Mirror, Mirror On The Wall- (Pastor Walter L Pearson Jr.)

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breath of life presents experience the power with Walter Elle Pearson jr. today pastor Pearson's message is entitled mirror mirror on the wall I want you to turn with me tonight to the book of James for all of you who may not be completely familiar with the book of James you can find Hebrews if you can find Hebrews slowly go to the end of Hebrews slowly because James is not a big chapter not a big book but fine James and I want to ask you to go to James chapter one and you'll find out that I'm not faking with my title mirror mirror on the wall well let's see if there's anything in the Bible about that James chapter one let me start winning with verse 23 for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was but whoso looketh into the perfect law of Liberty and continueth therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed do you see it it's a mirror in the Bible would you pray with me father in heaven we opened the Word of God tonight but we do so only with the assurance that the presence of God is anywhere that two or three are gathered in his name so tonight we we are grateful for the presence of divinity now we open this book hoping and believing that the power of God will come to be with us tonight we want to experience the power and so we ask you to be with us and we trust that it shall be so in the name of Jesus amen the Bible says that you come to the mirror and if you are a faith full person when you look into the mirror you will see what you need and do something about it there are people however the text suggests who look at themselves and don't do anything they just walk away I must confess to you that at a certain age looking in the mirror becomes a traumatizing experience I confess that I have reached that age I read years ago that after you pass 32 you always remember yourself as what you look like at 32 can you imagine what happens when I look in a mirror I see my dad I see my mom I see some horrible guy who needs to turn himself in for an extreme makeover but I'm shocked that it's me and the fact is that the mirror doesn't do anything about what I look like in fact if the mirror says you look wrinkled as it often does I really don't have the nerve for plastic surgery so I got to live with these wrinkles what I try to do is smile a lot and get cute winkles because because mine are going to stay but the fact is that the mirror does not have the power to do anything about what you look like in fact if you ever look in your mirror and your mirror reaches out to wash your face it may be time to move now I started a metaphor the other night and I was talking about choirs I got a pastor in trouble I got a call a pastor called me and said look you have got me in trouble I got three choirs in my church none of them had robes and then the other night said you you said you can't take a choir seriously until they have robes he said now our church has to raise money to get three choirs choir robes and I apologized to it but here is what my metaphor was meant to the problem with people who claim to be gods is that they can't be taken seriously until they resemble each other and if you claim Jesus and you act a certain way and I claim Jesus but I am nothing near what you are somebody has got a problem until we resemble each other and you remember we read it the other night when I am born into the new family then I begin to try to resemble my new father in everything that I do and here's what happens if I resemble my new father and you resemble your new father you and I will tend to resemble each other that was the weakest day man I've heard yet the fact is that if you were in Christ and I'm in Christ we're family so you might as well like me and one of the ways you can show you like me is to say Amen in this audience it works here so we are family because we are in Christ I want to suggest to you tonight that one of the biggest problems with the family of God is that the people who claim to be like Christ don't resemble him enough and I want to tell you why because they don't look in the mirror the Bible says that the mirror is the law now I know why you're getting quite unnerving nervous time if there is no law there is no mirror I don't know what I look like so when I see you I don't know whether I look like you or not because I didn't see myself and what you got to do in fact as I look at you I have no doubt in my mind that every one of you checked the mirror you came now sometimes a mirror can't help you when you dress hurriedly I'm gonna look away from you when I say that because somebody may be in here with stuff that doesn't match and I don't want you to think I'm picking on you you know that you need to check the mirror before you leave I have had that experience I I went out one time my wife had not done her final check on me gentlemen can you relate until she says it's right I really ought not leave but then you know sometimes you got a dress without your wife being there and you got on a black suit and blue socks and you don't know it until you get in the light and then you're gonna try to cry for now but the fact is that without a mirror we don't have any way to know I'm gonna I'm gonna cut to the chase for a moment and show you that the biggest problem with modern Christians is that we don't resemble each other enough and we don't resemble each other enough because somebody misunderstood the Word of God and through the mirror away are you still with me and you and I know that the mirror in this sense represents the law because the Bible says that the law is like a mirror and you know what's so wonderful about the the law as a mirror it doesn't really care who you are when you look in it it'll tell you the truth there's somebody here tonight who's got enough money to buy and sell me before breakfast but when you look into law it doesn't care it'll say you need to change you've got a problem and you need to correct it when the former presidents of the United States looked into the mirror of the law it never changed what it said because of his office because the law tells everybody the truth ah so there was no political clout that could change it the law is not politically correct it does not say oh well you don't look good but you're okay because I know who you are I know your relatives are let me tell you something when you look in this book the Bible is like a two-edged sword it says of itself and it'll cut preachers in fact sometimes I preach sermons and I'll have people say rather jokingly pastor you were stepping all along my toes today what they mean was I got something they didn't want particularly here and I'll tell him before I stepped on your toes this thing stepped on mine because while I was getting ready to bring it to you it was getting me ready for the process so I want to suggest that that somebody got confused and throw away the law would you go to the book of Colossians now let me give you a hit tonight if you don't do well moving in the Bible stick close to Romans I've got Romans texts tonight but this is Colossians and I'm going to I'm starting now to do cut to the chase preaching I've learned that we are living in a cut to the chase generation you don't want me to play around and amble all over the thing and and be mealy mouse or namby-pamby you want me to tell it like it is am i telling the truth got a text here that a lot of folk misunderstand Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 and verse 14 and here's a text that is often misunderstood here's what it says blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross let me tell you that if I were a preacher who liked to draw gigantic crowds at whatever cost I would take this text and have a wonderful time I would say to you that there is no more law governing Christian I tell you that you can do anything you choose to do so long as you do it in the name of Jesus I would tell you that there is no law I tell you that when Jesus died on the cross he took the law and nailed it to his cross so you can toss it out and I think too many people are of that mindset because we've come to a time now where people in the name of Jesus of doing everything they're big enough to do and I suggest to you it's why so many people are confused because they can't tell what we are about claiming Jesus name so the text sounds like it's saying that something got nailed to the cross something did get nailed to the cross you gotta follow me now because I'm trying to cut to the chase when the Israelites came out of Egypt they had conformed to a society that was not congruent was not fitting well with what their God had taught them to do in fact when you hang around people too long and be holding the wrong models you tend to get a little sloppy with your religion there are people now who claim they love Jesus but their concentration is somewhere else so instead of reading the Word of God they are always looking at television and I'm not mad at television breath of life comes on television so I'd like for you to look at breath of life but there's a lot of stuff on television it doesn't really do a lot of good for your life and I got sick one time had to stay home and watch that stuff I got so that I had to turn the television off you know ran out of breath of life to watch and don't particularly like look at myself on television so I was really messed up there's not a lot of great stuff on television the comedies seem to be year down to about the fifth grade level you know and then they got to make somebody else laugh to tell me when it's time to laugh I know when to laugh if it's funny but television will change you because if you look at too much of it you forget what God intends for you to do I suggest to you that the problem is that somebody misread it the Israelites got into Egypt and forgot their God and their practices and the relationship that made them different so when they came out when God brought them out and everybody gets excited about that moment when Moses stands before the Red Sea and God opens up a dry path to all of that water and I know we've got scientists who say that it never happened they say it wasn't the Red Sea it was a reed sea and they say it wasn't deep in fact they say it was about like that anybody could have walked through it and all I gotta tell them is that if it was just that deep howcome pharoh's army got drowned in it so they do lay down in it when God got his children out he had to begin to teach them how to be his people again so he gave him all kinds of laws he gave them civil laws told him about what animals belong to you and you should keep yours and not steal others told you how to to manage your own family you should not covet somebody else's wife and even if you did you ought to get to get it straight and don't try to steal someone else's wife it talked about health laws and all kinds of laws but there was one kind of law that God gave to Moses to help them remember the awful nature of sin because in Egypt they had forgotten and so God says here's what you must do when you sin blood must be shed not just any blood but bring a lamb an innocent lamb bring it to the priest and its throat must be slit that innocent animal whose eyes look at you while you take its life slit its throat and let its blood be shed because the shedding of that blood represents the shedding of Jesus blood and it is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from sea there are people who think that sin is a game it is not a game what God had to teach his people was after they had left Egypt but when you sin you gotta you gotta have the shedding of blood I have read the accounts of butchers who will kill any kind of animal but not a sheep because they say they can't stand to see the innocent eyes look at them while they kill it so they'll kill anything but a sheep God intended it for that innocent look to be violated so that we would understand that when you sin a price has to be paid and I'm glad to announce to remind most of us that the price was paid on Calvary when the innocent Lamb of God Jesus Christ went to the cross and those laws many laws if you didn't have a lamb you could get a Turtledove if you're kidding before the Turtledove you could get wheat and use that but you had to bring some sacrifice to show you that when you sin something's got happen to take away you see but those laws lasted only until Jesus went to the cross one of my favorite writer says that when Jesus went to the cross and I know most of you have seen that movie I finally rented it an amazing piece of film but it sometimes misses meaning because it wasn't just suffering fact is that when Jesus the holy son of God gave what man could not take you gotta remember that all of that suffering was not punishment that he could not resist he could have called 10,000 age but it gave his blood because his blood stopped the need for animals blood and when Jesus died the writer who I love says that the priest was down at the tabernacle about to take the life of another a lamb but when Jesus declared it he's finished in heaven they heard it is accomplished it is done so no longer did animals need to die the priests hand began to shake the night drop from his hand the lamb scampered and ran away because then that blood was not needed Jesus had died and so the ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross but I want to tell you tonight that God's law of Liberty we just read it the perfect law of Liberty still exists and I'm glad it exists because even in the presence of the law there are a lot of people who don't keep it what would happen if God tossed it what would happen tonight if God said just kind of do what you like I saw a car in the parking lot already tonight I kind of liked it could tell you what it is but the guy might go out there and check tonight I can't take that car just because I like it because the law of God says thou shalt not steal do you see it what would happen if God tossed out them all well let me show you the difference in fact I got to do this fairly quickly but Exodus chapter 31 Exodus chapter 31 will show you that there were laws in fact they are known as the Ten Commandments those laws were different than the ordinances Exodus chapter 31 and verse 18 listen to what it says and he gave unto Moses when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai two tables of testimony tables of stone written with the finger of God I I know some of you have been really let down because you thought Charlton Heston was God even as a kid I kind of didn't buy into that because my god is able to say to Moses bring me stumped well first ones God chose next ones he says bring me some more I don't want to write this on paper or leather or vellum I want to write it in stone because it's everlasting lasts forever and Jesus with his finger it would take me to get a jackhammer to make indentations in stone but Jesus with a singer backwards in Hebrew and the law is written in stone it's not temporary there's no eraser on a pencil this is the finger of God writing law don't you ever forget that the the Ten Commandments and there's no question in your mind you don't have to know religion to know that those tables of stone were the Ten Commandments and God wrote them with his finger to last forever okay go with me to Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 31 just happens to be a couple of 31c Deuteronomy chapter 31 I'm cutting to the chase that's the way I like it a long time ago people like for preachers to play around now they want it to happen fast tell me what you're saying quickly Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 24 these are those ordinances that were against us watch what it says it says and it came to pass when Moses had made an end of writing the words of this law in a book until they were finished so even from the beginning even when God gave Moses the ordinances that would keep a nation in order traveling through the wilderness he already said from the top that they'll last for a while but they'll be finished now let's talk about how long the 10 commandments last Romans chapter 7 I told you to go over there if you don't want to find texts if you don't feel like doing it stick a finger or something in Romans there will be a few up Romans chapter 7 and let's read verse 12 Romans chapter 7 verse 12 wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good do you know that most law in most countries is based on the law in the Word of God and the cornerstone of law is the 10 commandments in fact in old days when they were those real lawyers you know I'm not talking about these new lawyers at all look-alike cookie cutter lawyers I'm talking about the lawyers who had personality remember those guys and there's some of them had long white hair and some of them had different kinds of suits and and when they wanted to be really dramatic they would go into the courtroom and say your honor I opened the Word of God well now you can't do that we got funny rules but the fact is that most law is based on the law that is in the Word of God and as long as that law stands and the Bible says it's holy and just a good ecclesiastical I tell you how to find that well by the time you figure out I'll be gone so if you know it you got it if you don't he this is Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and look at verse 14 I know that whatsoever God do it it shall be forever nothing can be put to it nor anything taken from it and God do with it that men should fear before him now let's go back to the problem the problem is that people are claiming Jesus but they don't look alike it's way beyond choir robes you begin to wonder what does it mean to claim the name of Jesus and I meet people who who have Jesus name on their tongues all the time I enjoy hearing it I meet people who say Jesus is the ruler of my life but it's more than quoting a phrase if you're gonna be in Christ if you're gonna be in this family and we read it the other night Jesus wants you to be in the family he came to seek and to save the Lost but he doesn't bring in the family to act like you always did in his name because when you get in the family you ought to behave differently my mom and dad though they were not wealthy or famous always had my brother and I to think that there was something special about being a Pearson doesn't mean anything to you I've got no reaction from you when I said that but they would say it my mom would tell us you look when you go out on the street my mom when if she clenched her teeth it was an important sign that was not a regular utterance when she did want it you should listen to her there were consequences if you did she say when you get out of this house you remember that you reflect on this family don't you happy here but you're doing things out there that reflect badly on the side you're gonna think my mom was a mean woman she had two boys and she had to kind of keep us on the straight and narrow and we knew when she clenched her teeth you had better listen to that so when we got out said hey man if you see me doing something funny tell me cuz mom is on the warpath join us next time for more of pastor Pearson's message entitled mirror mirror on the wall now ranges ever wonder if your life has meaning and purpose if there was more to life than a sink full of suds if God was really active in the details of your life if there was greener grass over some other fence if so get this week's offering outrageous grace by twine elfin life is full of choices you can ski off a mountain then find a hospital or you can get outrageous grace and find out what God has in store for you you can ride a mad bull and find a hospital or you can get outrageous grace and find out how much God loves you you can hang upside down like this for some reason and find a hospital or you can well you get the idea get the book and be prepared to jump for joy or at least get a case of happy toes the grace from God is free the book it's a $5 donation got it good get it read it and discover how the God of the universe is absolutely relentless in his love for you grab a phone and make a free call 877 Bol offer seven to six five six three three three all right to the book and let the US Postal Service carry it to breath of life P o box nine seven one nine to Washington DC - zero zero seven seven what else easier to say alright I'm done breath of life presents experience the power with Walter Elle Pearson jr. join us now as pastor Pearson continues his message entitled mirror mirror on the wall Jesus wants you to be in the family he came to seek and to save the lost but he doesn't bring in the family to act like you always did in his name because when you get in the family you ought to behave differently my mom and dad though they were not wealthy or famous always had my brother and I to think that there was something special about being a Pearson doesn't mean anything to you I've got no reaction from you when I said that but they would say it my mom would tell us you look when you go out on the street my mom when she clenched her teeth it was an important sign that was not a regular utterance when she did want this you should listen to her there were consequences if you did she say when you get out of this house you remember that you reflect on this family don't you had me hear about you doing things out there that reflect badly on the son you're gonna think my mom was a mean woman she had two boys and she had to kind of keep us on the straight and narrow and we knew when she clenched her teeth you had better listen to that so when we got out said hey man if you see me doing something funny tell me cuz mom is on the warpath if my parents cared about what their children did in the street in their name do you guess God cares do you guess God might get a little disturbed at some of the stuff we do in his name in fact I have met people sometimes when I go to the barbershop shop I'm almost ashamed to say Who I am because I know it's gonna start a controversy you know but I can't be I'm proud of what I do but I just know what's gonna happen I so they finally get around to excuse me I sir what do you do well you know is that important physicians tell me they can't say what they do or else they'll have to give free advice and psychiatrists can't say what they do every but it runs from them morticians but what I say what I do people always got some yeah another one of you guys what they're saying is that we and when I say we I'm talking about religious leaders and religious people we have so misrepresented what God's family stands for that now it's hard to convince people that it's a good thing to be in God's family but I'm telling you that without a mirror we will never resemble each other will real never resemble our Father and there will always be confusion Romans chapter 3 let's go there and I've got to move now this enemy have you seen the size of my clock has anybody noticed when you get a chance come up here I will never be able to say I didn't know what time it was the numbers on this clock are about a foot tall so they got me Romans chapter 3 let me stop talking to you and find my text Romans chapter 3 and verse 20 Romans 3 verse 20 therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin have you ever happened parked somewhere where there used to be a painted curb and you come back and you got a ticket and you want you know you know you lose your composure I look at that curb no color on that curb might have been color one day when I give me a ticket when there's no color on the car you know and what you're angry about is that they got you for something that they didn't tell you about so if you don't tell what the rules are you can't catch me you can't punish me and and and the Bible says that the law tells you what's right and tells you what's wrong and I don't know about you but I need to know that I need to know what I'm right and know when I'm wrong now there's something about the law however that's kind of like a mirror go to Romans chapter 8 we're doing Romans stuff now isn't this amazing isn't amazing how well you found that text Romans chapter 8 and let's see I need to start with verse 3 here's what it says for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit let's take this apart I wish I could do the whole thing but I don't have time the law is weak like a mirror is weak when you look in the mirror and it says you need a shower you say how does a mirror know you need a shower it can't sense your aroma but you are disheveled I'll tell you what a mirror can't tell you need comb your hair you no need to wash your face when I wake up I got a look at wrinkles that have developed overnight as I lay on my pillow longer it did you under pull them out you know when I was young they came out instantly now they kind of hang around for a while but the mirror is weak like the law is weak and I'll show you how the mirror can tell you you need to do something but the mirror can't do it the law can tell you where you're wrong but the Bible says the law can't do it it's weak for that function but then this this thing is so powerful the text is so powerful that it shows you that the law is weak for some things but look in in the very first verse verse 3 it says God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit the law is not made to save the law can't save but until you have looked into the mirror of the law you don't know you need to be saved because you might think you're okay and the easiest kind of religion is to compare yourself with other folks who claim they're Christians he said I'm better than he is I'm not doing that stuff he does I saw him outside I saw this kind of stuff he does he lives in my neighborhood I know he's a horrible guy I'm Way better than here so I must be closer to Jesus than quite mean that the fact is that until you find salvation through Christ you cannot claim to be changed even after the mirror has talked to you go to Romans chapter 5 and let's start with verse 8 because this is cut to the chase Bible Romans chapter 5 and start with verse 8 it says but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life this one has got power in fact I declare this to be our experience the power moment while I was an enemy of God in fact let's get real before I was born before I was a twinkle in my daddy's eyes Jesus said before the foundation of the world when Walter goes wrong not if Walter goes wrong when he goes wrong I will die for him I would have said if Walter straightens up if Walter shows remorse if he seems to be worth the sacrifice I might think about dying for him Jesus says I'll die for him though he doesn't deserve it I'll even die for him while he's still in rebellion against me in rebellion against my father in rebellion against God's Word but I love him enough that I will die for him why who's yet in rebellion is an external experience the power moments let me tell you something if God had waited for me to get straight before Jesus died for me I would be in trouble tonight but before I was born the price had been paid while I was born in rebellion Jesus loved me so much that the price had been paid and then the offer was made to me and then the text says getting nearly in that if that is so and I'm reconciled then how much more shall I live with Christ living in me well go to Galatians because I'm looking at the clock I can I can cut to the chase with this one Galatians well not easy to find you know this Bible has been very angry because I've been looking for my texts to pop up on those wonderful screens and I haven't flexed it Galatians chapter 2 got a text for you that's amazing and look at verse 20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I love this stuff call this the second experience the power moment I'm dead with Jesus and the fact is that Jesus did not deserve to be crucified but I did so I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me let's get real the law can't change me I can't change myself the fact is that the Bible declares that and Ethiopian notice this is some old stuff and I'm gonna have to work on this one cuz you you start talking about dark-skinned you get into my neighborhood because I tell people all the time my tan is just about perfect the Bible says can an Ethiopian changes skin or a leopard changes spots if a leopard can change its spots or any one of us in here change our skin then you can also take away your own sin but the fact is that with all the stuff you can use and you know I know there's some great stuff Jeremiah chapter 13 and verse 23 if you want to find it they got stuff you can rub on your now I saw it the other night I taped a show to try to find out what they did with a guy's skin his skin was awful and they took a laser in the GGG GGG GGG but at the end of that process I was so happy to know that my text is still powerful because this guy had terrible skin at the beginning after he healed from the laser stuff it was better but I could still see his imperfections and the doctor said sir as you can see this is not a perfect process don't you look much better and I read this guy's mind so I looked at his eyes II like I spent all this money and I still got this stuff I've been going through all this pain and healing and you told me I was going to look good and I still got it I know it's not as bad as it was but I paid you enough money to make it go away but he didn't know there was a text in it it says can't change your skin and I know somebody will write me a note and say I got mine change yeah you keep on living it'll go back to where it was amazing thing about plastic surgery you get it you gotta get it again skin remembers the Bible says if you can change your skin or if the leopard can lose your spots then you can make yourself holy the law can't change you you can't change you but the news tonight that I bring to you is the good news of salvation what can wash away my seat nothing but the blood friends of mine it has been my joy to preach literally around the world I've been to every country but I've been to enough to know that God's power works everywhere I told my wife a few months ago we've got to start taking before-and-after pictures because you can't believe what happens to people when they give up trying to change themselves and let Jesus change them you can try to be like the Pharisees it's very frustrating you know there are people who say I've got an iron will and I can tell you about your iron will it's just about like the last diet you were on I see a cake in there I'm not even tempted made up my mind no more cake going to bed upstairs in your pajamas not gonna do shrim this stuff illuminate the room after I got through I wouldn't dare I wouldn't dare no calories in that I got the willpower I have an iron will so I can even taste that wonderful top that was on that cake and it has no power over me carry it in my hand I have power over you wonder how many calories are in a really thin slice I believe I got enough power to actually taste this slice and not be overcome by it you know something maybe I can start this diet tomorrow yes here's what I got to show you can you get to Ephesians I'm sorry I lost some of you forgive me I didn't mean to do that can you get to Ephesians Ephesians chapter 3 and all I need is one verse in there and here's what it says verse 20 if each in chapter 3 verse 1 now unto him and he sleep if I had all the time in the world if that horrible clock we're not facing me down I could I could preach a sermon on now unto here I'm not able even to resist Kate but he's able in him I've got the power cuz I'm not able but he's able and the Apostle Paul says I am dead with Christ but yet I live but it's not me living it's Jesus living inside of me and I tell you that when you give Jesus the right to be on the throne in your life he will give you power to overcome is there anybody who knows it's true I have met people with horrible habits I've met people with terrible addictions and they've told me I met a man who was on crack cocaine I don't know what it's like to be on crack cocaine I do know however that not many people can overcome it and this man said to me he said pastor I can tell you that it's the most powerful thing I have ever confronted he said it's so powerful that it made me forget about heroin well I don't know about heroin either so I still don't know what he's talking about I got some stuff in my life that's powerful but here's what this man see he said pastor I started on crack cocaine that's not a habit that's an addiction and it's a powerful addiction it's not to be toyed with there may be some people who will need to come to Christ and still get someone with clinical skills to help you whatever it takes you all get it but I'm telling you that until you have the power of Jesus well let's read what it says here now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh within us so here's what I want to tell you tonight the law has not been done away tonight there is a law there is a mirror if you go home and read through your Bible your Bible will tell you when you're right tell you when you're wrong but when you finish looking in the mirror the mirror won't change you can't change but I know somebody okay and he says I'm able to help you above what you're gonna ask above what you can think one scholar says that means above what you can imagine he's able to do it with the power that he puts inside of you so tonight my experience the power moment is this when I can't he came but I'm about to give up in fact one night I was preaching a sermon in I do believe that God spoke to me God speaks to me many times in many ways but I don't claim superficial holiness and and it's a beautiful thing when I hear God's big I'm preaching and God says mention suicide well you know God and I have conversations sometimes sometimes you'll say say stuff and I'll say Lord that's not gonna make me popular people are gonna think I'm a little off-key but I've learned it when he says it to do it and so that night I said in a congregation not unlike this one if you've got a problem if you've got a habit if you've got an addiction that you can't handle if you tried everything that you know and you still got the problem if you're finished if you through if you have no more resources if you can't do any more then why don't you give it to Jesus he says I can give you more than you can ask or even imagine and I will put my power in you you can go ahead and let yourself die so that suicide is no longer an issue in fact if you think your life is worthless tonight don't throw it away put it in Jesus head if you know everything you can let him have a try at it what could it hurt if you're finished let him start because Jesus says you can die but I will come and live inside of you and the things you couldn't do before you'll be able to do now but you'll recognize it's not you it's Jesus moving in you so I have met people who have overcome amazing things in fact I was about to tell you about those before and after pictures I got to tell about this lady one more time I wish you could meet her but then you'd know the whole story related to her I met a lady one night in an evangelistic meeting that's one of these things and this lady obviously had a job that was unacceptable in polite society she apparently was a social worker she had barely enough clothes on to be street legal and since every preacher worth his salt knows that you folks kind of look at our eyes to see what we're looking at I said I can't look at her so I looked above her scalp and I said yes what can I do to help you and she said sir I'm tired of the way I live and you talked tonight about Jesus and his power so here's what I want to do would you introduce me to Jesus and I didn't care what anybody thought any more about my eyes I looked her straight in the eye and said Jesus can cure any situation that you have all you got to do is look at him in your life and that night before that woman walked away we prayed together and guess what nobody ever talked to her about her clothes but the next night she came more clothes on the next night and the next night and the next night she didn't walk the same way she walked the first time I saw her and then I discovered that this woman had allowed Jesus to take over her life thanks for watching join us next time for more breadth of life with pastor Walter L Pearson jr. now ranges ever wonder if your life has meaning and purpose if there was more to life than a sink full of suds if God was really active in the details of your life if there was greener grass over some other fence if so if this week's offer outrageous grace by Twain elfin life is full of choices you can ski off a mountain then find a hospital or you can get outrageous grace and find out what God has in store for you you can ride a mad bull and find a hospital or you can get outrageous grace and find out how much God loves you you can hang upside down like this for some reason and find the hospital or you can well you get the idea get the book and be prepared to jump for joy or at least get a case of happy toes the grace from God is free the book it's a five dollar donation got it good get it read it and discover how the God of the universe is absolutely relentless in his love for you grab a phone and make a free call 877 Bo an offer like I'm eight seven seven two six five six three three three all right to the book and let the US Postal Service carry it to breath of life P o box nine seven one nine to Washington DC - zero zero seven seven what else easier to say ah I'm done Hey
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
Views: 89,044
Rating: 4.6358461 out of 5
Keywords: mirror, on, the, wall, breath, of, life, ministries, walter, pearson, seventh-day, adventist, sda, bible, jesus, god, religion, holy, spirit, trinity, faith, christianity, gospel, lord, heaven, praise, truth, word, salvation
Id: wO6-qBRfOlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2011
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