Trying 5 Heatless Hair Curling & Waving Methods !! *which is best?!*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are going to be doing something a little bit different than what we normally do you guys can see by the title today we are trying out a bunch of overnight or like heatless hair techniques i am so excited for this you guys know i hardly ever do anything to my hair but when i do i try to keep it heatless um mainly because i am super lazy so i like to have hair things happen overnight without lots of effort but also because i know that heat can be a little bit damaging to your hair so if you can get the same results as a heat tool with something that isn't heat that's pretty good right but in this video we are going to be trying out so many fun techniques i have some that i have used many times in the past and some that are new to me so i'm excited to see if by the end of this video we can crown a winner of the best heatless overnight hair curling waving technique i guess everybody's gonna have a different favorite but for me like i have very long hair so i'm excited to see if some of these can do good with my long hair comments about my hair are probably the comments that i see the most and honestly thank you guys so much for being so like loving and complimentary of my hair because truly the person who gets most bored and fed up with my hair is definitely me and then i'll see some of your guys's comments and like my love like the spark will relight because of the comments you guys have convinced me that i like my hair again so i'm thankful for that but i do get a little bit bored of it just because i do nothing with it but with these tools i think they're pretty simple and like low effort i don't know we'll see i know i've used these ones before in a video these twists i think without further ado let's get into trying some of these heatless or overnight hairstyles and i keep saying heatless or overnight because it's like it's heatless but if you want it done quicker you can like dry it with a blow dryer so in that case there is a little bit of heat but like then you're sort of stimulating the overnight process of your hair drying i don't know it's confusing basically we're going to be doing our hair without hot tools in many different techniques i'm going to be testing them out and hopefully by the end of this you guys are inspired to try some of these techniques out is this a good video let me know let's try out the first technique let's go if i'm using heat i'll use a big waver like this and i find that this one in particular burns my hair maybe i just leave it on way too long but so i seeked out a heatless option and i was able to find these now you can get these on amazon or sometimes they'll be just at like a grocery store in like the makeup department or like a drugstore and it kind of imitates the same thing these waves i really like this one because they sell them in like a smaller version for people with shorter hair and then this is a 21 inch for people with longer hair i'm just going to dampen my hair with a little square this is actually like my plant sprayer so i'm a plant today so i'm just gonna dampen it a little bit i don't want it to be like wet wet because then my hair won't dry once you get good at using these kind of things then you can like watch a show or a youtube video you can watch my channel you can watch this video while you put your hair into these little contraptions okay so now let's begin so you're gonna put together this little stick that comes with it push it through hook in a piece now i always take too big of a section but i kind of have to do like hair management because if you run out of these little pieces and you still have hair left well then what's gonna happen then right and then you're gonna start pulling and it should feed your hair through the device the device and then there we go so i'm gonna pull mine over to the end so i won't have tons of waves near the top of my head and there you go all right you guys so now that we are drowning in all of these noodles in our hair if you're unable to sleep with something like this i get it trust me if you can't sleep with something like this then this way would maybe work better for you so now i'm going to basically dry my hair and this is the part where there is some heat because it is a dryer but you could just walk around your house for like the next two hours let your hair dry in these and then pull them out so there's many ways you can do it depending on your preferences but for the sake of the video i'm going to dry them i do have this fun thing but i don't know if i'm gonna be able to fit all of it in here let's see trying to get all my hair in here all right tuck it in get in there okay okay if you guys have yet to see if you use this contraption lucky you but here it is all right turn it on let's dry this hair oh and one thing if you have a little bit more time you can dry it on the cold setting it'd take a lot longer but that way there's no heat okay now we're going to pull these babies out and hope that they don't look bad oh my goodness where's all the crabs where's all the crimps usually i have my hair soup oh there we go hold on hold on okay okay okay actually hold on a minute these front pieces are just too disappointing so i'm gonna push them back make it look like we meant for it to happen okay guys here is the overnight heatless waves this is like the star wave that's like the ideal wave we're trying to get even though it's not like crazy thick perfect waves every single one it's a lot more fun than the hair i started with so this is the first technique let's try out some more all right guys we're in terrible lighting and probably terrible sound so i'm gonna make this quick basically i saw this one on tick-tock this is one that i've never done before so i don't know how it's going to turn out and this one i'm actually going to do overnight because i feel like some of them i want to do quickly so i use the hair dryer but i want to do you know i want to show you guys the overnight stuff so this one is a tick tock special so i'm just going to brush out my hair now i usually don't like brushing my hair when it's wet but i always try to brush my hair before i get in the shower so that brushing it afterwards if i need to while it's wet it's a lot less painful and of course i use the wet brush okay i feel like that's pretty good for brushing now if you have a housecoat or a ribbon of some sort this is actually like the string of the trench coat from my thrifted wardrobe capsule and it's a little thin for what i was hoping but i think that'll just mean like tighter curls i wish my mom was here to help me right now because like i need another human but all right so you basically start in the front you're going to wrap it around and slowly adding more hair kind of like what is that braid called i don't know what it's called you're just eventually going to have all of your hair included on this thing and i'm trying to wrap it rather tight i also feel like this will be like a comfy one to sleep in because i like my hair out of my way while i sleep again this is the first time i've done this one so i really don't know how this is gonna turn out but okay and then you take it and you wrap it all the way around i don't know how it's gonna turn out okay and then the last thing you do is you just wrap it around itself like princess leia boom that's it i'm gonna do that to the other side here's the second technique i don't know how it will go but i'm going to bed okay guys it is time to take this out let's just see you know i'm hopeful i've seen lots of tutorials of this lots of tick tocks of this and it always turns out looking so nice so we'll see it's just weird does this look kind of bad that just not i feel like i'm failing all of these techniques like what did i do wrong though oh gosh oh my okay that side's a little better um why is my hair still wet oh my gosh okay i don't know what's happening like oh my goodness you guys i failed this technique ah look how bad it looks this one was a fail and i can't say it's the techniques bald as much as it's probably my own fault this is this is upsetting i was expecting these beautiful girls today i don't mind that that's how i'm gonna roll around today just take advantage of the few pieces that did well okay yeah like that that looks a little bit better do all of this technique just to have a few face framing pieces now we're going to try another tool this one looks very interesting my hair i just washed it it's pretty damp it looks a little bit dry on the top but like throughout you can see it is a little damp this is the tool that we're trying let me show you guys it because i've never tried it before it's very strange so you like pop it open like this and then you would wrap your hair around it and then pop it closed and that's kind of the tool that's it i hope there's enough in here let's get wrapping this around and see how this works this should make curls so we'll see if we can make some darn curls so wrap it up and then just keep on wrapping now again my hair is a little difficult just because it is long but hopefully this thing can handle it i don't know if i should roll it all the way up because it's starting to get pretty full oh yeah okay all right you guys so i am actually feeling pretty good about this now i was doing like a lot of con like conserving of these little rubber pieces but once i was done my hair i still have a lot left so i think if i was going to redo it i would definitely use smaller sections and just keep in mind that i do in fact have enough and another thing i figured out is there's actually two sizes there are smaller ones probably more for like face framing and then there are bigger ones so i'm feeling pretty good about it the only concern is i hope that they're able to dry they've got little holes in them but they are like a silicone so hopefully there's enough air going in it's also making me feel like i look like i have a mullet right now which i'm not complaining about i'm just going to dry my hair a little bit i'm going to put it on the cold setting just because i don't want to use any heat so it might take a little bit longer to dry but let's try okay let's see how this looks please please be successful like i need a successful one come on curl curl okay that looks like a kind of a weird curl but it's there okay okay not bad oh my gosh is it working you guys did we do a successful curl oh my goodness i feel like this is working we're doing it we're doing it for real we got a heatless curl we did it oh my goodness look how bouncy that one is okay i need to spray it i don't want this to fall like i actually have some curls in my hair i repeat there are curls in my hair oh my goodness you guys i think these have been the first successful curls like look at that look at those curls those are cute i love it i would love if they made these like even just one size bigger so i could really roll it up but like that was easy and i got some curls going on okay thank goodness there has been a successful heatless curl i'm happy something worked out okay you guys i look like an actual tomato but this is going to be my third attempt now at doing waves heatless waves and i'm gonna go basic with this so i'm gonna try a french braid but i don't know how to french braid so i'm calling in the expert it's really late too so we're just gonna get to it not giving up yet [Music] all right oh it looks really cute thanks mom all right guys i'm gonna go to sleep see if these are the waves that we've been looking for it's the next morning i'm gonna take my hair out i'm feeling most confident about this one for some reason maybe this is the simple yet good way to do it i'm not sure i guess we're about to see like already this is feeling promising and like this was super easy to sleep with my hair and braids like it was actually kind of comfortable oh yes that is the answer that this is the way to do it guys okay this is the way so this is definitely like a very beachy wavy crimpy hair super effortless and easy we have lots more techniques to try let's try those all right you guys i really hope you're not like getting bored of these techniques we have one more and then i might try and do a redemption on the like rope one i just feel like i didn't show that one very well and i want to try it again like it turned out so terribly i just feel like we can do better at that but this this technique i'm trying to figure out because you know i've done this one before on my channel it's in a video i'll put it right here it's in this video and i can put a little snippet of it but i don't think i'm going to do it in this video just because there's one other technique i want to try and because i've done this one before and you might have seen it so yeah basically i know this one works but this one is something i have not tried yet now it is basically the equivalent of a miniature pool noodle that's what it feels like and i ordered a few of these like long time ago long long time ago and there's only 10. so that's not enough for my hair so i would definitely if i like this i'm definitely going to order more but i think i'll section off half my head and try and do just like a smaller section basically pretend like this whole section of hair doesn't exist let's try this basically you roll it up and then close it off so i'm just going to wrap it around like i would wrap it around like a hot tool now i need to make sure to secure it now this is where i'm a little confused like i often see people doing stuff like this is that a good idea [Music] i just walked around the house for like an hour so it should be dry see oh excuse me okay what are you joking right now this one was like the easiest one it's getting the best bouncy curls oh my goodness look how bouncy that curl is oh my gosh you guys i'm spraying this i want this to stay all day these are adorable curls oh my goodness what i swear i don't even have like a curling wand that makes this type of curl like it's so bouncy oh my gosh who would have thought that these miniature pool noodles would do the best heatless curls i suggest these you guys okay you guys i decided not to bore you with putting my hair into this situation last night i did it exactly the same way the only thing that i changed for the redemption part of it is my hair wasn't even close to his wed it was like borderline dry when i put it into it last night so it's very very dry now i still feel like little pieces that are still wet just because when it's all tangled up it is harder for it to dry but i think we have a better chance at it actually turning out and i just i've seen this concept so much of like how to get overnight curls like this so i was really disappointed with how mine turned out so i'm hopeful that we can do it some justice this time let's take this out all right so come on oh yeah oh and i also changed this this is like a fluffy real bathrobe oh my goodness okay okay this is already a million times better oh my goodness this looks way better i mean like it's still not like the tightest most bouncy curls but like this is cute wavy effortless curls and like seriously that worked okay you guys it turned out so much better and it is so easy it literally takes like five minutes to get your hair into that and like you end up with this this worked okay i'm so happy we did a redemption because like it worked hopefully this video was helpful if you guys are looking for heatless or overnight curls or waves if you end up trying out any of these techniques make sure to send me a picture over on instagram i would love to see how it works out for you i hope it works out well for you guys if it doesn't i'm sorry i am sorry maybe you just need to try it again like i did because like anything practice makes perfect the first time i tried this one it was awful and now this time i really like it if you want to see me try any more techniques make sure to let me know down below or any other hair videos also let me know down below and as always thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 805,928
Rating: 4.961484 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, heatless hairstyles, testing different heatless hair techniques, testing overnight curls, trying overnight waves, trying overnight hairstyles, all about my hair, how I grow my hair long, how I keep my hair healthy, using no heat on my hair for a month, how I take care of my hair, heatless hair, heatless curls, heatless bouncy curls, heatless hair giant waves, heatless hairstyles for long hair, heatless hair techniques for short hair, hairstyles for school
Id: xjvanSlo1jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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