WC3 - W3Champions S7 - LB Round 4: [UD] Happy vs. Sok [HU]

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all right then let's kick this off it's the lower bracket round four the winner of this goes into the lower bracket semifinal faces either law light or colorful and labyrinth who are currently tied one to one so the net east champion is striking back against the underdog but we focus on happy and sock happy losing to hawk before now facing another human sock seemed good has defeated ex-lord the second best undead in europe can he just kill them both todd would be so proud if stock goes all the way through an undead bracket but it's gonna be tough happy as an absolute monster even though if he's only at eighty percent of his strength suck needs probably the best day in a long time to show again that he is the number one human in the world let's get it on map number one tight hunters and we do have an archmage opening on the korean left hand side for the afrika freaks it is stuck in the red and happy playing on the bottom left hand side with the dk tetrained opening so it's already a very different match than we've seen of sock vs x-lord where it was a crypt lord players forces are under attack yeah against other top undeads like extortion one to zero you always have to be worried which strategy you're gonna be facing could be dk could be cryptlord you never know against happy you do know i have casted i don't know if you know this new but i have cast a lot of happy games in my life and uh not once ever has he played crypto expansion against human which honestly seems like a bit of a waste but anyways that's what he prefers he wants to play dk fiends all the time a very execution heavy style but of course as we know happy has the mechanics to back it up to make that work and it's going to start creeping here a bit grabbing up the items quickly he really wants to be able to stack that glitch as efficiently as he can gets the first gloves of haste of the game and gonna go to the green in the middle where soccer is playing this very safe four farms here we're gonna have an arcane tower being upgraded early and a fast expansion for sure yeah and this was the map that happy won against hawke where hawk was also playing archmage and happy absolutely annihilated hawk in i don't know what it was three minutes 34 minutes completely wrecked this expansion so far since suck has a little bit of a different approach not too much angle to attack here moving it to the middle for that level 2.5 and happiest here for some last hits is of course late uh expansion creeps whereas the coil were waiting for it stop trying to play around it there might be last it's possible can't suck get it oh that was a good one and that goes to the dk though almost unpreventable item on the ground slippers of agility that is another last hit for happy and all of a sudden let's close to level two yeah really good at a gamer for happy sock tried to call the militia to the gargantuan camp it got scouted and he pulled him back that's a huge delay for shock for the fast expo why didn't he just go to the natural that camp is way easier to creep if you get scouted it doesn't matter it's an easy camp to take out it seems like it was a big risk here for soccer early to try to go for the gargantuan and then moving away from it this expo is gonna be super late it's gonna be up way later than the lich is gonna be out 178 experience that's the last hit with the coil takes out another peasant can you get more the big camp on the small uh the the big creep on the small uh camp goes to stock so he's getting closer to that level three but it's another coil it's another kill can you clean up the skeletons it looks like it so it's not an utter disaster as it was for hawk here as happy is now running out of steam for now at least border circlet really loves this marketplace not only spending uh resources on ice cream but also on circlet claws gloves think of which what's your favorite ice cream flavor after eight is pretty good and everything that's involving cherry cookie dough cookie dough number one and mint mint chocolate i might go i got ice cream in my freezer i might go get it right now really you're both you're both into mint mint mega are you a vanilla kind of guy most boring people of them all no i'm hazelnut all about that hazelnut bro oh man imagine getting the allergies though it's summer 40 degrees you really have the craving and then you can't because you get allergies you know sometimes you got to go for a neo even if it's going to punish you do you know that stand-up piece from jim jeffries about eating ice cream and he's lactose intolerant yeah it's really good and jim jeffery's amazing dude expo is up now tech still not started so happy are you going for a car expansion the footman not you to harass this but rather going for a run by and that's something that especially the asian and humans have been doing a lot more recently threatening those run by if you do have an opening that can secure your own base in the meantime because of course the others can be forced to stay back attacking the tumor relics right away forces a lot of repair that's very expensive but all five acolytes here for a moment and uh of course it's gonna be punished it's gonna be losing some footies i say some footage but it's gonna be four total going down that's quite a few footmen in fact if you get the shop then you prevent more statues and that would save you a lot of time but that wasn't nearly enough damage without the archmage here without water mentals still no level 3 unhappy but he does have a mana potion three fiends and we go tech has finally started and wait where's the statue should be queued soon suck my still might have the chance is there a statue okay once that he was out but he could prevent the second statue happy here once again going to be forced to deal with this attack trying to do it with only ghouls is that enough though against four footman and an archmage it might be good enough but again the tumor felt like it's gonna be attacked gonna be focused here forced to appear that's again very expensive for happy same on the other side of mining same on the other side with the blacksmith is finishing mass repair here now too nova can he prevent that no i think the fast repair is quick enough blacksmith wants to get at 50 can't say the same about the tower the footman are still hacking and slaying away at this stop and happy it's not on the way to tier three a huge tech delay similar to what we saw yesterday or was it two days ago for hawk versus happy on northern ireland we're happy was only able to get to tier three super late and the shop is gonna fall there's no more statues for a long time happy is suffering in the main base no more suffering at the expo no more statues no more potions is stock catching up here his attack is about to be finished and then he's gonna have that huge huge huge lead happy out of resources can't even get up to 50 and if you trade main base for expansion that's usually totally fine as long as you're still a base ahead but now dk level 3 lifts level 2 lots of kills i think things are turning in favor of happy right now takes out the last tower that means this expansion is very assailable from this point forward yeah of course there's mainly still happening in the mining still happening in the main for stock but his army is laughable right now he only has footmen and mountain king in a moment soccer is trying to force the teepee back trying desperately to force the tp back out of happy but the russian isn't doing him that favor oh we'll see how many kills this resulting in one acolyte down one ghoul down another acolyte down another ghoul up for grabs but can't really get it full mining constantly sucks giving up this town hall might very well be the case down to 40 trying to buy more time mk about to be finished volt coming up he's still in the main with department like what is this again it's all about that cp stock wants to alleviate the pressure but force by forcing the tp but now realize it's not going to happen he steps back home archmage almost dies has to go for the healing potion with that he will survive and have he may be forced away from the expansion could be clipping down this town hall if he commits to it but it's going to take the fight and why not this is a laughable defense this is four peasants or rather militia trying to hold on against these things there's still a coil nova oh now he used frost armor so there's not is there anything going on the foot but are still chasing these acolytes around but happy micro on both sides sockets holding four now it's so hard to do with this fiend army right now though normally what you need to deal with this especially once the orb is involved is knights and we're so far away from that tier two of course finished the mk is up we don't have breakers we don't have gyros we don't have anything really for shock he's about to lose this game if this town hall falls this falls this game is over and how to repair this one laughable peasant it's not gonna do the job at all which is crawling oh towards level three another potion that's more resource that you want to put into army but not the case here another round of militia dk chasing to want to throw a call to kill that little dwarf but he's not giving him that more militia falling by now it's just a slaughter and happy is just not losing anything anymore even bringing in some of these spare activities from the mains to repair the statues that's pretty cool and happy looking to close out this game soccer is going to hold on gonna have to hold on for a lot longer to come back in this match more kills going happy's way lit is almost level three already where's on the other hand on the side mountain king has hardly any experience to speak of he did get the statue is there another one coming no but ghouls absolute brute force for happy now who never attacked to tier three archmage coming back in alongside mountain king and a lot of militia can he do it trying to surround to force the tp finally but happy with the counter block gorgeous warcraft was expecting that saw this before maybe he's part of the prophet family himself but okay no second of hesitation he read his mind he knew what sock was going to do before sock knew what he was going to do that was pretty sick coil flies again mk dies dk level 4 which is a huge deal for that level 2 aura if there was a remo bingo level two unholy aura would certainly be on there and gigi is called one oh for happy looking very strong again on that one that was a very weird game right like just the the defense from happy was so strong so often would we see undead players sort of crumble underneath those footmen it wasn't a small force in his base for like at least a minute a minute and a half it was at least you know four five six footmen level three archmage the entire time with the claws but happy somehow holds on always mining with five not losing any zigs only really losing that shop at the end of the day and he just kills so many peasants happy's been doing this thing where he if he feels like he can kill the expansion he just stays on tier two the entire game so often we'll be again see undead players try to force that tier three lose accolades during tech and just be sort of stuck on no economy and you see undeads lose the game a lot but happy just says whatever i'm just gonna break you on tier two and it totally works sock only had footman that whole game that was that was a very interesting game though for sure yeah just countless skills on both sides happy operating on two screens like an absolute madman so many same so much time bought really impressive but if we compare the game of happy versus hawk on this map and versus sock on this map this was a lot closer and sock held on had a different idea on how to relieve that pressure and if that's an indicator for how the rest of the series goes happy shouldn't be too sure to go through here there was almost a guard tower up as well there was two guard terrorists being upgraded the one that was cancelled after the blacksmith was was found to not be cancelable by happy it was really close it was like 90 done maybe if that guard tower gets up in the back sock has more than just a single arcane to hold on to that expo maybe that's enough on top of the militia call maybe he can even town portal back after that but that tower getting canceled that was a clutch play by happy for sure all right do we have a result from labyrinth and colorful i thought for a second i saw that colorful one yes colorful ones two to one yeah oh that's a little heartbreaking for labyrinth but matt i really hope we see him more in tournaments he brought us a lot of joy brought us an infernal to the tournament as well as a banger of an undead mirror yesterday against mikhail shout out for him participating in this and grinding so hard from rainbow six coach into the top eight of war three champions labyrinth becoming a fan that's for sure and now we are waiting for sock to give us the go on map number two which is gonna be autumn leaves wait speaking of labyrinth by the way one last point have we still not seen an ultimate at least from not a restream game is that only been the infernal have i remember that correct i know there's been an earthquake in a game we didn't see yeah and the infernal and the game of restraint i don't think we've had an ultimate yet guys it's time it's finally it's about time i want to see mess teleport avatar resurrection unholy and charm maybe how about some i would love to see some charm we do have our game map too happy for the match points he would face the winner of colorful and lolita and then hawk and then focus it's a long way to the top if you're happy and want to remain the wall three champions champion let's go that reminds me of school of rock it's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll remo i'm pretty sure you're familiar with that it's a great movie it is i mean i almost want to say underrated but it's not really underrated everybody who watched it does appreciate that movie really nice fun movie with of course the wonderful jack black i think if you don't like jack black you're just straight up a sociopath i think it's there's no other way i used to watch that movie every day actually fun fact i i found out about it i was in the second grade i was just starting to learn the guitar i literally watched it every day for about a year and a half and you've probably seen it 500 times you totally yeah i kind of expected that but it's crazy that you were two on vhs great grade two grade two not right seven seven seven years old on vhs yeah i i still have it all i think yeah i think that might already be grandma's place we used to have like vhs movies you know back when we were kids of all those disney films and that was so cool man oh watching with my cousins my favorite aristocats what that's the absolute freaking worst me too actually i love aristocats aristocats is amazing god i hate that's what i'm talking about hate all the songs it's not about the songs all right neo it's very it's very fun to have you in this group very very very good very very good always a pleasure with you dude get scared by hercules again okay then we talked bro hades when i was eight years old bro that was scary let let's see i'm scared imagine if your head was on fire and you had blue fire sprinkling from your scalp there we freeze how's that dope well let's see how the scariest egg letter has is the answer is not really scary at all as suck does what uh i would recommend as well against happy kill that acolyte asap a player's forces are under attack the question is here where is the expansion gonna happen and and what timing pretty clearly we are gonna see an expansion suck on the first map honestly had a very questionable militia call going trying to go for the gargantuan camp really weird on tight hunters if you're facing crypto sure but against happy you never will and that was prevented that was slowed down the expansion just was so late for saki try to make it work with a counter attack in late game didn't quite work out the way he was hoping though as he continues to creep gets level two here in the archmage important to get that aura running early but the dk also gets on level 2 with a few offensive coil thrown here gets the watch on metal experience and now i'm gonna have that aura to work with as well power leveling on both sides suck was threatening a frost wolf kill oh did happy get that yeah right so sick was uh i like that the scout footy was threatening alaska didn't quite get it against happy it's almost a mission impossible we do have attack on the russian side already at 50 and suck again prioritizing leveling over checking or fast expanding which is i don't know man especially here should be pushable maybe even with happies painted the dark range a second five farms before the expo let's go to the left again lumber mill already alright so the upside here for sock is he's got tons of lumber because he called the military which means he's going to be able to take tier 2 pretty fast but again this expansion is so late and they are expanding in the middle it's kind of hard to do because the deka can arrest but the dk is around right now to harass anyways which means the taskmaster might get stolen well he's putting quite some pressure onto the dk he's out of range currently the fiend is there to threaten some last hits doing great so far but what about the task master such needs this and gets it level three on the dot yeah that was crucial to get over here with a scaly experience he got indeed on the dot perfectly 500 out of 900 for all my ocd brothers in chat isn't that just beautiful just perfect 500 hmm feels good man but uh the expansion timing feels a little worse because it's only coming up now when the lich is about to hit the deck already but we do have a claw plus nine again for sock maybe that will help him whether the storm he is facing him elimination there's no fallback net anymore he has to win this map and the following map otherwise he is out not too easy to do something at the moment for happy with this dk being so low and this archmage again hurts and put in some good damage right now gonna force happy back for the time being the slaughterhouse is coming up it's really interesting how happy in this matchup elects to tech i have seen him before be ultra greedy going for tech before lynch like tech slaughterhouse ziggurat and then lynch laying the second hero for a long time but seems like he's moving away from that more and more playing a lot safer now staying on tier 2 for a lot longer which has its own drawbacks with having later destroyers and orbits and everything third hero but of course is going to make you more ready for a run by attempt and the meta has moved in that direction with humans going for way more run by and suck oh look at those footmen he gets to surround on the decay and that is a tpe force oh no it's never mind because he knows exactly what to nuke to get out that one footman couldn't hold the gate anymore couldn't hold the door anymore oh man that would have been such a disaster for happy fiend still threatened has to use another coil that was the last one and defend is ready so these towers here don't do too much same goes for the fiend three of them super hurt question is can stock only do damage or can you also get the kills that was a number one kill forces another potion of mana but it's also level three and more footman go down yeah how many was this sideline reporter carson did you take no i think at least four foot is dying for one fiend that's not really worth it and the tp forced and the arc mage is low and he double click tp'd he's not even at the expo don't tell me he's stuck don't tell me he's stuck neil okay i won't oh players but he might be staggering yeah that is what we call an over extension that wasn't good oh man this is so much wasted time this can't happen not against happy and he has all the time in the world now was feeding him quite some xp as you can see in the graph here happy's experience just skyrocketing it was about to be 50 50 but yeah this is super rough for the korean now how to deal with this shop in the middle of the two bases second rex already there goes into rifles to have something to defend with yeah suck has been playing this rifle style off of two bases for quite a bit has found some success on ladder against happy in the past so the russian here is very familiar and aware of this possibility gonna assault now the main with the fiends attacking behind the wall because the wall was opened up because the arc page looks stuck ah this this just hurts for the block all the block oh the block it's a good block coil to finish things and things go from bad to worse for our favorite b-boy the rocking tower is attackable attacking with a glitch here a bit scary this could be blocked remember yesterday when todd had this great trap against extra at the expansion but here happy now very aware of that possibility gonna pull that back before it gets trapped in there and zac's doing good job buying time he needs to buy more time to get out the mk and more rifles to finally have some firepower this will mean a delayed tier three of course if ever he's going pally second to keep the rifles up instead of doing damage with the storm bolt wants to keep the rifles intact we'll see if he's not lacking that stormwater happy dominates the map at the moment and goes for the mercenary camp book of the dead is actually amazing if he wants to commit to an all-in push which likely seems to be the play half he's waiting for tier three it's about to finish he's gonna have destroyers and orb becoming available soon big camp here for sock very smart creeping by song he knows happy wants to creep this away so he is uh taking that camp for himself finds a very unthankful item with the boots of wealth unfortunately but it's getting some good experience over here paladin level two would be tremendous not quite gonna be good enough for that but the rifle count is rising and with a lot of gold for stock as well can he spend it in time 1 300 what's the place so far it's only rifle rifle rifle and this is similar ish to what blade did against happy in an esl cup build so many rifles that you feel confident to survive and then tech and this is happening now but is this enough rifles the push is coming with the pit lord third no less this rain of fire gonna make things more difficult for the towers and the peasants and the riflemen there's no disability damage gonna start adding up quickly tower does hold on in the main base paladin trying to survive he doesn't have to buy he's got the aura and he will survive here with a healing potion but this is so easy now to micro for happy who normally doesn't need an easy scenario to microwell but there's no stumbled here how is stuck going to get killed without a storm mode good question i don't have an answer to that so far all the kills are going happy his way can he do something oh my three four units at the shop not part of this defense would be nice to have them here but deserting from the main army and that might be a dead paladin soon as there's more and more and more mana lots of resources going into just items and suck can't kill anything anymore finally he realizes this but these guys are getting greeted by a book of the dead the exercise and suffering is in full effect again the sun has been losing so many units he's been giving a lot of experience to the undead side i don't think happy lost a unit this game outside of maybe a ghoul or an acolyte um he lost the fiend and sock was diving yeah true he didn't lose one feet he did lose one fiend all right kudos suck you did get one fiend kill but the paladin might be dying in the process he'll scroll just last second to try to save him one more that was the last scene shot dude that was the very last special to get that kill and happy again today looking like the killer that he is 2-0 leaving no doubt who's the boss that was uh very well played by happy an unfortunate error by sock to leave those he had those three rifles in that footman at the shop for a long time and that was really you know when he goes to initially defend with the militia call with the rifles that he has he broke up keep early just to have that one defense and that was the strap that neo pointed out he text here three after and then goes into nice if he holds right there so super unfortunate that he's missing that 11 supply during the most fragile timing of the entire game that could have made the difference maybe not overall the experience difference was quite big but maybe he could have defended that one time and then transitioned and maybe we've gone into a normal game but yeah leaving those units is just unforgivable against happy and we'll see who happy's opponent is it's gonna be a difficult one definitely but he seems to be up to the task today for sure good start into the day for happy that's for sure not dropping a map here getting a little bit revenge against the alliance that uh threw him down to the lower bracket if i'm hawk i'm a little worried that this might be a very very tough rematch at the end of the lower bracket but yeah happy's opponent is gonna be a night off that's for sure and it's either low light or colorful two of asia's best night elves at the moment duking it out it is a 1-0 lead for lorelei yes who did play very very very good against x-lord yesterday and then not so good against focus to be honest it could give us a rematch of happy versus law alliance and this is what we saw in the war three champions season six finals already yeah a lot of uh things still possible for all these players over here lollipops colorful game two is going on right now at the moment we're waiting for happy's opponent of course and the lawley had one what did he win map one yes he did on amazonia i just won the first map with some unfortunate cobalt bashes we all know that field thing don't we and uh yeah duking out right now i don't know if there's a stream of the second map maybe you say so is he in that game ceso hosted us already oh i see well thanks say so hello maybe ha i think hawk wasn't our game abuser as well we got too many happy fans a lot of happy fans obviously um i don't know i don't think so actually i don't think wait no stream for that game that would be blasphemy let's see might be streaming himself oh true what's up with todd by the way todd i see you in chat you're memeing over in chat by the way there were a few funny ones in there like the nuclear shelter i didn't enjoy that one no interesting bro what's going on enjoying too many eclairs over there what's happening he streamed yesterday he was killing it todd had like 1500 viewers or something yesterday i don't know what he was just playing ladder too he was just owning i guess that's not one game that's on beat x lord but that's all i saw yeah he beat happy as well twice i think maybe but all right uh yeah then we can't really do too much at the moment seems to be no streamers in indeed then we just have to wait and see and you guys can tell me your favorite things about world 3 champions maybe you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 1,757
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: VAd190zkD0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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