Hanging By A Thread- (Pastor Walter L Pearson Jr.)

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breath of life presents relentless pursuit with master Walter L fearsome June now we go to the Word of God and tonight we look at Judges chapter 16 and I only need one verse in fact when you read it there will be no doubt in your mind judges chapter 16 and verse 20 and here is what the Bible says and she said the Philistines be upon thee Samson and he awoke out of his sleep and said I will go out at it as other times before and shake myself and he wished not that the Lord was departed from him I've entitled this tonight hanging by a thread would you pray with me father in heaven we dare not open the Word of God without the power of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit so father sinned now all that we need send now the voice of Jesus Christ amplified by the power of His Holy Spirit by pray father that nothing in me shall hinder what Jesus has to say let us leave convinced that we have heard the voice of Jesus for we pray in his name amen there is this man named Samson I love to preach about him because he is strong in fact I learned just this week that in the shades of meaning of his name it even suggests that he is handsome more than muscular but the way his body is built is is accentuated by his winsomeness I would suggest to you that he would be one that everybody would love to see there are men who men find encouraging they are so powerfully built that even men say aha maybe I can be like that and I have learned I didn't know until I had a daughter that you ladies say things like you say in fact I've come to believe that when a very handsome man enters a group if he is beyond ordinary women don't say much because they don't want to share what they've seen I imagine what might have been said had Samson come to the place Samson was called before he was born Jesus the angel who was the Lord is the one who came to his mother and then to his father and said this is what you must do told the mother you have got to eat the right thing and do the right thing some of us forget that children are formed in their mother's womb with the traits that we pass along to them and so even before he was born his mother was instructed don't eat anything unclean don't touch anything that is from the grape you must live in a way that's almost like a Nazarite because your son is called from the womb to be a Nazarite and when he comes he will begin to deliver Israel understand that when you think that hope is lost and there are people who are always believing that there is no hope I am NOT one of you in fact I I will talk to you for a minute but not much more because I find myself pulled down by people who always thinks that think that God has forgotten God never forgets and when you don't think he has a plan there's a plan in the making right there the people of this time was so caught up 40 years under the Philistines power and and and yet God had brought this young man he was being born and reared right among them he had the power to begin to deliver them God had made him so when God makes you strong you're strong that's why I wish we could get our eyes on it handsome yes powerfully built I wonder what he did when he was a little boy I wonder what are some of the things that gave his parents the hint that God was indeed true and what he said did he pick up things that babies couldn't pick up when he was a team that he did he have power that even made his parents wonder there are scholars who believe that the the tribe of Dan would put together little groups to try and battle the Philistines and and they believe that Samson even in his youth was part of those bands that tried to resist I wonder what did Samson do could he go sometimes and take hold of about four or five of the félicité grabbed him at one time and squeeze them together and say good morning how are you remember he wasn't afraid of them he had looked down from from his home which was just above Timnath in fact his blessing and his curse was that he was familiar with these enemies and you got to be careful when your enemies are close by don't have a long time to talk about it but I will warn you that too much familiarity with the enemy is not good you must watch what they do but you must be aware of the dangers Samson looked down and saw very few things that frightened them and because he did he mingled freely with them his home was just above them and he could go down to Timnath and eventually you know what happened among the young ladies in Timnath I have no reason to know what they looked like but I've discovered that romance does not develop based on appearance alone there are young ladies who don't appear to me to be attractive but there's always some man chasing them I scratch my head from time to time there are young men who barely looked like they can make it to me but everywhere they go they're ten or twelve women following behind so evidently it's not based on what you look like there must be some other magnetism that are at work there but somehow Samson Goes Down forgets all the women where he lives I got to touch that because it needs to be touched there are some people who can't see the beauty of folks in God's house I don't understand if somebody from outside comes in and the whole place is a stir what I've learned is that the beauty that God gives you does not vanish there are people now men and women who have learned to make themselves more attractive with things that come in Josh you've seen all the shows there are doctors who can play with your physiography and do things with your face and your form and make you look better than you did before however they say that eventually gravity still wins what I've discovered is that if God makes you look good and I promise you I have seen it I thank God for being an evangelist I've traveled all around the world I have preached to people who came to hear the word of God ugly but I sat there and watched him as God began to make them look bad I've seen men with bloodshot eyes and yellow teeth they bent over they look like if they barely walk but as they opened up the Word of God God touched him straightened them buff clear their eye brighten their teeth put a new bounce in that step I would say that if you are a man who wants to look better before you go to the plastic surgeon open up the Word of God see what God can do for you young lady before you go putting things on and changing things around let Jesus come into your heart he's got a way of changing you from the inside in fact I've seen ladies who have grown old in the church and even after they are gray and wrinkled God arranges their gray hair and puts their wrinkles in the right place so that they're still pretty only God can do that Samson goes down ignoring all the women of his tribe and all the women who loved you over and he's down in Timnath be careful in Timnath you don't know who you looking at it in Timnath and he sees a woman who chews his fancy goes back to his parents i I applaud his parents they said to him have you never seen anybody in our own place here have you overlooked everybody here you know I used to tell my my children when they would chew I'm technically out of the parenting business now my children have reached the age of majority the only thing I can do now is to give counsel and give it quietly and humbly but in those days when I had authority over them I used to tell them when you go to choose somebody if you've got to choose between somebody who is wonderfully made and somebody who loves Jesus bring somebody plain who loves you because the way they look will improve over time I have counseled with people who are married to amazingly winsome people I talked to one man whose wife would from with time to time disturb their worship service that's how pretty she was there were men who would try not to look brethren who are married understand this she's over there anything but when I talked with her husband he said to me pastor there are mornings when I pray that God will hold back sunrise because why she looks beautiful to you she is an ugly woman inside and I wished that it would remain night longer so I wouldn't have to look at her face you can't tell by the cover of a book what's inside of it well I wish Samson had thought he comes back to his parents and says look I got the woman Samson Samson haven't you looked you know that young lady a couple couple blocks down I've seen her mother she's not the one for me but she's so sweet you think she's me I'm looking for something else and so his fancy is caught he says father get up for me I'll respect you but I will not let you affect my choice get the Timnath woman for me some things happen that I cannot linger on long but God will always send you hence when you are going wrong I've discovered that most people don't see the hints God can put up billboards and people who are intent on doing something else don't see them now after it's over they will come and say you know I saw so many signs I don't know why I didn't know God was trying to talk to me and now Here I am I told one lady coming back to me I said didn't we council and didn't I tell you you're going wrong I seldom tell anybody that strong a thing but I told you didn't I she said yes you did but I thought you were trying to keep me from something good now what shall I do well you know in the back of my mind what I want to say is you got yourself into it but that's unkind the woman in Timnath is there the parents say well there's nothing we can do they go round to visit and aside from this little escapade and I I can't get all this stuff in but here's one Sampson is not walking now with his parents he's kind of taking a little detour and runs into a young lion for you and me that would be a very eventful moment I have never encountered a lion face-to-face I went to Africa finally enough times and and teased them that the only wild thing I had seen in Africa was a goat and so they got together and spirited me off after one of my meetings to a game reserve now in a game reserve it's not quite like a zoo in the zoo you are looking at losers these are the animals that got caught you ever wonder why they look like they do they've been caught they lost they think of their cousin still loose and free back in their homeland and there you are thinking you're looking at the genuine article you have no idea what the real animal looks like you look and get losses so they took me through this Game Reserve and and then they told me stories they were trying to get back at me for teasing them and so they told me stories about wild animals as we sat outside looking over the savanna and I knew what they were trying to do but eventually they still got to me they said now faster you may go to your room get under your mosquito net and we shall pray for you late that night I heard something it was an ungodly I have never in my life I had never heard anything like that it I can't even mimic it I didn't want to ask anybody's help because then I would seem afraid so God and I had a talk under the mosquito net eventually I got up I said I got a check cuz this thing is getting louder and me be coming nearer so I knocked on the door of a fellow who didn't seem to lord over me so much and I said you said faster that is a free lion what it is a free lion is that those things you hear in America can't make that noise they are caught what you hear now is a lion roaming free he could come very close to us tonight I said yes and that is the reason why I've come to your room perhaps we should go into the kitchen and pray together this lion comes and Samson has no proper he has no weapon remember that they are in a tense situation with the Philistines so there's no weapon and when the lion comes you know I would have been in motion in the other direction Samson stay there look look in his eyes I'm sure the lion wondered what is wrong with him finally Samson goes over and strangles the lion and according to one scholar then pulls him apart by his hind legs as though he were a kid goat and then he goes to his parents and never mentions the lion it was not an event for him do you feel what's going on then they get to this place and and they discover that these people are not like them you must understand I don't believe in discrimination I do believe however that when you are about to make a contract that lasts for life you must consider who it is with whom you're making the contract are we ok you know there are people who take more time with the decision to buy an attache case than the one that they do for choosing a mate you get on a college campus where you can barely tell who people are there are people who bought special clothes for now there are people who have borrowed cars for now there are people who have attitudes that they put on for now and they don't have long some don't intend to pursue a degree they are pursuing you and here you come without thinking Samson has gone to tim nath the woman that he must have and when he gets there he discovers that these people are quite different in fact when they finally go for the the feast samson has seen again this body of the lion birds have picked the flesh from it the Sun has dried it so it's no longer looking quite like it did before and there are bees that have made a honeycomb bees dislike putrefaction they will not get near a decaying corpse not even of a lion but after the flesh is gone and after there's no odor of that situation they will come and they had made inside the bones of this lion a honeycomb Samson reaches in and gets it not supposed to eat food that comes out of a situation like that but he's playing with all of the rules and breaks off a piece and starts eating it goes to meet his parents and says would you like some doesn't tell him where it came from that's not nice and they eat it with him and as they go down to the feast he thinks AHA in those days it was quite popular to bring some kind of dilemma that could not be solved to bring a riddle that would make everybody wonder so he comes they have given him thirty people for his entourage there are many things that ought to make bells ring in the back of your head if you're going to be married but you're the people of your your proposed wife's country send you thirty people to be with you that's a sign you must never overlook that why you got yo why are you doing so what are you going down there with me right uh can you tell me who you are could I know your names are so I don't worry about it we're just with you we are part of your body but if I don't know you are not part of my body but they go down with him and after they get there he says I have a riddle for you I got to make sure I get it right because this riddle is interesting he says you must solve this now before we leave this particular situation and the riddle I think he says out of the eater came something to eat and out of the strong came something sweet and they say ok you think you can solve of course we'll be back with you presently and you know what he's talking about but they don't and they go for three days and then into the fourth day they have made a wager do you see what this man of God God has said I will make Samson the one who begins to deliver Israel but first of all he chooses somebody who has no consonants with his plan or no understanding of his God how can she help him how can someone help forward your plans for your life if they don't even understand your God I'm not trying to be too strict here am i it just doesn't make sense and so they go and talk to her and they say look tell us this riddle because it appears that the gentlemen you are about to marry wants to rip us off we have made a wager you know I don't want to stop at every one of these points but these are sacks he says to them if if I win I'll give each one of you a change of clothing I'll give you a wardrobe but if I win each of you must give me one not a bad deal if they win they get one a piece if he wins he gets 30 and they say okay we'll work that by the fourth day there's no way they can know the riddle so they go to his proposed wife and say tell us what your proposed husband is talking about and for a moment is another sign if the woman you're about to marry tells your secrets to your to her friends I don't have time for that one but you know there's some power in that if there's more confidence between her and the people than between you and your desired one something wrong so on the seventh day they they get her to break and she says here it is he found a honeycomb in a lion's balls and so all he's saying is that the strongest animal there is is a lion and the sweetest thing there is is honey and if you say those two things you'll win and on the seventh day they come and say it and that's when Samson should have said mom dad let's go home I have I have been at a wedding where the bride or the groom confessed to me I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I'm kind of strange you should never ask me to do your wedding if you're going to confess something like that because it will be my intent from that moment forward to stop the wedding in fact I don't know whether you've ever heard about it but on a couple of occasions I said to a bride take off these clothes put on some regular clothes and go home she says but what will happen my father spent all this money I said your father will forgive you he'd much rather spend all this money and have it go to waste than to have you unhappy for the rest of your life so you go home she said well what are you gonna do I said you will hear about it later put her in a car went out to the people and said folk today we're going to have a wonderful party but it will not be a wedding these people are gone I have sent them away let us go immediately to the reception didn't turn out bad either there were people who were quite happy what I want to tell you is that God's in size but Samson would not see them he marries and then comes the strange sign they said I tell you what she gave us the secret he said I understand that you plowed with my heifer I will not explain that if you don't understand it that's your problem and that's how you know my secret then he understands that there is some comedy going on he goes to get these thirty changes of clothing goes down to another city a city of the Philistines and somehow this man of God who potentially will deliver Israel doesn't understand that when he goes down and kills thirty people and takes their clothes to honor a wager that he's not doing anything wrong folk let me tell you what I know to be true once you set out on a course that is against God you are out of your mind in fact one day when you look back on it you will say to yourself I was out of my mind I should never have done that but the course that you take away from God takes you out of your mind and so now a strange thing has started they find out what he did to get these clothes they find out that there's some strange enmity that is developed and they say we will we will then burn your life and her father's house when Samson gets disturbed he can do things so the first thing that he does is that he backs away from that wedding and another person is put in his place the father of the bride wants Samson leaves gives another man to his daughter Samson comes back eventually the father says I thought you were gone I didn't think he would come back so what I did I gave your wife away to your your best man why don't you take my next dog a younger one he says I don't like this plan so when he gets disturbed about that he goes and does something that only a powerful man can do he goes and catches 300 jackals foxes the Bible cult but the scholars have discovered that foxes don't stay together in those big packs jackals do how do you catch 300 jackals how do you hold it when you catch what do you do grab tails and just hold him together well if you're Samson it's no problem he catches them and then he puts firebrands between tails of two at a time and then turns them loose in the fields of corn that the Philistines depend on to eat and burns down their food supply folks this is a problem you got no more olives you got no more colon and and so the people are quite angry and when he finishes he goes to Judah these are people who are under the direction or under the control of the Philistines and goes to the rock eat a man goes into a cave to stay there and after that experience the Philistines say where is he and you know you can't depend on the Brethren all the time so they say well we know where he is as to Levi's where he is he went to that country okay so they go and make a deal see look we can't go get him you know he's got special skills would you bring him out to us and and his brethren 3,000 of his brethren go to him one of my favorite writer says that if those 3,000 people who went to deliver Samson to the Philistines had come with the determination to stand on God's side they could have freed the people but they were so afraid their backbones were so malleable they could barely stand so they got together and said Samson you got to go out there we we got to take you in deliver you say you forgive me but I see it in modern terms can you see Samson so you guys came to turn me in is that what you came to do and y'all feel pretty good about that can you sleep tonight when you turn me in and say yeah we can sleep tonight we're not gonna let them attack us we got friendships with these people these folks have given us peace we are not about to break up our situation for you come on we're gonna tie you up what shall we tell you with this away you tell me with some green cord I can't break out an ad and they take him to the blisters and they said Samson you're not gonna kill us while we take a nice know about you are you already miserable enough come up here to deliver me instead of doing what God calls you to do you stay in your own misery and stewing it marinate in it but when they get close to the Philistines they are overjoyed they say hey his own people are bringing him here and they shout yeah so happy Samson comes all the way down until he gets close to him then he does what you suspect is Nandu breaks the chords and grabs the next thing he can find which turns out to be the jawbone of a donkey I can't imagine it doing harm to anybody unless I'm Simpson then I can take anything in fact I could almost take nothing but he takes this bone that is not dried and begins to kill people with it until a thousand of them are dead and this man is in trouble now here is what you must know Samson's vow as a Nazarite has three provisions can't approach a dead body can't take anything into his body that comes from the fruit of the grape and cannot cut his hair the scholars believe that by the time we get to this place in the story he has already had wine they believe that he has already come close to many dead bodies so the only provision he's got left is that he hasn't had his hair cut he's hanging by one third of his vow and here is my question to you when does God cut you loose if I were God at 2/3 I cut him loose I don't think he deserves my loyalty and he's no longer the man that I sent but in that moment when he had brought that partial victory his people made him a judge and listen to this for 20 years God allowed Samson to judge Israel that part of Israel that was within those boundaries and then the Bible says that twenty years later and I want to say this to you because there are some of us who have grown old and we'd love to talk about the terrible things young people do or help these young people where do you think they learned what they do oh he's young folk if only God had to worry only about the young people if only those were the only folk who who violated his command there are some people who have grown old who have no longer the energy to act on their evil thoughts forgive me I didn't mean to be mean spirits if but you still got evil intent man looks on the outward appearance God looks on the heart so he knows so if you have been like Samson a good person for a long time don't let it go to your head Samson for 20 years with the judge and then one day something started nagging at him went down to Gaza for no particular reason goes into Gaza and sees a prostitute this judge of God's house and I know folk think that all of this new stuff about holy people you think that it's something phenomenon that has just cropped up it has always been sold that Satan picks on those whom God has chosen to do his will he puts his most excruciating pain upon them and he uses his greatest powers against him he lifts up their temptations he he offers them things that regular folks never even know because it brings him joy to bring somebody down whom God has chosen right now somebody listening to me doesn't understand that the reason why you are having it so hard is because God had a plan for your life and the devil knows it so he works on you much hot Sampson is in Gaza sees the prostitute why in the world would a man of God do this but he goes and and he's in her place and what he doesn't know and what you need to know is that while you are going against God there are people who are watching you they don't act like they know you what they're watching you hey how you doing they don't want to give you a hint but when God has put his hands on you there's something about you that you can't hide you didn't hear me the microphone went out just then and you didn't hear what I said when when God has a purpose for your life there's something about you that stands out and when it stands out people will treat you differently sometimes it will help you other times when the devil comes after you it would be the greatest burden of your life but they're always watching not only are people watching what I've discovered is that it is not God trying to catch us doing wrong God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance the one who's watching you is the devil he is the accuser of the Brethren he's not he's not the one on your side so he tells you stuff to do then he sends every Christian in town to the place where you're in trouble don't you think that it was some accident that in this place where Samson had gone to be with this woman whom we never should have touched that the people didn't know in fact the Philistines got together and they said hey I knew he couldn't last 20 years you thought he'd never break down again didn't didn't I tell you he'd be back write down and gossip see that house right down there that funny-looking roof he's in there and guess what in the morning when the Sun rises we will have enough forces around that house to take him he's a dead man so let him have the night I'm going to tell you how good god is in a house of ill-repute samson is asleep unconscious and all of a sudden something rouses him do you think it was a devil he would have gotten great joy in having a sunrise capture who was it then and I know some of you have to stretch your brain to figure this out because you think God is so vengeful that as soon as you do something wrong God is after you and what I've been trying to tell you for this series is that God is not against you in his divine power that chases you trying to bring you back to where you belong God is not trying to force you out God is trying to bring you in he will do things that you can't imagine to try to get you back before it's eternally too late so at midnight something Sheikh Samson you can think what you think I know what shook him there may have been a dream that woke him up but I know who sent the dream because God is always looking to try to bring you back to let you live within the power of his love and so the man wakes up for no reason at all and when he wakes up he senses what's going on you can't have all those thousands of people around without being aware of it I don't know what does it maybe somebody stepped on a twig maybe some horse in the corner Samson say wait a minute some going on so he leaves the house knowing that thousands of eyes are on him and when he gets to the gate of Gaza it's locked but if you're Sampson and if God loves you enough to shake you awake at midnight then that same power will give you the strength to get out of the town so while the doors are locked he does not open them he picks him up not just the doors but the hinges those things that hold the doors to the pinnings of the door out of the places where they have been deemed and he puts them over his shoulders and walks up the hill with the gates and somebody wakes up - who is that that's not a person Oh what that is I love the gays it's somebody under them they're moving up the hill yeah I told you we shouldn't have waited till morning we should have caught him now now folks stick with me cuz I got to show you something that that will that will tend to build up my form of declaration when you turn against God you are out of your mind if that happens to you if you pick up the gates and go free when you get home don't you want to say Lord I'm sorry you know forgive me I messed up but after that deliverance I know you got me out of there I'm gonna stay with you for the rest of my days but it is not long after that that Samson spies a woman in the veil of surrett her name means devourer maybe you ought to check into the meaning of the names of people a woman named devourer but he goes to her and they began to have genteel conversation and the Philistines learned that he has an eye for her so they come to her it doesn't seem that she's a Philistine woman but someone from another culture and they say we will pay you to find out what makes him strong I'll forgive me but i see i don't i don't read this stuff like ink stains on paper I ask God to take me to the place feel like I've been there when she was telling him you know you're a good-looking man I've heard about you but the half was not told not only are you strong do you mind if I touch your bicep nobody said you were good-looking why don't we get to know each other what makes you so strong I've always wondered that is it anyway I could get you to tell me what it really is he said oh sure a woman like you I'll tell you anything well why don't you tell me right why don't we start off this relationship with something that builds trust between us why don't you tell me something you've never told anybody before why don't you tell me what it is they would make you as a week as our regular man it's it as simple all you got to do is get some green links and tie me up with them they've never been used before and I'll turn into a natural man my folks when she ties you up while you're asleep this is not rocket science when she ties you up when you wake up when she says the Philistines are upon you and you know no problem you break out of stuff say what's going on girl I know you ain't called he's spoken here did you know by now they're gone she said but but you lied to me how can we have trust Samson how can we ever build a relationship if you're not gonna tell me the truth come on right now why don't you well I tell you what don't do it now let me just take care of you for a few days I could be more explicit but you couldn't handle it I could tell you what happened after that I I know what happens when the devil blends his wisdom with the intent of somebody who does not love God you can be in the presence of someone who has more power than you believe not because they're smart but because the devil is using them you gotta be careful with whom you associate there are people who are looking regular but they are not he says how about two new ropes she ties them up with that the Philistines are upon you cracks and breaks them and gets up and then eventually he gets tired if you continue to play games with ungodly people your resolve will evaporate tell you what you do in fact this is I've never told anybody this before if you take the seven locks of my hair and you see that weave you got over there weave my hair like you do cloth and then put the pin in there and and kind of lock me into that that whole mechanism over there and if you call anybody then I'll be as weak as I can be and sure enough he can't be asleep it's who - uncomfortable for him but after she has stuck in all of the mechanism and his hair is completely not she says the Philistines be upon you and he by his hair the man's got strong hair by his hair he pulls up the mechanism and she says but but sweetheart he lied to me how we ever gonna love each other and you think this is ridiculous but I believe somebody is listening to me right now who is just who is just as fool who has let somebody get way into their lives and then one day it happens he's too tired she wakes him up and sweetheart you know let me let me just massage yeah I just his muscles amazed tell me child me baby I'm starting to think it may have something to do with your hand you know that last thing you told me I thought we were getting warm we'll be close he said well I tell you what it is if you are if you cut my hair that's a last thing that connected him to his bow he was hanging by a thread until then and now that's gone she puts him to sleep on her lap while he's asleep she calls in someone with a reason ah they ticked that Lots and begin to shake him off Azari let's check him now and she said Samson Samson the Philistines are upon you and he says I will rise and shake myself like I did before I will get up and be as strong as I was before but when he gets up he know that something has left him it is more than he imagined he did not know that he had hung by the last thread and cut it and now he had nothing listen one of my favorite writer says that if somebody had made his hair be cut without his will he would been he would have been just as strong the power was not in the hair the power was in the commitment to God when you break every thread that connects you to God it is then that you've given away the best thing that you have and don't fool yourself sometimes when you think someone loves you because of what you look like or because of your talents or your skills it is none of the above it is your connection with God that makes you attractive and what that person wants most is to pray a with that connection it's something they don't have but something you have and there you are cutting every connection you have with God and they took that man away and gouged out his eyes and put him out a grinder and he ground grain and they laughed at him until that day you remember what happened he had been grinding corn as his hair grew back but I want to tell you something it was not the regrowth of the hair it was his recommit Minh to God see though don't don't reduce religion to icons this is not a cartoon this is not some strange story you saw on HBO this is the power of God in action so as that man grinds corn he finally comes to his senses and says god I can't see with these eyes anymore but my heart has new eyesight I can see now that the only thing I have ahead with you and I cut you off and I want a BEC of your father if I never do anything for you again just forgive me for what I've done and here II committed his life to God and as his hair grew back it had little I believe to do with the recommitment but one day they took him down to play the final spot in that temple where Dagon was the fish God a God that looked like half fish and half man and on that day says one of my favorite writers it was no longer a contest between Samson and the Philistines it was a contest between the fish God and the God of him listen the only real thing you can do with your life is to put it on the side of God the only lasting thing the only positive thing that you can do the only meaningful thing that you can do with your life is to put it on God's side this man finally does it and you remember what happened he goes out and they're laughing and they say look the powerful man who wounded and killed so many of our people look at him now and they brought him out there were 3,000 on the roof he said I'm I'm feeling woozy I'm a little dizzy could you take me to that place I've heard you got where I could just lean on the pillow he knew that they were close enough together so that he could get his hands on both of them there was the primary support of that temple he had just enough space to push the pillars and he decided no matter what happens to me I will die obeying my god I will die trying to get back some of the of the luster that I took away from his name and he pushed the pillars and it came tumbling there and I know some of you say it was suicide and some of you say well if that's the way he went out how can you give us his story and try to make us come to God and I direct you to Hebrews the eleventh chapter it is a place where the greatest heroes for God have their name when you get to verse 32 you will find an initiative name the name of sex join us next time for more breath of life
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
Views: 54,780
Rating: 4.5933609 out of 5
Keywords: breath, of, life, ministries, walter, pearson, seventh-day, adventist, sda, bible, jesus, god, religion, holy, spirit, trinity, faith, christianity, gospel, heaven, praise, truth, word, salvation, pastor, Salvation (Christianity), Ministry, Preaching, Lord
Id: sd3wsU3-Dqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Fri May 09 2014
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