First Test Drive! Monster Truck Mini Cooper.

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it's time to get this thing driving we got it running in the last video what I'm going to start with is mounting the gas tank because where we left off the gas tank is just chilling here sitting on that stool but I have to cut out that section of exhaust and then modify it so it goes underneath that cross member there instead of over it the kinetic thank you [Music] that could have been worse weight reduction [Music] yikes the phrase is bad [Music] not that I think it's going to sound particularly exciting straight piped but you know still well no what it would sound like you know like yes Mini Cooper Muffler Jeep engine oh there's a rock stuck in there now let's see what it sounds like out of curiosity [Music] now it sounds like a Jeep sounds like an XJ getting ready to flip over yeah well I wouldn't say it sounds good but it is louder I don't know because all my cars started with no Mufflers well you just put Mufflers on that yesterday oh yeah I did and it did get a lot quieter that's what I was referring to how how did you already forget will oh figure would have been easier if I didn't fill it half full of gasoline first but you know that one's perfect once I get the brackets built hold this up it won't be able to go in straight up but it can go out this way set that down oh right [Music] it's not that heavy but with all that gas in it it's kind of hard to move it around because it just like sloshes around and the weight moves all over the place let's see bring one for me too I brought one for everybody oh that turned out so much better that's that's maybe my new favorite design that we've done oh isn't that nice oh that's cool that is awesome and it's so funny like you can just tell that that's Ethan yep it matches the cord of our microphone it does perfectly oh I almost tried to move the camera to show the cord but maybe she she really the mini jet boat shirts just hit the store today and if you want one act fast because the premium shirt sold out of almost every size in just a few hours and thank you so much for that it's huge motivation to keep going and keep coming out with some awesome designs foreign [Music] [Music] because it's relatively thin but uh it has a lip on it which adds strength and also uh if I mount that if I do the sides out of this then the gas tank fit into that as a slot and can't uh slide back and forth I have about 12 of a plan [Music] the gas tank is 12 inches long I'm gonna cut a 13 inch section so that I can have an inch to bend up on one end so that it makes a corner like this it'll be the front so it'll slide into that corner and stay there the back will leave open so that it can be moved out without having to go literally lift it up because there isn't space and I got shiny new blade that's actually made for cutting metal pretty spiffy because you can just pretend to be a carpenter that's nice if you don't have one of these I recommend it uh we're in no way sponsored by Diablo but the Diablo steel demon blades they're just it's so convenient for stuff like this it's much faster than a grinder makes less Sparks and generally speaking if your circular saw isn't completely Shrek like mine then it cuts very straight and square this uh eighth inch thick steel wasn't exactly thin enough to use the brake doesn't need to be perfect I mean everything needs to be perfect I'm a certain kind of stupid I made them the same instead of opposite oh they're supposed to be they're close to the opposite oh [Music] if my calculations are correct and by calculations I mean complete guesswork uh Hawaii's here and one of these here when the gas tank will sit nice and flat on them uh and it'll be able to slide into them and then I just have to make some straps that go over it and hold it down and then we'll have a gas tank mounted it's wouldn't it be nice if we had a car with I didn't know it was gonna be impossible doesn't fit because it doesn't it has to clear this little lump here so instead that should provide enough clearance well no actually if I put them all the way down here it should be able to slide over and then set down in and that'll be even more secure why would you do that to me oh much better I need to adjust the angle of this one a little bit perfectly fits in between the suspension too yeah uh if this thing actually had Flex these would twist yeah and hit it but it doesn't uh I mean they might bump into it as is but if we're ever gonna try to flex it out then we'll do something different before then you know there's beetles that roll poop around I just saw a video of one on Instagram I was like what is that Beetle doing and it was like it rolls poop around to build its house I don't think it rolls it to build its house I think it eats it no no that's worse we're gonna take a little bit of a break from building the Mini Cooper to see what kind of lap time we can put down in the 6x6 mini truck because we've never timed it yet and tell you about the brand new insta360 go 3. so the camera itself is just this little tiny thing here which is magnetic so it just blink clips into all of its little mounts and the action pod here has a screen and all the buttons and this can also clip into there ready set go oh I don't think I've ever seen it jump that high 32-11 it comes with this little uh sticky pad which is actually a reusable sticky which is awesome everything is super modular so this little clippy magnet Mount here it also works with just that which is super cool that's it oh yeah that's a great angle all right a lot my favorite part about this little camera is it's magnetic so if we want to get a good shot showing the pedals and brakes and stuff we can just remove it magnet it straight on nice do some heel toe work here this is like a professional setup like when we did that super fancy thing with the Bronco there were people with like remote monitors and like all this crazy stuff yeah yeah with this one little thing you have an action camera something that your director can preview um you took a whole tenth off nice [Music] if you want to check out the all new insta 360 go 3 the link is in our description so check the link in the description and let's get back to working on this Mini Cooper [Music] thank you hand tape measure and ruler close enough for this what I'm now doing now is taking this piece of uh unfortunately diamond plate oh I get it now I hate diamond plate anyway I'm just gonna rip it in half and make two little straps that'll go over the tank because I can bend it where I need to and then uh have bolts on the ends and it'll just be really simple I'm just using diamond plate because it's what I have a scrap of and nobody will really see it except for you know however many a hundred thousand people are watching right now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there were two [Music] nice I had a file already on the arc Droid for this little tab here that has a hole for the size of an eight millimeter rib nut and it is very close to three quarters to the center of the hole smidging off but close enough so I cut one of those out I'm going to rip nut this rib nut in there imagine that that'll work just fine [Music] nice see this is where if I'd planned ahead I could have just left a tab extend it out of the uh pieces that I cut for that but realistically that actually would have been more work to cut out the shape of that so the way I did it here is just fine oh a little bit of heat shrink we'll go over those and make it softer so it doesn't vibrate and rattle see like that much over each corner oh this is a really satisfying part [Applause] very satisfying good results if I thought about this earlier I mean I kind of it entered my mind and then I forgot about it if I thought about it when I was making these I could have just slid it over it when it was straight and then bent it and it would have been really easy but foreign [Music] oh yeah very nice with a little bit of rubber on there so we can find a piece of hose that kind of close to fits that and kind of would fit over these threads then we're going to replace this cap here with a piece of hose and then we'll be able to fill it from the actual cap right above your camera there [Music] looks like It's tricky to reach that stuff a little bit it could be worse I went digging through my scrap pile to see what I could find for exhaust chunks that are already bent up um to maybe be able to reroute so we could still use this Muffler because this engine doesn't sound particularly great without a muffler and more importantly right now it's pointed straight at the gas tank there's a lot of space under here so like one option is I could bring the exhaust um out uh out here like to the side of the gas tank and then up and over this region and then back over there uh it'd be a lot more bends but it would totally work [Music] okay [Music] this doesn't mean kinetic persuasion that needs cut frictional persuasion [Music] so here's the real dilemma I whacked the extra off of this Muffler here and I stuck it back where it goes and you can see um there's approximately that much space between it and the gas tank so with this mounted here unless I wanted to do a ton of work and like shorten these pipes and move the muffler back and then put these back on and whatever any sort of shenanigans like that which really doesn't seem worth it there's really no way to do this because like that's too tight to bend and then it gets really close to the gas tank it's I I think it's just not worth it if I Lop this off right about here then I can put this right about there put a mount here for this rubber hanger which will be ideal these ends here I'll just Lop these off right here like that a little bit of a sloppy slope so that the exhaust goes down instead of at the gas tank and um yeah you can reuse the muffler have a little bit shorter of a pipe I think it'll uh I think it'll be all right and then to get out from under here you can get some exercises in yeah I'll just do some chairs chair pull-ups or whatever the heck you want to call those [Music] wow [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's kind of pointed at this frame rail but it's pointed down it doesn't really matter I mean it's a frame rail although we have the technology to see what it sounds like honestly that's not bad it's a little louder than it was before not by much though no it's it's kind of nice yeah I like it sounds a little more aggressive than it did with with the original setup so I went digging through my scrap hoses and this might just do the trick at least temporarily for the gas tank filler it's nicely over that end the other end's a little wonky but you know that might might just work it's not perfect on this end but I put another layer of smaller hose over that squeeze it inside there should do the trick we're really getting somewhere got a gas tank mounted got the exhaust rerouted about to have a filler neck these are premium things yeah that means really all we got to do to be able to test drive this thing is make sure the shifter as well make a bracket bracket for the shifter and maybe figure out how to shift it into four low I think there's a lever somewhere under there because odds are it's not really going to want to move very well look at that that worked out perfectly nice and snug doesn't run into anything it's not kinked imagine pulling into a gas station with this thing oh that's cracked our gas tank okay well that works but this doesn't [Music] I'd say it's working great yep it's an XJ now foreign don't worry the Jeep will get it and I'm trying to figure out uh some brake line stuff to order obviously I just need some long braided Flex lines to get from somewhere up here down to there I found some lines but now I'm trying to figure out what everything is so that I know what adapters to order so that I can get everything adapted to the right thing look at that I think those are what I need 3 8 24 on that end which is a inverted flare brake fitting and then an4 on that end which is what the hoses I'm ordering are so yeah in time we should be able to do a test drive I'm also ordering up an oil cooler so yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] taking time to be in time we got our transmission cooler vastly Overkill but hey you know that's the way we like it what is even that is even though there's probably more stuff here than I need I didn't realize it came with so much fittings sure do we want to mount this on the other side over there has exhaust so we don't want to mount it by the exhaust I think maybe obviously we can't mount it like right up flush or it won't have anything to you won't be able to pull air from anywhere but somewhere in here could be totally fine oh that's a big mama jama that one's big on him will that one's huge get that thing away from me it's friendly friendly little guy they're very happy wheels come back here will I think it's actually called an Asian longhorn beetle but I'm not sure I decided I'd rip knot it first and then drill the holes in this so that it's more accurate because sometimes the road nuts don't always go end up exactly in the perfect spot [Music] those go into this little hole here on the side of the transmission like that yeah what was that nothing what the devil you didn't see nothing I'm gonna find another Beetle will oh no new punishment for back pocket phone beetles oh I would not ever have my phone in my back pocket we'll just chase you with a longhorn Asian with an Asian longhorn beetle every time you uh oh no every time you have your phone in your back pocket because the push-ups seem to have like you just don't care and don't do them 100 push-ups Willy yeah can you imagine he had to do 100 awesome French [Music] now we have a trans cooler look at that mounted plumbed with the and lines here looking mighty fine um now I just have to do some wiring for it since it has a built-in Thermo switch right here I should be able to wire it up pretty quickly and then I'm also realizing we don't have a dipstick in this transmission [Music] well I got most of the or I got the back half of this wired up now I'm just attempting the swindolly business of fishing this wire so these bolts here were broken both of these ones were one of those is you can see there was a huge discrepancy in diameter between the outer ones and the inner ones and that I suspect is largely what caused them to break aside from the inner ones not being big enough in the first place these ones were cranked down really tight and it twisted the plate and popped them loose so I found myself a handful of half inch bolts which are still a smidgen smaller but closer and I'm gonna put them through like so and then weld them onto the axle um it's not like a hundred percent the best solution but it'll work for now uh and realistically if we ever want to do anything really good off-road with this I'd like to just make it four link or three link or whatever I wanted to uh I loosened these These Nuts up here so I could wiggle that around but this shock has a bit of pressure pushing downwards so it was still angled over this way so so I took one of these bolts I have here with the nut on it and I stuck it in the space there and now check it out I can just adjust this by twisting then by loosening the nut on the bolt and expanding it that's cool quick and easy solution I thought maybe they mounted these shock mounts to this plate just because like uh these shocks weren't long enough or something but when I disconnected this to take this plate off to make my life easier look it extends right down to the axle why would you not have just welded this to the oh I just don't understand some people [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ly the last piece of the break puzzle has arrived and they're actually the right size I believe aha yes yeah we should be able to have breaks which means we might be test driving today taking this apart so I can replace these spindly broken bolts bear got in here van yeah what was in your van a donut oh must have been one of Mike Ross's Bears he used to feed Donuts to him intentionally [Music] I really have no idea why this thing had panhard bars on it which is what these were you know there was one back here like this um I really can't imagine why someone put that there because leaf spring Vehicles typically don't have panhard bars and also like it's not like this thing was doing anything crazy uh anyway and they're stupid and they're in the way and this one was at a terrible angle like even if you were gonna put one in here having it at this steep of an angle would make it so that as the suspension traveled up like it would try to push the whole suspension sideways like drastically right if you imagine this here and then it pivots up like look at that it's now out at the center of this leaf spring from here oh that's terrible anyway so I had will remove those and now he's going to cut the brackets off because sturdy brackets you could yeah like a bridge with that you could you literally could uh it's it's just so funny because there's some stuff on this thing that's super Overkill and then other stuff that just is like really flimsy and there's no Rhyme or Reason to it so anyway we'll delete those because weight reduction and they're in the way of some stuff um plus I should have thought of that before I did the gas tank it would have been way easier it doesn't matter it was you know it's done now it hardly flexes at all so I have no idea why those were in there this this car makes no sense but anyway they're gone now oh good you got safeties on yeah I just was remembering that the viewers have been telling me about horror stories with these uh strings getting caught in here and like I don't want to give myself a hillbilly shape today so you know how to tuck the strings [Music] alrighty uh time to design some new shock mounts I could just reuse these and weld them straight to the uh straight to the axle housing but I do want to space it up just a little bit for down travel um and you know any excuse to play with uh Cad and the arc Droid I got a new feature set up I've got the new update and and got it all figured out here with the arcdroid um it now has torch height compensation which is a thing that you know a lot of higher end plasma cutters have but um not a lot of small entry level ones like this have it so you can see this plate is not flat at all it's kind of a warp fold piece of metal but the arc Droid will use it'll read The Arc voltage and uh compensate the height for it so let's see that didn't right around the outside it didn't run into anything they're reminded that's nice yeah it saves me a lot of time trying to like get all the pieces perfectly flat yeah it seemed like it worked really well I realized the reason that these were mounted to this plate as opposed to down here is simply for down travel on the shocks it was just excessive and uh silly and the mount was terrible so I'm Gonna Make a Better Mount that looks nicer and so I've got this side here and then this one will go a little bit longer and it'll go right down to the back side and then I'll make a plate that welds in on the um on the outside of it here in between them to make it strong [Music] [Music] thank you well that ought to be a better looking shock mount see that's my little gusset plate look like it's gonna work oh yeah just absolute perfection gotta put some hexagons on it so that people know what I built that I built part of it actually by the time we're done there'll be very little left of what other people did on this it'll have just stayed the same shape why are you spluttering well you see me just plunge Jam my face in there to get the welding hole Yeah you can barely fit yourself in there hmm I'll hold the brakes down you open the bleeder yep air did come out so nice okay closed yeah we got the brakes all bled so um we don't really know how effective they are yet but they're at least gonna work to some extent um and then I figured I'd mess around with the shifter and see and as I kind of uh thought might be the case well it was a 50 50 chance really the uh the shift is reversed so drive is Park and Park is drive or whatever or first gear however it's set up anyway so um that's kind of silly but I was just thinking about it and I might be able to reverse it if there's enough length in the um if I if I can make the cable pull from the other side which I should be able to do it's in park correct yep yeah you want me to draw to drive yeah uh yeah I mean it seems to have worked shift back okay and back to drive I mean it seems to work time will tell I always got to be worried when I see that camera pointed at me that there's gonna be a beetle flying through there so I tracked down I finally actually Tracked Down the washer fluid um pump wiring and I tested it and it works so I have a wire temporarily hooked up to the starter uh I'm gonna see if I can start the car with the washer fluid squirter it'll be hilarious and it works it doesn't work well then I'll try again until it does turn the ignition on okay Thief proof yeah so I've got that for this wire this one's the ignition uh switch to turn the ECU on and that's coming from this wire here in this bundle that you can't really see because it's not very long um both of these obviously are unpluggable so that everything can be removable [Music] hit the start button turn it on and uh see [Music] that's awesome satisfying nice I know it has some fluid in the trans otherwise I wouldn't be running it but you pop the key out and it shuts off all right well let's see while I'm in there doing wiring I might as well wire up that transmission [Music] [Applause] are you digging I don't think you're supposed to be digging why are you digging down there everyone he always has a dirty face every day and a dirty attitude alrighty we got ourselves some ATF remember I guess uh I guess we can see if it moves that battery's just about dead interesting foreign it looks so cool yeah so the brakes sort of work I wouldn't say they were well but they do work oh what a silly silly machine I heard you have to rabbit a lot to yourself yeah well I mean I think what happened is you fill it up and then you I mean I think you're supposed to check most engines at idle for automatic transmission so swindily to fill up they're very everything looking okay yeah um there's a little bit of coolant leak here and I thought it was maybe the Overflow but I think it's actually because I don't actually have a overflow tank on it I think this hose is actually just leaking a little bit put the rest of that gallon of ATF in there once the transmission you know actually got primed and sucked it in then it pumped it through all the coolant lines and the everything else so it was low again so we'll see if this is enough to make it drive normally if not we'll uh have to have Edwin bring some up premium kill yeah premium premium fuel [Music] it's like suspension is brutal what does that feel the whole body like goes off the like oh is that what it is well I mean suspension is garbage too but yeah the body's barely mounted I just hit my head on the ceiling the suspension's so bad where the wheel goes is he hiding from us so he doesn't have to do more push-ups I think so what are you doing back here will oh it's just looking at the Onyx off-road app and it looks like the Bald Mountain Trail doesn't have any snow on it do you think that this would be able to make it up in two-wheel drive for sure I mean if it'll go up this hill that's yeah let's do it there's a lot more Trails than I thought around here I know right it's so cool premium I can't believe I fit in there that was smooth hair down all the tires and get the smoothest ride we can might as well right put them at like 5 PSI this is a tall boy uh it is the tall boy all in here this is the first time we've swindled around all four of us are you ready for the are you ready for the starting procedure you hit this turn it on and then and then you also you know turn your wipers on every time you start the car so nice that's awesome [Music] it's so bumpy you guys did not write any before this is so much better than it was because there's four people oh my gosh is that not the worst ride you've ever expected oh [Music] Batman I thought I was just being a suspension snob right that's actually too bad it's unbelievably bouncy hey the brakes actually work pretty decent now well I mean they're okay yeah not terrible this is just a little Mini Cooper brake booster yeah the big things I think so I mean also we're the 46 inch tires like even the brakes that are on these axles aren't made for tires that big it was ready for the big hill Oh no I didn't know we were doing the big hill I didn't either we're doing it now I'm glad we decided the brakes were bad before doing the big hill they're not bad they're just not amazing they're they're good enough for this yeah I mean we can you know we're not going too fast here the commentary of oh perspective he's ready for the jump I'm just kidding in wow this thing [Music] yeah we'll hope we don't get stuck in the mud here with our two-wheel drive yeah [Music] oh this thing might actually have the radius to go around this loopy little oh wow I actually am very impressed yeah overall this thing is a lot less oh let's go backward over the jump here doing a manual cooldown of the radiator we're not bad yet next up radiator fan there's not a lot of flow potential through this little grill either it's not the best let's see if the brakes work [Music] well we made a huge progress on the Mini Cooper this uh this episode what do you got check this out turn around well what oh dude no I was wondering what you were left I was wondering what you were laughing about I was laughing about Bjorn I saw a grindhardt's phone in your back pocket and then I saw your phone was backwards seven eight nine look at that safe no don't double stack you just want to break iPhones the new shirt is premium you can work out in it apparently you can yeah I just did 20 push-ups it now runs and drives so that's a massive step in the right direction we still need a front drive shaft uh if we can find one that's got a steep enough anger a radiator fan and actually we should really get a whole new radiator this one's only about that thick we need a beefier one the ride is the worst suspension I've ever experienced but it's also an excellent Driving Experience because it's just so absurd
Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 599,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini cooper, mini cooper 2023, mini cooper car, mini cooper electric, monster truck, monster trucks, monster trucks for kids, monster trucks for kids videos, monster truck toys, monster truck videos, monster trucks movie, monster trucks in mud, of road, off road outlaws, off road, off road recovery, off road extreme 4x4, off road wrecker games, insta360GO3, insta360wheels, insta360
Id: 4c-8NyUhEQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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