We Catch RANDOM Ghost And Normal Pokemon For DOUBLES BATTLES... THEN WE FIGHT!

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me and my friend chilling player are about to do a doubles battle against each other but our teams are only going to consist of three normal and three ghost type now we have randomized all of the wild Pokemon out here in Pokemon sword and shield and we've also randomized moves according to type and their abilities me and chill play are gonna go around and catch the first fully evolved Pokemon to add to our teams and once we have our three ghosts and three normal types we're gonna fight it out chill play you ready for the challenge well big dog I'm more than ready I'm prepared and I'm out here on a beautiful sunny day and there's laser beams coming out of the ground and incredible Pokemon chasing me sounds like a good time buddy let's do this all right let's start off this Challenge and go find some normal or ghostly ones Tyranitar nothing here okay a bunch of Kabutos dude these things change okay is that tranquil fully evolved no it's not that's not it's not fully evolved oh Cabo chops okay any ghastly ones I need gossly ones specifically at Gengar is what I want to see but any other decent ghostly ones oh my goodness it's a celestialia can't even say the name right maybe normal wait Malamar is that dark psychic or ghost psychic I think it's dark psychic actually yeah it is dark psychic okay let's keep moving surprise there's no ghosts here for us at the Watchtower that's wild okay a lot of beefy ones but no ghosts and no beefy normal types holy eternitus okay well it's a dragon poison not usable also we're not using Legends for the challenge oh a baby ghost and origin against the Legendary Legendary normal the legend of Legends when it comes to randomized normal types for the challenge sadly can't be used because no Legends and Reggie is just way too op we got literally oh I almost forgot wait a sec wait a sec wait a sec decidua is a grass normal type it is actually grass normal I said grass normal no no grass ghost it's a grass Ghost type which is kind of clutch because it's a starter that's got a really good BST hopefully it's good estia isn't based at total but we gotta hope that it's got the moves it needs honestly alright decidueye with own Tempo can't be confused that's kind of nice we got pedal dance which is clutch for our own Tempo actually really that's so cool okay Power whip also which is huge overheat which is deadly in Flash cannon that is an insanely good moveset guys we're actually really happy with that decidua very happy all right we keep it moving now we've got our first Pokemon what else are we gonna find I really didn't think about decidueye as a choice I completely forgot that there's a starter ghost that's so interesting anything else anything else out here sag whoa whoa whoa I just saw something come and go oh my goodness yes there it is a drift limb a flying ghost type so another good ghost on the team we like this actually triple is really good and since we're doing a doubles battle drip limb is going to be really clutch because it can't get hit by earthquake the flying type is actually super super useful there all right on the team driflin please have good move sets now all right driftlin with the ghost flying type with torrent Powers up water type moves in the Pokemon's HP is low weird uh pluck heel Bell snipe shot which is actually good for torrent and Sky attack well I mean I couldn't really ask for you know a better move with that ability so we take this we take the drift limb knots too bad Sky attacks two turn yeah but heel Bell is also good in case they cheese us out so no it's pretty decent still we take that all right team members chill and play Squad I'm not gonna lie to you while we were doing that intro I think I saw a Josie Ghost type over here oh a dusk nor that is actually massive for a ghost type member to have this is like one of the best ghosts you can get it's more of like a kind of a tanky damage dealer it's not like a cannon or anything but the beefiness is nice hopefully we just get some good moves on that that's our first ghost though okay guys we got dusk Noor here it's got flare boost for the ability so we boost our special attacks when we get burned could be good maybe if it happens we got muddy water Moon guys beam Roar and lick okay Moon guys beam is actually really good that'll do good damage to quickiegi's ghosts and it's also nice to have muddy water in case we need it for the uh enemy normal types that's a good ghost to start and I'm not even lying when I say this team I'm pretty sure yeah double Gengar is right here we got The Happy Guy we'd love to see it I love Gengar dude always been one of my favorite Pokemon definitely one of my favorite ghosts that is a welcome catch and uh this one's kind of a more I won't lie it's kind of a weaker Pokemon in terms of definitely defensive stats but it's fast and it can hit hard so hopefully we'll get some good moves on that that's our Gengar for the team too definitely not near as bulky as our dusk nor okay Gengar please be good sound proof so we can't take any sound base damage uh that's actually nice something I guess we got grassy terrain weird Gunk shot Asha spray Dragon Rush yikes that is actually not a great Gengar I mean gunshot is really good but it's inaccurate and our attack stats aren't that great we're more of a special attacker okay that's our Gengar could have been better we are looking for only whoa wait a second there is a floating castle in the water that I actually can catch I was gonna say we're looking for a ghost and three normals but I just found the last okay where's how do I get down there wait wait wait for me wait for me buddy I can't get over there wait wait let me go around we got a ghost sand castle in the water hopefully it stays there when I move around I'm not sure if it's actually gonna stay there or not guys I'm a little nervous about that but we also do need three normal Pokemon so let's go ahead and finish off these ghosts here if we can please still be here we're ready to go where did he go really wow wait a second it's not here guys literally it's not here wow that is so crazy how am I supposed to get that castle is it gonna be back I'm literally bugging out trying to figure out how to cat look it's there again it's there again do I ring the bell just stay there is it a tease it isn't just a teasel teasel castle I'm ringing my bell but nothing seems to be happening and I got an encounter all right we're just gonna get away from that thing and continue on our adventure say that's you know a failege we still need three normals anyway before we even need our last ghost so I'm not gonna be in a rush to catch it let's go ahead and look for some normal ones and and I just drove by the last ghost okay well it cursed Sola not what I normally would want but still it's pretty beefy it's actually kind of good I think it actually has really good special attack whatever it has we do have to master ball it so we're catching right now and hopefully it's got the move sets yeah but it is actually a special defensive and a special attacking Pokemon so hopefully it's good okay cursola with cheek pouch which is not useful here astonish confused Ray ice Beamer and Dragon Rush actually ice cream is gonna be really nice to have with our special attack and Confused Ray for the cheese okay we take that cursola pretty weird uh ghostly tree there and that is our last ghost too so we still have to catch three normal ones let's go do that now right South Lake where is Snorlax where's Tauros where are my normal ones where's my miltank where's Kangaskhan the classics the most normal thing that we saw was a Reggie gigas so far so that's kind of sad Let's uh let's let's hope that we get a decent one coming up a Snorlax will be really nice to see there are bad ones like bunnery and stuff so oh my God are you serious I literally was just talking about you and now you're yeah I gotta catch you now though I gotta catch you wow a wild low Pony not what I wanted to catch but what I have to catch because I encountered it all right Little Pony master ball in this we all know it's kind of basic it's just kind of fast but not even like crazy fast good it's just it's weird all right let's see our low punny hopefully we got physical attacks here we got synchronized okay that's actually good Power Trip fake out oh that's actually cheesy secret sword and recover wow actually guys I'm not even joking that could be good if he tries to Power Trip on us we can Power Trip him and that is a dark type which is good against ghosts fake out to fake out any normal type and sacred sword to just destroy normal types it's actually really really good guys that's a really good bunny wow after I was hating so bad that's crazy all right we're looking for a normal type we're looking for last Ghost type here we go a ground ghost that's actually nice to get the uh double typing there go lurk that is another beefy ghost on the team we will take it I think the only bad thing I'm really kind of considering now is I think muddy water might hit my allies as well and if that's the case oof we might accidentally take this Golurk out but we'll see we'll be careful try not to do that that's our third ghost already dude we're literally done with the ghost we just need all the normals now all right we got Golurk here with gooey which is actually pretty good contact will lower the attacker's speed we got Tailwind oh that is a good doubles battle move night days psychic fangs and dig you know what dig a stab and it could make for some interesting plays because it's a two turn and we're in a double battle night days is a good move to use against ghosts so you know what that is a pretty good goaler we'll take it all right all we need is normal types now so let's see we can find here I'm hoping for like a normal flyer maybe like raviary or a normal fighting that is so weird but that might be really good actually that might be really good all right we got beware guys this is actually a normal fighting type which is kind of good for this challenge I'll be real because if we actually get some fighting type moves we're gonna be smacking those normal types down yeah that's actually really good wow hopefully hopefully and our first normal type captured okay we got beware here kind of a Beefcake honestly I hope he has moves we got Overcoat to protect us from and hail and powders okay Bill pulls Flame Charge head charge round yo we got two charges that's a weird Pokemon but you know what heel pulse can actually be used for doubles battles so maybe it'll be good unfortunately no fighting moves that is kind of garbosian but that's our beware we'll take it I guess okay we got two more normal types to add to the team to finish off our Squad here so let's go find him lopunny was really surprisingly good so now I got my hopes up for the next ones okay dial no no whoa whoa this is not jangmu what is this called grandpa drampa is a dragon but I think it's a normal Dragon let me double check but I think this isn't the only normal Dragon there is yes yes it is it's a normal dragon type drampa okay that's that's massive actually we literally are getting a dragon on the team so we resist so many things it's actually like a gross typing guys I love that oh grandpa you just gotta be good with some good special attacks that's all I need from you okay just give me some disgusting dragon breath and we're good all right ball fetch so not good because we're not throwing pokeballs follow beam metal burst shift gear breaking swipe okay well breaking swipe's not good bubbling is actually good for us because it's a special attack but like that amazing move metal burst is cheesy I think that's what we're gonna have to do we got the metal burst page with the cheese we're not fast so it's gonna work most of the time all right grandpa uh that's that's that's you oh a little creepy but that's you wow what a big normal type to pick up there we need one last normal type now and our team is literally set up for greatness I'm just looking for that beefy Snorlax I don't know where it is but I know it wants to join the team oh well Lord that's beefy but that's not Snorlax oh and we've got the final one right here it is a beefy one I'll be real licky licky is not not beefy but it's not what you wanted still not too bad it's basically a slightly weaker Snorlax that's all it really is so we take it all right lucky just have what we need it's honestly an all-around Pokemon so anything we have on this is good as long as it has some kind of attacking moose all right licky licky with corrosion can poison its Target even if it's Steeler poison type that's interesting acid armor Fury swipes Endeavor and terrain pulse what that is a really weird moveset guys I guess Endeavor is good but like I don't really see I guess we could acid armor one time tank out another hit Endeavor for the cheese but we're slow so it's not gonna really pop too well that is actually pretty garbage leaky licky guys it's probably the worst member there but that's the squad uh hopefully the rest of us can cover that but I don't feel too bad it's honestly really really a decent team it really is let's do this we need two more normal types honestly I'm hoping for like a Braviary like I said earlier like a normal flyer oh my God I just literally dodged those Pokemon like a pro do you guys see that holy cow but I'll also take something strong and Speedy and beefy like a miltank maybe if we see it yo you know it would be great actually if we can see it in obstacoon because an obstacoon would literally be normal dark and that means if we're lucky lucky we'll have those dark tie moves oh my goodness oh I'm getting chased down by the Sharks I literally forgot it doesn't have to be the first the ones that you see for this challenge like it kind of usually is we really do have a choice for this um but honestly I'm really kind of satisfied with the ones I've picked so far to be honest anyway I probably would have chosen I feel like we got a good amount of coverage right now I just saw it biberal but I'm definitely not catching that or not a bib roll I'm sorry I shouldn't have even disrespected him agreedent agreedent we don't want that normal flying type tojicus actually this is a fairy now oh I forgot dude oh my goodness there it is oh he's walking like a Savage buddy I gotta get all these little babies out of the way and grab the man the miss the obstacoon we like it now this is actually a normal dark type guys which means if we're lucky enough to get those dark time moves we're actually gonna be great what the heck oh now that is interesting but actually wait a minute oh no oh God okay well obstacoon we're gonna go ahead and catch that and just see how that goes I guess could be good it could be bad I don't even know now I kind of wish I didn't have that you know what at least for a double battle that could be nice because we'll get to like transform and Scout some of the enemies moves that's not so bad all right we got obstacle in here with imposter uh which I don't know I mean we should have to deal with that I don't really know how I feel we got technoblast supersonic stuff cheeks attack order okay so we really weren't even that great anyway honestly so you know what we'll just use imposter with this and see what happens it's gonna be kind of funny okay and we got one more Pokemon to catch it needs to be a normal type and then our team is complete I wonder what we're gonna get oh loud it's loud is pretty good but not like crazy good honestly it's just a regular normal type uh you know what explode is kind of cheeks honestly I'm not gonna catch it I'm not gonna catch it I would much rather have like a mill tank or something just better okay back on the challenge Beach I really don't think there was anything over here of Interest I kind of cruised by earlier oh all right no speed but you know what this thing is Beefy I'm gonna have to take this licky licky I got to it's definitely way better than an Exploud if we get some physical attacking moves we're pretty good too and since it's a double battle I don't know he'll either have to deal with us or we're gonna have to get we'll soak up some damage and try to do what we can I mean it could be good for a doubles battle to be honest please have something good licky licky that's our final Pokemon too our final normal type and uh yeah let's go over and we'll jump into this fight see what happens okay here we go guys we got the licky licky the final one it's got compound eyes which could be good uh honestly we'll see mind reader Heat Wave which kind of hits everybody I don't like that that much I think Heyday and takedown man that is kinda cheeks that's very kind of cheeks guys I'm not gonna lie but that's our licky licky oh guys that's our final Pokemon I'm feeling pretty decent let me know in the comments you guys think it's gonna win definitely kind of weird but I do believe in us we got some good uh Pokemon on the team as well let's see what happens okay Joe play we have our normal ghostly squads now and uh they look pretty interesting they look pretty weird doubles battles doubles battles dude this is actually a really interesting idea like I don't know I think this was really cool we'll see what happens yeah this is interesting let's see if my uh let's see if what I have is gonna work will what happens what you have work with the go lurk yeah let's see what happens here with steel wow I'm actually glad you saw that one really yeah I'm kind of glad you stole that one all right let's see that now all right and with this guy what do we do we do what we gotta do we do yeah this is quite yeah yeah interesting interesting character huh I don't I don't like that that happened that was not what I had in mind honestly sniper are you serious this should oh it's broken it broke my game a little bit but that's fine yeah that was that half HP I can't tell nine days of Our Lives lower speed to oh oh yeah we're about it we're actually accuracy that's even worse no way you're gonna miss those Snipes now wow all right here's a few swipes wow wow a couple of swipes wow Gloria ow that actually hurt oh you're becoming disgusting I'm becoming and yeah that was actually kind of disgusting wasn't it uh um I well that is interesting yes we can just do what we gotta do I guess we just do what we gotta do yeah it is isn't it isn't it did you have earthquake on that Golurk and we were just gonna hope that it worked out and just slayed everyone was that the plan no no hold on buddy I'm thinking right now if you don't mind all right I'm like you're such a weird fight right now this is such a weirdo this battle is interesting double battles is very different than a normal battle man like it's I feel like I'm playing more like chess now you know what I'm saying I have to think a lot more ahead because I don't know what to do yeah I got four Moves In One turn you have to worry about now don't have to hope for the criticals you know I feel like they didn't do drippling right his hair swoosh just doesn't look right in this gen you know yeah he does this look like a puffball though you know what let's see what we do here please kill me oh my God night the days wow so it does ow I wish it wasn't absolutely terrible wow yeah it is pretty it is pretty awful actually [Music] what's up what's happening what just happened is you just realized it's a terrible move that we're using um man oh my goodness oh my goodness oh man oh man oh man that's how I feel right now let's do you know what I'm gonna do what I gotta do too let's see let's do what we gotta do and then double accuracy lowered by the way I hope so yeah that did happen that did happen sniper can't miss can it that's why it's a snipe shot or can it or can it can it let's find out I'm not sure actually but I'm challenge it buddy challenge I don't like this I don't like this let's do this let's just do this I don't like this either dude with Drew okay perfect wait a second oh my God I'm I'm bugging what do you mean I just I just took two homies I thought that was the first one I pressed a I didn't realize I didn't realize I was doing that to take advantage take advantage oh wow oh wow that's actually ridiculous it's actually ridiculous but at least expect me yeah that's actually your swipes it's actually huge there um so we do now we do this does this affect you or oh my God I didn't mean to do that I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupid actually wow the missed clicks are so real I'm not even joking the missed clicks are gonna send me out dude I don't know if you're messing with me what are you doing oh that's me what's going stop stop for this challenge is ridiculous you trying to fake me out you're funny you're funny night daisers oh my goodness I can't that's your accuracy too right oh yes it is of course it is yeah now you're gonna miss don't you dare overheat em ups yes you know what what he did a lot I should not have used that move and you lowered your special wow what's your plan yeah see that's your plan in there bud I got choices at least you know at least I got choices I got choices too buddy can you let me know that I can make the right one anytime I saw this coming in this is actually a little bit scary moving oh that's not what I wanted though but we'll take it and honestly while we're at it let's do a little bit of this do a little bit of that and a little bit of this yeah buddy you know what I'm saying buddy uh do I know what you're saying to me right now no I'm not sure actually this might take a while this fight might take a while it could take a little bit it could take a lot of thinking going on just keep in mind the 20 minute mandatory let's just do this because just Pokemon sword of course okay it's okay we eat those we eat those good brain energy oh my God that's my entire life that's my entire I don't know maybe not maybe not have Gunk shot that's my entire life buddy I don't have good attack though okay all right yeah that's gonna give you a powerful whip wow I thought that was gonna do damage this wood Hammer okay wow nice hit buddy yeah yeah you love to see it actually well let's do what it is oh well that we have got to do let's do that let's do that and pray let me try this I'm gonna let's do that in Rage let's do that you can do that not sure who's fast it might be enough give me the Flinch no attack I got no attack that's the problem here recover me okay wow I actually forgot you were you would even do that that's actually so cheesy of you that [Music] of it I am weary hey okay okay okay okay I'm gonna do this this is gonna be nice I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this thing oh you want to do making two choices you do that I'll do this but I'll double this if you're gonna do that I'll do this and just do what you need Dragon Rush Miss ions yeah that's your whole entire box 70 accurate right 85 I think or something that's insane same charges wow dude oh very scary and it speeds me up let's go hold on that is gonna be a Stanley Steemer Beamer it's not gonna be enough though um it's basically quite enough not quite enough I think it basically is actually welcome welcome to the lowest of punish oh yeah yeah you don't like to see it do you I don't like to see it that much buddy I didn't think you would I didn't think you would and now we do what we gotta do and now we do what we gotta do that bear is thinking that's so funny he put his hands up to his chin and goes and then he looks back down I know what you're planning you know what I'm planning oh you actually did it you might not do it mostly you might not do it and there's the Miss finally oh finally I'm so sick of all you all your hits you've never deserved that I didn't deserve that I needed that I actually needed to see that guy that guy gone that's huge now that is huge oh no it's okay buddy I got massive I got don't worry I got choices you don't worry got real choices like that oh you don't worry about a thing buddy you got the beefiest of ghosts around I got Mr hands beefiest ghosts that have that has ever rained ghosted yeah that's actually scary uh you're ready for the pain buddy you ever heard of The Pain Games The Pain Games we're playing them right now I'm curious I'm curious oh that could be my body but I'm gonna live because I'm tanky that's not enough now you're done now you're done oh my gosh there's a lot is that gonna one shot I believe he does a lot oh oh my God oh my God I'm a special defense tank I'm a special defensive tank it's breaking my entire game bro you just broke my game I'm not lying it was like three frames yo that was a moon Geist Beamer yeah that's actually terrifying that's actually terrifying actually it would be even more terrifying if I had another ghost that was weak to it hmm say hello to my drampa a grandpa a dream Grandpa get it right get it right grandpa grandpa grandpa drampa I wasn't done it's Miss trampa to you I think I might have what I need to win this buddy does this affect you like that wow I'm feeling pretty good that's massive do you do you feel pretty weird oh what you got I'm a little nervous about what you got I'm a little nervous about you guys what's the last thing you got oh my God it didn't kill the freaking and there goes my accuracy and there goes my accuracy kill the low Pony dude come on dusknore what are you good for my tax down yucky yep let's do this what lick liquor up lick them up yikes let's see how you approach this situation come back here please come back please I'm scared the sword is sacred oh my God maybe I shouldn't have done that actually I thought you're gonna hit me down okay finally that thing is gone that thing was nice it's not good because it's it's such a weak Pokemon and I guess yeah I mean you saw how it works for me it didn't yeah Muddy Waters how do you lower that accuracy he did not take that too well you did not take that and there we go actually we're good we're good we're good it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine we're fine all right all right we'll see are we Dynamics fun are we dynamaxing no sir no Siri how does it even work for this to be honest I'm not what would happen Dynamax or what um does this hmm okay I hope I can do this but I know that grandma grandpa is pretty decent so okay we're gonna do another licky licky I know what you have on the licky licky we're gonna just do this we're gonna do this that's what we're gonna do that's what we're gonna do brick beans only brick Bane moves only whoa okay whoa I'm tanky oh okay Are You Gonna Stop Me Now take downers please do a lot please do a lot nice not bad not bad uh now hit him with the muddiest ones and lower his accuracy while you're at it ah tell me this works metal burns them up oh oh wow that did nothing oh it's a little bit of damage that did nothing I like how he did like some crazy movement with his tentacles that did nothing all right to go savage or to go Maniac let's see if this works like this please tell me this works just tell me this works okay so we're fine yeah we're actually fine yeah you're actually totally fine watch what I hit you with this buddy this is the double this is the grand finale you ready for this is the grand the double decker okay tell me more about it please bro you just got so many good moves or doubles battles it's kind of like you cheated no way three four yeah GG if you guys liked it hit the like button let us know in the comments what else you want to see as a challenge and good fight pal bye
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 103,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We Catch RANDOM Ghost And Normal Pokemon For DOUBLES BATTLES... THEN WE FIGHT!, POkemon then we fight, Then we fight challenge, pokemon then we battl, chillpnay, chillnplay, chilln, quickgg, realqucik, shiny pokemon, pokemon randomized, kaizo ironmon, pokemon battles, pokemon friends battle, funny pokemon, pokemon challenge
Id: 0Es7b_ahhkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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