My $1,000,000 Mansion in Roblox!

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robux [Music] i already know what's going to happen i'm going to help they're going to go idle see you say bye jack you're not even going to be here nope so this game is called roblox house tycoon as you can see we are all split amongst each other lunar's over there i started 30 minutes early because my goal is to try to be funny oh that's cute so rainbow wants to try to beat me with roblox wait what is this what you want auto collect there's auto collect for the mailbox no that's quite crazy you can just collect it yourself you can just start literally a waste because there's nothing else to do okay fine i won't be that lazy but let's start building our foundation first and then our pillar and then our other pillar a house lock is fifty five thousand dollars that's okay i have a house look i have a i have do you have a driveway yet yeah how about some grass oh oh i'm broke you shouldn't be laughing oh my gosh that's very expensive this those are whole is there anything other than the mailbox that will bring in income for me um i just got vip i don't everything you upgrade will bring you income funny you're supposed to buy the two times mailbox dude i'm right now thinking oh but even i'm not buying it because it's expensive dude look at my mailbox it has wings now wow might as well get auto collecting too so does your mailbox fly to collect money yeah i have an auto collecting flying mailbox it spits out money that's how much i'm gonna waste on this game all right so let's put some grass there's so much money in her mailbox it just wants to run away the mailbox literally wants to fly away so we have some car packs up in here but three thousand robux for three million dollars three thousand robux um wow uh you know there's a finished house button on the right side of your screen i just buy it it's like way cheaper yeah why don't you just click that oh it is thank you i don't understand these that is cheap all right let's go level one that's it that's what a level one house looks like and of course they're making me buy more stuff with ropes are you kidding me are you kidding me i don't even have a floor yet wow this house is so cute look at this house it has a bedroom and all i needed to spend was literally 300k robux wait you can use the washroom what let me see don't you mean 300 robux yeah yeah yeah what okay that's yeah okay guys 300 i missed slipped on my wardrobe so recklessly she doesn't do yeah but that house doesn't look like a mansion yet i think yeah draco this is the best house this is the mansion this house is pretty cute though there's a lot of secret hatches you guys are going to love it but not for now i'm on a tour i want to tour before it gets upgraded um no it's getting locked hey i'm buying a house lock dude you can't just barge into people's houses it's locked now that's true okay let me in i need to use the toilet i don't have one yet you're still eating chips fine here thank you thank you oh these look like styrofoam couches um your house is gonna burn down yeah it's a danger hazard okay and where is your washroom dude the washroom is like literally on the right hey okay dracula's being annoying in my house wait what do i do do i just upgrade this is it level up for 30 000 no oh my gosh this is a game all about robux i don't care i have to three g's down the drain for uh i got a timer it's been under five minutes no it's been under a minute i think um everyone's worse than i thought yes this is worse than i thought to i'm fully upgrading my house into another extravagant thing wait are they breaking it dude they're breaking my house down i mean that's how you get a mansion right like they demolish it um so you spent three thousand roblox only to get demolished no you guys don't wanna start i also think it takes away your mailbox hey you lost your wings yeah my mailbox we've got wings anymore hold up it's like demolishing my house i think it's gonna turn gorgeous right nope dude everything's falling apart what draco did you get scammed what yeah you get scammed dude i don't think i got scammed it's upgrading this is what upgrading houses look like totally yeah come on pool table i've dumped a lot of robux into this game i need a very very nice house oh it came back whoa finish house now this is what i call land yes what is driving you just brought it no no you're gonna you're not even gonna try using the buttons now this one better have a washroom fit for a king the dragon's just invading all of the tycoon houses oh it's nice in here oh this house is so cute wow [Music] this is i gotta say this house is cute but we're gonna wait until we get the mansion and then we're gonna fully upgrade it properly instead of dumping robux into it dracco are you eating my chips i got i took them all to my house guys so we have a problem it looks like dracco is just going to be eating chips and not sure yeah he's a moocher well this is garage you have to go give a new tour of your new house before you demolish it um no i'm just gonna level it up let's level up to 100k house okay in the meanwhile while this whole thing gets torn down because i'm playing the tycoon so properly i will check up on what not cheating looks like hello raymond hey girl welcome to my humble abode yes yes so i totally spent like 30 minutes in this already and i have nothing i have two windows oh my gosh my eyes she's so she needs robux here rainbow take it no i'm kidding no one spend money i i will be the she will sacrifice the sacrifice for the robot what a sacrifice yeah i know right it sucks so bad that i have to use my robux in order to get the best house in this oh be quiet hey ghouls my house is pizza you want pizza yes yes come here yum come here gold where's gold at is she's down the block i want pizza why is she hey look at this rainbow my sister's rich she lives in a mansion whoa where's my pizza your house is wow the luxury yes it's so luxurious that it's displayed in a gold shelf in the garage this toilet feels nice the life of luxury there's a fire in your kitchen what did she say i'm just waiting for my house to get upgraded there's a [Music] why doesn't my house do this [Laughter] um what girl stuck in her mansion someone come save me are you actually stuck captured yeah what did you do why is your house like breaking down i told you gold it's upgrading it's almost done upgrading to oh is this rich people stuff you wouldn't understand it's like money stuff millionaire robux can't relate okay you are free to go gold does anyone know what's the highest level 1 800 to the next level uh just start working yeah just start working oh my gosh whoa i'm totally not playing the tycoon properly just start what you need to chill okay this house is so modern and cute though okay for the level five house i promise i'll stop i'll stop and i'll like play legit liar no i don't lie i don't lie i'm just no no no draco you're not allowed he just wants to inspire hey you can't come in man unlock it i'm gonna find a way in whatever okay so draco can be an intruder all he wants but this house is quite cute we got a room what do you mean it's quite cute it's giganormous quite cute um draco's trying to like sneak in my house so yeah fine i'll open it everyone party at funny's mansion welcome well i'm gonna work on my house i'm gonna i'm gonna get one house out of this dude imagine if our blocksberg mansion looked like this we should take tips everyone write this down uh-huh yeah uh-huh this is what a garage should look like yes a laundry room i'm gonna check upstairs to see what else cute is up here um and proper stairs that actually leak how long does it take you to find a bathroom whoa this house is big what's this wait what's this oh i think it's just a it's an oh it's cold it's a rich item thing we just put random expensive piatas you have no toilet here in our house this house has no bathroom eradicated is zero and bathrooms wait only one for like a giant house there's one connected to this bedroom but i take it back this one floor plan is just as bad as your bloxberg home oh my wow gold well let me show you something i have to upgrade did you just burp get out of my house what two million oh that just like oh yeah all my robux what go ahead we have no i'm waiting robots wait it ate all 2 million of your roblox yeah oh my gosh so many limiteds with that um that was really painful to me i think over like 10 000 is going to be spent on this game well no turning back now right title the video should be funny is a dum-dum bom bom spent all her robux and lost everything no i have a really nice house in this game that i can't bring anywhere else um best housekeeping so you're not gonna have any robux firecracker yeah no all right the house is officially almost done upgrading let's see oh no i don't even know where to start if i finish this house it costs 3 200 for the full level 4 house oh no what did i get myself into time to play this somewhat legit so foundation six thousand dollars ta-da and then we're gonna get a parking spot for our cars which we don't have because all the cars require it require robux which i would not be spending no more because i promised totally uh-huh we're gonna add some pillars to our house because what's a house without some pillars oh my gosh it's like for one pillar this is a true house it's truly really expensive and let's put up some walls for six thousand dollars some more walls some more walls more walls pillow pillar is this how you guys feel except i'm not even waiting for money stair wall wall wall stairwall wall oh my gosh why is there so many walls why can't it just be starting to look like your bloxberg house does it actually if this i mean this house is more expensive than the bloxburg house the blocksburg house is like 1.6 i think this house do be eating everything out of my pocket all right 6.8 jack will get out of here if you're not going to contribute to this sadness i'm going to go live in this house in the secret here we have to buy a door frame which is three thousand dollars each and then some more walls in here in the ceiling so that's how you get money waiting tell me how you see that zero percent on the right side what no you gotta keep charging that zero percent with the plus sign right above the money for a five percent cash boost you just have to keep buying five percent cash boost leave the game your five percent cash boost is gone no well i'm not doing that hey this house is pretty cute uh i only have a thousand dollars now and i have to wait there's a lot of walls that still need to all right we have accumulated 568k let's uh let's upgrade all of this expensive expensive things in our house i've accumulated five hundred dollars oh okay yep welcome i have accumulated sitting on my couch i humbly invite everyone to my house oh how humble see how what it looks like to spend over 10 000 robux okay oh there's an elevator no way is this actually an elevator still on the first house oh wow i think i'm on the last house remember for the science experiment right oh yeah science well science i have an arcade room now time versus roblox with a chair and a desk and a pool table pool table for twenty five thousand dollars oh it's so cute in here though can we play this house ain't done oh these doors i'm just gonna come here rainbow lunar oh my gosh it's so cool so futuristic wait this is their elevator does it work um it's a little work yeah bonnie looks like she lives in a castle yeah this place is sick okay let me all right i'm still gonna outgrow my house see luna is a true trooper everyone else golden dracco where is your loyalty upgrade i give up on my house lunar the trooper gold and dracula the moocher how about a popcorn machine yes please i'd like some popcorn and this is the theater room where you could sit and chill on the red couches oh so comfy draco come sit what's playing wow oh nothing we we're too poor to play anything right now because i'm like house poor like i'm really house poor like i can't i can't afford anything i think you should spend more robux are you time thinking no spending more robux i can't i must stare at the popcorn machine now until i figure out what life choices i've chosen and this popcorn looks bad anyway like look at that popcorn it doesn't even look like popcorn stairs floor plan not planned well what is the purpose of trapping me in the corner on this recliner this is the time out area it's where you could think of what you've done because you didn't help contribute to the house all right i got stairs now let's check the upstairs oh these upgrades are going to be so expensive i can't even imagine oh this is three stories dude three never gonna finish upgrading this what a hill for eighty five thousand dollars oh my gosh you have to buy more maybe you should speak to the mayor of this town that the house price yeah the mayor this town is expensive you're in too deep to stop now funny you're into you and dracco are bad influences you must and they are right i must spend ice must spend i spent 50 probably 15 000 now bye bye hill this is probably the most expensive simulator i've ever spent why you stephen trying just buy finnish house look oh how much is finished house okay finish house was expensive as buying all that money well you should have just brought his house no draco but then i don't get experience this experience white look i'm going to get trapped under the hill watch no track oh i live here forever no draco you can't get your house we gotta have a parasite situation stop stop okay wait what do i do with them yeah rainbow they're kind of being creepy down there whatever i'm ignoring them at night you will see lights flicker and it's it's us oh my gosh it's getting sealed they're actually getting sealed wait it's your problem now you guys actually get out are you done no we're stuck in here i think we're stuck okay can you reset so we don't have that situation we'll send some morse code up when we need food all right so let me get some back walls up in here some more back walls why because we can't get none of these mooches running into our house sidewall front wall now he is i think that's like a giant balcony would it have been better for her to just buy finish house or was this 3 million cash charge worth it i agree this is kind of like a science experiment i agree with dracco is this more profitable science experiments don't turn out so well like will i end up with like a couple of more dollars look at that toilet will she finish all her upgrades or will she be left poor oh that'd be so sad oh the lights in here are rgb wait is that the way she loses because she's not a dance floor that has no power um why is there no power in here yeah you have fun yeah draco's having fun in there we got a baseboard some walls lights walk faster dude i'm trying windows windows plant coffee table chair boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom fast down i'm trying my fastest window chair faster where did gold go gold are you still trapped under the house hill what i'm sleeping down here don't bug me um okay we got some crown molding nice oh there's even more your house has furnished with a lot of nothing but couches draco that draco that's how fancy people live they have is there any place where i cannot lay my derriere don't you know it's exhausting walking around a house that big okay well there's a table for you and here's some words in this house for my derriere to choose from jacko can you please tell me what that means does it mean butt where are you learning these fancy words from i'm concerned for you from tv i don't think that's from tv okay let's get a sliding door a table let's put up a kitchen for draco because we have to have all the snacks for dracula only on the second floor and you're almost out of your money how do you know because i'm looking at it he's your knife blog okay well if you're my accountant um was this a great investment no well too bad draco let's get some walls this was fun fun doesn't have a price definitely has a price say that to the ps5 so this is all these are like these are like what um not very expensive chairs i have these in my house well dracco this is a very you could have just asked if you wanted oh my gosh dude how dare you burn my beautiful mansion house um this whole floor is done you know what you don't get to use the elevator now draco you don't even have an elevator yet dude the elevator is in the making okay this is a very expensive build did i finish furnishing the rooms yet okay this is done that's done all this is done and time to go to the third floor i hope the third floor is smaller she's almost out of all her money okay so we're at the roof now time to put up the roof lining the roof lining is not cheaper than the floor i mean the wall lining so sad you couldn't even afford the third floor you just have a ceiling now draco i still have a lot of money okay i'm just going to fully coming back with the floor because like there's like pot like coming your floor i see a moocher from afar is he gonna shut you down yeah like are you wishing is that supposed to be happening i don't know drago what do i look like i'm gonna try and heal someone's writing underground why didn't anyone bring me food um that's because you're not allowed in here goals i'm just gonna keep building walls i need to do this this is like a game look at this oh my gosh this is so much upgrades i don't even know oh someone's almost out of money dude i didn't even realize how much upgrades there are this is insane oh another seat for my rear fine gold you could come in the house but draco's painting something uh i don't need your information i'm already in oh how frightening everyone uh rainbow and lunar how's your guys house going i'm almost done the first house i'm not feels good i still have to furnish it that's the library for you paint this is like 20 000 billion robux all right some walls some more closets because why not some more walls this is like the biggest household someone's running out of money i'm not ready jumping into the six digits oh my gosh i'm running out of money i should have bought the full upgrade this is gonna paint this is so painful hey i have this bed in my house too why didn't you just ask that would have been a lot more helpful yeah so that's this is your room goals you can keep it dracco that's your room i still have yet to see a washroom this is your room i would like to select another room please why you don't get to pick the best seat for my derriere yeah okay so the elevator does the elevator work does it work i don't think it works yet until you fully upgrade the house oh my gosh how much money does it cost uh oh into the six digits soon you're gonna be into the walls ceiling ceiling five you're gonna be in a lot of debt yeah i feel like i'm gonna be in a lot of that oh there's not even upgrades for this washroom they cheaped out dresser door frame ah don't worry the master right oh my gosh i cannot afford any of this stuff that's that's my insanity it's time to give up and press the finish house button no i'm not going to press it it's probably like yeah it's still expensive no i'm not doing that it will be worth it to buy three million monies it's never worth it um let's see let's see do we have some leftover money no one come in here dracco you have like why no get away from that money you have five digits in your mailbox you should come collect it yeah draco collect your money wow he just gave up on this game and decided to become an annoying house tour person alongside me oh looks a jacuzzi oh door door door roof and here it comes oh my gosh i'm literally almost pouring pouring of funnies what is it 51k i think i'm done you didn't decorate that one bathroom wait is there don't tell me there's more upgrades in there i see green dots oh my gosh toilet sink i still have 35k what's that out there i feel crazy where's your elevator i purchased the roof what about your backyard dracula can someone kick him out of my house you don't even have no everything's no there's so much upgrades left i would like to announce that i am almost done my first humble home almost oh my gosh it's literally a waste of money two million for elevators this is awesome and i didn't place no robux now you have to make a decision pay three million to finish the house i did another three million to not pay money um that was the most i i swear this was like 20 000 robux for this house is it worth it come give us a tour for a tour everyone you should comment below and tell her if it's worth it or not yes guys leave a comment because this is probably the most expensive cars oh oh i don't have cars what you should do you should go to my house and say zero robux versus how much average okay fine let's see what zero roblox looks like so this is what zero robux looks like rainbow looks like she finally finished nada upgrading her house is it fully nice yep absolutely no robux spent okay well i ow i rate it no robux spent that's what you get for me wait rainbow you know i have to you have a second floor right i'm just gonna ignore no i'm not i don't know what you're talking about yeah rainbow i see your empty roof up there you liar everyone this is what a twenty thousand dollar robux house looks like or fully upgraded to the map so much yes but there's no cars shut up who cares about the cars i will give you a house tour so as you walk in you must go up the fantastic stairs to the first story walk out there yes over here is the sitting area where we could sit and look at our other neighbors and be like ha ha their house is much smaller than this gigantic waste of money house and over here is the bathroom where you can take nice cold showers wow i've never been in a bathroom before what okay and this is our dancing area where you dance because she has led lights this is where i think and uh rainbow now it doesn't turn on this house is poor house pearl poor i mean over here is we're not going out there yet don't go to the backyard yet wait i thought you said you completed everything it is complete but i want to show you the amazing kitchen this is nice kitchen cookies food oh yes i'll cook you a plate of fire why does your electric stove have fire coming out of it doesn't seem roblox draco roblox this is the fridge oddly enough it doesn't look as nice as the fridges from the other houses i'm gonna take so you're gonna not feed us no my friends have that in my house see and this is an el sofa where you can like talk to all your friends this is the giant balcony where you could just hang and chill with these uh flames yeah there are a lot of places to lay in this house but not a lot of things to do yeah this is a lounging house dude this house is all about lounging and vibes okay because this house even that's the empty closet this you saw the theme this is the lounge lounge area that's lounge area number 40. uh let's go downstairs let's go downstairs is the elevator functional now um yes this is the theta room welcome oh oh um it looks like sponge is this popcorn i am kind of annoyed how these um chairs aren't centered with the screen well draco you could blame it on art and guys follow me this is probably one of my favorite rooms in the house the gaming room okay this is definitely the coolest room in the house yes this is where you game and play pool and play arcade now over here this is the second best place it's the laundry room where it has no clothes whatsoever that leads to the garage it feels like something's missing why to the garage i don't know and this is the time out corner where gold was sitting earlier can we use the elevator now oh yes the elevator does work it should work because it was two million dollars let's go everyone in the elevator oh i guess i do have a nursery down there so i'll lock the door for you so it doesn't close thank you take us to the second floor no to the third floor third floor luna to the third floor everyone i see a smart ai elevator where only the owner can press the buttons yes it's to prevent it's the fingerprint hello um this is another one areas great oh this is like an office uh-huh this is my giant bedroom where i have a bathroom and my secret safe it's in there rich jack was in there and we also have a guest bedroom where any of you can stay i'll say that we also got another guest bedroom where any of you can also stay wait we can all stay here that's true this house is big enough this is another bathroom with a bathtub and shower this is a library room where you can look at other people while reading books trophy shows what are these trophies for tata these trophies are for wow i really outdid myself that's right oh wait you like so you bought them off the internet for you yeah i bought it for myself and the last part i want to show you guys is obviously the backyard which i totally know how to go there because this he's going to the basement again okay so you know my house better so you should live here you know what you get the house yes you know i've been living here welcome to the backyard oh my school is quite tiny cool the backyard is kind of a cool backyard but a bit lacking compared to the house you know i i totally agree but can we just say this is hilarious look i got yeah you don't even have to swim well i have a big head and i have big pockets of robux that i wasted on this game guys let me know in the comments below how much robux i wasted because i didn't calculate thanks for watching me spend robux bye bye
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 22,539,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, no swearing, no cursing, roblox house tycoon, house tycoon, roblox tycoon, roblox mansion tycoon, roblox mansion, roblox house simulator, roblox simulator, roblox robux, roblox tycoon itsfunneh, roblox tycoon funneh, roblox tycoon krew
Id: LOk7aTO7v_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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