House Calls- (Pastor Walter L Pearson Jr.)

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breath of life presenter relentless pursuit with pastor Walter L Pearson jr. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the book of Revelation chapter 3 in fact on this particular occasion I will read from a parallel of the Bible Revelation chapter 3 verses 20 and 21 I am standing at your heart's door knocking anyone who hears my voice and opens the door will be glad for I will come in and eat with him and he with me he who overcomes will receive the right to sit with me on my throne just as I overcame and sat down with my father on his throne I have entitled our study for this occasion housecalls would you pray with me Father in heaven we are grateful once again for the opportunity to open the word there are some who don't have this privilege and they long for it but today because it is ours we are grateful our hearts are glad and we dare not sit in silence when the power of the Holy Spirit moves through this place I only ask father in public what I have asked in private that all that I have and all lamb may be converted to thy use and I pray that we shall hear on this day a word from the Lord this is our prayer in Jesus name Amen I was shocked when I really thought about it I'm sure everybody has read this text before and somehow we reduce the Bible we bring it down to our own size but the Bible says that Jesus in fact Jesus declares of himself I stand at the door of your heart and I stand here knocking the scholars make it clear that this is not the door of proffered opportunity this is not the door of salvation man does not have the power over those doors but there is a door that God will not control and that's the door of my heart when you think about it as the Creator he could knock down the door he could force his way into your life but Jesus stands at the door of my heart powerless because he has limited himself and will not force me to let him in he gives me the right to keep the door closed I'm sad to say that some people do Jesus comes to the heart and you can put it in Revelations symbolism if you want to but this is real this is the son of God having already died on Calvary and that punctuate sit for me how in the world after Jesus has given everything after he gave up heaven and came and pitched his tent next to mine and then gave his life in that horrible death what in the world is he doing now knocking at my door I tell you this is a revelation of his love for us He loves us enough that he died for us and to be honest with you that should be enough after the death of Jesus on Calvary we ought to be knocking at his door we ought to be trying to find him the world should be the path to wherever Jesus is but instead some of us are reluctant some of us even after hearing the story the pain and suffering that he went through we are still reluctant and so we stay in our own homes we will not venture out and since we won't come I don't know I I can't put myself in the place of Jesus but if I try to imagine it I can't imagine myself coming to your door after such a sacrifice I'd wonder what was wrong with you I'd wonder whether you knew what I've just done for you I'd wonder whether you understood that you were lost until I came and died in your place I'd wonder whether you understood that without my living a perfect life not one of you would have an opportunity to gain heaven for all of our righteousness says I like filthy rags every good thing we've done Jesus did what we could not do put himself in our places so that he could put us in his place and yet there are some who don't feel any inclination to move towards Jesus so what does Jesus do does he sit down and say forget about him I don't know about you I think it would be appropriate if Jesus said that's it if that's not enough I can't do any more I think everyone would say that's justified but love doesn't make sense in a normal fashion love never stops giving love never stops reaching and until we really understand what the love of Jesus is like we cannot comprehend at all but I tell you this if Jesus did all he did and then comes to my door I get another picture of who Jesus is I'll tell you that I I think I have an insight into what Jesus goes through knocking on doors I served while I was a student at this very institution I I was what they call them a literature evangelist let me break that down there are people who are listening who will not understand the euphemism what it means is that you are selling books and periodicals door-to-door it's called a cold call it's the hardest thing a Salesman has to do to knock on a door never having met the people before it takes everything in you to be able to do it even great salespeople are reluctant to try it in fact these days it almost never happens since 9/11 people don't open their doors so quickly and so most companies have given up on cold calls there are a few still out there in fact I don't want to sound braggadocious but I think I still have enough left over that I might be able to get in the door or - my father taught me some secrets he said when you go to the door this is from another era of course you said when you go to the door and knock on it and then step back so that when they come to the door and look through the people they can see all of you they can see that you don't have a hidden weapon they can see that you are a regularly formed human being and they can see your smile they can understand what you're about they can determine from your body language that you are not harmful and so when they open the door after you step back then move as though you're gonna come in whether they invite you or not believe it or not in the old days that used to work many a time I had a big towering figure of a man just open his door because I was coming anyway I moved like the door wasn't there and he'd step back and let me in and when I got in he'd looked surprised that he had done that it was part of my method but these days unless you just wanted to give yourself up to punishment unless you love rejection nobody does cold calls but here is Jesus doing the thing that makes you most vulnerable to the rejection of those whom you love he comes and knocks on the door in fact I read just last night uh another version from a scholar who had studied the text and he says that Jesus not only stands there and knocks but he will not relent in his knocking in fact this writer said Jesus is willing to let the do wet his hair in other words he's willing to knock until nightfall he doesn't just knocks he calls your name at your door and he does it because there is no pride in him that is greater than his love for you so with his everything exposed Jesus knocks on doors and you can listen to this as though it doesn't matter if you want to but the fact is that every individual under the sound of my voice has had the opportunity to have Jesus knock at your door he knocks on these worship occasions he knocks while you're sitting there nonchalantly he knocks while you're worried about whether your clothes match he knocks while you are thinking about who's sitting next to you he knocks while you're not even comprehending the dynamics of worship in God's house he knocks not because you deserve it he knocks because he loves you and his love will not let you go forgive me if I am shocked by it I know me pretty well the only one who knows me better than I do is God but if I knew about me what I know about me I wouldn't knock at my door I'm not the one you're looking for to make up a perfect Kingdom but Jesus knowing our imperfections understanding our weaknesses still loves us enough to expose himself to rejection and he does it because He loves us he is in fact a Salesman I want to get to that but let me tell you something that Jesus wants to do that is not ordinary for a sales person the Bible says Jesus offers not only to come into your house but it kind of wants to get to know you he wants to share time with you and I'm sure when you think about all the things you'd have to put away if Jesus knocked at the door fact maybe that's why he's knocking so long maybe he hears the sounds of rearranged furniture maybe he knows that there are some things that can't stay out in the open if you're gonna let him in but he's knocking anyway he understands that you may be trying to make adjustments but his love does not focus on what you've got on your coffee table his love focuses on you and how valuable you are to him so it's not the things that surround you in fact he already knows those things he has not come to your house because it's an example of perfect living he's come to your house because his love will not let him leave you alone and he knocks and he says here's what I want to do I'm not like a regular salesman I don't want to burst your bubble but when you are at the mall and the salesperson is acting like you are the only human being in the universe and they do that for a while any good sales person will focus on you they will close out the world and all of a sudden you are the only person who exists at least that's the way you're supposed to feel if it's a good salesperson and for a moment you say oh isn't this wonderful you are transported into another existence you're in a parallel universe and all they think about is you oh look at you know this matches your clothing have you ever thought about that let's put it up next to you isn't there something and people are all around you but they don't see them they only see you I hate to burst your bubble but they really don't care about you it's the sale the only reason they're focused on you is because you got the money if they thought you didn't have the money you would blend into the crowd trust me in fact when they think you have the money and they think a contract is about to be signed then all the focus is there but as soon as the sale is consummated you will drift back into the gray of anonymity you don't matter because all they were about was the sale now I hate to say that about everybody there may be some sales person who really likes you but I doubt it Jesus is not an ordinary sales first he's making cold calls but he says I don't want to just get in your house himself something and get to the next door I want to come in and get to know you how in the world knowing as much as he already knows about me how in the world can he want to get to know me better what is it about me that when interest Jesus and the answer is strange he is inclined to us there is something that draws him to us it's not what we have done it's not what we possess it's not our status it's not any of the things that are normal it's just that we are precious to him so he is inclined to us not because of us but because of his love and he says I want to come in I want to get to know you now this next part is though it's not gonna apply to everybody he says I want to eat with you there are cultures where we know that mealtime is not only about nutrition in fact the struggle that I've had all my life with weight has much to do with the fact that eating is not only about just keeping body and soul alive eating in the community where I grew up meant way more than that it was a social event my grandfather could cook my grandmother could cook my grandmother made cornbread that she put in an iron container that looked like ears of corn she would pour cornmeal lovingly into each little place and when it popped out it looked like cornbread shaped like corn my brother and I were amazed at her love in fact there were times when we would we would just sit there and watch her cook I know you don't understand that it's a it's something from days gone by there's nothing that interesting about a microwave and a can opener but food processors notwithstanding I used to watch my father my mother my grandfather my grandmother prepare food with personal touch there was love in the process my grandmother made some cookies that tasted like angels had baked them the only reason I didn't think they did is because I saw a grandmother do it my brother and I would sit there and she said go out and play we know she said but they're not gonna be ready we'll stay she'd get through mixing the batter and we said grandmother can I have it this time Oh somebody knows my brother and I would fight over the turns my turn leave me some yeah okay leave you some all right we'd watch and sometimes I'd sit there and watch my mother as I now watch my wife you know I I hate it when people say that someone is a good cook and they gloss over it in order to be a good cook I believe you have to think through the whole process how much you love somebody because there's no joy in this I've seen my wife do that little thing where you hold it like that and and what I'm thinking about that is she must really love us to go through this repetitive boring process you've got to be thinking not about what you're doing right now you got to be thinking about the finished product you gotta be imagining what the aroma will be like when all of those things come together and when a person is a good cook they know how to love you've got to love people to cook well because only love can drive you to do those things I've seen them in fact a couple of times I've tried somehow my love got lost in the process but cooking means love and can you imagine that Jesus in his culture understands that one of the most intimate things that you can share with a friend is a meal now if you are not part of one of those cultures just hold on a minute go and do something for about five or ten minutes and come back and be with us because I know some of you have never understood this and never will the upside for you is that you probably don't struggle with your weight we who know that there's something more in food than nutrition kind of work with that because there are times when you eat when you're not hungry you're not hungry physically but you're hungry emotionally you're hungry socially you want to share something I I have shared food with people my brother is the one who did it most because we were always together we're not far apart in our birth dates and and so we eat things and not have to use words we'd be eating some sweet potato pie oh I hope you know what it tastes like if you don't you can go to your grocery store and find something that reminds you of sweet potato it is not the genuine article but my brother and I would get some sweet potato pie and sit at the table and look at each other and that had a whole paragraph in it there was connection my mom would put together beans and rice now I know you think that's four people's food so I guess I am still very poor because when my wife puts her hand to it and then let's not even talk about Greece some of you don't even know what I'm talking about what you think I'm talking about salad I'm talking about kale and turnips and collards and there are ways that you can intermingle them and put them at the right temperature with just enough moisture and after a while they'll begin to drive you out of your mind they'll see all the way through the house in fact if you go to a place where a cook has been at work the aroma is not only in the kitchen it's in the living room drapes it's in the sofa it's in the carpet when you come in the house they don't have to say are you hungry you may not have been hungry when you came in but something happens when you get in there and here's what Jesus is saying I want to share that phenomenon with you you go look it up if you think I'm adding something that's not there Jesus is saying I don't want to just pass through your house like an ordinary salesman I want to share something intimate with you and incidentally if you don't have enough in your house to share it just so happens that Jesus has been proven to be able to multiply what you've got to eat Matthew chapter 14 starting about verse 14 or 15 you remember that there was a crowd gathered listening to him preach and the disciples came and said let him go cuz they're getting hungry they're gonna turn ugly on us Jesus said don't worry about it just tell them to sit down in organized fashion have we got anything oh we got Jesus is a little boy with a lunch he's got barley loaves and fish spread and he said just bring that to me and I'll thank God before we began they said we are in trouble they did whisper to themselves and say there's something wrong he doesn't understand the disaster that is upon us and what they didn't know was that Jesus had already thanked his father for multiplying a little boy's lunch I wish I had been there I wish I could have sat there and watch his hands as he broke those barley loaves and said bring me another basket and he kept breaking the premium of the basket until all of those men and their wives and their children some estimate twenty-five thousand human beings all of them had been filled and they were baskets full leftover so if you invite Jesus to you house you don't have to worry whether you're gonna run out of food all you got to do is say Jesus we don't have enough let him break up a few things you don't have to worry that your skill in the kitchen is not enough you may remember that the disciples came back from fishing one day looked at the shore and saw food that was already cooked a fire that was licked and there was a meal that was ready to be eaten and when they looked around to see who might have cooked it the only one there was Jesus so if you can't cook bring him in the kitchen if you don't have the skill he can help you there if you don't have the quantity he can help you there but what Jesus says is forget about the process let's enjoy together as meal time comes the scholars say he's not talking about some snack he wants to come at the evening meal he wants the chief meal and he wants to sit there what must it be like to look across a table in the eyes of Jesus and watch him taste something and nod his head approvingly wouldn't that make it taste a lot better now you think I'm making too much of it I am NOT what Jesus wants with us and I'm talking about you with all of your flaws you with all of your hidden weaknesses we try to hide from Christ that which he sees so easily and all he asks is that you let him in and he can make up for the difference the meal will be the best that you've ever tasted if you let him get involved and then you'll sit there together and the intimacy of a meal will draw you together with Jesus it's not what you have requested it's what Jesus wants now when you look at that you've got to understand that cold calls sales are still difficult in fact this is what amazes me when I look at the story Jesus could have gone anywhere to show that he knocks on doors when you look at this particular passage you discover that he has come to a city called Laodicea later this year is not the town you want to visit Laodicea is not the state of the church at its best in fact there are seven churches in Revelation they are so close to this passage that anyone will be able to find it Ephesus Smyrna Pergamum Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicea and there are some of these times because every name of a church represents a time during the history of the church all the way from the beginning to the very end and if Jesus wanted to go to the best place with the greatest possibilities he would not have started knocking on doors in the city of Laodicea and incidentally there was in fact a city a very real city named Laodicea one of the things that it was known for was its I south I'll come back to that it was a place where its main product was black wool you know I want to talk about that for a minute but I will pass it by when anything black pops up I want to get in there and connect with it but I got a move so here I go you just remember what I might have said in Laodicea they believed that there was a vast wall and a marble theater in fact it was probably built on seven hills like Rome was it was a significant city but it was not known for being a great time in history Laodiceans had one attribute that made Jesus have a hard time dealing with him jesus said to Laodicea you are lukewarm I don't know about you I I grew up in a house that did not have full medical coverage I'm giving you a minute to catch me you know there are houses now where you don't have to worry you've got your call kinds of coverage and if something happens you just dial a number or you rush somebody off to an emergency room your HMO or whoever it is will make sure that you are taken care of we were under the grace plan I remember when my brother and I would get to get hurt and have diseases and you would think that somebody would call the hospital but nobody had enough money to pay the bill so my mom and dad would come up with remedies sometimes I was shocked sometimes I prayed lord help us this does not seem even to me to be an adequate remedy but if God knows you don't have it God steps in and makes up for it and there were a lot of times with my parents home remedies worked I got a couple scars that I would not ordinarily have because there was no plastic surgery after the wound but I'm still alive and I'm still functioning because God was in that process the fact is that when you are under this coverage with Jesus and you have to remember that Christ can make up for it that I'm looking now at families who don't understand that Jesus would come in even two-layer decisions who were lukewarm there were times when we got sick and my mom knew how to let me put this in a pretty way knew how to help us expectorate the poisonous substance is that pretty enough we have to nudge somebody and tell them what I'm talking about so she would say drink this water she said that's that water will take care of the problem it would be lukewarm water it makes you sick at the stomach Jesus says later to see if there's something about you that I don't like you're not cold you're not hot incidentally the Church of Laodicea is now so if you want to get angry with me this is the moment I am now preaching something that you probably won't like because it is addressed to us I wish that I were not in the period of Laodicea I wish I weren't in this time period that rep that's represented by lukewarmness but I am I'm a preacher to the Church of Laodicea I'm a member of the Laodicean Church I don't like it but you can't get out of it it's not a place you can leave if I were to move I'd say send me to Philadelphia Philadelphia's Church was beautiful there was nothing at all said that was negative about it everything was wrong with Laodicea nothing was wrong with Philadelphia and so if I could move from one church to another if I could pull myself out of time and put myself somewhere else I'd put myself in the period of Philadelphia in fact if I were Jesus and I want him to knock on doors I'd go to Philadelphia and knock on doors because if you knock on doors in Philadelphia you're liable to get a wonderful response somebody is liable to come to the Lord say oh Jesus why did you knock what didn't you just let us know where you were coming we would have had the door open already come on in come we'll have a wonderful time together that's Philadelphia but later to see it's not only lukewarm it's deli what it means is that you're not cold which means that you haven't turned away from religion and you're not hot and I wish I had time to talk about hot I go to preaching police it's where the folks are hot and all you got to do is make an announcement and they shout I pastor the church like that one time it was sheer joy I would get up and say we're gonna have prayer meeting this Wednesday night and they say yes hallelujah I told my wife I hope they never move us from here I love this church his folks are excited I'd watch them as they were on the way to worship and sometimes I'd have a see class sermon ready to preach but as I watched them going on the way to church and looked at the excitement in their eyes and the expectation in their body language I'd go to my study and upgrade my sermon before I got to the pulpit because I knew they deserved better than I had brought they were hot they love Jesus and we're not ashamed to let the world know but what the Lord says about later to see is you're not had you're not cold you're somewhere in the media committee you know sometimes when you think it's to your advantage you sound hot most of the time you sound cold but because you are neither hot nor cold and these are Jesus works I'll spew you out of my mouth I don't want to be connected with you my friends I'm telling you there's nothing worse than a neighborhood in Laodicea let me talk a little bit more about later to see it because I've been to towns that were like this Laodicea was poor wretched blind and naked but their perception of themselves was the opposite they thought they were rich and increased with Goods and in need of nothing can you imagine a worse situation I met a man one time who had lived in a town which shall be nameless and he said pastor if you ever need anything in this city don't ever ask the people who seem to have anything because they are only facade I said what do you mean he said you see those BMWs they drive they can't afford them he said in fact if they were to try to loan you $10 it would take their budget out of whack he said they've got big houses but nothing's in them they've got on clothes that look good but their credit cards are overcharged to get them and when you get in a neighborhood like that you have found yourself in horrible territory so when you go to the door in one of those houses they're already mad cuz they can't pay their bills you knock on the door and they say who's that out there somebody selling something and you can see the the light change in the people you know somebody's on the other side you kids just can't see them you see the blinds move so you know they're looking at you you step back try my daddy's move it doesn't work if you were to step back to the curb they still wouldn't let you in they can't afford anything you've got I don't care what it is if you're selling $10 Cadillacs they can't afford one so don't want you in there if you go to a neighborhood like that you are in trouble and yet what I have to tell you today is that Jesus did not choose the church at its best time to come knocking on doors if I had chosen I'd have gone to Smyrna preferably to Philadelphia but never to ladies here and yet it is in all time and let's face it we are exactly what the Bible says we are life we hate to admit it we always want to say look at all these layer decisions around me wouldn't it be great if you had a mirror with you so you could look at another layer to see it we know that spiritually we are blind because if we weren't blind we'd see ourselves as we are maybe the Lord gives us the luxury of not seeing everything about ourselves at one time we might be too depressed to move forward but we are certainly not able to see so the Bible says when you go to layer to see a by that I said that they have they specialized in it get that Jesus says when I come into your house I know what your problems are you're poor but you don't know it there's nobody so exasperated as somebody who's broke but they won't admit it you know when you're broke you ought to just go ahead and claim it embrace it return a faithful tithe and see what God can do about it but don't go around pretending that you're wealthy it's too much of a strain on your personality you go to places with folk and you're trying to determine who's gonna pay the bill you can barely eat you almost get indigestion because you're trying to figure out who's gonna pick up the tab I know my wife and I have been to places like that where the menu was covered in pewter and we knew we shouldn't have been there if there's somebody there life playing a piano you know you're not supposed to be there I have nudged my wife many a time I said baby who are we going to eat tell you what let's say we're not hungry and get some salad think I got enough do the Italian so when they come to ask what will you have I'm not that hungry I pour a salad what would you like to drink our water with lemon it's a strange to act like something you're not in fact I remember one time going out with a couple that was doing quite well but I didn't know whether they would pay the bill or not so we got salad and water with lemon and then we got all the way to the end and they said oh I forgot to tell you we're picking up the tab and what I wanted to do was to rewind go back to the beginning so I could eat some of those wonderful things I saw on the menu it's a stream acting like you're what you're not but we layered this year act like what we're not we're always around smiling styling and profiling even on Sabbath we have our Sabbath module plugged in we drive up with the car just washed we get out of it and if it's still looking fairly good we make sure somebody sees us open the door a couple of times and slam it again oh you've got a new car oh just nothing something to get from point A to point B and you've got on your best but you don't want to repeat too many times so maybe you ought to go here this weekend and there next weekend and there next weekend and hope nobody follows you so they'll never know you've got on the same suits but it weighs down on you because you're trying to be something that you're not and here is what Jesus says if you let me in your house I know what you need you broke I will give you gold that shrine in the fire that's what I've come to to proffer that's what I've come to offer to you and what that goal represents is the faith that works by love Jesus once he's in your house once you've had the meal he says I want to offer you some things I want to give you gold let's try fired in the fire is how it literally reads I want to give you a garment that you could never afford in your town almost everything you can buy is made of black wool because that's the prime product of your community and so I will not give you what everybody else wears and trust me this is not a matter of difference in color it's difference in the maker Jesus says I do not offer you clothes that are made in your town I offer your clothes that were made on the loom of heaven I offer you something that money can't buy I've come to bring you something to cover your spiritual nakedness I've come to give you I fare you can't see where you are in fact one of the reasons why Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart and mine today is because he sees in us flaws that will disqualify us to live in heaven and he wants to correct him before God has to reject us he presses to get into the house he says I'll give you gold that's fired in the fire I'll give you garments that are not made in this town not made on this earth not made in this universe I'll give you clothing that were made for you by divine power I'll give you ice ass so that you can see I want to make a perfect product of it and when I leave I don't want any of the deficiencies that you had that would disqualify you for heaven to still be here so here's what I want let's talk for a while let's eat I forgot to put in Swiss chard few of us have kind of caught on to that and he said what not good I like that mixture with the Swiss chard mixed with some wonderful meal but now there's something I gotta talk to you about I love you but you're poor I love you but you're naked I love you but you're blind and I didn't come to criticize you let me show you what I brought here is a bar of gold it's fired in the fire it's pure I can leave this with you I've got a garment I don't think you've ever seen anything like it in fact I brought something for the whole family could I show them to you how do you like that it's your size we already did our investigations in our research it's just perfect for every member of the family I've got eyes dad in fact you can use some now try it if you put it in your eyes right now and just a little tiny massage and for the first time in your life you'll see things as they really are you'll notice that you're naked but as soon as you do you can grab the garment that I bought that it's just your size go in your bedroom and put it on and come back out and let's see what you look like your whole problem has been that you didn't have anything to make you feel secure but my gold fired in the fire will take away your poverty and I have come to bring that for you so I not only came to know you and let you know I love you and not only came to be intimate with you with a meal but I came to solve every spiritual dilemma you have what I want to say to you today is that while you thought that Christianity was about going out and changing yourself you thought that some book at would change your outlook on life I'm not angry with reading self-help books but nobody can change himself or herself nothing outside of you can make you what Jesus wants you to be until Jesus knocks at your door and when he knocks he comes in he puts you at ease he shares intimacy and then he gets down to the real things that you could never provide for yourself he brought you gold he brought your clothes he brought your ice ass he brought everything you need to be ready to go to heaven and he wants to make the change before it's too late if you see what I'm talking about can I hear you say so instead of you chasing him folks if if the only people who went to heaven were people who chased Jesus heaven would have echoes how many of us really chased Jesus most of us determined to find Jesus when we got into some trouble that we could not extricate ourselves from when nobody was there to help when you couldn't afford the lawyer when nobody could handle your case when all of your family had turned against you when your friends had put you down when your credit union forgot who you were when nobody cared about you when you found yourself in a strange neighborhood with people who had nothing but acted like they had everything a hypocritical community but then Jesus broke every stereotype and came walking down your street one day and came to your door and not and said may I come in and I'll tell you this if you let Jesus come into your house before he leaves it'll all be right if you are like me you've got a question in your mind and the question is this if I am poor and blind and wretched and naked how do I buy what I need from this salesman Isaiah 55 if you start right at verse 1 it says you can buy important things without money but in this case one of my favorite writers makes it extremely clear the price that you pay for getting what Jesus has brought for sale is to turn away from everything that you thought precious to you turn away from your own self-sufficiency and if I were to describe later this year in simple terms I would say that what we are about is self sufficiency too many of us think that we're gonna make it to heaven on what we've got we're gonna get better and better and then I see people I can read it in their eyes they think that if they do certain things that they dot certain i's and cross certainties they believe that if they think positively if they get better from day to day that somehow miraculously they'll be prepared to go to heaven based on what they have done self sufficiency will never work Jesus has the only life that can get you there I'm happy to tell you I'm switching metaphors now but try this one on for size what Jesus is able to do is to go into your files and highlight your whole life gets it all out there and when he has gotten your life from beginning to end with all of your righteousness as in it he hits one button and it all goes away delete say well preacher what does that leave me with that means I'm left with an empty file well for a moment you are but I'm happy to tell you that Jesus can leave your file and go over to his file and start copying from top to bottom he gets all the way down to his perfect life on earth the whole thing then he hits another button and you know what it is where is it he copies your file then he takes what's in his fire and goes over to yours and hits the paste button and all of a sudden your life is no longer empty you have the life of Christ in place of yours and I promise you something the only life that can get us into heaven is the life of Jesus Christ he gives us the power to live and so today I am I am happy to be able to say that we do not have to pursue Jesus to have him in our lives in fact the converse is true Jesus pursues us he will come to your house you say well all I got is an apartment he would come to your apartment all I got is a rented room he'll come to your rented room all I got is a hotel he'll come to your extended stay hotel he knows where you are if you live on the streets if you live under a cardboard box that's put on top of a great so that he comes up and keeps you from freezing he knows where your box is and he'll knock until you let him in and by the time he leaves you'll have gold you'll have garments you'll have ice and you'll have everything it takes to have eternal life and all you've got to do it's letting me join us next time for more breath of life with pastor Walter L Pearson life is full of questions sometimes we don't know which way to go or where to turn we have doubts and fears and we wonder what it all means but there are answers and there is hope waiting for you in God's Word the Bible and there's no better way to start exploring the plans he has for you than in the discovere Bible guides it's the breath of life gift offered this week and your ticket to the heart and soul of God's Word these easy to read and illustrated bible studies get to what's on God's mind for you quickly and clearly you'll be enlightened by studies such as is God fair when Jesus comes for you the secret of answered prayer and bridge to a satisfying life just call our toll-free number at 1 877 Bol offer that's one eight seven seven two six five six three three three and asked for your copy of the Discover Bible guides or you may write to breath of life p.o box nine seven one nine to Washington DC - double O seven seven to order a CD or audio cassette copy of this breath of life broadcast just call our toll-free number eight 77 vol offer that's eight seven seven two six five six three three three or you may write to breath of life P o box 9 71 nine to Washington DC 200 77 the CD or audio cassette is yours for a gift of five dollars or more if you'd like to purchase a DVD or VHS copy just let us know thank you for watching and supporting breadth of life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
Views: 35,917
Rating: 4.7286134 out of 5
Keywords: breath, of, life, ministries, walter, pearson, seventh-day, adventist, sda, bible, jesus, god, religion, holy, spirit, trinity, faith, christianity, gospel, heaven, praise, truth, word, salvation, pastor, Salvation (Christianity), Ministry, Preaching, Lord, walter pearson, breath of life
Id: mnyuqePodIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 2sec (3242 seconds)
Published: Sat May 10 2014
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