StarCraft 2: EPIC MATCH - Clem vs Dark! (Best-of-7)

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i hope you're ready because today it's time for a long one it's time for a best of seven series of top-level starcraft 2 this series was recommended to me many times i haven't seen it yet so i'm super excited to be bringing you this taran versus zerg spawning here in the bottom left hand corner of oxide le that's map number one in this series playing with the red tear and suvs from france or looking at none other than clem's main command center now clem i mean i've casted him a lot right clem doesn't really lose terran versus zurich as a matter of fact i've just had a quick look on aligorek which is a statistics website for starcraft 2. um first off he's considered to be the highest ranked player in the world right now like overall on a legal leg so you know take that for what it's worth but secondly his win rate in 2021 so far in terrence versus xerx specifically in matches is at 90.16 that's nuts and that's consistently winning against players like cerro like raynor the guy is absolutely on fire and i'm not entirely sure if his opponent is gonna have an easy time i don't think so playing with the blue zerg drones in the opposite corner of oxide from south korea we have one of the previous world champions of starcraft 2. he had a bit of a shaky a bit of a shaky 2020 after like winning the world championships which is a bit funky but playing here with the blue zerg drones we have dark dark recently though has looked really good as a matter of fact he uh this particular series is from the tsl7 which just wrapped up a couple of days ago uh but he won tsl six i believe he went even yeah actually it was him that went i believe four to zero against cerro in the grand finals at the time which i believe was late 2020 is what i want to say anyways there's no denying that dark once again is looking really really strong and uh yeah i've heard good things about the series so i'm excited for it i know this is going to be a bit of a longer series though because i mean two top level players in tvz i don't think it's gonna end uh anytime soon so i've got myself a little bit of tea might even have to like you know grab some water as well in between the games because i can imagine we're gonna be here for uh for at least a little bit all right so what are we gonna see here in game number one well it's oxide right so oxide is the map that usually terran players are quite fond of this map has some really good siege tank positions and because of that zerg players have been known to go for a lot of road to ravager aggression there's definitely some timing attacks that you can go for here if you are dark the thing is i haven't really seen klem die to like anything so most of the time when klim does poorly in a tournament it's because he he loses like a terran versus terran or for example with teren vs produce those matchups can be a little bit more gambly i guess taren versus zerk though is very much so a matchup of mechanics so if you're faster than your opponent if you can handle multitasking better than your opponent if you don't really make any mistakes things like creep spread things like creeps threat denial things like production here for taran it's just yeah it's very much so based on mechanics so usually the faster player who makes the the least amount of mistakes is the one that ends up being victorious whereas the other ones uh taren first protos and taran vs taran can maybe considered can maybe be considered a bit more of like a a strategy game that's the best way i guess to uh to put it uh but yeah clem doesn't really die to stupid stuff already though we have dark going for a very very quick lair also worth noting he made six zerklings here early on which is also not the standard i'm quite excited for this one man i've seen clem win so many times against top level korea or sorry top level european xerx but i'm not entirely sure how he's gonna do against you know one of the top level koreans i know that leading up to this series i believe he had to face armani if i'm not mistaken who he absolutely trashed so you know so there is a roach warrant coming up and a very quick layer and then triple gas all ready for dark as well as a pre-four minute nightis network all right so this is definitely gonna be some dedicated pressure right here from the zerk player dark um did just now get scouted by the way over at the third base clem saw the lack of workers there and that should maybe already set alarm bells off in his head because uh i mean raynor and cerro would have definitely had at least one drone over there the thing is these koreans do play a little bit differently so it's yeah it can be a little bit funky all right so overlord is already in the back of the main base overlord here at the front as well scouts what's going on it's gonna be that benchy opener so clem actually is sending the benchy over here in that direction does he oh god okay he does see the overlord moving in right now that that bench he needs to turn around nida's network is done nida's worm gets planted down into the main base so far klem does not seem to realize exactly what's going on he seems to assume that everything is a-okay and everything is normal a couple of hellions right now at the front we'll scout that a few roaches are on top of the high ground but already the worm has inserted itself into the main base and sniping snip back here um yeah that would already be very nice there's even an overseer here too so that cloak benchy is not really going to be able to achieve too much and i think that this just completely blinds that clam i was just talking about how clem doesn't really die to stupid stuff well this definitely falls in the category of stupid stuff this is still a triple cc opener for taran so even if he holds on with you know a couple workers in tech it's still playable the problem is i don't really know exactly how he's gonna pull this off all right well this kind of went against what i expect from a game number one here i am hyping up clem [Laughter] small mistake was made and uh yeah it doesn't really allow you to stay in the game for that much longer i don't think because like there's really no heavy hitter right here for taran right so even if uh you know he cleans all of this up eventually there's still queens available there's an overseer here there's roaches and ravagers here's the reinforcement showing up okay game number one very quick one here for dark so wait game number two is beckett industries huh so the way it works in the best of seven series is that usually depending on the the seating in the brackets and all that in the tournaments uh players take turns deciding what maps get played so there are seven maps in the current mapping of starcraft 2. um there's no vetoes in this particular series now this is definitely going to be clem's map pick right it should be because beckett industries is really good for terran that being said it's not like uh it's not like oxide is a bad map for taran either so was that really dark smack big dan i guess so all right well we'll find out right here what ends up going down dark okay so dark if you watch him in the gsl codes you probably know that he likes to play aggressively what's funny about the korean players is that a couple of them are really really really good at macro like for example rogue comes to mind but rogue will pretty much always play the most abusive style that he can come up with so when the knight is networks were overpowered he was playing those builds a ton when for example brute lord and fester was the strongest to go for that's exactly what he played almost all of the time um right now i don't think there's like one strategy that's too strong in town for zerk i think this matchup is actually pretty well balanced um usually the better player ends up winning especially in like a longer series so yeah it seems like a lot of them a lot of the top level players at the very least are playing very macro focused but the koreans seem to mix in a lot of cheese from time to time especially like in a series like this i mean there's no way dark is gonna play the same build seven times in a row you know what i mean like he's definitely he's definitely gonna mix in certain bits of aggression what i also like and this is like very high level starcraft is that we actually see players playing inefficient builds so the thing is right when you know that your opponent is extremely good at defeating the standard it may actually be preferable for you to play something that is slightly unorthodox just because it may throw your opponent off even though you know that that's not gonna be the perfect way of opening up for you either does that make any sense it is kind of funky so where'd the other zerkling go okay he's wait he made one group of zorklings one of them ran ran after the suv and then the other one is protecting the i guess now the main base previously the natural drones actually get a hidden right there as well on the reefer but you can see right here that dark he's the one in the driver's seat so far of this series right he's the one that gets to the side to pacing here and even though clem shouldn't really be too uh too concerned about this sort of shenanigans uh there's no denying that so far dark is definitely uh not allowing klim in his comfort zone i would say um the point that which clem really shines well i was gonna say mid game and late game is where clem really shines but it's not like his early game is weak i actually don't think clem has any weakness in his matchup i mean i've seen him consistently win against both like both cerro and raynor that's that's nuts he's got a positive win loss ratio against the both of them now this is what i mean this is a small thing but clem got the timing there wrong ever so slightly right so the reaper was on its way home however with the way that dark opened up that zerking speed finished a couple seconds sooner than what clem was expecting right and it's going to make this helium harass a little bit weaker now obviously it comes at a cost because zerk didn't get the expo nearly as quick um but once again it just shows that that dark is trying to like throw his opponent for a loop i like this as well really wonderful moves here by dark i haven't casted a whole lot of dark recently in general i don't get to cast the korean players as so fun as i would like so i get a lot of people reaching out loco you should really cast this game that happened in the gso codes which is like the premier uh korean tournament but sadly they do not release their replay or their their replay packs so even though i would love to cast a little bit more dark if he doesn't participate in tournaments that release their replay packs there's not a whole lot i can do about it so i'm gonna definitely cast a whole bunch of the games as well from the tsl7 so if you have any particular series that maybe you watched live please let me know down below in the comment section of this one so i can uh i can cast them i didn't see a whole lot of the games live myself because i wanted to cast a bunch of them i already have a whole list though but yeah if you have any recommendations of one that you maybe you may be caught live on twitch let me know down below already quite a few aliens here coming up once again same build here basically from klim i mean a bit of a different timing right there on the third command center but as far as harassment goes everything is kind of the same so it's once again a benchy over here cloaking field is coming up hellions reaper nothing out of the ordinary this benchy is a little bit quicker than it would be if you go for the third cc okay maybe a drone nope gonna target fire it okay nice uh this uh overseer though is gonna provide the detection he needs okay now this is nice clem actually found a bit of an opener in his opponent's natural expansion that being said oh my god well it looked really nice turns out if your opponent is really good at circling positioning and control um i mean yeah sure you can do a loop around the main base maybe once again man i uh can't help but notice the dark is apparently ready to get aggressive nida's network was spotted there the problem is that clem was busy microwaving the hellions and i do not know if he clicked on that so there is a nida's network available clem is patrolling a marine around six overlords are being produced that's an indication to me that dark wants to make a whole lot more units so zerklings right now at the front queens are being produced as well it's queens inside of the knights network wait what okay now this is good though yeah if clem can target fire it down which he will there's queens in here right but is he gonna be able to pop this one in time i think he will yep barely in time so queens are put in first meaning that they're also the units that pop out on the other side first so if that would have finished a queen would have popped out and then started transfusing uh that that knight is network or that night as worm i suppose good deflection right there by klim already drones are once again coming up from dark and he's transitioning right now towards something uh something a little bit differently but this is now a very good situation though for the uh the french terror player so plus one plus one is coming up here for clem that's the real big advantage he's likely gonna have two upgrades here uh yeah ahead of his opponent for quite some time he's also going to be able to get that stamp back upgrade which he actually already got i think i mean he should let's see yeah and he already got the the combat shield done right now as well or well it's almost finished uh this is a really good situation here uh for clem to be in this map is pretty terran favorite so there's some really good siege tank positions that you can go for um i actually looked it up in yesterday's video and i think it's what did i say again 56 in favor of taran if i record correctly at the pro level at the very least so that is a uh yeah that's a reasonable advantage and i think in this particular game i mean if clem loses this one that's gonna be a mental hit for sure in the best of seven series losing a game where you're this far ahead really really sucks okay so second factories coming up our marina also being produced there's gonna be some heavy siege tank play here just mostly uh siege tanks marines and medevacs it's uh clem's bread and butter literally it's kind of how he like earns his bread his his well i guess his buckets technically in bread as far as his cross-haunts so knight is where he's going up in the back of the third so many queens available over here though man they were yeah they were supposed to be in the worm i think this is mostly just a distraction to actually try and pull back that terran force okay kill actually on the fourth hatchery nicely done fourth hatchery was the knight over on that side of the map as well so clem seems to be a lot more on point here plus one plus one and bailing speed here are so late i really feel like maybe there's even a potential for a push right now i mean one one is done klim he can't just go into two two which is a good second option benches there you go yeah this is looking really solid marines get picked up over there as well hatchery once again gets the knight so these queens have a ton of energy because they were supposed to be sent in the nightest worm across the map right one of the benchy pilots gets picked off she gets sniped by a spine through the bottom of the ship i don't know how it works either but the ship crashed right away clem actually anticipating a new expo being acquired over here but it's still not taken so here's the problem right dark has got ling bane and lingbane is really nice the problem is lingbane also does in general not trade very efficiently against terran plus it's very larva heavy so you need additional hatcheries now because dark hasn't been able to secure a fourth base for a while he's taken another hatchery inside of his main base that's literally just there for larva production but these bases are now so late that it's becoming an issue though for dark because his eco i mean you want to be playing this off of like 75 workers minimum i would say and dark at this point is at 59. okay very nice play here by clem pushing on the other side as well he's gonna be able to secure his own fourth base relatively easily marines use their combat drugs right over there just to try and uh good targeting actually as well you see that the target fight right there with the window mine in the middle of that bangling clump dark random banglings away because he saw what was going on but retargeting with widowminds is like next level moves while you're busy with the marine micro you're splitting the units target firing with siege tanks and widowmines is so difficult to pull off now even though clem has been putting on a little bit of pressure here and there to try and deny a fourth base this is not a little bit of pressure this is an all-out assault dark has been making non-stop units here for a while queens obviously are still available as well these marines are running dangerously low on health though bailings though are connecting right now with siege tanks which i don't think is actually what you want but dark still has such a big army man oh my god luckily here for clemmy did leave a couple of units behind which is wonderful siege tank was left behind a widow mine over there too and these marines that we saw over at the bottom fourth base of the zerg are still going to town as well gg is called clean game right there for mr klim alright so now we've got ourselves a series game number three is on blackburn i love watching starcraft dude i love casting these games i would totally do it by the way if like five percent of the people that actually watch my videos would watch thank you for like i would probably have to go out at that point and like you know get a quote-unquote conventional job whatever that means uh but uh hey thanks for watching i'm very glad i can do this for a living and you know live stream and do all of that as well absolutely love what i do so thanks for watching and making it possible i appreciate you um but yeah i uh i'm sitting here ear to ear casting these games that game number two was clean like if you're a taran player you know how hard it is to actually pull that off that was very very thin though so that one moment where the knight is worm was about to pop that was really pivotal um if that knight is worm would have been found literally one second later a queen would have popped out transfused it up and then all of a sudden there's gonna be a massive amount of zurich right at the front right there were like i think like eight or so queens ready to pop through the nightest worm and i mean there wasn't really that much there available for clem to deal with it it's not like he wasn't gonna be able to defend it um but at the very least dark would have made those units and dealt a bunch of damage right whereas in the uh you know the game we watched i mean he had all those units and then he had to get back to droning and zerk obviously always has to make a choice if you want to spend your early game larva on making a worker or making an attacking unit uh it's basic math if you have the worker out sooner it will mine you know and therefore you get more money in the long run compared to at the very least when you get it later so uh yeah nice defense right there by clem barely cleaned it up but that's all you need in starcraft if you can barely defend something that's exactly what you're looking for that means that you played just greedy enough anyways game number three is blackburn which i guess does mean that it's gonna be dark's map pick this is once again a funky map so i i wonder like basically this is this is not a light shade or 2 000 atmospheres or you know a gigantic or whatever um this is yeah a bit of a cheeky map once again where dark can definitely uh look into his big bag of tricks apparently and figure something out i'm not sure but so far he seems to be favoring nida's worms i'm quite surprised though that he decided to go for queens and zerklings like what's that roaches and ravages in the night is where i'm sure but queens and circlings really so once again this was apparently not a mistake in the first game he made six zerklings here to deal with the first reaper okay tumor it's going to say don't want to delay that one especially when you know to represent to the main base quick third command center right here for clem this is a really nice build if you uh if you are confident in your early game micro is the way to deal with it this is uh one of those strategies that even when you lose like 10 workers or 20 workers even the triple cc with the triple mu is extremely powerful so the benchy really has made a bit of a return in taran versus zerk it fell out of favor for yeah quite some time it was all liberator harassment right clem especially he was going liberator pretty much every single game um i'm not entirely sure what changed maybe it's because the rogue ravager army is once again a little bit more popular but we see a lot of big switcheroos right now well i mean in this particular game we have a second barracks but what i'm trying to get at is that in tarrant versus zurich in general uh we do see a lot of uh a lot of benchy openers once again even though i don't know we haven't really seen it much over the last two years other than the last few months um so this is a hyper defensive build here for klim this is a third cc which once again you can afford losing quite a few workers with this and still be fine against like a roach ravager push and then he's decided to go for a second barracks this is not really a build that allows you to put on a whole lot of pressure but evidently at least from game number one and game number two dark isn't really looking to put on pressure he's looking to go all in in this series so far um the problem though for taran when you go for this sort of opener is that you're not going to have any units out that can really fight until like i don't know six minutes or so so he's not really gonna be able to get a whole lot of units across the map and dark is gonna have free reign of his side of the map if he wants to you can already see that reflected right now in the worker count um 46 versus 37 is looking really nice for zurich he's going to be able to spread that creep as well completely uncontested because there's no hellions to really try and slow that down i mean there's two aliens out here which is kind of cool as well the fact that clan made two of them it's just trying to throw his opponent off just ever so slightly i think this is phenomenal though for dark he's not looking to go for any tricks here he's gone for double upgrades first um even though he hasn't seen much it's a bit of a yeah a bit of a gamble usually zerks either go for the layer and then the bailing nest or the double upgrades first um in this case i think the double upgrades first is definitely the way to go because it's not like zerk can uh yeah really take a whole lot of damage here so dark has drowned all the way up to 56 workers before he really starts making additional army that's huge he took about three minutes longer in the previous game to get to this work account so okay maybe not that long but so where does this leaf climb with a very strong economy so third cc is landed by five and a half minutes but not really with a whole lot of early game harassment and whenever i see term players skip early game harassment at this level it does scare me a bit now this is some really nice positioning yeah maureen's stuck right there between the mineral fetches trying to gun down the base that's been planted down over at the gold killing a lot of zerklings in the process um the problem is that creep is going to be all over the map very soon and against top level zerk players even though this is safe against everything um yeah you do set yourself up for a much more difficult mid game i suppose when you play terran like this okay so one one is going to finish up here for the zerk player quite a bit sooner lara's coming up bailing nests should be made whoa what oh wow would you look at that actually this is actually like dark has been playing some different games of starcraft than what we see from other high level xerx so he's gone fourth base at the gold fair enough he's then taken two additional hatcheries inside of his main base so the queens have been used to defend quite a lot he's be because of that missed a couple of creep injects or sorry creep injects he's missed a couple of larvae injects into uh into the hatcheries but apparently he's catching up by yeah just making additional hatcheries inside of his mane which is kind of funky [Music] i quite like it though so it's just ling bane queen i wonder if clem is also kind of scratching his head he's probably like haha i've been forcing those queens to the gold for a while he's not gonna have a lot of larva then uh in a little bit he'll probably find out about the hatches inside of the main base bit funky so usually when zerk expands to a fourth they also want to have a fifth hatchery so what's very common right now in europe is to not take the fourth base but then also take the well not only take the fourth base rudder but then also take the fifth base at the same time and then if one gets killed it's fine because you can transfer the workers from one side to the other apparently dark this is like a more old-school approach he goes for the fourth base and then a macro base or macro hedge in base right you want to do this only with ling bane styles by the way but yeah it's kind of cool all right we're focusing a lot on on dark so far in this cast mostly because he's playing the game differently than what we normally see i focused a lot on clem in the past and he's doing clem things aka playing pretty much flawless starcraft alright so double uh factory production once again fourth cc is coming up so this is by no means an all-in dark though setting himself up i thought he was gonna go first around but instead he's gonna go for what seems to be a massive counter-attack that's a ton of zerklings only a handful of window mines available this one needs to borrow a little bit late on that luckily for the taran though it is gonna burrow in time that being said already suvs are taking damage over here taran did push a little bit forward over there too but 22 suvs end up going down in the blink of an eye this was not the push at all that clem expected clem probably saw the units going around and he thought haha he's setting up us around perfect and dark dark was like wait a second i can just kill a lot of marines if you don't have any splash damage at home you're going to be in a world of trouble the only problem right now though is that even though he killed 31 workers in the uh the last couple of minutes of this game can he hold the counter-attack a couple widowmines couple bane links problem is though those marines are so low yeah pretty sure clem uh is in a little bit of trouble once more this matchup is very explosive right so there are a ton of widow widowminds over here tunneling claws is actually surprisingly late considering he's got double factory production okay good splits right here once again by dark man minimizing the amount of damage here that can be done there are very large amounts of marines though instead of the main base but these metal effects are basically without energy so they've been low at hit points for a long time now okay 11 workers have gone down as well i think most of those went down over at the gold base of the zerg player that tree in the top right hand corner will get killed more suvs ended up going down over here in the natural expansion too zerklings right now instead of the natural though man the splits here are very nice all right jimmy and his pals sadly were really done to the creep man this game all of a sudden got turned upside down in a matter of seconds 54 workers in like the last two minutes oh no hello clem clem clam clem okay gotta lift it suv here ready to repair it very brave suv the problem is right if um clem is now apparently going to be satisfied with defending his natural expansion he's going to be in a lot of trouble command center actually gets killed to the fourth one that is a couple of bang links connect as well i think that the pressure here that dark is throwing on unto his opponent might just be a little bit too much mules are being used right now to repair the third command center back up to full health if that one would have gotten picked off that would have been an absolute disaster because then all of a sudden it's two-based taren oh picks up the siege thank you nicely done there needs to get rid of his widow mine and he will all right so looks like we can breathe again here for a little bit big picture zerk is on four bases one of them being a gold taran's got barely any workers remaining and he's mining only two mineral lines um that being said i mean army supply-wise clem is still sitting at 83 supply and dark at 52. dark isn't like this is crazy man dark is investing right now into 3-3 upgrades as well as adrenal glands now don't get me wrong it's phenomenal when it finishes but it feels to me that this game is gonna finish before those upgrades are done so he just invested like a thousand a thousand into upgrades that aren't going to be finishing here you know potentially before the game is done which makes me a little bit concerned zerklings once again ready to go for the counter attack but this time around clem is ready oh that wouldn't mind a bit of a traitor i i feel like cancelling those upgrades would not be a bad choice but anyways apparently dark has decided that he needs it to be fair it's not like clem can very easily end the game here either oh beautiful split darrell that wouldn't mind yeah dark's looking on point man very impressed with the way the dark is playing here like we all know the clem is good right i mean i'm always impressed by the way climate's playing i guess is what i'm trying to get at but sorry jimmy all right so even though i i questioned uh the decision making here dark is gonna have some really powerful circling going forward about 30 seconds or so from now those upgrades are done liberators are i guess anticipating a ultralisk switch but there's no ultras coming in this game there's a lot of widowminds by the way set up over here there have been attempted run by as it seems oh god that wouldn't mind dealt so much damage there oh he unborrows the mind just to make sure it doesn't explode that macro hatchery by the way the second one into the main base is super useful because he's been using the queens for other things that injecting bases oh god oh god oh god sir careful loses a lot of zerkins there in the process way more than he needed to you can see right now those links with plus three and adrenal it's nuts so adrenal glands basically increases the attack speed of zerklings by like 40 it's uh it's a big big upgrade oh god okay 68 workers go down in total this game finally the hatchery has been killed parasitic bombs now even being utilized as well by the zerg player deals 120 damage meta effects have honored at 50 hit points but if they're already hurt i guess that one at like 122 or something hp um clem has actually been holding on very nicely but i still don't really see a way out for him there's finally the ultralist cavern what about a couple investors i know dark seems to have like three hands and he oftentimes likes to micro like multiple spellcasters man i have seen so many traitor widowminds this game so many widowmines that hurt the terran player more than they heard berserk oh okay so clem has made the executive decision to lift up the old main base and fly out on over towards the gold i like this desperate times call for desperate measures it's gonna be a bit of a gamble but all of these zerg units are melee right so it's not like zerk can harass this mineral line from the back makes a lot of sense i mean technically actually if you go into the little nuke here if i'm not mistaken and you blow a couple of bailings up you can hurt because of the splash damage unit but that it's you know it's basically irrelevant darkest city also only at 56 workers like don't get me wrong the eco that the zerg player has is is a little bit better i think over the course of the last couple of minutes compared to the term player but now that the gold base is acquired and now that you know the mules obviously can mine without like constantly being contested it's uh it's more manageable if you look right now at the income yeah darren is catching up once again clem doesn't want to afford a scan over here to try and kill that creep tumor even even though he damn well knows that it's important to get rid of that there's so many widow minds set up in such key locations 24 kills on that bad boy yeah he's just sprinkled widow mines all over the map 27 on that one clem has been abusing widowmines actually over the course of the last couple of months he's been enjoying that unit a lot oh my god is clem doing this well that's a pretty expensive set of units though to lose parasitic bomb right there helping out finally some anti-air abducting the liberator also by the way does move it out of the anti-ground mode right now though it looks like dark is finally happy with the current situation in the game he did get kite in his plating oh nice blinding cloud as well forcing those marines to move forward for just a little bit ling's coming around the back as well i don't think there's really a whole lot of evacuation available for the zerg player and even though that was starting to look a lot better there for clem dark manages to close it out but that was ridiculously close alrighty next up jagatha very standard macro map by the way the best of seven series it is of course gonna be the player who wins four maps first who will be the victor so far these two seems to be uh they seem to be very evenly matched i think in just like a straight up game glem is probably favored against everyone like that plays zerk but dark so far is not giving him a straight up game right it's not for a lack of trying on clem's end it's just that dark has been like he's been playing some mind games as well i'm pretty sure he's well uh well established right now in the mind of clem he's like oh my god this guy he's at the queen's at the front but somehow someway he's still at so many links and mains where are they coming from is there going to be a knight is network instead of my main base should i be expecting a roach push what's this guy gonna do next right clem has basically been showing us the same game every game so far in the series whereas dark has shown something different and while i think theoretically clem is going to be pretty happy playing a straight up macro game maybe he's going to get it on jaganatha um yeah we'll see where this goes you can see dark right now still scouting around very diligently right around his side of the map so his overlords not going to be able to make their way across on this map usually actually setting the overlord up on this pillar is a bad idea because this this pillar over here is at the same level as this location of the main base so say for example you have a marine out you can put one marine over here and then that one will actually provide the high ground vision for another marine uh that can be right over here to kill the overlord so usually on this map zergs one uh if you want to send the overlord out you want to park it on this little pillar instead this pillar does allow you to see incoming reapers if you get it there in time but apparently in this particular game so far dark he's just scouting his side so he is just super careful here he does not like if you look right now on the mini map roughly where he has you know where he has seen things on the map he has basically seen every likely location for uh what's it called a uh a proxy barracks this time around he goes four zerkling no he goes sick okay i thought he was gonna go four zerklings but once again so he's just favoring six there you go if you ever uh struggle in this matchup you're like well those those early game reapers are annoying i don't know if dark does it against everyone or if he like knows that clem is really good with that first reaper and he's just decided to pull it off i can imagine uh dark probably practice a practice against like for example beyond right so i don't know exactly how uh how clems micro relates to beyond but it can't be far off maybe it's even a little bit better um but yeah maybe maybe like what i'm trying to get at is is maybe dark played against beyond so many times this is what i would like to think as a fan of starcraft that you know he's like well you know what the only way i'm ever gonna get anything done in the early game is if i make six zerklings marine is patrolling the most likely location for an overlord to come through once again this is a small deviation from the standard normally overlord is parked over here zerk sends it in at about 3 45 4 minutes in this this angle right so you send it over here towards like the back of the terence main base this is what clem is anticipating however dark senses overlords in different patterns now has a free vision of this area of the map and he's going to be sending it in from a different angle these are small moves but yeah i think it's significant at this level this feels stupid right like clement's had the full oh he didn't even see so dark right there saw the timing of when that attachment finished i guess oh he wants to see if it's being switched over with the star port he hasn't seen the star port but he knows it's there oh okay clem sees the scout at this point as well starts off concussive shells hold up oh okay i thought the concussive shells was actually a mistake and that he was trying to fake a quick stimpack upgrade that's not what's going on this is not a fake did he hit a supply block oh no clem is going for a timing attack with hell bets and concussive shot marauders but oh no that's bad uh he just successfully delayed his own push by like 15 seconds that medevac is absolute key in this battle um and delaying that is not what you're looking for yeah so you can see right here that clem is definitely looking a little bit a little bit more shaky dark also just now by the way saw the the lack of third cc at the front so at this point by seeing the timing there of the star port as well as the data structures you've seen in the main base he knows that it's not gonna be a very quick third cc and he hasn't seen another cc at the front at like the four minutes and 20 second mark or so as i think when that zerkin scout was probably sent in um usually that's when you see the third so basically at this point i'm trying to get it is that he should kind of know that this push is coming even though he doesn't know what push is coming but he knows it's something i'm surprised he actually hasn't made more units than this he's had like perfect scouting info and yet okay i don't think this should have worked but i'm probably a little bit surprised about this as well maybe a bit of a misery there by dark the zerkling actually got in and now confirms what's going on but yeah a lot of zerklings have been made though and a lot of binglings are currently morphing in dark is walking the hell bets and the marauders i guess to watch the opposite edge of the creep is this enough damage though for the term player to deal with just killing the queens well i guess he's gonna get more damage done okay good splits actually there i think eventually it's gonna get cleaned up well that medevac is instrumental here right what if this push would have hit 10 seconds earlier hmm maybe it actually kind of worked out because maybe dark just spent like his larvae cycle you know what i mean where it's like okay well if the push would have shown up it would have shown up already so i'm gonna queue up workers here instead all right so eventually it gets killed uh big picture [Music] that's some terran cost efficiency right here the problem is that this comes at the cost of a very late third cc i think if this push would have hit 10 seconds earlier though it would have hit even harder and i mean that little supply block i don't want to like you know keep sticking on that but or i don't want to like keep reiterating it but it's uh yeah it's it's not what you want to have happen at this level is what i'm trying to get it um either way right now third command center has been built here by clem he's secured it he's got himself an upgrade lead as well larry is done here for dark but because of the balinese snipe he uh you know he's not gonna be able to really capitalize on that either so bailing speed is gonna be rather late while also getting late evil chamber upgrades so this is uh yeah not a great situation here for dark to be in whatsoever but i mean i do have to uh compliment him in the sense that he still managed to grab that uh oh nice he still managed to grab the uh the work account that he needs to play this game a lot of queens still available once again too even though we saw a lot of them going down okay good detonation there interestingly enough it's a hydra then follow up so is he gonna go straight okay i thought maybe he was skipping the bailing net uh the building nest upgrade and he's gonna go straight into like a lurker then i'm not sure fourth hatchery was acquired in the bottom right hand corner i don't think this was scouted by clem but he probably knows it because he hasn't seen the base over here he knows that zerk kind of needs another expansion at this point straight into plus two plus two it's really important there you go nice it's easy to accidentally forget about that even if you just forget for 20 seconds adds up very quickly okay i don't like the position of that painting-ness by the way like early on it makes sense to put the bailing nest over there because you can uh you can prevent yourself from taking a lot of damage from those hellions just because you can force them into a funnel but at this point we're past the helian stage so i don't know why well it's probably just a force of habit all right so dark apparently satisfied with the defense queues up 14 additional workers hydras are really good though in the sense that they can outrange widow mines so um assuming they have their ranged upgrade right so currently they don't have that yet they have a ranged upgrade instead of the hydro then as well as a speed upgrade uh both are actually very important without them without those upgrades you can't really use the hydras offensively it's fine for defense but i hope he's not forgetting about it usually if you don't get upgrades you go quick lurker then instead but i don't i don't i haven't seen a lurker then clementine type though securing a fourth base very nice pushes forward right now with a big army this is really the 2-2 timing attack although 2-2 is not done yet gotta be careful though yeah dark realizes that as well that this army was ready to move out with two too clever has already done such a good job though clearing out the creep that he actually pushed a little bit too early there normally this army needs like a half minute or so to get rid of the creep and then you fight right as two two finishes but right now dark actually pushed it back really nicely okay fifth command center comes up as well clem once again producing widow mines off of two factories i wonder if this is dark trying to sell the story that he's gonna go lurkers while not going lurkers i'm really not sure maybe he's gonna like if he's gonna go lurkers he should start it up as the hive starts up which should be soon because the infestation pit is finishing up maybe he's just going high rolling bait and fester i wouldn't be surprised dark's been playing some funky things once again though oh 25 kills just like that once again we have a big circling run by but that little weight of mine got a little bit of work done okay there's finally the hydra upgrade drain claws once again actually relatively late i'm not sure why that upgraded so late look at clem though inviting his opponent to make another move like he did earlier in this game right good reinforcements right here by clem in the right position at the right time bailings over here will get sniped before they really get any damage done and even though dark is trying to push into this location as well those siege tanks in the back as well as the widowmines are preventing that from getting a lot of work done okay pretty much flawless defense so far by clem at least at home it's a lot of many facts dude medevacs are pretty good yeah so one thing i don't like here is that 3-3 has not been started up by klim wait so hold up i went back into the game for a little bit what just happened here dark leaves even though it didn't seem like the game was necessarily over yet so he's fighting this army this is a good trade for terran heife is coming up and now dark gg is out at this point dark sitting at 1640 minerals 730 gas hmm yeah a bit of an early gg because i feel like he could maybe have stuck in this game for a little while longer then again it's not like he's really gonna win this game going forward um if everything you know goes the way of klim the only thing i don't really like here for clem is the fact that he didn't start up three three upgrades but other than that yeah everything is going his way right so we're now seeing five command centers here for taran that one was about to be secured over there in the top left we have more production for terran better upgrades for taran yeah maybe maybe it's a justifiable gg because the push that follows here would be would be lethal but still feel like dark has a shot at potentially sticking in the game for a little bit longer but yeah it is what it is gg all right so game number five we find ourselves on a romanticide i think that that gg was a bit questionable but in the end have we ever seen clem lose from that position when he's basically even in in bases i had an eco ahead in upgrades not really all right so dark decided to tap out of that one um in a best of seven series i mean i mentioned this every time i cast the best of seven but stamina is a real thing so usually the way that these tournaments work is that players have to not just play one best of seven but they have to play multiples right so if you uh if you have to play multiple series in one day it's exhausting it's draining if you've ever played a game of multiplayer starcraft 2 you know that just playing one match especially like the very first game of starcraft 2 you will ever play against another person you'll be filled with adrenaline and it's going to be an absolute disaster to like manage your feelings so if you if you have to play a game for quite a lot of money and you have to play an entire best of seven series there is something to be said for maintaining stamina throughout the series right so mental focus is a very real thing i wouldn't even be surprised actually we had a discussion about this on stream not that long ago but i wouldn't be surprised if that's one of the main reasons why a lot of pro gamers seem to fall off at a certain age i don't think it's so much physical limitations as in like their fingers are getting too slow or the game is getting too hard like physically but i wouldn't be surprised if like that mental focus i don't know when it declines but i can imagine it declines uh you know somewhere in your 30s maybe i don't know maybe i don't know i have no idea maybe someone in the comments section can let us know but i can't imagine it at the very least peaks somewhere in your 20s you know what i mean anyways um maybe that's the reason just the theory as to why uh we see a lot of pro gamers just getting worse when they get into like their late 20s early 30s standard game so far from both hatch gas pool here from dark very fond of putting a spawning pool in the most obnoxious location ever i guess this is there so the terran player can drop into the main base and kill it no um i guess this is here to like scout if taran goes for a drop or something i don't know is he once again gonna go six links he will yep so he's just doing this every game fair enough oh injects in the main okay oh okay ooh tumor in the main get it get it get it oh i think he could have oh i think he could have i'm not sure clem knows the game better than me now so with perfect vision it's easy to decide um quick third command center once again here from klim one one one coming up here it's gonna be a tech lab there should be yep reaper is still trying to get maximum damage done so far not getting any kills but i guess forcing out six zerklings is pretty nice forcing the tumor in the main base rather than the natural is also pretty nice is the thing that clement started doing uh well he's been doing it for a long time actually oh actually it's not a one-on-one sorry i thought it was a one-on-one but it's actually a 2-1-1 i guess the all right yeah once again a very safe opener um i was going to bring up the gas guys right here in the natural expansion this used to be quite uncommon a little while ago as in like a year or two ago when xerx players would see such a quick gas in the natural expansion they would assume it was going to be a battlecruiser transition but these days it seems like getting your second gas in the natural is actually preferred so second gas in the main base will be acquired a little bit later battle cruisers are not very popular anymore in the current meta we don't really see them anymore it's not that the better cruiser got well i guess it did get nerfed a little bit i mean it definitely was better right when it had like the instant teleportation that was a little bit nuts by the way tons of circlings are being made plus one comes up right now here for zerk he's only got one evo chamber two drones in gas he's making a million and one zerklings so maybe maybe dark has realized the build right now that clem is going for it's the same one as in the previous game and he's found out some sort of weakness dude that's a lot of links is he i don't know if do i like this uh this seems really good for klim right oh that depot over there oh that depot over there that's so hot that is the hottest depot i've ever seen creating a zerk funnel isn't that beautiful okay so dark just made a good what is this man this is what i mean though dark is so unpredictable right okay so he lost 46 zerklings and he killed barely anything it feels like i mean that reaper was already dead so you can disregard that i guess it wasn't actually the end of the world it felt like that was a really good trait for the taran player though ah because it was uh but actually it felt like it was a bit better than i guess the the net resources would say but also going one evo chamber at this plus one melee by the way makes these zerklings so much more powerful clem actually has decided to load two medevacs full of units even though well dark doesn't know this but oh dark sees it did he see it right there oh yeah we saw yeah he did see it immediately the zerklings double back they go back into the third base right now of the terran player i think you skipped the third and go straight into the natural dude oh i think this uh this is the one moment where he uh yeah i think he's waiting for plus one melee he wanted to finish that one up i think he could have actually done a lot of damage there maybe he doesn't want to make too many units at home to deal with this little medevac drop so just to clarify why this is funky there's no lair there's no bailing nest there's just a single upgrade it's there's no roach warren it's okay i guess dark's mantra in this series so far is that all the roads lead to like ling bane eventually so it doesn't really matter direction that you take initially as long as you just you know get there it's fun though it's fun to watch this is what i've always actually really liked about dark i haven't like i've barely casted any dark games that i almost forgot about this but dark has always kind of struck me as a player who doesn't really use build orders or like not at the very least much anymore we kind of see the same thing happening actually right now with raynor's games like in a whole lot of the games raynor is just playing like very loosely and very feeling based just like plots down like certain structures at certain times not super strict not super rigidly at all if you compare that to for example cyril cyril plays extremely rigidly and very very i don't know how you explain that like he does things at the same time every time all of the time which technically makes sense but i've always wondered whether or not this approach is actually better because it's not like dark can't play that way it's just that like you know he always i don't know he always tracks me as someone who's just doing whatever he feels like and uh he's been doing that he's been playing like this for years like he's been playing like roach ravage or lingbane for example for a long time before it was like cool he's not playing roger the ling bane in this series but yeah glenn is also playing very rigidly by the way not really loose at all i guess taran doesn't really have that luxury don't have to play this frigidly otherwise to just like die okay so here's that mid game right the phenomenal clan mid game two medevac drops going around fourth command center should be yeah okay i was gonna say should be almost done two two starts up right away very good do we have a second factory we do okay good clem's looking to pile on the pressure though because while uh he's got a medevac drop happening over here he's also got a huge army on the other side of the map the same time okay these widow mines are not borrowed on top of the ramp so while terran is busy fighting on the fifth base i guess of the zerg darren is now overwhelmed in the natural expansion as well okay he doesn't manage to get the links in the bins on top of that before the window mines can actually connect clam comes down to ramp that base is pretty much toast but a lot of suvs are actually gonna find a grave over here okay so the hatchery goes down but the entire terran army will be killed as well 22 workers get killed dark that killer timing attack or counter-attack rudder if those widowmines would have been burrowed this would have looked very different because i'm pretty sure those widowmines would have hit the bailings before they blew up the depots at the very least they would have killed a bunch of stuff right now a bunch of them got killed and then you know we see 24 workers going down a massive army getting picked off as well um even though terence still ahead here when it comes to the resources lost it's not as great as you would like it to be at this point not as good as earlier at the very least okay liberator harassment going into the third base here of the zerk very quick pullback pull out game strong dark never said that to another man uh uh um no but let's see wait a minute we've seen some big widow my destinations in this game as well okay five drones end up going down here they aren't going for the final barracks fourth command center needs to become a planetary fortress okay i missed this one hold up there's so much action going on in this game oh dude this wait what okay i'm gonna back off even further normally whenever we see a widow mine drop i think it's this one yeah normally whenever we see a widow mine drop it goes through the edges of the map maybe this is also the reason why i didn't see it on a mini map at all it's literally going through the center straight to watch the third base of dessert it's envisioned for a super long time and because of that maybe darks like ah it's just a misreally no way that this isn't like an actual threat so two widowminds drop into the base and kill pretty much everything there you go 20 workers just like that well that certainly brings clem a lot closer in this game once again yeah we might be able to now even call this a terran advantage although once again a trader widowmind there kill a couple of marines plus three comes up okay we'd love to see plus three coming up over here as well in the second ngb for the armor upgrade please so easy to forget about that upgrade man like when you don't have the money to start them both at the same time okay he starts it right now that's very nice yeah forgetting about one of the upgrades sucks i hate it whenever i see like i look back at my energy base and i see one of the upgrades never started because i forgot it's the worst or like even worse is when you accidentally queue up both upgrades in one engine bay or i guess a forge or an evo chamber or whatever this base by the way looks like a kill okay so game was pretty heavily in favor of dark earlier clem is crawling himself back into it and i think this is now actually a clam advantage upgrades are looking good here for the taran player he's going for the late game transition here ghost academy being produced this is some top-level term or some top-level starcraft man not top-level terran i guess as well but like this is some sort of proper high-level starcraft here i've got a lot of good terran versus xerx over the years but uh this is looking real good okay so hife is coming up for the zerk i guess soon and there's the lurker then already though ghosts are being produced right now for klim so clem is ahead of the timing here of the late game it's not like you can have you know well i i guess you can have ghosts too early but i don't think i minded in this particular instance the ghosts are really strong against pureling bando they kind of suck so you gotta you gotta be at least a little bit careful based in the center will be the night okay fifth sixth seventh command center starts up right now i think we can call this like a clem advantage when he solidly secures a fifth fifth is a bit late okay yeah he's gonna go and do that right now don't get me wrong though it's not like dark is in a bad spot here it's just that he is stack wise a little bit later right so hive is only just now starting up 3-3 is not going to be done here anytime soon for dessert okay once again though dude he dives so deep sick move here by dark like zerg players are always insecure when it comes to that man when they see widow mines like all over the map he's like no i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go in what are you stepping on my creep for get off my lawn and then he surrounds everything dude dark is like scary um now all of a sudden we have lurkers sitting over at the fourth base and even though the fifth is secured it's not a planetary fortress clem overstate is welcome there on the creek or overstepped i guess is welcome a little bit there planetary fortress goes down scps do run away just barely in the nick of time dude you give dark a finger and he grabs your hand like this guy he just he only needs a little bit comeback potential uh is definitely there all right that was a good fight for dark where'd the other command centers go by the way did they get killed oh maybe they all got killed uh i didn't actually see them getting picked off did he cancel them oh i actually missed it i'm not sure what happened to him anyways natural expansion is floating over here and then he rebuilds the natural expansion at another command center too so normally we see a timing with three three finishing up for taran or at the very least an attempt in this case clem doesn't have that luxury anymore this means that dark is gonna be left to his own devices for a little while apparently he's gonna try and uh finish up those weakened uh those weakened or what are they called suvs there you go with a little lurker right here in the mineral line very annoying very annoying this requires both the scan as well as uh what does that have does he have a scan he doesn't there's no there's no scan available he needs energy yeah if you don't have a scan this is so annoying man yeah yeah yeah there you go finally energy enough lurker goes down but that like that one lurker that took like five actions to set up for the zerg right because he like clicked the lurker shift cued it around the map burrowed it over there unborrowed it one like it took like maybe 10 actions that took like 50 actions for the taran to clean up okay dark is maxed out he's getting himself the lurker upgrades it's going to be hydra lurker viper lingbane actually no hydras barely any bailings either but pretty sure we're gonna see more of those soon he's taking the bass in the top right he's taking the center expo as well also not going for the bass at the six o'clock position clem has decided to take the expansion in the center lurker once again gets into a pretty good position just out of range to do missile turret detection range so let's scan once again forced command center taken in the middle planetary fortress starts up right away this is something that dark desperately wants to deny and i think he will once again look how deep he dives dude this guy is crazy man he knows there's widowmines out there but i guess the widowmines would at that point also do a lot of friendly fire so yeah it makes sense planetary actually does not get cancelled there and lifted but dark loses a huge amount of resources here though man he dives he is not scared to just go in 536 zirklings have gone down so far in this game oh yeah yeah yeah it's only game five we get at least one more after this i want to see more after that though oh that way dude that was such a big traitor that one widowmad just killed like half a dozen suvs i could almost hear the term players cringing around the world it's like oh god loco feels like i'm getting hit in the nuts it does doesn't it yeah yeah i know that i feel like it sucks man okay it was a very tense game very close this base is well protected for now i don't think xerx is really well without committing a lot of resources anyway gotta break through that cloaking fields coming up for the ghosts base has been acquired though clem is now yeah mining a very healthy amount of resources both players can do whatever they like once again big exerting run by over in this direction these are fully upgraded circling though and so for planetary fortress they don't really care too much good splits right there in advance as well base ends up going down there's no planetary fortress here on the low ground anymore so more workers will get picked off dark is baiting his opponent towards the top right and while clem did indeed manage to uh to kill that base in the top right hand corner one base for essentially two bases is always a trait that zerg players would like to take how many ghosts are we at 16 ghosts ghosts are not cheap okay good hit right there i'm impressed with like the small amounts of late game units dark actually makes i feel like a lot of players go way heavier on the lurkers or the ultra lisks or even the brood lords from time to time dark's really just playing ling bane like everything else is a support to ling bane right a lot more suvs end up going down a couple of drones end up getting killed as well but yeah lurkers hydras ultras vipers all of those have been supportive units for the ling bane god there it is the bailing mine dark's like wait a second you're gonna keep burrowing the stupid widow mines all over the map i'm gonna do the same thing on your ramp see if you like it that was a very expensive loss right there for klim and at this point i'm looking at the worker count even though it was looking really healthy a few minutes ago 33 suvs remain here for clem it's not looking so hot anymore i guess he's got the high-yield gas over here right whoop-de-doo he's taken a lot of command centers as well so he does have some mules available but against lurkers you kind of want to save scans too so if you drop all of the mules you're in a lot of trouble if like the lurkers all of a sudden commit okay a couple of drones once again get killed somewhere oh i think that widow might may have already been there yeah until brighton base though will be denied important deny right now for klim no we don't mind or sorry no medevac here though so these units are not going to be able to get out yeah losing 10 uh 10 marines or so at this stage in the game for a base that wasn't even mining i'm not sure yeah i think you need to bring a medevac this is much nicer nicely done this guy seems like a disaster to play against i've said those exact same words about clem in the past clem is all over you're all over the map but he's actually getting outpaced so far by dark in the series it feels like right nearly 500 actions per minute on average here by dark throughout the last 22 minutes you can do the math how many buttons that is a second no you got to take that with a great assault because of rapid fire and all that but he's a fast boy pathogen glands even being researched right now for dark that's the investor energy upgrade if he wants to go investors i guess that's a choice okay lurkers have started working on the rocks over here in the center bottom left and corner has been acquired right now as well but dark as well as the top right this map is all zork now okay this is good though this is really good yeah this is huge so clem just picked up like i don't know like five or so lurkers there for pretty much free uh accidentally burrows the zerklings rather than the lurker don't think that was intentional i think that was a misclick maybe he just wanted to force out a scan or something okay probably selecting the wrong unit there for the wrong hotkey okay zerklings once again ravaging a mineral line neural parasite i don't even know if the man wants to go in festers maybe he's just getting every upgrade he can right now so even if it like absolutely needs it he's gonna make that switch i don't know what you gotta know at this stage in game like siege tanks i guess would be nice ghosts to emp the other ghosts that'll be the sickest move ever if you can pull that off that would be nuts because then the lurkers have free reign down players in general don't really split up their ghosts okay very nice splits here once again detonating the widow mines maybe he's want to go or he's gonna go for a push and he will once again is he gonna dive deep of course he's gonna dive deep because this is freaking dark we're talking about widow mines are all detonated and that means apparently the zerg can just roll through i don't think you want to go through that choke point clem those bane's got so much value those lurkers are still ready to shoot their spines as well zerk ready to continue the assault as well all the way at the the 12 o'clock position planetary fortress goes down clem already anticipated that and actually got the command center lifted before he even knew that that base was dead new planetary will be coming up yeah certainly wanted to run away for a little bit and they're like wait a second gotta continue trying here problem is though dark has now acquired two fresh bases this man has been mining he's been spreading creep he's been in complete control of the late game i uh yeah i'm i'm very impressed this is the first time i've seen klem get out class so far in uh in 2021 i think i mean he's lost a couple things here and there but so far dark seems more impressive okay yeah clem just calls gg all right so that brings us to 2 000 atmospheres match point number one right here for dark although i secretly hope that clem is the one that wins this just so we can like go to game number seven i have no idea by the way if anyone is going to be making it this far into the video if you do do me a favor and like you probably are full screened right now right do me a favor and like close the full screen and hit the like button thank you appreciate you it takes like one second that way i can kind of figure out if people want to see more best of sevens i'm always a little bit hesitant to make videos this long but uh i mean this is mostly just me enjoying myself so i hope there's gonna be some other people as well like this but i uh yeah i'll do this for me okay now i know there's gonna be plenty of you that will like it but yeah this i don't i don't know i don't know what the you know how like youtube has a bunch of like guidelines that they advise you to uh to play by as well if you want to be a successful content creator and all that pretty sure making like hour and a half long videos is is not one of the guidelines pretty sure that's that's gonna be a video link that a lot of people will skip just because it's too long i hope not but yeah anyways you can also hit the dislike button by the way that's fine just interact with the video in any way don't that way the youtube uh the youtube algorithm may very well pick up this video and then recommend it to other people too that'd be nice in general though i think a lot of my starcraft casts recently have been hitting like 80 to like 110 000 views that's nuts that's like two stadiums full of people okay like if uh if that many people would like sit in front of me right now i would be a little bit more nervous pro oh i don't really get nervous anymore but uh yeah that'd be a lot more scary at the very least if that many people sat in front of me listening to my voice and i could see all of you but now that i'm hidden behind my microphone and my monitor it's all good let's see what goes down right here on 2000 atmospheres this has been a good series i'm excited to find out what goes down here man i kind of want to see another one of those cheeky dark builds this must be scary right now if you're claimed though jagannatha was the real like that was a real good map for for clem right jenna thought that was uh that was a one that was a good one i think we can all agree that that was clement control um yeah dark has looked like his lane game i don't know i haven't really seen anyone win against uh against clem in the late game past like the 15 minute mark dark seems to have his number so far quick triple cc opener here once again by klim you gonna go second barracks nope it's gonna be a star port third hatchery has been acquired as well by dark i actually quite like it so the tsl uh this is not really necessarily like well it is one of the later rounds in the tournament but most of the time in starcraft 2 we have like one best of seven in a tournament but in this uh in this particular event they did a lot more i don't know exactly how many they played but i think they did like i don't know like six or so best of seven series which is cool like if you're if your goal of a tournament is to like figure out who the best player is there's obviously value and best of threes and best of fives but i actually don't mind best of sevens at all i know a lot of players actually don't really like best of sevens guys that's a three and a half minute roach horn and that's the second cast geyser this needs to be scouted by uh by klim if he does not go benchy i think he is gonna go benchy okay he is gonna go benchy i mean i hope that's not a oh god i hope for him that's not a fake cloak um okay lair starts up wait so lair starts up maybe it's um okay so i think actually what what's go what's going on here is that dark wanted to go for an all-in probably a road ravager ling all in however upon seeing the benchy transition he decides to instantly go into a lair he's still making units though which makes me wonder whether or not he's once again gonna pop down the night his network yeah he's making additional overlords right now too i've got a feeling he's not done oh he makes a couple drones now again as well man i can't really put my finger on dark builds they're so weird i think like the problem when you play rigidly right is that you may just scout this and then say you know what i've committed this many resources into it i'm gonna go for my roach push regardless and clem right now is anticipating the roach push as well which means that dark actually gets an advantage out of this because a marauder was produced benchy is home defensively as well the units that were out on the map to harass are gonna go back home too it's at the cost of two roaches a couple of delayed workers and in general just less stuff but i guess clem took more damage there than dark did even though dark is the one that was supposed to be you see what i'm trying to get at it's kind of funky the way that he plays but he's going roach ravager right now wait is hmm he's going rogue ravager on 2000 atmospheres if there's like one map where lingbane is really good it's this one oh i'm trying to see if there's like anything that gave him the idea that this is uh oh no he's going melee upgrades wait what roach ravager with melee upgrades so he definitely wants to go link baine as a follow-up then just roach ravager maybe to stop the first push yeah infestation pit goes down as well as a bailing nest okay generally speaking whenever your opponent plays something wild like this standard is what beats it and that's exactly what clem is doing clem is not doing anything wild plays defensively plays cautiously two benches come in kill a bunch of workers and they're not done yet clem's very good at that harassment there you go clem get him bring us to game number seven 13 worker kills just like that so infestation oh infestation pit was oh was that a fake infestation pit a couple of zerklings by the way over here no i thought maybe infestation pit was scouted but it wasn't a natural or in the third base right yeah maybe he canceled it maybe he didn't need it yeah so this is no dirty what another infestation pit many worker kills have we seen go down right now yeah 15 here a couple benchies going absolutely bananas so he's still making like this makes no sense he's still going roaches while getting melee upgrades so rogue ravager lingbane is something that dark was playing i want to say like 2017 or so maybe even before that um he's been playing this style for a long time and i've never really been able to grasp it very well because no one else plays it oh he's actually just going straight in festers so two investors roach lingbane with ravagers and a hive only dark place this way interesting fungal growth obviously is a really good skill fungal growth is an infester ability that basically uh it's an area of effect skill that throws a bunch of goop on like a whole bunch of marines if they're not split up properly and obviously it slows them down and it deals damage over time right well i guess roach rafter is going to be real good against pushes like this right it should be anyway normally though it's 1-1 roach ravager i guess now they have plus one carapace now the main links have plus one okay once again goes in for a counter attack decides to give up the expo investors do not have enough energy yet no they do wait no oh yeah okay i was gonna say it's 75 right for some reason the icon did not get colorful yet they do have enough energy right now for a fungal siege tanks in the back though yeah shelling away at this army fourth command center almost done fourth hatchery reacquired in the bottom right scan right now confirms it as well for clem what's going on here good situation for clem right yeah this is a very good situation for clem second factory comes up it's going for the ghost academy a little bit sooner as well i think this is maybe for the snipes or emps on those investors the vipers are also being built so it's going to be road ravager lingbane hide or no the road ravager lingbane investor viper investors from the high ground there you go that's one fungal growth right there siege tank gets picked off this is gonna be an extremely difficult army to control by the way fungals fungals fungals okay and this is the moment that apparently dark's like wait a second don't mind if i do normally moving off creep is a bit dangerous but makes you wonder why we don't always see two investors as soon as an investigation pit is made right all right clem realized wait a second i should not be fighting only one location because that's gonna be dark's dream instead he's gonna go into the main base right now so is this gonna be plus one no plus two zerkins right now with adrenal glands okay yeah planetary fortress though is gonna finish up for clem he's finishing up two two of his own bowels right there kill one tank he says thank you oh my god those fungal growths are so good i don't think he's going to add on any more roaches and ravage i think it's going to be old ling bane from here on it is like a stepping stone to not die in a mid game although i feel like if you're going to play rogue ravager that first push towards this base probably should have been prevented right is that like kind of the point oh my god this is a scary zerk army man plus three plus three comes up based once again canceled bottom right and quarter not taken yet parasitic bomb right there on the medevacs okay corrosive balls as well going down this is some funky play by dark he's morphed all of the ravagers or all of the roaches into ravagers and now he's just raining biles justice reigns from above he's been playing a bunch of overwatch recently medevac drop has been cleaned up in a straight-up battle this terran army wins for sure it's just that dark is not giving him a straight up battle i think the investors okay only one of them remains there comes waddling forward those investors have been worth their weight in gold so nice clem is doing phenomenal by the way as far as mac pro goes i look down at the supply count a couple times here and i i think every time that taran must be far behind but taran is actually really not that far behind it's not looking so good though for our french terran player here he may have been dominating the european starcraft 2 scene for a little while now but is this korean zerk a little bit too much for him it's not like dark is like you know sitting around on this unit composition either he's getting better upgrades he's spreading the creep he's got more bases it's strange though because normally the zerg army is played once again off of more than 78 workers this is not really that many workers here for dark he adds on one drone like what zerk player adds on one drone at this like what is that what is that drone it's it's so like his his approach is so different makes no sense but i like it i could not play like this i guess what i'm trying to say i would like to but okay is there enough for dark to push through this here's once again a parasitic bomb forcing the splits right now on those medevacs it means that taran's busy running away so the siege tanks get biled as he doesn't really have a chance to respond to those biles no time to unsiege three o'clock base though taken here by clem clem has not really found the breeding room here to go into 3-3 which is a big problem zerk right now two entire upgrades ahead i would love to see those upgrades start up but i think clem is purposely delaying them because he's concerned that he's just gonna get memed adrenal glance is done altruists are coming up with the kittens plating upgrade even the speed upgrade for the ultras is also queued up we did already see ghosts yeah there's a couple of ghosts available emp is nice obviously but steady targeting is really good too nine o'clock base has been scouted planetary fortress though is done okay all right all right let's see extra orbital here as well extra commence center starts up uh can we please start three three like now that things have stabilized we need three three clamp i don't think it's gonna cut like you're gonna cut it without three three i know it's expensive if he's gonna start up extra or extra orbitals i feel like that's less important i think he's forgotten about it because he would have started up by now he's got the money for it yeah i don't think he he realizes it two upgrades is massive especially on like fast attacking units like marines and for example zerklings here's the ultras chomp chomp mother lover let's see how it goes where you guys gonna go suvs you got nowhere to run this command center will definitely get killed army over here gets pushed back parasitic bomb once again on a medevac there hurting all of his brothers two command centers go down snipe right there does connect with one of the ultra so that one will not live orbital command was produced at the very least he's gonna be able to continue mining from this location but with 13 less suvs i was talking about stamina earlier right oh he selected it right there there you go he realizes it i think i think this like this this is very much so where stamina can come in like easy things can be forgotten either that or clem has to go for an all-out assault but i don't see how that's ever gonna work here okay those siege tanks are having a grand old time clem was thinking about going for a push but as soon as he thought about it ultraslings bane's ravagers who run into that base that's been acquired once more at the 12 o'clock position suvs get picked off the same moment we do have a oh my god a failing run by over here too dark is playing with his dinner right now man my mom always told me you can't play with food but dark's mom didn't 62 zorkings come up bainlings are being morphed in this is going to be the army that clem has to win with finally started up plus three armor or a prosthetic attack rudder but it's a bit later than i would like it to be a lot more zerklings are streaming in this direction as well parasitic bomb once again on the medevac medevac gets split off from the rest right away blinding cloud as well on top of a bunch of marines and ghosts but i think this is all she wrote right here for the french terran player and dark wins this best of seven series with a four to two advantage i really hope you enjoyed watching this video if you did hit that subscribe button if you haven't already as well as the little bell icon so you get notified as soon as future videos go live today i 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Channel: LowkoTV
Views: 690,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lowko, LowkoTV, Simon Heijnen, Tutorial, Guide, Commentary, How-to, StarCraft 2, SC2, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void, Tournament, Strategy, StarCraft 2 cast, Zerg, Protoss, Terran, StarCraft 2021, StarCraft 2 2021, Clem, Dark, Epic, Epic StarCraft 2, Terran vs Zerg, Zerg vs terran
Id: EWWcg5XNqzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 50sec (5510 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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