6 Grand Champs vs 1 Secret Pro (Rocket League Odd Man Out)

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yo guys welcome back to another odd man out this time we are graced by an rlcs pro and he will be attempting to blend into a game with six other grand champions the rules are simple if the grand champs in the game vote out the pro the remaining grand champs will split the cash prize but if the pro manages to trick everyone and is still in the game at the end he'll win the cash prize all for himself as always i have everyone changed their in-game name to make it easier to identify who is who and this time i went with fruit yep all of these foods are actually fruit let's begin round one so as this series normally goes it is now your job to play along and see if you can spot the rlcs pro will the pro be able to hide his superior mechanics without making it obvious that he's dumbing things down well let's find out i want you to just bounce dribble for five total hits like a little training pack action you know just remember to pay really close attention to how the car is moving and look for anything out of the ordinary after re-watching this footage and knowing who the pro is i can definitely tell you that the movement looks very different all right five all right one two three four very nice is it eggplant yep perfect making me question my fundamentals i know i know right everything seems so difficult i think that was five no that was five yep is it avocado yeah yeah all right my favorite fruit i hate avocados oh look at that even driving through the other cars expert level yep we'll see how this goes even though grand champs are ranked high and considered to be the top one percent of the player base a pro is miles above that skill level and so maybe he'll intentionally screw up to hide himself like sweet corn just did or maybe that was a real mistake who knows come on five there you go let's go car's looking good bro thank you all right one dose anybody know three for french four for french korean five never mind green beans uh green beans let's go three three oh four kinda four five five i mean honestly i have no idea who it could be i want you guys to just do a musty flake you can do it however you want you can take it down field you can take it off the wall ceiling might be whatever it is it could be a breezy that counts as a musty whatever you guys are feeling whatever you think would uh you know keep you in the game as you can trust me i'm not messing it up on purpose oh wait can i get another attempt no uh nope uh okay wait what is that boost is that the bronze boost no what is that okay oh my god you had it all the way until the end yeah does anybody actually like cucumber cucumber i do i love cucumber that was good i don't practice musty flicks so that i think it went terrible on me [Music] oh i mean i hit it that's about how mine look when i do my muskies in game i've never practiced musties before so that was a little challenge for me green beans okay oh all right one sec i can try the breezy all right let's see all these are the breezy [Music] oh okay i mean yeah okay and with that we're on to the voting round to see who is kicked out first you know i kind of feel like cucumber was a little suspicious you know his mustache was very clean i think he just didn't want it to do it that great so he wouldn't erase any red flecks you know if i had to give you somebody i don't really know it was kind of a little rough i i'm gonna have to pick eggplant though i kinda wanna just guess olives just cause he has a bit less of a sweaty car so maybe it's like someone trying to be more of a grand champ honestly sweet corn i like his title extraordinary i think a pro would try to hide it like that i don't know he's also the most suspicious fruit i'm kind of thinking eggplant probably sweet corn kind of got my eyes on eggplant his flick just kind of got me kind of stuffed out on him unfortunately for maybe an underrated fruit out there honestly pretty good on pizza if done right eggplant you have been voted off as we say goodbye to the glorious purple johnson round two will begin with a 3v3 match and i don't think you guys are quite ready for how i'm going to commentate this one grab some popcorn and keep your eyes open because this round could give away who the pro is if he's still in the game that is you got two minutes boys watch your teammates watch the other team try to figure out everyone's anyone's being suspicious olives over here his time to shine what's he got looking okay maybe not looking okay all right sweet corn down avocado avocados got some time to shine little 50 by olives looking clean sweet corn with a shot nope little mist there avocado in the air looking good with ariel bro you can fly i didn't know avocados had wings olives hitting off the backboard sweet corn up in the air with a dunk but just misses it olive messes up too oh my is it on purpose is it not on purpose we'll never know who's going up next sweet corn collecting it very nice touch over cucumber only one left to go avocado last back almost own goals shot until oh my i didn't see how this broke down what happened avocado was in net low-ish boost sweet corn with the whiff green beans in the corner doing nothing everybody's suspicious that's what i'm gathering here you guys are all fake just kidding i love you all just as friends for now we'll see olives oh my god avocado taking away his play sweet corn giant hit tomato do you have the shot no avocado cucumber double committing that's definitely a grand champ right there all right green beans your last back on the back wall doesn't need to save it we have another another whiff avocado taking off the wall popping over one sweet corn last back waiting being smart avocado off the wall anybody up green beans up green bean shot sweet corn pre-jumping excellent play big corn again passing it down to tomato you gotta be there green beans is there too quick too snappy okay two seconds one second man all right boys i don't know if i learned much i don't know if you guys did we'll see all right i definitely don't think it's anyone on a blue team that's the pro the six remaining participants will now have a chance to talk about that match and get some facts behind any suspicious gameplay they saw all right i have a question uh for uh olives so when we were playing we had an attack on the first uh when we were both in the same team we had an attack and the ball was rolling in front of the net and it was kind of slow it was kind of reachable why did you miss because i'm a grand champion i i do i do kind of agree because i was on that team too and he did kind of with that but also at the same time i also whiffed an open net so i don't know if it's too much to go on i actually ask uh sweet corn i thought that he was super speedy in the first part of the game like probably first and seconds he bit me to a ball that was like very hard to breathe he got to it like it was nothing and he put it like midfield i just wanted to know what your training usually goes like your warm-up routine or your training my warm-up and yeah enlighten me bro because so i usually just go for the classic hit the ball as hard as you can in free play and just do that over and over again that's like something a pro would say [Music] yeah i have one for olives go on uh what's your what's your peak mmr i wanna say like 1890 area i don't think i have my peak peekaboo since free to play so since it's free to play it's like it's a little different every one people yeah yeah yeah it was definitely higher than probably like 1750 okay okay i don't know why i feel like oh if he sounds kind of like rattles if i was watching this video for the first time i honestly would have no idea who the pro is at this point but either way voting round number two begins now so i'm gonna just stick with uh sweetcorn just to be safe i'm definitely leaning towards tomato seems like he's trying to blend in a little too hard well i kind of think it's the weak coin because the way he's just playing is pretty solid and his movement overall kind of stood off to me so i'm gonna have to go with sweet corn i don't know i think i'm gonna make my vote for sweet corn seemed a little too fast i'm probably gonna go for olive honestly i'm suspecting olives there was that miss he did in the first place like if he was like a low juicy like i would have i would probably like let that slide right i think he just said 1750 to get like some things off his back in case he starts to look good something that's not so sweet is sweetcorn's departure because he has been voted off all right so we are down to only five people with some suspicious players already leaving the game did the real grand champs guess right or is the pro still amongst the five round three begins now we're gonna do a little double flip reset yeah i mean okay sure i figured sweet corn he's glad he's gone he doesn't like that idea we're feeling that one no yeah [Music] i really feel that i'm gonna go out this round because i almost see the double flipper set all right all of a sudden that's actually practicing those before coming here you're looking good man you're looking good one oh oh close close close it looks good looks good to start [Music] let's go did you pick those zombas for the car too i feel like that's a very green bean kind of vibe you got going on in the wheels hey he scored it the second task of round three is going to be a cross map air dribble they can flip reset or double tap or basically do anything they want avocados up okay all right give it a little more power hopefully that works for you [Music] nice okay all right cucumber for the past very nice a flying tomato oh no violation i think my performance was a little bit lacking in the second one but i think the first one you know i did the best i could so close [Music] oh hate that i think that this round definitely made things clearer for our remaining participants but let's hear what they think as we begin voting round number three uh i believe now it's olives in the urge rebel i saw how he adjusted his car to go into a breezy position that's not very easy to do i don't see that very often from a irrefutable position i saw an avocado going for a triple flip reset and he overall had the cleanest setup i would say out of the ground to ariel so i'm gonna go with avocado so i'm gonna have to go with tomato because of reverse ecology i feel like he's just missing on purpose just to make us think that he's not i mean he's a gc the person who i think is the pro is avocado because he actually got the double reset it almost scored so i think uh the avocado who almost got the triple he was the first one to go right yeah i'm suspecting him right now and then he noticed that he did that right so he went with like a basic ariel whenever the second shot came around so i think it's avocado personally this makes for a very good uh mexican night when mashed up and added with lime a little bit of onion a little bit of salt but avocado you've been voted out now at this point with only four left i'm going to give the option for them to stop the game if they believe that they have voted the pro off but this vote has to be unanimous so even if only one person wants to go another round then that's what will happen i kind of think we did i agree i think it was either sweet corn or avocado yeah honestly i i just can't see i don't know i i wasn't cells of any you guys the people that i'm stuck up like are like out of here anyway it's got to be unanimous so tomato you're you're good yeah i'm good all this if you like too all right green beans yeah i guess you can end it okay cucumber i'm good if you guys have voted out the pro you guys are going to split 100 bucks 25 bones each good game but if the pro is still in of course he'll earn it all by himself and unfortunately for the grand champs the pro is still in the match would you please reveal who you are the professional player no cap i am the pro player come on it's olives congratulations uh andy off charlotte phoenix huge thanks to andy for helping out if he didn't already have a spot in the rlcs he would definitely have a spot as a resident grand champion since he did such a great job please go follow him on his twitch and his twitter both links will be in the description oh and i'm running low on ideas for odd man out so let me know what you want to see in the next one [Music] later you
Channel: CBell
Views: 966,820
Rating: 4.9531112 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Odd Man Out, Rocket League Challenge, Rocket League, CBell, CBell Rocket League, Rocket League Showmatch, Rocket League ranks, Rocket League Among Us, Rocket League Game, Rocket League video, Rocket League champ, Rocket League competition, rocket league fake, rocket league who is the fake, rocket league video, rocket league 6 vs 1, rocket league pro, rocket league championship series, rocket league rlcs, rocket league pro vs, rocket league vid
Id: RGe1LxYrlvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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