WC3 - WGL:S Western - WB Semifinal: [NE] Foggy vs. HawK [HU]

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hey WGAL Western qualifier is about to conclude with day one and we will determine X Lords opponent in the winner's bracket final it is as we said before the break a European classic foggy versus hog these two battle since like five to six years now four well long time for the crowd of Europe and then for the second place in Europe after happy made quite an appearance here of course it's a rematch who the last ESL cub 14 Hawk both been to China to wgl many many many times and now they face each other for the survival in the winner's bracket we got the picks and bans it is foggy between last refuge and northern IELTS Hawk Benning twisted and Amazonia fix echo for foggy tehran isfahan and concealed as a stalling map all right interesting foggy leaves concealed in the pool which is by far the worst worden map and rather move removes Northern Isles which which we've been seeing from more and more Night Elves interestingly so it is no warden here that would be way too hard to pull off it's back to with keeper right historically foggy has had the upper hand over hawk he is one of the best night of roses human players in the world for years 73 percent win rate that is surreal so hard does he have a new solution to what foggy is doing we see that on CH it feels like the last time Hawk defeated foggy was a long time ago well it actually wasn't even that long ago actually was a May May 3rd in the ESL Open Cup in the semifinals before that in January in the readmore Open Cup but that was two wins in a series of 15 games or so so it's been wildly in favor of foggy recently yeah he's definitely the favorite and a match between exelon and foggy tomorrow I wouldn't be opposed to that XO has to feed a blade all ready earlier so it's method versus human is very very strong ouch match starts off with gloves and mantle that's pretty cool foggy Scouts checks out what's up keeper for him opening up the massage to the middle also bringing a whisper early to this does that have a purpose that's a little passage maybe you can into its foggy so probably fast Expo here by heart is not normally what we see on Nettie's nowadays who and that detonates watch elemental taken out quickly and that's a lot of damage on these peasant old boyo also the footman so heard Archmage optimator option gets the kill right here hawk needs the overseer badly should get it right yes hurry up there as well put a fillable three for the keeper and then probably GD but there's more damage and there's also more tree and soon as the next set right now and I imagine he will summon them here as well we know how heavy fog he likes to use his mana early and if it leads to a lot of peasant killed that's certainly worth it I would imagine a good thing to try is trying to play around it putting the hurt workers in the mine but it doesn't work probably too smart for that who will with a lot of losses almost level three and now making use of the fountain here what a quality bought and sold dust maybe - short on gold he is taking more options for him so is he playing the low light strat with mass arches players forces are under - is crucial for at some point agent of wonders here next to the tavern that's pretty cool you can go for to your to here with that and go for the staff right away panda often times nowadays seen as the accompanying hero along with the keeper but also the Naga the Naga Archer focus fire pretty scary as well Hawk of course can't even dream of taking back has to go all defense right now now god is great pickups lots of control with entangle and slow so he brings in wisps again Mara is already low oh he gets both targets this one semental is about to die this tower will probably can soul oh no maths repair on it lets more resources Hawk is able to get one Archer at least Nagisa almost rounded before he dispelled his own entangle right there that was a bit of a big he burned man on dealt down to the water middle yes but he also just felt the entangle one footman being annoying in the base at that con push foggy back who walks still super low on lumber I had to call militia again of course free healing for these artists for his playing town more treant summoned so basically no entangle anymore is that really the better use he has one more if he's not walking in our can't our range shut footman control sends it back towards the left pretty quickly I am taking bulb damage now I ask the TP over two or three axes well there's no shop here oh nice TP can go up to the mountain now yeah but that would expose the expansion maybe an incoming odds could wake up the creeps such a tough position for Hawk he has to defend with everything he has it can't tech and guess what in the meantime fog is getting to tier 3 the town is under siege yeah hunter so now for upgrades and marksmanship so much damage with foggy and he that's looted the expansion with about to break this base now can't really keep Hawks the Kleist act reasons expire but okay we got defend now and with that a lot of damage without daytime so fountains can't be used anymore walk he has a staff can easily make use of the moon will Segen and he's full mana on the keeper again with entangle you pick off footies quite easily now Hawk finally begins the tech [Music] shop coming lumber mill as well needs to protect the circle which fork is really not a technics panshin anymore for supply stuff there we see it and tango this stage in the game really still really good archer damage against buildings this shouldn't look so great but it absolutely is third hero alchemist so tier 3 is finished which means marksmanship should be coming any second now he just started it as you say it long-range upgrade as well for the archers of that tower is an easy kill he'll spray first no asset bomb could have helped tremendously against these football entangled double kill one deny gets the other marquee so much pressure Hawk is trying to deny all the time but he's still losing these units yeah so hard to fight against the plaintiff army right now and guess what a mountain giant resumed joining I imagine yet Oh alchemists around it do we have a staff no doesn't so teleportation of course no crowd control against it no disabled against it time to bring warps step will have great use though Hawk stabilizes t2 almost done and foggy wolves back for once one Archer goes down which means now I can make a mountain giant no upgrade yet clarity's matter potion even stepping onto that whispers it just checking things up okay just checking so well laughs creep for Hawk this will keep him busy for a while mommy sees the tier 3 it still canceled that guard tower in the back once the MK gone that forces repair and so the workers are in range puts up a couple of archers damage of offices just so insane it's a graveyard around the altar ouch mate in trouble no TP anymore found a big potion before that saves his life now and to angle focused again is he just dead looks like it what elemental summon slow again now guys it rage and that is an Archmage gone Mountain King will join the fray but the number one hero is out of that game and fog Young's bears now picking up more units mad how strong is entangle this week and that is what can happen when human fast expands and doesn't go for tier two and dispel quickly ouch my eyes revived and what a storm will do against massages just water in a hot stone August ratings so amazingly well here now second staff the MK falling as well and now killing this altar has amazing values yeah would force double tavern hero Archmage's back the footman a bomb talk has a thousand gold but can't use it really as a bomb doesn't have much mana though he kills every single footman this army indicator in the upper left is pathetic fog nice repair from the lumber and gold peons so limited income now Hawk and you don't you never want that anything heroes are back well the question is for how long I choose a couple of them about dying now double all open him now by the way yeah the damage stacks and how well this stacks kill Jesus Christ mercy no no mercy at all laughter style has been popular for a few weeks now and again is looking really strong here even without a mountain giant master bears instead we to enthrall hawk hanging on by a thread repellent coming the Archmage is still alive for now but there's another entangle I'll test just get just kidding you doesn't even need the master barrier nope Allen got two nights but this is the switch from expansion to main base turns out real good if hope was to get enough time for like four priests and five nights this could still be good for him but this is a lot of time that would be required time that bogie is intending not to get far without the mountain being without a paladin talk is going Sun during late which I don't know how much is the damage uptime of the nights against archers not too much I think yes double racks now though he's getting nights quickly yeah but not for much longer because the castle is about four needs to come in now to defend the park it doesn't look like he's ready yet really this economy is just direct damage Manda's roll on the arches they've got so much value okay Sundering blades cutting through arches now level for Archmage warm on our Mountain King finally back alley coming go the MK trouble again my lord double org mass out to play looks so surreal well spring upgrade finishing now as well we don't have too much moon night time left at the time that we have is going to be plenty of region Nagas almost level three little tune-up chart great now he's finding some damage with the Knights I like that maybe a mountain giant addition is necessary by now yep yep Oh dispel and stab that was nicely done but these priests they die so fast it's ridiculously happen most of the night I mean they're all get teleported to this castle and did this this this look does look like a human base at all okay can you survive a little bit longer this time it's like yes but everything that runs into the front just gets gunned down so fast by the Dodgers in or and tango right clicks the tix for ball is or something and this night is gone with seven arm or how many chances he dies escape I was about it was about to say like what's the English translation translation for stay off mention I don't know he's like a laying down well he's always getting up for a bit call to arms the bell rings how many times does the keepers get back to the base Archmage is dead how okay dispelled such a beep trying to do yeah Oh everything Hawk sends it is just getting demolished like I am for example hold lightning hey I'm dead this must be the end now Rock refuses to give this up but it's like 1,500 experience or something going down to be fair there's like five archers dying yeah but well problem is Hawk has nothing gg2 he demolished a strong game by foggy but when you see keeper should you really fast expand well if you look at this game the answer's no I mean a lot of footmen and defend can be really good against this but defend well it couldn't afford it really his fog his pressure was too high and he never really had resources as I said like many times now I don't know the solution to this I wasn't taught stylo aside the igniters are really really strong stayed especially because of this build I was laughed at but I haven't seen Koreans defeating this I haven't seen Europeans defeating this I don't know if it's well played and foggy like played it really well I don't know I haven't seen this counter tomorrow we're gonna have W GTR yeah thi V T agent fee as always they are the ones who are supposed to come up with the answers but they are not playing la lion they are playing like colorful is the only night off world-class night off right there yeah but he's playing that style I think at least not as strong as slow light and foggy play this yeah well okay one Oh lead for foggy with the keeper marksmanship style but map to turn a stand this most certainly will be a warden humson MK hawks pig so how is he so confident to pick TS against foggy maybe things if he gets a good export timing up some staff usage kill off some archers delay the night off counter expo can be good towards the mid game for human but of course hawk is a master foggy is a master of the warden as well so it won't be easy hawk was one of the first to break this warden style back in the day but this seems so long ago especially like since the tinker edition i haven't seen the greatest counter to it yet yeah the warden level five creating space to tinker on the map creeping up to three maybe even four really powerful we have seen humans being able to beat that with triple hero and knights and sometimes more choice and Zeppelin's and stuff like that but it's hard it's complicated relationship status complicated and we all love that so to understand it is hawks pick and hawks life in the winner's bracket is on the line is it gonna be the warden and the m'kay or do we have a bit of a curveball here would be very surprising out of the top light of and human players very few deviate Todd is among them playing am wells falls in plague paladin but almost everyone agrees warned in MK here are the best Donald Trump fan Marga thank you was a three year the nation got off some wall I love some quality Warcraft 3 and it's even better when my second favorite person is one of the casters hashtag Remo thank you thank you is there anything you can do to prevent fog ease domination again side he looked pretty much flawless it's the water no surprise it's a mountain king falls on a surprise and map one man bulldozing over hawk yeah the thortex badger though that can be punished heavy and we saw it getting punished heavy right there with so many peasants going down keep her doing so much damage but here normally MK should get off to a free level to freemar camp axis anomaly also free creeping of the natural only after that usually does the warden shenanigans begin and in fact the humans level three should be faster than the Nigel's and then with some staff usage perhaps it can be whole Hawk in the aggressive position does anyone have a result from side vs. shake second playground it would be neat if you could update us or maybe game one is still going a player's forces are all right will it be the crazy tier 3 tier 3 multi base action can be one of the greatest games in all of Walker but Hart needs to step it up and I think you should be way more comfortable with this style for you trying to get last hits maybe the rogue no before he gets it all one of mana steel MK with a swirl of the beast for he normal creep route nothing spectacular with the engine of war hognose he scouted this so is it staff and harass or will it has to focus on his own expansion as well tough call to make maybe we can just creep it with footmen at Melissa and her ass at the same time at the engine of warrior the second one by foggy already in position this one was quite early movie is ready to be staffed on bad mkay once the experience wants the item ya need to creat the natural first staff only becomes available in 1900 it's gonna take a little bit longer also becomes available what becomes available is the Berserker and the footy forces away the wisp and should be able to steal this per circle that's a nice play side is leading with one oh by the way cool but for yet the wisp on the other side stealing the mercenary there gets the Berserker so early in the game you don't have enough gold to go for double Berserker yeah if you did then there would be no money for an expansion probably not worth it ok with dust trying it passive what I saw humans being successful on Terran house it always was with an aggressive roaming Mountain King yeah but now the wardens level 3 and tele staff where we going ORS the doing base I criticize colorful for not being in the human's face many many times when he plays warden foggy is the opposite as soon as he unlocks level 3 that's his plan very obvious very expectable very readable but schizoaffective I seems like hogs ready he's got the arcane in the main finished he's got the army protecting the natural also protecting the arcane over there and there's no easy point of attack for foggy here's gonna go to the expo he's gonna get some peasants yeah a little sloppy for Hawk I think to not catch the damage Oh with the footman but the wardens TP out well done and that was one peasant yeah single peasant yeah didn't expect the stumble to the head was a nice trap by hawk yeah and I think he's justifying his know his his map choice he has a really solid game plan he's ready for the ward and he knows what is important and if now he gets the expo can't sell the counter expo cancel this Hawk yeah this game for Hawk is looking pretty good for me with the spin attack though since the Mercs to the expo that's quite some hurt units and the world is coming in as well tree of life will probably fall for this so he needs to do damage trees gonna get canceled and then I'm Katie peas back I guess when I got it's not too early of a TP was last second but that was too Shadow Priests gone it was a big fan of knives before me since the Mercs back to the compy storm bullet and the engine of war made it to the lab that's what you need to do but yeah and The Tree of Life again in this position not creeping opening up that base so Hawk is taking as well low light tier to lure panda no tinker a player's forces are under attack one back at it and this is like took me quite a few peasant kills now oh good peasant micro so far I come at me come at me it's still very expensive for Hawkgirl Panda might be getting stone balls surrounded here no quick reactions by foggy pulls him back but the imminent war that's gonna go down yeah Etha nice the lab creep that's a lot police makes it more expensive perhaps during this time the panel hood have taken the natural with the other ancient of war but I guess that's dangerous if the MK Swoopes one over there then what is abusing the fact that the MK doesn't have a cheapy really well yeah Nora staff also be masculine steal by foggy that's a big deal shredder for Hawk top also pretty good it's super low lumber thank you to to for the 5 euros thanks guys for the streams you rock I know the MK is coming in for the cube Jack this could hurt depending on the ground oh I just picked it up but still for me with the Zeppelin should have damage control nice with the file offset leave me more and more peasants killed level 4 water it's getting a lot of new injures here to eat up again it's sick trades between these two players they know exactly what to do they know what they can prevent they know what they can't prevent not a second all right I'm a-going late game we're going to your three at the moment Hawk slumbers a little bit alone can't go to three right away but there is a shredder so it's gonna have all the lumber he needs very soon God does that Blin let's go quite some time to react not really going for it shredders doing quite some damage but the Berserker and another two peasants before okay Matt how important was the fact that Hawk didn't get the Zeppelin imagine if there's other happy on the other side yeah well no mana but strong right clicks no kill potential except if there's like four passes before he gets the expo Tier three only now there was a long time on tier two yeah and with that no bonus experience back with Tier three and Hawk c3 is faster that Zeppelin drop for you saw that there's no towers there yet and we're the drawers and everything coming in warden has to tell you staff ready she can come on top as well or does x1 might be broken right now sorry OTP no no oh no the Black Mage didn't get it either okay that will hurt in life that will hurt Hannah Oh sick a OE and bye-bye towers that might be a neck breaking move you have to secure this expansion earlier quad kill and that tower will go down use Ivory's for it super expensive Oh dog just the storm bolt okay five saw foggy Oh dodges the next ball this is frustrating super frustrating for hog even saving this there's no losses right no and in the meantime Expo is running Tier three unlocked horses are under attack drops on the other side of the river can creep a big camp there they consumable item panda close to three warden close to five yeah this is nasty this is really nasty Ken hawk save himself two tanks somehow it doesn't even have a single workshop yet so bro he could but marking roaming seeing the Zeppelin again everything has heard back well did foggy bring a heal scroll we yes and an anti-magic he's waiting with that healed scroll so greedy okay good chickens per hawk barely anything lost their civilian one kill away from level three panda a few more from another five warden and the Zeppelin also really nice against the cipher it feels like foggy is seeing the matrix he's dodging stumbled it's finding the perfect timings for almost everything what now you got an orb we got a staff you got an item which we can't identify rule of the maid sigh he got sick mana 420 oh man you through a lot of damage creepin this bottom left oh here comes the m'kay you can't long-range storm balls versus foggy just impossible awk no with his own Zeppelin protecting the peasants at the expansion very nicely done its level of four to one and no tanks usually tanks would be great now to distract and by time three bears come in for three reduce beautiful next Expo Park upon him that focuses skipping tanks entirely it's just going normal army yeah it's gonna get really strong upgrades here to to is cued already in the blacksmith but the actual army the actual units so far he doesn't have yet and the warden just patiently sitting here yep but now I'm tired reveal okay and if it's a like double purpose for this gyro Rubio and anti arrogance Zeppelin's but this third base gonna be scary powerful hard no one you comes the crib Jack still a lot of footage on the menu organ I could be big for the invite to a barbecue this is foodies on the line the wardens comes by Blink fan into know we're peasants weren't unloaded yet okay one mistake over the warden Blake has a mana potions only close to five not revealing her full potential yet players forces one tank is coming now but if one tank without upgrades doesn't do much but like yes I'm off bridge right clap is coming as well thank you Jesus L aged for the prime sub and ohmic lineman for the six month Thank You granny all right love level three that's the big one yep mk5 tank coming are they so late Aires and Palace of course good against that as well engine of wind against hawk Zeppelin's and mountain Giants plus the third attack upgrade yeah boy he squeezed in a shredder of his own little while ago so he's gonna have lots of lumber soon for lots of upgrades but we're gonna have three two nights here in just a minute solo keeping for the MK trying to get him to five level three clap against bears is amazing it's around takes it out only six are more or right but if there's bears and roar and everything this is the last to long do you think you should pick up the sticks with the energy because then the Bears have shorter range and they go in front then the mg can taunt too well anymore okay Hawk needs a break that is interesting nature calls sometimes you know yeah but there is a reason we stream with delay you know but Hawk was a very fair sportsman against foggy week ago I think then he thought foggy disconnected and paused the game but then was just foggy forgetting about a control group hello my eyes who needs dry it's like right overrated you have some dry it's still here in this army dry it bears mg's all benefiting from the same more type attack type does the panda have one point in the castle by the way nope still baffle but you never put OBS up for questions like this I always do it when I cook a bit of suspense you know just giving me more work answering your damn questions all the time you know I remember how much you loved working at the at the office and answering customer service questions for the cinema people I want to give you some of that joy back into your best friend I know wow it's that not time to say something back or something just take it like I love you thank you well you said it sarcastically I didn't you certainly did alright three two breaker breaker tonight's all coming in nice spread here by for you trying not to allow for too easy of a clap the back not too many more teams here at all anti Matic still running one clap was used but the wand of the wind M case is uselessly cycloning up in the air get the clap on a single bear only great fight for foggy here it seems the ward almost getting killed by militia what it was really close about to move her back in pandas cleaning this almost alone though siphoned mana on him trying to move him away still one of the wind against that siphon clap is owning this now Fergie needs to swab back ASAP big damage here's the one link fan ready again but the clap seems to be stronger side for now uninterrupted level 5 from the MK cherry MK so far oh my god everything is dropping so low if you have Heath walk lap he has so many more claps this inventory is surreal the Black Mage is adding so much value warden out of that fight again for you still at 75 how is that possible so much stuff is hurt mg down Oh Steph okay oh my god everything's about dying more gets to TP out of this goodness staff isn't ready peloton 3 there is no GP is there no that's not he has to fight this everything's kind of out of mana over here yeah even the black metal of mana okay here's the time to come back kill the flat beige oh boy oh boy there wasn't arms there was in walls but all not on the Black Mage but in the back so many kills pala about to die but staffed out Jesus yeah both are like okay let's let's reset our armies three three nights thirteen more good without the Black Mage how fast can this MK get to carry level again does he even need to kill the expansion black mage back steps in once more fans all that paladin I'm triggered takes one night out siphon his back blood mage so bad hawk holding on but the breath of blood mage get burned that was all the monitor and that's just so strong and he can still steel or stone bald Wow there should be a staff yeah the breath animation was already triggered and then he stumbled preventing that damn it on the Paladin time to hunt this warden close to six know old link out before dude crazy fight absolutely foggy holds the expo hawk through a lot at this to tavern revives for the blood mate Holcomb a no Valen are not going tanks Talon master training there's no to spell there's no priest yeah and the intention must be cyclone the Mk over and over so you can't clap all the Knights the order to fight for like what feels like five minutes no man on the warden fog is bringing her to the front with healed Scrolls feel that the next fight is inbound imminent Graf swings towards foggy with that third base up eighty who was high up hog now he's hero killed man they swung this graph around this is the last time for Hawk I think yeah it's foggy ready needs another shop gets it gets some moon well here as well to be able to go up 200 so far no tellin right it's just the tag yeah three one on the nights three three on the l 33 on the nights this mountain diamond looks like it's made of paper psiphon anti-magic fan of knives clapping the front fan in the back recognized for the fire decent damage to water getting closer to six but man these claps are crazy the heels calls himself mana potion for the warden wanted to say that Wow sick healed scroll perfect timing and where's the you Scrolls for these bears I don't see them one has it needs it gets it link but no fan and I was getting siphon - trying to take up the martyrs for big damage they'll inform the Paladin even more I want out the Bears falling apart level six in level four is it time for Cosmo Donna don't think he has the mana the bears all falling the warden stepping back in what needs experience once the Avatar but very very doubtful that she's gonna get there no mana any more mass detonate Black Mage has siphoned still blinks out fan once this level six so desperately level five for the Panda does that make a difference so close but wait panda does you have time to step out or don't think so there's no match anymore yes Istanbul there's a snowball warden needs to save him bye bye and the ward is surrounded as well double kill fork and GG for distance I questioned his terrorist choice against foggy but he knows better cool game Hawke playing really well defensively at times from behind but he had a certain push in mind three three nights gyros and ice breakers excuse me see pretty damn strong I did my level 5 MK yeah the strong heroes yeah I didn't expect this at all I thought Fergie is gonna go straight through it but damn those claps but if foggy kills a little bit more if especially the peasant defense with a Zeppelin and so on hadn't been so OnPoint this water would have been level 5 a lot sooner Hawk would have been slowed down much more and she would have gotten level 6 way sooner and imagine in that first or second hold bottom left you throw in an avatar vengeance as well then who everything looks different foggy decided though to go for a second hero very early into tech rather late so this was kind of his fault or his decision not really fault he that was on purpose so he wanted that high level panda instead of the level six warden and maybe that was a mistake and wouldn't a tinker have been better I yeah I always think the same but I like foggy knows best what to do in these situations and the Panda worked decent for a long time yeah it's not bad but where is he better than a tinker and killing towers maybe they had some sustain to the to the Bears with mischance and all but having that AoE stun against the siphon especially can be so helpful also rockets plus fan into into the more charge in the back but ok he tried with the Panda it didn't quite work but that was a great game man that was so close there was the last chance for Hawk to win right there yeah and what an all-in push this was so sick yeah the strong triple hero there did it in the end our next map equals is gonna be very very hard to pull off triple hero almost impossible for human to do it here which is the reason why normally we don't see triple hero tier three here silent shake is going full distance as well by the way it's the one one decision dude it would be quite an upset when for he loses this we have seen Western qualifiers before where foggy couldn't make it as easy as people think in the early in the early stages and then he was eliminated by cash off raise ones yeah that's done with a am Palli rifles push yeah but this should be a strong map for foggy this should be a strong mad for warden all on the line the winner bracket at least it's not about survival the winner of this map faces X Lord and the winner's bracket final for the one ticket to WG oh not really to China as we have to play online on Neddy's but they both wanted so bad they played wgl qualifiers pretty much all of them to qualify for this very tournament was gonna stay in the winner's bracket who's gonna keep his second life for tomorrow so what do you think are we gonna see a warden again I would say what an MK again I was kind of baiting you I was I thought you would be going like of course I I tried my luck earlier today in the mirror and I was very right so cool I did my calls for today there was a grand final from CC master Cup moon versus low light we had warden in night of mirror twice just with a 100% win rate by the way how to pretend with my head that's true so any curve balls foggy must be a warden Mountain King it is alright warden again should be a very different game from Hawk side though as I said you can't really creep your second and third hero well at all on this map m'kay normally here is accompanied by an a.m. most of the time and then it's here too focused strategy but we'll see how this goes phoo discount gonna be checking out what's happening across the map but that should be too late to greatly trouble foggy at the Merc camp all of a sudden it doesn't seem so obvious that foggy is explored opponent so how can you disrupt this it's going for the camp first good experience for the MK level 2 right away Shadow Priests support bring home region Oh what he stole the lasted though whoa that matters does it prevent level 2 not level 2 but later on level please Mike revenge MK pendants yeah according to hawk the worst item at this drop table could easily say that I'm not too sure why it's fine it is still funny it's a miserable situation that Hawkinson with his one hundred extra mana now it's pretty awful having 100 sir 9i isn't it such a crutch well hot also for a long time used to sell ring of protection on the alchemist so you know not so sure if I can always trust him with the game mechanics Mountain King rushing up to level 3 this must be an expansion though for farm scout tower coming and what is foggy do now he needs to create more as well level 2 it's just useless no shadow strike yet 900 hours in a moment and it's gonna be time for the berserkers ready pull from the early game edition both players I imagine should go for them yeah Paul was a birds are already and foggy as well cause of attack for the warden always nice to have text should be fine if this goes unpunished so far warden is really having issues with this level three there's a few creeps left but no it's not that's the one last at that's missing three HP 3 XP gonna get that super quick but the first fan is still gonna be a level buns are under attack one one one oh it's the footy actually giving the level oh that's unfortunate did such a good job earlier and then ruins it for himself oh look at the foot is spread here by hawk at the expansion for the warden move in real cool Scout here and form is exposed good man on the m'kay again Hawks early defense against the warden flawless a players forces are under but now the for the wards is m'kay leaving and it's threatening the peasants but the arcane is up now yeah to mercs will soak up damage as well no point of attack for foggy and he's trying to go into the main there are quite some hurt persons there's also an arcane froggies plan isn't working for once he can't unfold his level three water yeah wow I am so impressed yeah looking good play Hawke but the Tree of Life is still coming up pretty quickly and don't think there's really any way to pressure this for how many footy does you have for footies two mercs it's not that much text arts for Hawk Tech is about to finish for foggy so this is an early second hero again kind of looked like that with the movement he still has a wispier my panda again I don't know I really don't like this early second hero maybe you need to do that one hawk plays this aggressive rushes tier 3 still has the resources for a hero quite a few kills here for despite having that awful offer pent-up energy okay but Berserker ants have a priest down on Hawk side loses it to the warden and Tinka it is switches it up think a factory I imagine took pressure the expo yes players forces are under poker down man both players are losing so much how can tell are doing a great job so much man up yeah it's probably the only pocket factory he's fully committing to this since he wanted this arcane tower gone might lead to one two kills one case before then she has another fan there we go warm welcome well these militia down here suddenly but he's losing his Lords lorry he lost one lor and the shop its remaking it though right mercs coming in muddy the mauler also sees the next shop kills that as well so from three building four buildings only one law came out forces are under attack the second one is in an obscure position McCallum now for foggy as well slow could help out quite a bit it's daytime by the way we have huge calls now wouldn't be surprised to see foggy pick that up now is 350 what's half a level for the tinker not too bad actually there were four progress of course sweet to have cheaper cheaper blink stepping home MK has no mana so foggy winds the rush for the scroll or the j-3 is done for foggy but far away from a big army to mud golems on one screen how rare why is nothing to come in and more slow wants to take out the Shadow Priests you just a blink okay it's not the stumbled soon black mate comes in Hawk is holding another shadow fruit and another Berserker bring troubles their staff there is not there's a huge scroll doesn't want to commit it though is it worse to say Oliver to stop what wow that was unfortunate for foggy big kill solo experience for the MK though oh there's more oh yes clap Hawkman not bad Castle tech 60% oh wow foggy is here 3 but he forgot or he has a very delayed adept upgrade it's not actually playing here three triple hero an echo pretty sick man thank you more work alright for the 20-month Rhys up [Music] big problem also anecca oil's is there's no Zeppelin so when the warden gets to five yes extremely hard to do with blink Fenner assets on the borderline impossible attack the town is under siege so even if the experience gained on level four here is punished it's hard and therefore still valuable if the warden gets to five she can really take control of this game so this the scroll the Beast Matt will be a cell it's kind of energy but maybe not worth it tinker is back then one should be any metal five here shouldn't she so more experienced tinker away okay all right anti magic and then blink into the base should feed the play and this over and over and over and over and over and over again m'kay double pendant he bought the second one then right haha well weird right it's such a bad item is perryland better than an alchemist at this point they both could be good but they require levels and this is the problem of this map how the hell how you get your levels on m'kay and blood mage right whilst all the meantime wardens arousing your economy and you can't load him up with two Zeppelin's and this is why I think one of the reasons why I Coyle is such a good night off map nowadays looking good huh so we got two towers waiting for Knights waiting for upgrades waiting for breakers and frack shards I was about to say shop name upgrade so he's distracting in the main Oh Staffing onto the dry it now I thought it would wait for hawk to move north from letting go south we see killing the workshop that would be sick hot needs mass repair damage was done the economy becomes clap he's willing to nuke this tinker away workshop home foggy didn't really kill much there at all but he bought time also prevented enemy creepin and guess what it's pretty close to his shop once again I think this agent of oneness should be between the two bases honestly but well warden can still make it up down there quickly with blink and booties she's a pretty fast lady she's walkin on booties she's walking with her booties or sweet or take you're moving on without a teepee and it's quite dangerous how well can Hawk position them nice blink touch again but if Hawk is South you can just go north and that's the great thing about warden late-game can just ping-pong between these bases and again know was EPEL ins to protect these pests like only one kill committing to the motto that anti-magic was kind of a waste and hawk is pushing for get back in the south tinker ston ball dodge again how many does da bolt has he dodged through different mechanics you know I saw like seven or so now oh there we go kills avatar of vengeance you know that smell very well he feels like he has to force the issue now otherwise he's just gonna get bled dry over time by this warden and I think he's right yeah next push is probably gonna be little things so is it enough slap is again massive but only level 2 and this time we have the swarm rockets to prevent repair the siphon mana to three yield scrolls for foggy that's one way to do with clap I guess foggy needs a new shop so much supply for foggy 2-1 upgrades as well to to is on the way double chim roots in fact way it will take some time but for how long nice Holy Light all that fan though the damage dealers they will dis appear oh wow that's brutal losses right here how to deal with the dryads now these skyrockets against the siphon so good we see it over and over not this time pally in trouble though blink fan he's dead that's the second one right here in WA potion seven second safety seems to be it level six for the one really close cluster rockets again one bear fault but if that was the last boost for Hawk there wasn't too successful the warden seems to be overpowered at this point and it's welcome back to the moon wells get mana again get an anti magic forces all right I guess he doesn't have a shop makes one now again double engine off wind on top of the two chimera Ruth maybe to make hippos in case of gyros that's cool to go for massive training on talons again would take I like this Tinkerbell by the way pocket factory first to pressure the expansion and then go into rockets is that's much better in the late game if you don't have the passive to buff up the Rockets but the primary objective for the Rockets is stopping the siphon and that is also doable without the engineering upgrade level six warden how was the avatar vengeance beatable after level three tinker how many heal scrolls are only two okay this seems to be Mission Impossible 6500 here yeah Hawke took the risk he tried going Tier three delayed the game took the chance that the warden might get to level five and start this shenanigans all over the place and he couldn't fall stop foggy from doing it foggy too strong with the warden yeah I don't know how you beat a level 5 warden in this map don't have your answer either Remo level 5 m'kay alright and the mana potion can he somehow prevent these rockets from interfering with the siphon voila there's another issue coming now Jim's two already one more is coming to issues and foreheads and Imus are insane power spikes for fog your one after the next fan of life hits well that was the only one until the mana wait there's the mana potion well mortals are gone anyway clap is rattling through the motors did great damage to the dryers a lot of stuff is for about to fall the party for the two cámaras untouched in the air there's zero anti-air here he's losing the Knights he's losing this map and he's losing this series I am pretty certain of this Giants with the slow you can't outrun him probably taking it slow not over pushing things a lot of his army is hurt is this give foggy Hawk some time to go some anti-air but you were right it's already hit was in the air can't clap air maybe next match yeah well we need a mountain king with a handstand that claps in the air maybe you could like have an upgrade from the workshop like Barash stumbled you know like tanks just got and here we go and get Orden with a new anti magic and we know where this is going we've seen this movie before and this is really frustrating no Zeppelin nothing you can do about this the problem oh my gosh yep mass murder of a warden crippled economy I mean this kind of means that we'll probably be out mine last this also means very very high levels only sending the avatar there now can summon spirits and with that he can take out the towers listen to many corpses any levels close not really to one upgrade this time not the crazy three to warden again shop control in this you scroll mana he can't afford the world and this is kind of the end Oh warden reveals herself to the gyros but good things she has blink side hasn't said who won the game cider shake I don't know racing reporter Remo will find that out side did you win [Laughter] wait 90 min minutes seconds thank you bless you corrosive breath now to finally break him not only does he have a couple of cameras in the air and hippos they also have two three upgrades soon Barbie's terrifying dude what he's supposed to do against this Hawks getting nightmares oh the gyros find the hippos not that oh there is flat can't actually somehow the hippos are still winning this kind of clothes but yeah I think you're right I think they are water getting siphoned getting storm bolted we the damage on the ninth they have nine are more but they look so weak melt like butter stumble dodge again do we have to mention this at this point number fifteen I think it was four he is doing a victory lap right now yeah thank you legendary Kevin swim for the tenth month resub once it takes out he work something like what's happening the damage of the chimeras is so surreal stops to siphon again with the swarm rocker detectors programmed into his DNA by now what black made cheese so bullied by air water Oh typical foggy wolf to loser here but it gets level seven in the end hot still surviving peloton can't move in the main sea just dying kinda yeah Oh Mountain King is here all right side did win by the way to one yam moves on the lower brackets shake eliminated so you know and shake out warden coming in that's the paladin kill right here Oh stumbled for one's not dodged well that's the kill anyway have to down set up a sort of sanctuary you're kind of stuck there August the ladies supply here we go again workshop gone you can just kill every yes no solution to four Camaros Oh lost part of me is not willing to tap out yet one last-ditch effort get rid of the hippos and then kill the Chimera that sounds so easy but it's absolutely not flat meant about to fall all gyros taking out once again and Hawk is out of the winner's bracket and tomorrow's winner's bracket final one of the two will participate in WGL it's foggy versus X Lord oh that's gonna be a fun game it's gonna be a nice long best-of-five as well the decider maps in the upper and a lower bracket we're gonna happens the best of five and many more matches tomorrow especially in the lower bracket ito is out Sheik is out but everyone else still has a chance damn dude - and that's eliminated as we said earlier the bracket not yet up-to-date here but you can use your imagination X Lord defeating spiral and blade respectively not losing a single map yet foggy - Oh oversight and 2-1 over Hawk so it's X Lord versus for me for one spot in the lower bracket we still have a spiral who should face I'm so bad at this all the time like spiral vs. hawk right Hawk exactly its crisscross and laid versus finite oh that's gonna be a banger tomorrow there's no off stream matches we're gonna show you everything gonna be an awesome day one two three best of threes and two best of fives buckle up it's gonna be amazing same song time as today 5:00 p.m. c EST but of course we don't start casting at 5:00 p.m. neo that would be ridiculous we're starting way earlier than that because we're starting into the day nice and early at noon which is 12 p.m. I don't know you know it's noon it's no way doesn't fear not I always forget I think it's a.m. whatever it's noon with W GTL good Playoffs kick off tomorrow it's going to be so sick four teams remaining that is 13 players and they fight for $120,000 ëall versus rise again Lin 1 - 0 la lion vs. moon thunder and Michael + the match the rematch of the gold League finals in January rock warriors vs. Lao Pao eSports Club th NP fly vs. fortitude focus colorful and Shou KK this is gonna be insane - clan wars and 5 solo matches tomorrow afterwards we're gonna have the day - standings of WG TL and the two Western players that fight for our region in the greatest in the biggest one-on-one tournament we have this year so it sounds pretty awesome to me
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 8,660
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: rA9uz-Jdzpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 26sec (4586 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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