We bought an abandoned Survival Bunker

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dave and i just bought five acres in interior alaska with a abandoned survival bunker it's demo day we're gonna find out what's in this shelter right now could be some cool tools could be some interesting camping gear oh here it is we have found the bunker wow what the heck is this place all this stuff oh wow it's like concrete stucco huh that's very interesting so here's the story brook and i bought this five acre piece of property in interior alaska sight unseen it was part of an estate family didn't care about it it was it was a cheap piece of property it's remote it's private it's actually on a decent road and there is power that runs down the road you could hook up to electricity if you wanted very typical interior alaska thick black spruce good for taking a nap yeah if you didn't know it was here you'd never know it hidden bunker empty land on both sides of it so this is it we got this five acres for 11 500. that is a heavy door so we're gonna dig into this junky cabin full of everything that was left here when the previous owner moved out dude this shirt in here looks like it's covered with blood this batter will hold me a flat roof with a tarp over top and then i don't know some kind of stucco more concrete looking stuff and then just this mess to clean up antiques guns garbage now there's this weird click noise you gotta wonder like who built this why they build it this way so interesting that's the window covering looks like looks like it was duct tape over this plastic over this like the concrete box hope we don't find a body in here we might [Music] i don't know that this door is going to open yeah maybe not got a lot of pressure on it sure does oh junk on it on all of our projects dave and i like to approach land clearing with the idea that you kind of want it to look like the building has always been there of course this one has always been here getting rid of stuff that'll trip you so we started a nice burn pile i think we're ready to crack into this thing it's not that there isn't a whole bunch of stuff yeah on the ground already it's just we don't want to put stuff into the moss so we can't pick back out let's dig into this i don't know it's like three o'clock in the afternoon i'm already tired no turn around let's go let's see what's in it a couple more trees to take out out front here got the truck off the road nice yeah it's a nice little spot there it is this is a nice spot in the shade yeah nice and cool digging the just the seat here oh where do you even start man i don't know people ask us all the time about buying land buying remote land buying off land it's kind of one of the major focuses of of brook's channel and of my channel and really this is this is the kind of stuff we look for this is the world of broken dreams somebody came up here at some point built this cabin which is this is an extremely hippy-ass cabin right out straight out of mother earth news you know it's surface bonded block it had a flat roof it's when it comes to building stuff in alaska this is not what people build and they had it all kitted out like a cabin but it's a it's a big negative you know if you buy this piece of property you have to take care of this whole cabin disaster so a lot of people are just not going to be interested in a place like this this is probably the cheapest land we've ever bought in alaska bound to be some things to uncover in there but i don't know pretty junky here's a bag bag oh boy oh yeah there's lots of nails in this stuff here's the frame here honey here's an old got coleman stove yeah you got a pile started yep okay wow are these oh ooh the flashlight freaking works yeah isn't that crazy oh wow i'm gonna put all the implements out here putting grass of course cause there's so much grass here snow shovel oh instant coffee cappuccino this guy liked bags man there's just like so many bags he was he was gonna be taking care of his garbage in an apocalypse we're tall kitchen bags guess what more bags and more bags and there's more bags under there you know what i'm gonna use one of these right now double this one up the dude was just like obsessed with bags there's so many bags they just keep like there's just bags upon likes upon bags new doors the black ones i'm going to start a bag of bags that is knots i know like there's more bags how what is this oh scales so you could weigh your bags it was a dope dealer more bags this whole thing is full of bags all kitchen bags for storing recyclables i'm gonna just keep doing this shelf and then we can move in that way it lost me to move in just crawl down there in the wet and the funk it'll be fine yeah just get in well as soon as i have space i'm in i love this roof play a bunch of two by fours flat and paint them 50 60 000 times awesome guys like bob vila larry han all put together and then cover it with a tarp and then like plaster i mean i don't even know yeah that's exactly right don't even know not sure what the heck's going on nice that's going in the keep it tile so now i'm stepping inside here for the first time this is not good oh bucket full of rain water and juices of who knows lamb lamp oil dibs on the lantern excuse me you found a lantern my landing [Applause] that's where i put that come on hey i know for sure this is not yours treasure lantern this is mine plus it doesn't work then it's yours there's a stove ooh tang there's a ladle and how you gonna get your soup without this you gonna get it out of there with your fingers hey this mouthwash is brand new i bet you that's pure alcohol at this point i bet it is dude it smells perfect smells just like mouthwash take a sip [Applause] no dude don't don't [Applause] no it's just mouthwash yeah yep you're gonna die now fresh stove and gas get smacked feels like smith it's hard as a stone man no dead people yet dude the met the pile of crap this guy has it's insane look at the magazine piles back there books oh so many trips to the dump we're gonna have to make hazardous materials everywhere like gas and oh there's some more lamps in the corner more oil lamps this guy was obsessed with bags and stoves and gas in bags there's a mighty pile of storage totes in here too i know probably full of bags if they're not destroyed they're probably you know yeah probably in pretty good shape how many bags does a person need in their lifetime this is such a curious build wow we need a dumpster here man yeah maybe maybe a match i don't think you'd get any of it to burn oh when that gas and propane caught it'd be good ah true we just leave that in there and just let her go here's an unbreached action packer let's find out what this man was all about this is the moment it's probably gonna be full of bags hey food food yeah like actual food oh yeah peanuts and grapes in good condition food macaroni i'm not sure that's in good condition oh but it's in a bag so it's probably good this guy was totally proper totally totally a prepper we can eat tonight at least yeah those are prunes i think all i want to find is gun or something cool then you'll feel like you've made it i don't know i kind of feel like we've lost already this is all a dream come true well what is it pure corn oil and guess what it's in a bag it's new it's protected in a bag that's where the guns are hey there's a tarp under here like in the package brand new tarp dude that shirt looks like it's covered with blood really get in there and see it with my camera oh my hopefully it's just stained but dude it looks like hope we don't find a body in here we might well it being an estate you know this coming from an estate i assume they know what happened to the guy all right all right we're back here in the corner let me show you what's in here no dead guy big plus i'm just standing on just piles of garbage here let's see what was in this this action packer that was closed man there's cans of nuts macaroni waiting here for us all the time actually this this is way grosser than i thought it would be that's a nightmare if i've ever seen a nightmare so yeah we have a ways to go oh there's the stove i haven't seen the stove yet oh there's the tang yeah cracking that open all right let's take a look at tang does it hold up would you eat that the tang it it honestly still smells just like tang that's desperate i'd have me some tang that that one's a treasure oh man it reeks too yeah ew i got feeling there's some dead mice floating on the net yeah it's awful oh my goodness oh gross goo pure goo guess what hey i could bake you some bread yeah or give me tetanus but christmas is coming up and i've got some ideas i'm gonna be gifting back everybody gets back everybody gets a roll of 50 year old bags we've breached an area this card table's completely the legs still work there's potential here you could eat off of that okay wow more gas cans dude that's how you save on gas you go find an old cabin that's how you save money at the pump honey have you lost is the magic gone already some of it i got a lantern oh honey socks new socks i'm not saying they're bad i'm just saying i'm not gonna wear them they're not like colors what what what is this [Applause] okay here's the moment where we find that vintage pair of levi's in this bag this is a pair of jeans they could be the payoff to this whole properties vint vintage levi's i mean they're worth a lot of money they could be gold let's see what we got not looking like levi's they look like carpenter pants nailed it they're oshkosh this was a a big guy that was the big guy but you could stick you could wash these you could wear these the dream has been dashed oh gosh you got this babe this is not good you need to get your butt in here like my candles don't even exist so far the treasure table is pretty freaking empty i thought we'd need more space no i don't think we're gonna need half of it that's sad man wait you already threw some stuff away how dare you packaging yeah that's sad man and of course there was the action pack there's the peanuts the peanuts actually you shake them they're still like intact oh they're peanuts they're they're fine they're peanuts i mean they're sealed in but oh that stuff goes rancid like you can tell the sunflower seeds are completely like one right yeah they're gelled right so we're kind of losing steam today um this is just grossness there's a lot more gas and propane than where that came from inside so we made a dent but it's really hard to tell there's the food there's the food bin uh there's more questionable jugs of stuff who knows man just gross i think it may be time for anything but this maybe a shower and yeah some ciao tetanus shot maybe a fresh hazmat suit the dream the dream is a lie stephen yep always wanted a landfill let's ditch this peace out till next time we come back to this hell hole so the question probably is what are we gonna do with this death trap worst case scenario i guess if you cleaned it all out which were in the process of doing and you put a roof on it you'd have a storage building for 1500 bucks it'd take to put trusses and and metal on top of it and ain't ever going to be nice i can't believe this was somebody's camp of course it probably looked better before the roof fell in and it got rained on for 20 years too bad we didn't come here just looking for bags i'm gonna put the bag bag inside so it doesn't get rained on okay i think you'd find a cool old axe or something in here we're not done we might find something oh yeah yeah the gun the guns are under the cot overwhelming i'll bring my truck down tomorrow that's what i'm saying like whatever we on earth and pack up every trip it goes out you know just kind of helps you i'm ready for a shower and some margaritas let's do it okay here's the deal we're back it's like day three on this demo of this very gross survival bunker and i don't even want to be there the location it's just gross it's in just that pocket of black spruce um the debris the grossness factor i mean it's bad the amount of junk in there is bad the building itself if we were to you know actually get all the junk out get it get it cleaned up we're still left with this stucco block concrete building thing um that is so unattractive to me like the location's gross i hate block buildings you would have to put a roof on it so you're investing like all this time money and effort in the space you totally don't want to be at like i can't stand that place and every day going in there is like and then every day i come up here and i walk the ridge and i'm like this this is where i want to be this is where my time should be spent right now this is this is where i can see myself being not anywhere near the concrete block location on this property um so here's the big takeaway it's okay to change your mind it's okay to go you know what let's abandon the idea of rehabbing this gross structure let's just go work on the space on the land that we really like we really want to be and make something beautiful right here that can just sit there and continue to be part of this land it's a long ways from this spot i don't even want to look at it anymore it's gross being able to be honest with yourself about where you want to put your time and effort is valuable information too and it's it's it's totally okay so dave and i just came up here and said what are we doing like let's work on something up here like yeah that sounds like a great idea this is beautiful and so that's that's the plan so stay tuned for what happens here on this property because it's not going to be down there in the black spruce and the grossness would be a survival bunker leftover dream ew let's start something new here i'll see you guys in the next video stay tuned see what happens here this girl in the woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside and get happy [Music] you
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 615,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prepper cabin, survival bunker, prepper, cabin demo, preppers, survival cabin
Id: ZPe-1Y5aZz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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