ABANDONED Mansion To Luxury Home 5 years in 30 minutes Renovation Journey

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last week we showed you an abandoned chateau and some of you were a little frustrated that we didn't buy that chateau and start renovating it we listened to you and this week we're going to show you our abandoned mansion that we bought five years ago and with almost finished renovating it come inside [Music] so i'll take you back to five summers ago it was 2017. we were looking on the internet after about a month a month and a half of searching i widened the search a little bit on the internet this place popped up it wasn't in our budget but it looked like a for all intents and purposes a mini chateau and as soon as i saw it i thought yeah there's something something there and so i showed showed you didn't i on it yes you did and uh we managed to get to see the place two days later we were that lucky that the actual advertisement had only gone out like a day or two before it was meant to be as we came through the gates um with the agent we of course spotted the pillars um that we were just loving um but i did notice that the the majority of the garden uh was taken up by a kind of circular path um like a driveway and then the garage was actually on the other side of the building so there was no garden as such um that seemed completely ludicrous to me and was definitely one of the first things we were going to change if we bought the place once i decided to change the position of where the garage was going to be it also brought into chance the possibility that we could maybe do an extension where the garage was just to give the the mansion a bit more of a formal feel to it so yeah basically we went to batimon de france because the actual facade is protected and the batim on the france were very very persistent in the fact that they said they wanted a mirror image kind of uh facade because the facade as it is already is a mirror image not quite but we'll go and have a look so the very first few times you look at the building you think yes it's not a stone out of place well actually there's a thin slither of kind of rubble stone there and a slightly bigger sliver of rubble stone there basically this is a facade that has been put on the front of an older building and that was in 1874 and then a few years later the mary actually copied this facade the local mary but in a smaller size so more prestigious building than the mary let's go have a look at what i did to the garage so by keeping the cars towards the road it means we can create a private garden and along with a private garden a pool area [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] chacha what do you do my best friend i cannot give them to daddy it's too heavy you're helping mommy and daddy you're the best little assistant you know that and you can see the full process of us building this pool um in front of this extension where the garage used to be there is a vlog um quite a few months ago now but we'll put the link in the description we'll go inside in a minute but basically it's creating a huge living area with indoor outdoor area for eating and yeah really nice patio around around a pool area all completely private from the road because we're going to be planting some trees some of the eagle-eyed viewers will have noticed that there was some palm trees on the old photograph that we put up at the start of the vlog unfortunately they got eaten by a certain moth that literally burrows into the top and kills them basically the first year we had the place we didn't really do much work came back six months later after after not doing anything here for a while and both trees had been eaten by the moth the actual facade we haven't done much to yet we have all of these shutters to repair so they're all going to get repaired and then some are going to be replaced on the other side because on the other side they are plastic and that is not allowed on a protected building so we're going to be putting those back to wooden shutters like this um apart from that all i've done is cleaned the front of the building with um with bleach now i had some help from billy patrick on that yes he did the the top eye didn't he and you can see him there waving at us on that little video i'm sorry it's in portrait but that's the only video i did bump harder billy um but anyway let's go in because that is where we fell in love with the place the instant we walked through that front door isn't it anna yes that is it oh actually before we go inside if you've not subscribed to our channel already please do so and if you're really enjoying the look of this building you are miles behind so many vlogs and we've literally done over 100 vlogs here so if you like the look of the building and want to know how we got to this point then there's lots of vlogs for you to catch up on i think one of my favorite was our seven day challenge where we renovated dining room in seven days i love that let's go in [Music] so you can see now um everything's very light and airy in here and there are defects we kept these for a reason because we wanted to preserve the old cornish the old plaster work in here so you can see up here everything looks perfect on video and if you zoom in up here you can see there's a crack in the corniche there um i think they really go close though yeah i think i prefer that we see that rather than trying to redo everything and make it like new um and as you can see from the old photo it was a hideous yellow and brown paint combo now in another vlog that we did um some people were saying oh god i can't believe you painted the wood we didn't paint the wood the wood was already painted brown and it had been kind of repaired and and and so it was already long gone the fact that there was wood there so we just literally repaired the paintwork that had already been done and then painted this kind of bluey-grey color on top there are in fact three colors in this room so you have this kind of blue color live blue the gray and then the white and so that same gray is down here and uh yeah i think it comes across it looks amazing and you can see more of it on this door there even though it had these defaults the color scheme the brakes in the plaster no electrics no radiators we walked in here and we fell in love with the property didn't we hannah yes we did even just to get this light here it was a lot of work we had to cut holes in the ceiling chisel out through the walls take wires back to the board and then radiators the radiators we've put in are all cast iron antique radiators that i've had um sandblasted and repainted to try and keep things in keeping we equally fell in love with the mosaic floor and the staircase the mosaic floor needed some reparation here and there it wasn't particularly easy to do we did have really good fun choosing the crystal balls to go on the uh on the staircase with michael patrick yeah michael chose his nose yeah he's got good taste let's go through into the salon which was possibly the worst room in the whole house [Music] so in here the only things that we have actually kept from the original room as you can see on the photo are the mirrors the fireplace and the doors the beautiful doors we had to completely put a new ceiling in and then this corniche is a brand new corniche gone in [Music] and then the doors behind you anna are another feature that we added to this room because we needed to access the extension as well [Music] the mirrors we did do a little bit of work on those mirrors mainly cleaning but i did have to repair one of the um i had to create a mold and remold one of the little finials on the edges [Music] on the other side of the hall is the dining room this is the the room that we did the seven day challenge on to be fair we did choose an easy room to do it on all that needed to be done in this room was cleaning up for the floors and then repairing the walls and then painting really so we did get away with it quite lightly head yeah i'm in here so we're in the dining room oh yes would anybody like to uh eat in our dining room uh no we we're we're just getting started so basically the first thing is move all the tools and move the furniture i'm not gonna lie to your head i am pulling with all my weight [Music] you'll have to see watch those videos to see if we actually uh we actually do it in seven days or not um but i think this this room and ended up being really good and we've not got much further since apart from uh dusty footprints coming in and out um but yeah we're uh we're really happy with this aren't we yes let's go through into the kitchen i've got some old photos of the kitchen itself and from these photos you can see the difference you could see it was a gloomy small kitchen with a back room that was full of um like soil floors and uneven floors and there was just there was just really no no need to to keep it is such a small kitchen really for such a grand house we took the wall out you can see my writing on uh the wall there saying i'm gonna put two i ipn which are like h beams in so they're 20 centimeter by 20 centimeters so we put a massive beams in and took that low bearing wall out so that we had a nice l-shaped kitchen and this is what we have today big cleanup operation will be in this kitchen area [Music] turning around here this is where the what the french call the piano is which is the main grill we've got rid of some of the furniture that was in here and now you can see the size of the room it's it's really a lot bigger [Music] any of those little lines just go over again sideways so keep going all the way down smooth [Music] wow a nice bright room these days this is on the undercoat uh-huh we're in the kitchen wow you like it i love it especially over there it's looking nice and bright so you can see really nice airy room where the room used to finish somewhere around here i think it was um we put those beams in still not quite finished so we've got little bits and bobs to do here and there but you can see how beautiful this room is now and uh with all the lights it's nice and bright too are those really really nice everything's got a bit dusty because we've been working in the extension which we'll come back to in a bit let's go over the other side of the hall now to one of my favorite rooms which is the cinema room now originally i know what was your idea of this room what were we going to do with this area well i think i was going to knock it over through the other side yeah you wanted to knock it in put some pillars in to make it look very kind of rococo style and have it as part of the salon yes that room that was in such a mess um we decided against it and i think it was for the better [Music] you can see it was a room with no windows in in the photo um and it just lent itself perfectly to being a cinema room it is perfect and then you did the ceiling and the carpet guy because that's what we can call it it was really nice carpet here so it's it's perfect it's a really nice room now anna do you want to come upstairs with me definitely we need to show everyone the upstairs of the place [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm coming i was just showing the details of the stairs so we'll start with the master bedroom and then literally just have a quick look in each of the other bedrooms because really in the bedrooms all we did was repair plaster work and paint didn't we and add a few bathrooms here and there yeah fine okay [Music] this is the master bedroom yeah you have the uh doors out onto the balcony all the windows and doors have been replaced but all with wood nice thick doors it's all done in the original style rather than plastic or aluminium this is the grandest bedroom in the property again not much to do out here really we just need a quick clean up now don't we anna yeah shutters still need a bit of tlc and most people possibly think oh get rid of them throw them away no there's nothing wrong with those is there no just scraping that off a bit yeah and yeah painting inside of course full electrics full plumbing and we'll have a look in the bathroom in a second but also it's quite interesting for 21st century living is air conditioning ducted in the ceiling but also what the french call the double flux exchanger so takes dirtier out of the bathrooms puts fresh air in from outside without losing any calories or very little calories impressive okay in here nice big bathroom a little bit of electric still to finish off down here from the electrician sack the electrician hey yeah for those of you who don't know i'm doing the electrics here um so that piece of plastic board is where the shower's cut does that next to it right next to the window and then wash basin and toilet with the bath that was called anna and then um a decent-sized shower and double wash basin right it's really really this is this is one of the uh the only bedrooms that we we had a dressing room off well the only bedroom we had a dressing room off it was already here we didn't do any work so it just literally cleaned it up and painted it yeah obviously the floors throughout thank you on that side then i'll come in through here excuse me from the bedroom there we go yeah but yeah these are all original yeah and it's a really really nice dressing area i know it's perfect and it's got nice light from the from the bathroom although it needs cleaning don't look up there they need cleaning it's okay it's like we know anything no it's really cute that you can come in through the bathroom or through the bedroom and just get dressed which bedroom do you want to see next oh we've got one bedroom that's actually nicely dressed but before we go there i wanted to talk about a vlog that's coming up we're going to be doing a vlog on this bedroom getting it looking good aren't we anna yes that's coming up in a little while isn't it yes so let's have a little look at the first bedroom we did actually first bedroom we finished off still cute still adorable i love it with its period features and ensuite this is our standard ensuite now isn't it i know this is how all the others are done yeah it's just a scheme that we found that everybody was liking can you wave to the mirror hey guys i'm waving to them here we got your camera in front of your face oh well i can't see me i'm too short the other bedrooms are in some of the other vlogs so we're not going to go over all of them we've seen two bedrooms the master and a normal let's go through to the extension so everybody can see what we've been doing in the extension and both sides and then the cave as well great idea okay through the salon through these double doors that we put in um through to the extension by the pool [Music] you can see it's lovely bright room unfortunately we've got a lot of furniture in here at the moment but you can still see the volumes of space that we have here this is big and i was obviously laying all of this parquet plaster boarding the walls and painting everything along with putting about a million spots in here yeah but the spots make it i think it's really nice because oh anna well you found your no i found cyril's hat ah so for those of you that are new to the channel we had a um a guy that was working with us for seven eight years yeah and he'd been working here during uh during code when we didn't have any weddings and unfortunately towards the end of covid so about february this year cyril decided to go on his travels and leave us behind yeah but we're still keeping him we still keep in touch but he's going not long ago because he needed a tool so it's not like we don't hear from him yeah but unfortunately for us he's not here to help us anymore is he no but who knows maybe in the future so with this pool being just outside i thought it'd be a really good thing to have a downstairs kind of shower room and toilet for people that aren't actually living in in the house so just before friends coming across and things like that rather than running up into somebody's bedroom to get changed uh plus here we're going to have an a a um another kitchen so this property is gonna have three kitchens the main kitchen summer kitchen here for dining outside and under the uh porch and then the third kitchen is gonna be in the guardians apartment but we'll come to that in a minute and then toilets and changing room which i'm not going to go too much in because i haven't had the time to clean it but yeah it's nice yeah so there we go let's go over to the other side because to our channel have not seen how far i've got on with the work over there [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we are in the kitchen again we're going to go through into the other extension on the other side again there's lots of vlogs of us laying the floor and uh doing various bits in this side but this is the muk room what the english we call a mud room no the english i think they call it a mock room and they're different americans call it a mud room oh okay well i think well the english call it boot room and the americans call them mud room i don't know well whoever knows the answer let us know yeah friends just call it what do they call it so basically machines are going here for washing clothes and drying clothes anything like that that you don't really want in your kitchen it's going to pop in here through there is the double garage which yeah through here is the guardian's apartment so we're getting there now in here this room i was really worried about i thought it's going to be quite dingy but with the 2v looks it's really nice and bright in here um regs are different in france you don't have to have a window in a bedroom um same exact same principle as in the main house so there is uh the double flux system for the fresh air so dirty air coming out of the kitchen and the bathroom clean air coming into bedrooms and also air con again which i feel is essential and in any new french house these aren't ducted these are just literally on the wall because it's the guardian's apartment or friend's apartment it's not quite as prestigious as the main mansion no but it's really nice that it's very nice and light and airy because with the two vlixes yeah it's perfect i mean and we got on with second coat of bands so the second coat of cover in the tape now needs a sanding and then we do the final coat with a very minuscule amount of sanding and we're ready to paint so that's bedroom two because i think the other one's bedroom one so let's come through we're all about the same stage everywhere here so everywhere's plasterboarded out and we're ready for second fix electrics um plumbing um painting basically nearly yeah so come through bathrooms not looking as small as i was worried that it was going to be and especially once the shower goes in there toilet there's lots of room and the wash basin it's going to be fine it's going to be usable and functional yeah this is going to have a loft feel to it on this side so above this doorway here we're going to have a rail with a loft door to close to and it's going to have frosting on the inside of the door this room here is going to have a loft door that goes into the wall and i'm going to go get the loft window and put it in so you can see the look so oh it's going to be cool to get more light in the bedroom oh yeah just kind of gives a bit more depth to the bedroom so you don't feel quite as closed in let me take that down i've been covering the windows because didn't want people peeking in in case they saw my tools and decided to steal my tools but yeah you can see it's nice lightroom again and i was worried at first again that the road was nearby but just with normal standard double glazed windows they come here you can't really hear the road either still got a bit of work to do on the inside and the outside of the windows just to finish them off but this room's getting there yeah and then this is just a big open plan kitchen which is going to be in that corner dining room i think here or over there um tv area we'll see figure that out yeah um but this is this is getting there now looking nice and i can see our fit well my favorite tree and it's probably yours actually yeah it's doing really well yeah again it was suffering at one time in an earlier vlog but it's doing really well now i think we've got one last little thing to show which is the cave and uh and then we'll probably be getting on with some work so we'll have to stop there are you coming down anna yes i am and then this has to be dug out in here probably going to dig out about 40 centimeters so that's just one foot what four inches something like that so that we can get a concrete base in this is where we're gonna have the the wine cave yeah so you can walk down the middle and all your wines on either side and then this is a shrine to the wine wine god vacuous but yeah no i don't know what that was back in the day but it's nice there we go okay so this was really not like this when we first got here was it no you can see from the videos it was a lot lower and a lot grimier but now it's starting to look like a wine cave okay and it looks beautiful it's missing the wine in the rack so it's okay i hope you enjoyed that quick tour of uh the mansion of course it's no longer abandoned but we're getting there now um if you want to follow us finish this property off to see what it finishes off like well then you're more than welcome just hit that subscribe button and each week we'll be showing you how we get to the finished product cheers guys [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Bordeaux Life
Views: 4,165,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned chateau, Bordeaux life, Chateau lagorce, Chateau lalande, French chateau, Michael petherick, Neglected place, Passion project, Renovation chateau, abandoned, abandoned places, chateau diaries, chateau diy, diy project, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, living in a french chateau, renovating a chateau, renovation update, stephanie jarvis, Abandoned mansion, Luxury home, Renovation journey
Id: 5GHTsc02m3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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