Return to the Survival Bunker- I can't sleep.

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[Music] I just don't think I'll be able to sleep at night without that thing being cleaned up been clearing a path all day I ordered a dumpster from the nearest town it's like 30 mil away I found somebody who'd bring me a dumpster and I'm hoping they can get it close enough back here that I can actually clean out the survival bunker I've been working hard and I'm just crossing my fingers he can get his big truck through this opening I created come check it out only part I'm worried about is right here it's pretty tight and it's on an angle I can get my truck through here but you know dump trucks with rolloffs are pretty huge so I'm hoping I made this wide enough for him to get back here cuz the bunker is right here and I wouldn't have to haul stuff so far uh it's about as close as I can get it but we'll see hopefully he can fit in the space fingers crossed so it's a no-go he can't get down that trail it's just going to s suck bad this is Major Overkill but the option was a 30 yard dumpster or like an eight there was no between so I took the big one you know the huge bummer is I have to I have to transport it from my truck to the dumpster it's just going to add a lot but you know just going to dig in get it done we'll start tomorrow I'm done I've been clearing all day keep smiling love my bunker beautiful day to work on a really gross project but it's got to happen want it cleaned up so today's the only nice day in the forecast for quite a while going to try to get a lot done today I mean I'm going to be here it's going to be a long day but I'm ready to do it trucks unloaded I've got tarps laid down stuff goes in here drive it to the dumpster unload come back it's going to be my day I'm going to start with these 2x4s they're going out first I'm going to tear that roof off get rid of the 2x4s that we already took off and then start with the garbage and there's this you know old rotted stuff too might throw that on the burn pile okay look at that my Junk's gone that feels good [Music] progress all right first load here we go going to make some progress now first thing I need to do I need to get the rest of that roof out I got to get that tarp out then I can start digging out oh gosh these are heavy gas and propane this tarp is so heavy because of all the I don't know concrete stucco topping it's a delicious Cherry [Music] topping empty water jugs these out of here or PE jugs I know what you're thinking I know found sand up there I got to get this down she gone stuck right here big pocket of concrete lightting the load okay there a T finally I think I'm going to need a [Music] shower it's not entertaining you make this a drinking game this video every time I say yuck you take a drink yuck yuck yuck there you go there's four shots all right out out you go the tarp has been birthed I would say too to add to the Joy it's a nice hot day [Music] [Music] down to the treasures oh yeah I can feel it I can feel it coming all right I know some of you guys were interested in this food so let's take a look at the dates and uh take a look at some of this food as far as prepping goes interesting to know like what would last so let's see raisins 1994 so that's been a while those are definitely soggy prunes September 95 obiously not expecting much out of Parton of prunes oh wow they smell fine I mean that's gross this carton but I would eat these they smell just like prunes like and they look like prunes the the consistency is just right huh it's totally fine I'd eat that if I was desperate tastes just fine all right there we go food treasure all right mac and cheese although you know it got wet I can still hear that the macaroni is fine about peanuts I mean peanuts go rancid pretty quick but these have been completely sealed the date is 95 so let's let's try a peanut see if something in a glass container oh did you hear that oh those smell just fine totally fine absolutely fine I definitely eat those there's all these jars five jars of them I'm really surprised they didn't go rancid but they were so sealed it's hard to find peanuts like that anymore those are good a lot of jars that's five so rice it's in a bag of course it's in a bag and I I'm sure that's fine the macaroni looks fine granola definitely no mle definitely no oh look at that car Safeway that's he went shopping at Safeway so more sunflower seeds which you cannot store longterm at all what is this quick oats sell by May 12th 88 I'm sure these are gross but you know if I found these here I'd eat them these tend to go rancid too so that you can't do that long term some granola more granola of course that's not going to be any good scored some peanuts food treasure all right five jars of dried roasted peanuts I'm going to use this for a bunch of scraps this would be good for the the junk that would rip a bag but I'm ready to get this thing out of here my bag of bags woohoo we definitely need to go on the treasure table okay oh I see another roll bags all right just thought I was out oh that squirrel nest made himself at home there oh look at all the space Oh that's disgusting man wow okay here we go okay nice pot there we go right we started to get into the interior corner I mean I don't know where this guy was going to be cuz there's just so much stuff in here I guess it was just stuffed full of stuff but here's an action Packer see what it is oh oh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh oh gosh also this galvanized tub full of water and goop and who knows what some dishes treasure broken spoon huh right huh we got a spoon let's just yuck all right right this one's full of water too oh oh and this one just reeks oh must have been food that that is that is bad oh oh my goodness J sit and gaze at the loveliness so canned food is a noo it all exploded and disintegrated for once I'm glad there's no smell a vision cuz you don't want to smell this it's just as you imagine here's another one I'm not draining it infect the land is't that nice this it's [Music] awesome yuck oh yuck there's two shots right there for you just for you oh gosh oh sticks oh my gosh that is horrible here's another another one oh man good stuff nice to open this door so I wouldn't have to go all the way around get stuff out of here so I'm working my way that way shirts everything is in a bag socks wear in a bag in a bag and I think this is going to hold up oh yeah oh yeah she's good she's good there's so much drenched toilet paper I mean and it's heavy so much of it oh here's a boot still the other boot in there dve that out all right third load like I got to get this out of here it's like smells like a combination of uh cure and puke like it's I got to get it out of my space all these are full of just goo by the way Lucy is here too he just been chilling he knows good spot to hang out hi baby let's go make our deposit all right just got back from a dump run there's a suitcase look at that in bags maybe there's money think you put money in bags oh that's just that's a horrible nightmare back there oh boy that that is not good let's see what's in this one I'm so ready to see something dry here's the here's the payoff no no the guy liked peanuts oh yeah more goo gosh darn this corner just has so much material books and magazines and paper towel and toilet paper it's just all saturated and heavy and just it's a nightmare and this goop this is so heavy I can't even move it yet oh can't believe I have to do this but I can't lift this thing up we got to fish some stuff out of it which is just horrifying rice I've got spaghetti out of here so far whatever this is long grain rice oh gosh spaghetti more spaghetti so much as that bag will hold hopefully get this thing out of here now oh my gosh it's so bad this is so hubby this is Philips planisphere shows the principal Stars visible for every hour in the year huh elliptical orbits this guy must have been into the solar oh hey hey look at this ammo finally found some ammo oh gosh bag full of old wet ammo it's so Rusty and bad there's a lot of it too wow rifle cleaning kit a treasure oh my gloves are so gooey I can't even open this it's disgusting well right here's load number four and it is just as bad as you'd think it'd be oh my goodness oh man I'm starting to feel it this corner is just taking its toll on me heavy wet many trips I got that container out of here let's see about this door opening oh was I definitely need my hammer okay we got it oh dude this whole frame is out very heavy door there you go well it's nice to see some daylight that'll make it a lot easier getting stuff out of here hate this corner hate you hate all of you oh there is just nothing nothing good about this place oh hey look at that brand new tidy wies Dave would like those only thing dry and salvageable is underwear got to be kidding me looks books and more books think this guy was just prepper he just was storing stuff there's no way you could do anything in here it was packed full of stuff yuck all right I am full up I need a load [Applause] [Music] [Applause] delivered so this guy was totally like a physics nerd and like Scientific American he's had German Chinese language translations he's got organic laboratory techniques Electronics Made Simple electricity made simple Alaska's Heritage organic chemistry microbial life yesterday's tomorrow light The Edge super conduct conductivity ah economics fundamental Euro neur Euro neuroanatomy penguin Atlas North American history this guy bet he was a super fun at party Adam in the void quantitative analysis whatever that is it's big and it's like the oh nutrition book science in the making of the bonard world wow pretty heavy reading just thrilling and down to the nitty-gritty oh well that was easy hey giant rolled bags I do mean giant whoa he knew I was going to need him this place to disgusting more Treasures yay gets too heavy let's take this one by itself oh my goodness oh wow oh my goodness it's even in a bag check this out weird it's a typewriter let's check it out to hold to my knees look at that it works oh wow that's crazy little typewriter brand new well it was extra spool of ribbon so this tub was full of empty propane bottles I don't know if they leaked or they were empty to begin with man it's going to get heavy very quickly though so all right all I got left is the floor wow big progress it is no longer full of junk I mean there's so much on the ground yet to get but she's empty for the most part which took s truckloads in a 30 yard dumpster I'm going to have to take these to the transfer station and put them in the Hazardous Waste area and you know got a few more things okay here's the treasure table today two tarps a bowl plate the bag of bags already had pot typewriter rough rifle cleaning kit I did find out who owned this place James Clifford Fairbanks got some peanuts oh and let's not forget the size 36 tidy whes that's like the nicest thing that came out of this place and a stove so this is the previous treasure bucket I'll just throw everything in there and wrap it up for the day that's what that cabin looks like in a dumpster and this is a 30 yard dumpster it's huge just packed full full a junk nothing good goodbye okay I'm back it's been for a long walk and I'm just soaked to the bone but I wanted to at least have a fun moment before I dig in I'm going to today's like a cool day um I'm going to finish up the floor going to get that stuff out of here while I still have this dumpster all that concrete whatever it was it needs to go so unfortunately I need to do that first before I can do the fun stuff which is the stuff I love to do which is improving the land I'm going to cut in a trail up to the Ridge and I'm going to start opening up that Ridge and getting rid of the Willows and the junk up there get that place just looking great that is what I really love to do as land Improvement and I'm looking forward to that but first that's like the reward after I finish the junkie bunker so I got breakfast from the gas station about 30 miles away I'm going to eat some breakfast share it with moose and get started hey not bad of course what it needs is salsa and ketchup should be good that's what the old Brookie needs some salsa in her life yeah thank you so much for this fabulous break in the weather that I can get this wrapped up today so thankful for my my strength that you've given me the blessings you give us pray for those watching give them hope and peace and love Lord know that you are everything they need I thank you for this beautiful blue sky day at least half the day thank you for this food in Jesus name amen so do you guys want a taste of this it's really it's really not bad Alaska gas station food you want to bite I'll give you the first bite yeah okay here's some eggs with salsa open up take a bite oh myy you want your sausage is a sausage for little little nugget man oh man I can't tell you how much I don't want to be in here doing this but I got that dumpster got to use it while I can the problem is this stuff is so heavy I can only put a little bit in each container and drag it to my truck and then dump it it's just going to be a lot a lot of trips but a little bit of this is quite heavy all those off today too oh yeah that's almost too heavy right there there's barely anything in it okay so that's going to be my load my load every time they can only be about that full it's going to be a lot of trips finally broke look at this I'm on my last scoop or two so it's okay it's all going to be okay I am finally at the end of this massive disgusting project where now it's potential you got to clean up the junk before you can start with potential so happy this has been a nightmare have some Rafters here on the edge I got to take out but man it's nothing compared to what I've dealt with I think the important thing for me on this one is just know it's going to just be slow and it's just going to take what it'll take and to just roll with it there's no way to rush it there's no way to make go faster there's no way to cut the trips to make it easier it just is what it is it's just kind of a grind but here I am at the end y that's about it man look at this it's empty the bad news is there was definitely fuel leaked all over so there's a terrible fuel smell in here that I'll need to get like kitty litter or sawdust and soak it all up and and do another round of just getting stuff out of here cuz I mean it stinks in here smells like that soup goop stuff from all the cans in the buckets but also it just smells like fuel oil in here like kerosene and just who knows what this is what you call a survival bunker Miracle oh gosh unbelievable that raf's here in here SAR this place out oh man that's better huh still feels like a jail so one thing one question we got asked when we first got here this was in the window and it works we've established this is probably around 93 95 this guy was here and somebody's like well tell me what brand of batteries are in there if they lasted so long so they're uh ever ready super heavy duty actually says they're made in the USA I don't find any kind of date on them ever ready super heavy duty so there you go that's the Flashlight batteries that 27 years later still work okay here is the completely cleaned out finished bunker just days and hours of toil it pays off this is The Sweat Equity part so now will be the fun part of figuring out what to do with this this building this space so that's the fun part I cleaned up around the land too I picked up any junk that I could see go this way that one was a little stiff I'll get that out some other time but I can't even hardly recognize this this is much more cleaned up and there it is looking back absolutely amazing that it cleaned up as much as it did now I can actually imagine myself doing something with this whereas when it's just a pile of junk it's really hard to wrap your head around it I'll have to come back in here one one more time I've got a full load and I still have this stuff here so I'll have to get rid of that and then I've got to take the gas and propane out but that's it man that's it all right this is it final load that's it yes that is a full dumpster 30 yards right to the edge that's it it's a wrap hope you like the video I'll see you in the next one girl in the woods she going oh don't forget to get outside and get happy let's go I am just so happy I can't believe it's done can't believe I did it
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 908,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid, survival, survival cabin, prepper, perpper cabin, off grid cabin, alaska cabin
Id: vfAkCowUvLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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