3 Seconds to Pick a Pokemon... Then we FIGHT!

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me and my friend quick GG are only gonna have three seconds to come up with a Pokemon to make a team and then we're gonna fight so how this is gonna work guys is we're gonna spin a wheel that has all the Generations on it and we're gonna get a randomized generation and then we're gonna spend another wheel that has all the types on it and get a randomized type then the other player is gonna have three seconds to come up with a Pokemon that is that type in that generation and that will be a team member added to their team if the player cannot come up with a Pokemon or they choose a Pokemon that's not correct or maybe it's the wrong generation or it's not in sword and shield that Pokemon will not be considered a valid choice and the other player can give them a baby Pokemon of that type as punishment also we're not gonna allow duplicate Pokemon or legendaries BGG are you ready to do this buddy you got your brain turned on my brain is turned on buddy but I'm looking at a levitating Agron right now he's literally Walking in the Air no four times weakness there that's pretty scary honestly I'm kind of scared of that beast that's scary all right let's do this all right pal we're on the beach here it's a nice day out here let's go ahead and pull up a wheel for you I love a good wheel it's a great invention I agree pal the wheel is a fabulous thing we use them a lot here on the channel we love them here's your generation buddy it's going to be Gen 2 okay that could be easy but also tough it could be weak we're spinning the type wheel now let's see what he gets for this one electric type all right go Ambrose I am from Rose he nailed it instantly okay let's go that's actually pretty strong too is it in this game I'm almost positive it is right right I'm yeah he's definitely in this game I'm doing a spin out of Happiness right now doing a happiness Spin and a flex oh my God buddy he's not in sword and shield no way he's not he's not in the game no way are you sure oh no way you're right aren't you oh no I just did a quick Google and yeah amprose is not a valid choice so with that being said since you were wrong and I can give you a baby Pokemon of the electric type I'm gonna give you a Pichu buddy a nice loving little Pichu for you not a not a not a complimentary allocate at least because no complimentary yellow kid bro he can actually hit pretty hard I don't like him he he's actually pretty tough for a baby be used to babies okay all right spin me the wheel let's see if I can do this all right pal my feet are soaking wet in this water I'm pulling up the wheel let's go and give you a generation first and we're looking at the third generation dank okay you're gonna have this down and let's get this type in I'm clicking it a few times for good luck come on give him something gen three come on I can do this I can do this flying type flying type um in this game three seconds I almost said swellow dude oh no swallow's not in this game though right is swellow even gen 3 I mean I personally would have gone Salamence but oh my gosh I'm a fool I'm a Fool wow yeah Rocky start give me a baby what do I get well with that um you know what why don't you get yourself a nice little p-dub after that one yeah a peed of yeah you gave me the Pichu I'll give you a p dub that's actually yeah that's scary I don't like that but okay thank you I guess all right buddy Rocky start for the both of us my brain kind of froze up not gonna lie I was trying to think too hard about things that didn't exist so here we go freeze it's okay we're spinning your generational wheel now buddy get yourself ready he loves it he loves it here comes the Here Comes The Wheel of types and electric type again go uh manectric manectric manectric I feel like there might have been something better there but that's just the first thing I could get I didn't want to waste you know what you didn't want to just freeze up like I did so you know what that's actually another electric type you're real is broken the wheel's not broken but it's just the wheel of a fate it just happens the odds of hitting that twice somebody do the math for us in the comments please one in 18 or actually to hit it twice one in 30 seconds don't you have to multiply the one by the third the 18 and carry it over the other 18 times two I'm not sure manectric on the team all right I'm out of the water my feet are soaking wet and let's pull the wheel up here we go generation will be all right I got the wheel of types spinning let's see what that gen 1 type will be a gen one grass type grass type Venus Army that's an easy one um man that is just that is an easy one isn't it it's an easy one but it is an easy one really good BST like I think that is the best grass type I could get right definitely a Venusaur on the team there good choice okay pal pulling up the wheel let's see if we can get some tough ones out here no gen 1 freebies for the homie cause I'm not gonna lie those are freebies dude seven big dog let's see what you get for the type here not that oh buddy it's a bug type gen 7 bug type Pavilion Pavilion okay I have to check with the judges not gonna lie I don't even know if that's gen six or seven I don't even know if it's in the game or not to be honest okay vavilion is a Gen 6 Pokemon buddy so that is incorrect not only that I don't know if it is in this game you're right about that oh no okay so since I can give you a baby bug buddy what should I give you how about a blip bug for your team how about that you want a blue bug that way my P dub can devour it for a lunch you know what I'm saying okay chill in time to spin for your third one I hope you got your brain on I think it's on now I think it is on it wasn't earlier kind of just woke up spinning for the generation the generation no well the pressure's on me I can't mess this up and dark type all right no dark types gen one I get it there's no dark types in gen one it's fine it's fine we're re-spinning the type we're re-spinning the type and and you won't believe me when I tell you it's a fairy okay well the wheel is broken confirmed at least we know the wheels okay all right all right all right let's try this one last time sus wheel sus wheel very sausage and genuine fire type fire type oh my God give me my Charizard right now oh my God you almost took three seconds so you told me you got a Venusaur and a Charizard that's just wow that's just wow give me a Blastoise so the comments can just call me a cheater please I would love that all right buddy time to get your fourth Pokemon uh I'm spinning the wheel of Jen's let's see if it's gonna be generous to you oh it's not it's not buddy it's not gen seven no way no way you're doing this to me right now bro it's generation I never played that game all the way through not fast this wheel is hacking buddy confirmed and here's your type get ready here comes the type big dog it's slowing down and watery type go Gen 7 water type uh primeria primarina oh my goodness buddy you almost said something that didn't exist but you corrected it by the tenth of a millisecond buddy good job yes that's I think is right actually is that the fully evolved one I literally don't know primarina is the fully evolved one I did check let's go okay yeah buddy primarina that's the the evolved one and that is a gen 7 water type so this is the Battle of the starters right now it's like the cheat sheet you just choose a starter and you're good yeah as long as it's not a Gen 6 starter because those aren't in here yeah then you're just yeah you're kind of just on your own okay pal it's time for you to uh get a gen six or seven because I'm tired of these gen Runners for you give me gen one again just because uh gen five we do know Gen 5 pretty decently gen five okay okay this could be interesting and let's go ahead and spin for a type for the Gen 5 we're looking at a Gen 5 doesn't exist till gen 6. I was starting to really go through the memory bank I was like okay no okay okay gen five poison type poison type okay uh rubbish no no not the big you did it to yourself you took the trash out yourself I'm trash I am trash I deserve baby trash yeah you got a baby trash troublesh hey you said it not me you get to take that one trubbish is just a better name for what it is than garbador you know what I'm saying like it just it looks like a trubish no matter what to me it's rubbish it's rubbish it's trash and rubbish and it's on the team yeah it's on your team yep okay quick GG we're doing okay you're not doing that great you need some good ones here so let's see what we can get you here for the generation don't give me a joke you wouldn't believe it but it was almost seven again you got gen eight okay I think I generally I'm gonna do this there's just so many Pokemon in gen eight I forget what gen 8 is exactly so I hope I don't mess it up yeah well here comes the spin buddy and it looks like you've got fighting type go Gen 8 fighting type drop Columbus clobber puts good a good laser focus is that good did I get that oh yeah oh yeah I'm pretty sure let's double check oh compost is the baby baby no way back to back babies would have been the big one wow well hey now you know the feels bro you know you know the feels now that's painful all right buddy you're on your fifth Pokemon to choose here and you know what that means you got two choices left to subscribe or not to subscribe that's the question that's an easy one you just subscribe because it's so easy to do you just press the button and then you're a sub and then you get to watch more videos you passed you passed you passed the uh the question the test good job good job all right now let's go ahead and spin you up something here spinning it up I'm spinning it fast I'm spinning it fast and loose and no way you got another gen 3 bro no win three and three okay maybe I won't mess this one up maybe I won't mess this one up actually upset because you haven't got a single gen five six you haven't got a six seven or eight yet and we're gonna spin the wheel of types and see what gen 3 Pokemon you get you're gonna look for a gen 3 electric type electric type uh I don't want to say the same one three seconds pass manectric was just on the brain oh man oh man you said it didn't want to do the same one took too long thinking about that what oh man that hurts that hurts that does hurt so you know what you get now you know what you get now what do I get pal if I wasn't going miniature buddy I don't know what else there would have been besides mine and or Plusle you know what I'm saying I need a puzzle would have been better than like better than a baby because I'm gonna give you the baby manectric electric okay A little doggo I think right it's a dog it is a little kind of I don't know exactly it's it's something it's definitely something and it's yours it's turning into Baby Battle Bots bro we did way better last time yeah this is definitely turning into Baby Battle what's all right buddy this is it this is your last choice to add to the team so hopefully you get a decent one give me Agent one or a three for me please I can't control what I give you buddy all I can do is give you the choices you know because everybody's got them that's for sure generation no way they're doing you like that dude no way no way no way gen seven so you're gonna tell me you got three gen sevens for me one gen six and one gen eight yeah and one gen five that's really what happened that's really what happened dude that's really what happened really what happened man that's dirty you can't see my fingers put in quotations that's really what happened but okay well here comes a type for you gen 7 get ready for it and it is no way no shot a bug go just he's gone do whatever you want to do just do it no clue I got no clue what bugs are in gen seven that wouldn't be like a legend or Ultra Beast I know those would be nice answers but you know they're banned um we're gonna give you a Caterpie to add to the team well baby bug I love that I love that I feel bad for you on that note buddy wow all right Chillin uh let's go ahead and do this last one for you we got one last one let's spin it up knowing this it'll be gen one probably and yes that's what I wanted to see here okay let's go ahead and pull up a type for him I know he's not gonna be able to do this oh gosh I literally don't know okay I think I've already failed gen 7 dark type okay Grim snarl uh I think he's gen 8 to be honest no no no don't tell me that don't I think he is let's go ahead and double somebody get the rest somebody get the refs let's go I'm gonna go ahead and double check for us so I'm not wrong Grim Cyril is introduced in generation eight for sure no no yeah so uh that's an L there I tried to be too quick with it honestly you really did try you really did try all right chilling since uh the Grim stalls what you wanted I could give you the impudent but I'm gonna make it even better let's give you a galerian Zigzagoon how about that oh that's awesome dude yeah a little cute one a little cute one for you a little even weaker one yeah yeah well that's our final Pokemon Choice buddy this is gonna be a weird fight we did not do too good yeah a lot of babies here but you know what we could do our best I'm sure we'll be fine yeah let's go recap these Pokemon and see what we got and then we fight all right guys here's our team recap we didn't do too well okay we got a lot of babies here we actually both did terrible but here's our first hole we got rubbish with defiant boost attacks that sharply when stats are lowered that could be good yo why is trubbish so fast I just realized that is something I did not know okay poison jab that's a good stab move Shadow claw Smog and psychic Fang all right that's some decent little moves for a trubbish we can make some use of that I like it next up we got an Electrike It's gotta intimidate that actually is helpful to be honest uh spirit Shack will Thunder bang dig and volt switch that is that is some crazy moves for this little guy I'm actually totally down for that next up is a Venusaur with Justified if we get hit by a dark type move our attack gets boosted for justice I love that one we got acids seed bombs snap trap and acid armor whoa okay so seed bomb all the way basically and if we get our attack boosted that's just gonna be amazing all right that is good I'm glad Venusaur is decent because we needed it parental bond for the pita of what on Earth that is a crazy ability so basically we're gonna have like double hits kind of the second hit's gonna be a little weaker but it works for every move kind of a strange thing to have I think that's Mega Kangaskhan ability like seriously Phantom Forest Endeavor okay technoblast and surging strikes whoa dude okay what is surging strikes gonna do with parental Bond I'm actually so curious this always results in a critical hit too so that's gonna be super strong actually wow what a peat of okay zigzagoons up next with mirror armor so we bounce back stat lowering effects that's actually nice overheat Endeavor again parasong and explosion okay okay so maybe we overheat maybe we pair a song and then explode and force the switch we got choices with this I actually like that for Zigzagoon next up is Charizard the big dog with Gorilla tactics boost attack stat but only allows first move to be used that is terrible guys that's terrible we got triple kick uh that's bad anchor shot is good but we're locked into using that Flame Charge could it be amazing but again we're locked into using that burn up makes us lose our fire type so I don't even know what happens if we use that move okay I guess we'll be just flame charging away all day long that's pretty much about it alright that is all the team members guys um we actually got a pretty interesting Squad now that I'm looking at it we're decently fast so uh we might have a good shot at this let's see what we can do let's jump into the fight all right let's go over this team recap we got here got some babies we got some decent ones let's see Pichu here with Moody raises one stat sure okay that's actually really good we get a stat raised sharply and one stat randomly lowers every turn a lot of RNG there but I actually like it we got quash parabolic charge okay that's actually good cosmic power wow we can maybe do some craziness with cosmic power and parabolic charge on a real note and flare Blitz okay that's really really interesting there for the baby Pichu okay next up clavipus here who's got shed skin uh it just could heal status conditions naturally that's pretty awesome we got wood Hammer Fusion Flare high jump kick and vacuum wave uh honestly not too bad not too bad for the Platypus next manectric with sandvale Boost based into Sandstorm okay pretty useless we got coil water gun Smackdown and Thunderbolt just what you want on the electric type a thunderbolt that's huge that's actually huge next we had our primarina who's got Long Reach so we don't make contact when hitting a Target that's kind of nice there synthesis nice miss the explosion don't like that water pulse is good and power-up punch uh so Power Punch probably won't get used we do have Misty explosion for the eventual end and water pulse to spam also synthesis could be good I don't know I don't know if we'll miss the explosion or synthesis it's kind of odd but it is uh probably our best Pokemon there per Arena looking good next we got our oblivious blip bug so it doesn't get infatuated or Falls for taunts leech life bullet punch Fury cutter and bind um I guess bullet punch makes him actually hit if we're not gonna do anything at least we can do that or we could leech life it actually does 80 damage this game so that's actually pretty solid lastly we have our Caterpie here who's got pickup uh great he's gonna pick up items when we don't need that uh it's got Electro web that's slowers that slows Pokemon that's actually good arm thrust Mega horn on the Caterpie on its little baby horns that's cool and skitter smack also okay that's pretty good too so I mean it's a baby bug it's pretty trash but good moves I don't know if we'll be able to use most of these probably focusing on the beefy ones or maybe it'll be a baby battle who knows let's do this well buddy we had three seconds to choose these Pokemon and let me just say we did not do very well we didn't do good this time no I think we did actually bad yeah we only got like two right yeah all of them not the best outcome to be honest but we do what we gotta do you know what I'm saying hey it's hard you know what let the team play along and see how well they do over here please don't do enough somehow oh my gosh I can't leave he just couldn't start any worse for you pal I can't believe he could just do that is that legal what I just did uh probably not We're not gonna talk about it we're not gonna talk we cannot talk about it we could definitely just not talk about it he choose I choose Peaches I choose Pichu okay you know what's funny I can do interesting things really with this character earthquake on that guy right now that will be a problem worse buddy worse than that I have something no he's faster no oh God are you powering up the Pichu wait a second we're gonna do the Pichu you don't know let's see if it saves you from this explosion oh my God that's gonna kill that's gonna kill wow wow that ignores half of your defense because it's over it's over let's go Zigzagoon so Clowny had Moody and Parabola charge so I was just gonna be able to do some magic with it yeah I was like I could also raise the fence I was like all I need is something perfect to pop and we'd have a you know what I'm gonna drink I had uh Paris song too so I was trying to see what how I wanted to treat you you know what I'm saying oh that would have been really cheesy how did we want to treat him was the question I guess with that what do we do here we do what we got to do right that's what we always want to do what I gotta do that's for sure like I always do clavapas okay that's not ideal but we can work with it we can work with it I'm just a little guy look how I got no expression in my face what do you mean that's not what you want to deal with it's literally the perfect thing for you to deal with look how I got no expression in my face my pdub is not thinking of anything like it's literally just looking pretty fast with petof surge oh baby hit baby damage Ooh Baby damage Ooh Baby damage dang you know what's funny my thing didn't work what let me check something yeah dude I have a thing that it's not doing wow what the what I don't want to say what it is but what what I don't want to say what it is you can say what it is you can say what it is for sure uh let's try this again and see I mean no let's try it again oh wow it wasn't working and it didn't do anything it doesn't work with surging strikes maybe man that's okay that's what I'm saying I was literally like that could be broken that's what I was thinking because I had a stab normal move but I just thought that was gonna be good okay no Miss I just clicked the wrong thing I'm not even joking and I missed all right I mean the official Hardware software whoa the official software hey it is Nintendo oh man oh man oh man well luckily we talked it because we are a trash bag you really tonked it that's it I'm a bag of trash buddy you really can't hurt me you can't hurt my feelings you can't hurt me I just am what I am trash also got flippers I got flippers any withdrew okay you just it just uh I'm scared honestly okay okay okay okay psychic of things that's what I wanted to do earlier would have done a lot right is actually not terrible huh you want to know something about him buddy well he's a little Speedy for a trash bag he's definitely found your faster than my Thunderbolts though oh I think you're fast that's a laser would you believe it if I told you I had over 100 speed on rubbish that's toxic oh no no I lied so good I'm glad I don't know if you believe me but that was a lie oh that was that would have been toxic it was true you want to see if you can face off against a little brosive a little brosive what's up fam oh little sis actually intimidation oh I'm a scary dog buddy I'm a scary dog oh that's not what I wanted to see and now this is how much this does I guess let's just see how much it still does I don't know it still does plenty it still does bloody I'm going for the two tours I'm digging why did it sound like why did it sound like that that was a weird one oh man well well you don't have earthquake do you please tell me do you no then we're not staying oh he's not taking that hit blip bug okay don't knock it don't break his glasses whatever you do please dude hit him right in the jaw I already tanked it wow he's a bug so he should have been able to take it right I don't think you would handle me though bro I don't think you can handle me on a real serious level I doubt I can switch it up he switched it up he switched it up [Music] let's go I wish you had to choose before doing it that way we could let that's not supposed to happen that's so funny bro that is not supposed to happen oh four times resisted let's like give me that life oh that ain't gonna be much buddy that was a baby bite yo shout out to leech life becoming an actual move though like especially in this game I don't know when they did that but yeah um hit me with me on you want to do a little baby damage flame oh no oh yeah charge me up that's a free charge up oh no that's a free charge up buddy no charge recharge no charge that's a charge with no charge that's a free charge without a charge yep yep no it's not here it's not gonna be manectric oh it's your nightmare it's your name like if you got Flame Charge I might as well keep him out you know what I mean yeah uh putting money in uh okay well I'm gonna go for the one two tell me you're not gonna switch around is fried yeah intimidated intimidate that special attacker you care about that pulsation yeah that's what we have oh that's deadly buddy that's what we have deadly yeah it is pretty deadly isn't it that's something to fear yeah you know what else we have something to a big dinosaur yeah that's what we really have to hey I'm a Frog buddy I'm a Frog like definitely yeah that's see that I'm actually scared of on a real note like this is I am a Pokemon I'm definitely a Pokemon this guy is such a problem it's annoying actually um oh man you could switch right this is your choices and everybody's got them you could switch but it might be dangerous you could stay that might be dangerous so you're in danger pal we're good we're just gonna do what we have to do really quick ly bomb that's gonna be big right that actually hit us hey confuse them right now confused now right now I refuse to be confused I refuse oh my I thought it happened for a slight moment there oh my God this is bad this is bad news for you this is so so so bad I I you have seed mom too you can miss one of those right um not gonna comment seed bomb let's go oh my gosh it doesn't look like we can miss buddy I can't swap out on Venusaur like there's nothing to swap too oh you're gonna take a dangerous hit if you do yeah yeah I would have taken a very dangerous hit if I did buddy see what he can do now go to do Clubby Clubby Bobby Bobby let's go not enough they came out of his egg sack you saw that what was that I missed it I actually missed it but dang it that's not enough that is uh just tell me can it Miss do you always tell us yeah yeah tell me no I can't miss and it can't miss now do you feel better or worse I'm gonna left you in the dark on that one but that's a laser for you that fights no no it's so fast buddy no the club was a slow I mean for a frog though I'm fast like I look like I'm slow but I am fast for a frog chewing I guess see like I think I actually outspeed manectric can we do anything to you he's more just a strong Pokemon I don't know he's not the fastest for an electric type I will say all right well let's just see if we out speed paralyze yes paralyze that's gonna be a big boy hit oh no okay Venus can take it home buddy give me the critics nope nope we refuse paralyze please please no please GG big dogs if you guys enjoyed that one let us know if you want to see another three seconds to catch or what other challenges you want to see in the comments Gigi foreign [Music]
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 119,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 LIES 1 TRUTH Random Starter Pokemon...Then we FIGHT!, random starter pokemon, 2 lies 1 truth, 2 truth 1 lie, pokemon then we fight, pokemon then we battle, chilln play, quickgg, quick gg, chillin play, shiny pokemon, pokemon battle, We Can Only Lie 10 Times About Our Random Starter Pokémon, Then we Fight!
Id: rxvbcoQ-Q70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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