WC3 - ESL Cup #21 - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. Blade [HU]

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one best-of-five to determine the winner of here's Alec up number 21 happy is playing undead and so it's the nature of European Warcraft happy ISM the final he defeated the legendary Kevin shame and the Muslim and it's uncontested so far but the Challenger oh my god does he bring us joy he matched the might right here defeated Krav in the semis with a blood mage among other plays happy not the Crypt blood player but blade made him sweat in normal play before so happy will he finally lose a best-of-five for him or how long has it been since happy lost the best-of-five for this main race it has been more than three years almost three and a half years it was back in 2017 foggy then was able to beat him but since then it has not happened it feels like in this year 2020 it is up to blade to do it and today would be a beautiful beautiful day I have already been a blade fanboy these last couple of weeks I think he is amazing I think he is easily top three in Europe and after the games that we have just seen how can you not be a blade man well he certainly has a question of personality what what he brings to the battlefield is nothing but astonishing starts on the bottom left from Moldova Archmage first it is on Northern Isles once again and we raised the question how do you stop the early undead level to harass as a human if there's one who can do it it's certainly blade yeah I mean that question mostly goes for fast expanding players as well and blade normally isn't that kind of player normally he likes to play rifles and one base and Tier three is that we're gonna be seeing here I think especially on this map it is so painful to fast expand so I would not be surprised to rather it see tech will see what he goes for starting off with the first cam gloves of haste happy being you laid here a little bit by the footy blade is trying to slow down trying to put in some damage while at the same time not losing the foreman all right happy creep close-up attack not bad I collide killed by the creeps militia being called blade is actually fast expanding what the hell I'm not too sure about this but he will have an idea I trust him when he goes for something he knows why and how he wants to play it thank you on crystal for the two-month three sub thanks you too thanks you one thank you thank you great items here for happy lots of bonus damage especially in the early game well always yeah very effective because we will be going to the peasants oh look at this one footy is on hold position to protect the peasants in the corner back back into formation brothers yeah there we go we only have two skeletons here at the moment the others got distracted and will expire soon anyway the second one is super hurt so this is not the sex sex six skeleton or ass so you could have even blocked the other entrance with the other foot I guess he's doing that now not a single peasant has died here yet this is ridiculous the hell all right now one goes down okay that's an opening again one skeleton can read for the water mental takes care there is another corpse though you can use this rod again nobody used it in the bottom left by the way we didn't see this from th yet we didn't see this from infi yet yep we saw it from blade the first time yes is the first time guys this right here and in fee is usually the old truck god of moves like this he just steal put the skeletons really really cancel though would be painful blade once tunes keep it up and he does quick with it appear lots of coils used as well deal with the Fein in the north DK is down to 50% skeletons two of them about to die maybe gets one new person saves him into the mine this is the best early game I have seen against this style on ni ever yeah regardless of the region regardless of the level of play this is just super good love to see boots here on the I am now he had a pretty good early game maybe you can afford it tech already started before the Lich is out sick Thank You NER God for the 5.3 sub and happy finds himself in a weird situations like out of mana out of Rods this Expos up this tower what is this am is still quite hurt though leaders forces no shop yet for blade it's a little scary like my number is not that high oh yeah no bump right clicks has a GP here no way oh my god double click TP happy knows where the I am is landing but yet how I built a shop right must do it okay listen spams another Nova foot didn't take care of the defense for now put a lot of damage on this DK beam threaten back a little shop 60 sub really power building footmen diving deep for this feat of deep which is happy back yeah there's forty buying a lot of time and now the shop is finished blacksmith to wall off more towers region scroll clarity now available but no level 3 a.m. yet that is certainly a problem point over statues coming in now there is ANOVA soon there is a coil soon without much diving deep it's daytime just turned a time more vision Laxman is getting canceled here but he doesn't really mean it right now stick with a mother footmen lose all of them what a difference this game is compared to happy verse the Muslim not to disrespect the Muslim in any way he did really well but late this is just two levels above and it was in large parts this moved to protect the peasants with the footy block so simply it's so brilliant and almost surround he's losing a footman here and there but not in masses and the MK is about to come out blacksmith now standing would be really nice if played could protect these two towers Oh the fiends can they get the castle shots coming in oh my gosh is barely fitters repair repair one slipping a little that Tower is gone at the second one adds major still at the fountain a pumpkinette the shops got a potion gotta be careful is over which lands up for another Nova he is losing one more foot MK is about to be there drops the period for more healthy am-7 three big problem Colin oh boy and he wasn't looking for just a second push wasn't cool doubt he bought one but it was uncool doubt and now it's only footman MK is outcast latech halfway but this is Happy's time to clean Thank You mouse mouse mouse for the 38 my frees up less than three - you two could never kill the statues there's a lot of region no coil known over this time pit Lord is coming with the orb of corruption this is the scary timing breakers are coming blacksmith is ready MKE soaking up the damage but this sob he needs to shop for breakers and more potions if that equates to two buds that's a shame little anticlimactic but reasonable in the alien game across most of this match by blade but some small mistakes and happy punishes us so often losing the TP in the first place was a problem tp'ing as late as he did shop perhaps a little late and of course losing the am that in the end yeah i wonder couldn't he have managed to get in level three somewhere maybe that's why he was on that position on the map maybe he was trying to creep the green cap up there the merlocks rough to find things to do better like in the end though did happy lose the unit I don't think so no I don't think so I think you've been a button for the forum on three sub love you guys map to is a coils any kind of rest okay fighting from downhill is blade on his first map what's his idea and it's still outrage is it still more or less the norm or we see something crazy like he showed us against prom happy is not playing the craft style so refusing to play lot first he's sticking with his style he's been playing for so long and why deviate when you've been playing so well and so successfully just gonna be tet fiends against the normal ultra build am most likely question is fast expansion yes or no there will be about the king pointing north not south though I wonder if you played the x-bow on that map only on that map because there you can go for that protective footie block so well on this map it's not possible the trees aren't set up in such a way you can block one way yes but not the other side pretty cool this is the level we're operating on where nowadays just like two pixels of a footy block can make or break an early game yeah acolyte Scouts this for mercenary camp and expansion at all ticketed fiends arch match footman standard so far so many hundreds nowadays go for level two creep before harassing and I think happy on this map definitely does it away as well goes for the green camp first the claws from the ogre warrior and then creeps the other green with ghouls and skeletons laid already with the footmen in the base triggers the garage turned into an arrow and we didn't put off attention I just made you know what ootek call to Melissa this would be the expo that a players forces are under attack send them back that was weird the attacks already the acolyte again not a blade but to the creeps as always you can once the coiler last hit cost him a bit of HP though we'll get the water elemental but down to less than 250 HP and only one coil remaining still he has to keep the natural celeste to erect his expansion and then tech happy has to push across the entire map blade cannot allow the ogre magi to being given to the DK i think you like knowing how good he is against that usually it shouldn't happen UK tries to get the merlocks involved oh and doesn't even give up the trapper nicely playing around this little bit of wasted mod on there's no way any more this is quite a disastrous early game for happiness stinks it you jinxed it already on Northern Isles blade is too mighty to be jinxed by the likes of us I am level 3 before DK 2 could be possible here their car already Oh it'll take 20 23 seconds these fireballs man they hurt skeletons Morlocks all taken care of power build there's one more lot left at the camp late not killing it yet oh so cute super happy about to be done but Expos up all right there we go yes this is the merlok now and that's enough reach again I will at the risk of repeating myself say I would love to see boots Oh players forces are under attack this was so far a perfect early game oblate boots and stab okay some pressure unhappy keeping how do you do too much with the footman park at the main - tech five minutes 30 it's pretty good Happy's Tier three though is a stupidly fast supply block is the moment of the first that you will be delayed and this time we see a shop early oh yeah that cigarette delay that's actually a big deal yeah we do see this from him quite a bit though and really see it punished footies on their way to a potential run by oh maybe he wants to funnel the footage way into the backend and staff onto them if he cans a cigarette by the way that means no statues but too late though right as he realize this hey but even if he doesn't get it cancelling he's forcing happy back yeah Expo is safe no leveling is occurring and this whole difference of a game this is what the level of one versus level two DK in the early game makes cigarette is a time for statues about the time for defend as well which is finished now another one uses the Nova on the water elemental to make use of the mana regen thirsty for experience okay how long for the tech not much longer and happy is so far away from pushing starts the Merlot camp this should be time for the mountains for the next two hours absolutely and now the footmen find the entrance once the taupe no too far for this tomb of relics not the perfect base build but there's repair and they're slow towers and the other is right at home how to reach for the out page silly retreats lose this one footman here another one almost three towers of the expansion four blades which are protecting the peasants but are begging for rain of fire yeah zero at the main double sanctum he loves his breakers many happy creeps the marketplace where it's gonna be is damaged though also no workshop no gyros ok workshop at the expansion WEP is already finished again very early destroy upgrade as well no pit Lord yet warp is ready on the Lich he identifies this tome as the Achilles heel of the undead the repairs recently not in time gets it now on what cost next statue was cute already so Happy's are gonna have three statues it doesn't really matter that much then the orb is there three statues will be there another cool maybe no he's my crew so good he can't go for Pocius his lumber is also low so happy can't go for a third hero right now and if he can he's gonna be having to wait much longer for destroyers he also going for a spirit tower a very very different game and we expected breakers for the transition now tier 3 almost done and two three four gyros into me out and with no pit Lord these bases should be expected to be a lot more sturdy than normal gilsu tome again kill to cool wants to get to those acolytes alright with the MK happy is about to start the push this is quite a couple of footmen Thank You Roxy for the price ever free so okay paladin Knights happy still busy with the Morlocks he's losing a lot acolytes this was brain again my plate now that Tier three in destroyers have finished foodies are awful in a fight so it's trying to get value out of them where he can and against the economy that was the perfect call how does he reunite these armies though he doesn't have to do it right now I can't wait until happy attacked one of his bases and then he can bring them together happy has been creeping quite a bit took sis took his time but it's reflected in villagers inventory which is completely insane double claws gloves orb and circuit and in war okay what's next now he reunites the armies happy forty-four supply clusters nine okay that certainly does help geomancer still alive now taking out two destroyers number of gyros limited black cannon not available no but only against the militia not against the Knights on against the heroes here comes the pally everything coming at the same time four blade okay what candle it - he's a super lit she slaughters these militia a fiend goes down no found appellant that didn't do much actually the blades damage up time it's not really there now starts to attack and gets the second fiend destroy is saved for now but they're still gyros another fiend Falls three fiends down in one fight for happy when did you ever see this arch match though not again Holy Light he's chasing there's another coil there maybe two cards no TP no interval no potion but the D K turns around destroyers unmatched at the moment no anti-air enemy on stone bolts around trying to get this ledge in the encirclement holy lighted okay there's gyros again DK not too much mylar left only one coil Oh that one night need to be careful but seemingly seems to be able to move it away in time it's a thirty supply lead for blade yeah only thing now he needs is mass gyro laughing happy didn't rebuild the shop and he can't go for statues second second critique was about to go second slaughterhouse and now he goes second crib he seems indecisive he seems unsure of what to do yeah I don't blame him in this game he is so far behind he's left with destroyers only without mana no statues no third hero the enemy safely on two bases thank you Eric for the five euro donation you earned this thank you very much also poop poop poop for the south things about tides up Mountain King level 50 great got a potion no TP just the staff item crystal ball not too bad frenzied ghouls here now for happy I think it's gonna try to go for run buys economy harass you know guerrilla tactics ladies expecting abomination let's goes into socks already maybe not the greatest call but also not the most expensive horse works always good as long like if you have super air dominance with flying machines having sorcs as there's no destroyers can always be very helpful the main base by the way for plate 0 towers yeah big opening now as well yep these go run buyers could do wonders there yeah inner fire coming Mountain King creeping speed is okay but necessary levels are not there yet no level for automation no level 3 Martin King no level 3 paladin let me to lose a good for 4 on the end at plus 35 on the lid you've got 74 max damn good the coppice knight again three clusters nine its legend uh fill needs to be the gyros seemed to be too dominant destroyers are falling one after the next and then there's no dispel anymore he's losing every single destroyer it's all about the gyro it's mostly about the ledge for a hero kill but the ghouls are quickly dying cordova on the am but for that he bought the involves more whole life coming after the lich in trouble as well in the corner has to go for in will hear soon himself he came no man anymore kills the mountain king and now good will the am oh my god there's no way out is they're trying to staff but he shouldn't allow this holy light to keep him alive and now can you hunt this DK he has a TP blade is pushing for with a big army holy light again maybe it's their mana no there isn't can he reach somehow lich stays alive with the frost armor hahaha god great fight for blade he lost the MK yes but he lost barely anything else than the balls did staff out the arch made unbelievable and I can get over the next in ville in a few seconds at least but you certainly would like to have fairly close to three but no mana latest kind of short on resources another kill on the stork here one killers level three paladin or two maybe as he sees this flying machine bombs again to make use of them Knights one one upgrade pretty good no real way to deal with the breakers level three okay it could be dangerous here but using it defensively for the night frenzy ghouls trying their best but in this super light game they're not so good anymore as we can see here dying quite quickly this is all without an MK yet last coil flying machine bombs ready dealing with the statues now great solution to deal with the statues DK is playing with fire has no TP has no healing the ghouls are all heard lich ok the gears are about to fall it's just a question of when old legacy Freddy there's in wall and GG one one blade with a magnificent performance again and this time I don't know if there were any mistakes in plays the game and that that was the most convincing human victory against happy I've seen in a long long yeah pretty dominant and again the key is bring the fight to happy don't allow him to push your expansion it is so easy to say it is so hard to do I know never in my lifetime will I be able to do it or even survive five minutes but whenever I see this played this way it's just looking good and it's not the old show dominance going for the shop going for the ghouls delay stuff and then these automatisms by happy they don't work anymore yeah it was a lot of it was decided in the early game DK was not able to steal any last hits because he was kept at range a.m. and footies were pressuring him DK didn't get to level two and when the Dicky doesn't get level two he can't keep on pressuring the expansion and then the human can make use of that by taking positional advantage pushing across the map and always threatening the run by forcing the under to stay back and Mac rowing perfectly behind there was blade as well just a beautiful game in the 1:1 and we go into map three concealed Hill he can no rest for the wicked who's gonna take the match point is it gonna be the eternal Emperor or will he finally get his might matched so is it an expansion play again on this map this seems highly unlikely again Happy's madness Happy's first mattress yeah this is by far the worst Expo map all the ones we've seen I would have said no that's also really bad to expand on but blade showed with a brilliant footman block how you can make that look better for yourself Anna coils just always has been a very easy expansion map that won't be the case here and by the way it's not too bad for one base rifle tier 3 triple hero lots of red cams to go around lots of creeps for mk and paladin but has blade abandoned this style has he finally joined everyone else and exclusively plays fast expansion nowadays feels like it but on this map I feel he should be going back to standard like his standard his one bay standard but he had this plan on Northern Isles and worked to degree very very very well he had a great panel at quartz and work really really really well so I have a lot of faith in his decision-making here and like he's the only player in all of Europe to go for these crazy moves that you just do when you have a big ball sack of confidence attached to you like this obviously I'm still baffled how exposed that the Archmage was could have all gone downhill right there have he picks up some hero kills and gets experience and that's spiraled from there but no yeah and before I went into that bottom left corner he didn't buy a TP he just bought an interval and that was fine with him yeah exactly not going for two three safety mechanisms acolyte god so no XP still here [Music] starting off with the gloves on both sides the Scout footie he is gonna be going down here but it's gonna cost the DK a bit of mana there we go quite a bit of mana the tension was to buy time question is for the expansion for safe level 2 first yes for farms oh yeah that's what changed for blade what made him convinced rifles and work anymore was it really the 3 percent damage nerf I mean he's been changing strategies a lot in general he's never allowing happy to get too used to him and I think that's a very cool skill to her from week to week he's changing up builds and introducing new timings and new crib routes and new play styles even like 2 weeks ago or whatever that was maybe 3 weeks ago when I was so impressed I think you weren't there for that Sunday coming and I was drooling over blades play and that was ultra aggressive sometimes even level 1 Archmage and now it's completely different Thank You cartridge with the 20 euro donation I'm gonna read that in a bit here after this Expo grass is over DK gets 1 steel doesn't have mana for coil right now so this might be an easy overseer for blade some peasants will be dying there's no way around this certainly on in this map overseer needs it happy stolen indeed close to level 3 automates now with a fiend right-click but no new rod of necromancy so not too easy now to slaughter these peasants once again and now it's time for the donation from countries thank you both for carrying such incredible games incredible commentary here's to hoping happy finally falls to the best race in Warcraft 3 I know this CDC with a $25 donation thank you guys very much oh wait that's not gonna be an under mirror how is he supposed to fall to the best race thank you guys dries neo didn't you know thank you guys that's a lot of support that's cool much love well let's see how happy deals with this now he staffed home got a new rod sold the staff moves back north classic happy play suddenly the peasant kills and that's the one mistake played exposing his expansion this time not going for an early tower which was so good of Northern Isles rather going a lot of footman and I wonder how much they are worth now at least the expo came up quickly peasants are still dying but it wasn't really an expo delay not by much anyways once again focuses these skeletons super quickly plate doesn't want to be stuck on the other one hello to again like on an eye I think you should chase with a few footies and split a few footage off to take the green for the level up tech started coming in the main not too much pressure on the fiends this time not to hurt crush on the DK this time close to level 3 the shy here new skeletons the third third last one okay it's gonna be more fresh to my blade unless he finds myself in the surround or something fiends not here to help [Music] that's coming in is gonna add quite a bit more aggressive potential am its be quick not to take too much damage now you don't want to be forced into a shop that quick I think should have been prioritized by blade here after the expo creeping the level three it's close no cigar shop is coming no power built rich almost forget us around it kind of stuck in a corner there but oh does not move outs around can he fight out though it's only level one hero of this districts the footing for a long time level three years killed not using the paint put it right there no way happy making make mistakes Boris is all calculated skeletons in the main lots of kills there holy oh my god it's for peasant kill yep this lumber economy is gonna be shocked to hell little turns again going from Walk Hills automated trouble 50% should be able to move away and he does I think happy identified the weakness of no RK in the main yeah it always wants to skip yep aunty call CG that echo was wrecked after a lot of hype again this very typical reaction counter play by happy not letting happy a lot letting played grow his momentum just shut him down and was that game over already he said like three hundred lumber right his lumber income wasn't so good at that point but he said had quite a bit but I guess you need to rush to your three you need to rush shanked him and I'm K again and we heard it from spiral and I think the say it hopes to recap final like when he knew this is Happy's map that I can't really do too much anyway I saved my energy I saved my motivation like good mood for my maps yeah depending the players of course some players don't mind being in a game even it's a losing game but I guess blade here doesn't want to battle uphill for too long and we go onto map for Amazonia yeah match points for happy as so often but we have seen like it's very rare to see a three and one in the final of an of a weekly Cup it's either three or three - for some weird reason and of course we're hoping for the three - here in any way whatsoever because we are not casting one sided at all or any any bias complete thinking Donald Trump fan with the three euros I'll be dropping a fat donation if we have a human winning this final will be an honour of my secretary person hashtag Remo Thank You Man is it finally happening how many times have we said this way yes first first he has to tie this up on Amazonia and that is a weird pick regarding to how he played you win Expo on a-z seems to be a thing of the past it can be difficult and can be rough if the rock golem turns against you and suddenly keep as never ever dying dying everywhere but if you play it super solid if you do the water elemental in the rock column poll all perfectly it should actually be a safe camp and also the decay can still the big boy but of course happy can always come in and disrupt your plans happy hour right $100 are getting closer and closer for him and of course title number 576 in the years lock up 21 so played what's your play we have seen the weirdest things from him mk1 bass rifle pushes on TS against night off is it more craziness or is it the expansion standard bench this map really not that good for his old style the rifle one based style not many creeps to go around always in a dangerous position to get a creep jacked and especially the paladin's progress very tough to come by and even the MKS isn't a secured one happy surprise surprise or the Tet fiend opening curious how this goes curious what play decides to do instead x4 lab first is he moving away from the standard somehow DK get me strike it by the footy here a little bit late sees where he's going and act I won't be able to steal anything here or watch element gets purged though so that's gonna be some additional damage probably under the militia and such good level to put in the nose the movement of course the trapper Creek but this next move is probably the most important one of the game expansion creep and happy is coming and we do have an arcane now by the way he is conceding what if previously was too greedy to do yeah so far just a Scouts our didn't see the upgrade yet [Music] skeletons are on the way but damaged and about to expire it's gonna since are coming I see for mother shot again oh yeah right expansion delayed by a little bit already yeah happy to you too it's about one third now the town is under siege Oh The Footy getting blocked by the skeletons and that means the creeps will still use their spells I believe definitely a free footman kill for happy with the coil that's level two all about the rock golem all about level three for blade okay gets this one gets the item as well what elemental down summons the next one immediately another right-click on the mud golem so far so good the trapper goes to happy at the back golem as well is it still enough for level three yes it is no Lots anymore this is the upside of a Z normally you can't miss level three even if you miss unless it's and we still have five peasants remaining I hope this time in a far fast Scout tower yes and then arcane the main players forces are under attack happy also within the Rope tower aware of the possibility of a blade run by again if you adjust the position of the shop yeah not not too accessible another ring very unfortunate items your blade it is the you encouraged by now I can see this so many times now we saw lots of claws earlier as well nonetheless becoming in once you get this tower but threatening us around and gets it on the feed tower down one peasant about to fall but DK is so hurt and the fiend is gone another one is coming but that's a lack of damage for sure it was mostly still full power build my xxx is fine tech to tier two four blade starts now not exactly super late or super fast kind of standard need to make more peasant at this expansion they're listening lumber mill in the main wouldn't be too bad either take a started though said it Oh shredder that early and lumber mill at the lab that's kind of cool so I can use reveal three fiends plus layout is under siege but no rods so no tell we're standing at this expansion when the statues come in this is where this becomes a lot more scary for blade until then he wants to have some towers standing all right Kenny the latest push again can he not allow happy to attack the peasants and towers while that building looks like it's so far it's gotten too technical FML okay that's a little delayed that means no power towers pretty cool wall here as well blacksmith plus our can't the expansion bodies are dying quite frequently now though 800 gold could replace them if he wanted to but he had no possibility for dive this game I am super aggressive with this movement I like that with a big healing that shouldn't be punished one fiend dead already another one heard Manalo legit 50% and more time time is of essence for footmen ready here first god towers coming as well automate save hospital texts was it enough needs to push in again to secure these towers coming up dad's exposing quite a few footmen over here yeah Oh dangerous time for blade needs just buy time for the towers but how with these fries only need instant repair get sick Knight though gets it and the fiend Oh at the second one is super heard even save some footmen got tore up second guitar coming up as well I'm guys about to be here and this time he didn't donate the Archmage away Thank You night LCD for the four months they're compared to Northern Isles the level 3 a.m. is just making a world of a difference and his help and his inventory these rings actually they are combination with the potion not River 3 damn great yeah well the MK also it's really good but the orbits coming still the 3rd hero web destroyer happy he's hitting his tier 3 power spikes ooh and that's the scariest part of this whole game yeah and this time he has the number to go for the tier 3 hero for the pit Lord destroy upgrade new weapon we get to sanctums and the Blair workshop again said she was looking to even farms here to wallop more create more distance [Music] the double second play is this the new thing let's playing it for a while I think Oh next ring triple ring on the Mountain King now destroy a morph in the first man I used for footmen not on towers but here's the pit Lord yeah I'm kidding to get back to the expansion to cancel these rings of fire doing it using it yet is he always gonna be in range yes he is I came shooting away at the pit lot that's big now he has to back step this is the only rain of fire all right the towers remain standing here we go with stonewalled stay at you in the middle of everything Little Miss positioned onto that fiend yes there's frost armor should be able to stronk fireballs I've only had claws right okay a level four that's so big and he's brave enough to die for the statues animation trouble the potion was used already well knows it's it to the mountain king he can pass it pally thirty percent done man how we would love some holy like this Batman keeps the potion on the Archmage and tele so and now okay this will take some time what the hell [Music] sixty-five supply for blade hell where that come from certainly huh double-double sank it was pretty good how is he not passing this potion I used it somewhere maybe panics a little oh no now he passed it one rain of fire that was all that happy could do Kelly is ready and force the TP item belt of giant strength flows to the pit lot that's gonna be great but blade weathered the storm with minimal losses honestly how quickly was able to catapult forward now 270 supply amazing amazing game again my blade I do not tire of this man's games how impressive they are Plus mine damage on the Lich now level three plus six damage on the pit Lord level two what's next for blade gyros scouting they're square he's gotta be careful you needs them for the next big fight needs to make sure he has the proper amount of gyros like anything between nine and twelve is probably the right number mister with these all the rings on the Mk I'm not sure they're the greatest should definitely give some over to pally at least maybe am gyro still counting four three two Palli almost level two now needs one killer only scouts him again at the merc happy I think didn't rebuy a TP he's gotta be careful he has to scroll the Beast that super dangerous but oh it is ready blade is brave enough to engage with almost twenty supply lead scroll the B's views and gyros are about to take up this destroyer looking real good yep there we go a little 200 paladin air as well this book was sweet he's taking out more my feet the knight fell for this but air superiority is on lady stole the scroll of the Beast even on some of the nights it's a lot about here as a man again DK could be getting surrounded over here oh so close abomination is coming in blocking yourself a little this priest as well brave trying to get in front of it level three pit thought that's quite big but Happy's army is all over the place plate lost a lot Oh a lot lot equal supply now DK is about to fall pit Lord as well not too healthy divine shield on the Paladin who's once again full mana not using these holy lights that's a big deal MK not much not any storm bolts right now another kiting and the webbing happy doing this power X loss taking out another team tear disease cloud spread on the heroes paladin and trouble holy light now didn't really feel like one saves the night and that hurts no staff at long time no use of the Holy Light was that the neckbreaker and if you close it a little bit better the DK is dead right there oh man DK is still in trouble still has no TP it's he mana up in time to storm balls and a lot of holy lights threatening more kills where's the stone book on the land fiends could be easy kills but he wants a bigger target perhaps patiently holding on to the mana they're trying to bait some coils and then use the storm bolt of the disengagement was too good to fast on that army we have inter fire now but the Nova in the back it's turning staffs back to 73 supply but Happy's heroes are getting stronger and stronger and stronger but that was again the mallet portion consumed for happy more expenses that are not into army 2o upgrades for the teens 0 1 of the Knights and spell breakers what's next the ghouls are in need every time he goes back and forth more gyros can be getting web like this one and taken out game on a knife's edge man this fight is all about the Merc and for like three minutes who's messing up this dance first good Snipes by happy all the time he needs level 3 MK as it seems trying to take off the cool that they are easy target that's easy XP lots of web and let the kiting begin again will continue gang distracted by the tanks though the pit load and the a bomb and should absolutely not be getting targeted nightfall late oh that's a juicy target right there stumbled focus coil as always on Amazonia Happy's got the coils and more more nights are falling it's getting bashed here though damage again not enough fiends well this one in the back should be falling but another storm wolves necessary for this disease cloud working all the time a bomb was saved main goldmine mm the paladin has again full mana all the flying machines no not good lose track of them like that not good that some free kilt for happy is this the wind right here is that the one mistake destroyers are safe he kept abomination for it and more gyros are coming the production was cute fiend slowed calm to spell every single slow wasn't necessary coila as well but the destroyer is helping so much what's award against burrow I think next abomination is in Karl arrives in time destroyer is healthy deep trouble pendant and Mountain King you like can't even get that fiend anymore needs a whole night on this Mountain King tap a level up for happy and that should be it in devotion saves to mana on the Paladin once more why is he not spamming that holy light I don't get it there we go Oh king of trouble in deep trouble that should be it despite all the Rings he's taking so much damage holy night again but the Cleef attack of the pintron and is that sealing the deal is this another years old championship for happy it looks like that should be at long-range coil am in trouble know what finishes him off GG does not happen today happy wins again with a 3-1 just another Manic Sunday in the end it is the same procedure as always we get amazing semifinals we get our hopes up and even in the grand final Happy's been challenged but in the end carved into the trophy is Dmytro constant for I don't know the 16th time maybe 17th time we lost track of the numbers as you all know I can only count for was a really good final though blade with a very strong performance brought happy to the very end and if those few little mistakes don't happen maybe this file I can go differently it's always it's getting closer and closer as it seems between happy and blade for sure for he wasn't here this time maybe it's gonna make a return next week but I think next week is w3 il semifinal time for us our schedule for next week it's looking pretty damn awesome and it's up on back to warcraft comm it's not even complete because I forgot something anyway I can show you most of it and tell you the rest we're gonna be back tomorrow already at 1 p.m. or the yule Cup group stage Group C with w FC fly low lie it and check on Tuesday we have double duty with the Yule Cup Group D that is the insane one with one to zero focus Lin and th you have to take your day off or tune in during Home Office you have to watch this there's no way around and here's all my stuff shaft again in the evening hours that time was wrong change that Wednesday is our Meister shaft Saturday and Sunday you'll Cup finals and we bring back the sleek best of the Americas starting Saturday night at 2 a.m. Sunday 2 a.m. as well we have a group stage start and w3 il semi finals dust vs. Oceana's and Sweden vs. you mad that's the schedule it will be available on our socials with a nice little graphic tomorrow and of course then later on our home page back to work ref calm good to know that next week we have awesome warcraft action continuing who would this we might but who would have thought who would have thought yeah we have no droughts of Warcraft tournament at the moment and that is great we've had a lot of great games this week already blade man what a performance a great finish to the week even if he lost one two three that was still very well done and I have great hopes for this guy for the future absolutely if he keeps being motivated like this and keeps being creative like this then absolutely true really good but again happy was the better one today
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 19,575
Rating: 4.8579884 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: jeoEtW-ZT_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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