Stephen gets his first motorcycle! Surprising my son with a classic ride!

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hi everyone so today's adventure isn't about me finding something from the store or even finding something for myself today is about my kids Steven so he's my oldest son at the time the video was coming out here he's 13 years old he's turning 14 pretty soon which in my area means that when he turns 14 he could start to drive so as scary as I thought that that is of my kidney on the road you know it's excited for it I'm excited for him so about three four months ago or so we picked him up a old Honda motorcycle now it's a Honda 50 cub he is able to drive that without a full license you can use your learner's permit and drive a 50 cc or under scooter but I didn't want to get him something that looked like a normal scooter you know we wanted something kind of cool for him his for his vehicle and plus we have an antique shop so you know I saw something really cool and that was a Honda 50 Cup with the factory racing kit the club kit on it with the cafe seat the whole deal now the bike was in kind of tough shape but I have a friend who has a restoration shop and we did a couple favors for him and his organization this past year and he has been kind enough to look after the bike for us and do a few little renovations to it so I'm gonna be picking it up this morning not sure what it's gonna look like the motor needed a little bit of attention so I'm expecting you know at least we'll have the motor done on it and hopefully he'll be riding this thing soon so let's head off down the road and go pick this thing up last year I picked up kind of a special Honda Cup for my son it was in pretty tough shape though and hadn't run in years the engine seized and I've taken it in to see it perhaps a friend of ours who runs the shop can get a fix so we're gonna check on it and see how it turned out and I should say my son steven has no idea that I'm doing all this right now he knows that the motor is out getting fixed video doesn't know anything else so this should be a real surprise for him so how was the Honda Cub barn well the year was 1956 so Cheryl Honda who was an auto mechanic and had recently formed Honda Motors and an all-around cool guy travelled to Germany with the business partner what they saw was a nation on two wheels the Germans had mopeds pretty much everywhere convinced he could build one from the masses back home in Japan blueprints were drawn up then in 1958 this Super Cub would hit the market with an ambitious plan to distribute globally new production facilities were built and an advertising campaign in the United States and North America began with the slogan you meet the nicest people on a Honda even the Beach Boys did a song little Honda later covered by the group the hon Del's yes these little bikes took America by storm and did away with the biker image and gave it a friendly college feel since then over 100 million Honda Cubs have been produced making it one of the most prolific mass-produced vehicles in the ranks with Model T early examples are very collectible and the Roadster conversions are particularly rare as they only made a handful of them they did not sell very well they didn't add to the performance or function of the vehicle so they never really took off and Honda cancelled this program in the early 70s so finding one today is a very rare feat in itself and getting one that's a running restored bike makes it all the better well I got to tell you this thing looks like brand new better than new well the white walls ended to be kind of a cute touch on it - hey I know they probably wouldn't put white walls on a racy bike back then but I thought it looked good jeez is it ever looked good he's gonna flip his little wig if I was a 14 year old getting something like this I think I'd be beside myself yeah it really looks museum quality I mean deeds you guys did the paint proper fender on the front oh that's fantastic this is simply amazing I'm beside myself with the quality of work that these guys did I mean they do museum quality restorations and I certainly wasn't expecting them to do a full frame off restoration on this bike this is a rare little piece and now it's in showroom condition I mean everything from the the proper front fenders to the signal everything is working on it so we're gonna get this started up in a couple minutes here and here run for the first time so pretty cool and Steven if you're watching ahead dad loves you a lot if I was you and I was 14 I would love this thing too and the traditional Honda Cub actually had a white sort of fairing plastic fairing that came down and the tank was around here with the seat now you had a kit option where you could take that off put a racier bigger tank and seat on so that's what this one is the the goal with this is I'm gonna put it in the in the garage and cover it up oh yeah and then Christmas morning I think we're gonna wheel it out by the tree so he comes down there's gonna be you know like a blanket or something on top of it so well I told them that you know when you're old enough to drive a car this will go to your little brother alright because the kids are all spaced out about 2 or 3 years so that'll and then his sister will be the last one so these six whole batteries go oh yeah they drain pretty quickly yeah this is just the ground strap well it is there's some weight hon mm but didn't we just plug that together okay yet get the battery in you're ready to go that's fine yet [Music] yeah well we know the signal lights working the boys never quiet that's gotta sound like they did with their brand-new I imagine and so new head for new old stock head new piston new rings five okay it's got the big fork in this now I see you managed to find a cop for the thought you made it so you took the base off the old one and used to rub wow you guys are hitting right on okay so okay good we're just Farkle I think that's what the last guy did he went down too far too well guys this thing is fantastic [Music] and I've got it secretly hidden in my garage cover it up with this floral blanket hold everything to look into that until Christmas will make its big debut there it's pretty well disguised blends in with all my other covered vehicles hidden in the garage right now I don't think he's gonna come out here and even think twice what that is under there yeah how does it feel so you know what happened I took it in there and ask them just to fix the motor and they rebuilt the entire thing like new paint like new front fender it's like a brand new bike it's basically a brand new Honda that's actually so cool it's really cool [Music] so Steven really loved the bike it couldn't have gone any better and you know big thanks to the folks that helped me out with the bike I mean I took it in I had done some favors for them and they did the bike for me at no cost and you know there's some good people out there in this world and they're definitely good people to take care of us and give us this bike for my son looking so fantastic so very happy about that so Steven is studying and getting ready for his learner's permit up here his driver's exam that he needs to take when you're 14 you can actually ride a bike like this it's under 50 cc's and it doesn't have a clutch so you can ride that thing on the street so he's gonna have a pretty happy cool little summer coming along and I'm excited for him I would love to have had something like that as a kid so thanks so much for watching this week's adventure glad to share that with you you know it's always fun to take care of your kids and try to do something fun for them and the total cost that we were into that bike for was less than a thousand bucks and it's valued surprisingly at about ten thousand dollars now because it is a pretty rare piece with the factory race kit on and so hopefully he'll be careful with it and keep it safe you know letting your kid out there or something like that little nerve-wracking but hey you know gotta have faith in the kids so thank you so much guys I hope you have a wonderful day and we'll see y'all soon bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 35,295
Rating: 4.9698982 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, alex archbold, curiosity inc, honda cub, honda, honda motorcycles, motorcycle, classic bikes, tv show, television show, lucky kid, discovery channel, american pickers, history channel, antiques, history, cool rides, classic cars, motorcycles, restoration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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