"We Are The Champions!" | POWER HOUR | Ep.26

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you good afternoon gorgeous beautiful people who loved all over the world and a really warm welcome to par are from Glasgow again in Scotland with the team of prophet Sam Robertson and Sarah Jane Baker - where born ready and able to bring the word of the Lord it's just a joy to have you come and tell us where you're from and we really are forming this lovely family online and in this place of like oh Jesus what have you got today as we as hundreds of us just sit at his feet and journey together through these parts so I saw I think M Swaziland for the first time come up in the comments I've never been there but I have a real compassion because we met people from there for Swasey that so marty-mar on Ireland is on England America Canada and some of your saying it's frosty where you are Jesus keep that away from here we do not want that this morning Toronto is on some so James you wanna greet people as you see their names flick up yeah good morning everyone it's great to see you from the Americas from Australia and happy to see you all what time is it an Australia for goodness sake it must be the middle of the night and welcome to everybody and it's Friday yeah every day but I especially love a Friday I've got the Friday feeling Sam have you got the Friday feeling I definitely do I'm ready for a weekend and off although I was up late last night as some of us all if someone there from Alaska I was a prof sign and teaching to some of our prophets prophetic Ness and Alaska as well so I'm definitely ready for a weekend off after that very late night as well and super excited to be with you all today well actually it you know what we've been practicing was our children as we look at all the people from all the nations come in is practicing naming coming in every country in Africa can we name every country in Asia can we name every country in Latin America so we've been testing our geography and then recently I started with children on and the capital cities of Europe so we are we are practicing away I think we're getting there but we're learning our little we know so yes geography has been tested in this house as part of our school thing and Rome is a capital city not a country which might be talked to one member of my family I will not guard the world that was mixing Rome up as a country rather than a capital city but anyway the Joely of home education so blessings for for you in oh my goodness sorry I think a birds just flow your heat into my window I mean I have to say David is very cheeky to the fat pigeons and he's going oh you fat pigeons so he's probably verbally curse them enough but I might have to send a childhood just leave it lying dead on the desk oh my god yesterday during power R I made flow and I'm thinking the window cleaner is cleaning my window oh the dog is barking and Jessica my daughter was taking money out of my curse because I was live on air and I'm thinking I'm trying to focus here in the Cape the reality of the reality of life wasn't right to do live broadcast okay so yeah you said another one of you have something whack your window that's I always birds are not Oh pigeon pie yes but I don't like pigeon to eat it's not nice oh if the reason he'll just be ill just be stunned I he's not drop dropped into the the new plants that we've just been planting okay so Vatican City isn't country in this city of Rome yes as he's called the right very gracious - my job - great isn't it no Jessica it's trying to learn rhymes you know or little tricks isn't it so I'm going you know it's Switzerland is a very expensive place to live so you get financially Burnitz when you go there so the capital of Switzerland is Bern so it's all those kind of little this is this is me getting into my teacher education with the children or or vanilla Manila for the Philippines just rich alike brilliant I think you should do a geography with Emma stark online that we can all watch that'd be great that was our Inger Calder she said the very same thing happened here a bird hit my window second before it hit yours it's a sign - sorry so we have a glorious theme for you like and share as we go and it is roomy are the champions we are the champions not the three of us really I mean you maybe we should call it you are the champions just for complete clarity but we the body of Christ are the champions we are the champions we are the influencers we are the solution to a dying planet the glory of God is rising on you it's not gonna rise on anybody else it's not gonna it's not gonna go over there or over there or over there it's not gonna go on that tree that bush that shrub that flower that mountain that valley the glory of God lands on you and that makes you a champion and I think we get so fed up and it is a song yes maybe we'll join into court which chorus of we are the champions but actually that sense right now of me wanting to say to you in the week that we started with of the nation's are waking up to really deal with your low self-esteem your your stinking thinking your low-grade approach to who you are and yes we looked at deeper healing ways of dealing with that on Wednesday and Thursday but right now were attacking it from the other angle this morning of saying no no hang on a minute is so glorious you are a champion and actually what I want you to be able to own at the end of this is I am humbly awesome I am humbly awesome I want that to be the way that you think and abite yourself so that you are so cleansed from all of the low grade stuff that has dogged our lives sometimes even from the womb that you're gonna be able to throw that off with ease and come into the place where you become the influencer that you were supposed to be i am humbly awesome and i love that some of you are typing that start to own that right now i'm humbly awesome and i think that is absolutely a place you know and we have to steward humility totally and we could do a lot as great books written on it and i've taught a lot on humility because of course God resists the pride so we don't do fall into that category of being arrogant and pride but I think we have spent too many years denying our god-given function and that where there is a place of owning your functionality in the body of Christ and your functionality is a function of greatness and of power and of influence and so there's a sense where we need to wash ourselves with I have a remarkable function I have a unique and awesome call and even though I may not feel it I am humbly awesome let me start with a story that is actually a Salvation Army story and then the others will jump in and in impact this there was in Australia a brothel that moved into a fairly standard neighborhood and the prostitutes and the pimps were plying their trade from this house and there was a little old lady who lived on that Street who saw the prostitutes and the pimps come in a night of this home close to her she was so devastated what was she going to do how was she going to behave and she went to her Salvation Army captain and said how do I deal with prostitution in my street and the Salvation Army captain said well what would you do if a regular and neighbor moved in and she said well I would make them cupcakes and the Sally Army captain said you go when you take them cupcakes and she understood that there was greatness somewhere locked up in her she understood that she was somehow a champion she understood that there was a call on her life and a function before God to change things even though she was a little old lady and so she walked up to that front door and I think she disarmed them because she looked small and gray and old and wrinkly and maybe it was the smell of the cupcakes but the pimp accidentally let her into them into the brothel with the cupcakes and she started a cupcake ministry to brothels that went round the world and she got every single one of those girls saved because she regularly got in with cupcakes in her hand and an ability just to quietly function with an influence of Jesus even though she's in her 80s and they are clearly going in a different life trajectory and so it's those at you know some of you saying you've heard this story before I actually danielle strickland tells that story is where we've heard it but that sense of this function that is so remarkable that you are made to do things right now that you have not even thought about aren't even on your radar so that is the truth this morning we are the champions you are a champion Sam Sarah Jane why don't you kick us off who wants to jump in first Sam you great stuff about being an influencer yeah I mean that's just such a good em story I think to illustrate what being an influencer as you see being an influencer is not about your qualifications or your platform or about how well-known you are or about how many opportunities you may have being an influencer or ultimately begins with being convinced of the explosive power of gods that is on you being convinced that you have the power to shift atmospheres and to change other people's life lives and really I believe that at this point in time and the earth God is asking his people a question who will dare shape history who will dare shape history who's going to be brave enough to make actions to take decisions and to do certain things that will shape history that in a decade's time or a centuries time people will look back and they'll think those decisions there are that thing they adore this thing over there that was so important as a hinge and history and God is really saying look that there is a posture of knowing who you are of knowing who rests on you that then releases confidence to influence and shift every atmosphere that has been given enter your hands and that's key to influence and the key to influencing well is living completely convinced of your original call from Genesis to be fruitful to be multiplied to multiply to subdue and to extend the king of God where you are just so aware of the fact I am made to be fruitful I am made to multiply the kingdom of God I am made to subdue principalities and powers and the dark forces of the enemy but I am made to extend and advance the kingdom of God wherever I go and just prophetically why we're on that and why we're on this influencing thing really because we are endless period of lockdown in the nation's we are and the birthing canal of businesses charities not-for-profits social enterprises manage these churches a new version of yourself right now and God is saying look as tame and this lockdown season to give birth today to what will shape nations tomorrow to give birth today what will shape Nations tomorrow and for some of you that as businesses but for all of us is a fresh search of confidence and courage to be that influencer that he is called every one of us to be and so some of the questions that we need to ask in this period of time where God is unlocking the influencer that is in the midst of each and every one of you God what do I need to birth right now that will influence tomorrow God what I need to stir today that will stir transformation tomorrow little Sarah Jane you want to add anything on it to that before I share some other thoughts as well yeah sir I'll jump in yeah no I think just then the confirmation of no matter what age you I saw somebody in the comments there had said less of the little old lady please I think that this story is suggesting that actually at any age and any stage we can't be an influencer whatever's in our hands whatever God has given us wherever we live whatever our circumstances we have the ability to be an influencer and a champion for God and I think there are some characteristics aren't there mindsets and that we would say would be a common characteristic characteristics and they people with a can-do attitude and people with a a sense of I've got over myself and I can reach out to somebody that I'm not feeling that I'm just a nobody that you know you value yourself but you value others and you move beyond yourself and I think there's a commonality of and they are initiators they are gatherers you know they gather people around themselves when you look at influences in scripture when you look at influences that we know in history they have an ability to gather people around them and there is this I have a vision I have a dream and then an ability to be able to gather people to fulfill that dream much like the the lady and the cupcakes that it just takes one person stepping out it just takes one person to say we can't change something and then others feel emboldened to do it and so I think you know we can say we can catch influence by being around those who are bold and courageous but we can also be those who step out of ourselves to be and those who set a pace and so I feel like we've always been called to be influences but particularly at this time there is this cry from heaven and there's this response from earth I believe that says is there not a cause is there not a cause for the kingdom of God to be revealed is there not a cause for us to step out and get over ourselves is there not a cause actually to see the manifestation of the kingdom of God in the midst of us and this there not a cause in our neighbourhood in our families and in the widest fear of influence that God has given us to reveal the kingdom of God and even as we've been praying these last weeks it's almost like thundering from heaven is there not a cause for the champions of God to rise up and be seen and I believe this is our time and this is the hour when the church mobilizes under that banner is there not a cause well can I give you some top tips to pray around this and actually some terrifying prayers some really deeply unsettling prayers before some continues I think we we've read books that talk about good being the enemy of great that you can of good education and good government and good relationships and actually you can camp in the place of things being good and forget that actually you need to on occasions push the goods away from you and sometimes stop what is working so that you can pursue the great now I know that's very much within the the kind of self-help books but can we just anchor it completely in Scripture for you that concept and how you would need to pray and it is right out of Romans chapter 12 and you'll know the words very well therefore I urge you brothers in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual act of worship in other words crawl back onto the altar get yourself back onto the altar offer your body as a living sacrifice do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and here's the killer bit then you will be able to test the proof what God's will is his good haha his pleasing and His perfect will and so we see in that verse there are three types of will of God his good will then his pleasing will then his perfect will and so often we feel the goosebumps of the Holy Spirit we feel the common grace that's in the world we feel you know the works of God's presence where we are we feel like oh god you know you're definitely with me in this and at the same time as feeling that we are also saying to our friends there must be more and so we are we are and smacking to the Oh David you got a whole new program to ring up the scripture in it look at that were always a husband anyway we are kind of banging together those two concepts of I love you Jesus and I kind of feel tenth in you but at the same time I'm like ah I'm irritated and agitated about their there must be more and most people I feel I speak to in kind sing and church leadership are right in that place of the smacking of the oh I'm desperate for more and yet actually love Jesus and find him easy to find and so we are right in that Romans 12 concept because may I suggest to you that you are living in the good will of God which has that that feel-good factor but you have never gone through the pleasing will to the perfect will of God and to go through those levels in Romans 12 and verse 2 that is there is a whole issues of of courage and risk and boldness that we need to unpack but fundamentally there is a prayer that comes out of us that actually says I don't want to just camp in the good and actually I want to see that the good while lovely is an enemy truly of the perfect will of God and so that is a terrifying prayer for you and I to have to pray but if we are to be the champions if we are to be the influencers there is something in us that must say God if you need to strip from me even what works you see do you ever pray that straight for me what works lest I settle in the good only and forget the level of the perfect that is a wild prayer for you to take hold of and some of you are on it and I want undo type if you feel I don't want just to camp in the goods and that alone is like a massive permission for heaven to come and shift you because most of our lives are thought well if I could just get in you know to the goodness of God if I could just the goodness of God we have forgotten the perfect will of God that requires a level of adaptability and courage and risk and we're going to release courage and risk to you Sam do you want to jump in you had more to say on on the back of that yeah that's like and I think I will want to look for prototypes almost of influencers as well as gateways and as keys and to what it means to be an influencer from Scripture and all that SJ has one as well from Scripture and about the armor better but I I think a great prototype of an influencer who knew how to influence well as Esther and the book of Esther and you know the story and Haman is plotting to kill the Jews and that is that plan is well underway but an Esther 5 chapter 5 but she's just out to after the part in Esther for where she's like you know I've been called for just for such a time as this she realizes she's called Esther really as the influencer starts to step up and she knows what to do and chapter 5 verse 5 or verse 1 says this on the third day Esther put on her royal robes she stood in the inner core of the palace in front of the Kings Hall where the king was setting on his royal throne and the hall facing the entrance and that one verse gives us a key and to how Esther starts to understand her call to end fluence why because Esther understood where she needed to be when she needed to be there and how she needed to turn up she knew that she needed to be in the King's courts on the third day waiting her royal robes and she understood her right timing she understood her right place and she understood her right posture and her right possession and one of the key questions when it comes to entering into influences where do I need to be when do I need to be there and how I need to turn up how do I need to turn up in that situation who do I need to present myself as what version of myself do I need to be so that I can start to influence for the kingdom of God and we know that as a result of that that the whole plan is completely spoiled and turn around and actually a people group the Jews who are meant to be brought to their end through one man end up coming into a time of great success and life because one person understood where she needed to be when she needed to be there and how she needed to be as well and so that concept of when it comes to influencing those three questions I think are so important and that's how you understand your assigned environment that's how you understand how the Spirit of God has anointed you to go forward and timing as well as important so those three questions again where do I need to be when do I need to be there and how do I need to turn up and I think what I've actually written in other notes for another session but it ties into that is I heard the Lord say mass exodus mass exodus those two words and I think this Exodus out of geographies that aren't right this mass exodus are just sins that beset but this mass exodus even into the movement of job creation and entrepreneurial skill and this mass exodus from the places that have been good into the places that are great as we can feel as you say you are going to have to shift many of you I want you to know that right now you are going to have to move and some of you are going to have to be bold enough to put a for sale sign in your front door some of you are gonna have to be bold enough to start the new business some of you are gonna have to be bold enough you know to go for the new job this mass exodus of people where God says I have had enough of you even in good places I've actually had enough of you in dull places I want you to be in the perfect place and so there is this a for movement like never before at this time in the earth and I think that sounds ludicrous because most of us are in lock time but you can feel that actually the quarantine time God has aligned it to kind of unnerve some of us to realize that actually how we were living and where we were living and what our hands were touching simply didn't cut the mustard it didn't satisfy it wasn't good enough and so when allies almost this stuckness to reveal that actually there is no I a mass exodus that is going to start to happen and God is enabling you to plan for it right now and this shift that is going to come to you and so you know I just want to release what I would call instinctive courage and many of you have got to kind of like oh we're gonna build myself up and we understand that process because we all do on occasions build ourselves up to be risk takers but actually we want to release to you in a minute and Sir James can get ready for this this instinctive boldness this instinctive courage and David and I and the other by any means we have all sauce please don't ever think that and but we kind of have this rule in leadership and in ministry but actually in every 18 months we will give away what our hands touch it is utterly terrifying as a leader and so it's not a bite in the church world well I just want to give away they start bring the teas and coffees because I don't really like to do that that's not that's not really any good it's adding that ability to give away things that deeply matter as a church leader I'm talking to other church leaders right now this instinctive courage when you feel like oh but I've got somewhere but I've got somewhere good but I'm really enjoying running this if I as a leader stop and if my tamp and if I say well I feel like what I've got here I enjoy doing I will become a bottleneck to every other member of my church because once I stop moving they all stop moving because once I sit and I saying well you know this really nurtures me and I really enjoy this I actually make everybody else in the chain stock too so actually there is this truth I think that whenever I put myself into a challenging place where I say well Micah who's an amazing member of our staff Micah you run lion bites you know cos lion bites there are daily and I don't know whether you know about them we write daily prophetic words free of charge that you can get on an email and you can sign up for it lion bites I think 23,000 David and I were looking at it read them every day you know that's a significant part of our ministry if I don't give that away then Micah and her team cannot grow up into that place and so if we are to be good leaders if we are to be good even business leaders if we are to be good influencers we are looking at boldness and courage and risk-taking as a lifestyle because it's not just for leaders but actually you're supposed to be a replicator who let locates replicators you are supposed to reproduce and if you do not have risk to keep yourself moving you will not welcome other people into the limitless kingdom of God and so there is this mindset of I will choose uncomfortableness I will lean in to risk I mean some of you need to start to type that I will lean in to risk or I will be a greater risk taker or I will be a person of courage let's deal with the word risk I will be a risk taker I will be a courage and the person of courage come on start to type that because there is this need to own that I will take risk and of course God loves the risk takers God loves the uncomfortableness because in the race you have left a gap for God and God loves the gaps in your life and the fundamental mindset of being an influencer or a champion is that there is instinctive courage and risk-taking that makes you feel uncomfortable but let me tell you it will make you feel more alive than you've ever felt so I'm Sergi do you want to add to that and then we're going to release that yeah yeah absolutely I think there's two things that we need as influencers and champions one is the crazy crazy boldness and risk-taking ability and the other is a voice and we said you know is there not a cause and that was from David wasn't it when he turned up at the battle and his brothers tried to shut him up and be quiet younger brother what are you doing here you've got nothing to add and he's like is there not a cause I'm going to speak I'm going to do something I'm a man of action I'm a man of purpose and we see this crazy boldness again in First Samuel so the David is there not a cause it's first time you'll 17 28 to 30 but if we go back a little bit his friend Jonathan I think and his armor-bearer just displayed this absolutely mental crazy boldness that you think what are you doing and so first time you'll 14 where they are camped as an army Saul and Jonathan and the gang and for some unknown reason Jonathan thinks it would be great to just take the army out just me and you armor bearer let's just take them out and if they say come up here to the to the hilltop where they are we will go up and we will take them because that's a sign that the Lord is with us if they say we're coming down to you we'll just wait here until they come down to us and you'll remember if you read the story I encourage you to read it because it does kind of blow your mind when you think there's just two of them and they're going against the whole Philistine army that they clamber up on their hands and knees to the top of this hill and they themselves take out with just two swords and two men 20 of the army in in an acre it says of territory and they are bold and brave and ridiculously crazy courageous that they just decide well God is with us so we're gonna go up there and we're gonna take them out and do you remember when you read it that actually when they do that God moves God steps in and he sends a panic in the camp of the enemy and because I think God just must have been laughing and going what are you guys all about I am so with you I'm so behind you because you're saying I am with you I am going to release this panic in the midst of the camp of the enemy and the enemy begin to scatter and the enemy begin to fall away and fight amongst themselves because of Jonathan and his armor bearers crazy boldness and what I love about this is it's not just Jonathan it's him and his pal it's him and the guy that that is bonded to him it's him and the one who works with him in all things and they have had this relationship that they are they are trusting each other and he has if you will his his guy his company around him so it's not just him by himself but what the other thing that I love about it is if you read on in first samuel 14 is that when the rest of israel and the rest of the army hear about Jonathan's crazy boldness and the panic among the enemy they'll come out and fight as well so actually when somebody puts their head above the parapet says I am going for this then everybody else follows and when you read and this is something I hadn't seen before it says when they chase the enemy out the rest of them that were left they move beyond a place called Beth Haven a ven and this was a place of strongholds and idols and it was called the house of idols or the house of nothingness because there's no God there but what I took from that this morning as I read it afresh was that God is saying if we will be receiving of that crazy boldness we move beyond the strongholds of life we move beyond the territories that have become strong holes in our life and we move beyond it because we are willing to be those who are crazy and bold and so I think we need to release that boldness to you this morning so that you can be like Jonathan and his armor-bearer well I think we need to do that right night before you on because I know we've got lots of other things to say in this so ok gorgeous people in in Facebook and YouTube land I just want you to start to breathe in because we're gonna release instinctive courage instinctive risk and there it is even going to be a real freedom that comes to some of you right now as we release this because some of you have you know enslaved by spirits of intimidation as a lifestyle so much so that you you kind of don't even realize quite hi intimidated and timid you have become and I think sometimes in growing old was like growing older with life experience we can become more tame but actually there has got to be an infilling of the Spirit of God that then afresh that blows away the cobwebs of your habits of timidity and so I loose right now where you are are new fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit that right now the Holy Spirit is coming upon you who are with us and the Holy Spirit is overshadowing you and the Holy Spirit when he overshadows brings worth to the inside of you and in the name of Jesus with the Holy sheila's the shadowing of the Holy Spirit I listen to you instinctive courage I listen to you instinctive boldness I listen to you instinctive risk-taking breezin in right now just receive that take on board as the insides of your being start to be woken by the power and the person of the Spirit of God as the Holy Spirit comes at your invitation with your permission and he starts to say up not only we're gonna move no we're gonna shift no we're gonna take the while decisions and in the name of Jesus the Holy Spirit comes he comes he shadows he hovers he indwells he infills he explodes and I speak over you the instinctive risk is yours instinctive courage is yours instinctive boldness is yours and I speak over you you are reset from your look warm courage you are reset from your average boldness you are reset from your sometimes I'll advanced mentality and I stripped from you in the name of Jesus the nonsense of false maturity that has made you stayed and stale and overcautious and I speak over you you are a champion before God and God is releasing you from the starting line with a shot of the starter's pistol and he's saying it is time for you to go again there is permission to go again some of you just need to say I received I receive it permission to go again the Spirit of the Lord I I hear him say this I will ease even the memories of where it did not work before I will ease even the memories of where you fell on your face before says God I will heal you right now as some of you are going over but God it didn't work last time but God wanted like the time before and the Lord says I will ease the memories of your previous failure the Spirit of the Lord says you are not the person you wear when that happens the Lord says you and I have been on the journey of maturity and the Spirit of the Lord says it is the go again time for the army and the champions of God to arise bizarrely I woke up and from a dream that last night and the Lord just said tell them I give them 102 tell them I give them 102 and I'm like Jesus what you know do my biblical numerology what is one or two but 102 in Strong's Concordance is the words are me and God telling me in my dream and actually this is one or two he says it's a door opener and this gift of being a bizarre how God speaks but this gift of giving this door opening almost bravery of an army of a soldier that is coming upon you and I particularly eager the Lord talked about business failure that there's been business failure and the Lord's saying do not fear a repeat of history did I not tell you that that would not happen again and that you are blessed as a door opener into your future and as one with whom my favorite I just feel like some of you have turned like you're facing the wall whenever God is not doing calm turn yourself around it's time to go again who now Sam while we're on this Holy Spirit coming you had a glorious thought about the Holy Spirit do you want to to jump into that right night yeah totally I think there's there's an understanding of who the Holy Spirit is to and through us that we need if we're gonna be those who influence well for the kingdom of God and there are three kind of aspects of the Holy Spirit and how he works with us personally that we need to understand and the first is that the Spirit of God is with us so the Spirit of God is with us the second as the Spirit of God has n us and the third is the Spirit of God is upon us so with me and me and upon me now when the Spirit of God is with you and in you that is a personal presence experience with you and nu God as they're causing you to become more like Christ he is transforming your incites to reflect him better he is an you you know Genesis says and that the Lord was with Joseph and though he was a prisoner he was prosperous so when the Lord is with you there is favor there is success but with an A and in the New Covenant we understand that because of the spirit of because of the death and resurrection of Jesus the Spirit of God is entered as well and now he's the voice of convection the one who makes us alive he is with an mean he motivates me to purity and holiness but we also need to understand that the Holy Spirit has upon us and when he is upon us he is upon us for power Isaiah 61 verse 1 the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the present to those who are boned I'm the Spirit of God really if you look at it like this is n me for my transformation but on me for your transformation the Spirit of the Lord is n me to make me christ-like but on me to create a christ-like atmosphere wherever I go the Spirit of God has n me to shift my internal atmosphere to chef my internal workings but on me to shift every atmosphere that I walk into the Spirit of God is n me to heal me from my insides out but the Lord has on me to heal you and to heal every sec body i come into contact with and I asked one says look you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth and so this understanding of the Spirit of the Lord coming upon us of the Spirit of the Lord resting upon us needs to start to go deep enter our thoughts that wherever I go I'm not just felled with the sweater but I'm clothed with the spirit the Spirit of God is permeating from my being on my being and as a result wherever I go there is power for healing power for n flus para for transformation power for shifting atmospheres and it's not just about praying God make me more aware of my severe spirit that is enemy but how about praying God make me more aware of your spirit that is also on me let me feel your spirit that is upon me I turned my attention to know that I am clothed and power so that that starts to shift your mind and when it starts to shift your mind when you when you live with that understanding that you're clothed with the Spirit of God you start to walk into rims completely definitely you start to walk into nations you start to speak to people you start to bump into people any completely different way and so really that prayer the Spirit God make me aware of your spirit as upon me it's such a key to then entering into how you become an influencer very good I want to just talk about a curious verse in Matthew 11 and it's really about the life of John the Baptist of course John the Baptist needs is adored it you know by Jesus in Scripture and has some fascinating things said about him he's called the greatest prophet that ever lived his room is incredible high praise and so at this descent he is a celebrated man by heaven with an accolade that you know must shock some of the other prophets you know like Samuel or Isaiah or Jeremiah and here in this man of John the Baptist you know we're told you are the greatest prophet that ever lived this boldness and this courage that arises to bring the word of the Lord after 400 years of silence from the end of the Old Testament and so in walks this man and and he is a bit weird in what he's wearing and and what how he looks and what he eats and they're almost a little bit creepy and here it starts to say you know repent the kingdom of God is at hand the voice of one calling in the wilderness and he's just lauded and applauded as this change agent as this initiator of the new epoch of time and so totally a salad biblical character and yet Matthew writes this and this is Matthew 11 verse 11 I tell you the truth among those born of women and basically among everybody on earth though because we're all born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist and Matthew gives John this place of look you're actually the greatest man born of woman incredible verse and then you get this is comma and this pause and this great end to the verse kicks in yet he who is the least in the kingdom in other words the one who's just in the door the one who's just got saved the one who feels like a complete failure the one who thinks like I'm and nothing of a nothing of a nothing I feel like I must be the least in the kingdom I'm loaded with issues I'm full of insecurities I feel like my inconsistency is a real issue I never feel like I can make good decisions you know those who feel like that those who think you know I've not managed my money well I I may be not landed my life decisions successfully you know I befall it was people I'm irritated by people more than I should be I'm people just annoy me whatever it is that makes you think that you're the least in the kingdom it says yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he is greater than John the Baptist and so scripture is wild it sets this scene for this platform of the greatness of John the Baptist and then it says but no everybody who even is little is greater than John the Baptist and so that scripture is really saying look you think you've seen greatness in the Old Testament oh you think you've seen the heroes of the faith Mathew rising with this awe-inspiring truth the from that moment on in Matthew 11 everything that had been done all those who've been celebrated were lesser than the greatness of the people that God was putting in the earth realm and it is the scripture that says oh you're the champions oh you're the champions even the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist even this stuff ups of life or greater than John the Baptist who was celebrated by all and we kind of go really really I mean that can't be right I mean that can't be in there Jesus because you know my frailty you know my humanity and here in the New Testament you write about the greatness of the Saints in comparison to Elijah in comparison to Noah in comparison to Enoch who you call the friend how can that be there and we have so sat in lies that we have forgotten that I am considered champion by God oh you need to have it wash you you need to have her own you that you you're greater than John the Baptist it's not in an arrogant way and none of us I think we all appreciate that but it's oh that doesn't even honestly said but it isn't that oh Jesus you put your Holy Spirit in me oh Jesus you put power and authority in me and I want you right now to wake up and I want you to wake up to the fact that you have such power and authority I want you to put your hands on your heads right now and say I am a champion and some of you just need to grab hold the sides of your brain that's suddenly even in doing that River I am a champion I am A champion called by God it's like an electric shock to the demon it's like an electric shock to the lives that have sat there so didn't tell us about Winston Churchill don't know today is VE Day in Europe and that's a victory in Europe day celebrating the 8th of May 1945 when the end of the World War two occurred and so today there are celebrations obviously very muted compared to what was planned for 75 years of celebration but there was this point in the war and I think this is what we're talking about the champion mindset the crazy boldness and the voice that brings victory from a champion is really concentrated in this moment in history that I didn't know about until recently and so if we go five years before that time it was like the war was won in one moment and the British War Cabinet had been meeting and of course Winston Churchill was a prime minister at the time and he wasn't very liked by a lot of the establishment or by a lot of the party that even he was prime minister of and so he's heading up this war cabinet and they've been meeting for three days and they're in their ninth meeting in a row trying to wrestle this question of will Britain go to war and if you imagine the history moments of all the films that we've been watching Dunkirk was happening all the British soldiers were stuck on the beaches of Dunkirk Hitler and his armies were moving rapidly towards Paris and weren't far off the beaches of Dunkirk and for some reason his general was holding back and not attacking giving Britten's a chance to extract their army from that stop place but in this small room in like hey an immense Club you know a posh men's club the War Cabinet were meeting and Churchill had one shot really at being able to turn the tide and he gives a speech to the cabinet of the government which included the War Cabinet at that time and I just think it Just's some mates really the courage the boldness and this truth that we as Christians need to get a hold of that we have in Revelation 12 of the testimony of Jesus the blood power of the blood of the Lamb and the fact that we're supposed to not love our lives even unto death and he says this in a moment I have thought carefully in these last days whether it was part of my duty to consider entering into negotiations with that man meaning Hitler but it is idle to think that if we try to make peace now we should get better terms than if we fought it out the Germans would demand our fleet they would be called disarmament our naval bases and much else we should become a slave state though a British government which would be Hitler's puppet would be set up under Mosley or some such person and where should we be at the end of all that on the other side we have immense reserves and advantages and I am convinced that every one of you would rise up and tear me down from my place if I were for one moment to contemplate parley or surrender if this Long Island story of ours is to end at last let it end only when each one of us likes choking in his own blood upon the ground and that makes me emotional because I think the same of the kingdom of God and I think the same of the territory that God has given us that we are to fight for it is it not worth our lives people of God to rise up is it not worth our lives to rise up with a boldness and a courage and a voice coming from our mouths that says never surrender never give up like Winston Churchill said if he had not said those words if his War Cabinet and the cabinet of the government had not come around him in that moment the world would have been lost then in 1940 May the 28th 1940 but because they chose to fight and yes for five years and hard years and there was a cost and there was lives lost in the process but the war was won five years down the line so that today we can celebrate Victory in Europe day and so for me we have to lose our voices he was an orator he knew what to say God gave him a gift but he had boldness and courage married with words that turned the tide of history and let me tell you Church we can do the same wherever you are where have you been positioned you have a voice to turn the tide of history and so whatever has muted you whatever has come against your voice that has shut you down and silenced you I loose your voice to be able to speak in the moment that you need to be able to speak it because let me tell you heaven is roaring and the armies of heaven are ready for the armies on the earth to be released and to be vocal so that the kingdom of God can advance it's all about us and it's all about this time so let this inspire us to be champions and to be vocal with the words that God puts in our mouths to be released at the right time wow wow wow that is just remarkable Sarah Jane you can feel the glory of God all over that I want to release one last thing if you give me a couple of minutes grace because I know we've hit one o'clock I believe that there is a mantle and I say this and I think whether with a good deal of fear and trepidation that I would call the mantle of extreme influence coming to the people of God in this era a mantle of extreme influence and let me just just go back and anchor that concept in the life of Jesus Christ because I think we can only you know get too political but I think Jesus models this mantle of extreme influence and it's from his hands that it is given to you not from the accolade of man or a popularity or a vote but this mantling of extreme influence that comes with sobriety and with weight oh my goodness I can really feel it as I'm talking so let me explain to you why and that is coming and let me ask you this question how did Jesus get thousands to turn up to his first sermon the Sermon on the Mount that must strike you as odd any Bible reader out there because you've only seen a little bit of a glimpse of a miracle you've seen the water into wine in Canaan but you've never really seen anything at the beginning of his ministry that would gather that kind of crowd for your first sermon that that must make you go how did that happen I want to suggest to you that at that point of the preaching of the sermon and the might lately almost the arrival of Jesus into the role of Messiah that he was already a man of influence and that Jesus was already a highly successful influencer and he knew what it was to put on a coat of influence to mantle and bring truth to a culture now let me go back to into history for a minute too so you understand why I say that don't don't just kind of like take it you know know as given we need to understand why in Jesus culture in his growing up education was prized above anything and but the ability to read actually percentage-wise illiteracy was very low and so the elite were those who could read the elite were particularly those who could study the Torah and the most elite were those who were still in education in their teenage years they were those who were asking questions of older rabbis and so we know that when Jesus is in the temple aged thirteen with a roll of question asking to confined rabbis it has been because he's already been identified as the best of the best he's already learned to read which was rare he's already memorizing Torah he's already confined confining the scribes and the Pharisees and so there was this moment that I think we've lost in the reading of Scripture of understanding that he was already being trained to be an influencer in the education system of the day and so it is reckoned this is from the Jerusalem Bible Center some of this revelation that rabbis were allowed to add to the Torah they were allowed to add to the written law by saying things like it is written but I say to you and so Jesus leading up to his thirtieth birthday would have become some of the most one of the most sought after thinkers of the day if I can say it without sounding crass Jesus would have been like the Justin Bieber of the day it was believed that he was following a rabbi around who endorsed women but at the age of 30 you could finally become a rabbi yourself at the age of thirty you could finally preach your first sermon and everybody turns up why because they've watched the development of an exceptional child who has confined a drab eyes at 13 who is elite in the education system who is well known to be following the greatest thinker of the day and so come the age of 30 that moment of his arriving as a Rabb himself at the end of Matthew 4 just before the sermon on the mines we read people have gathered from Syria and Galilee and Judah and Decapolis and Jerusalem and the Jordan people walked for days the momentum is building through his life they've watched him rise like a Justin Bieber and boom Jesus steps onto the scene aged 30 and he resets the thinking of thousands in one sermon a mass of people from all over the world and he turns up and he says I'm not adding to your laws I'm fulfilling them and its first sermon he says it is written like all the rabbis would have said in the oral tradition as they added their own truth and he takes that model of influence and he says it is written but I'm rewriting I want to put it to you that Jesus is better than you thought and he knew what it was to work himself through the structures of the day to the place of extreme elite influence and that is the Jesus model servant leadership humble awesomeness loving par pact influence and he says to you today in the midst of crisis on the earth in the midst of the greatest shaking that we've had since the days of Churchill in world wars he says to his people you better take my mantle of impact and influence right now where you are you've got to receive a mindset of influence receive my capability to work in the places that need to be transformed strip from yourselves any limitation that you have stopped that thinking of no one likes to show off so I better dumb myself down walk away from the mindset that says don't you get too big for your foot boots fly high and receive right now that mantle of extreme influence for God says you are my champions and so I listening to you on this Friday Elissa commissioning to you right now and in the name of Jesus that mantle extreme influence sits on your shoulders it marks you it owns you know it defines you and just as Jesus did so the call goes out to you today to think differently to act differently to rise with courage to be the voice to take the mantle to not drop on the floor and then remember it exists but have it stapled to your shoulders and I speak over you you are not the worm you thought you were and the days of your low self-esteem i banished in the name of jesus who is higher than all and I say over you wake up to the role of dread champion for Christ and extreme influence in sheep's name Amen we take a long weekend because we need the rest so do you enjoy your three-day weekend well us our three-day weekend we see you on Tuesday next week for next week's our bless you [Music]
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 5,095
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Id: rHJ30Ox64Xs
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Length: 69min 48sec (4188 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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