First River Test + Custom Trailer Build!

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today we've built a custom trailer for the world's fastest micro jet boat so we can tow it behind our 100 horsepower Power Wheels as fast as we want off-road fully equipped with Fox air shocks safety chains and anything a boat trailer might need then we're finally going to put the boat to the test in a river to shoot some piers and even look for a log jump [Music] the time has finally come to build a tiny little trailer for our tiny little jet boat so we can tow it behind our tiny little camper van and we're not just going to build any trailer it's going to have some really sweet long travel suspension too so that we can tow it over Bumps and Jumps and tow this thing out to some really cool places and rip it around in little tiny lakes and ponds and rivers and such [Music] to the junkyard in the forest aka the parts store well we're out here to get is this tongue off of this trailer if you watched our power wheels Overland trip you know this trailer did not survive [Music] this is a scrap metal at this point I'm gonna steal the tongue off of it and you can see remember how I fixed it on the trail oh yeah that's still there yeah using a couple of wrenches so we're going to retrieve that hey look that's a 12 mil I'm always missing 12 mil wrenches well your hoodie has not really stayed that white I mean there's parts of it that's an original color right there what the people want to know though is where is your phone not in my back pocket I actually don't know where my phone is been making some progress here on figuring things out um some of the stuff is just kind of arbitrary like I just picked 18 inches for this this is gonna be one of the trailing arms so the trailer is going to have trailing arm suspension so trailer's gonna be this way and this will go suspension something like that I've got some uh leftover bushings from 6x6 Ranger Polaris thing whatever we have too many six by sixes I think I'm gonna basically build it so that at maximum compression it's kind of just flat like this because that'll just be really easy I can just assemble it and then it'll just travel down from there that way the trailer deck can be built all over that and it won't come up past it it'll all make sense [Applause] [Music] [Music] I have this tube here just as kind of a I have it backed up against that just as a straight edge to make sure these are in the same plane and uh yeah got kind of a trailing arm it's also kind of an a-arm especially if I put this in there it's an actual a yeah so that's kind of the uh the rough idea here once I get this one all finalized then I'll make some little tabs um and make a proper jig so that I can make the other one exactly the same and then um I'll make the other one exactly the same because at this point it's symmetrical like if you flipped it upside down it'd be exactly the same on the other side and then the shock will be mounted kind of you know outboard of that just in front of the tire which is going to be way too much travel but hey too much travel is not a bad thing if I were to guess I'd say it's probably going to have I don't know 10 12 inches of travel [Music] all right [Music] I think it's push-up time no you're literally laying on your phone on top of the handle it from me I don't want to do a push-up I want to get this bolt this is a sticker from like a GoPro case what this is burnt from when he went lit his pajamas on fire welding twice you got to get a new case my guy ah you don't even have a screen protector on here I don't have time [Music] [Music] it goes up that hill nicely oh yeah but winter is over it's time to put the tires back on and maybe go do some rock crawling trail riding him other exciting things all right all right you have three seconds before Beyond toes back we're sticking the tires back on the dream camper it's gonna be so premium it was awesome on tracks but I like this thing on tires got a little file drawn up here for the tabs to mount these I'm gonna tack them to the table and then that way I can make then I can use this as a whole jig to make the second trailing arm and then I'll also use those same brackets to attach them to uh the tube that is going to be somewhere in there got my money's worth out of that chunk of Steel which I didn't pay for in the first place but you know every little scrap call me scraps McGee there we go a couple of those let's cut out a couple more keep getting more little pieces out of them [Music] got my tabs here I cut out six of them um you would think I would need eight but the way that I'm gonna be doing this I think that these three here will all be attached to a bar that runs across but this one out here will be attached differently because there'll be a bar running this way so it won't you know won't be perpendicular so that one will be different and I'll figure that out afterward but for right now I can just bolt them on like that tack them in place and it'll be a perfect jig to make the other one exactly the same [Music] yeah now they'll both be exactly the same this one's already pretty much welded obviously they'll be more reinforcements and a shock mount and stuff like that but I'm not going to do that until after I have the trailer set up um at least Loosely and figure out how it's all going to fit together luckily one of when I was making the other side I cut two of every piece I didn't Notch them all perfectly but should save a bunch of times so now I just have to fine tune the notches and then we'll have the second one done in uh no time at all Lickety speed y split [Music] trailing arm number two taxed together I built so many a arms over the years and I've built so few trailing arms that it's really hard for me to remember to call these trailing arms because they look like an a-arm they are in fact an a I ordered up some lug nuts that'll actually fit in these tires and on those studs so now I can bolt these up together and lay it out on the table here and figure out how wide it's going to be and such oh that already looks really cool and it's just two tires with trailing arms I like the pipe needles here yeah that's um that was an artistic choice yes how wide is the boat actually like 36 widest point yeah back here is like this is the widest point on the whole boat and it's like 36 and a half wow that's close then so yeah but the tires also don't have to come up that far right they could come up to like here I don't know I I it's kind of complicated because I don't know how far how much travel we're gonna have I mean I can set all that stuff but I just some of it I just have to kind of at least a little bit of it figure out ahead of time Bjorn can you say good morning myself a bit of a dog whisperer what bjorda's trying to say is I love Sundays it's super healthy it makes my fur feel great I know that I'm getting all real ingredients no filler it's just super premium Sundaes contains 90 Meat 10 vegetables and zero synthetic materials does normal dog food have synthetic materials apparently it does words just in from the dog himself Sundays cost 40 percent less than other Healthy dog food because they don't have to worry about shipping a frozen product and then you don't need to worry about storing it in the fridge or freezer really works out for both the owner and your pup use code grind hard to get 35 off your first order at Sundays for grind hard Bjorn says thanks for listening now back to the video [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I could also have bent this more made it come back and then put another Bend and made it go straight but I actually think I like this I think it's going to look really cool and more importantly it would allow me to put the shock anywhere from here to back here to make the travel right so I've decided to put the chalks in Board of this bar so that give me more options on where to put them so I don't because if I if I had to put them up here in front of the tires I'd have a ridiculous amount of travel and wouldn't be able to like fine tune it by moving it around so anyway I had it upside down just to make sure that it clears because this is the thickest part of the shock body obviously it'll never be that close but it's bigger than that so if it clears that it's good so I'll probably end up putting it somewhere in like there that range now I can make a shock tower that goes from here to there that's gonna look sweet yeah and I'll make that out of like one inch it does not need to be inch and three quarter plus the one inch I can do the tightest radius I can do this little guy here a little three and a half inch radius make a nice tight shock Tower [Music] do the storms ever freak your dogs out because the owner doesn't love Thunder but he doesn't really lose his mind wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I haven't cut this one to length yet a little bit more of a hassle moving around but in other news we should be starting building a new shop soon so that's exciting that is exciting [Music] [Music] I think I'm going to start with like 170 degrees or so and we'll see how that [Applause] three [Music] [Music] foreign I decided that trying to check how much travel it has right now would be a huge pain and it would involve removing the boat and then bringing the boat back or hoisting it up in a janky fashion um so I decided to just move the shock hoop forward like an arbitrary amount somewhere in the neighborhood of uh two inches because I was just worried that I wasn't gonna have enough travel I don't know why like five inches wouldn't be enough for a jet boat trailer but you know well I have five inches of travel when you could have 12 or whatever [Music] [Music] thank you all right I feel like I could almost make a part by myself on yeah we'll go over it a couple more times anyway we'll do that I feel like I feel like what I should really do if I was like a traditional old person teacher type I'd be like I suffered for 18 years without plasma cutter they're fast you have to suffer and I mean legitimately there is some truth in that like if you learn to do it the hard way then once you learn the easy way you understand it better but screw that yeah that's easy learn the better way first because you get a better result in less time now would have taken me so long with like it yeah and now the both of them will be exactly the same thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] has so much pressure when all the air is out of it but this is the case oh I know I can put the zip tie around the outside [Music] thank you [Music] foreign the angle's right and the size is right except it's not quite long enough to reach um and I didn't get that by right so I made it 0.3 inches longer and now I'm gonna go cut it again and it'll still need a little bit of grinding to make it fit perfectly there but it's very close so onward [Music] thank you [Music] more braces for under here braces slash rails that the boat can sit on the boat's not gonna sit right on them right now but I can add some pads to it it right up into it later [Music] a little bit of an angle to match the other one that's the safety schloosler to you shave dish loosler [Music] all right [Music] so this little uh Chevron shaped plate here is gonna go there I'm gonna put a bend in it and it's going to be the thing that the front of the boat runs into and uh you know holds it from going unique I'm going to bend it until it cups around this shape more or less and then uh and then later I'll put some rubber on there rivet or bolt or whatever a piece of like conveyor belt rubber so that it's nice and soft and then also I need to add a hook onto the front of the boat here so um It's actually kind of convenient that our wrap is peeling off here because I need to peel it off to weld a piece on there [Music] [Applause] [Music] not bad halfway decent quilting [Music] so I was thinking here obviously I still didn't make the hook but uh look at that it's a very solid um I don't know what you call that front of the boat rest thing whole whole it's a holder get it but I was thinking for here it's not going to be making like a little loopy thingy or whatever and then I realized I could just weld this rapid strap right there like that cut this piece of strap off and uh this is a pretty decent ratchet and then we can just get a nice piece of strap that's just the right length and it'll just always be there would be perfect that way we can't lose it [Music] hope that all the gas is evaporated oh no [Laughter] this one has been empty for weeks and I've left the cap off when we're not in here making Sparks so it's should be it was already empty but that said we'll blow a bunch of air into it get it out of there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] this time I actually tried a little harder take me home [Music] I've had to sing that song A lot of times why I just sing that song whenever I think I might meet my last day here that is lots of times will check it out I didn't even have to use the good end of the rapid strap we'll save that for another occasion oh that's long enough yeah this is the end that I cut off of the other end you want to have a wrap at least all the way around there that seems very premium Modi slim is strapped now I just have to come up with a solution for the back I was thinking I should also add some pads in here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we're already ripped from you know improper use so shorten the model more and I'll just be boaty slim specific straps yeah so it's getting really close but it needs a little bit more mounting to stop it from wobbling side to side so all that means is it needs some support underneath which is fine because this back section from this brace to here isn't connected in the middle which is super need to be but if I connect it it'll be more protection for the bottom of the boat and it will also add a place to have a little on oh because I know where those bars need to go and then I can get out of easier I'll put those bars on finish welding it and then we can put the tires back on set it down on the ground and I think well it won't be finished it won't be painted yet but I think it'll be like functionally complete at that point premium oh that looks cool hey you are you uh decorating yourself he's a rapper [Music] incredible oh all right is it a wrap that's a wrap [Music] I decided these look silly being perfectly straight so I'm putting a bend in them for purely aesthetic purposes it really doesn't make any difference structurally or really in any other way I just didn't like the way it looked so there you have it [Music] thank you [Music] foreign belt rubber here we marked out that piece so I'm going to cut that out and then get that on there and then uh we'll put the boat back in test fit and see how it uh worked out with those uh bars that I put in and then I think I'm going to put a little pad of uh the same conveyor belt rubber here and here for it to sit on so it doesn't Rock back and forth it'll provide some cushion but it'll also keep the boat from sliding around because it's kind of you know relatively sticky compared to I don't know compared to something less sticky [Music] all right cuts that stuff pretty well really yep as long as you go to Fresh blade [Music] look at that I'm just gonna look real nice put a bolt right there and right there a nice little small one just kind of suck it in nice and tight should uh not even run into the hole [Music] well you ready to see something extremely satisfying if you're talking about that rubber that's very satisfying that and the bolts the way they sink oh just right down into it and I like how it's like the perfect cut out shape to fit that metal piece too that is these pants have deep front pockets so they're actually you know normal size pants and they look like they fell off you you fell off your bike stylistic choice this is a stylistic choice that way when you do fall off the bike nobody will notice got my rubber dubber Flubber stubbers here perimeter of pleasing a pleasing shape that is not Square so now I'm just going to make a couple of little tabs that go in the corners here weld those in and then I can just bolt into that [Music] foreign little tabs for holding your rib nuts that also adds strength the gussets in a completely irrelevant way but yeah nonetheless it is stronger right there now [Music] that is just satisfying this whole boat trailer is so overkilling every way I love it it's nice having a project that's simpler so less rushed on it means I can take the same amount of time it's doing a simpler project faster I can just do the same amount of time and just make it way more premium I was trying to think of a different word because we use premium a lot but it's just the right word [Music] I think I can get a few more out of here don't you think all right there's there's some good usable metal there this might be a functioning bottle opener actually I guarantee you could open bottles with it in many different ways I'm going to add some little pads here rubber pads that go over the shock like this it's gonna be nice pulled it on there yeah that way if you bump into it you don't rip your wrap off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] trying to weld inside this corner here and it's rather difficult and then I thought to myself well why don't I just chop off this excess it's not doing anything anyway does it need to be chopped off no but it's not adding any strength so I might as well make it easier to weld I've been tick welding for a minute and I just tried to push the foot pedal to turn on the grinder oh no [Music] thank you [Music] foreign caps here can't have our tubes filled in with water or dirt more importantly [Music] [Music] all right prepping this for paint here and there's some paint resid or you know residual paint on this trailer tongue because it was not new it's really messing with my day because just the prep spray that I use on there dissolved it and then obviously if that happens the paint's going to do the same thing and it'll crinkle and wrinkle and yeah anyway I've been trying to clean it off of there I think I got most of it off I'm just going to spray a little bit of a primer over it and see what happens oh this is a little test and if it doesn't react then uh we'll be fine and just move forward with painting it but if it reacts with it my face let that sit for a couple minutes while I finish wiping down the rest of the frame [Music] so it occurs to me as I'm painting this this may be the first time we've ever painted something before testing it shock it I figured for once I'll do the right thing why there's there's no way that a black coffee is six dollars anywhere [Music] in preparation for testing the boat trailer figured it's a great excuse to uh bust out kernel senders and uh replace the axles we broke one last fall for like the 800th time and then finally decided to order some actually beefed up custom length axles instead of just these janky welded extended ones that I made I'm gonna throw those in there figure out get the battery charged up if we can sitting all winter and then go for a rip [Music] foreign [Music] let's find out I'm gonna have to do any modifications I forgot we got these yeah we ordered some custom ones for the dream camper when we uh when I finished it and put it back together and uh because it was having a similar problem and I figured we might as well order these while we're at it they are not cheap because they're custom made but they're way beefier I mean just look at the size of the CVS like that's like a Subaru size CV this is a you know small boy there hey looks like we're in luck boots gonna rub a little bit on there but it's smooth so it should be fine foreign [Music] shift linkage shaft for the kernel because the old one was bent it just caused it to get stuck into whatever gear you tried to downshift from so upshift it was fine because upshift is pulling downshifting it was a push and so it was bent like this and so it would just Flex even more and just flip over and it'd be stuck so I've got a new improved thicker shaft here and it will no longer Bend [Music] well now we've got the boat trailer all finished and painted and the kernel ready to rip we're gonna go test it around the yard hit the jump maybe do uh maybe do a lap time around the rally track and then go tow it to some water all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's been too long since I went for a rip in the kernel this thing has always been and will always be the best thing I've ever built I'm convinced also the trailer seems to be doing fine how'd it look on the jump it looks pretty smooth really did it bounce it all on Landing uh it's hard to tell because of all the dust it felt I think I honestly I can hardly tell it's there this thing has so much power I mean I can tell it's there mainly in that I just spin the tires a lot more uh I have less well I don't have less traction but I have more resistance for the same amount of traction I feel like maybe we should do a Time lap a timed toad lap it's gonna be compromised a bit because the limo's in the middle of the track and the batteries aren't quite charged enough for it to start we'll just uh deduct like two seconds for my time for going around the limo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] 35.6 not bad what's the word 35.6 not bad well yeah especially considering how much time I lost going around the limo yeah for real so we'll call it like a 33 second lap that's faster than a lot of things that have been around this track yeah that's like really decent and I wasn't really trying that hard because I don't want to wreck everything but yeah that was pretty good there was a Clocky sound after you hit the jump oh what something's going on oh one of the changes come off oh operation uh building boat trailers which means I think it's time to go find some water and rip around the jet boat it's been like almost a year since we ripped it around and well anything other than the pond so let's go do that [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign well you don't look like you're having any fun at all water I felt it on it on your last Blaster there yeah 75 is a good saddle so they've had it out since we changed out the prop I I forget I ordered two props one that was supposed to be better for like high speed and one that was supposed to be better for like acceleration and I can't remember which one I put in there but I'm guessing it was the high speed one because it is just so much more stable at high speed yeah I mean you saw how hard I was cornering there I had to like brace myself for the G's damn but yeah no it rips but yeah it feels like a little less poppy off of the bottom end like acceleration which makes sense for that prop also I want to take a look at it because it sounds a little extra rattly I don't know if there's something loose bouncing around inside of there it looks like maybe it's shifted a little bit and the um bottom of the engine mount plate might be just bouncing on the hull oh but we need to take this all out to do the plastic in the bottom soon anyway so when we do that I'll make any modifications necessary I just want to make sure there wasn't something that was going to like break loose and cause failure but I think it's fine now that we know everything works we're gonna search for a sunken log that we can jump and head way Upstream to see if we can't shoot the piers of the drain Bridge thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] if the train is coming I'll go blast under the train bridge let's just one up all right I'm gonna get going all right [Music] foreign foreign foreign just looks so good in the water that is unbelievable never seen anybody 180 a boat before [Music] dude it looks so premium when you were going around [Music] now that we have had our fun at the bridge it is time to find our last obstacle and we're pretty sure we know of a place that might have a fallen tree that we can see of our tiny jet boat can jump just like the larger ones can [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign next time yeah well we need a bigger log that one's like almost underwater yeah although interestingly coming Downstream the one time I hit it Downstream like with the current behind me the nose dived a little more and so it hopped harder out of the water because coming up it's just kind of going like this oh you know it's just like it's already pretty nose High because you're going against the current yeah so that one I just kind of like skimmed over it because the nose was already out but then the other one whoop there's posts that are sticking out like just this far oh yeah now it was my turn to Jet Downstream back to the trailer and it was more awesome than I possibly could have imagined foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I just love two strokes so much and that just coming back around bringing it back to the truck sounds like one of the best boating experiences I've ever had it's just so nice there's definitely something rattly in a few little Tunes here and there to do but this thing is just too much fun we have to build another one and just squat up a two-seater so we can all just hop in and go up a river it would be so much fun sounds like my trailer awaits [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign and if you'd like to recruit me for my dog Whispering capabilities we're on Instagram DM us both of these are one person yeah they are yeah single seaters just a easy way to kill yourself I guess yep about a hand it's a fun way no it's not yeah it really hurt really bad yup and then the front end all right exactly yeah you guys have a good day yeah
Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 611,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini jet boat, mini jet boat build, mini jet boat racing, mini jet boat rapids, mini jet boat jump, mini jet boats on river, mini jet boat idaho, mini jet boat for sale, micro jet boat, micro jet boat build, micro jet boat kit, micro jet boat racing, micro jet boat river, micro jet boat plans, micro jet boat hull, micro jet boat motor, jet boat trailer, mini jet boat trailer, boat and jet ski trailer combo, jet ski trailer for jon boat
Id: hCa-2Q7s9KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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