WC3 - NEXT:Autumn'19 - SF: [NE] Moon vs. 120 [UD]

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here's the bracket so far we have infi in the grand final we start with eight players we're down to three moon defeated Lin two-on-one in especially Northern Isles was insane won 2-0 had a tough tough tough time nerve wrecking series against romantic so can he do it again they got a little bit of a break whoever wins here has pretty much no break and especially moon could affect this since we know his endure is not the greatest anymore he's getting older so the longer that Warcraft day goes worse it is for moon usually so notes likely having the edge over won 2-0 there was a long win streak for moon from pretty much January till October but what does he broke this in you'll cup the recent encounter went to him there was the group stage and I think throw them down to the lower bracket it's for sure so move the favorite for you guys 66% they met actually twice in the next qualifier there were one group and move won that game but in you woke up there was a - Oh a very clean - that was not more on his best day though so I wonder how they will pick it up for glory heaven you're always watching aren't you 10 euros thank you very much for the donation as always whose side coming in he played a lot of warden recently really I think I have not seen moon with a warden and forever so definitely interesting moon not having the greatest summer one two zero is a different beast these days they met in W leaked as well and in one belt one road so offline oftentimes move ahead it was the semi-final of the gold League as well there was a three to one so moon went on to the finals against happy and then lost so yeah offline it seems that moon goddess and this is of course offline if we haven't seen them in quite some time so players are you waiting for I want to see more action getting tired a little but we will join the game very soon curious about the maps very curious about moon's play style let's go that we got the game on the road it's another best of three the winner will join in fee in the grand final we either have a lack on stream or a lack in the production okay there we go this looks like Amazonia and it is newbie the last remaining newbie player will it be a rogue warrior newbie final or will it be Moon clan 'less for the longest time still waiting for the right offer update the final so what are the heroes what are the builds oh the ghoul cancels the ancient of war what a win for won 2-0 it's the double necropolis build and what an impact this has the heroes aren't even out and that's the first big win for won 2-0 he's what what yeah okay forced into a demon hunter now I guess could have gotten a keeper as well oh wow DK ghouls for one-two-zero and he's just continuing this goal pressure moving a little too greedy with the ancient google wakes up the creeps creeps kill the ancient of war oh and he does it again mood is playing against it first time was a little slow second time whispers far away this time it's only the two rogues huh aggro still a little weird in this track here this ancient will be heard can he sent more ghouls OVA has to produce more ghouls Tech will be a little delayed but the necropolis should be finishing soon demon hunter one-man army no Archer no creep and lightning shield by one to zero this could be a big swing hippie love like zero experience versus level two he said he can't or the big one is already gone oh I think that was a lightning shield tonight on one of the Rogues yeah and the coil can't arrive because of double mana burn okay one creep denied but at least zero experience on the demon hunter but the demon and the DK is low that is an issue how much damage can the demon to do on blight it's gonna be so careful stop being surrounded moon taking pretty much immediately internal wars up more moon walls stressful early game one two zero with the gamble of the early ghoul and no shop even for the fast attack not sure if I have seen this with no shop so yeah in case you're not watching too much warcraft you have one lumber worker as an undead that's the ghoul one-two-zero sent over the ghoul right away so he has no lumber for the ziggurat that you usually need to produce units to free up supply instead he built a necropolis which gives you ten supply as well doesn't cost lumber but a little bit more gold and this school got the engine of war that denied level two for a long time and gives one to zero the experience lead in this game and this is a one to zero classic going for the mercenary camp pretty early moon maybe scout this pulls out a couple of creeps creeps only the renegade for the item one of the biggest on the map rune bracers not great but if the demon hunter gets it and it's horrible [Music] could kill the moon but it's only ghouls it's not the biggest kills right here but he got burned he got evasion how will he prioritize level three on the demon Fein transition hunter Sol moon is the strongest when he plays math dry it so it's not mass Aires is not playing keeper alchemist well no mana I think Oh close though could go forever will be burned most likely not investing too much Naga second by moon no Panda no alchemist just right clicks and he's getting quite a good Oh moon that could have been a mana burn but looking at the decays mana well that's that's exactly what the Nagas for ninety seconds after her purchase she needs to do damage and yeah that's three ghouls right here no level three four one two zero the game start great but moon's recovery is great as well Tier three rush ok different then he plays against human and the fiend transition to be able to snipe the dryads which will come released a oh ok moon going tier three quite rare I haven't seen moon with Tier three against my against and add in a while so he is going bears or is great [Music] and he gets the second one okay Lich's out not punished at also be mask okay the rule braces that item was photo shake em it creeps the entire cab ready [Music] for the level three and the naga is not the best late game hero very squishy new cable moon definitely need staffs long-term what is he was creeping up a storm right who leaves him alone that's the downside of the tier 3 tech rings on both sides so we do have level 2 mana burn he didn't roam with the demon hunter to buy the Naga more space he doesn't need that not like a panda for example but wait okay I was about to say like no tier 3 yet but there is an orb on the DK important levels up frost arm or even against Night Elf okay seems to be a big fan frost armor first against orc and second against human at night off now protecting fiends against bears then what 2-0 looks like a ghost so pale with this lighting fits the Rays right so up on both sides one to zero ready to pounce Nagas third for more damage no silence no duel hero kind of rare by one to zero right it's either a tinker or dual hero this Naga for more slow the first destroy out do we have master training yep it's finished with rora the demon hunter is a beast only one dispel in the air but he gets it off no Ritu ghouls are there to die level 2 for the fork lightning on moon's Naga but how long will that last the focus fire by 1 to 0 is good 44 vs. 48 bear staffed out last second mana is looking ok yes but now the burns come in and the Lich is living more mana as well arch is falling but also that's not the biggest of deal it's a little lacking DPS but not a game-winning unit the safe on the bear was worth it oh the ledge dies that's never supposed to happen nice burrow but apparently there was no coil and he didn't swap the TP didn't expect the forked lightning I guess to be honest I didn't really see it oh but that's big prevents the lips level 3 he's trying to get an export during that fight supply lead hero lead and the demon hunter is soon to be level 4 with level 2 evasion that is really hard to kill and now we can't fight with audio of corruption who's pushing forward seems like he wants to expand on that streak again or wants to start the streak again no master bears at the moment this one's good the burrows are good but I mean he can't just reveal from the lab and it's 50 gold per kill that's great good block no chance to save it three bears marching forward and if he takes the right turn then he sees the expansion and that's maybe what to do is win condition has to on summon it very rare to see no expansion by moon but something's moving over maybe you built that tree of life already hello notes it now just moves the ancient over constant mana burns litters back though but how to use the spells moon back on the demon hunter and this is top tier mana burning in the middle of everything now but he has to begin will decay has only the town portal trait XP or HP a lot in were posted for town portal Expo will fall with the two bears demon hunter safe can even get a read you I think looking great for the fifth race can they be a surprise coil lava something no TPM so what now it's still 50/50 but it's four and three point five this Naga didn't pay off and there's definitely lack of building damage or but like damage against buildings now he builds abomination no disease cloud yet stays at fifty moon is breaking up keep it's pretty much an all in already you can't let that Expo pay off you're posting on the Naga Stefan the Naga to get the demon hunter out to destroyers in the air bomb a nation one to zero still have some time thank you great fairy for the two month three sup if the necromancy still do it breaking up keep now but moon is still quite far ahead and this demon hunter is so tanky how to break this Expo without a tinker or maybe with coil Nova for once the meta burns were a little lazy in repulsion on the Lich this time but no TP but a heel scrub right-click all the way No nature's blessing good right micro all the mountain giant transition ok didn't see that yet that's so much sustain that explains how he rushed up to 66 supply he has to ignore them he has to go for the backline but that is more time for the expansion level 3 for the ledge he didn't get enough mana for the Nova taunt again to Bears Naga level 2 now for fork lightning it has good right clicks all the whale it's also great right-click stat you a little far forward maybe who didn't call the feed for lightning is huge against these fiends bears clean the ground 1 to 0 plummeting 20 supply down they are falling here the only chance is a hero kill but without mana how lava ok potion use those staff should be off cooldown as well heal scroll that was the last consumable except the in volt but that's not the issue here good range army good melee army good balance for moon in general needs this devourer magic gets it ok but maybe on the cost of a destroyer that it's not worth it the fort lightning hohoho so much damage if 1 to 0 wanted to expand again then it's not happening because moon send something over coil but no follow-up this is moons game right here taunt to slow the DK down and now the expo is established 20 supply another goldmine 1 to 0 this all-in didn't work baganz for moon the fifth race one step away from his grand final he won the one belt one road not too long ago for the second time that lets kill broke his neck but moon after this early game where he couldn't get the engine of war that slowed him down a lot and still aggressive demon hunter and pushed one to zero back didn't let him unfold and I say this many times if you pick up ghouls in the early at mid game the early tier three push is not that scary and moon did this par excellence that was so good so moon versus infi is just one map away and this tournament that good for newbie never really was now that I think about it there's some patterns in tournaments like WGL is always good for one western player next is always good for rock warriors stuff like that one two zero like showing this early aggression doesn't tell you that he thinks he has to cut corners and do something risky to win of course he's respecting moon a lot everyone does who is not respecting moon but maybe one two zero should feel more confident the straight-up games but the demon honor takes out a lot of the undead fun with the mana burns and they were executed so nicely you so match number two move with the lead one to zero can you strike back on CH this is even more choppy right I thought the quality for sock is not the greatest but at least it's fluent so let's go with this there you go match point for moon who will expand his lead in the all-time earning ranks the only player above $500,000 prize pool there you go ch is it time for the dreadlord against the moon is a demon hunter is it keeper it's a normal creep route and so far a normal build for one to zero with Ulta early so rather no dread Lord guess it's the DK done sorry I'm yawning here and there stream is up for seven hours and it's about to be noon so demon hunter it is again DK it is again with it either the happy special or tat fiends ah think you do in wins for the 100 bits I collide sees this but that's not much to do about this I mean if you want to zero this always something to do about those creeps with acolytes and skeleton last hits but in general there's nothing so if he plays like happy he goes heavy on ghouls and then text if he's playing like everyone else he transitions to fiends really early so far it seems like that feels huh there's a fourth class for the demon hunter closed for the DK again but the early game is this definitely better Oh big lasted mana burn on the DK who gets it not that even ok so both equal experience o the trapper is still up wait did he get it the overlay was kind of late he got something I guess the I don't know what happened either the instead of war finished the creep or he got something big I guess he just finished the creep right yeah and you're walking thanks for the help I kind of need a little support today yes say hey I want to see you cast after seven hours getting up at 4:00 a.m. okay easy lasted here level two one more kill is level two he needs that level two nicely playing around it but again constantly low on mana and the demon hunters trading so favorably [Music] [Music] DK shouldn't be at 50% at this point so it is a little more happy ask heavier on goals I guess who likes the soda game so far take is okay hunter soil not forgotten like night of love I mean there's no big thing that happened here in this game so far except the decay being at fifty percent but that's about it but therefore we have fountains who will staff observer is confused because he didn't staff in the main or did he does check for the tech I'm not too sure and he's deaf to the bottom right if he goes panda the pendant is great otherwise not really he steeled with the echo light I just checked the experience and like wait to point to this should be way higher one to zero does it again how often did this happen that he steals the last hits how do you practice this stuff to calculate seven damage so all of a sudden we have an undead experience lead moon with a longer to you to this time could be more dry it's heavier creeping rule once level three for sure but this is a lot harder to accomplish now they're just out one two zero of course going tier three it's no other way reintroduce now this game he didn't lose goals right I think they're all parked in the main pretty much think you tilt with a nine-month freeze up I thought for a second he's just reaching around and creep check this he knows what's up if he steals this one as well he has the mana pretty easily actually it's only Naga and teaming all Cordova reveal as well what does zero is in forum over multi kill know I collect ice in the creep rock where it just walks back while the Lich was creeping right yeah so two point eight one point eight even have to still know level three [Music] the hero acolyte died yeah but man he was worth his 75 goals so much information and here we go again can he steal it can he get the double level to Nova use that should be an easy kill for moon now but he walks into one two zeros arms easy to see you get to last it now demon hunter what's he doing using the interval for it DK is coming back only now it's gonna be a little careful super hard to do no level up okay and a teepee for it for just the hood of cunning and he got that Nagas snipe for the double level up three and two now could even go aura for a sec aura to you know and justly not level three the over wasn't enough it is coil to this time no third here I think I guess if he's not risking this redspot one-two-zero is gonna get it he wasted so much time on it already in the first try and he kind of has to go for it Sark he kind of has to go for it I guess it's uh could be Japan as well I don't know if he gives one to zero the 200hp golem it's kind of like an L you pin your own basket [Music] nose sock is not the observer sock is just doing the stream I think but I don't know Sacco - panda watch amico also with one of these guys [Music] whoa bull move ball move by one to the moon scouting in the upper left but that's not where the UH that is in red spot here flute okay Expo could it also be only the engine of war [Music] I think moon is not scouting this [Music] armies at 50 pretty much maxed out now got third again seems to be his new thing who is taking for ever and so low on the demon hunter super risky destroyer sees it there is no TP there's only a staff but if the demon hunters gone that it's free reign for the undead hero's devotion auras nice pretty much counters the flute and he knows that he losin is not baiting the staff out the Nova wasn't enough despite being level two but how to get out now demon hunter comes in but only for the fight no TP doesn't have the resources for it moon against the ropes but matter Byrne comes in that's great it's fighting a little pill here even under the pressure he just wants this pesky first hero down but against him oh my god the damage on the DK where's this coming from fort lightning this time he's not losing the hero Matt Hobart bow-bow next on the planner is the Naga moon are you turning this around with this with his back against the wall against the fountain focus style of yesterday and one to zero he wanted that killed so bad he wanted that demon hunter he was baited by the demon hunter [Music] nuke the d-h moon staffed him out TP back in and then it was enough [Music] how I mean moon still lost a lot of army obviously but parking the Nagas in the Alta it's great it's time for one to zero then is expansion pays off up keepers no upkeep ten supply lead for the undead he'll scroll no TP anymore but this time it's what's not the Lynch dying it was the Nagas dying and that's way better for the undead I mean both is not great but Lich is essential Naga is a nice add-on not a speck in will you scroll scouts the expansion munis trying to break this he's on the hill what does zero keeps up the high ground rather early sweetly time coil here focus fire on the dry it's two of them are out let's just diving deep stop 60 percent already mana is not too high needs to have a coil or fork lightning what is he doing the demon hunters cleaning house that was a little too obvious that maybe that was the game Lidge back from the tavern big buyback what happened there heal scroll wasn't enough DK out of mana leech Naga completely only has to use right-click so he can't only use right kicks now moon close to the grand final abomination about to fall the reeds ooh he can't dispel the region aiming for the Nagas once again big hatred on her second kill right there he can't transfer the in wool did he try I don't think so moon is getting kill after kill with his dry hits low passes the in Valon the lids this time he's not dying but da bomb man moon staff out dry it's low should be an easy retreat but what about the expansion o killed a couple of ex may be no corpses on the ground I think ah there you just moved them away these hero kills are not allowed to happen if you want to get into a grand final mara potion on the nagas level for demon hunter close to five one two zero doesn't have the levels and what a beast what Abby's this demon hunter is there was the last coil for a while right no consumables no more for lightning really hurts by now okay you got one more coil the demon hunter seems to be a one-man army here regional needs to dispel it okay but he just reapplies it and it's limited to spell huh actually has a second destroyer but all the damage is going to the demon and this time it's not the spell using the coil before the next Nobunaga it's in danger again needs the staff on the demon moon is ready to save his heroes super Sigma but he gets level 4 level 2 aura should be a demon hunters back Nagas solo he'll scroll owner and a potion tug-of-war big taco for all these long enduring fights between these two players it doesn't matter what's the matter they fight for minutes doesn't matter of mass air for mass riots or dry it bears or Mountain Giants where the mountain giants by the way both on two bases one to zero has the supply lead again for three and a half two and a half lots of consumables to hero kills but moon can't put the nail of the coffin yet equal supply a couple more kills and then it's mana burn three who gets critical mass first move getting Mountain Giants [Music] not level five get this stupid chicken bad little 3 for like fork lightning is no laughing matter for the feeds by the way to abominations no disease cloud shouldn't you be able to afford it maybe is researching it right now staff town portal and another staff the other side potion in wall he'll scroll do you guys know upgrades I'm not too sure only one tower TP 1 2 0 jumps on top of em and County P ok fair trade oh wow science around it that's staffed out that means the staffs on cooldown moon only getting one staff despite being on Expo any supply now too much Giants that's a lot of HP let's not level 4dk not level five nah got level three no 1080 or there's gonna be a huge fight right here they are staffed he didn't lose him he staffed him before fought lightening tickles the abomination he should really try to get it on to the fiends he is using the cars before the demon hunter burns him too hard dry it's free to do whatever pretty much to destroy us in the air decal the down to 50% has no TP only a scroll can't heal himself of course and that's good damage on the feeds but also on the Bears pretty much one for one trait demon hunter should be level 504 point line it's so close the flute is helping village enormous Lee even had to down to 50% legend trouble he is aiming hard for head in proportion though needs a staff it's the staff ready on the nog I certainly hope so for moon 75 75 neck-and-neck fide hero focus again bye moon can't coil the Nagas there is a potion though how long can the demon have to survive still not level 5 let's just in the middle of everything fort lightning right clicks oh one two zero same mistake as on Amazonia losing the lips in the middle of the fight how is this happening so many hero kills so so so so so many hero kills we don't see this usually even until no Naga must have to stab you go again Oh in propose the last second staff out these Mountain Giants soaking up 3000 damage plus but they are gone soon 14 supply about to drop and TP out now whoo-hoo that was expensive that was really expensive at the end want to zero lost a couple more units disease cloud on everything though but the Lich is again benched level four and a half of the DK level for level three good level ups for one to zero but on the other side we have five five and on this map disease cloud doesn't do too much because we have a fountain so he'll scroll involved for one to zero again human hunters packing quite a punch by the way thank you Hawk be for the four-month threesome three mountain Giants now Oh zappers the nerubian is gone moon storms to higher ground fort lightning with the triple kill and it's again this phenomenal moon timing when the mains expire one two zero has another expansion up here though but mining is denied saves money by steppers blows up the nerubians and gets the typical very very very limited mining for the undead and he can't list that pretty much the same as it was against Lin where the mains would dry after 23 minutes and he knows exactly when to strike but what 2-0 is getting the revenge kill of course the Night Elves have the back-up Expo in the tree of eternity acolytes for but he has the one from the main he has no resources to build another haunted goldmine I feel it's a mistake to give moon this high ground for three times four times but it's real hard Mountain Giants gatekeepers now how do you break through these wall of stones well like this [Laughter] [Music] but the haunted goat - gone moon has nothing to achieve here really the Hans was taking out true of eternity moves over moon nobody's smiling at the moment 7475 moon has level five heroes one to zero doesn't solo on items moon rarely and in Ville rarely a he'll stroll saving a lot with us last-ditch effort for 1 to 0 will moon storming to the grand final with the 200 would be quite a surprise bears are falling destroyers in the air 70 supply only abominations about fall how is he supposed to break through the taunts these abominations are constantly confused trying to take out the dryads there's only one bear remaining not much Ritu this time nuke on the demon answer but it's high evasion with level 2 of course burrow being used on to hurt fiends he needs the staff on the demon hunter very soon but not asleep on the wheel just walks away just walks away from this fight and one to zero is plummeting in supply moon 10 ahead but 21 of that supply is Mountain Giants the rest is high XP dryads that are quite easy to kill demon hunters back though full HP abusing the mechanic of the moon wells too much he has revealed now forked lightning next kill da DK down a propulsion swapped and now the last bit of focus fire but it's saved by the staff once again abominations took out one mountain giant it must be the undead heroes carrying here but how five six five five fiend falling abominations falling this is ten supply about to be vanished from the earth whoa almost to kill on the Nagas taunt but this seven supply is down as well Oh phoo phoo phoo kingdom for a yield scroll but how without money moon is mining again right or will be soon yeah he is mining again the next fork lightning could be a kill demon hunter using the core wait he surrounded his staff is off cooldown again one two zero loose he used his last bit of gold for an envelope not level five let's got level four Nagas not level four but moon is mining did an a-bomb survive he needs an abomination okay he has to that might be the necessary damage moon not willing to defend he has a TP mass detonate ok heals everything up and then TP double in wool and the heel scroll not mining went to zero should heal up at the fountain as well can he reach for the dry it must be an aggressive TP there we go or helps Oh does it I can take this fight moon is fully healed at 61 1 2 0 Sun summoning buildings to get a little bit more gold it gets the high crown at the phone whoa 1 2 0 not giving this up still has faith in his control and his heroes he can't allow a moment to get level 6 demon until we have 4000 HP in mountain Giants again no TP on one to zero if he missteps once he might be that good control for moon but he allows that was a another unit coming from the north right didn't really see what it was but I guess it secured mass repair it's for free on this night of expansion super low mana but he can't use some spells if another unit coming I hope for what to Zura it's not walking to meat grinder as well try it's coming from the other side he should really focus on these dry it's more to get the level 5 DK but he wants these bears out three units super hurt using one coil has still the heal scroll holding on holding on holding on so long Mountain Giants are not really an issue destroyer coiled that was the last bit of mana right and the heal scroll used as well he can't hurt no more he wants this level five so bad but more with the staffs again and again and again but then opened up the opportunity for this snag I thought like to kill a few but double level up for one to zero he finally got rid of it and that means there's no staff he only has 40 super but that's the ultimate metamorphosis ran away ran away he wants to snag up with the taunt the mountain giants in such a great position in repulsion use bear killed metamorphoses not attacking now he is kills a destroyer another five supply gone does the fountain help the duration was reduced in repose listed on that ledge he gets some healing he gets some healing but it's still so far ahead no he gives it up GG moon - OH the ultimate on the demon hunter the Superman decides the game again what a resiliency but I won 2-0 trying so hard anything he tried pretty much everything but it was worth it wasn't enough moon again zappers around the 22 minute mark follow up with that kill taking off the whole to go up man in the middle that's how he got into the semi-final that's how I got into the grand final many many many people were questioning mode in what shape is he well final shape 2o against 1 to 0 last time was 2 feet at 0 to come back and our grand final is in fee vs. moon what a macro battle this could be 1 2 0 man this Naga I don't know not the biggest fan I mean she's not dependent on mana but that delayed 5/5 for a long time did it really offer too much I don't know either tinkerer dual hero in my opinion but one-two-zero must know better obviously and moon the efficiency of one staff but you're not allowed to Lucia heroes so much the demon hunter doesn't reach level six if you don't lose your heroes three times dad's where the games fell apart that was the issue on Amazonia as well as on concealed hills he'll all right highlight reel for the semi-final one to zero again not with the win in a big offline event the curse is still real there was a great start canceling the engine of war but moon oh wow they skipped this hard yeah blocks the lid skills the lid sit-ins where the game kind of swung into moon's direction with the lid skill naga killers okay but you can not lose you're above corruption that was a big buyback that allowed moon to expand in the bottom right that was the key moment and the staffs soul flawless Babylon he has a downside of playing the final right now and the final is a vest of five he tried to block with the DK yeah but doesn't work and at one point with reeju and moon dwells and staffs you just have more tool to the night off but more moon plated flawlessly what does you're about to come back but this one a bomb kill was level six there you go and the Superman with the chaos damage cleans this damaged is raining on it but good Mick like good army mix these Mountain Giants enabled the dryads to survive and able to bears to survive enable the heroes to survive because eat like even if you ignore them with taunt they do soak up damage he killed like three Mountain Giants or for even that six or eight thousand damage so they do have value and he had the right amount of them we have one more series for you guys who's gonna claim the $7000 who will be the successor of th who will become the next autumn champion in feet vs. moon coming up after a little break a 15 minute break so I will take a 10-minute break tell your friends we are coming back in ten minutes with the best-of-five moon versus infi life from Gregg Joe last series before wgl here are back to Warcraft sated
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 18,773
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: cpfe_YLOTKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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