Is it Possible to Beat Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Without Touching a Single Coin?

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so there have been plenty of coinless challenges lately and at this point it almost seems that we're running out of Mario games to cover so from there the logical extremes to look to the spin-offs and when we've got a title like 2014's treasure tracker the name makes me curious so today let's see can we beat captain toad treasure tracker without touching a single coin well first look into this one we're gonna need to know where coins come from because we're gonna need to know how to avoid them so hidden treasure tracker you can get coins by killing enemies smashing blocks throw-in certain items holding an end mean place long enough with a stylus or cursor which Otto collects a coin for your hard work and obviously picking them up invisible or not so if that's how we can collect coins in the game then what makes this so different from other Mario coin less runs well si toad can't jump which makes it much harder to avoid coins that come in your path there's no time limit to worry about which is good because we need a lot of patience for this challenge and then we don't have any access to any power-ups that would help us avoid in any other way they get to nookie suit or even Cappy neither of those are in this run and it's gonna be a lot harder because of it so if those are the basics for the run and we already know our main objective I'm not trying to touch a single coin then what's off-limits really not a whole lot but at minimum I personally didn't use the freebie invincibility given out when you die too much on a stage it just didn't feel right and second player could be banned but the addition of throwing turnips actually collects coins and really didn't help my experience so I'm not sure if it's that necessary here but with all that out of the way let's get into the run a first book starts off playing simple with the captain himself and as you might guess level 1 is pretty easy peasy there's not much of a hassle here just don't go for any of the extra coin traps lying about and you'll be all good make it to the star collect as many gems you want and you'll be good to go for this one on to level 2 and I'm Lea enough here we actually start to see some trouble I thought this level was impossible see the way that I thought you were supposed to do it is that you get on the corners of the bridge as they're rotating and then from there rotate around the other corner and come back on the other side of the coins but the problem with this is that during your second rotation your backpack will actually clip with the hitbox of the invisible wall to your right which always push you to collect that coin on the second bridge let me mention this isn't fixed when you're small because your hip box actually stays the same between small and big captain toad as well as coins generally having a sphere of motion for their hip box and all this came together and meant that I was always getting one coin on this stage and I'll admit I would have given up here but then I started sleuthing I was looking all over for info on this stuff until my friend said look into the speedrun community and it all changed so I'd run the captain toad speedrun discord and got all of his help in fact the same question had already been answered before shout-out to Velux Ian for actually sharing the video on how to do this part and you know what big shout out to the whole captain toad speedrun discord they were all super knowledgeable about the subject and they helped to answer all my questions and how to do the run and I couldn't have done it without them alright so here's what we do the new strategy first wave for the bridge to line up straight and then hold it with your cursor as you line up your right foot on this blade of grass to then go straight you'll have just enough room on the edge to actually make it past all of the corns and one straight shot an extra tip I would recommend here is to zoom in with the X button to actually get a real good shot and remember this because it's gonna be super helpful for the rest of the run and from there you beat below with no coins no problem and compared to what we went through there three and four actually cake walks you're gonna want to hang around level four for a while though because you can actually farm 1ups for no coins at the top of this pillar and yeah it takes a while but we'll need a lot of these for the next few techniques plus we can't exactly get one up some coins anymore and since each game over is gonna talk to us with a coin minigame I think it's best to avoid that so I would recommend you play your favorite music or podcast and then just blaze through this for a while until you're well into the double digits in live counter once we have enough fly us we actually head over to level 5 and honestly it starts out simple enough the old level centers around double cherries and from here we split up the characters in the maze watch for invisible coins and we can even snag a mon the way no hassle oh boy but when you get down it's a whole other story so here we're actually stuck in small paths on both sides with a daunting coin in front of both of her totes now I must have spent a couple hours in total trying to research an out of box trick or some weird hitbox manipulation just to get past this but no we're locked in there with one way out and we have to collect that coin and leaving me I tried all that I could think of here I even switch between different versions because the 3ds in particular is known for less coins but in everything I attempted no luck it's all just mandatory coins there regardless of release dad insult to injury you have to collect multiple coins that spawn after you collect that initial one the game forces us well into the double digits to actually just get past this one segment we even have to kill a shy guy and after we walk through that cruel coin path with our two Toads it looks like we'll finish off the level with about a 30 coin range but this can be deceiving because if you finish the level with a clone it actually gives you an extra 10 coins so minimum coin run requires you let the elevator go back down and then fling your buddy off the cliff moral of the story this whole level just serves to make us feel bad and to make matters worse that level isn't skippable but you know what is the immediate next level you've gotta be kidding me to be truthful everything else in toads world is fairly simple to do coinless a wheelspin staircase sure just want a good alignment or done minecart level so long as you don't toss the turn up there's no coins on the track and you're good to go really those are just a free pass and like level 2 I actually thought 1-14 was impossible because these invisible coins on the platform that you cross if we look at the individual level speedrun here it shows that you can just about make it across see totus very little air mobility compared to say Mario but he can make just a few pixels and a lot of the world record times for beating these individual levels are set through these key manipulations of pixels so for example feet in the first level in 10 seconds like Simon Z which is just complete craziness and worth noting here is that these strategies are finicky and therefore not always seen in a full-out speedrun but in IL they run rampant and i'd recommend you check out the aisle strategy for any levels you have problems with during this run and this allows us to get across with no issue and beat it with zero coins perfect now 115 would seem like a huge problem it's full of - pads so our slow going patience is practically impossible here and it would seem like a huge issue but unlike 1-5 it's completely skippable and from there we could beat Wingo with little problem 3 gems no coins and then save toadette to watch the credits roll okay so toads run cannot be done coinless and from what I can tell the theoretical minimum is about 30 coins but what about is better half can the toadette campaign that we just opened up after toad be beaten coinless all right let's find out world to toad ad here we've got another 18 levels to test our no coin knowledge and like world one we can get past the first level with a little issue on this one actually the slide might seem like a hassle but you can just fall off this ledge to the rim down below and block past all the coins which is unfortunate because we'll need some serious cash to pay for to--that's medical bills after that fall geez but then we get to level 2 and apparently the game is a habit of throwing us off right up the game so right here there are three mandatory coins leaving this draw and a theoretical two after you drop down to the star and as much as I try to research another way here the individual level record even tank six coins here I just couldn't find a way to avoid it and sadly this is much more of a problem in Toad Nets run than toads 2-4 three unavoidable coins at the walkaway 2-5 the exit pipe gives you one right there and actually you would end up getting more unless you pull a certain fall skip from the top of the red pipe down to the tip the stairs for props to boobs and stuff for pointing this one out to me I thought I'd have to go along the trail of Goomba floats and get way more coins but from there we can go on to two - nines dragon Don's revenge and unfortunately we have to pick up one coin from this little rotation and there's no bail out from there and let me tell you after you've hit a certain amount of coins that are just necessary for you to hit it gets a little disheartening I mean even the farewell cutscene has you getting coins seriously this is just a point A to point B playable scene of riding the dragon out and you can shoot fire to get more coins but it's not really necessary you can't even duck underneath them because the dragon's head is so gosh darn big that it hits the bottom but whatever there's no coin counter here or in the menu so we'll just say doesn't count like toad hordes away and his tent from earlier you think you're so slick toad but I see they're stashing away don't you lie to me you little mushroom headed free look if we want to talk about the most painful level of the toad at run to go through that's easy it's 2-18 the final level it's not even that hard it's just a pain to watch unfold unlike the Wingo encounter at the end of captain toads run toe deaths story ends with a gauntlet of enemies so we need to wipe out each and every enemy to open up the gates to proceed and that means killing enemies which of course means collecting coins for every single and the bridges are programmed to only open up after you kill every single enemy and as far as I know there's no way to get about this without collecting at least 30 coins but that's what we call it for tonette story and it leaves off in the cliffhangers the two are split up once again just like last time and with that cutscene we missed the mark on another coinless run and from what I can tell this one has a theoretical minimum of 40 coins so at least oh that's richer than toad that's a plus I guess but a the game itself said to be continued so let's save chapter three comes through here we're doing it world 3 toad and toadette story now this is definitely the longest world in the whole game with 28 levels to play through and right off the bat we come to 3-1 and it already seems bad up the game rotating platforms goofy lava monsters and coins littered about seriously how can we get through this one it's gonna take hours just to oh okay you can hold the rotating platforms steady with the cursor alright easy one honestly that's near verbatim to my first experience to this stage but sure enough you can let the level just keep the change and bail out no problem now 3-2 would actually break the run here with how many spikes we have to kill and you can't even avoid it by standing on the corners since it'll actually course-correct you over to kill the spike since once they seesaw back up you actually gravitate towards head stomping these guys regardless but like all our favorite run ruiners it's completely skippable which I'm fine with it's about time we could just cut past level 2 and we make it past 3-3 with little issue but then we hit our first struggle of world 3 you see even if you expertly use one of these pickaxes or to avoid them entirely from what I can see you'll always get at least one coin coming through you know just be taunting you up from your coin counter as you're forced to pick it up absolutely brutal but the real no coin nightmare comes in 3-13 which really lives up to the golden part of its name packed to the brim even if you could somehow expertly avoid all the coins in these platforms the set trajectories the canons always fill your pockets with something and let me tell you it's downright annoying to spend all this time avoiding the coins just to see your counter end up near the 70 range at the end and please if there's some secret way to pass through this one coinless i'd love to see it but the greedy dragon wins this round and from here the game designers just start laughing at us 3 - 18 trucks you nine coins as you try to avoid the magikoopas you see at the end of the level you actually have to kill each and every one of the match Koopas three kills gives you three coins each and nine coins but we end the level with you have to collect a series of three coins one at a time to beat three - 19 which is unfortunate because it makes the whole DK throw back way less special but of them 3:21 probably stings the most if you can get past those ghosts through some expert timing and cursor control because yeah you can't just blast them with light or they'll give you a corn on the death you'll still beat the level with a theoretical 10 because collecting the star kills nearby enemies and gives you coins I can't even get down to ten but I was hoping to just clear it with one coin up until that final encounter sent me right to eleven it was a disappointing realization to say the least and from this point of the run these little gem gates blocking off the next levels will become your biggest enemies but so many the gems that we need here either blocked in coins or simply in levels off-limits to the run so our stash runs low by this point and here's the go around I figured out Midway to solve this all you see nearly every level that you can do coin lists you can do three gems let me explain first start off by playing a level through and snagging every single diamond in one life regardless of coin counter after that find some way to kill off poor toad and respawn this is the reason you're gonna need so many of those lives from 1-4 so make sure to go farm some extra before this point and doing this your coin counter is reset to zero but you'll still all the gems granted you don't game over or leave the course and when you beat the stage it just goes off of what your coin counter was when you got the star nothing else so technically we can stay coinless using this technique is it cheap sure but I'd also say it's fairly necessary and not really game breaking since hey we're the ones not following the rules here plus it's not like the game hasn't gotten its fair share of cheap coin shots on us so this is just our way of getting even but after using that technique to stash up and blaze way past all the levels doing our best to stay away from every coin we possibly can we end up at our final encounter of the Wingo and level 328 this one is actually a breath of fresh air it can be done entirely coinless just make sure to avoid the extra mushroom from blue toad if you're already big and then work your way up to the bird send a couple of his turn was back Adam watch out for the lightning stay on the platform during the wind gust and you'll be watching the credits in no time so there we have it three campaigns that just flirt with the idea of a coinless run but never really come through out of 64 levels we have 19 that can not be beaten coinless and from those we skip four and we find out we could beat around seventy six point five percent of the game coinless an a a c+ is passing but i'm still not satisfied it's the reason we still got so much time left in this video I mean Nintendo clearly didn't want to give up on captain toad it's the reason they made three different versions of this game so there's no way I could just give up on the challenge just yet we have to go even further alright so after we beat the main story of these games they each pack in a bit of extra content as bonus reference to a mainline Mario 3d game in the switch and 3ds versions we got Odyssey levels and although we you we've got four levels from Super Mario 3d World so let's start off with the odyssey levels which should be familiar territory we kick off with toast arena which seems good at first I mean it even allows us to sneakily avoid past enemies with touch blocks but eventually after raising the pyramid were forced to go down and snag a couple extra coins in the pit down below so that one's a fail on to the next then we get to a kart crusade through the cascade Kingdom like we mentioned earlier the mine cart levels are just a breeze just don't shoot and you don't have to worry about gems or anything extra here because they aren't an issue we already have all the levels unlocked alright so one for two let's go to Metro Kingdom this one's definitely the weirdest of the bunch at first it seems like an because of walking through this building and collecting all the coins on the stairs but after making your way down in the power plant sewers if you die then the trick from earlier respawns you inside that area and you could beat it coinless I stumble across this one by falling into the pit and after finding it on a whim I decided to go back to toast arena again but as it turns out the respawn brings you right back to the point before you pull the switch making it still impossible to do coinless and the last one luncheon is a perfect storm of gold we've got - paths and multi cherries that give the speed and coverage to completely counterbalance our techniques of patience and hitbox manipulation we walk away from this one a rich man I'll be - loss of the challenge so that makes Odyssey a 50% success rate and maybe even like a 35% if we adjust for goofing the system with a new dog city's power plant I don't know from here I hopped back to the Wii U version to try out the 3d world levels and at first it looked promising super bell hill gives plenty of leeway to avoid coins and the ladders are clean and easy ways to avoid coins when heading up from there we can take an alternative routes to the star and end up no hassle conquer or Canyon actually has some weirder pacing with a few more enemies the biggest struggle here is probably the split of bridge sliding back and forth between gold coins but those can be easily avoided by hanging to the right and timing your windows to went stationary shadowplay alley seems hopeful at the start just avoid the Piranha plant and it's reckless behavior sneak past all the fuzzies and time the platforms for easy an escape but about halfway in the level we meet our greatest disadvantage a 2d side-scrolling section and when we can't jump run over them we're forced to collect some coins to reach the exit on the right yeah that one stinks clear pipe offers up the same glimmer of chance so much of the level can be bested without collecting a single coin whether there are three mandatory ones that you've hidden either pipe pathway giving us the same 50% average we had with the Odyssey levels ok so those results seemed pretty doom and gloom but maybe we need to revisit that 3d world idea after all captain toad started off in that game could his debut be our only hope for a coinless so we take a shot at the first level and it's complete layup with no chance of a scoring any extra coins on the right path we just go as you typically would to collect all 5 stars we're set so far so good the second level gets a lot trickier here as it offers up the biggest challenge and a no coins run coins but while it might seem more difficult to avoid we can easily skate by them a hug into the wall of the tunnel and from there get a straight shot to collect all of the five stars three and four fall back to our trusty format in the first level no coins to worry about and I'll gladly take that I think there's been far too many coins in this come on let's run as it is five gives a bit more trouble with a rotating piece which structure and the fact that it actually has coins and I probably had more trouble with this one since I couldn't quite wrap my head around how each piece which rotated the level but after figuring that out turns out this one is yet another one that we can actually beat coinless just make sure to hold to the right path the purple slime in this drop and move along past six is definitely the most difficult of any of these the timing of the lava rise and fall does not play nice with toads slow-moving rug especially since this game has the other system of running for a certain amount of time before hitting your max speed after many many many attempts I finally made it past all of the awkward timing and fan blowing mechanics of the Wii U until finally catching a glimpse of that final star aligned in the shot I ride up the fan and just narrowly avoid the coins to then make my way through the hole and kill the Piranha plant one coin one single coin it requires you to get one coin just to beat the 3d World levels alright so while I was working on the script and reviewing the footage another idea popped in my head could we use the invincibility frames to skate past the enemy and therefore not get the coin to kill him well honestly I haven't been good enough to figure it out if I did here's footage of that but if not then here's an open invitation to one of you to actually figure out if this is possible coinless I would love to see that happen a skip the tweets if you find anything out but if that doesn't work at least we can beat the demo pointless all three levels can be done without a problem for the low low price of free so go nuts hey there throw a turnip at this one in the top right to see what makes a good platformer boss or damage boosts to this one in the bottom right for another video if you want to support the channel and get new analytical uploads every week and track that subscribe button down below but until then take care and you have a good one all right [Music]
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 1,237,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, is it possible Mario, is it possible captain toad, coinless, coinless captain toad, coinless captain toad treasure tracker, Is it Possible to Beat Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Without Touching a Single Coin, without touching a single coin, toad coinless, treasure tracker coinless, captain toad coinless, ceavegaming, cttt coinless, no coins, is it possible cttt, no coin mario, captain toad treasure tracker coinless, captain toad treasure tracker
Id: M8mzjd-IRu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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