We Choose Starters Only Knowing Its Japanese Name... Then we FIGHT!

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me and my friend chilling play ran in my six files of Pokemon sword and shield with completely random starters these starters have randomized move sets according to their type and we have also randomized their abilities now to choose our starters what main show and player are going to do is tell each other what they are but only say it in Japanese once we choose whatever Pokemon we have we are locked in for that Pokemon and once we have a full team we're gonna fight it out show and play are you ready for this Japanese starter challenge yeah buddy I don't speak any Japanese but uh I think I'm ready for this and I'm gonna hit you with the cone oh which means good luck in Japanese oh you know a little okay okay I know a little bit yeah yeah for sure all right let's do this okay pal I'm here with your first set of three and are you ready let's do this let's do this ready let's get it all right starting off on the right we got a minute and on the middle we got a newel and on the left we got a messiah um I'm gonna get the first one how do you say that one again do you know what that is a mill tanker that's a mill tank 100 anyway let's go okay that's a good start I was hoping you the last one because uh daughter Messiah is actually just a drippy and nuo was a Quagsire he missed so I mean miltank was a good choice here we'll take it I like the beefy sandwich beef steak Yeah the beef steaks are always nice to have it's a good normal type good choice all right buddy I'm gonna start you off here on the left we got a Todo zaruga and in the middle we have a giron suit wow and on the right we have an erikido Eric kiddo sounds like an Ella kid um what do you mean let me do the middle one the jurantsu garageu whatever that was the giron Sue okay buddy that's a Happy Happy Fish aureli Camp okay he's looking right at me but his eyes are closed but you did miss a wall rain on the left buddy that would have been a beast as well really can't isn't too bad you know it's that really sounds pretty good and yeah it wasn't Elekid by the way for the erikido yeah makes sense all right nice all right children I'm on the second set of three and let's start I'll start it here for you on the left side you got a hinoya coma okay and in the middle you got a mewtsu and on the right we got a fuka Maru okay the fukumaru sounds interesting but I think I'm gonna have to go for the muatua let me get that Mew that was kind of an easy read buddy they never like to say you know the Legends always have a very similar name yeah they don't like change them too much I was hoping I should have slaughtered it a little more for you but I'm not trying to be cheesy and play so uh let's let's yeah yeah it's hazy cheesy ooh cheesy all right uh good good honestly amazing pick there now give me something good all right buddy I'm starting off with yours now I'm gonna start you off on the left we gotta not get sukasaru and then in the middle we've got a parapoo and on the right we've got a kebania I okay I think the parapoo I I don't know why I know this from like I think an old video I think that's a dog I think that's one of the fluffy dogs but let me get the one on the left all right that is a persimian buddy congratulations oh it's a monk that's the monkey yeah but I mean it's better than these trust me in its tail it is a holding a ball with its tail yeah good good the parapathu was a swirlix little puffball it was not a dog okay totally wrong and then the Cabanya was a carvana so you did fine you did fine not the worst choices no Mewtwo's but I guess we take it the day set monkey all right buddy I've got another set of three three come on here for you what they are in Japanese okay all right let's start up on the right here with the rashiramu and then in the Middle with a bakuangu and then on the left with ah nothing like some choices yeah yeah a lot of them what will Meester chilling plays choose today I'm gonna choose to subscribe to the channel guys make sure you're subscribed and also give me that Reshiram please Ram you got a cat or pee pal congratulations just kidding yeah you know there's no way especially Ramen why don't you guys change the names Japanese people why do we gotta keep them across Nations you're looking good buddy we're looking good I missed swab blue you missed exploded all right well you got a rush and uh it's so big it won't even fit the screen okay great that's neat all right pal we got three more choices for you and we're gonna start it off on the left we gotta pusu and then on the middle we have a gironsu and on the right we have a see the problem with Kabutops buddy is that I already have a really can't literally I don't want another one I know it's UPS uh but you know what after you just got a rushy Ram give me a couple wow buddy you're really not gonna take the Jaron suit that could have been another religion for the team he's so happy I didn't even realize that was the same name yeah you literally yeah he's right there in the middle same surprise differently and on the last end here you had a little little crab buddy a little crabby he's honestly looking adorable yeah he would have been very weak though wow so that was actually a good choice on my end we take those we take those yeah buddy that's a good Pokemon and he's also looking pretty happy his eyes just closed I can't see his mouth but I would assume he's smiling that's sure he's grateful very grateful okay Joe play We're on our fourth set now and uh the teams are looking pretty stacked in your favor so uh give me a legend here all right luckily I can tell you one thing you're not getting a legend on this run that's your only hint let's see about that all right starting where tell me tell me start in uh honestly start on the right side right to left all right on the right we got the amadio then in the middle we got the kayamomi and on the left we got the Gigi run I feel like GG run might be some type of dragon let me get that uh did you know am I right no no I know have you live in a Japanese lesson well let's just say I know a thing or two about a thing or two Serena the Kaio Mimi uh wingle and you got the drampa the grandpa Dragon wow that's actually hilarious buddy really hilarious Gigi Ron the grandpa that's actually really weird looking in the starter section he's got a long neck I realized but but super funny thank you thank you for the present I like enjoy it enjoy it all right buddy I got three starters looking me dead in the face like I'm not even joking literally looking at me dead in the face kind of scaring me let's start up with them on the right we do have a noramishia on the middle we do have a Gigi long and on the left we have a good day wait wait a second wait a second what wait wait wait what you got you got a GG you got a g why don't you give me the GG long that is a grandpa grandpa buddy name it is trust me buddy you got the right choice do you want the dreepy on the side or you want the Sizzla Pete on the left let's take the let's take the grandpa let's say yeah he's honestly he's opening his mouth at me but I think he's actually trying to eat me yeah weird guy huh that's uh that's funny you had that too weird anyway let's continue all right Chillin we have two soldering sets left and uh I'm just hopping right into this one all right let's do this on the right we got a baruchai in the middle we got an onondo and on the left we got an Edison those all sound pretty weak buddy hmm do you speak Japanese I know you spoke Japanese uh no I don't I just I know I understand things sometimes oh let's go to Arizona they're all pretty bad erazoon might have been the worst Choice there actually you missed the Bola B you missed a fracture you got a toxical well yeah they're all awful and that's okay it might be the only Pokemon wearing a diaper I was about to say yeah that's a baby that's wearing a diaper like yeah I think it's the only Pokemon that wears diapers in the entire game congrats that's your that's gonna be yikes no that's yours all right buddy time for you to make some choices um we're doing good to start all the starters are looking at me except for yeah they're all looking at me what should I do here uh start left just left and go across left and go across all right have it your way we gotta Kama kakusu then we got a banduro then we got a kingura king guru let me get the king gouda oh buddy no no don't smile at me buddy you didn't get chosen don't smile what oh no I'm just talking to your homie here Blastoise that you missed oh not studying my own mascot in Japanese the mudsdale and you got yourself a kangaroo a crabby I mean a Kingler oh I was gonna say can we evolve crab legs ah Kanger would have been cool change or even in this game I forget maybe not it is it is oh it is it is it is all right well I'll say I'll take a Kingler that's a cool water I mean another water type that I really don't need but we take it you are watery buddy you're watery we like it we like it okay pal we are on our last set of three Pokemon and they look happy to see me they look very happy all right let's go ahead and start this I'm gonna be nice I'm gonna let you choose where do you want to go on the left the left this time okay all right on the left we got a zugadun and the middle we got a horuko and on the right we got a gochimu okay sounds like a lot of tinies maybe tiny Tims or little jimmies I'm gonna get a zugadon really that's what I want that's what I want that's what I get okay well but but he missed the gothicita you got Gothita the little baby you missed a really really happy whalumer the haruko and you got a popsicle Fireball blast failing another Legend I mean you do you have a lot of water buddy but that is still away I do but you got really strong Pokemon you got really loud Pokemon yeah he likes the laser so yeah well that's your last teammate buddy uh go ahead and uh let me know what I got left yeah you got three here as you probably guessed I'm gonna start you up on the right you got yourself a kibania on the middle you got a Darumaka and on the left we've got a suitorasu interesting uh I'm standing here inside as a whalumer now a whalmer with little legs you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it you're with your own eyes but I want to get the uh uh a matarasu on the left that's not a choice buddy that's not a choice but you got a suit on a Darumaka little happy baby junior is out on a little carvana kibanya on the right did you get a big trash can buddy trash bag trash beefy trash bag for the team that I will take actually I've never seen it look so happy I'll take care of the two yeah like ugly cute you know what I'm saying I don't know if it's as cute as this Wilmer bro because it's actually so adorable but anyway that's our final Choice Let's uh get these teams together in battle what do you say let's do it all right team we've got our Japanese Squad members here let's go ahead and go over them see what we got we got drampa here with Zen mode for the ability slash Focus punch lovely kiss and rock wrecker that is interesting not an amazing Grandpa honestly no special attacking moves and we are definitely a special attacker next up we got Mewtwo here with Moxie for the ability that's nasty oh never mind nope bad moves we got Ally switch bubble beam conspore stored power that's really nothing to work with dude and definitely nothing to boost Moxie with but I guess we can bubble beam a little bit I guess next up we got Mill tank here with Intrepid sword oh that's actually nasty fire lash we got Stomp aside and round okay nice some good stab moves and if we get paralyzed or we get hit with any type of status facade's gonna go crazy all right that's nice next up we got Reshiram here with schooling for the ability I don't think that will work got thrash we got firefang Grudge and Flame Thrower that's actually disgusting I wish we had some uh dragon moves on that but that's okay BG does have a lot of water though so we'll see how this works we got blissellophone with Terra volt that's actually nice we got surging strikes shell Trap Shadow claw vacuum wave okay nice couple of different moves there that is interesting we're kind of a glass Cannon but that'll still do some good damage next up we got toxl here with Shield dust uh Thunder Wave dragon breath corrosive gas and shadowclaw if we're lucky maybe we'll get a Thunder Wave off or something otherwise I don't think talks was gonna do too much but that's our final team member LOL look how he stands up and gets temper tantrum that's our final team member guys uh let's jump into this fight and see who's gonna win let me know in the comments who you think's gonna win all right guys for our team recap we got a pretty watery team interesting starting off here with rallycanth who's got heat proof half the damage from fiery moves I guess which is good even though you're four times resistant that's gonna do nothing to us it's got gear grind Rock wrecker nice against fire types Dynamic punch and hold hands not a huge fan of dynamic punch hold hands is useless Rock record at least we can use against the fire types and smash them up Kingler here with toxic boost okay that's actually nice if he uses toxic spikes that could be really useful as long as we got the physical moves steel beam type story thousand arrows and crap ever this signature crab move on the Kingler we love it that's actually so good thousand Heroes is also really good okay guys not bad at all Kingler not bad that could be really good awesome awesome all right drampa here with as one which maybe they'll pop off it's got payday Crush grip horn drill and bullet seed and I think we're yeah a normal Dragon so Crush grip is actually kind of massive let's see it's cool too we're more of a special attacker though yeah a little weird horn drill might just do that for the cheesiness one shot everything and parade we'll see we'll see garbadour here with Aroma Veil protects itself in allies from attacks that limit their move choices like torment I guess we got Zing zap poison powder Mist ball and poison tail at least we got poison tail on this beefy guy uh we can be a poison with that and we also got Zing zap which is pretty good for an electric move too honestly not too bad there grab order not too bad for a trash bag next persimmon with dauntless Shield that's really good boost defense when we enter the battle Aurora beam power-up punch thunderous kick a secret sword oh wait we're just a fighting type why did I think we're a normal type I thought we were a normal type for the longest this is actually amazing that thunderous kick is so huge lower's defense power-up punch also raise our attack this is kind of a nasty monkey really nasty monkey lastly we got Kabutops here with Moody which is super super cheesy sharply raises the stat and lures another one every turn that could actually be really good or really bad it's RNG water pulse Electrify which won't really work body slam which is good in rock throw also good all right that's our team you know what we're gonna try our best I think we're actually kind of good let's do this okay chill and play our squads are made a completely from Japanese names now you might have had a little bit of an easier ones in my opinion but I think my squad's still pretty decent yeah I feel like too much buddy I don't want to say too much with the grandpa Dragon well yeah buddy respect your elders you know I didn't even realize it was a normal type isn't that crazy really yeah I didn't even realize this sag yeah a little bit snatch for him what about this Taylor what about this it's Gonna Hurt that's gonna hurt um now what if I hit you with a lovely are you serious are you serious ah give him the love are you nice with this is this what you do right is that your thing bed buddy sent you right to bed yeah yeah you did you definitely sent me somewhere never thought I'd be kissing a kiss in a trash bags slash that is actually painful dude he looks crazy when he does that I know he does it doesn't really do as much as it looks like it would he looks insane when he attacks actually garment work up pose and tail poison tail all right now we poison him that could crank though come on oh my gosh really and I can grit too oh my God that's the crit that's the crib you love to see that you love to see that yeah Prince are supposed to land more easily where's the crits garbadour oh he's here with Taylor's wow oh my God give me the back to back because we're Savages nope you're not that Savage you're not that Savage imagine I'm pressing a lot of buttons by accident pressing a lot of buttons by accident all right there we go why almost I almost just uh ran away through the match I'm just kidding I'm taking a shame that was a 1v1 of the critical slashers buddy yeah I actually didn't like to see that too much there um I was literally just two tanks whapping each other just slashing and getting poison-tailed okay well hang in there Kabutops don't go to Seattle not sleeping let me take that somewhere okay no now do what you need to do kabutopus Moody one attack yeah yeah right now oh do it to it Mewtwo oh no you might be the only thing faster than me right now I needed to deal with you in some manner oh I need to hit buddy oh baby okay bubble beavers by Stanley Steve harsh that actually should have heard a probably a decent amount oh that's a decent amount that's a decent amount my guy my gosh special attack are you serious right now you're useless you're so useless needed not what he needed to see okay so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do this and preach that'll be confused confuses no way no way that's hurt a lot confused confused confused wow that's massive for me it looks like a Frieza laser when I do that but it's pretty disgusting let's do this then okay go Grandpa ah I've seen this movie you might have seen it before I imagine as one we're fine oh my I'm the wise as one grandpa oh my oh let's go for this I guess oh my gosh not as good as I thought it would be you know I don't really know what to do on this guy this is actually bad this is not what I wanted to see let's see what you could do let's see what happens here yeah really is that is that really a thing okay that's a thing thank you for telling me that now let's try this since that's what you got to do I'm gonna do what I gotta do store power does that keep going does that keep I didn't know you could use it I can keep using it my guy it's kind of busted actually bullet seeds you are looking very scary when you do that buddy by the way oh my God oh my gosh yo this is an issue this is an issue especially if this laser works okay I'm gonna pray to this works right here because well this is gonna Moxie me buddy and boost me even more are you serious course it is what do you mean am I serious I don't even realize I don't even thinking that makes my store power even better buddy even better uh it is not it is not physical okay interesting but it is affected based off my Boost boost yeah yeah it is it is which is actually it's kind of perfectly what I needed because I had nothing else this is bad this is bad no this is really bad now I should have done this earlier laser you now let's see if we can no no lasers Allowed no lasers Allowed no lasers allowed oh uh some physical attacks would have been nice store power is what's funny that actually became useful it's so weird okay oh okay I got big me claws right now and I'm waiting for you to decide don't take too long big dog because I know you got beasts over there all right you're right you're right you're right let's keep playing don't be nice crab hammer on that Kindler I can tell that's a big crabby Hammer oh wow that's just interesting oh I know buddy I really don't like the steak sandwich right now I don't want to spoil a lie but in my last Kaiser runs streams it just didn't what it didn't do what it needed to do steak sandwiches on my side no but I'm gonna use the power you're faster right Stompers that's literally my entire life yep that would be uh some crushed crab this is looking actually insanely rough for me right now I'm bopping up and down now I'm gonna do what I got to do please do what you gotta dot machine that's actually nasty a little um jealous of that buddy I'm actually curious you know what what if I went insane I'm going insane how fast is the persimian is it even fast at all I think miltank's faster actually which is weird uh let's see what you actually are mil takes a really fast cow it's actually crazy whoa what my game just go you glitched out nothing happened to my eyes oh my goodness higher lashers okay I'm tough I'm tough low RISD yep oh this is bad yeah yeah yeah I should have just taken you out then I should have just taken you out oh my I know you could lower the D like you needed oh my buddy I got choices at least at least I got choices don't worry don't worry this is [Music] this a ghost I don't know you tell me is there a ghost I think it is isn't it is it just fire it is oh my gosh Just What We Needed buddy a little couple tricks for you we don't got many choices here we don't got many choices here really can't really do they can do it really can't do it that's a huge move so tanky we're fine we're a little so tanky we're a little rock we're a little rock Pokemon at least we got beefiness I wonder if I try this what will happen I wonder what would happen oh my gosh that's my life that's my life right there oh that's my life that is my life is that gonna be enough that's the question that is gonna wreck me yeah that is going to wreck okay a slapper at least at least we got to slap her out my popsicles we took care of the Popsicles at least well okay your team scares me bro well literally I'm terrified right now well well well I didn't expect you to do that actually that's a really non-cool thing to do oh really Mr three Legends not cool okay now that you're paralyzed but you're all stalled out from Rock record I mean that's a two turn right no I think you're thinking of something else probably oh God is it yeah yeah you gotta recharge now you're paralyzed oh you worthless baby what do I expect you're wearing a diaper on the battle you shouldn't expect much from the baby please be enough really can't get it what do you mean please that is going to destroy my baby life good good good really can and really can't it's a little scary it's fine it's fine we're fine everything's fine come on really really really really really pressure me I don't know what to do here really the tank of milk this guy is actually really annoying he actually might be enough there that's pretty decent and beefy and tanky and strong I'm gonna go for a do you have what you need oh I saw was crazy I think I'm gonna go for a crazy banana nut muffin sandwich really okay oh geez okay this is really bad really fast all of a sudden okay wait wait we're fine actually I have one more trick up my sleeve is actually really scared I'm actually really scared because it's not gonna happen right now is I'm not sure if I'm not sure if I should risk it all or try to get you and hope that this hits that's kind of where you do you like a risk at all or risk at all kind of you know what I'm saying that's where my brain's at I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do me 50 50 or 85 how about you answer that 50 or 85 a hundred really no answer okay all right all right guys all right comment section hopefully we chose the right move let's do this I can't rely on the 50. stop it stop him and Flinch him don't you dare Flinch no way okay you get the back to back oh his name James now and now we is this an assadians I hope this kills no it's not no no you're gonna please be enough no no it's not it's not it's not it's not it's wait a minute unless it's five times with crits okay there we go we're fine it doesn't work like that oh buddy wow oh buddy wow wow I'm feeling better now wow so Dynamic punch was the move there by the way uh I just missed I just smashed you somehow stopped flinched me by the way which is like 30 chance in my 50 chance move didn't even hit tell me how that's fair please actually just want to know is it is it fair okay let's do this well it might not be fair buddy but oh well well well thoughtlessly obviously we are here I am shielded here we are here again remind him who we are don't you dare remind him with a beefiest oh the power-up puncher that crit was insane that was a massive career buddy I think it might be what I needed it was insane you are beefed up though but I don't know if you can handle my last homie okay he's got special attacking fire moves is what that sounds like I got one eye yeah that's the box art you're looking at the monkey in the game that's my life cooked monkey yikes good fight buddy uh if you guys enjoyed that let us know in the comments and hit the like button and uh check out the place for more videos
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 109,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quickgg, Chillnplay, pokemon then we fight, random starting pokemon, randomized starters, pokemon mystery choices, pokemon battles, funny pokemon, shiny pokemon, quickgg vs chillnplay, pokemonVS, pokemon VS, pokemon then we battls, pokemon then we battle, pokemon then we battles, pokemon then we fights
Id: sStq-rRH-68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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