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good morning [Music] we're having issues [Music] i fixed it so guys we're past 85 000 subscribers and so if you're new here and you haven't heard about it we got a free tractor giveaway at 100 000 subscribers we're going to be giving away this yeah uh maybe you should point it at the tractor you're giving away instead of oh my 75 20. oh yeah this 544 k or international tractor we're going to be giving that away so we might be pulling up onto your farm all you got to do is subscribe maybe comment on what you would do with the tractor if you were to win well that'd be nice to kind of hear some of the comments on what they plan on using it for because you know we don't want it to be abused it does start we got to started the other day we just had to jump it a bit and it hadn't been run for a while it's got a three point on it it's got hydraulics it's got loader mounts no loader sorry but yeah just subscribe and maybe you can win this 544 tractor and just to be clear it is not in any way in pristine tradition condition right over there stay tuned all right and you read the title we bought it what'd we buy i guess i guess we'll find out here we got to get feeding and then right after feeding we will something yeah did i steal your checkbook or what we're getting low on hay really low on hay so i wonder if that thing down there is going to help us with that at all beep yeah you like that all right we're almost out of hay and dad is bringing up some bales and yes we did buy the roto grind and so together we're gonna kind of my four-wheeler's over here we're gonna kind of learn how to use that there's a lot of settings on there to make it run how you want it to run and so we have a lot to learn about it but we bought it we're gonna be grinding hay we got it before we grind the corn and that's coming here in like three weeks we're really excited we're hoping that this machine works out for us we're happy with the demo and we've been stewing on it for a few weeks but we decided to pull the trigger and purchase the roto grind so that's actually the one that was out on the demo and so it's set up last how we had it and so it was running pretty good at the end of that day ellie's got a magic trick she wants to show you guys ready oh you can teleport huh we got the new pressure washer set up i washed two i washed two tractors off yesterday doesn't that thing look fancy oh shuster's out in fairmont minnesota they got the stuff they he knows what he's talking about matt over there the owner he used to run a lot of these cleaning out pig buildings i think he said and so he knows he just knows what you need in a pressure washer so if you're looking for a pressure washer you have some questions you should definitely ask matt out at schusters in fairmount minnesota he set us up with a soap that helps wash the mud off right away and then we also got a wax with it and so that thing is looking shined up and it it definitely helps having a 4 000 psi 4 gallon per minute electric start that thing just starts going and holy cow you gotta you gotta be leaning forward because that thing's got some power and here's day one of grinding our own a i do wish that spout was up a little bit more i thought about adjusting it before we started but i didn't and so that was a mistake we still got something to take net wrap off of so dad's gonna be feeding i'm gonna be taking that wrap i just gotta make it through there that looks dusty oh we got a clear spot i think there's a tractor in there somewhere wind is the wrong direction so that tractor is kind of sucking up a lot of a lot of dust from the hay which is probably my fault for parking it where i did and now the tractor doesn't look so clean anymore does bring a couple more and i'm i'm almost done cutting the net wrap off look back and the hay was starting to pile up and fill back into the spout and that would have been bad we definitely would have plugged something and sheared a bolt but we're good now dad just put the last bale in we ended up moving because we didn't like the way the wind was blowing so we'll be done here in a bit just did 14 bales again if there's a day where the wind's right we'll probably do more and just have a little bit more stocked up you pyromaniac i think it'll take off yeah it's pretty dry yeah so we're excited to have that machine we're uh we're hoping we're thinking it's gonna go right through the corn when we start grinding corn we think we'll we'll get that stuff ground really fast and i can spend more time packing it if you didn't know dad and i have instagram accounts and so if you follow us on instagram you'd probably know that we purchased this already and the links are below it's just sunny farms and sunny farms dad if you want to check that out give us a little follow and maybe send dad a message really spam him up make his phone just keep going and going maybe don't do that can you tell that we're father and son the way we act are we done for the day or what nope oh okay okay all right so now we're gonna head to the south farm we're gonna check on how that apache is coming and we're also we're also going to put this out in that alley over there and hopefully that should fit right up dan and matt feldhouse from britain they made that up for us and they also made that 6x7 and i'm sure you farmers know what those are for it's just to keep the cattle feed underneath them give them a little more traction and link below if you want to check them out they got facebook and i'll put matt's phone number down in there if you want to give him a call and order yourself one they also got some sitting in mitchell south dakota britain's kind of far away it's up north far away from me anyway so they got some spread out so you can you can be close by if you're interested in one of those [Music] very exciting we explained where this came from last video kind of the first farm job it's done for us today i just got stung by a wasp right right there and the the best part of that is that's the second time this week about two days ago oh that stings about two days ago i went to pet ellie on the porch and a wasp came and stung me right in the foot son of a gun i got a boo-boo are we gonna do this or is there i i don't know but crap i just walked over there and then it's like hey get out of here i have no i have no clue where it came from was it just one i only saw one that fits pretty good down in there yeah i can see four of them five of them right there you're getting close paw yeah we'll bring spray back huh oh so next time we come back we're going to kill those uh wasps because i like revenge and then we're going to pull that down and yeah that should i want to get out of here did you get a good look at how nice it fits here yeah i fit dang near perfect when that ice is over cattle should have a nice place to walk so they notice that those wasps they won't mess with me yeah they know better they i might start charging them rent if they the wasp yeah if they live on here our property and they start bothering me yeah good luck you know it's a good thing i'm not allergic that one in the arm today hurt a lot less than the one in the foot the other day i think i'm getting immune oh yeah and then you start craving it after a while when you get stung a lot i know after i haven't had it for a while it's like i need to find a wasp all right we're gonna make some lunch i'm gonna i'm gonna make a plot to destroy those wasps yeah did i ever tell you the story about these uh farm magazines that keep sending me stuff year after year and then they'll call me on the phone and they'll say uh if you don't fill out this questionnaire we're gonna quit sending it to you and i say no you're gonna keep sending it to me and they're gonna they say no we won't i said yeah you will and i said i'll you tell me that every year and i don't fill out the survey and you keep sending it to me they argue with me but but there they are i'm right well this has been sitting here for about a week and a half maybe i should do something with it this is just a trimming bar sometimes you need a lot of access to your critters and this makes it so you can open the side panel the whole side panel and sometimes if you do that they'll kind of get their butt over and they'll get in the way and it's kind of dangerous and they might get in a situation where they can kick you and so this side bar the trimming bar really just makes it so they can't move around and so for us we might be using that if we were to be castrating some bowls or just doing a herd health check of some sort on the cattle on the big critters miss this is the second time i've had to ask you to leave be careful on your way out thank you you know people drink out of that you guys gotta check this thing out like i was as i was saying earlier this thing's super powerful we're gonna soap it we're gonna clean it off and then lastly we got some liquid liquid wax from shusters that we're gonna put on there we're gonna make that bobcat fancy you guys are gonna love oh this this thing is so awesome [Music] so [Applause] uh [Music] for a little wax the best part is it tastes like grape a little bit ago a video went up and a lot of people have been uh and a lot of people have been asking not even not just on the video that went up a little bit ago but the past couple how that cattle oiler is doing and how the cattle are doing with the flies over there so dad and i are gonna drive over there and we'll just show you firsthand what's going on this stuff it's not damp and if it were continuously pumping it would be damp so that kind of makes me wonder if they're even you know triggering this by bumping this up and down well it's kind of dirty it looks dirty but and then we come in here and for some reason they really haven't eaten the mineral and there's even a corn cob in there this is what makes it pump when the cattle rub on this yeah the wiggling pumps the oil out the mixture not oil but um one thing that this pasture has that none of our other pastures have is a lot of trees and an oiler and and an oiler thank you dad yeah and so maybe they just don't really maybe they don't really think they need to be rubbing on this because they got all these trees that they can rub on and so i mean that's that's one possibility i guess but but we don't have one of these in our other pastures that don't have trees so i can't really say that that's fact and that's the reason why they're not rubbing on it too much we haven't seen them work on it a whole lot yeah we've been dumping uh dakota gold under there so they kind of get used to rubbing against it and stuff i don't know we'll go drive we'll go find the cattle they're in the trees somewhere and see uh what the fly pressure is like on them dad do you have a guess as to what they are thinking right now no i do not what do you think it is called if i had to guess i would say irma gerd helmets perlets or pellets yeah you can definitely they definitely got flies on them now i'm not going to tell you that they have more or less than any other pasture because i didn't count i didn't count all the flies but they definitely have flies on them so i just noticed as i was chucking these pellets out if you look at the grass in the dirt around here like right here it's bare so they are actually obviously spending a decent amount of time over here to the point where they're eating all the grass and you know basically killing the grass by stomping on it so much i just wish they'd pump it a little more make this moist if they just rub on that just rub on it look at that sunny angus calf right there yeah we do sell bowls and straight across the back crowd look at him straight and these are some sunny angus bulls and so if you're in the area and you would you're maybe looking for a bowl you know we we're not high dollar bowls by any means you're not going to spend a lot of money out here and we even sell bulls in quantities of 20 or 25 yes and so you do that sometimes if you want to make a deal buy a a a a butt load a gaggle a whole bunch of bull we'll definitely work with you on that i mean you've been selling bulls for how many years since 1997 so 23 years and back in the day he used to advertise a bit he hasn't for a long time and so the the past few years we have had a couple bulls left i mean we got this channel here so why wouldn't we try to advertise on our on our own channel a little bit yeah that calf got poo right on the head who head he says what smells oh look at the nads on that guy gosh that's bread like a sonny i tell you what is that too far i don't know we're gonna get him oh yeah i thought he was gonna be like i don't want it oh my i can see them from here do you know which one no okay it's the it's the one after the no back they're down in the hole mess them up brian mess them up you're a warrior get it down in there yeah oh they're crawling oh they're coming out oh look at him oh oh he was about to crawl oh my god oh lord yeah how many of them were there i just railed my head on this oh well that's pretty good eh oh well that ain't gonna wear out after the warranty's up right on i think uh somebody measured it because it seems it seems to fit pretty good down in there i need some ac let's go uh make some steaks oh steaks what'd we do today oh yeah we ground some hay and we bought that roto grind so hopefully hopefully that works well for us the pressure washer is awesome we're hoping that our cattle aren't slipping in that concrete alleyway this winter when we start prague checking and all in all it was a decent day it was hot but we got a few things done that need done if you're new here i hope you enjoyed i hope you hit that subscribe button and all of you that have been watching for a long time i appreciate it we will see you next time have a good one guys [Music] dad what are they dancing for huh because they're they're so happy that they're free from the spray okay
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 157,423
Rating: 4.9837151 out of 5
Keywords: money, farming, sonne farms, young farmer, cole sonne, brian sonne, cattle, bees, wasps, stung, grinding hay, rotogrind, spending money, fun, angus, john deere, tractors
Id: yFZhryTuEQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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