future as a full-time youtuber and i hope this cleared up some of your questions i'm happy to be back now let's get into the video now just to recap the way this tournament works is every region plays an open qualifier tournament respectively and the best teams make it into the international finals and you get the idea because i live in germany i teamed up with pulse mk who's considered to be one of the best passers in the game as well as ghostfire who quite regularly qualifies for rlcs so we definitely had a lot of confidence going into this and looking at the generated bracket we were pleased to see that we wouldn't get first rounded by a pro team in fact the first pro team that we could come up against would be waiting for us in the quarterfinals and that's freaky tigree and godsmiller but for now we have google schreiber as our first opponents in the round of 64. and i should note all matches in this tournament are best of threes here's the highlights of our first series all right i don't know how good these guys are so i'm just gonna call out like eminem i'm going back left i said i go i'm like so not prepared for this right now that's you i have not played a single game today i got what oh first goal i scored today we're always hiding for the first goal we score let's go all right save it david i got 70 boost 16 now going back all right i'm there i gotta push open okay one boost i'm coming full back i got it all you hate scoring oh what a goal i got four boost i'm watching replay i skipped i feel like there could be like way more updates for all new content stuff i refuse to talk about psionics they're doing a good job actually bro i almost speak you know that my bad oh that was very low that's a very fast oh thanks man oh my god how can you not save it man yeah what's the pass look at that pass back and then what's ghost fire doing ooh i can't save it ggs boys so that team you guessed it weren't supersonic legends so we were pretty lucky with that draw it was basically a warm up no disrespect spoiler alert they would be the only non-ssl team going forward so things are slowly starting to get interesting as our next opponents are recast gaming who play in various official tournaments and mk thinks they're not to underestimate are these guys good by the way yeah but i don't know if they're playing as good as like the team we scrim they are what the hell yes they are playing diff 2 and nitro d so they're good oh god nice and to make things even worse someone from intel found out we were in the tournament and wanted to spectate our matches to save the replays let's not get knocked out now right here's the round of 32 in what would be our toughest matchup so far all right we actually got to try out this one yeah we need to try it i'm going to go back left and scoot mid i'm cheating my bad that's how it works i'm back yeah you got it over him yeah bro tell me to try you know i've done my work now i'm expecting big things for you moving on what a slapper why are you so happy oh watch our shopkins yeah that was weird i thought you bumped him and then he just insta recovered that was a nice shot doing that again we well we lost the first match but we weren't going to give up that easily we took the time to talk about our mistakes and we're ready to show how we can really play queue up the comeback music for the boost i can try not fine i'm collecting pass free maybe i should have waited miss oh let's go let's go dude we played really well this game yeah yeah we're better like the rotation was insane no stupid challenges like no double comments let's go make sure to call out everything okay that helped so much yeah yeah yeah my brain is collecting all these informations and then i can do the perfect plan just go all right we're we gotta be the first ones to go go in so they're like oh they mean business yeah i gotta wait i gotta wait i'm gonna do it right there i'm not gonna come up one more come on i bumped him i want to mess with you oh let's go good fake mk good fake dude i felt so bad about that goal that we conceded now we're winning let's go don't think about it he's pushing nice oh i did not see i'm just zero boost you got this oh i got bombed are you kidding me guys i got nothing yes let's go ahead and let's go clean i did not see anything but you know i thought you're bumping but you're actually just scrolling dude [Music] okay that's nice super oh god he's super awkward nice i'm beating him there's [Music] bro we lost first game 5-1 yeah because yeah so we've done it after absolutely squandering the first match we kept it positive and came back to win the series two to one it wasn't easy but this just shows how competitive this tournament is this was only the second round and coming up it wasn't gonna get easier as we had another supersonic legend team for our series and the round of 16. we're actually kind of getting there with this we're only one series away from reaching the quarterfinals so let's win this especially because our opponents are called for fortnite uh we don't post cringe here uh i'm following let's go come on that's all right mid again really good i begin let's go all right so i just wanted to hold your hand forever yeah hold my hand hold my hand look at the selfish player all right nice you i got that guy sorry yeah you cut it oh my god that's i just just went through it it's pushing you hey okay oh my god mercy i'm shooting oh he's pushing nice all right i can take it i can take it yeah guys [Music] just staying with us now i'm back with full boost nice occupation look at the face look at the fake it's lick as well oh okay okay okay i got i gotta go it means i said i'm i'm just precautionary because i was like i'm not hitting that like i'm just going up in case he goes up you know why did nobody stay back oh you mean i was ready i thought you like touching a light or something oh this team sucks we two o okay two oh yeah yeah touching i'm not i'm not going on my own why you pinch that dude yeah that's so no i don't that pinch i did not expect from him yeah that's in my bed i [Music] so yeah i don't know what happened but we're actually tying a bunch of fortnite players so here's the final match to decide this series we obviously can't lose here and you already know what this means cue the epic music bro what is that okay see the thing is i was just being sarcastic and you guys absolutely fell for it we were supposed to play the music now let's do this yeah your next good one is he there yeah nice is missing oh okay let's go do you have it okay i'll just go all right let's go boys very important middle and let's go let's go dude we got first game 5-1 right yeah dude that second game scared me just a little bit both up both up i don't know why you guys are freestyling but yeah we're pretty selling what do you mean two next nice i don't know why you guys are freestyling i'm going for a double tap good stuff good recovery good mental gymnastics to get that one i love it and yeah just like that we make it to the quarterfinals oh i forgot about this so remember when i said there were pro players in this yeah it's what is that fifth year though yeah okay you got it before yeah oh oh that's a good shot oh bounce i saw it coming as well man [Music] he's up uh the challenges oh my god i got it yeah always oh that's i should okay i gotta play a little faster i guess oh are you serious [Music] when you're going for them with them just try to call out everything so i know what's going on warm up just warm up it's fine yeah it's wrong nice it's awkward maybe one more time oh what does that touch oh my goodness oh i could wait oh that's a good touch i can't i'm getting bummed bro oh that's good say i can't play it you gotta reset this bubble yeah middle left nice i can't you're freaking i mean we're not expecting to win this game now we're winning come on we're winning i follow oh ggs like second game we actually play pretty decent yeah pulls mk in back is more training what no that's not true alright so as expected we got knocked out by the pro players they went on to secure one of the two spots by winning the finals but luckily they're still the lower brackets to which we got knocked down to and for all we know we could still be one of the teams to make it our journey in the lower brackets would start in the round of 16 because we made the finals in the upper bracket and our opponents are called top corners only we'll see about that let's go oh uh you could try anything i got yeah you got it before you have it so yeah you're winning every game what the hell i like he's scared he's scared again keep going [Music] good touch nice nice one oh nice good time bro i'm actually trying to oh my god [Music] can you open it [Music] dude i tend to say open when like you know nobody's up i gotta say that that's free yeah i keep saying that bit of time that's caring yeah i'm waiting yeah waiting waiting waiting waiting gosh nice i'm dead somehow he literally chased me inside of the goal to demo me open it nice dude i'm so happy you scored i was so afraid to miss that because i ran out of boost right here i love the spongebob picture do you like my picture it's kind of the same regularly oh you me oh wait i didn't touch it unless you tried to pass it right hey oh wow what yeah actually redeemed yourself for the only one nice good time sometime you know oh crazy nice this was the worst game i've ever played whoa we're not saying they're not even saying ggs okay so we're now officially in the quarterfinals of the lower brackets but you know calm down we're still not there yet let's see how the lower quarter finals played out against natural selected nice grammar nerds wait emergency dude that ghost hit so hard i thought you're behind me i said pretty sweet sorry dude fake double take oh whoops that's my bad i was branded of course yes wow that good touch dude oh my god the camera was doing like 360s right here i actually could have maybe but anything everyone i need to wait nice yes oh wow that's not like give a timetable oh he's speaking yeah one more that's fake oh what okay [Music] i get it yo is this actually happening we're now on to the semi-finals and we haven't lost the game since the upper brackets against the pros our next opponents ruthless unity here's the semi-finals boys i'm ready they're here oh it's mata all right this is gonna be a good one i'll cheat i'm gonna lift yes dude i saw them like immediately that they didn't cheat and i was hoping for a kill oh i'll go i'll take the corner boost i'm gonna be annoying here yeah nice beautiful guys let's go right sides hit it i tried let's try it again i missed the boost oh wait he actually went for that one oh my god oh that's gone now dude what is that play i was confused if he turns but i should have seen it okay yeah it was also like just behind the ramp so i couldn't scoop it up some silly mistakes you literally started game two goals down right by your left oh i'll join let's go boys nice job good stuff good start come on we continue like this yes yes all right you got the boost without good stuff i think maybe double i'm dead no i'm dead without your last yeah i hate that um and that's where our journey ends we come eighth in a tournament out of a 100 with what i would describe as a pretty good performance i know we could have definitely won the semi-finals but on that date just wasn't happening and fair play to all our opponents whoever made it definitely deserved it and this ends up being a great learning opportunity for me now technically our team would disband after this because we only planned on playing this tournament but if you genuinely enjoyed this video and want to see more of this team let us know and i'm sure we can find more tournaments to compete in this was the only recording that i had from before my break so it just made sense for this to be my comeback video so every new upload from now is going to be completely fresh now if there's one time your likes and subscriptions matter it is absolutely today and i wouldn't even stress it this much but because of the month-long break i would really appreciate every little support on this video so the algorithm is like somewhat pleased about me so please make sure to like the video subscribe if you haven't already and if you really enjoyed the video leave a nice comment such as hey mercy thanks for dropping the hottest comeback of 2021 and with that said i'll see you in the next video [Music] is
Channel: MERTZY
Views: 1,012,281
Rating: 4.9704819 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league funny, rocket league freestyle, rocket league fails, rocket league 1v1, rocket league tips, rocket league challenge, rocket league random car, random, randomizing, tornado flick, ballchaser, tryhard, tournament, flick, johnnyboi, rlcs qualifier, rlcs, rlrs, qualifier, finals, 3v3, esports, intel, world cup, german hermanos, pulse, opponent, toxic, passing play, pro team, professional, funny moments, fails, best goals, freestyle, pinch, pro, world, ssg, nrg, ssl, tips, gc, rank
Id: B4Dfg9tKAwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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