I Built a SECRET Movie Theater in My Room!

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today I'm building a secret movie theater in my room and you're probably wondering why recently I've been obsessed with movies playing video games and watching YouTube but every time I turn on the TV my girlfriend says stop watching TV and go outside so today I sent her on a crazy Outdoor Adventure while I attempt to build a secret movie theater in our room before she comes home at the end of the day and if everything goes to plan I'll be able to sneak into my secret movie theater and watch all the TV I want without my girlfriend knowing hello but first cam got to work searching for secret rooms in my new house what are you doing what are you doing do you want me to find this secret room or not well the blueprints do say there is a secret room right below my bedroom so keep cutting perfect oh my God while we were destroying my new house Hannah's Outdoor Adventures had begun first up I'm taking a helicopter to an island let's go I'm so excited it's going to be so much fun while Hannah was all the way up in the sky enjoying the beautiful view we had successfully found the secret room for my movie theater oh dude we found the secret room bro it's huge in there all right who's going in there you what no no no no no no no all right cam you ready no I'm scared okay I'm going to hoist you down to the secret room hang on tight I'm hanging on down we go oh God okay oh see you later cam yo are you in yeah I'm in what do you think dude this place is going to work out perfect all right coming down bro it's huge in here holy crap smells so oh look at all the wood look at all the trash bags I'm coming in oh oh my god well I made it into the secret room wow this place is huge this is the perfect room to build our secret movie theater I'm thinking we put a giant TV right here A bunch of seats right here popcorn candy soda everything to make the best secret movie ever and if everything goes to plan my girlfriend won't even know this place exists yeah but we got a lot of work to it you're right let's get started meanwhile after about an hour of flying across the beautiful ocean Hannah finally arrived at the island for her Outdoor Adventures we're here wow this place is so beautiful I can't wait for today meanwhile we had arrived at a real movie theater to take notes but cam had another idea no way no way I got candy all over my body now we can go enjoy our movie not going to lie that's a very smart idea because candy is very expensive at the movie theater all right let's go inside don't tell anybody I'll keep it quiet time to get into the movie theater now Cam's turn Moment of Truth oh my god it worked cam successfully snug into the movie theater with a ton of candy dude it freaking worked take this off I'm hungry and while we celebrated cam successfully sneaking in with candy Hannah was ready for her first Outdoor Adventure next up Z Ling see you back at the movie theater it was time to take notes movie theaters have giant screens so my movie theater needs a giant screen movie theaters have a bunch of seats so my movie theater needs a bunch of seats and they're comfy a bunch of comfy seats movie theaters are known for their red curtains so we're going to need some red curtains movie theaters have super loud speakers so we're going to need some loud speakers sorry loud speakers check sh back Outdoors Hannah seemed to be having a ton of fun ziplining not going to lie it does look kind of fun that last zip line was over 1,000 ft it was terrifying but beautiful the next zip line was even more terrifying but twice as beautiful just look at this view I would be peeing my pants if that was me that was insane probably one of the coolest things I've ever done but I have a feeling it's going to get even cooler since we had the entire theater to ourselves we decided to relax and watch our favorite movie what happened I got scared let's not play any scary movies at our movie theater good idea no scary movies check we took some notes back to the house I love candy now we're going to go jet sking around the island this going to be so much [Music] fun oh my gosh guys look at these fiels being outside is the best thing ever we're back from the movie theater I got the notes and I got the candy let's get started Well after going to the real movie theater I realized we need to buy a lot of things like movie theater seats giant TVs and a lot more so I'm going to go to the store to buy those things and I'm going to fix the giant hole in your bedroom and create the most secret entrance I've ever built I like that idea to the store I'm going to start building we're at Walmart let's go shopping I'm going to attempt to build something that I've never built before a trapo if I can successfully build the trapo you'll be able to stand on this hole press a button and disappear in seconds this is going to be extremely difficult but let's start building yo giant comfy chairs these are going to be perfect for my movie theater I'm going to buy a ton of them back at the house cam was building quick but clearly did not care about damaging my new house perfect uh yeah maybe I shouldn't have cut some wood on Ben's bed yeah he won't notice we'll be good let's keep building every movie theater needs popcorn so we're going to buy a giant popcorn machine this is perfect in goes the first door to the trap door first trap door works now I just got to build the other door and then test it out my movie theater is going to need the coolest lights ever so I'm going to buy these this this even more lights definitely a bunch of these oh we need these for sure and these a bunch of Lights check second door is in Let's test it yo this is so cool and what's even better is it's in the middle of a bedroom nobody's going to know you got a bunch of popcorn and Candy but every movie theater needs some drinks a bunch of soda ooh o some lemonade I love lemonade some more soda now that the doors are in I'm going to set up this electronic system so when you press this button you'll end up in the secret room let's keep building my secret theater needs a bunch of snacks so I'm taking all the snacks they have here cam loves Mr febles so I'm going to buy every single chocolate bar installing the electrical system let's do this the electrical system for the trap doors is all wired up let's test this thing and since Ben's at the store we're going to use Ben junor three 2 1 oh my gosh after seeing how good that worked I think we got to prank Ben I want to be able to hear what I'm watching so I'm buying giant speakers perfect you can't have a movie theater without a screen so I'm going to buy the biggest TV they sell no matter the cost we bought everything we need back to the house I really wish Ben was here he hasn't really been wanting to go outside as much and he's really missing out because look how beautiful this place is Ben if you're watching this you're missing out first I'm going to cover the trap door with a rug I'm going to put a foam pad underneath the trap door because M junor took a pretty hard fall much better I'm back from the store I bought so much stuff oh no no no bed here beds here okay I have so much more stuff let's keep going all right carpet it's almost as it it was never there one thing left to do and that's break B oh my gosh in comes the the world's biggest TV holy crap this thing was expensive but I think it's the perfect TV for my secret movie theater I didn't think they sold TVs this big I think jet skiing is my new favorite activity all right done jet skiing that was the craziest thing ever I saw so many cool things a ton of seals that was amazing what's next back at the house I could not believe my eyes where's the hole that was in my bedroom oh you know I didn't think it was going to work so I just ended up patching the hole we're going to do the secret entrance in the painting now bro we don't have time for this like you don't have time just look at it just look at the painting I'm looking at it yes it's a nice painting it'd be a good secret entrance I guess look at it look at it look closer okay isn't it a nice painting uh oh oh my God you like my trapo I would be mad that was the coolest thing ever all right let's start customizing now we're going to take a nice boat cruise around the island [Music] back indoors at the house it was time to start customizing my secret movie theater giant TV incoming wo holy crap this thing's huge I can't wait to watch anything I want on this TV without my girlfriend knowing in comes the movie theater chairs going in all right we got not just one but six legit movie theater seats we are not messing around last chair going in oh oh time to test the seats oh I can fall asleep here okay wake up what let's keep building okay so now I rented a golf cart to take me around the entire Island let's go for a ride first step to making our theater look beautiful is covering up these ugly walls let's do it since the clock is ticking and we don't have time to paint we covered up the dirty walls with giant bed sheets and since movie theaters are known for their red curtains we added some of those too this is going to look so cool when it's done I think I'm going to drive down to the beach and do some snorkling back at the house I have an idea oh what was that for I'm sorry I wanted to tell you my idea okay well what's your idea I'm going to turn this lame Landing into a giant popcorn bowl why cuz popcorn is a soft landing and we'll have unlimited popcorn that's ridiculous ridiculously awesome while you set that up I'm going to put some lights in here because our movie theater needs lights all right I'm going to go cook up some popcorn don't take too long all right movie theaters always have the coolest lights so we're going to hang these lights 1 2 three yeah I'm going to need like 400 bags of popcorn this is going to take a really long time movie theater lights going on in three 2 1 yo that looks so freaking good oh oh okay okay oh yeah first bag done we're going to need a lot more popcorn I'm at the beach let's go snorkling ready to go woo while Hannah was playing with the fish deep in the ocean I was back at the house installing the coolest lights oh my gosh I'm going to do everything I possibly can to make sure that my girlfriend does not find my secret movie theater because this place is way too cool all right another one okay this one's all right here go some more we have so many lights up watch this I'm going to change the colors yo this is so sick I can change the FES to any color I want wow very good look at that I almost have enough popcorn to fill the landing this is perfect we only need a couple more bags and I think we're good um I don't think so 396 397 398 making enough popcorn for the popcorn Landing was taking way longer than cam expected and so to save time he had the stupid idea to cook 10 bags at the same time and perfect now we just wait and while cam was waiting Hannah was having so much fun outdoor snorkeling that was so cool I saw so many fish I've never been that close to fish before back at the house something had gone wrong what's that smell oh oh no no no no oh no yes Cam literally fell asleep leaving 10 bags of popcorn in the microwave and almost burned down my new house I burn the popcorn oh my God cam cam oh oh oh he black oh go get it out get it out get it out holy crap Ben's going to kill me dude they burnt popcorn everywhere what are you doing sorry why is the whole house filled with smoke I thought putting 10 at a time would be a good idea 10 at a time I'm trying to make things go fast bro we got to get the smoke out of here oh what do we do open the window open the window get the smoke out holy crap Cam that was such a bad idea well on the bright side of things we have enough popcorn to make our popcorn Landing you want to try it out let's just try it out we made it to the top of the island and the last thing we're going to do today is go on a hike let's go look at that view that's insane there's nothing better than being outside in nature what's better than this bring in the popcorn oh my God oh my God popcorn holy crap then if this isn't the coolest thing you've ever seen I don't know what is I agree that's freaking awesome it's time to test the popcorn Landing 3 2 1 oh oh oh my God now we officially have a popcorn Landing pack that was cool and all but our secret movie theater is not close to being done yet my girlfriend Hannah is coming home at the end of the day so we better keep building damn let's go as nice as it was for Ben to set this up for me I wish he could be here to experience this recently I feel like he hasn't been as adventurous and I wish he would do things like this more often movie theaters don't just have movies they have a lot of other things like Slushy machines incoming slushy machine candy candy coming in lots of candy oh we taking this ah thank you oh my gosh and even more popcorn popcorn machine coming in incoming slushies while our slushies get cold toasters we're going to hang some movie posters and speaking of movies our movie theater screen doesn't only allow you to watch movies you can also play fortnite watch YouTube and watch my favorite YouTuber subscribe all right time to head home I can't wait to tell Ben everything I did and maybe next time he'll come with me to the helicopter this is the coolest movie theater I've ever seen it's what was that what was that did you hear that Hannah's here bro Hannah here Hannah's here Hannah's here bro what you mean we got to go what do you mean we got to GL we got to close the trap door c c c bro listen it's not Hannah what who is this I invited a subscriber you invited a subscriber and didn't tell me I mean I kind of forgot to tell you okay I have an idea let's challenge the subscriber to try to find our secret movie theater if he doesn't find it that means it's secret enough but if he does find it that means it's not Secret at all and we should probably fix it so what do you think I like that idea but I think I made the best secret entrance ever we'll find out all right I'm going to go up let's do this all right the subscriber is here let's go meet him yo this is Grayson he's the subscriber that is going to be fighting Ben subscriber has 2 minutes to find my secret movie theater and if he somehow does I'm screwed cuz that probably means that Hannah's going to find it so fingers crossed let's see what happens 2 minutes starts in 3 2 1 go go go go go where he going where he going first he's going for the refrigerator yeah yeah he in there is it in there yeah what are they doing up there is he under the dog oh no he's throwing it at me oh oh my God you broke the TV bro that's so loud people look keep looking I hope they're not destroying my house I don't think cam would do that to the new house not in the palm tree this subscriber was ruthless keep looking keep looking he was destroying my new house like it was nothing is not anywhere in that living room you know what I don't care what they're doing as long as the subscriber does not find the secret movie theater we're good what if the plate is the button to the secret room thr the plate I'm hearing things shatter okay they're definitely destroying the house I have a feeling cam has something to do with this you got 1 minute left oh God all right is he in there do you see anything I don't know it sounds like he's close but I can't tell where he's at flush a toilet see if this the button to the secret entrance anything and even though the subscriber was going crazy and destroying my new house he was still struggling to find me so a big reason as to why I actually moved into this house is because there's already a ton of secret rooms those secret rooms are going to be a very good Decoy for the subscriber probably going to waste a lot of his time that's a good thing all right let's go check see if he's in there wa wo wo wo wo wo okay okay W slider where slider get me out of here go go go I was tricking you so there was no spider no what the heck dude be fing bed and after wasting his time searching places that I was not he eventually got into my bedroom with 15 seconds left it sounds like he's literally in the room right now is he behind that miror all right 10 seconds 10 seconds where where is he under if he somehow sees the trap door we are screwed 10 9 8 7 6 5 like 5 seconds left 2 1 times up he did not find the secret entrance let's go surprise him here's the magic button do a 3 2 1 and hit the button and the secret entrance will appear 3 2 1 oh what's up how do you do that I'm cam the Builder I can build anything Grayson did not find me in the 2 minutes but obviously he's still going to come in the secret theater and enjoy it here comes Grayson welcome to my secret movie theater wo what this is insane so what do you think of my secret movie theater it's great do you think my girlfriend will find it no oh that's good that's a good thing let's go this is really good Kim oh yeah I made the best secret entrance ever we don't know that yet but we will at the end of the day when my girlfriend tries to find the secret entrance I'm nervous hanging out in the movie theater with the subscriber was so much fun not only for us but for him as well this is the best thing ever all right Grayson and cam are playing let's see if you guys can get a win oh go go go go go no no no no no no no no what what is Cam doing this TV cost way too much money to be destroyed luckily before cam could destroy the TV Ray and the subscriber had got the win yeah yeah we won yeah and that concludes the fun because Hannah could be home any minute now so it's time to get back to work the house is a mess let's go clean it up time to go back home back in the helicopter Hannah's officially on our way back and we're totally out of time but cam didn't seem to get that it's a surprise Ben I'm going to be making a 4D Movie experience a 4D Movie experience is like being inside the movie where you can see hear feel and even smell what's happening around you let's set this thing up oh my gosh what happened in here Ken is coming home any second now in the house is a mess so I got to clean up and I got to do that very quickly meanwhile Cam's up to no good in a 4D Movie experience you feel everything that's why I got a leaf blower just in case the movie gets a little windy oh my God the TV the freaking TV and just in case it starts raining in the movie I got a water gun this is going to be perfect oh my God what does Breaking plates have to do with finding our secret room got broken plates everywhere let's keep cleaning hurry if the movie takes place in the jungle you'll feel like you're in the jungle and in case the movie gets a little bit smelly I got some fart spray I know Ben's going to love this one was this necessary let's get this all back in position I need to make sure the house looks like nothing ever happened Ben is going to love my 40 movie experience I can't wait to surprise him I got to get our bed back to where it was otherwise Hannah will know something's up B was it really necessary to destroy the house I don't know what you're talking about I didn't destroy your house the subscriber did all right anyways come sit right here okay this is what you spent all that time on I'll be right back I'm going to go put on the movie the movie what movie oh the movie is windy perfect what the heck is Cam even doing Hannah is literally in a helicopter right now heading back to the house what the heck are you doing all right I'm not done yet the movie's not over I'll be right back oh no no oh it's raining let's get some rain yo it's raining it's raining it's rain why it's still going I don't care okay the rain stopped are you kidding me well don't you feel like you're in the movie no I just feel destroyed well doesn't matter there's something else happening I'll be back oh he's in the jungle I have an idea all right now we're in the jungle get off me you're in a rain for get off me something else is happening oh no cam stop it right now oh looks like somebody's in the bathroom what what the what was that oh that was fart spray but that smells really bad while we were arguing over fart spray Hannah's helicopter had successfully returned from the island I'm home and that is not good oh that spelled so freaking I'm getting a call who is that it's can I answer answer it hello hey what's up how's it going great okay cool I'll be home in 5 minutes I had the best day ever I cannot wait to tell you about it is it how long 5 minutes just down the street okay yeah I'll see you soon can't wait to hear all about it okay see you soon byebye 5 minutes what are we going to do you just destroyed me bro dud we'll change your shirt with Hannah less than 5 minutes away I got out of the secret movie theater changed my wet shirt and set up secret cameras all over the house just before she arrived hello why you SM a breath yes well I've been doing things all day okay enough about me what did you do today don't get me started I went snorkeling I went on a hike I went jet skiing I went to the beach oh and I even went ziplining it was so sick ziplining it was insane you should come next time maybe so what did you do today well so many things you went outside yes backyard front yard pool I I've been outside all day you're telling me you did not watch TV I I I don't watch TV anymore anymore you know what I'll prove it to you you see the TV right here yes watch I don't watch TV anymore I don't care look watch ready whated I know that seems stupid but I had to do everything I could to convince her I want to show to you that I don't watch TV anymore you had to throw the TV out the window well now it's not there and I'm never going to watch it again right well I guess that's what I wanted yeah next time you don't have to do that just don't watch TV as much okay I'll be right back okay my heart is racing that was scary time to get back in the secret movie theater then take the remote close it close it close it okay press it press press yo what happened what happened what happened we got to stay extra quiet because Hannah is up there probably looking for me now and uh she can't find us and while Hannah is downstairs it's the perfect time for a quiet tour of our secret movie theater let's go giant TV to watch movies watch YouTube and play video games on a bunch of the comfiest movie theater seats you could possibly buy a slushy machine chips candy and more candy Cam's giant popcorn landing and a popcorn machine just in case we need more popcorn and last but not least a bunch of movie posters and the coolest lights ever this secret movie theater turned out so freaking good but there's still one very big problem my girlfriend cannot know this exists I don't know what's going to happen fingers crossed let's watch the security cameras we got the security cameras right on this laptop right now it looks like she's in the kitchen which is good because our secret boovie theater is not in the kitchen so I hope she stays there sadly she didn't oh no she's walking up she's walking back up she's about to be back into the bedroom oh no this is not good she's right above us Ben she's calling my name hello she's going to get so mad at you if she sees this how big your TV is she's not going to see it Ben she's literally calling my name and I'm not replying because I'm in my secret movie theater right underneath our bedroom hello Ben this is not funny I got to get some popcorn this is so entertaining what no no no she's getting way too close to the trap door she's standing on the trap door she's standing oh nice oh no cam how did the door open I don't oh no no way cam just sat on the trapo remote and now Hannah has found our secret movie theater oh no no Hannah time to see if she's okay oh my God what just happened and where am I so welcome to our secret movie theater you built a secret movie theater in the new house yes are you joking you did all this just to watch TV yes this is ridiculous and why did I just fall through the roof uh cam built the trap door in our bedroom no I didn't uh-uh and nobody was going to tell me about that well you weren't supposed to find out but this guy thought it'd be a good idea to sit on the remote you fell through oh thanks guys because that was the worst 5 Seconds Of My Life sorry anyways welcome to to our secret movie theater so can we keep it no this has to go wait what this took all day and costed thousands of dollars please okay let's make a deal you can keep the theater but we have to watch TV together and spend more time outside together because all I really care about is spending time with you oh okay well deal I want to spend more time with you too so want to watch a movie Let's watch a freaking movie yeah let watch M bro I'm so sorry [Music]
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 28,714,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, Airrack, mrbeast, preston, unspeakable, Mathew beem, Ryan trahan, i built, i built a secret, secret room, 7-11, movie theater, mcdonalds, apple store
Id: 0ah5yCEGitQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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