Water From Your Own Well- (Pastor Walter L Pearson Jr.)

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breath of life presents experience the power with Walter Elle Pearson jr. today pastor Pearson's message is entitled water from your own well here it is proverbs chapter 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters of thine own well there it is tonight we're speaking on the topic drinking from your own well would you pray with me before we begin father in heaven we are so grateful tonight for another opportunity to enjoy the Word of God to experience the power of Jesus in the Word of God some people seem to think that it's drudgery to be in the Bible they seem to want to make it drudgery but when we open the word there is power there is joy there is salvation and so tonight we pray father that the Holy Spirit will hover over us and move among us so that we might feel the power and sense it in our minds and hearts in the name of Jesus amen let me do something tonight that I've done at least once before I have inverted my sermon I sometimes want to put the best for last in the Bible you remember about the water that Jesus changed and when he had finished they said where'd this come from and somebody remarked you saved the best for last well if Jesus comes in the house it's good at the beginning and it gets better and better what do you say incidentally a Christian marriage ought to be that way it ought to be just like that Jesus performed that miracle at a wedding it's a good symbol if you are connected in Christ it ought to start good and get better so let's begin with a few general admonitions most of the folk in here who are married already know these things but let's just remind you first of all you should do whatever you can to maintain family worship now in these days it's not easy cuz everybody's on a different schedule but if you take the time if you make the time to pull the family together and to worship the God of heaven to let Jesus have a place in your life I guarantee that it'll make a difference you ought to plan weekly family days family days are not easy to maintain but you know you ought to sit down and look at each other at least once a long time ago let me tell all of you young people ages ago people used to eat together I know it's hard to believe but they actually sat down at a table all at one time and at that moment they would say grace over the food and then sometimes they repeat texts sometimes they chair something but it gave them a moment to come together you want to plan not only worship but days when the family comes together you ought to make family activities joyous some houses resemble mausoleums huh and if you think that's gonna make you grow and be happy in fact sometimes it worries me that people believe that in order to be holy you should be sad yeah oh come on don't act like you did you haven't seen any of them I've met people who look like they were who acted like they were baptized in lemon juice they they wanted to be holy but they pretended that being sad makes you holy if you ever read in Galatians the chapter 5 where it talks about the fruit of the Spirit of course love is the fruit of the Spirit but the first manifestation after that is joy so if the Holy Spirit dwells in you there ought to be joy you ought to demonstrate love constantly now tell them is a time with maybe we need to talk because I know that you know some of us think that if you bring home money and if you bring food and if you supply things that your wife oughta know that you love her well there's something about the way women are wired they like to kind of hear it even though it may seem obvious to you so look it really won't it won't crack your jaw it won't hurt your throat it will not make your teeth look worse you can actually squeeze it out remember before you got married all that stuff you used to talk huh you had songs that everybody knew but you put a little twist on them uh-huh you had poems that you thought she had never heard before and you pretended that they might have been yours but you always had some little sweet something to say now when you get mad all you got to do better than that oh the fact is that marriage does not consist of temporal things that's a that's a $5 word that means it doesn't matter how much you have I want to read a text about that one because there are some people in fact are no ladies who are looking for a man with money and you know who you are Luke chapter 12 this is in the Bible and while I'm on it I might as well say that there's some men who are looking for women with money if my granddaddy could have gotten a hold of you Oh granddaddy had stuff to say about a man who wouldn't take care of the house but I got that coming that's this is Luke chapter 12 and verse 15 says this and he said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consisteth consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth life is not made up of money I used to read all the time about Howard Hughes a wealthy man who died in a strange situation and proved by his life that money can't buy happiness money is okay I'm not mad at money but money ought not be the only criteria you use to make your marriage work if there are people who have lots of money when I started in the ministry I went to to a church just for a while and and they assigned me a couple that needed counsel I I felt very out of place we hadn't been married that long myself and when these people came in I discovered that they were very wealthy in fact when I asked the lady what was the problem she said I don't have enough he won't share enough and when he outlined what he gave her he said well I gave her a Jaguar and she didn't like it I bought her a Seville and she didn't like that I bought her a Mercedes and she didn't like that I give her an allowance I think way back then it was something like $2,000 a week and you know what my brain was saying while I said you mean he done gave you enough money if he gave it to me I could be happy and my wife could be happy we could both what I discovered was that it's not money that makes you happy it's way more than that what do you say 1st Timothy chapter 5 and verse 8 ladies you ought to turn over here because this is going to talk about what a man ought to do and I know you want to take this somewhere and hang it on the wall but you better be careful because I got one for you first Timothy chapter five and verse eight short little text it's amazing I don't know how it came to be that way but the things that say what men ought to do tend to be kind of narrow and the ones that say what women ought to do kind of get broad some people say it's because of the time when the Bible was written I don't know let's let's just see what the Bible says this is first Timothy chapter 5 verse 8 but if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house he had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel is that strong enough so I guess what I want to say to brethren is before you say I do make sure you can mmm I am still shocked at the people who get ready to get married and if they come to me for counsel one of the sections of my counsel is let's talk about your budget they say uh what budget yeah budget uh where is your income gonna come from and I I am shocked sometimes to discover that maybe nobody works well I got to leave that alone cuz I'll spend too much time on it what do they think it's gonna happen you know being alone with no income is bad enough you're gonna join with somebody else in this situation so what are you gonna do I know what they believe they believe that love conquers all and that may be true but it will have a struggle with hunger pains look at proverbs ladies before you get too excited proverbs actually there's a whole chapter in Proverbs that you ought to read but I won't go through it because it would seem uneven so I'm only going to read one verse from poverty captor 31 proverbs chapter 31 and verse 30 here is the conclusion ladies if you really want to check because the reason why you ought to check is because your husband is gonna go read this so you maybe want to know what he read he will read proverbs chapter 31 you might want to read it I'm only gonna give you the conclusive end and here's what it says in verse 30 well let me read verse 30 and 31 favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised give her the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her indicates if you go back through this chapter you will discover the traditional marriage described today we know that there are marriages that are non-traditional or temporary there are marriages where the man is not the only breadwinner in fact some would say that you can't make it without having both of the spouses being breadwinners well the wife goes to work you are no longer in a traditional marriage now there are men who believe that even after she goes to work the rules still apply I wish you go in there and and cook something somebody needs to vacuum somebody ought to do the laundry well if you were working and she's working the somebody maybe you I'll be honest with you my wife had a job well she's had a few jobs where she made way more money than I did you should have seen me when she brought that big old check home I put a smile on her face I know every now and then I'd even go in the kitchen give me a bunch of timers and a bunch of recipes and at least let him know I was trying to cook something come on in girl and she might have had to put something in it to make it right but what I wanted to let her know is honey when you plank that big jack down and it goes boom I'm a man working to make it good for you so here's what you got to do you got to decide to have a traditional marriage or a non-traditional marriage if it's traditional and she stays home then you've got a right to go on in then you know you know if you if you if you're paying the bills if you are the only breadwinner then you will find in this tack chapter where it says sister don't be home you know dieting up them shows man leave home you got rollers do they still wear rollers I think they do I saw lady the other day and then when he comes back you have move nothing in the house has moved you know gone in there I think there's something left over that's not the deal but if both of you are working then you've got to share the responsibilities is that sound okay to you up look at first Peter chapter three first Peter chapter three I want to talk about some of the practical things that can happen in a marriage to make it better first Peter chapter three and we'll start with verse eight this is a text and most people would not apply to marriage but I'm gonna do it cuz it fits first Peter chapter three started with a verse eight finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brethren that mean you're not married but love has brethren be pitiful and courteous not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing but contrariwise blessing knowing that you are there unto call that you should inherit a blessing for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guy let him issue evil and do good let him seek peace and ensue it for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil what you need to know is that when you shut the doors of your house God is still looking there are people who have split personalities in their marriages when they're out there oh honey how are you come come dear this is my wife yes honey is it hard look this is my you know and then when they get inside see you tomorrow take out the trash did you pay the bills you turn into maintenance conversation but what you need to know is that fake you putting on outside you need to be better inside the house when nobody's looking then when somebody is looking because the eyes of God are on you so you gotta you gotta pay attention to that you are to Ephesians chapter 4 in verse 26 the Bible says that you ought to end each day without the Sun going down on your wrath I'm going to get to some wonderful things that will kind of connect with this but if you want to stay married a long time don't let stuff build up huh handle it while it's small there are no two people who fit perfectly somebody in your family had a habit that you thought was ok but when you get in a household with somebody else I don't care if you were reared next door to each other there are things that your family did and things that your family did that don't match so you may be sitting there and you know it gets a little quiet when you first get to the real marriage I'm not talking about that you know everybody can deal with that that's what you saw on television and then it kind of gets to hey how are you doing and then and you know you're trying to figure out how could he miss that when y'all were dating each other do you always make that sound say well you got a lot of nerve to talk to you you drop clothes all through the house every day when you come home and if you keep on letting a little stuff go by like that you got to handle it proactively but the Bible says no matter what goes on don't let the Sun go down on your wrath in fact the proverbs 15 and verse 1 says that a soft answer turneth away wrath I'm getting ready to give you a rule that is not in the Bible but I can almost qualify it as an experience to Powerman think before you speak I tell you something about words believe that little stuff you heard when you were a kid sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me the reason why you need to think in fact sometimes you need to just shut up pray because once words get out there you can't pull them back and you want your spouse to forgive and forget but you'll be surprised nine years later you'd be in an argument I remember what you said so try to let as few negative words get out there as possible guard your tongue that's some good advice trust me then let me run down a few things you ought to inspire each other to achieve let me tell you something anything that a spouse becomes is affected by their partner yeah you get the wrong partner and you know you come in with your idea hey I'm you know something I'm gonna go and I'm gonna take some courses and cuz I'm thinking I got a you know I got a little scaling yeah what you ought to do stay on that job you got yup yup you know I don't know about all your dreams I know you're getting a check so you know what you just did just kill the dream why don't you sit down with them and say yeah let me tell you something you said little lady I'm married to dad that's a powerful little woman there are times when when I think I can't do stuff and she'll talk talking her stuff I start feeling myself grow no I'm thinking I got an idea she said yeah do they know she may ask me now how you're gonna finance it that's okay but you you've got inspire the best in each other and and and unless you find out that somebody does inspire the best in you don't marry him by the time they get through pushing you down and down and down and there's some people who get excited about pushing you down you cannot have that kind of experience in you you ought to inspire each other a little bit more things you ought to share interests marriage is like a ladder the two vertical pieces must have connecting rungs if you have nothing in common I almost said if you have nothing in common but since ooh allottee but if you have nothing in common there will come a time when you when you're trying to figure out what should we do now but you all have some things that are in common you all learn to like the things that interests your spouse when my wife and I got married I could care less about furniture a family where I grew up we did not have discretionary income to worry about styles of furniture we thought a chair was still a chair but my wife had studied these things and so I must tell you that at first it was a little awkward but I think what kind of chair is that that's that's Mediterranean I see that uh I always like to look at cars even when I couldn't buy them so she go I look odd she didn't particularly like cars but she you know yeah you've got to share things and the more things you share the tighter your two vertical pieces become and it wills you together huh if all the things you like are with the girls or if all your things that you like or with the boys you gonna grow closer to the girls and the boys then to each other and trouble will follow I should have charged tonight I knew it remember special days gentlemen let's be real there are some days you ought to put in your Palm Pilot um your organizer your rolodex write em on a piece of paper and stick them in your closet but there are days you can't let pass all right you let an anniversary go back if you won't come straight at you I guess today is just a regular day huh if you got a bad memory write them down put them in a book you always looking and ladies you all not make it a one-way affair the man in your life deserves to have special days recognized too in fact you ought to make every day special the things you used to do when you were trying to win each other and impress each other come on now I'm not gonna bother with you long I don't have time but you remember don't wait a minute honey you in move up just a little bit you remember that uh-huh now hey what you waiting for and and sister come on now talk to me about that meal even when you had to go to your mom's place to get her to cook the thing when you brought it home it was yours and you had a little candlelight you know and all kinds of stuff and you had a little bit you know you got to keep on doing that if you know the man likes a special kind of something cook it again huh and an Kenna cannot look like here you still look when you cooked it because if you make every day special the life you live together will be a joy let me tell you what I need to share with you there's a gentleman in Africa who's like a brother to me I heard him express something and I borrowed it and I asked him could I and he said yes we are teaching all of us married folk are teaching a generation of children something that is alive let me demonstrate it you are in your car in traffic the red light comes on in just you're behind a car where a man and a woman are so close together that you can barely tell who's driving are they married or single you can't make up your mind you're behind a car and the man is on this door and the woman is on this door married or single let me tell you what we're teaching children stick with me this is serious we are teaching young people that you can only be happy when you sneak we're teaching them that the joy goes out when the marriage starts there are even religious couples who don't drive to church together you know why don't you go and you know go so you never see them in the same space but your kids know that everything on television everything in motion pictures where somebody is like give me a call love you so much everybody doing that is single everybody doing that is doing something that's not according to the Word of God then they come home and there you are you know you yeah you know you are how you day go okay I'm a watch TV okay I'm gonna go on again I got a call some of my friends and they find out that when you're married you come apart we are guilty of giving them a false impression because the fact is that God's blessing is on a marriage I'm coming to it it's it's my best part so I'm suggesting to you that you must learn to act as though you're still in love huh cuz you know you love each other if anybody stopped you're safe uh sir EULA oh yeah um yeah I'm in little do you love him oh yeah sure but that's not the way you used to say you remember where you were you use the same you know oh yeah you know you all are smiles do I love them look at him but when you get married that dreams away it's it's not right we are teaching young and then when you're you and your daughter and your son go get involved in something they shouldn't be you say why did you do that and they can't tell you the truth they could say cuz it don't look like to me that you and Daddy got anything left and it looked like the folks out there are enjoying love and I'm telling you something married people have got to stop acting like they are brother and sister all right I got too close to you you got quiet I got one last thing to say before I go into some serious stuff don't tell your business if your man is not pleasing you right now see cuz you he did well she wouldn't be married but if you come to a rough place in the road and every couple will find someplace that's rough don't go out you know I'm having a hard time my man is let me take some that person you telling about your man may be quite encouraged to hear what you're saying are you still listening to that that that woman at the office that you're telling I don't know we got some problems in America we we don't seem to understand each other that woman that woman that you're telling but you can't tell other people because they may look at your mate you can't share things with a man and think that he won't think thoughts about moving in keep your business to yourself sister if you tell another sister she may be looking at him if you tell a man he may be looking at you brother if you tell another man he may be looking at you I and these days I need to take you to Malachi it's amazing what you get on your own Malachi chapter 2 are you with me last book in the Old Testament and I've got to read you something that I used to put at the very end but it needs to be in the middle and that's where we'll put it to date this is Malachi chapter 2 and go to verse 16 Malachi chapter 2 verse 16 for the Lord the God of Israel saith that he hated putting away for one covereth violence with his garments that the Lord of hosts therefore take heed to your spirit that she deal not treacherously this text is pretty clear you don't need a background in theology or biblical languages what it says is that God hates divorce God hates it he says it's covering violence with your garment in other words it's doing violence but then covering it up it the background of this text had to do with priests who had married young and then dealt treacherously according to the words here with the young women that they married and had moved on let me tell you something when the Bible says that you get buried God makes you one flesh take that seriously when you get divorced it is equal to an amputation I know not because I've been through it praise God but I've met people who were strongly constituted but they got married and they thought that divorce was a minor thing but God says I will be Twain one flesh and when God performs that miracle and he does and then you say well let's break up it's not as easy to break up after God has made you one flesh and even even under the best of legal circumstances divorce is a horrible situation it will cause much pain it not only causes pain for the divorce but for children who are innocent and have to suffer because of it in fact in malachi 8 part b in matthew there's only read one reason in the bible for divorce it is not irreconcilable differences all of us know that broad term in america it means you can put anything together if you've got the right lawyer but you know well i wasn't thrilled anymore there's nowhere in the marriage vow that it says i will thrill my partner from this day forward we talked about that already but the fact is that that this divorce thing has gotten so broad that people divorce for reasons that don't make sense when you get into a marriage you've got to understand that you're there for the long term and it may not be always every day won't be scintillating every day you won't be floating on air but you've got to come together in the spirit of christ and if Jesus is between you he will pull you back together for what he accomplishes he can heal so if we put you together he can bring you back if you understand it can I hear you say man this is Matthew chapter five and let's look at verse 31 I think we need 31 and 32 and here's what it says it has been said whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement but I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth has her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery god says if you don't have an unfaithfulness issue not closed around the house not habits that i couldn't understand but unfaithfulness to the marriage vow and the fact is that unless there is abuse of some kind genuine physical or psychological abuse there are other ways to and all those problems and I suggest in fact let's let's go to this text Matthew chapter 18 because I think some people ought to consider it even if you have the grounds for divorce do I have your attention Matthew chapter 18 even if you have the grounds for divorce the fact is let me go with verse 21 that you've got to consider this then came Peter to him and said Lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him till seven times jesus saith unto him I say and not under the until seven times but until seventy times seven I want to be clear you must exclude abusive situations from this but if your mate has done something that has hurt you and that can happen if that person is willing to confess what they have done and face up to what they've done and ask the Lord to forgive them for what they've done and ask you to forgive them for what they've done you may do better forgiving the one you know then trying someone you don't know I have seen marriages that were stronger after a rift than they were before so I'm saying to you that God hates divorce if you are thinking about it tonight try everything before you do it because God hates it that is the word of God forgiveness is sometimes the better thing now I'm coming to some amazing stuff go to first John chapter 4 in verse 8 I would I would wager that somebody has not looked at this particular text in this particular way first John chapter 4 and verse 8 he that loveth not knoweth not God for god is love if God is love then I believe he is if God is love I there's no question first John chapter chapter 4 verse 16 says love is of God if love cannot exist outside of God then without God in your marriage you can't fake love you can't mimic love you can't experiment with love you can't even make love because without God there can be no love so if you don't have God in your relationship now invite him in because whatever you had before God got there may have been something wonderful but it wasn't love because God is love I dare you to get closer to God I dare you because if you get closer to God God has promised that he will do things for people who love him everything that God touches gets better I'm gonna stop a minute and just try to let you understand what I'm trying to preach if God touches it it improves so so without God there can be no real love the Bible says that marriage should be the formula for handling loneliness in fact let's go there let's go to Genesis chapter 2 start at the beginning we can get this in quickly I can't read all of these but some of them need to be read Genesis chapter 2 and let's start with verse 22 and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let the fowl multiply God says that he I'm partly that's on the wrong one and we don't stop tape here and the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man made he a woman brought her to the man told you about that last night but God did not take a rib with plans for taking more ribs oh say can you see see if God had left that that thing open said look at him we're gonna try this I may have to go back in there was only one rib so so the connection was not temporary there are people who actually marry I talked to a couple for just a little while I brought them together for counsel and they said pastor we don't get married but we don't we're just gonna try it out I said I'm sorry I'm finished and you got to find another counselor cuz I don't counsel temporary arrangements I don't have time in my life to counsel folk who who trying it out marriage does not have a trial you ought to know something before you get into it because God did not intend that marriage be impermanent so there's no question but that God intended for it to last forever there are ways that he intended to make it so it would last and among the wonderful things and I I must tell you that I I believe that God invented sex in fact I'm about to prove some things from the Word of God but that was not the stabilizing force God invented the connection that he makes between a man and a woman he says the twain shall become one flesh in ephesians he says I compare marriage to my relationship with my people and I've got a question that's easy an answer is Jesus gonna leave you under no circumstances is Jesus gonna leave you may leave in fact I say to you tonight anybody whoever says that we are not together anymore you can't see say Jesus left because he never does he's always there in the in Hebrews chapter 13 I can't go to it verses verse 4 it says marriage is honorable and the bed is undefiled some people are shocked at that what God intends to say is that marriage brings honor and in a marriage relationship God blesses the physical connection it's one of the things that he put there to keep us together in fact 1st Corinthians you ought to read this one 1st Corinthians chapter 7 and if you go to verses 4 and 5 force Corinthians 7 verses 4 and 5 you discover that their rules there it says the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife defraud ye not one another except it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves unto fasting and prayer and come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency now this is this is pretty clear that says when you get married you don't have control over your own body anymore you just gave your body my brother to your wife Chrysostom says that under the circumstance that a woman of low morality should approach you with temptation and should offer you some dalliance you must say to her I cannot because my body does not belong to me but to my wife huh is that clear enough or do we need to put some more edge on it sister I don't care who he is these days people are looking at pictures everywhere that inclined us to want to find something better let me tell you something but the beauty of being married for a long time and I want to recommend this to you if you want to get your wife excited and and make her remember things that she hasn't in a long time describe what she looked like when you first saw her to see all them little bodies running around on television they may be full of saline and silicone but you know what your wife is made up you sit down with her in fact tonight wouldn't be a bad night sit down and say girl when I met you first thing you know tell us some other don't get all excited for don't move to the central movement so your eyes was so beautiful and then there was your character cuz I'm gonna tell you something character is more important than shape form and shape may disappear but character will last tell about it and look you know the beautiful thing as you grow older together you chant you go through stages together so I can tell my baby what she looked like when I first met her I said girl you little sin you know but you everything was right where I was supposed to be when I first saw you I knew her had a little thing and and I tried to run cuz I didn't want to get serious but I kept on coming back because not only were you beautiful outside but you were beautiful inside and then when we got married and you started changing when you when you had our babies I loved you for having a baby and I did I used to get excited I love the way she look I love when that little belly developed and you know a couple of changes in that nose and I love them all but when I described to her what she has been over the years things get exciting she does it to me too you know cuz I wasn't always like this I used to look okay time has been unkind but she reminds me she said when I first saw you you know what she'll explain she'll talk about what it was that excited her and you know something when she described me I kind of straighten up well you're a slaw audience if you don't have it by now let me take you to my mean texture you're ready to go there go to proverbs chapter 5 and the clock is angry but it cannot steal this from us because this is the experience the power moment for tonight and I think you're gonna like it proverbs chapter 5 and let's start with verse 50 drink waters out of thine own sister and running waters out of thine own well let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of waters in the streets let them only let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth God intended husbands and wives to rejoice together if you're walking around looking mad you don't touch each other's hands anymore you don't go anywhere with each other anymore you don't find each other's company enticing you have done something wrong here is what God says in the in the days of old you connected Wells and cisterns got a make sure get it right you consist you connected Wells and systems with home but fountains and rivers were industry what this text actually says are your waters scattered in the street are you drinking water that runs in the street why would you drink water and not know was in it try my best to preach why would you drink polluted water why would you go in the street in some River that's flowing in a dirty street or some fountain that's public where everybody's been drinking who knows who drank their last huh I'm trying to break I don't know whether y'all got it but I'm bridging it when you come home you got a well it's covered you can let down bucket and all well pour it into your own sister so you know where it came from you know what's in it you have tasted it before you know it's not gonna hurt you it's only gonna do you good so while other folks are thirsty you know it's amazing single people you know before they get married I don't even want to get married oh you know I'm not even interested yeah but you're thirsty thirsty in fact sometimes your thirst drives you to do things that you're never all have done but here's what God says in Proverbs he says sister you don't have to be first anymore I'm giving you your own well and I'm giving you your own container your sister so your days of drinking in the street are over you don't have to worry about being thirsty all you need to do is get home so if you're thirsty just hold on all there trying to hear me I'm making an amazing parallel here if you get thirsty in the street don't let anybody offer your strange water cuz God is looking at your thirst and how you quench it so sister if God has given you a man he may not look like he used to look his hair may be gone his hair may be great he may be bent over but he you're well and he got bent over by going out working to make your house a home he got that way by bringing home what you needed to rear your children and you ought to hold on to that man wrap his ball head and praise God for it if that woman isn't exactly like she used to be if he doesn't look quite in the same shape remember that she got that way by bearing your children by making your house a home she got that way by taking care of you she gave herself she may have gone to work to make your house successful so she's a little bit less lovely than Madison Avenue things you know who she is and I'm telling you when you get thirsty in the street don't drink what's out there get home before you quench your thirst join us next time for more breath of life with pastor Walter L Pearson jr. when God makes a promise you can rest assured he'll keep that promise for our offer to you this week we give you a choice God's promises for men or God's promises for women men will discover that God gives a man's strength when he is angry and needs peace and God listens to a man's prayer when the responsibilities of life overwhelm him there's also a section on godly men of the Bible like Abraham David and Paul women will discover that God walks with women through disappointment and God gives freely to women power to defeat fear there's also a section on godly women of the Bible like Sarah Ruth and Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist whether you're a man or a woman in times of need in trouble in times of heartache and pain God is there for you with his promise discover his promises today by calling our toll-free number 877 bol offer that's eight seven seven two six five six three three three ask for God's promises for men or God's promises for women either book is yours for a gift of five dollars or more or you may write and ask for the book just write two breath of life P o box nine seven one nine to Washington DC to zero zero seven seven remember to include your gift of five dollars or more get your copy of God's promises for men or God's promises for women and find comfort in our God who keeps his promises breath of life presents 10 inspiring timeless messages from well-known evangelist and preacher CD Brooks to order a DVD or VHS call our toll-free number at 877 vol offer that's eight seventy seven two six five six three three three or you may write and request an order format breath of life P o box nine seven one nine two Washington DC 200 seven seven thank you for watching and supporting breath of life god bless you you
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
Views: 42,503
Rating: 4.6537585 out of 5
Keywords: breath, of, life, ministries, walter, pearson, seventh-day, adventist, sda, bible, jesus, god, religion, holy, spirit, trinity, faith, christianity, gospel, heaven, praise, truth, word, salvation, pastor, Salvation (Christianity), Ministry, Preaching, Lord, walter pearson, breath of life
Id: _n8Vqut_rMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Sat May 10 2014
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