I Snuck into a Waterpark OVERNIGHT

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so today I'm going to be attempting to take my family to an overnight water park Adventure but we got one little problem I don't know how we're going to get into the water park at night cuz they're closed but I'm going to figure it out and in case you're wondering why am I doing this it's cuz the other day I was in my son's room and he told me this wait what if we went to the water park at night think about it there's no lines and there's no one to tell us what to do wouldn't that be sick so I actually think I can make this idea happen but my wife thinks um crazy that's the worst idea ever are you planning to take the whole family inside a water park at night when it's closed sweetheart you got to trust me a little bit I got this okay but just one thing don't make promises to the kids that you cannot keep obviously I'm not going to promise them anything I promise you we're going to go to a water park at night all right bro there's no way how are you going to pull that off bro I got you do you trust me eh sure bro we're going to make this happen trust me I bet this going to be so sick bro let's go I'll be honest I have no idea how I'm going to sneak into the water park at Great Wolf Lodge we have one hour to pack but I have a challenge for y'all y'all cannot take your regular big siiz luggages for this trip y'all got to pack all your items and small luggages all right small luggages hold on I got you this one's for you this is for you and this is for you what I have to fit all of my stuff in this tiny little luggage bro are you serious I said to pack your Essentials what's all this BR what do you mean these are my essentials look I'm a crazy shoe guy I got to bring some Jordan fours some water shoes and some Crocs bro that's a lot of shoes for 2 days bro you wouldn't get it man this boy is crazy oh I'm not even done yet I forgot to pack my most essential essential oh let me guess your gaming setup bro no more essential your hair products no even more essential what is it my dog Gucci bro stop it bro you're not taking them with you okay right here there's like a little bit of space right on top of these shoes yeah he's really trying to get Gucci to come with us but your dog Gucci is not going to come with us on this trip I'm sorry bro we got to leave in 20 minutes to make our flight let's check up on my wife we're late we got to go are you ready wait I still need more time yeah but there's no more space in your luggage you're full like no I still need to pack way more stuff as a matter of fact let me show you what I got I had this raining boooks just in case that it's going to be raining boots I say boots okay my curly item my hair dryer my flat item because I need all of them just in case bab we're going for two days it doesn't matter I need all of these my different type of color pures also I got all my makeup brushes right here just in case that I need like a full makeup and one more thing I'm going to bring my puffy jacket just in case that it gets cold babe we got 15 minutes do what you got to do I'll see you downstairs we got to head to the airport all right all right don't worry we got this all right Milan what did you bring what did you bring diapers are you sure all you need is diapers and squishy toys yeah I love you Daddy a I love you too I want to be my elephant too you want to be your elephant too yeah fine by me heye I need help please this doesn't fit in my luggage by the way guys I still have no idea how my husband is going to get all the family in the water park at night I think this is crazy are you ready for the airplane yeah are you ready for the airplane she's not talking she's not talking no you want to say something blue give her a kiss give her a kiss a he e she smells she smells yeah all right we're off to the airport baby and uh I hope we can get into the water park at night wish me luck y'all I got this are you guys ready yes all right we're at the airport do you guys want to buy snacks yes all right I'll buy you guys whatever snacks you want but only in one color you got to pick a color blindfolded blindfolded close your eyes only one color one color I'll go with this color take it out take it out take it out three two one I got red let's go go me me a you want a color too pick a color all right green all right Milan pick your color pick your color oh Milan got green you got green and you got red all right let's go shopping let's go all right go go go go go you guys got 5 minutes is this technically red that's red that's red that's red I got that me get some butter popcorn oh the chips there you go there you go that's green good job good job I got more green I keep going keep going keep going keep going I love beef jerky I know that this is not green but can I have it that's not green that's not this is not green I'm sorry that's green go get it wait Ollie is this technically red no that's green but you know what your mom can get it she's green I'll get it for you I'll get it for you wait me you trying to get Skittles yeah but you're green this is red Daddy please all right you can have it a these this one this one too Stu mommy I'm going to eat them all all right time is up time is up time is up all right I definitely got the most stuff all right put it in put it [Music] in y'all ready for the airplane yes sir but you remember you promised me to go to the water park at night right I got you we're going to make it happen trust me let's go you guys we made it onto the plane and I had some time to think about my master plan to sneak into the water park and everything was going smoothly until baby blue threw up all over us yo she got you good bro what happened you stink I stink yeah what a rough start to the trip but we finally made it to the Great Wolf Lodge and before we sneak into the water park we got to check out the rooms first and rumor has it there's a big surprise waiting for us oh a surprise surpr surpr open open it open it open it open it go on in go on in go on [Music] in my God oh my yo what is going on right yo hold on hold on hold on what is going on with you we have sour punches yo they gave us their old little Supermarket I know that's crazy there's a letter read it read it read it dear royalty family thank you for choosing to stay and play with us at Great Wolf Lodge we are big fans and know that you love snacks I do so we built a mini snack bar just for you this time Veron doesn't have to hide it from his mom sincerely the Great Wolf package let's go all right we got fck F fck all right who's going on top wait you're going on top Mil wants to go up top hey you good over there yes sir so comfortable all right Milan's going up go Milan go all right give me a minute I'm going to go outside with your mom all right I'll be back I'll be back all right sweetheart now it's time for me to go work on my master plan and get us access to the water park at night all right okay so hold on do you even know what you're doing yeah I know what I'm doing that doesn't sound good but you know what whatever you do please don't get us in trouble I'll take care of the kids you do your thing I got you okay I promise I'll be good all right take care of the kids let's go all right you guys in order for this plan to work I got to go full secret agent [Music] mode all right y'all agent mode activated let's go find a way to get inside the water park first things first I need to find a way to get to the back entrance without anyone noticing me I'm coming for you I'm [Music] where's Daddy Daddy's going to get us into the water park like you promised you just have to be patient and wait we're almost there we're almost there come on we got [Music] this all right you guys that's the back door entrance to the water park but there's security right there I have a plan you see that red bin right there that that's the bin where they put all the dirty towels from the water park what I'm going to do is I'm going to wait for the lady to leave I'm going to go inside the bin I'm going to hide hopefully she pushes me through I get past security and we're inside the water park let's see if it works all right you guys I'm going to take out all the towels I'm going to go inside and do what I got to do anything for the kids woo I'm going to smell real bad hey Mom what do you think my dad's doing right now I don't know I think that he's getting extra towels Park tonight he's getting extra towels Milan this is the moment of truth let's hope the worker doesn't see me [Music] oh my God oh my God someone is taking me oh hey going hitter I hope I'm going the right way yo we're going somewhere all right I hope it's to the water park royalty F where am I going oh my God please tell me it's a water park I'm doing this for my kids I'm doing this for my kids mom where's Dad [Music] you hey what are you doing in here security no no no no no don't security what was that no no don't no what is going on here it's for my kids I'm doing this for my kids we we're trying to go to the water park at night so I came this way I don't care you got to go it's it's for the kids man no no no no you can't be sneaking around BR it's it's for the kids it's for the kids go come on please so since I got caught the security has been on the lookout for me we got a guy he's trying to sneak in yeah no I'm not sure where he is now but just keep on looking and it's time for me to come up with a new plan all right so my last idea was a failure but this one's going to work and all I got to do is blend in with my surroundings I'm officially a plant and I'm going to blend in with all the other plants and I'm going to make my way to that entrance of the water park and hopefully no one catches me hopefully Mom where's Dad why is he taking so long I want to go to the water park overnight I already have my swimming shorts ready I know but you just got to be a little bit patient he has a plan and he's going to be back soon okay [Music] okay oh my God oh my God I hear someone walking by oh no oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no yes yes yes yes keep going keep going keep going keep going oh my god oh no no no oh no security security is right there security is right there it's okay I'm a plat I'm a PL oh sir we have to go huh I've told talk to you before sir Park is closed have to go you don't like plants not this plant it's for my kids this time I'm taking you back to your room no wait it's for my kids it it's for my kids let's go where are we going we're going back to your room I'm a plant you can plant in your room now I got to go back to my room and give my family the bad news this might not end too well all right man I'm right over here I don't think anyone's home we're security we're good no one's home let's just go ma'am does this belong to you oh my gosh hey Bab oh my what are you even wearing I'll take that as a yes he was trying to sneak into the water park please cannot be happening I was doing it for the kids I thought that you had a good plan for this I thought I did too until he ruined it you didn't even ask if it was okay to go in the water park I was going to ask him but he wouldn't even let me no he didn't even ask oh my gosh I apologize for my husband's Behavior this means a lot to us we brought our whole family here do you think that you can make an exception please and let us go in the water park with the whole family please please see that's all you had to do was ask nicely since you've now asked nicely yes I can let you in the water park but since you cause so much trouble I do have a challenge for you we're going to the water par let's go let's go let's go let's go we made it to the water park at night let's go now that we made it to the water park and the lifeguards were here to look after us let's hear what challenge the security guard has planned for us okay guys here's your challenge you have 15 minutes to complete all the rides minutes not only that but you also have to complete the wolf tail yes yes yes but if you complete all the rides Within 15 minutes you will win this wonderful prize let's do yeah yeah okay you're going to start at the Talking Stick Treehouse and you can't leave this area until you get splashed with the giant bucket all right let's go let go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go all right guys let's go let's go let's go let's go oh my goodness guys all right we got to wait for this to come down guys let's go on the slides on the slides come on come on I got to walk through it let's go let's go oh my gosh go up go up go up hey sweetheart don't put that CA on my face okay all right we're about to go on the slide let's go let's go all right hey you guys that bucket is getting full go go go go go go go I'll race you I'll race you go up 3 2 1 go oh this is so slow are you serious right now this is so bro check it out about to get wet ah I got stuck all right let to go it's cold and you're in it now come on look at that big bucket guys I'm ready but I'm going to get wet it's not it's not it's part of the challenge part of the challenge we got to pass this round we got to hurry up oh it's going it's let's keep going let's keep going you guys oh my gosh that was so cold dude okay time is ticking you have 12 minutes left for the next challenge each of you has to make a basket all right we got this let's go W he already left all right bab go go go go [Music] go go go go no come on bab bab make make make it make no oh come on come on come on come on ready give me three give me three there's only one person left that needs to make a basket before we move on to the next round we do it let's go let's go guys let's go okay 11 minutes left the next challenge is to go down River Canyon Run as a family let's go uhoh sorry Milan you're too small for this ride you have to wait okay I'll be back Milan River Canyon Run we're coming for you we got to hurry up go go go we got to get that priz oh my gosh look how high up we are W oh my God I want my pH this is so f oh oh we got to keep going we got to keep going the next challenge is at the wave pool and we only got 10 minutes left your next challenge is to save the flamingo from the deep end as a family all right let's go get that Flamingo come on guys let's let go let's go let's go we got this come on come on right there right there go for one I got it let's take it back why did you have my sand my sandal my sand the W to push you go go go go oh my God I'm stuck go go go go got go we got to go back got it I got it all the way back go go we got it we got the fringo let's go okay there are 8 minutes left the next challenge you have to choose two of you to race down Alberto Falls all who wants to race all right so I'm all guys you got this it's me versus you bro I'm winning this 100% I'm go let's go let's go bro no no no no no no no no bro that's not be hey come back let's go he's cheated hey bro you're going down yeah we'll see about that come on come on come on come on come on go down come on come [Music] on this is so fast oh oh my gosh dude I can't see anything oh but they went there oh gosh this is drop there's a drop I SC there I feel to coming there's a drop let's go I won oh what he cheated okay 4 minutes left the final challenge two out of three of you have to go down the wolf tail I don't know who's going but we'll find out let's go guys come on f one let's go a couple minutes left wish us luck all right who's going down guys I'm sorry this is too high am a super nervous and I think that you got it guys what sorry but this is too high all right we got to hurry up we got to hurry up all right I'm going first I'm going first bye baby good luck you can do it love you bro this is scary oh my god oh 3 2 oh my God you did it [Applause] [Music] all right for R this is your turn okay you're strong you're brave you can do it okay I got it for the family I got it you got it I know you got it I love you guys make sure to like And subscribe come on all right Mom I love you so much I love you too you can do this I'm going to make it out I'm going make you're super bra this is for the challenge all right let's do it bro this is so scary but I'm going to do for you guys all right all right Ro I love you guys come on you're my son you can do it be's great 2 [Music] 1 oh my God I can't say anything I did it let's go congratulations you finished the challenges in time here's your prize wait there's nothing inside right because nothing's better than family time yeah he's right that's true we had so much fun as a family and that's all that matters I love you guys I love you continuing our trip at the Great Wolf Lodge we went rock climbing played games like magic Quest where we fought off the evil dragon and the kids even got their favorite candy from the candy store the royalty family water park vacation was this success stay royalty we out peace royaly [Music]
Channel: The Royalty Family
Views: 15,594,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Royalty Family, Royalty Family, Andrea Espada, Family Friendly, Royalty, Royal Family, The Royal Family, Royalty Fam, The Royalty Fam, Realty Family, Roti Family, Family Vlog, royalty family, royalty, royal, royalty fam, Ali andrea, Andrea ali, royalty gaming, royalty baby, challenge, Jordan matter, Rebecca zamolo, Dhar maan, ferran, I Survived 100 Babysitters in 24 Hours!, Our Son's EXTREME Makeover, extreme, makeover, extreme makeover, ferran braces
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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