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hey everybody it's bunny and it's everybody's favorite day of the week the day of the week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work and today you guys we have a doozy i have been wanting to test this product for definitely over a year now it has been on my amazon wishlist it seems amazing and it's one of those things that you don't often see or hear about i feel like it's kind of a new like was this on kickstarter at some point it kind of seems a little kick-startery a little indiegogo what it is is the printer and it is a tattoo printer so obviously not a permanent tattoo printer that would either be amazing or catastrophic depending on how this device is about to perform i'm so excited to get this device unboxed and tell you all about it and test it out but before we get started let's give a quick thank you and a quick shout out to today's video sponsor which is casedify so like i said today's video sponsor is case defy and you guys know that i have been using their cases forever not only do they have military grade drop protection but they are always coming out with the most amazing collabs like this one i just got in the mail it is a collab with heinz ketchup and this case is actually padded and you guys it literally feels like there's all these packets of ketchup sewn together like it feels kind of puffy and squishy when you poke it it's amazing they've also done collabs that i love with lisa frank hello kitty and i think even the rolling stones at some point they are always coming out with amazing case designs and collabs but they have a ton of customization options as well you can make all of these custom photo collage cases or just upload like all one single picture so be sure and check out castify by clicking the first link in the info box down below if you click that link you can get a case today twenty percent off so it's just graveyard girl they have like a case that is perfect for everybody so be sure and click the link check them out today you won't regret it you'll love their cases super protective and super adorable thank you so much caystify for sponsoring today's video so inside the box you get the actual printer printer device you get this spray primer this is actually like a two in one product or you use it twice you spray it on your skin before you apply the tattoo and then you spray it on after to like set the tattoo you also get the ink cartridge of course and you get a couple little pamphlets that basically just tell you to go online and stuff and look at the resources there to set it up and learn how to use it i feel like a few and far between devices these days you get like an actual hard copy manual anybody else have that experience you also get uh this little storage baggie because you're only meant to leave the cartridge in the machine for three days at a time i don't know what happens if you leave it in for more than three days but hey why don't i follow the instructions for once in my life imagine that i want to talk more about the device in a minute but i'm sure you guys are all here to see how well does the tattoo look how easy is it to use and i have been dying to try this so i have this like up high camera over here and hopefully this is gonna i just got this new tripod and i feel like every minute i'm about to knock this camera down i kind of wanted to give you guys an eye in the sky because i think i'm gonna attempt to put the first tattoo here so let's go ahead and prep the skin area i feel like i'm prepped and primed i thought that it was honestly gonna have like maybe a very like alcohol sort of scent but it literally smells like body splash like if this was sold to me at uh you know bath and body works and they were like ooh freesia and daffodils like i wouldn't question that this actually wow okay we're gonna pull up a custom design that i just did i think it's in my favorites i made this myself because it's literally a tattoo that i would have right now if we were not once again in the middle of a pandemic we're gonna be doing a little huntress thompson homage today i kind of always i wanted to get that you know what i probably actually wanted to get that tattoo here like kind of on the inside but i still i have another arm so i could do that here what happens when i say prank it's like i guess sending it to the printer okay i guess it's loaded in there i have no idea if it's gonna print like horizontally or vertically why am i nervous this is like a hundred percent temporary okay oh it's so tiny and i did it wrong it's really tiny let's prank it again we're gonna say prank that's so i don't understand what's happening it feels more or less like not something is being printed but like i'm rolling on something wish there was a way to make it bigger but i feel like i'm doing it wrong every single time okay that time came out quite a bit clearer attempt one attempt to attempt three oh look they're saying like is your tattoo blurred practice makes perfect i can't stop pranking it's honestly quite fun oh bad i was doing better and then i got so much worse we're going to try another design honestly i'm going to go ahead and seal this in because we want to immortalize that forever it looks so darn good you know what i've got this whole top of my arm here hopefully it's non-toxic because i am eating and drinking it oh you know what we'll do the uh death eater tattoo because somebody already had that loaded in there and we'll see if that's bigger or if they're all kind of that small maybe i was just like under some bizarro impression that you could get them to be like tattoo sized dress prank okay there's the arrows oh gosh dang it oh that one was gonna be better you know you are meant to be able to wash it off with soap and water so it is supposed to be waterproof like if you just get it wet that's supposed to be okay but if you apply soap it's supposed to come off oh i just noticed the dimensions are down there so i think i just over did it on the primer because let me go ahead and show you guys on this camera like my skin looks a little bit shiny and you can kind of feel like there is a product there but let's go ahead and test this death eater one again so we're gonna tell it to prank and then we're gonna wait while it loads while i was just like washing everything off spraying my arm waiting for everything to dry i went ahead and tried to fix my hunter s thompson tattoo which cost me another slot which uh i wanted to just jump into the product demo first because i'm sure that's why most of you guys are here you actually want to see if it does work and uh you know how well it works but it is kind of one of these subscription service things i don't know i'll more on that in a minute hope that this works okay oh i feel like that is the best one ever and it really really is the definition of practice makes perfect because um they do even include like a little pamphlet which i'll go ahead and show you guys this is the only thing that like comes close to instructions that they actually provide you with in the box they say if it's blurred it's because you're actually pressing the printer against your skin you're meant to just not like hover it over the skin but just like not press down at all i guess if you roll too fast or too slow maybe it will break your design up okay so they're saying if you don't prime it can be smudged and if you press down too hard it can also be smudged but you guys this is actually very impressive let me know would you guys think that this is a real tattoo if you didn't just see me print it on i feel like it definitely looks more real than you know like traditional temporary tattoos i mean definitely up close you can tell that it's not real i mean compared to like oh my gosh my crazy terrible first tattoo but just having the real ink next to the fake ink there i mean you can still tell that you know something is a little bit different so this is the clearest print that i've been able to get so far but i still think maybe i don't have my form like a hundred percent perfected yet i'm gonna seal this in and go ahead and prime the top of my arm and i'm not going to go as crazy with the primer this time and uh see if that oh does the eyes look a little like they're getting a little bit maybe blurrier after i just wet the tattoo again right or am i just imagining this side note um the smell that at first was like very pleasant is now kind of giving me a headache it's it's like a good smell but like a very strong smell like i said i remade my gonzo design let's test that on the top of my arm and then i think i'm gonna go in the other room and prime a couple areas so we can test out a couple other designs that people have made maybe this is just like not designed properly i guess because i did just like copy and paste the image from google i don't know how other people have submitted these designs into the system like maybe they're actually illustrating them or something i don't know it's still so tiny i feel like it came out a lot better this time you can definitely see what it says i have some more room here so i'm gonna go ahead and just prank a couple more designs there was this like weird and a joker mask but it honestly looks like joaquin phoenix so pretty jazzed for that oh that one came out like maybe i pressed a little too hard but that looks pretty cool there was another one that i liked that was a skeleton actually let's do this there's like a ufo oh guys i do almost feel like the um the spray has like gotten to me it's almost like i don't know if you sit in a room with like spray paint or something for too long maybe i should have done this on my leg more pranking room oh i definitely did not do that very well maybe it's because it's like in a kind of weird awkward bony area of my arm got space up here there was a skeleton that i liked let's go ahead and prank that i wish i had more room on this like death eater area of my arm but that one is so big that one is like honestly it perfect that one's kind of the most realistic one that we've been able to do today i guess my gonzo one is okay but it's like not as big i guess i just i can't get it as big as i want it oh i feel like i'm doing it in a weird area i mean it doesn't look terrible though so i know my gonzo one has some text on it but i bet a lot of you guys uh would like to know what just like more lettering looks like so there was this carpe diem design and we have like a little olive branch oh now i'm just doing it bad you guys i'm gonna go um prime my freaking legs and we'll see if like leg is much flatter surface and we'll see if that works out a little bit better ooh maybe i can just like pop my shin up here i've got like much more pores i've got enlarged pores on the legs from shaving i don't know what this face i'm making with these hands is okay welcome to hair dyeing headquarters um so this death eater one is completely sealed so i just wanted to bring you guys into the shower and we'll see quite a bit of water there i don't think i remember to see all these in so we'll see kind of the difference there everything is nice and wet and wow that is really impressive i mean i'm rubbing pretty vigorously i mean probably if you take your fingernail wow even if i take my fingernail and actually scratch at it if it's sealed in with just water it doesn't seem to come off now see the joker one i didn't seal in and even just uh not adding soap but just adding water you guys can see the big difference there i'm sure you all can see the ink coming off and everything i'm gonna add a little bit of body wash and we'll see i can rub this off with soap and water i feel like you really do kind of have to work at it to remove it even with soap um once you've sealed it in but i'm sure you guys can see if you don't seal it in and use soap it washes off like instantly i'm having to like aggressively scratch you guys are about to see like my arm is gonna be quite red skin is a little red here from me scratching at it but you can still lightly see the death eater design and the other ones are completely gone that i didn't seal in properly and i also feel like i've noticed a difference depending on how long you're wearing the design comes uh more difficult to cleanly wash off the longer that you've been wearing it so there maybe seems to be some sort of like staining aspect to it but i really think that if i were to use like you know a body scrub something with like a little bit of exfoliant in it or you know if i really like got after it even more it would come off so it's not something that's gonna like leave behind i don't know what accent that was it's nothing that's gonna leave behind like a permanent permanent mark but uh you guys on the leg i had so much fun i don't know if it's like a difference of a couple of things a couple of factors like a obviously like i have wider flatter leg skin so i feel like it's just less curvy than trying to print stuff on my arm or if it is just because i've finally like gotten down the um you know whole finesse of how hard to press and how quick to roll but everything i printed on my leg turned out really awesome i'm sure you guys can see just between the two carpe diems the one i tried again on my leg and the one that was on my arm there's like clear differences in clearness there i also tried this extra long hot dog i was very surprised by how big this hot dog tattoo is i tested out the boo a sea horse this really awesome like beetle design i think that the images come out better and look more realistic when they don't have as much solid areas of ink like just for side by side comparison i feel like the beetle looks much more real than the hot dog you know once again it could be slight differences from me pressing one design to the other but i feel like the designs uh that are not as concentrated in areas of ink they just they come out cleaner they look sharper they're not as like the hot dog i feel like has just a little bit of blurring so uh i feel like it is time for some conclusions and you know my final review of the product it is a lot of fun i feel like once you get started in using this thing it's like almost you don't want to stop because you're like oh what's this design going to look like what's this design going to look like and it's just kind of like the fun of honestly learning how to properly get something to print i mean nothing looks as real as a real tattoo as a real tattoo does nothing fake looks as real as a real tattoo that's an easier way of saying that i'm gonna dangerously stand on this spinning chair i feel like if you saw some of these designs from a distance like doesn't that beetle like kind of look real do you know what i'm saying like oh my god when i was like in junior high all through high school i used to every day take a sharpie pin and draw a butterfly on my ankle and a couple teachers honestly stopped me and wanted to get me into trouble because they thought that i was which i'm like you can be a minor and get a tattoo as long as you have parents permission i don't i don't know what they thought that they were gonna do about it if it was a real tattoo i guess maybe they could like make me cover it up every day i don't know but i had to explain like no i just draw it with a sharpie whatever but i feel like it's kind of that sort of thing do you know what i'm saying like if it was on your body at a distance i don't think people would be like is that a real tattoo i think they would just assume that it is a real tattoo this is kind of an alternative for like if you want something that looks reasonably real as almost like part of your makeup routine or something like you guys know i have those like fake septum piercings where i just like slide the ring in and i have a couple of them that a lot of you guys think that i ultimately went out and like got a real nose piercing so i almost think that you could incorporate that into your like beauty routine on that level if you wanted a tattoo but you didn't want a real tattoo this is almost like a tattoo machine for indecisive people that don't want to commit to like a design full-time forever on your skin now i'm going to tell you guys the biggest downside in my opinion it seems like everything you buy these days they want you to not only buy the device which i don't remember exactly how much it cost but it's certainly not cheap and it's like once you commit to buying their system and if you want to keep using it then you're gonna already be committing to buying you know the primers and refill inks and all of that but you only can do 20 custom designs every month or you have to pay a monthly subscription that ranges anywhere from five dollars a month to 20 or to 10 a month i don't like that i think that that kind of sucks like especially when you first get the machine and you're in the process of like trial and error and learning like for me with my gonzo tattoo i already used two slots there it's not like if you make a design and you mess up you can go back and like alter the same design you've already created you have to take up a whole nother slot people don't want to pay five dollars a month to submit a bunch of designs but if they opened it up and you could just make a bunch of designs then maybe you could like download the app see a design that you really really liked that somebody submitted and it would encourage you to buy like the whole system so i don't know i think that that really just kind of sucks i think that that's cheesy i know people have like different opinions on like subscriptions and like automatic subscriptions and all kinds of stuff like that but that is my two cents to me that's far and away the worst thing about this entire product right now this is a newer device so there are quite a few categories and tattoo designs to choose from i mean you guys saw there was a lot of tattoo designs already at my disposal that i liked that i wanted to try today so it's not like there wasn't anything already submitted that i would want to try like that i felt like i had to create my own design to get something that i liked other than that i really have no complaints about this thing i am almost tempted to now buy the color ink so if you're thinking about getting this i would probably honestly recommend i mean unless there is just a specific tattoo design uh that you want to print and color i would recommend getting the slightly less expensive black ink only version because as you guys could see when i was loading the ink this machine does come with the space you can do color ink and black ink so you know get it a little bit cheaper try it see if you like it maybe see how much you end up using it before you commit to buying something that's like much more expensive everything else about this was super easy the setup process was super easy the charging is super easy i love how in the app they tell you how much uh battery power you still have left so you know um when you need to charge it i just hate the monthly subscription thing it should at least give you like more templates to start off in the beginning because you kind of don't know how the tattoo is gonna turn out like once again my little um gonzo design i made when you actually upload an image there's three different styles you can choose from one is just the image like just how you uploaded it and then there are two other um styles i think one is called outline and one is called edge and i think maybe the edge like choosing their little like i don't know if it's like changing the resolution or something like it made it a little bit better but do you see what i'm saying there's like a lot of experimentation to figure out what works the best when you're first starting out so it just sucks that every single time you try and even like figure out how to use the machine like you're being subtracted one of the 20 designs i don't know anyway i digress i hope you guys enjoyed today's video i can't wait to hear you guys thoughts and opinions on this machine down below what do you think is it something that you think is really cool would you want to try it and use it yourself do you think you would use it regularly or is it something that you think is kind of like more gimmicky and you'd just rather go out and get a real tattoo i would love to know also a huge thank you once again to today's video sponsor which is casedify don't forget click the first link in the infobox down below today check out all of their awesome cases there's a lot of customization options over there as well and uh until i see you guys again thank you guys so much for hanging out today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swap family and give an alligator at swangs i love you guys so so much and i will see y'all again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 431,086
Rating: 4.9297328 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, long hair, infomercials, infomercial, work, does it work, curl, curly, hair tool, hairdryer, easy, fast, curls, curly hair, straight hair, commercial, crazy, weird, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, curlformer, do curlformers work, experiment
Id: aSU-xyDQkE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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