I Saved 4 Elements Pets from Jail! Fire, Water, Air and Earth Pets

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this is the last time I'm showing you you are the coolest dog in the world and you're the best owner excuse me I'll have to interrupt your idol no this dog is mine not anymore you can't take it yes I [Music] can the last ones left this is clearly not my day I wouldn't mind a piece of sausage H what a cutie what is such a lovely kitty doing here can't you see I'm looking for food you can see speak you must be hungry she seems nice I finally found you is it your kitty sure I've been looking for her everywhere but I'm seeing him for the first time don't come up I'm taking this Kitty anyway we'll see about that get out of my way she stood up for me I should help her what are you [Music] doing great let's see who's going to beat [Music] who I believe the wall one let her go I have to say no hold on forgive me kitty H what's [Music] this I should save her welcome to your new home you regret it it's illegal I demand a lawyer let us go I'm sorry I have to refuse you don't even think of using your powers you'll fail anyway but they will be very useful to me you'll become a power source for my weapon what are you up to well you see you are not the only only existing magical animals there are a lot of animals in the world with extraordinary powers they all should be put in cages why are you doing it because they are dangerous perfect you'll soon get a [Music] company I was fast have you come for me of course I'm going to set you free H tell me your password we have no idea I'll try to [Music] guess wrong [Music] one missed again hey guys I really need your help comment down the password so I could set the animals free oh [Applause] gosh is it krypto's Cape what did you do to him nothing yet he managed to escape from [Music] me loser it won't happen again H H someone's been here don't be silly it's just us H I've come to take the animals is it you'll have to try hard to get them I did it don't get distracted you can't do it twice what' you say let's try the oldfashioned way stop it can we talk grab him and run dang it I'll be back no you didn't have it in your plan did you it's okay you three will be enough oh gosh H next time I'll be ready [Music] you'll help me do [Music] it another dead [Music] end the rest of the elements must have disappeared too H my powers are gone did you think it was forever we can transfer powers only for a while my my bunny I'm so happy to see you a thank you he's the only one I could save I'm going to share my power with you so you could get out the others it's time to reunite the other elements with their friends and teach someone a lesson come on h no one strange he must be off on his villainous errands he's here where just behind you need an ice gun awesome thing horrible it's our fault we should thank our four-legged friends for such a gift do you think she's all right I'm [Music] Terri what good job I have something for you too guys we need your help hit the like button so I could win come on I can't restrain him anymore great we made it [Music] we should get out of [Music] here you're [Music] next bad time Hulk come up with something no time for that run that was powerful she managed to escape again what's wrong with my hair no no no no no so what if I got a little dirty no one should see me like this that's better it's your turn to help [Music] me you can't use it we'll see about that here's your friend you must have been terrified me never thank you as promise I'll share my power with you H works for me thank you what way are you going to save them he'll be waiting for you H I have an idea lunchtime you need a lot of power to be batteries I don't need that H I'll look for something else hey I brought water water I didn't order anything sir my job is to deliver what happens next is up to you what a strange delivery so what about food right I near forgot Jade hush he said tra be careful mhm [Music] okay very handy ability got it you just can't refuse use it h what did the water come from my fault it should be cleaned right away it's my chance I was nearly busted what a lovely thing stop what's that it's a trap and you just fell into it let me go it would be very silly of me I have a better idea what are you doing you'll have to help me charge my gun bad luck is that all I thought you'd last longer now what you'll sit in a cage until I finish my plan [Music] busted good job keep it up wait a second I'll set you free right now that's better don't worry I'm careful you made it I can finally stretch my legs I said I would come back for you did you make up your mind to stay here come out aircat H something's wrong that's not her I could hardly see her from my cage she must have gone I think I know what happened he hid her here but if you let her out will you let him out too I'll have to take a risk is it yours run Jade save The Puppy I knew knew you'd come for it it's my safety net I'll make you stop I'll help you do that you can do nothing until I have the cat what cat h no do you mean this beauty okay let's fight is it for me you shouldn't it's not the end [Music] it is I'm going to get out of here and find you all what do we do with him we should call the police mhm go we'll keep an eye on him yes sir I'll be back soon if only I could find something to eat gross you're in trouble oh gosh you can't run catch me first what's going on stop it poor thing hi I'll help [Music] you I should stop eating when I'm stressed trouble breathing hold on drink some water [Music] clear it doesn't work guys we need more energy hit the like button to help the [Music] kitten clear [Music] again more wa where am I hold on a bit more I'll try the last resort [Music] Butler this should [Music] work yummy I'm feeling better thanks for your help my sweet little kitty we'll get you all your lives back what should I name you guys what should I name my kitty comment down [Music] below I should train you to use a litter box no why she's still so small H it's not enough now we're talking big deal wait till you see my cat the appearance could use some work [Music] H you're going to look fabulous what is she up to you can play for now it tickles ears are [Music] next that's horrible towel her off I look like a burrito to you what have you done to [Music] her get a different one next time my bad the last one yeah really nah what is she putting on my Paws the lotion moisturizes your paw pads too bad you don't understand me meow meow meow she's a weirdo I could stay like this all day yay you're doing better one last touch left what's this I don't like [Music] it lovely not super practical though fine I'll figure something about myself H I've seen Courtney do this a million times I can do it even better perfect let's start off your new life with a pck h wait what check it out a ton of likes where are you Jade look it's so high don't move you scared me you need a play [Music] Space wow wo that's a cool house it's about to get even cooler do you like bad now that's a bathtub I like wait there's [Music] more this is where you can sharpen your [Music] claws go upstairs you should relax so [Music] soft hey Jade why are you yelling oops you're kind ofno po there you woke her up so [Music] cute what's her problem I think she wants to play H can I try good luck tell me what's the problem I'm hungry why didn't you just say so meia meow meow meow Kitty's hungry so that's it Jade's the best owner have all you want that's bad it's way too much she's not finished yet kittens don't know when to stop could she get sick totally you have to eat are in watch she's feeling better H you're not as dumb as I thought what never mind I guess that's enough where's the kitty at eating H oh no you didn't close the door was an accident time to go Courtney I have to find her I wonder what this place is it's full of exciting [Music] stuff who does she think she is I'm the only one who's allowed to make a mess who are you what are you going to do what happened here my kitty poor thing's scared he's terrifying this town only has one Sheriff Kevin you made another mess you're going in the tiny cage again h it's a setup I'm [Music] innocent there's a visitor I'm Andy how can I help [Music] you that's [Music] funny me give me a moment a new toy that's cute stay here what's that you're scaring off customers excuse [Music] me H Jade a kitty shouldn't be playing with hands it's so cute though until she gets all grown up then it's going to hurt ouch got to distract her with something else [Music] perfect pretty good too what are you doing have some patience you're about to see that's a sick toy happy now this guy is [Music] cute I think she is if you want to learn more about cats check out my page with detailed info who's the cutest kitty are you even listening yeah totally good job clean up what about the toy I say we play with with your new toy yay play play I forgot it my toy hold on I'll figure something [Music] out that could turn into something please don't cry check out this toy it's [Music] sick you know it's actually better than the last one you're finally calm Miss Jade some cleaning wouldn't hurt well then clean I'll leave the pleasure to you or should I give your mother a call stop you got me thing is how do I clean with a [Music] cat well thanks a lot this is [Music] unforgivable I have to take care of myself H that's what I'm talking about Jade Jade why are you yelling you forgot the toy I made it myself H nice house you can film Great Clips with the cat no photos or videos why not I'll turn her into a celebrity she doesn't want to make videos with you someone's fussy I'll take care of it myself that's unfair it was my idea what no clue where did they go I'm all on my own where where am I welcome to the game an animal house building game the winner gets the trophy and a way out and the loser stays with us H I'm out of here huh am I walking in circles H that's no good huh watch your step it's just that you're so tiny this is [Music] hopeless oh no I'm done for my live stream is in 5 minutes you're putting me right where I was what we're stuck here forever hey kitty kitty kitty I could do this all day long why me why not shade I'm also here you genius I'm in the middle of suffering here you'd rather look for an exit you're the reason we're here we're here because you're a dummy I'm so sick of this what's happening that's super weird the fit is so stupid I love it m Andy you look great too oh boy you turned her into a zombie enjoy [Music] at this rate he'll never get to work it's time for him to have a makeover too no no no I'm too scared I'm afraid you're going to lose to Jade you're so cute when you're mad I have to work you stay out of my way for now and get ready to lose looking [Music] good what about a snack wow [Music] catch there will be one win looks like Andy pulled ahead that's not fair what a buzz kill how [Music] come oh do I have to make a house again [Music] okay yours may also be pink I don't think [Music] [Laughter] so quite a style huh you're way too [Music] gloomy you need more love all I need is the trophy I want everyone to [Music] win I say I should get the Victory and you can be friends with whoever you want awesome that's no good Flawless lights will make it 10 times cuter enjoy it while you still can my house will turn out cooler than yours anyway what if it doesn't in that case I'll need a plan [Music] B oh there's sell service perfect time he's back at it [Music] again huh [Music] Andy huh what's up with you never [Music] mind you'll pay more attention next time I've got amazing Band-Aids no go away I'm almost [Music] done drop it kitty wants snuggles what you better take care of her oh you're such a cutie no who's a Bad Kitty Andy you are not getting away with that H I'll make a spot to eat over here want to see me making the bed couldn't care less fine [Music] watch [Music] got to put the pics on [Music] something I hope Andy has some stuff oh this is awful just the thing [Music] H put up another one absolutely May poser all I got to do is secure them huh H hey loser have you seen a chain over here I got rid of it what you're welcome ah oh just take that you're so done chill I'll let you leave for for a little bit really yeah I need to take a [Music] walk don't do that ever again it's not me stay over here for now so you don't destroy the whole thing I'll find your owner very soon Andy hi what's up with you I need a CH yeah I need help on my wa be right back can't remember where I saw her huh here's just the thing we need awesome let's get back before Jade beats you here I am [Music] Andy that took way longer than it needed to but you was it my face can make anything look [Music] better no way on [Music] Earth what a smarty pants you are do you like [Music] that that's what I [Music] thought huh seems like you're tired huh that's ridiculous I'm all hyped [Music] up candy we got to help Jade that's weird give it back hey what was that oh [Music] huh got to get this over [Music] with Andy I'm bored Andy stop this will make a great toy you love chasing mice right not bad Andy not bad at all I'll have mercy on you only this [Music] time appreciate it I got to take this [Music] chance I mean to check if it's solid it hurts to be bad at least it's fun can't see what's fun about it just bad [Music] luck H it's almost done oh no I have a great toy [Music] idea H I'm going to need these ropes no peeking until I'm [Music] done oh there so sick I did my best oh oh man that won't be enough enough to finish up the house huh guess we should take a walk too go ahead hi how can I help you Jade is that you who else could it be what have you and Andy been doing all day long I'm building a dog house and Andy's making a cat house long time no seek courtne me hi we need a hand to but I have a lot on my plate I'll help out let me handle it oh no [Music] no a bit to the left you want to take this thanks for having my back M wuss I'm nearly done anyway oh no I totally forgot why I went out thank you that won't help the candies are turning out so [Music] cute don't get too excited mine will be a whole lot better anyway done done this is so pretty now that's a criminal layer I look cute [Music] here didn't leave the toys out [Music] nice [Music] yummy I love this [Music] cushion may I have the trophy I'm so happy you love it huh who on Earth are you it's my pet it's time to go out de [Music] side but you didn't say who's the winner we'll let you decide you were a lot of fun to be [Music] around I'm back so am [Music] I smiling is tiring my subscribers love me [Music] again you know Jade it is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities huh are you quoting Harry Potter or what I thought you hadn't seen it should we grab it at the same time yeah we did it close call you're such a pain the dog made a mess in there what have I done to you I thought Sharon would kill me my first working day what's happened to the store who is this I should tidy up the [Music] store are you okay yes I'm all right have a nice working [Music] day unlucky actually I used to be lucky what did you say help me become lucky again seems like I hit my head really hard dogs can't speak I've been just seeing [Music] things [Music] I've nearly cleaned the floor oh sorry I'll fix it ouch will you help me blah blah blah dogs can't speak please no I should speed [Music] up [Music] huh [Music] OMG oh no how did it happen remember the store opens in 10 minutes I forgot about the time 2 minutes left until opening I don't have time to finish cleaning [Music] coming this must [Music] help hello I would like I'd rather go to another store [Music] [Music] huh care to help me I know but how can I do [Music] it I hope there's something in the basket oh fourleaf Clover is the omen of luck how creepy is that oh a horseshoe should do the job oh ouch how did it end end up here time to take drastic measures to settle it what are you going to do about me I'm calling a [Music] magician nope that's not [Music] it ow oh I believe he's [Music] trustworthy oh help me make this pup lucky [Music] okay 1 second huh can't see a thing what went down hey what on Earth is he doing [Music] there he's no magician he's a per I'll get in his [Music] way can't thank you enough I was in the wrong I'll be there for you through thick and [Music] thin I feel different I have a hunch my bad luck is gone let's put it to the [Music] test all troubles seem to be gone in another note I've got a gift for you gift now you understand all animals that's just [Music] lovely now I can finally admit that you're an awful employee I get your words in that case you can finally give me some food oh my bad I absolutely forgot about you [Music] thanks that's what it was like liar I'd never say thank than but you did
Channel: Troom Zoo
Views: 13,979,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Troom zoo, i saved pets from jail, fire, air, earth, water, i helped the 4 elements, extreme rescue in real life, four elements, escaping from the jail, rescue, element girls, funny video, funny jokes, amber, ember, amber from elemental, ember rom elemental, waithe, elemental, woohoo, troom troom trick, tim tin, troom oki toki, troom troom
Id: -XRb5v62ZJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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