A Rare Quality Of Mercy- (Pastor Walter L Pearson Jr.)

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breath apply presents experience the power with Walter L Pearson jr. today pastor Pearson's message is entitled a real quality of mercy let's go to Genesis the 19th chapter you have seen the title I'm sure some people are little concerned we had people call in and say where's the scripture for that well here it is this is Genesis chapter 19 and I want to read beginning with verse 15 and I think you'll see it it's it's clear it's there and here's what the Bible says and when the morning arose then the angels hastened lot saying arise take thy wife and thy two daughters which are here lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city and while he lingered the men laid hold upon his hand upon the hand of his wife and upon the hand of his two daughters the Lord being merciful unto him and they brought him forth and set him without the City will you pray with me father in heaven today we call upon the Almighty God oh how we have seen thy power oh how we have experienced the love of Jesus in fact we have come to believe that the real power of God is demonstrated in the love of Jesus Christ for us and so this morning our hearts reach out with gratitude but our Bibles are open because there's something else that you want to share with us father as I have done in my private prayers I offer what little I bring it's not enough it's not nearly enough for what you intend to do but I yield it into your power take charge of my mind and my heart and my mouth and use whatever you can after you have filled it with the Holy Spirit bring glory to yourself let my name be gotten but let yours be remembered and as we leave this place today we shall go giving praise honor and glory for it is in the name of Jesus that we pray amen the Bible says that these two angels brought lot and his family his small family you've got to remember that there were other children there were daughters who were married but these family members were tainted by the choice of lot lot was a selfish nephew his uncle Abraham shared everything with a lot but lot was not of the same mind he chose for himself the best you would think that when Abraham and lot came to look at that beautiful country that was spread out before them you would think that the nephew would have said you uncle Abraham you choose what's best and whatever is left I'll take it I can't I can't I won't dare to let my choice supersede yours but when Abraham in his kindness said what do you want lot look down on the most rich soil that was in that area in fact some would argue it was the richest soil on the face of the planet it reminded him one of my favorite writer says of the garden of God what they had heard of Eden that had passed down from generation to generation when they looked at this wonderful real estate it reminded them of what God's hands must have created from the very beginning and when lot saw it when lot looked down and I must tell you that there's something that I missed for years about this lot not only looked at the topography but he looked at the wealth of the cities when he saw the cities there were rich people there that what he thought first was I can go and mingle with them I can have power among them I can be more wealthy than they are so I am I am sorry to tell me that something that swayed the heart of Lotte was what he could get for himself it was greed for wealth and power I suggest you today that even among us you know there are people who have contests saying I am poorer than you are my family was poorer than yours but among the poor there are some of the most avaricious dreams how do I know I've been poor all my life there are people who think that if you are poor you must be humble it's not so some of the proudest people in the world are poor people who get a little something or rich people are certainly full of pride but pride is not their unique experience the pride that lot head can be all of ours when we make choices based on what we can gain and not what we can give what we can draw to ourselves not what we can spread to others what we can do to lift our own necks and not to lift the name of Jesus Oh what would happen in our lives if we'd ever put Jesus first if we'd ever make choices if we'd ever acknowledge him in all of our ways and let him direct our paths some of us would have passed up some horrible situations in our lives but we chose to try to get ourselves ahead and usually when you choose to put you ahead you end up in bad condition because of your own avarice and your own selfishness lot chose the richest and gave to his uncle farmland and you would say you know that that's a good choice anybody who looked at it in a business way anybody who studied it from that angle would say ah shrewd man net luck you know love is one thing business is another so he chose the land that was developed the land that was beautiful it had water it had everything that was needed to have great crops and beautiful situations but he left to his uncle farm land with the Oaks of Mamre and and vines and and there were grapevines it was a beautiful land but it was too rural in nature oh I I don't want to get too personal with you but I know people who think that rural is going somewhere where you have to go outside and get water to run into a cup they think that if there's no five-star hotel it's wrong they think that anywhere that doesn't have a place where you can go to a bed that's elevated then and with one of those beautiful new things that the astronauts develop so that you can lay down and when you get up your form is in the bed and then soon it rises up if you don't have one of those you are in rural territory but there's something to be said for living in nature and Abraham pitched his tent under the Oaks Abraham looked at God's creations Abraham lived a simple life where the noise was low the decibel level dropped and he could hear the voice of God I'm not saying you can't hear God's voice in the city I know you can but the fact is that when it's quiet when you can hear insects when you can hear birds when you can look at a clear sky and see beautiful white clouds there's something to be said about the Verger of nature and Abraham was surrounded by it and he would look down into the plain and he would see the the wonderful enterprise that was going forward but the enterprise has a noise and the enterprise takes a cost you must pay to be in the rat race there are some people right now and I I'm gonna look away when I say this who can barely take it when it gets quiet good nervous what's wrong something strange when they hear crickets they don't know what that is they're people who have been so long in the noise the humdrum of the city that when it gets quiet they feel like there's something wrong that they're the rhythm of their lives have gone out of sync but Abraham living there stayed close to God why lot and his children along with his wife you must remember that he married a woman a woman who was selfish you've heard me preach about marriage it's important you can make it with a bad spouse but it's not easy you will fight every day of your life to try to cling to what you believe in if you marry someone who is against your God you've got to be careful the first prerequisite ought to be somebody who believes in your God for if you cannot go to God together you are separated at a place that is crucial and this wife of his did not want him to be close to his uncle so she kept him at every moment that she could say something she pulled him away from Abraham in fact what might have left Sodom ages before this trouble came if it had not been for his wife she was always saying a little something a little jab you got a call Abraham again you got to go to him again why do you travel so far to see him can't you live on your own aren't you a man on your own isn't it time that you let go of the strings that connect you to Abraham can't you think in pendant ly but remember that all of his blessings had come because of the faith of Abraham he had been inoculated with the faith of Abraham so that his life was stronger so that his faith grew under the tutelage of Abraham and this wife said don't go near him so they spent their lives in a wicked City you can make it in a wicked City but you got to hold on to Jesus you can't just reclaim touch and go you got to pick up your Bible and read it I've seen people who read the Bible for other for proving that other people are wrong reading it for proof that I'm better than you are reading it for ammunition so that when I see you I can say some sharp thing from the Word of God that's not what the Bible was written for it was ready to nourish your soul so you all nuts you know I don't have any problem with the people who say I let my Bible fall open and see what it says but at some point in your life you all not let it fall open you ought to start at the beginning and read read slowly not speed-reading take in every morsel of it because the Word of God brings faith and I suggest to you that the problem with this family is that it began to mingle with the people of Sodom particularly the children now I used to say that young people were in much more danger than older ones I believe times have changed there was a time when to be older was to be more experienced I don't want to sound trite but there are some people who are 50 years old but they only have one year of experience 50 times somewhere along the way you've got to start connecting the dots you ought to learn something from last year and build on it this year and next year you ought to know something more and next more until you can look back and see in a clearer path what God is saying to you you ought to have something to share that lifts others but we have come to a time now where age does not guarantee wisdom in fact there are older people who are regressing to childhood I know what it is to be a teenager they're young people are here from pine forge Academy they will not identify with what I say because I was there long long ago but I remember coming from the south I'd lived in the south all my life and I went to pine forge Academy the first time I'd ever crossed the mason-dixon line I got into Philadelphia and saw things that I'd never seen before there were people who move differently there was a different rhythm in the north and it frightened me I got off the train and got in a corner and watched while I was watching people came and rolled up their sleeves with 20 watches up there are somebody would come and say hey look I've got a lot of money I want you to help me get rid of it and I didn't know exactly what to do I know my mother had told me if this money that I give you to get him school goes anywhere other than that I will come and kill you so not a penny left my pockets and when I finally got to pine forge Academy I saw something that was amazing I saw people walk as though one of their limbs was injured they pulled up their hands into their sleeve and walk on I remember standing in my mirror in my room trying to figure out which leg would be hurt I did it until I got it right one day I dared to step out and try it I looked at everybody else pull my hands up again discovered that the reason why some of them were pulling their hands up in their sleeves was because it didn't have gloves and it was called I'm figured out yet why they walk like that but I learned how to do it because I had to be part of the majority the children of lot what's the people of Sodom and they walk like and they talked like and don't fool yourself eventually they will like one of them huh and I'm not just talking about the young people so so all the folk I pulled you in early you need to be in nobody can look down their noses anymore because we got some old folk mimicking the world trying to act like people who don't know God shame on you but that's what we do and some of us are even more ridiculous than children we can excuse it in the young but when you get old enough to know better I tell you that they began to grow like the people around them and eventually there came a day when God looked down in the wealth of Sodom Gomorrah and realized that if he kept on letting it go that nobody would be able to make it in fact I'm going to suggest something to you before I get into the real meat of what I want to say about mercy today whenever God sees wickedness advancing too quickly and too broadly he understands that unless he intercedes that will finally be no right Justin left and listen to me don't you ever fool yourself I don't care how wicked it may seem in this world of ours now there is still somebody determined to follow Jesus fact I'm proud to say that some of those folk have decided to be baptized today they recognize that they are not choosing the popular path it's not Broadway that they will travel it's the narrow way that they will travel but if Jesus goes that way then that's the way I want to go all I need to do is see his form moving fact when the Bible talks about that moment of Jesus Transfiguration the disciples follow Jesus up a mount after dark and eventually they could not see the path all they could see was Jesus moving and they followed his form I tell you that today it may get dark but all I need to see is where Jesus is moving and if I can trace his steps in the Word of God that all I need to do is follow him and you must know that there are people right now who have determined that no matter how things change they will follow Jesus stayed rather obey God than man and this is not in the Bible this is not an inspired literature this is a Pearson quilt in order to be a Christian you got to have our brain and a backbone there will be no namby-pamby pusillanimous people in heaven you gotta have enough brainpower to know where God leads you and you got it have enough backbone to follow him I don't care where anybody else go and if God blesses them boss then you'll stand up for Jesus the problem with the family of Locke is that when that land was overcome with evil and I don't need to go into all the descriptions the night before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that was the night the word sodomy took on another meaning it was a horrific situation there were angels visiting and here came the men of Sodom saying we saw men come into your house lot says I've got daughters I'm not sure about that offer I've got one daughter I don't think I don't think I would offer her in that situation but in order to protect those guests he says I've got daughters they've never known a man let me bring them they said we don't want that we want men and until they were struck with blindness they were insistent about what they would have what they did not know was that just a few hours before angels had come to Abraham let me tell you something if you are in sync with God God will tell you what's in the future is it true you know don't don't don't consult those people in little trailers nobody in a trailer can tell me where to find a million dollars if they could they wouldn't be in the trailer nobody on an 800 number can tell me what my future is if they could they wouldn't be robbing me while I'm talking to them on the 800 number don't let anybody in a little tip with funny little balls and strange decorations don't let them tell you if somebody says your relative has come back to talk to you we've already cured that from the Word of God your relative has not come back these are spirits a demon in fact you ought to be careful what you read in the newspaper telling you your future I could write them easily you will meet a dark stranger what day is it that you don't meet a dog's free we've got to learn that if you stay we got he warned yeah he'll tell you what's come out to happen and he will protect you in it so in fact when when God was about to destroy it angels came to Abraham and they said look we came to let you know we're gonna destroy Sodom Gomorrah now listen listen this wasn't saying what we're gonna describe destroy where you are just want to tell them cuz you are on the page with God do you see it you don't have to be in direct danger God will communicate news to you and we'll always be correct because angels bring it and listen you remember the prayer Abraham was a powerful man he he not only thought of himself now let me be honest with you if the Angels had said we're gonna destroy that land but your land is ok I would have said well shall we eat but if God is in your heart you will not only be concerned about yourself you'll be concerned about people who are around you you'll want to share what you know and bring salvation to your neighbors so Abraham says I know your honor destroy it I know there's reason to destroy but if you could find 50 good people would it would you spare it and you know the story weren't fifty there and the numbers were down and down and down until it came to ten does that frighten you a little bit in a whole metropolitan area where wealthy people were living where people had everything that you can imagine and don't think that everybody was living way back then in horrible situations there were wealthy appointments in their homes there were all kinds of object are there were there were carpets and hangings that were done well they were done with artful fingers if you had stepped inside one of these homes you would have been amazed at the beauty inside but the beauty was all in their homes and in their clothes and not in their hearts you can purchase beauty outside but you cannot purchase it inside it must be paid for by the blood of Jesus nothing can wash away your sin but the blood of Jesus so they lived in beauty they live in wealth but they were impoverished in their hearts and there were not ten good people and finally Abraham rested his case and on the eve of destruction these two people came to lot and said get out he said let me go and talk to my other daughters he went to talk to them on them on the night before destruction and those daughters along with their husbands laughed at their father and father-in-law and said you are joking you came here to bring something to make us laugh you must be out of your mind listen to your daddy I told you he was crazy he sounds like a madman so you want us to do what listen lot you told me to take care of your daughter haven't I done a good job the very place where you're sitting now you don't have a chair like that are you suggesting that I leave this and go to the hills lot you know I respect you and regardless of your idiosyncrasies I've tried my best to love you but we will not we will not pick up everything and leave what we have amassed you are out of your mind lot comes back failed mission and says to his wife and two daughters who are still in the house we are all there is and the angel said we gotta go and when the Sun rose and the only reason why they had not been destroyed overnight was because of the blindness that the Angels had put upon their enemies they were still out there struggling somewhere but they couldn't see where to go and in that moment the angel said let's go and the Bible says that while they linger now let's talk about lingering I'll be honest with you I have described it erroneously I did the best I could I believe the Holy Spirit covered what I did not know but I am better at it now what they meant was I'm not gonna leave what I've worked for I got a house I got a job I got a calm responsible for people I will not pick up and leave what you suggest is preposterous I will knock out the wife of luck must have said July look you just bought me this you think I'm leaving can we take it with us it's too mean to carry we don't have a car big enough to put our furniture on are you out of your mind I will not leave but we've got to go it's not about possessions now let me tell you something we have become too enamored with possessions my wife and I had a an awakening moment we we were moving we went to put all of our our earthly goods into a storage facility I don't want to knock storage facilities not all of them the one where we put our earthly goods had some affiliation with people who were of a seedy nature my wife and I finally got a place we got a house and my wife went to make everything ready while I went with the with the truck that we had rented to bring our furniture home I went to the place where I knew was our little cubby and I tried my key in the lock and it wouldn't open I asked my my brothers I said look help me with this they wouldn't got a one of those big cutters and they cut the lock and I'll never forget the feeling that I had when I pulled that door up and there was nothing in there all the contents of of an 18-wheeler containing the everything everything gone and the only reason why I knew for sure that it was our place was that I found a little piece of paper with my wife's handwriting on it and it confirmed that we had nothing I wouldn't call I said I gotta go and tell her this face-to-face because now we've got a house that's empty and nothing to put in it and I thought that for a moment it would be the end let me tell you something life is not about what you have I'll tell you what job said the Lord giveth the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord you had better fall out of love with all of your possessions they mean nothing when it comes to your salvation and we've got to learn how to wear this world a little bit looser we've got to learn how to step back from possessions it doesn't make sense to fall in love with what you have the same God gave it to you can replace it if need be so lean to God and not to your possession but this family now is frozen they've got people outside who have evil intent they've got angels who say you've got to go and they can't make up their mind I tell you that today there's some people in the sound of my voice people around this globe who know what to do they have something whispering calm down that man is paid to get you excited you don't need to change anything in your life but here is what you know I have not held up anything before you as the truth unless it came from the Word of God can't do it cuz I don't have a heaven for you you have not heard me one time say that if you do this for me something will happen for you I don't have the power to guarantee you what will happen in your life I have the power to tell you who can I know that if you're faithful to God if you return a faithful tithe and give him a faithful offering he'll open up the floodgates of heaven and pour you out a blessing I'm Noah true and some of you have reported that you already have blessings that you couldn't imagine I know God will do that but I dare not base anything on me the fact is the Bible declares if you had some of the greatest patriarchs of the Bible if you had no I if you had Enoch if you had all of them on your side they would only be able to save themselves because God does not look at us corporately aren't you glad cuz there's somebody sitting not far from you who has determined that they will not obey God but the fact is that God does not judge you by rose Amen I hope you're a good roll hope everybody there is a wonderful Christian but the roll can't save you God does not judge us even by families one or two can be saved out of the family Lots family was not all saved it was not done by family certainly not by church organizations I have never held up to you the name of a church while I am proud to be a seventh-day Adventist I would never tell you that the name seventh-day Adventist can save you it cannot only the name of Jesus there's none name under heaven given among men whereby we must be safe it's Jesus name that's it now you can go to places where you can do his will that's why I find myself in this amazing organization where everything in the Bible can be practiced without anybody putting you out because the Turks espouses all of those things that are in the Word of God but it's not the name of a church it's the name of Jesus and here's my question how is it that somebody can still be here saying I wonder I wonder what I should do tell me what I should do well here's how it went with a lot in his family lot and his wife and his daughters kept discussing and evaluating God has given us these brains with the power to evaluate animals can't do that there are some who seems smart enough but the cat they only are able to to look at the things as they are and they respond by instinct but you and I have been given the ability to look at the facts to evaluate them to see what's important and what's not we're able to come up with a conclusion and sometimes when we do it led by the Spirit of God it turns out exactly right in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct that path but when you do it on your own many times we come up wrong and there are some people who reason to long when you find a place where God says exactly what to do a feasibility study is contraindicated yeah if God says don't that's the end of the study I'm not one of those people who says that you are not considering I believe that when God directs you it makes sense or God may sometimes direct you outside of sense he doesn't have to make sense he created sense sometimes he'll tell you to do something that is illogical God doesn't have to be logical he created logic he can turn logic upside down and it still makes sense because he's God and when you learn to trust him as you ought whatever he says you don't do a feasibility study the first time the Israelites came to Canaan they came with a feasibility step they brought fruit that was so big big grapes that may have been like that they carried them between two men and when they came back and gave their report they said don't go in there it's a land that eats up the inhabitants now when you lie you must learn that a lie is never logical so they say the land eats up the inhabitants we have brought this big fruit and when we were over there we saw Giants wait a minute if the land eats up the inhabitants how did you see Giants and then they say when we saw them they looked at us and thought we look like grasshoppers that's called projection in other words I don't I didn't ask him Adam go up say hey mr. giant when you look at me what do you think I decided that when they looked at me they thought I look like a grasshopper I want to tell you some I am NOT a closet grasshopper God has come into my brain and made me feel like a giant it's not in me that I'm a giant it is in Christ that I rise to become more I am but I will never allow myself to think myself more than I am not in Christ in myself maybe I'm a grasshop but in Christ I'm a giant these people began to think like that they did a feasibility study so they are frozen and finally the angel said it's time to go and here I come to the very nub of my title because I know mercy if not for mercy I would not be standing before you on this full bed I have sinned and come short of the glory of God but the blood of Jesus has cleanse me from my sin there are times when I repeat but I go back to the fountain filled with blood and he washes me again and puts again on me a robe of righteousness so I do not stand before you perfect in my own right I claim the perfection of Jesus Christ and because he loves me so he allows me to stand up here and talk about him and I thank him for it but I understand that without the mercy of God I could not stand here I could not stand anywhere I would be vaporized by the righteousness of God but I stand it is mercy above the 10 commandments in the Ark of the Covenant was a covering an opening that was called the mercy seat in fact when linguists look into the name in the original language they find that it not only means covering it means atonement so above the law mercy God deals with us in justice that is mingled with his mercy or else we would all be consumed and so today I tell you that I understand mercy I know it means pity I know it means compassion but here is the use of Mercy that I have not seen anywhere else because the Bible says that those angels took hold of lot and his wife and his daughters and began to pull them and I know what somebody's gonna say they say yeah but I thought you said God doesn't force people and I'll tell you again God does not force people but sometimes when God knows what you really want when you have told him in your prayers when you have confessed to him in your heart that is your will to follow him he then has your will joined with his will and now he is authorized to take extraordinary measures to save you from your own Galion see so God heard the prayer every prayer I pray is interpreted by the power of the Holy Spirit my words mean nothing in heaven but when the Holy Spirit gets through God understands what I really want what luck really wanted what Lot's wife really wanted what those two daughters really wanted was to escape with their lives so God interpreted that prayers and told those angels get them out here so those angels grabbed them and said come on say but I won't wait come on yeah but I got come on what can I bring come on but I gotta come on and they took them out to a safe place and then I'm gonna show you something that I think will shock you I hope you're still in Genesis 19 cuz if you're over there I show you a strange thing that happens with the language in verse 15 I got the angels plural in verse 16 that the angels plural when I get to verse 17 some happens and it came to pass when they had brought them for abroad that he said you there knock knock are you there verse 15 plural verse 16 poor verse 17 starts floor and it came to pass when they had brought them for the broad that he said escape for my life look not behind thee neither stay thou and all the plain escape to the mountain lest thou be consumed look at verse 21 and he said unto them see I have accepted the concerning this also that I will not overthrow this city for which thou has spoken what had happened was lot said I can't get to the plain we tell you how sweet Jesus is incidentally let me tell you what I believe about that text I believe that the two angels came to get them out of the house I believe the two angels took him out to a place where they could talk I believe that the two angels did what God told them to do and then I believe that Jesus himself I've been trying to tell you for four weeks now God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance I've been trying to tell you that the active agent in our salvation is Jesus Christ the Son of God and there are times when Jesus will not send Barrios he calls himself so when the Angels had brought him out far enough Jesus showed up and the Angels fell and Jesus said escape for your life Jesus said and what I want you to see in that snapshot is this I don't care how I don't care how simple you think you are I don't care how insignificant you think you are there are people who count themselves nothing because of what other people have told them maybe your parents told you something they should never have said to you as their child there are parents who ruin their children by what they say but listen to me if your mama told you you were nothing Jesus disagrees if your daddy told you you were nothing Jesus disagrees if you are your uncle your grandmother your granddaddy if your children have told you are not Jesus disagrees and he proves his disagreement by showing up he comes himself so trust me the Angels would probably have been enough but Jesus shows his compassion his mercy that's why I believe the text says those angels put their hands on them and led them out pull them showing mercy to them sometimes mercy expresses itself in the active voice sometimes mercy can't just give you a little pat on the back or tell you it's okay sometimes mercy does more than say your sins are forgiven by the blood sometimes mercy must be active and on that day because they didn't move fast enough angels took them out to a place where they could meet with somebody who had greater thought and it was Jesus who said get out of here flee for your life escape for your life and I believe in fact if you go to Luke chapter 17 start with about 28 verse 28 verse you will see where it says that just as it was in the days of Noah just as it was in the days of lot so shall it be at the end of time are you ready to listen now I'm gonna preach for a minute what does it take to make you move there are infidels who know that something is different about today there are people who are agnostics who know that something is wrong with these times the statisticians can't figure out why they can't get a bead on any opinion in the United States anymore other countries have the same problem our opinions are mercuric they're here today they're tomorrow they take a poll in the morning it changes in the afternoon tomorrow it's all the way upside down that's why nobody can predict what's going to happen because the brain power of the corporate world is swept up into a mindset that has nothing to do with reality or objectivity it's being controlled by a power beyond us and for most people it's not the power of God it's diabolical so you try to make sense of what people do and what they say your friends say things to you that don't make sense they say they love you but they hurt you you take your children to places where you pay for them to be cared for but instead they hurt your children you go to places where you pay to eat and they serve you food that will kill you you buy a car that's supposed to be worthy of riding down the road and then a piece of it falls off and you begin to wonder what's going wrong with the world why are people so angry now why do they do such evil things why do people seem set and determined to do evil when it's not called for and I tell you that we've come to a time now that cannot be explained and everybody knows something is about to happen Revelation chapter 7 says there are four angels holding the winds of strife you think things are bad now God is still sending the word to them has one angel that talks to her he says Halloween don't let them blow Oh every now and then again something rumbles a little bit camping again but they hold the four winds of the earth and they have not turned loose they are holding until God can pull out of people people who are willing to obey Him no matter what and I'll tell you how naive I am well I'm not naive but I'll explain it to you I've been preaching now professionally for almost 36 years the Lord has allowed me to go to 60 countries and the island nations of the sea I have preached to people who couldn't understand what I was saying and interpreter had to tell them what I was saying but I've seen the power of the Holy Spirit go through me to the interpreter to the people and the power of God went through all of us and touched them and I saw them change not by might not by power but by the spirit I know that Jesus is busy right now calling a certain kind of person and it's not your status it's not your bank account it's not your address it's not your style of dress it's not what your credit cards look like it's not your car it's your heart and if you are willing to obey what the Bible says Jesus is calling you he says come out of there come out of there because eventually I'm gonna tell one angel to tell for let him go but don't let him go until I have sealed the people who will obey me I tell you this and these words will come back to visit you they are not mine remember we read it in Revelation those three angels that talked and they said come out of her that doesn't mean come out of the world you got to live on this earth it means get your brain out of the world get your brain out of a secular mindset get your brain out of a religious organizations influence that is against the true people of God learn to obey me what I say in my Bible not by what somebody else explains overtop of what I said you must learn to take the Word of God as it is written you've gotta allow the holy spirit to accomplish in your life what you cannot do and if you're willing to open the door and let Jesus in he will make you part of this chosen the field those that have the power from the Holy Spirit thank you for watching breath of life join us next time for another exciting message from Pastor Walter L Pearson jr. the Bible it's the most powerful book on the planet it's also the one book many people find the hardest to understand if you've ever struggled with the meaning of the Bible then our offer this week is just for you how can I understand the Bible by John drain unlocks the doors to the meanings behind the messages found in God's Word learn about the law the prophets and the Gospels discover the single message that runs throughout the Bible and rejoice when you understand that Jesus Christ is at the center of it all just call our toll-free number and request how can I understand the Bible the number is 877 bol offer that's eight seven seven two six five six three three three the book is yours for a gift of five dollars or more or you may ask for the book by writing to breath of life post office box nine seven one nine two washington DC to zero zero seven seven remember to include your gift of five dollars or more get to the heart of what the Bible means get your copy of how can I understand the Bible today thank you for watching breath of life pastor Walter Pearson hopes today's program has been a real blessing to you to order a CD or audio cassette copy of this broadcast just call our toll-free number at 1 877 Vol offer that's one eight seven seven two six five six three three three or you may write to breath of life p.o box nine seven one nine two Washington DC 200 seventy seven the CD our audio cassette is yours for a gift of five dollars or more if you'd like to purchase a DVD or VHS just let us know and we'll send you an order form with a list of all the breath of life programs again our toll-free number is 877 vol offer eight seven seven two six five six three three three our addresses breath of life P o box nine seven one nine two Washington DC 200 seven seven be sure to tell your family and friends about the breath of life television ministry thank you for your support and God bless you
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
Views: 122,159
Rating: 4.6145005 out of 5
Keywords: breath, of, life, ministries, walter, pearson, seventh-day, adventist, sda, bible, jesus, god, religion, holy, spirit, trinity, faith, christianity, gospel, heaven, praise, truth, word, salvation, pastor, Salvation (Christianity), Ministry, Preaching, Lord
Id: 7uju7hoe0DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2012
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