We Adopted Dragons In Minecraft!

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hey i hope you're ready for this today we'd like to introduce you to something incredible what something incredible what is it what could it be the answer is take a look over here you know what these are are these go on um they're dragon eggs that's what i was gonna say are they gonna hatch soon dragon eggs don't usually hatch on their own oh they could be stuck in these shells forever but with a little help what we can break out some baby dragons awesome let's do this oh what are you doing jj now's not the time to be making scrambled eggs hang on why is it dancing oh that means it's working this is a fire dragon egg so it's only going to hatch if you set it on fire oh don't worry it doesn't hurt the dragon what about this one over here the ice dragon that one needs water to hatch like this see did it work i need more water there we go hey it froze great was that supposed to happen it sure was now that it's covered in ice you can see it dancing around in there right nice moves oh i get it the eggs do a little dance when they're getting ready to hatch yeah but it takes a few minutes okay it's a good thing it takes so much work to hatch a dragon otherwise they'd be everywhere yikes good point thanks [Music] careful you could hurt yourself oops come on little guy hatch i wonder if he'll look more like me or you he's not our child mikey he's a dragon oh yeah let's give it a little longer [Music] hmm it doesn't seem to want to hatch you really think so just hatch already this one's not hatching either is something gonna be born the sun is directly above us now so it's noon still burning [Music] oh it hatched cool wow this has got to be the fire dragon so cute wait what did you just do i popped them onto my shoulder now we're best friends i want one sweet oh it seems to like me maybe i'll raise it myself as my pet how nice how about this one i wonder what dragon this one is we can take care of that one too yeah how exciting oh check it out your turn mikey you take this one i'm trying why won't you ride on my oh there we go you did it hey buddy wow nice let's go this is amazing ah check it out we both have our very own pet dragons this is the best thing to ever happen in the history of anything ever hey mikey yeah they're a little small huh yeah you're right we should find them some food i want them to grow up to be big strong and healthy okay sure but what do they eat they like meat yum i've got lots to give how are you doing that whoa it just keeps growing what the that should be good i don't think he can get any bigger what hey hang on buddy come back he's taking his food to go now then your turn here you go eat up you like that huh whoa awesome my dragon is growing so fast that his head is sticking into the wall [Laughter] hey turn around i hope it's not stuck clear the dirt i'm trying oh we did it whoa i want to ride my dragon too get back here buddy oh this is awesome you look like you're having fun yep great my dragon came down finally it's time to fly wait a second how do you fly a dragon glad you could make it can you believe it we're flying yeah oh wait up i just realized that i can attack with this dragon what do you mean it can fire its breath and there just so happens to be an enderman there so let's attack it hey look look look there a zombie is burning i can defeat it whoa cool i'm still figuring out the controls that's fine how do i steer this thing you can descend by using the x button okay sweet now i'm in fire breathing range your dragon won't breathe fire it breathes ice right where are the monsters on the tree here goes nothing huh i can't fire why can't i fire use the r button r button still nothing keep it pressed you can do it hey it's working nice job that was epic whoa sweet let's give the rest of these zombies a taste of our fire breath and ice breath boom move over it's my turn go for it [Music] let's cool things off a bit huh whoa you're making the whole blizzard all on your own free zombies that's pretty strong totally good work thanks there's one more over here woohoo that rocked let's go somewhere on an adventure jj we're going on an adventure all right we're so high yeah i love it me too let's explore the island a bit sounds good i'm right behind you wow what a view hey there are some more monsters here let's teach them a lesson shall we yeah take that steal the burn you like that oh no i accidentally froze the piggies i need to work on my aim huh yep a frozen creeper awesome all done i think we're good for now this is incredible dragons are so powerful can anything stop us nope hey check it out it's daytime what a view where should we go i don't know hey look what over there what is it careful hmm this is a pillager's outpost these guys can be really strong oh look out what but they can't hurt us can they i don't know i guess we'll find out they're getting ready to fire should we run away no way the only way through is to fight these guys i hope they can handle a little bit of heat yeah take that let's it looks like an early winter this year ah merry christmas take that pillagers we should take care of that base burn baby burn it's turning into ashes we're destroying it whoa look at us go i don't think the pillagers will be coming back here anytime soon i hope not all done jj behind you watch out we're gonna stop them from raiding any more villages let's do it i feel like some kind of flying superhero with my dragon yeah me too enemies defeated yeah they didn't stand a chance this face got annihilated that's true all thanks to us i think it's safe to say that dragons are some of the strongest creatures in the whole entire game oh definitely so mikey i think that minecraft's strongest enemy yeah is ender dragon whoa are you sure we can do it so what do you think about us going to challenge the ender dragon now okay i'm in great we'll win for sure if anyone can it's us with these two units i believe we can beat the ender dragon huzzah let's go challenge the ender dragon to a battle bring it on we've made it to the end it's time for war yeah where's our opponents hello we've got two dragons on our side we should be able to win we can win we're gonna win jj easy peasy hey there it is dead ahead get him oh i think i froze your dragon this isn't good weird it doesn't seem to be taking any damage huh it's like all of our attacks are missing or something maybe it's a dragon thing hmm it's like the attacks aren't hitting look nothing's working we can't win oh i get it now our dragons can't do any damage to the enderdragon if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 12,962,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: MxWGVl7zPL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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