The SMILING CRITTERS are DEAD?! Poppy Playtime 3 Animation

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[Music] guys why did things have to go so wrong we were all happy yesterday and now it was all because of me if I had only taken better care of you all things may have turned out differently hey catnap don't blame yourself too much life's unpredictable you know if it's not today it could be tomorrow huh stop saying that you hot this chicken seriously I didn't do anything wrong they made their own choices what's happening here it's all your fault man we're all here because of you you owe us a life I'm telling you it's not me do was behind it all go find him if you want revenge give me your life oh my God I didn't do anything to you guys and what about me kicken you're the reason I had that accident was it an accident though dog killer you're the demon here not us you deserve to be buried bury him bury him him burry him yo doct day heads up hey kick in can you throw it a bit gentler you're throwing it too hard I almost fell off the cliff scared of losing to me huh you chicken come on got to give it you're all dude relax [Music] [Applause] pH doct oh my gosh he just vanished oh he's gone what do I do now if everyone finds out he died because of me I'm done for it play care got to think quick aha I have an idea [Music] you guys when I heard dog day scream and rushed over I found him stuck under the broken door he like that if that i' have been faster things might have turned out different do dog day how could you die so early we're going to miss you so much oh [Music] rest in peace [Music] buddy we'll visit you [Music] often dog day I'm sorry but you're in this mess because you were too competitive give me back my life was that just a bad dream Hing a stuffed dog was risky I wonder if anyone's on to us yet got to check okay the Grave's undisturbed guess we're good what the dog day loved sunbathing he will chop down this tree and let the Rays hit him crafty corn what crazy thing are you talking about ouch huh no no no no crafty corn how'd you end up like this no I swear I didn't do a thing poy no oh my God what what's going on you did it no way it wasn't me I didn't do anything no no no dog day back off I didn't mess with you it was your own doing you totally whacked the ball off the cliff on purpose no I didn't Bubba I'm clueless man duct they made me do it where is it it's got to be here kicken what are you looking for calm down buddy kick him now you're a serial killer you caused all those deaths keep away from me you demon it's all on you you think this messes with me you're way too naive no no no stay back chicken what's eating you ay kick him ain't nobody else taking the fall for you now now confess kicken you around something Horrible's gone down at smiling Critters everyone suddenly dead catap help what's the deal where's piggy piggy's turned into barbecue this can't be happening why things have to go south like this oh do I messed up big time man it's all on me I got too competitive and smash that ball too hard just to make you admit defeat huh what's happening guys didn't everyone already die you almost got me killed man and the others just got lucky after I fell off that Cliff you didn't even try to save me just ran away luckily I grabbed a rope and hung on but I swore I'd get back at [Music] you burgler let me go catnap ghost hey I'm still alive huh how's that possible then what's buried under the grave just a regular stuffed toy kick and framed me with it I'm going to get him venge isn't the right thing to do friend I have a more interesting idea here's how it works dog day's ghost wants payback for his unfair death knocking off everyone and making them play dead turning into spooky ghosts to scare kicking to confess let's do it [Music] [Music] oh I see sorry everyone I've been selfish and terrible from now on try to dial down your ego okay I understand sorry dog day no problem [Music] kicking aha [Applause] [Music] Being Human must be really tough huh yeah but they do it for the buddy what's going on it was just getting [Music] interesting turn it on turn it on Mo aide Cy I think I know what to do great finally bub got something useful from all those books or maybe not sorry seriously life is so boring there's nothing fun to watch anymore maybe they've run out of ideas so they can't make shows okay then I'll try to bring some fun really I can't wait [Music] a what's happening this is way beyond my comfort zone so [Music] embarrassing get off the stage man it's boring hey hey hey you guys need something to entertain here right like a star wow chicken's so cool I'm getting excited this show is even better than Dog Days totally [Music] agree H maybe Kick's trying to take over doc day's spot a Kick's a good guy he would never do that to his friends you don't know what you don't know just watch and see [Music] chill who's being a bit rude here yo dog day sleeping in huh I'm a dog not a morning rooster like you you're all Lively want to race or something What's your deal man all right let's race and don't cry if you lose what's with this guy why so competitive H looks like you're the loser now hey this is a running competition sneaky cheater he's scared of losing so he's doing that but doc they cheated first besides kicking didn't even agree to race with him no no no I don't want to hear anything poppy give me back my apples dude why'd you do that ouch that H like crazy everybody calm down all right folks there's always a way to set settle [Music] things K's so cool he's just trying to please everyone so that he can easily take over dog day's spot this is unacceptable hey dog day I'm going skateboarding today want to join um let me think don't pay attention to him Dickens definitely planed a mess with you or embarrass you in front of everyone um um just go for it's a chance to learn some cool tricks from him might even help you get back on track dog day you with me uh yeah sure I'll come awesome let's go have a good time dog day he Joel you're messing everything up today I'll show you some serious devilish anger a hey what's going on here let me out you can't be stronger than me you know the saying good always triumphs over evil seriously this isn't cool if this keeps up dog day is going to be in trouble hey let me out look they're up on the clap jeez Louise I hope they'll be okay be ready for the challenge of a [Music] lifetime oh boy if I mess up now I'll be dead relax remember what they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and if you die then well let's an experience who needs experience when you're already dead where's devil I need his advice well he left you alone hm that Angel's so bold I got to go stop this mess are you ready uh ready ready Stop in the Name of evil I command you to leave my cute dog day alone listen up dog day if you take on this challenge you'll be dead I can see it coming so that's why you always try to stop me huh aw that's so nice of you bro you're always looking out for me koodles to what are you doing dog day talking to yourself anyway let's check me out no hang on kicking I'm on my way hey remember what I told you as leader of the smiling Critters I won't let him get hurt but you don't even know how to skateboard a over here kicking watch out oh no they're falling someone's got to help them out if they're dead may I have the first fight please [Music] thank you catnap yeah you saved my life anyway dude that was intense what a rush want to give it another try uhuh maybe not what you being scared huh what a chicken can't believe a cool guy like me would want to take a challenge with you oh catnap catnap are you here this place is so scary feels like it's straight out of a ghost story seriously who still decorates like this so ugly happy stop judging if anyone's going to get caught by ghosts it'll be you first H these two pieces of fabric look exactly the same guys I think I found him catnap hid to get a cough is really bad luck yeah get out purple Kitty let's open it who D wake me catnap we know everything now we're not judging you like hoppy this is your last warning if you don't want to be dead leave catap that's not true you can't suck blood and kill people you're not a vampire so you can't do that a no no no what did I just do I've turned into a bloodthirsty vampire or worse I killed my friend buddy it's not as bad as you think aren't you all scared yet run before I lose control dude you're overreacting wait you're not dead obviously not you think you're that tough hey I had reason to be worried I feel dizzy massive headache I really need to take a rest what the heck why is the power out where'd these bats come from get lost get off of me got to tell dog about these bats why is my neck hurting like crazy blood did those bats bite me oh no you get bitten by a spider you become Spider-Man so if I get bitten by a bat does that make me Batman oh man my neck's all dry again oh so thirsty water I need water C up what's going on cadap has a fever we need to take good care of him Baba you go ahead I'll stay with him catnap you awake take your meds okay no way these pills stink no they're sweet I made them myself it'll make you feel better no no no all right how about this I'll make you something tasty to drink sounds good where's biggy I'm starving I'm thirsty I'm going to die I need food biggy where are you what the oh my God this is so good I feel all charged up ah my hand my hands crushed piggy wait that liquid I drank was Piggy's blood why did I enjoy it so much Piggy oh man what happened my hand my hand oh no I'm not a Batman I'm a vampire I'm going to be the one who killed his friends and drank their blood right I'm going to dress up like this this will scare The Smiling Critters away and they'll be safe from [Music] me catnap catnap catnap hi vampire from now on I'll be living a lonely life inside this coffin only then can everyone be happy forever and ever and [Music] ever endeav endeav all right story time's over now get ready for [Music] this come on kiddos you're supposed to be all scared cats in their Illusions see if you were a real vampire you'd be dead by now from this cross but you're still alive so let me tell you the full story catnaps acting like a vampire what if he tries to bite us no way I checked on catnet myself he's just having a fever yeah let's just go in and see what's [Music] happening ew catap wears Dentures don't wonder he has bad breath guys check this out seems like catnap really believes in these horror stories these scraps of fabric look just like catnaps cape and earpieces from earlier H we should check the security camera footage maybe we can find some [Music] Clues catnaps dressing up to be a vampire but why maybe he's hiding something so he's doing that to avoid everyone whatever the reason we need to find him ASAP H interesting hold up why is there a camera in my bedroom dog day you're invading my space ow you think I only put cameras in your room come on they're in everyone's room at play care there's no such thing as privacy but why did I feel so much better after drinking Piggy's blood oh actually that red stuff you drank wasn't my blood just mix the medicine with tomato juice then sweet taste covers up the bitter and catnap won't know it smart move just make sure not to overdo the meds [Music] okay easy peasy piggy squeezy oh no I forgot the meds how much did Bubba say oh well just going to dump it all in to be safe oh no no no my hand is piggy what's wrong Papa my hand bleeding like crazy help me I'm going to die it's just tomato juice not blood girl what what but I was in real pain earlier sorry guys but at least now I know you all care about me love you all so that means I'm not a vampire right yes you you liked the tomato juice I made earlier didn't you well I brought a big bottle just for you I don't think I can stand anything red [Music] anymore I'm starving let me out of here yeah this sucks big time what are you doing B you all will see soon enough oh smil and CR graze yourself I'll take you to some place really awesome like him what the heck you really think I'd let you get away with thoughts let them go now hey you can just open the door why keep banging on the war like that hey let me out let me out P your service get now do something go guys coming oh that hurts my meow meow you know you guys look what the [Music] attack hide hide hide [Music] guys we we made it what's going on here where is this place my Lord this must be the hell prototype we're talking about look everyone [Music] let me check it says we are in zunal World anomaly world is that like a zoo yeah but it's not a normal sir it's got some really abnormal monsters to survive we've got to follow these steps first we'll use the gun call Blue mopang to kill the monsters out there then we'll search for the key pieces to enter the blue machine room finally we'll enter that room to shut down a mysterious machine to complete the mission H I think we should split into two teams I'll handle the monsters and you guys hunt for the key pieces how does that sound that sounds uh not bad are you kidding me that sounds awesome all righty team time to show those monsters what smiling Critters are capable of now eat This Here I Come Easy [Music] Peasy that was easy oh you scared the heck out to me hello hello aren't you trying to attack me open sesame everyone ready to roll wait where's katnap oh oh there you are catnap all right let's get going team one more step before completing the [Music] mission hold up where did everybody go seriously you all just ditch me like this what the heck is that me but how's that possible I'm here you guys get away from that impostor wait why is there another catnap over there what the heck if catnaps over there then who is this SC CER a check this [Music] out hurry up start the machine and let's get the heck out of here curs is not cool catnap behave yourself weit talking and start doing all right bra trying to H come on come on come on it's not working oh right someone has to turn on the switch fry what finally home sweet home finally back to normaly dude and I can enjoy my Apple in peace well that's something I want to chat with you about piggy doctor what I don't think we have made it huh what do you mean Bubba cadna he is still stuck in tsom world what Mrs zombie please calm down I don't want your mouth to be dirty help me out man cheick it out this grass is going to look sick bra ah zombie ambush from the grass uh-oh found [Music] you zombie in my area oh my gosh someone L me a hand [Music] here that's it are we really going to die and turn into those gross things no what I don't want to die stop being such a chicken kicken at least we'll die together but I am a chicken so still know catnap hang on tight guys I'm speeding up stop me I'm fine just leave me here and save yourself oh my poor Hopscotch we'll always remember you and your love for carrots what's happening to play care it's a zombie apocalypse I'm a big fan of zombie movies and from what I've seen it usually starts with some experiments going wrong talking like it doesn't have anything to do with you kicken actually dog day it all began with me and kicken yo catnap check me out am I cool or what I don't have time for you right now ooh what's that you got some potion to get buffed like you hey you can't touch it don't be selfish with the good stuff man got to share with everyone [Music] right gotcha thanks catnap oh that hurts seriously kicking that stuff's dangerous you're such a cute cake can I have a taste yes ah thanks kicken stop right [Music] there no oh [Music] no oh man this is bad hey what's wrong with piggy is she going to be okay she's turning into a zombie run huh piggy why do you look so pale are your SEC oh wo sorry you guys if I hadn't been so naughty things wouldn't have gotten this bad don't blame yourself okay we'll find a way to save everyone but how maybe they're secure in the lab uhoh the zombies are about to break in what do we do you two go to the lab and make the antidote I'll deal with these guys no kicken you can't sacrifice yourself like this what's the problem and chickens around there are zombies blocking us here it's getting annoying H aha I got a [Music] plan man we're going to be zombies soon there's no way out just like kicking ah a dude snap out of it can't be all sad and negative like that we're in the lab now so let's make that antidote real quick yeah I'm going to give it everything I [Music] got aha h seriously why do I have such a stupid useless teammate what's with the tears here's the antidote dude where'd you find it why didn't you give it to me sooner uh saw you working hard so um I guess I figured I didn't want to disturb you what the hang on tight dog day oh man my dear smiling Critters how do you all stop smiling and turn into such ugly Critters dog day pass me the antidote wao you guys did it this isn't working it just keeps coming back what now I got a crazy idea you're nuts oh man is this the end for smiling Critters
Channel: SM Games
Views: 428,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jTr3IaXsj9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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