We Choose Pokemon Only Knowing Their Toes. Then We FIGHT!

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we randomized our starting Pokemon in Pokemon sword and Shields and me and my French chill and player are gonna choose our starters knowing only the toes that they have specifically the amount of toes that each starter has and using only that information we're gonna choose them now these Pokemon will have randomized move sets according to their type and random abilities and we're gonna allow up to three skips for this challenge once you have your six teammate though the challenge is done for you and after we're all done we're gonna recap our team and fight it out go chill and play get ready for this battle are you ready for the toe challenge how many toads you got down here I am ready big dog I'm standing here next to my trophies I've collected from previous W's and uh ready to stack up another one let's do this all right let's do this all right show and play I got your first set of starters here and you know what I hope you know I hope you know your toes I hope you've been staring at these Pokemon's Feats because you're gonna really understand them today nobody knows the toes like me buddy don't worry alright well starting on the left your Pokemon has zero toes in the middle four toes and on the right 12 toes okay that's a lot of toes buddy I'm walking back and forth on my toes let me get them 12 toes 12 toes down all right uh you missed out the wimpod on the left zero toast it's got flat surface wouldn't say I would say zero toast to that one okay you missed out on the explode I mean the loudrid it's only got four toes and you got an Absol with 12 toes I didn't know it had so many toes but it does yeah Absol has 12 toes I did not know that dude three a foot three each foot quick mess I have skips and I'm not using one here let's let's show ABS awesome love buddy I feel like it doesn't get enough all right laps all your first Pokemon locked in that's your team all right buddy we have the choices here for you they all do have toes I noticed you had some no toes on the toes challenge that's kind of disrespectful but you know it happens it's random on the left we've got eight toes in the middle we've got two toes and on the right we've got six toes is it more toes the merrier it could be I'm starting to think that might be the method that was my strategy for sure let's go eight toes in let's do it eight toes you missed out on the Draco fish on the right with six toes that would have been insane in the middle you missed a bonsley he's got two little he's got two feet but they don't have any toes to find yeah yeah enough for me you got a what is this guy Unfezant with the the talons bro he's got talons with lots of toes what he's got got eight toes yep he's got two on the front and then he's got the uh Talon on the back you know for grabbing you know the back Talon are three on the front and one in the back oh talents now yeah okay now I get it yeah you gotta grab it's a bird like you know what I'm saying that's an unpleasant that's an Unfezant it uh it's pretty unpleasant fully evolved though I say let's not waste a skip right now we'll take that that's okay that's okay all right we're grabbing the bird for you all right so I'm on my second set of choices here for you starting off on the left we have a Pokemon with six toes then in the middle a Pokemon with four toes and on the right a Pokemon with two toes I don't think two toes can ever be good but it might let's go for it two toes two toes thank you thank you buddy okay you missed the four toes in the middle Kabuto by the way Kabuto wow yeah he's got little four little pincers at the bottom it looks like little toe pieces you know you missed the crosma who's got six piercing toes coming out of the bottom oh that hurts yeah but you got a licky licky two toes down on that guy he's literally got two big toenails on the bottom of his feet so one of each other like he's actually not bad dude hey he's not bad he really isn't but that is your choice are you taking it yeah I don't want to use a skip on that that's a large one yeah he's kind of beefy and he's got a huge tongue good choice all right pal we got choices for you again starting off on the left here we got a six toes and then in the middle we've got a no toes no toes and on the right we've got a two toes oh man after seeing what I just saw I think six toes has to be taken let's take those six toes all right buddy you missed out on the Clefairy otherwise known as a Clee fairy two toes two little toenails down the cleft key has keys but I don't I mean these aren't toes bro yeah that's the keychain I'm saying he ain't got no toes you don't say keychain has toes when you look at it you got a baby rowlet buddy you got a baby rally he's got baby Talons well that's pretty trash you know we got skips for a reason so uh throw it in the trash can where all the other baby baby birds go please oh wow he looks clueless to what you're saying buddy if he could understand I'm sure he would be hurt but throwing him in the trash all right children play here we go with the third set of starters buddy and good luck palp starting off on the left we got one toe in the middle we got zero toes and on the right we got three toes it's such a weird amount of toes for everyone yeah I'm gonna go for zero toes maybe it's uh something maybe it's a dusk nor I don't know okay well you missed the ice cream cone with the one toe at the tip I consider that that a you know a cone tip toe yeah that's a toe yeah that's a toe to touch the ground a little bit touch the ground toe all right and you missed a that frillish the three-toe uh not a freelish actually the jealous scent it looks like a jellyfish it's got little flapper arms I gotta explain myself people don't judge me in the comments it looks like it's got flapper arms but it's got three bottom pieces that definitely tow out on the ground you know what I'm saying okay I would say those are toast I believe you and you got yourself the Goldeen fish that's just a straight-up fish that has no toast yeah it's no fish toes yeah well buddy I think you know what to do sushi that yeah okay all right gotcha Sushi flatten it up all right we're here with your starter choices here buddy we're going left to right again we've got zero toes and we've got four toes then we've got zero toes I've been going uh Max toe power this entire time I think we stay with it let's go four toes down four toes down on the ground that's a baby Sneasel buddy he's looking at me it's actually really upset that you chose I don't know why it's got such an attitude right now I'm done with the big toe gang we're going minimum toes next time big toes just in case you're curious Chandelure no toes and charger bug no toes wow charge your bug has no oh it's the little rectangle it's just a duty yeah he's just a Slither like he just slithers he's just a uh what is that shape called not a cube a uh what's a rectangular shape called if it's 3D I don't know about all that buddy but do you want to skip this what do you want to do with it I'm skipping that up yeah of course skip that are you sure that's two skips gone buddy I'm not trying to have babies on the team all right no more big toe gangs we're switching though all right show and play another set of starters are here and ready for you let's start off on the right this time with a Pokemon that has four toes then in the middle a zero toe Pokemon and on the left six toes I think six toes is a solid amount of toes I don't know it just seems like an adult amount of toes honestly no babies six tell me all right well you missed the rock rough with four toes it's got little paw toes you know uh you missed the pile of sand the pile of sand castle over here and then wow zero toe creature here it's just a sand castle castles don't have toes we all know this and you got yourself a fracture it's got six toes okay oh wait that's middle stage that's a middle stage one buddy what you want to do with that guy fracture is almost decent bro I I gotta do I gotta consult my brain well buddy that actually has crazy attack and speed it's not even bad it's actually dude do you know how good that attack is that's wild 117 wildops kind of solid I have how many skips remaining two two more skips man oh man oh man oh man it could get really bad so I think I'm gonna skip it like a Savage bro skip it like a Savage you built all that up to skip it okay all right okay all right second skip use all right buddy we've got some more toes for you I'm approaching them all right left to right we've got a one toe then we got a six toes in the middle and a six toes on the right I love the idea of six toes but you know what I said I was going one toe Savage next time low toes no more high toe lotosis let's go low Toby okay so one tote okay okay I'm like oh I think I know what he's saying you missed out on a fracture buddy that would have been so funny I wish you took him wow that would have been funny Charizard in the middle no that that would be cool actually I didn't get him he's literally smiling at me I think he loves me dude but you got a king Drew that's pretty good oh okay he's got one curled up toe is I I okay that's dope wow that's a good I thought about not counting that but you know what it's one toe bro I mean you know what I'm saying it's a toe that's enough toast for me I'm taking that not stupid okay chilling on another set of starters here I hope you're ready for this one starting on the left you've got a one toe in the middle it has four toes and on the right it's got four toes okay so we got two fours and a one I'm gonna start by subscribing to the channel because it's so easy to do and just click that button and then I'm gonna choose the one toe King Jimmy well wow you know it's actually really funny that's a one-toe horsey and I'm not joking Oh shot it's got one toe you know where the toe is you've seen it I wish I saved my skip on fracture now yeah well you missed an aurora uh fortos and Goodra which has two feet but it's got a little line in the middle which makes it four toes do you want to keep that horsey though or skip it get that horsey out of my face buddy please dang it that hurts all right that's your last skip used uh nice nice buddy all right let's see what happens next all right I'm jogging over to your choices buddy we're gonna go left to right as usual here we've got a zero toes we've got a two toes and a zero toes ah man hard choices with these double ups dude there's a lot of zero toe Pokemon out there I'm realizing it's crazy they don't all have toes man I wonder what that'd be like I guess I'm gonna go with the zero toe the first one you called okay that's actually the best choice available no joke you missed out on a zero toes little woo bat or swoo bat the baby not the not the big one huge it's just a puff ball literally uh yeah and then you got a pumpkaboo I think this is the gore guys baby all right it's the mid stage but it's got two little toes poking out at the bottom of the pumpkin interesting and then you got a done sparse for yourself bro no toes he just flops and he flies bro weird he's got Wings he's got baby Wings well done sparse isn't the best Pokemon we are all aware but I just want to send them some love so I'll keep it I'll keep it on the team yeah honestly you don't want to end up like me and skip a fracture and then get a horsey yeah exactly good choice we're adding it to your team buddy all right children you have two teammates you have used all your skips you gotta take this next random one here starting off on the right this time a Pokemon with four toes in the middle this Pokemon has 12 toes and on the left this Pokemon also has 12 toes I actually am sorry I am sorry I'm sorry I gotta correct myself right now because I just had to double check his feet he's actually got ten toes on the left give me 12 toes in the middle make it zassian well buddy you missed the four-toe rally you missed the ten toe copper Aja which is so weird it's got three toes in the front but it's back feet have two toes each very very trippy and you got yourself a friendly apple pie the Appleton oh okay okay not too bad he's got 12 toes yeah that's actually not terrible I will take that Copperhead just seems a little upset you didn't take it it's crushing me right now but that's your apple pie well it's time for you to choose I'm gonna go right to left for this time because you did six toes on the right 12 toes in the middle and two toes on the left 12 toes is a lot of toes it is a lot of toes but you know what I'm realizing I think starters are gonna have six toes because a lot of them are bipedals and they have three Nubs on them so let me get the six toe great choice buddy but let me tell you they were all good okay so uh you got a draco fish you missed it once and now you got it interesting I'll take it you missed out on the Vaporeon in the Middle with 12 toes you missed out on the scissor with one or two toes wow we got one on each yeah one little Peg but you know what you did good you did good I mean not my favorite Choice out of all three but I'll take it still still good choice and I will accept them okay chill and play time to get your fourth encounter on the team buddy starting off on the left you have a Pokemon with four toes in the middle six toes and on the right six toes I liked where you were going with the starter logic with the six toes so I think I'm gonna choose one but which one will I take middle or right six toes Wright's got to be right six toes right It's gotta be right well you missed out on the swab blue forto you missed out on the thunderous thorarian six toe in the middle oh my goodness but you got yourself a cool croa Gunk cool little crow Gunk on the right with six toes a baby oh my God he's just wagging his arms left and right he don't know what he's doing here but that's your Pokemon you gotta take it we missed the thunderous okay okay okay I don't know you know what I don't even like the hunks I don't like them all right we've got choices for you buddy now um right to left we've got a zero toes on the right zero toes in the middle and 12 toes on the left dang now I know 12 toes can be an evolution which makes me really really want them I've already gotten a good zero toe so we're gonna go 12 toes down on this one yeah taking it 12 toes 12 toes down great choice buddy that's a manectric you got it you got it really manectric yeah well the other choices are terrible you got Duo blade and coughing so coughing's literally frowning at me bro now he's smiling but neck trick how many skips do I have one more and I need one more Pokemon that's my fifth choice right yes this will be your fifth Pokemon but you do have a skip okay you know what just to be safer I'm taking the manectric and we're gonna go in the last one with the skip okay Savage mode all right chill and play you've got to get your fifth teammate here let's see what you're gonna get starting on the left a Pokemon with zero toes in the middle one toe and on the right one toe oh man where's my toes bro where's my toes no toes for the homie give me the middle one toe middle one toe well buddy you missed a gossip lure one toe on the right you missed a millsery one Joe on the left and you got yourself a one toe roly-poly oh wow wow all babies on this one okay well that's just great no skips remaining I guess that's what we get fracture seems a lot better right now doesn't he yeah he seems really good yeah yeah all right really coldly on the team we got some toes for you buddy from left to right we got six toes and in the middle we got one toe and then on the right we got two toes I'm gonna go with the six toe logic six toe logic just such a decent one really just a Butterfree you missed uh the Phantom baby and you got a Politoed Politoed I've got one more skip remaining though do I use that oh no man I can really risk it all and get nothing good politoad's actually got a decent stat amount you know what I'm taking the toad I'm taking it yeah it's fully evolved it's decent okay I was about to say that would be wild if you skipped this okay it would be wild and unnecessary at the same time yeah we're taking that that's gonna be the last member of my team okay chill and play We're on our last set of starters here for you buddy good luck on the left you have a 12 toe Pokemon in the middle you have a Pokemon with six toes and on the right you got a Pokemon with 20 toes 20 toes you say I don't even know how you would know that for sure unless it's a Phalanx or something let's go with a 12 toes please be decent that's a stunk that's a stunky one bro that's the stonkiest that sums up my team for you this Senti Scorch 20 toes down on the homie looking up at me and primarina with six toes because she only got two of hands in the front and that tail in the back that's kind of a tail yeah well that hurts but yeah that stinks yeah it really stinks yeah there is a stinky one added on to your squad all right buddy let's get these teams together recap and fight it out here we go can I have fracture back no okay here's our team recap starting off with our Unfezant it's got the ability Arena traps so we trap opposing Pokemon they can't swap out that's pretty op Crush grip mind blown pluck in Nature's Madness not too shabby they're monetric with rks system that ability is not really gonna work we got Thunder Cake that's pretty good quash Fusion bolt which is pretty big and apple acid all pretty solid there that's pretty good for manectric next up Politoed here he's got damp life do fairy swipes flip turn and dragon energy honestly not even bad kind of cheesy flip turn Dragon Energy's no P move pretty good poly toad next up Dunsparce who's got cute charm that is so cheesy actually double-edged dual chop thrash and stun sport honestly it's cheesy but probably gonna use the sack because it's done sparse it's not too strong for us next our Kingdra here has got synchronize Sophie statuses us we pass it back to him as well that's good scorching Sans waterfall Shadow punch and lunar dance yeah honestly lunar dance dude that's soapy our team's looking good guys honestly we're like so much stronger that's wild if this is so decent next drakovich Who's Got fur coat half's damage from physical moves oh just what he needed huh gyro ball Helping Hands slam and mega horn not the best moveset but we are kind of a beefy tank there and uh that is our last Pokemon yep all right there's our team honestly we look so good let's do this all right team let's take a look at chill and plays Squad here it looks a little not great guys I'm a little nervous but let's see our moves we got Absol here with Hunger switch that is just not gonna work we've got knockoff spikes luster urge and rock record I guess that's good moves I'm not gonna go for the spike setup because this is like my best Pokemon and we need to do the damage that we can okay that's Absol next we got licky licky with mirror armor it bounces back stat lowering effects that could be helpful we got air cutter that's pretty good rap is not good pain splits might be useful in mystical fire interesting that is really interesting kind of not the greatest but we can maybe work with it we got Appleton here with tangled hair or tangling hair which actually lowers attacker's speed on contact that could be good because we're dreadfully slow we got stun Spore that's good cheese outrage big damage gear up could actually go crazy mode and then Mega kick okay gear up actually only raises the attack and special attack stats of Ally Pokemon with plus so I don't know if it actually works for just ourselves I'm not I'd have to try that first but uh that could be amazing actually next we got a croa Gunk with pressure we got Venom drench Dragon Dance sacred sword if we we might actually be able to do that because ah I mean we're not the worst but we're pretty weak but maybe a Dragon Dance could make us somewhat strong next up we've got a real with steadfast to boost speed each time we Flinch that's so weird we got Stone Edge which is good rock slide high jump kick spatial Rend amazing moves on the baby Car Coal Junior um that's great and finally the stinkiest one of all the stunky with competitive to boost special attack sharply when a stat is lowered we've got corrosive gas spiky Shield that actually might be okay maybe gas or acid and Sucker Punch yikes guys well that is the team we are gonna need some rngs guys we are so uh prage for us and let's get into this fight let's do this okay chilling we've chosen our toe counts and uh now here's our teams here is our teams this is not the greatest matchup I've ever seen no it's not the best for you see this is a four-toe I mean uh I know a six toe no no how many toes this guy have he's got I think I got eight he's got eight I got an eight toe versus a twelve toe Pokemon let's see whose toes are better oh that's big Penguins disastrously annoying now we hit him with a stunning that is actually so cheesy yeah it's like cheesy of you so cheesy of you yeah yeah uh well this was a pretty bad matchup for you huh yeah I had to do what I could do you know what I'm saying yeah yeah you had to do what you had to do and you can't do what you got to do either you know what I'm saying I think I could go insane crazy oh no I can't be sweet yeah you can't do what you gotta do why the arena traps are here I was like let me start with the arena trap just in case oh man he's outrageous he's really upset about that there we go don't hit me up do not hit me and he did it anyway he did it anyway his life's over we cooked that apple pie tangling hair and I'm stunned actually kind of cheesed this gun down I think you ate the pie because you like plucked yeah you know you pecked at it maybe a little bit it was kind of delicious to be honest rolly Coley go little guy you wouldn't throw him out because this thing's so done for her but I still don't know if I can take you out Stone Edge don't miss oh wow I completely oh I was laughing so hard I missed the paralyzation message okay I thought I double missed there we go oh gosh that's her life okay whatever find something he did something you know what you really ruined that unpleasant anyway so there's no reason to bring him out and back in being paralyzed and all if you're gonna do that let's do this six toes toad six toes against is that a one toe I think that was a one-toe technique this is a one-toe just more like one wheel though we one shot Nicole that's pretty wild that is pretty wild who has to pick first here do we both choose at the same time no or you're waiting for first this is great this is great it's kind of annoying rightfully so because you just slayed me uh let's just do what we can do and what we have to do nothing more nothing less [Music] and now you get to choose that's kind of fun that's kind of fair I think nah this isn't the best situation I've ever been in but we might take your time oh it's stinky time hmm yeah you know you're liking the babysitter team over here yeah yeah chilling the babysitter it's uh kind of interesting new new Saga new new chapter your life I think right it's babysitting babies it's nice spiky Shields please do it you goodness do it to myself is that does that is that contact it's No Nonsense I had two choices and I chose the cheesier one too isn't that funny that isn't that funny suck a Punch Sucker Punch that is actually so annoying baby wow that actually did way more than that's more than enough for a baby like that that's more than enough it's not lasered wow I'm lasered and now he's double lasered oh gosh oh gosh all right no no oh wow I just misclicked faking out or not I'm not even faking I'm not even faking I was trying to go two moves down and I went one and it worked out in your favor the misplay paid off okay I literally didn't mean to wow that's actually so funny how that just perfectly worked you know what I meant to do it let's just say I meant to do it sure okay I just noticed manectric has ears it's got holes on the sides of its head just big it looks like nothing's in there oh okay Absol I don't know who's faster between us but I'm not sure either which makes me want to just do what I gotta do if I go oh do something crazy such a large move big move oh my how is Absol not faster than me oh my gosh that's a massive Rock I hope that's enough oh my goodness bro 150 Rock by the way yeah that's a big rock like that's a boulder that's a yeah it's not even a rock that's a boulder for sure it's a rock it's not just a folder it's a rock no it's a boulder um down and out come on yeah come back out here and do your thing do your thing probably toad do your thing is it gonna flip and turn again I hope not he might he might turn you might flip oh he might turn oh my goodness it's all about it we lived we lived we lived we lived that's actually funny how not fair that is but it's fine it's fine because why the Draco we got the Draco big dog wrecking again that is actually a bowling can eat it luckily we eat those gyro time it was a snack bro yeah he literally just like there's a slice of pizza ready to go it's at the gas station you know what I'm saying yeah ate it up yep gas station pizza slices five out of ten now something leads me to believe something's leading me to believe that I can do this buddy okay I like the faith you have in yourself I thought I would see some toxic spikes from that guy right away to be honest but I'm putting the pressure on you buddy just know that just just know okay okay okay I just realized okay interesting oh gosh what do we do here I guess we do this and just see what he does what's the pressure what you gonna do with all that pressure come on you can miss that oh my gosh you could have been hits too I could have really been dead oh my gosh I'm glad I didn't swap out because I was about to swap out okay okay okay okay okay okay that's actually so funny come on I wish you could miss one probably won't I'm faster now I'll have to give you the I'm gonna have to give you the tip on this one buddy it turns out this guy had a fur coat on which oh damage moves there's Dune from the beginning that was yeah yeah this guy this guy was kind of a monster monsterally tough here oh man the big tongue Mega horn you can miss that yes you can cutter oh man I gave him the tip he needed oh God that's no crap at all no oh you're looking for the crits I'm looking for the big hits come on Mega horn laser please Mega horn Miss again because I need it and give me the crit no no no no no no no no no that is a huge horn actually wow you ate that beefed up wow [Music] there we go oh wow what a two tanks taking on each other you gotta Miss there didn't miss there give me the crit this time don't leave him on one don't leave him one no you didn't leave us alone when you left us on 13. technically I mean that's basically One Missed basically one but it's not me buddy he lived with wood got him wow I can't believe you're able to there goes the Draco fish dude how many Pokemon do you have left um I got a flip turning Politoed and I got this oh you might have just given me a chance to win what do you mean I don't know let's not let him have the chance I think it's over with pain Splitters no way that's big for me that is huge actually double edge missed oh gosh check them out you know what that makes pain split way worse for you though I'm actually okay with it I'm actually okay with it that's the funny part yeah he's actually okay with it but you know what I haven't got the crit I deserve yet so it's time [Music] oh geez Lord [Music] GG buddy yeah good try with the with the baby's going if you guys enjoyed that hit the like button let us know you want to see in future videos Gigi buddy that's parse Opie that's parse Opie
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 127,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vGSPh4WA67Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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