WE ALMOST MISSED IT! FIRST Class Wagon Tour (Trans-Siberian Railyway Day 8)

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[Music] it is our eighth day on our trans-siberian railway journey and today we're in London and it's our last day here so we just checked out of our hotel we have two hours into our train leaves so that means we had two hours of internet left for the next three days but we've decided to pull ourselves away from that 50% because we needed to go out walk before we sit on a train for the next few days 40% because we need more content for this video than just sitting on a train and 10% because we want it one final meal before we're eating instant meals for the next three days but the meal procedure should probably be a little higher yeah the percentages could be off but those are the three big reasons that we've pulled ourselves away from the internet [Music] running around town looking for the pain and couldn't find us anywhere we certain panic went through after our hotel in like 30 minutes I wouldn't know what to do so I looked up this place on TripAdvisor without we would get nice once we start our instant meals diet them on the train and then some really really good I also read about trivia about a famous drink I wasn't sure which might was pointing to different things on the menu trying to ask lady within see English which one is like their specialty accidentally working what's what I don't know if it's the right one but it's like mineral water of ginger and and just little floating things that takes time so not super Russian I'm pretty excited about it and we have to hurry I did not recommend that place highly enough I hate recommending a burger place because I'm usually all about eating the authentic food but if you ever find yourself on your own trance of your journey and you're in you live today go to this place to get a delicious burger I've got to run back to our hotel grab our bags and get on the train they have a problem this is not good at all we should walk to the train station who gave her out which train is ours nobody speaks English we're trying to ask people we don't know where to go I'm standing here with their cellphone Nate's running around trying to find somebody forgot where to go our train leaves in eight minutes I don't know what we're gonna do for this I'm freaking out oh gosh so I had this transition planned out where I was gonna like have the cup when we got back to the hotel and then pull it back and we were getting our bags we were like we should probably not fill and get to the train because we're starting to cut it pretty close and then we got here and we were here like 15 minutes maybe enough time but we couldn't find the Train and it's like you have to go up this bridge thing to go across to get to the trains that aren't the first train and you don't just walk to the next train and it takes all this time and we didn't know which track was ours and so we couldn't just be dragging our bags up and down and we would definitely miss it we were like trapped on this bridge so let's care there with all of our stuff and I'm gonna run around and find the Train I'm like running there's no like big LED board like there has been in all these other stations I run down to there's one train in the tracks and I show the lady our tickets and she's like no and I'm like we've gone to the wrong station there must be more than one station I was thinking so I'll run down to the information desk there's a guy standing in front of me he's taking forever at this point we literally have like 7 minutes until the train leaves and that was the first time where I was like and these trains are prompt yes they've left on the minute everything opening right now where's the train beside us maybe that's us left on the minute we did so while standing at the information desk waiting on this guy to finish whatever he was talking about I was like there is I don't know probably better than a 50% chance that we missed this dream right now and I was already thinking about booking flights to Vladivostok and just how sad I was gonna be that we weren't gonna get to experience the last 64 I was gonna train Siberian we would have been walking back to our kilo jail they would have been so confused we have all those snacks we'd had three days of instant meals to eat I'm just so happy to be in here and we would have been able to say that we did the trans-siberian because we didn't do the whole thing I am like sweating it was so hot out there no bags are so heavy and we're going up in all these deaths okay now I'm just complaining we're good so to be on this train milady checking is it was so nice she was I think she speaks English yet so every day or every time we get on a train that your cabinet and it stands at the door and checks everybody in she just look at your passport and your ticket and she tells you where to go and she spoke a little English and I was so happy that we were at the right place I just want to hug ya house you would have reacted to that tears of the jaws everything out there thank you ah are you thank you help me please the girl you didn't free open a cross to be so you thank you well she's the best so before we started this whole train trip Nate read that you really want your cabin attendant to like you because they like control everything in this cabin so you just want to be friends they figured that would be hard considering where the Americans that don't speak Russian or any other language so we thought we would give our cabin attendant some chocolate we first got on the train a few days ago turns out that was our night time in Tanana so we really always are like two or three times she was very nice those two three times I saw her but it was just kind of a waste because our daytime attendant did not get chocolate from us and she was kind of scary so for this train trip we got two bars of chocolate we already gave one to our super sweet lady which I think she would have been nice either way and we're saving this one for the nighttime attendant so hopefully we have two best friends by the end of this two [Music] so now for the tour and this tour is not gonna be anything like I thought it was gonna be because if I'm being honest I thought the train that we were on now is gonna look completely different than the train that we rode a few days ago but really this room is pretty much exactly the same except for a few differences that I'll show you now first is this key so with this key card you can lock and unlock the door all you have to do is touch the card to this hand now the doors locked it shows a little red light can't open it to touch the card again it turns green and you can open the door so like if you're going to the restaurant car or if you're getting off of one of the stops and you can lock your door and all of your stuff is safe we didn't have one of these on our last trainer at least they didn't give us a card never had any problems but this is just nice peace of mind and the second thing is the storage underneath the seats in our last train underneath the seat was segmented into two different compartments this one's like a completely closed compartment you know lift up the seat and then you couldn't really fit anything big on either side with these seats all of the space underneath is just completely clear so you could even fit like a big Rolly bag but now we have our backpacks and our carry-on suitcase is underneath so loving all the storage space and underneath the seats on the string number three is not a huge deal but it's nice they gave us coffee cups on the last train we had to order a cup of coffee and then try to like secretly keep the cup so we could keep using it with our own powdered coffee and tea but here they just give them to you so in the last room that we were in there was only one bathroom in the back of the Train this one has two bathrooms that are bigger and I'm pretty sure there's two right as well so that's four bathrooms for a train car that only holds 18 people so that pretty much sums up the main differences but in case you missed the last video I'll go ahead and show you the school guarantees so just like on the last train you have some storage underneath the headrest right here one on each side and then also under the middle you get the two free towels that they give you when you get on the train and the seat / bed is currently converted into a seat we never saw the seats on the last one because we just left them as a bed the whole time but I think pretty soon we'll ask the attendant to come turn these into beds as well it looks the exact same there is bedding up behind this sheet so you have a big nice white fluffy do they and then OH protect okay yeah I'm gonna be okay I'm gonna be okay you forgot about the nice light bulb feature right there do you get these two big nice fluffy white pillows and then you also get one of these brown blankets oh I didn't forget there was one other thing that was different and that's that we only have one outlet in this train instead of two which again not a big deal it's that we have like a million electronics so they need to charge did it tell you anything else oh so I thought there was gonna be one feature here that was gonna be like hugely different it was gonna be a game-changer right out here in the hallway there's a Wi-Fi router and I was like we were gonna have one thought for a 64 hour train ride and I asked are very nice in that and she told me that it's only for the people who work here so maybe if you bring your cabin attendant like 10 chocolate bars you can get the Wi-Fi code but we didn't bring them all right that's the end of our wraps it up hopefully you have a pretty good feel for the first-class cabin all entrain 0:02 Cara stayed up till 2 o'clock editing last night trying to get a video out before we got on the train so we're gonna take a little nap including me and they're just funny or not it still too [Music] well it is several hours later I had a great nap it's dark outside now and if they're done so we're having some spicy beef noodles and gone today [Music] now we can scrape it out of the bottom of the pack it gone that was really good go if there was no sweat we'll just get it out of the bag that is a bummer I'm so sorry so sad at you she never gets mad wow that's not true but majority of times you get sad at me which is even worse I asked you to get more than story you told me this was it was enough until it hole poured out her back you [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,285,382
Rating: 4.9195104 out of 5
Keywords: cabin, exclusive journeys, first class, first class train vlog, first class wagon tour, kara and nate, lake baikal, lernidee, private train, railway, railway travel, russia, russia vlog, siberian, thesmartlocal, tour, train, tranis-siberian train, transsiberian, trans-siberian, trans-siberian railway, trans-siberian railway daily vlog, transsiberian travel, transsiberian vlog, travel vlog, travel youtuber, tsltv, ulan bator, ulan ude, unity adventures, wagon, wagon tour
Id: 9hdo9LmUl3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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