WC3 - WGL:S '20 - March Pro Grand Final: [NE] Moon vs. Sok [HU]

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this is the grand final of the Montreux qualify our last game of the wjl March coverage our semifinals were super entertaining we had Sauk defeating colorful three to two and we had moon defeating Lynn three to one and now these two Koreans are clashing it's human versus Night Elf it's sock or spoon your time to talk now don't worry bro don't worry what are we gonna see here m'kay warden no surprise we saw that earlier already between colorful and sock which how sick did colorful play that game was insane color just was so proud of him right he's so good I'm telling you I'm telling you who's gonna do great things this year and hopefully beyond that as well what to say yeah in that game we saw mk3 bass and triple hero and stuff but no rifles why no rifles he went Knights in that game I really don't like the Knights against human I have to be honest with you bro I had to be honest with you I can't hold it back anymore oh the energy for emos kicking in he starts to repeat his sentences I I don't dislike them I just think they have a bad cost for a fact ratio like they don't do too much rifles do a lot more for what they cause mortals as well in a fire priests as well I think that they're not bad I think they're just unnecessary big mana mantle okay bro let's get the party started that's the dream yeah you know the thing is like might have always placed some dryers and drys are actually pretty good against nights they slow them down and most importantly they are they can stay ad range and then still put damage towards the Knights who are blocked by the moon for the Bears and MJ's and stuff whereas if you try to attack the rifles with the drys and they instantly run into range of mortars and rifles and of everything else and normally in the super late game you I don't think you really need a night frontline you have fairly you have m'kay and you have clap to destroy that bear front but anyways if you see a more and more nowadays the Knights and noticed I also noticed ver Dagon with a 13 euro 37 donation says thanks for the stream fellas smile thank you very much Lee thank you so we have a warden with blink and Pat of lives no level 3 though going into the base for just level 1 okay what are these warden items dude are you serious yeah pretty good he found a socket as well over the middle and battle for the Berserker and no one gets it okay that's a lot of damage Shadow Priests for a little bit of healing Mountain King comes in he pretty much he does nothing but he does so much because this stops an expansion by sock and the meantime will is taking it just blinked out yeah how was he not getting punished at all saving man ah yeah he still has the big mana potion he's basically full mana and this was a big delay of the expansion just with the warden prancing around okay they finally natural expansion creep but moon is there as well no staff on a mountain King no pressure but also moon no second engine off Ward one of the mages so they both play it very differently except f9d thank you for the 700 wait a minute that's a step on the Mountain King before level 3 gets it now can moon dodge the hammers he's creeping this with out an engine of war double Berserker man getting those two berserkers really big deal i piercing damage against heavy armor creeps very effective or normally effective that's a big power built by sock oh is this expensive bless you Oh Remo has an allergy to power built with more than five workers you must die what is still not level three merchant has been oh okay that cobalt if sock steals okay that double three them Mountain King Sigma speaking up allergies are they worse for me in April so hell yeah bro looking forward to next month I heard it's starting already have fun here too Tech is pretty normal for sock right I mean munis of course way you had it looks like sock is really respecting noon though right he's holding back forces he's taking time with the expansion he said that his foot is protecting the natural the m'kay isn't committing in deep for any kind of kill and honestly this game so far from moon it's looking pretty easy yes he doesn't have the counter expansion up but other than that everything else is like easy peasy lemon squeezy okay there's a storm what all staff foul quick reaction by balloon this man might get older but he's not getting slower Oh can I get one of the berserkers the moon well placement elf dude that moon will actually save the Berserker yeah we thought this more and more by night offs also Lal I at placing a moon well next to his Expo save did quite some time and now with dryads that's easy pickups and normally when we see this MK staff play using it aggressively with footies in conjunction that's where we oftentimes see a lot of kills going the humans way before night of Ages tier 2 and the dryads in the map control flips around again dip moon lose a single unit to skip I don't think so but he wasn't able to expand yet just wasn't able to get level 4 yet item so still a great of course but Jacques hoarding gold now at nine hundred and can then explode in sister 70 again like a drag did you see that episode of Rick and Morty with a dragon Zeppelin very early suck is super short or number there's no tree of life yet though there's pretty much nothing to cancel we have to see that all the trees are gone who flute for sock now you can't get the tree of life but I guess he can get the ancient of war however at this point in the game then I have army is strong enough to creep without ancient of war certainly or bears pushing towards the expansion really yeah master training doesn't even line up perfectly hmm the one just be creeping at this point there's no rifles yet thank you comp is an unconventional push we don't see this normally nowadays at all usually just the warden creeping to five and then peasant harass all over the place tinker second and then he continues really so I hope you know what to do against it Thank You cops care for the two one three sub one level four years the Mountain King and you stop something really good needs time soft needs time black mage coming sanctum in the works 1600 gold who are these four bears are looking kind of scary right now but for how long I'm totally expecting an expansion on the other side so is the footy sock smartly parked one to scout but there's no tree of life coming there is wait where the bottom ah ah oh yeah there it is one continues creeping though with these bears as you say it's really easy and he's stealing this away from the fkn yeah this smells like avatar of vengeance again so sock does he know about this tree dude the drops for MU in this game again he refuses to build rifles right not a single one text it to you three now which I like why does it feel that the warden plus tinker combo is just too good against rifles but isn't it just simply good against everything hi I'm with you here but sock is not Zeppelin sniped a little workshop in the back to prevent the Paladin more creeping for the Mountain King close to level four now this altar is pretty important the app starts coming in but without follow-up damage it's not damping is falling absolutely very very unusual to see nails just neglecting their level 5 for a while but it makes a lot of sense with this tier 3 strat sock takes forever to come online and you can punish that tiny window before and Moon innovating again counter X flop now 10 of knives close to 5 almost yea an entire level ahead you think that Drax is for socks play style not even that fat oh that's little 5 soon one more fans level 5 perfect with tree didn't remake the altar yet no done so at the expansion the clap is slowly but steady burning through these bears with multi teams as well now I can steal the healed Scrolls how nice is this very nice perfect counter and everything is healthy again level 5 damn moon is hot everything is just perfect today like he had on echo I was one mistake costing him 700 gold to wisp in the mine yeah but everything else is just crisp on point every decision is the right one every move is turning out to be the smart and proper one double engine of wind triple engine of war mass Hipple riders 30 seconds tanks but there's only one workshop horses are under attack could be more there's no anti-air like you don't need that amount of protection from one workshop oh my god it's didson yes she actually going here for writers and kind of was expecting Camero ruse horses the teepee yeah on the Black Mage the moon is so in total control it's crazy how this is tearing us stand m'kay normally this zero spirals out of control really quickly here what a tug-of-war this was of soft versus colorful was undoubtedly top 4 Nidal world right no light moon foggy colorful and now it looks like this [Music] the Bears Understanding between main and expansions can't do anything Knights mortise by the way again all right this is finally stock I think breaking out of this contain moon teepees out you're gonna lose a bear nope tree in the north sock has the same idea to tower this up this will only cause a little delay though very ease it is in the absence of rifles understandable but is it two to four fairies or is it crazy Ultra mass fairies tinker would absolutely be the best call here tinker creep up at level 3 level 4 maybe but maybe that's not fun enough for yeah like I wouldn't be too surprised if he plays the Beastmaster just for like good old times if the Knights more times again and brighten this bush in the south is supposed to distract from the top right expansion but noon is not falling for it it's extra is gonna get killed if there's no way to prevent this bad right against all the Malthouse this not even in a fire that's a lot of damage all right number four as well and sock it's it just towering this up again it's just tearing up enemies old bases now look at blink fan though and the fairies on top sick healed scroll to save a lot safer than one use no rifle play no mana for the other type even though if you get the kills doesn't matter oh well with the stats maybe in six avatar instantly well I guess he got the treat other thing is there's a backup Tree of Life in the North we're just gonna run there soon let you have life with the expansions being remade the triple fairies health smart yeah he stops production as well so he's not going super-heavy fairies hey so well you got no rifles I kill your barracks let's go oh nice domme ball in the warm to stop her before the fan but of course it can stop the fan forever motors are good at this point but not overwhelming black match again TP out Oh fairy damage is so safe dude this isn't this isn't even looking all that close they killed that account the expansion and still looks like Mona's in total control fascinating take your time now finally moon having the tavern have another round he's Lisa creep two three we cancel our remaining needs quite some gold though buying a moonstone so sock knows this he has a lot of mortars but oh boy is moon ready to flank there's no TP this time this might be the final polish teams and there's no Alchemist in this battle there's no aue healing it's only single target bears to a strong 2-1 upgraded the warden in the mix level seven more teams in the back are exposed warden is hurt suck has to aim for the hero kill I believe yes are about to fall as well 61 supply only takes up two more a team what about the human heroes though flatmates clap again holy light again oh wow the fat MK dad indeed here now close to the late the siege with the towers broken again and moon secures the base and has another one up in the south of course moon style mass expansions god damn he's looking hot again yeah all of a sudden two twenty supply lead he said this fight was twenty supply low now is it twenty supply lead hahaha surreal without em geez this guy dude just bears and everyone thought there's a 2-week he builds for he put us into the night of bed to human base and stops everything yeah and I love these kinds of games because it goes to show whatever you whining and moaning about you just need to play better and then everything's possible boom no one showing that here it's only the first map of course but honestly this is unrecoverable mains are about to expire by the way only about a thousand gold left paladin still benched 2-1 upgrades for moon the warden this game didn't even do the economy her ass abuse nope and still moon so so dominant yeah but we shouldn't take this game as an example for balance because no rifles we even get hippogriffs now against gyros this will get a one base push kind of strat no one is gonna be tested quite a bit more I imagine concealed and AZ probably still left in the pool gonna be interesting to see how moon plays there goes a level eight warden even picking up the tome said as you see that a little bit of trays full moon little bookworm alright suck he's close to level ups let me close 3mk well not really close to five you make old tower risk push but he like with two mortar teams how is this supposed to work okay three but they're they're greeted this is war than an ultimate form knowing the only night off seemingly who doesn't like mg's and doesn't seem to need them very clear and again that's level eight Oh God - say you he is so good clap again band verse big oh my god triple kill yeah there was a last bit of mana no potion for him there was a lot of kills again 27 supply difference okay I gonna die for this you don't have a heel scroll here can you clap through the Bears not really moon retreats dude stop kill another single unit this blood mage still isn't double 3 the bash the warden hey well done by sock he breaks through that position now goes towards the expo yeah but most of his army is peasants all the cast is dead at least he has devatas and I think that's the most important thing but moon is ready for a flank march up there right now also one from the right army from the left let's merge find a level three other black mates and buttstock what does he have left well not too pally because he's dead so is the motor everything's gonna die now did he holy smokes redhot loon the Blood Moon showing up today and god damn he's so good crazy shape he is so freakin good Corona stands top human playing m'kay this is normally a super tough game for night elfs to play moon made it look almost easy yeah I agree that was very unconventional nobody really plays like him this way like no echo whereas no mountain giant no double engine of war creep even like he creepy to give one engine of war never said yeah and still necessary levels good distraction delayed expansion got the kills good strategical decisions by like traditional into fairies it's very very very good he looks almost unbeatable today insta certainly on outside of the realm of possibilities for soccer win here but he needs to step it up quite a bit to play on eye level in this grand final however on other maps this matchup looks completely different because in some maps warden really isn't playable it's one base versus one base perhaps a push can be manufactured by sock we're probably not gonna have a game that looks like Terran us again probably not I would expect what would I expect next concealed kind of a classic for human yeah the anti warden map-like but now it's kinda like the only only thing I would love to see easy I wonder if moon still plays the warden aria combo and AZ or if he's doing something different game has started two more minutes he got it best of five so first two three takes the March championship and $560 for the winner my points are more important I guess the Koreans always do great in the letter department now owning the tournament as well yeah moon starting off this qualifier season much unlike the previous one who wgl he was having a he wasn't even playing in the first qualifier he had won the WWE at all he was basically not qualified but then miraculously the feel of players was increased and suddenly moon was participating miraculously is they miraculously yeah don't know how that happened kind of crazy to think that last season moon didn't you know qualify kind of through the points when we see him place so well here like when you see him today you're instantly yeah of course it's moon he's mother greatest of all time how could we ever doubt him he was eliminated in the group stage last wgo in a group which with which group was in a happy in fee sock and color pool colorful of course without chances as every wjl except the keeper WTF but yes so it first plays happy second place and then moon in feed bye-bye that was crazy group man Thank You Ari for the 14 one three sub love b2w thank you very much how Paul is well I hope you do good not to last refuge okay not vetoed by moon lots of night off normally veto this map moon doesn't for the reason that this is a very tough ward map unlikely to see her here but it has been shown and successfully played before by the likes of la Liat oh I don't know if we call it on camera but I saw it there was the demon in construction for a second but moon cancelled and goes for the keep Kiba I did not expect I see a keeper of the growth in 2020 against the human this is something special by moon he painted against Lynn as well on this map but there was a difficulty for map that you also played against Jimmy Koh in the goddammit what was the tournament again was it who you are grand final I'm gonna defeat him 3-1 yeah and there you played panda second keeper plus panda with expansion of course with expansion with keeping you half to play Expo unless your opponent fast expands and then you go sonic divided of I style all-in but that doesn't seem like noon style anymore no he's just playing with his prey and preparing for the one big attack Oh an ESL by the way we're gonna defeat it long walk Wow and Kevin defeated Neutron no way yeah who's Kevin you mean the one legendary Kevin scream wow he defeated Neutron real you really did the legendary Kevin's react would be so funny if you lost this game because it's hunter Saul was late okay we have creepin we will of course join the ESL camp right after this grand final with a little bit of like break to eat maybe 10 minutes or so a memory of a distant past eating remember so sock not creeping the Nashville not expanding but going for a quick level three creep with the Merc head this is a very unusual opening he could slicks bad dude this camp is turning out to be quite difficult though that made was there already no water elemental but of giant strength not what he was looking for but that's have a three that's pretty nice oh wow he is actually gonna expand whoa hold for farms this is just a super safe all right late Expo going into to base to base that's pretty cool okay moon you are already outmatched in terms of army and it's only gonna get worse so you need to show your brilliance once again I love how much you hate the Kiva so bad moon is expanding as he said kind of forced into it we go Huntress Huntress get rekt by rifles but sock so far refused to play rifle so maybe units working out tele staff on the keeper I'm sure we're gonna see this item getting a lot of mileage throughout this game advantage in the two bays versus two bays always at the Nile of Kentucky Leon who could the a.m. perhaps find the castle he wants to go for his own tele staff keepers being welcomed with open arms by socks are me what the archers arches did I was thank you for a second she was gonna wall this little choke off with you did you remember the archer wall again slim how can I forget the outer wall against one of the best plays in 2019 by the way speaking of best look at the inventory for a song it's pretty crazy pretty good pretty good essential for moon here to not get this tree of life canceled he has two wastes at the expo neo dude Ezra if he knows what he's doing I'm gonna have to write a love letter to me to moon he's going armor upgrades over attack upgrades he's got wisps at the expansion it's making me very happy yeah pretty flawless expansions not a single point of damage ancient of lore in the middle of the to base is very rare to see unique and song like on that one he he seems almost a little intimidated he doesn't commit to any big attack he's playing super careful super defensive and on mab 1/4 moon there were zero losses in the early game the same is the case here no expansion cancels considering this was only for archers and a keeper shouldn't even be able to put on more pressure early especially with Murph support there you just steal the item almost over for him that's really nice to have early on tech has started now players forces are under attack I know what the second hero is I mean he can go for marks all the time of course level is good even should be good as well but isn't he at one point have to go rifle - okay - panda again you were right this is basically the same strap that I showed against Junko later on going into bears perhaps this time some jeez hey I was creeping a lot away from the second hero isn't he where is the mountain King on a level I would love to see moon creep the merchant away now from his opponent with a panda can you do that it's not like he's an alchemist but I mean maybe with the breath this is definitely the safer call with the mercenary camp for him so into it anymore he felt ready yes really good 60% you're gonna demand up fighting over the merchants w in the breath Oh steals the tele staff no he has double texture ah yeah there was slot starved that's what you get for adding the Mountain King later for taking so laid man panda with the telly stuff can be really annoying oh yeah that's how he defeated Jimmy Co didn't he telly staff all over the place and harassing economy that's got written over and over and over suck needs sick multitasking soon he has a black it just feels like boon is in full control doesn't it yeah I mean not the biggest hand a fan I think it can be countered but okay we'll see I can sanctum Elsa it is rifles this time okay then pandas good do you remember against Thorazine did moon also play this strand I kind of blocked that okay I don't remember but I do remember that Thursday in played blood mage Alchemist tier 3 looked so strong but as always the agents not picking up on Thursdays play style if only they wouldn't cancel the rifle or is he just stopping up to one workshop now have a three Panda Gold is good priests already had no to spell yet moon realized he has a window here where the keeper still is pretty useful behind this Tier three tech is close to done now for the night off what's doing guess Pierce again it's at 58 every other night off was like sitting at 50 not moon he doesn't care about upkeep he's also the only one who doesn't care about MGS does he not yet not yet so much distraction again but socket 1600 gold super low on lumber though no not possible at all the tech tier 3 could go for shredder I'm not doing it and how to creep the Mountain King you called it earlier I'll switch craft so much that's a lab ok Oh red but no one is right there yep he wants to snipe at this item and then go get out get out flame cloak mental it's really good for the MP yep clap cloak of flames against bears hell yeah but again the lion's share of the experience goes to moon did watching the series you would never think the state of this matchup [Laughter] well foggy defeated Hawk Moon might defeat thought or you talking about yeah no this was weird thought by me came out of nowhere there's no basis in reality or any evidence sorry about that push again and a double kill mandus breath on level two quite a good spell and he kills the blacksmith before the upgrades are done so even if he wanted to know more rifle CPM okay that's a that's a dangerous position here one may have to retreat but he lost nothing I think good of HP maybe once again we have the late game ancient of wind for probably fairies but this time there is rifles but not too many for streaming that moon chooses and how he's abusing the temporary weakness of his opponent taking control of the map taking camps away limiting the MKS impact he's playing this game so well dude so freakin well he did it before one heal scroll to heal scrolls mana potions all drunken haze bet the fire combo aha there's a single you'll scroll hey a.m. a.m. what are you doing is when he has an arm gets a transfer though oh he's running away from the safety tango breaks out a pot Buddha's not losing that bear obviously poor breath so many kills he's just devouring him nasty nasty creep Jack Mountain King is back thanks for the on is he able to no no not to nuke anything get the dead roasted Oh potion okay Bruce m'kay again and he's following him turns around dad the kill with untangle god damnit moon sock just got deleted it feels like he has zero idea what to do against moon is this just moon being so insanely good or is it soft being too afraid of moon and making things too easy for me I don't know I think it's a bit of both I feel like if you go for the Merc camp and your expansion is so late you have to be more aggressive with that with these mercs moons early was hey let's just skip everything in the early and we'll meet each other like in 10 minutes that's not supposed to be that way against moon the aura of Moon the legend to God the master they all look up to him they all respect him the most it doesn't matter what kind of shape he is he's always a favorite to them in any tournament if he's getting eliminated in six tournaments round 1 with 0 maps and you asked who's gonna win tournament 7 all Korean say moon and you know when we see him play today like this and the way you did a Dreamhack it's somewhat understandable yeah they have a point they have a point hahaha so brutal looking crazy strong and game started maybe the last one of the WGAL qualifier it's getting really late as we said in Korea it's midnight in China 1:00 a.m. in Korea but also in the Warcraft Invitational they played until like 2:00 2:30 3:00 a.m. so they don't mind having a lot of viewers tonight it's wonderful anything crazy happened who we are qualifier mu India's open oh that's a yeah qualifying all right at the same time cluttering up the liquid PD app ticker once playing against foggy in the years will open by the way that's pretty cool the Muslim against Sonic the winner against Hawk extra versus Sheik happy vs. NT who enter and it's pretty good undead Mira - happy as well happy app is really good there was a yeah of course the ESL Open Cup will be broadcast here as well but first things first we only lost two colorful right in this tournament yeah except daddy one Eddy everything in 15 sway against focus again against fly against LA ayat and of course earlier today against Lin yes yes yes I thought it would be more proud of your boy colorful but you were earlier today all the time earlier I just gave him a little praise yeah I was looking at Lucca PD Hawk lost to someone for a qualifier for a dude correct man some so much amazing whoa crafted a moon playing out of his mind looking definitely like he's gonna win today and after that we're gonna go towards the best of Europe happy hark foggy the three standout players where's blade why is he not playing by the way he was playing who you are against foggy but I don't know maybe he just plays one tournament a day too bad he is one of the top players in Europe at the moment so how's our game started yes it has and we go aren't you concealed he'll boo this rings bells that was the breakout performance by a song exactly this matchup in exactly this fashion was struggling a lot against knock there I've seen a black mage first by a sock on this map as well why don't we see that anymore man that was so cool I want to see more blood mage I want to see more Phoenix's this one base or sock again be the mad man that he is and expands ostrich vs. warden warden hold the phone I have legit not seen this on this map yet against human against human no against undead we sought by law in a truly show match in a real game no now the question is how exactly and again all the Night Elves taking out their notebooks scribbling down especially law lie it like how did he come up with something that I didn't think we're the most likely involve a second ancient of war otherwise without a second engine of war on terror ha true but there it's a lot easier you get murked support that makes everything a lot simpler for the warden here you don't we don't have a merc camp at all Sauk sees this what the hell is happening the players forces are under attack that make here he's just harassing you get the water elemental with a dead man he did not did he and now it did he yeah he did ha I just talked about this yesterday why not night off detonator on the first water elemental and Todd's response was because they're too lazy to know for the warden knows without second yo w yeah he really doesn't seem to be a fan of the second engine well maybe it doesn't feel like it's I don't know it's like wasted money after the first one or two creep spots and again sorry she's running back and forth not doing much not getting level two I guess his ideas he wants to go to the grid green in the middle and then militia creep at the turtles you see this quite a bit I mean yeah he's preventing level three warden but he's also not level two it's ya know brilliant Zara that's that hurts him so bad oh please pork it's the boots yeah oh nice ultra block all right militia now coming out am will finally get double to but this is really late yes teching so one base by sock which is the normal thing to do but you never know no isn't even concerned with getting devils that three isn't that crazy yeah yeah how do you play a warden without level three really Archmage finally got brilliant sera Oh stealing the item in the north maybe unless it was killed listeners know blacksmiths yet I want a lot of footmen diving into the space most t2 I'm to soil 50% defenders coming in it's close to finished this is gonna make it very tough to do with these footings that's the rougher early game that pull the water I think Anagha is required here from moon he played on AZ already oh yeah defend is really good now did you ready got the resources for a second hero with using them yet no since the wisp over to the tavern again Naga there we go okay and now the idea is you have lots of single target damage with shadow strike and Naga cold arrows trying to you reunite the army everything is all over the place but ideal we have an alchemist for sog against single target damage blacksmith now was very happy on footman of course and boots so much that Knights might be bit here quite nice enough to squeeze through them they can be easily picked up dead alright one footy down and ordinates tons more mana there's not too many you sprays left she come here sprayed but that good enough good spell one team around alchemist is out of mana The Footy that is dying warden plus Naga with the triple strike single targets I've been talking about it for this whole week basically I was expecting it on a-z now we see it on concealed five arches as well this is not even again looked way too easy from what I was about to say like it's not even his final form he doesn't even have his biggest strength yet no bears no roar new reach you know dispel no slow no or no no high level like this is seemingly a very weak matter of state but if he gets this priest this is already looking scary for him [Music] close [Music] yeah levels are not that great second engine of lore now dispel dry its out to3 warned looking for reinforcements can't kill the rifle take more creeps away like the spider crab house not getting out of it I was stuck getting out of that so-called like he's down to maps an unusual hero dominates him on a pretty good human map need something special oh and the warden and one Dryad look for the peasant militia call and perfectly find it are you kidding me though takes out one of those crucial priests now guys in trouble though she was slowed down by the sorceress survives slivers the way warden is down to 30 yeah but fountains you know note ii/3 more rifle casters chef attorney finishes am isn't level three what kind of pushes this mentals desperation Gordon come back home she has some stories to tell she was pretty banged up before but of course that the thing of the past especially with Ritu and clarity is now saving the very rare moon juice it's daytime for quite some time so limited use the venom on the Nagas bear stood holding back massive training finished okay with floor and reeju waiting for the level three warden the footmen are falling rather quickly whisk in for the flank detonate perfectly just nothing but perfectly staff out Ward is out alchemists ooh blow a proposal much damage here that sock has anymore warden I guess canned reengage at the moment finally a dryad gonna be killed I guess alright something going socks way but no slow to turn on these bears want in trouble again potion bears in the middle of everything but man there's limited healing finally double level up three and two thanks to this bear but it's also level three warden and level 2 fast read you there is a depth training its dispel but the I am also in trouble fan is ready that could be a lot of care for with one one down to 130 rifle not blocking anything big kilts The Alchemist and with Thaddius a say bye-bye push abandoned tier 2 or tier 3 level 3 3 versus 3 2 moon in full control again how many times have these pushers killed night off in the last couple of weeks I stopped counting when did you and survived when did we might have survived such a push is I guess with a level 2 warden no less only three bears it's not like sock gave him an overwhelming amount of time so he can gather five six pairs normal number normal quality but it Lotus so different is to play out of his mind to thing out of his mind and Sarkis is not creating the biggest challenges nothing we've never seen before unfortunately Thank You Witte for the big host creep Jack not in time the camp is taken out already that was the only sorceress no more slow now and of course no clap and he has a warden and naga against him lightning as well so the only thing that slowed is human wow wow wow how does it one replace all these losses is that one base for this supply needs to get more trees before more sorcs I mean once work is absolutely necessary it sorry but then there could easily be a shadow strike or the fault lightening and then the stalkers gone again and there's dried this fell so slowly will not really be a thing and to Jango Oh all the a.m. can you steal it there that's the best item at that camp probably not that moon Reed's to help this game My lordy has moon played 0mg nope there's one Harden's can I think the reason is fountains because here he sees a way to heal them once they're low and on all other maps that's not possible I'm just so so so in all it's just so good I'm just sitting here shaking my head going like okay you bet it's good how can you be this good yeah I'm making night off look good it's not an easy task these days and imagine bears having two more attack now like how would that look mg is ready where is the big boy yeah left hand side of the merchant 3 wisp with him no he's a little suicidal but he's just a loner doesn't really matter he's in the fire now that was again the only once or got zapped instantly fun dealing with the Bears what is almost full mana doesn't even need any consumables now that's not even fighting now bears are starting to drop really low though to be honest Optimus gets one kill zap is really nice the second bear what staff down sock does a good job in ignoring that a mg and getting rid of these bears but in the end it's still a level 4 one all these rifles are wearing very far forward they chase a little bit too deep a.m. there's never a TP anymore remember it's suicidal they don't strike and that's it Oh in woah ok 37:57 yep look at these supply guys arches on priest range now easy kills both your solo oh boy soccer tournament was great you defeated Kimiko no one really expected that you defeated califor in a very impressive way but moon is just way too much for you in his current state moto wins March pro qualifier yeah honestly in god mode that was insane yep so strong yeah best night of in the world not much has changed since anaheim altar passing everyone basically yeah ten points for the ranking where you should now be on top for Sark really really good at making a top two over the other Koreans over a focus over a law light over H amico better than a Lin of course Lin fell prior to the force that is moon great to see Lin back great to see one two zero with very own ideas in the open qualifier he will be playing in the Pro next week next month and yeah last week of a month is always wgl time next week is gonna be great man when foggy your hawk and one-two-zero ascends to the pro division and we get rid of these shower k's of the world it's gotta be pre stacked there was the best of asia but since we can't get enough of warcraft we want more Thank You Terrell Sun for the 5 gifted subs so we have to make a little travel from the agent server to the German server to the European server to cast the ESL cap number 9 what do we have in store there we go we have hold on happy vs. enter chic versus X Lord Hawk vs. 2 Muslim or Sonic and Juan versus foggy we're basically down to the quarter finals to catch the best of those games alright people 15 minutes 15 minutes yeah see you in 15 minutes with war Warcraft ESL Cup coming up
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 23,557
Rating: 4.8803988 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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