"The Power Of Rest" - Touré Roberts

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hey family pastor Toure here I'm excited about this message of getting ready to watch it's gonna bless your life and there's another blessing that I pray that you be able to avail yourself to I wrote my second book called wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is going to change your life it's all about identifying and uncovering some invisible boundaries that keep you from your potential it's a great blessing with a foreword even from our Bishop TD jakes enjoy but for now enjoy this video [Music] how you doing much better if you feel like you're gonna be doing so much better when you leave out here you all have met just give give God some praise on credit just give him an advance in advance on what he's gonna do I want us to do a little bit of reading today let's let's look at mark chapter 4 verse 35 to 40 then we're gonna leave there and we're gonna look at a passage in Matthew chapter 11 mark 4 and 35 reads like this on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side the he in this passage is Jesus you know what I want to do I want to take a minute and I want to let this movement subside and so I wish I could sing you a song for you I wish I could you want you don't want me to do it no that wouldn't be I think I think the anointing would just leave the room let me see maybe I could tell you joke funny story something like that what would joke I'm trying to think what joke no ah okay that's better that's better yeah just some China minimize the distractions minimize the distractions sorry so mark chapter 4 verse 35 I want to talk today about something that is different than what I told you I won't talk about some of you may have been confused by social media recently because last night there was a flyer up that said today's message was gonna be called the way forward did you see that flag okay then you went to social media today and it said the power of rest and and and and that was my fault because I am going to be talking about the way forward but I think what's more important about the way forward is the power of rest that's what we're going today fair enough all right mark chapter 4 I'm trying to stall in case you know mark chapter 4 it says on the same day when evening had come he jesus' the he said to them let's cross over to the other side verse 36 it says now when they had left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him him as Jesus and a great wind storm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already feeling there's a storm waves hit the boat and the boat starts to be filled with waters not sinking but there is water in the boat verse 38 it says but he he is Jesus was in the stern asleep on a pillow and they awoke him and said to him teacher do you not care that we are perishing verse 39 it says then he Jesus arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still hallelujah and the wind ceased and there was a great calm so you see the story everybody's in the boat the boat comes into this windstorm this windstorm begins to shake up the sea water starts to come into the boat Jesus is down asleep in the stern fast asleep chilling on a pillow I mean just just just chill it like you can't do no better than I just just chilling was the pillow behind his head when it's under feet we don't know but we just know that Jesus is completely unbothered his disciples go down there and they're like Jesus we're perishing Jesus doesn't say anything to them immediately he just rebukes the wind and tells the sea you ever been to the ocean tells a sea peace be still and the sea settles then in verse 40 he says to them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith we won't come back to that in a minute let's go to Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 Jesus says here come to me all you labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you what I'll give you rest verse 29 he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls the first thirty it says for my yoke is easy and my burden is light I as I've been walking with the Lord I have learned a lot about progress how to move forward in the things of God but the longer our walk with God I realizes that there are more processes to progress than I once thought if you have been here for any length of time you've heard me talk about this and progress doesn't just happen you got a fight for you I heard me preach that before you got a fight you got a press you've got to to really press in to lay hold of what God has for you and I believe that with all of my heart I don't think that destiny is something that that just falls in your lap I believe you got to make some tough decisions I believe you got to set some boundaries I believe you got to pray and press and lay hold I believe you have to fight Giants and Goliath I believe that you have to be willing to be tried and not deny in the midst of that trial and fight until you see that giant fault I believe with all of my heart that what God has for you is not just going to fall into your lap if Paul said he had to forget those things that are behind and reach forward to those things which are ahead I believe that we will have to progress is not just gonna show up you've got to lay hold of it but God and that's all true but the Lord has been speaking to me about progress and he's showing me that there's another process and perhaps the most vital process to progress one that you make you one that you would probably be least likely to suspect and it's rest and that's what I want to talk about today I want to talk about the power of rest now right there that seems to be somewhat contradictory power and rest can I keep it 100 me because when we think of power we think of explosion well we think of of loud well we think of dynamite we think of you know man you know powers like you know like like strength this this this powerful visible strength but Jesus teaches us something different and Jesus teaches us that the most powerful position to be in is the position of rest he teaches us that rest is power and so I want to talk about rest today and I'll quickly talk about two types but but I'm gonna spend most of my I'm talking about the second type of rest the first type of rest is physical rest it's what is what the Bible talks about when it talks about the Sabbath right you know the Sabbath on the seventh day you shall rest six days you shall work the seventh day you shall rest that literally means to cease to rest physically to not move if you go to the cedars-sinai hospital right now on the Sabbath which is which is Saturday if you go there and you get in an elevator on the Sabbath you will not have to press the elevator the elevators stop on every floor and the reason being is the culture of the Sabbath is to literally do no work not eating the work not even the work of lifting up your finger and pressing the button for the floor you need to get off on they're serious about it and it was that word literally means to cease to stop and that is important anytime you think see something show up in the Ten Commandments God is serious about it not serious about it for himself but serious about it for you and here is why where do you rest when you stop when you cease you recreate yourself that's why it's called recreation it is recreation and here's why that's important we're created in the image of God which means that we are creators or creative and we don't create out of somebody else's substance when you create you are creating out of yourself meaning that if you constantly and consistently create it and you release creative energy you would die because you're creating out of yourself and if you don't if you continue to create out of yourself and you never stop you will create yourself to death are you tracking with me that's why it's called rest and recreation it is God's command to stop and allow you to be recreated so that you'll have something fresh to create let me carry real quick there's some people in there right now and your way forward is not to grind to the end of the year it is to stop I felt the Spirit of the Lord on that it is to stop and I know this let me tell you something it takes more faith to stop than it does to start because we get all these withdraws especially if you are driven like me or you know your man of purpose and destiny you got stuff to do I feel like an alien when I stop oh this is with somebody I'll just lay right here I feel like an alien because you know that this going on I got family you know that businesses I got churches I got books I've got this I've got that I've got leadership but they're all these things swirling around right and I live under the weight of constantly creating releasing into all those areas of responsibility and so it becomes a rhythm and it's a rhythm I know well I know how to multitask I know how to do this I know how to put the kids to sleep kiss the wife hop on the plane come to LA fly to Denver get up breech go here go there I know how to do all of that what I don't know how to do well his rest is can I tell you this guy just be transparent Kenna I was gonna do it anyway but I just but I so so the week of Thanksgiving you know we came out here and we spent Thanksgiving here in LA and all of our kids were here and it was wonderful and I purposely like didn't schedule a lot nothing beyond like speaking you know just none of the extra stuff just all I'm gonna do my Wednesday night i'ma do my Sunday we're cool right and I'll be honest with you I started getting like work with drawers it it was really straight like became a different person and and it just didn't feel right and I felt like dirty can I be honest I felt like a lazy bum and I had to fight through it and at some point I had to make a decision I had to just go ahead and lay into it and get into this rest mode or just say bunk rest all together and get up and start working but I know the Lord told me to rest and then I might think it will mattify if I don't do this then the money's gonna lack over here or if I if I don't do this then tonight maybe I won't you know if I'm off the scene then maybe I won't be you know I need to push this out here so I can continue to move forward and God was saying stop for some of you the big issue in your life right now is that God wants to glory from your life and when you keep hustling and working and doing it yourself you leave no room for God to work in your life and show up and get the glory God can't do the miracle because it is all you get back to me and so so it was a width of this weird like phase guys it was strange man it's almost like you're buying into this lie that says if you take it down you'll never be able to get up if you take it down too low you let that heart rate drop to low then you're not going to be able to come back up into the rhythm that your life necessitates can have a real conversation with some people because my life is at a rhythm I function at a very very high altitude and a very the rhythm is is real it's not for everybody but I function well that I know that but the reason why I say it takes more faith to stop is that God if I give up my rhythm and my universe spins at that pace and I've got a lot of people counting on me and I've got a lot of situations dependent on me you know from from Allah to some Bob way God if I stop will you allow me to get back to that place where my world works or will I fall off and not be able to get back up again and I heard the voice of the Lord saying do you think I would tell you to stop if it was gonna hurt you do you think that I would tell you to stop if it was going to take you backwards in some way I am telling you to stop so that I can move you into the next dimension I'm telling you to stop so that I can put something new and fresh on the inside of you so that I can clear your eyes again and give you a vision that will last you the next 20 years I feel the Spirit of God someone you need to be delivered from the fear of stopping I gotta get it I gotta get it man I can't stop can't you stop won't stop can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop you know what the next verse is die you got to stop and you got to trust that God who is running the universe is after the Lord I know you're important but but I just just just am crazy enough to believe that God if he can handle taking care of all the business of the universe he can take care of your stuff while you stop and get we created so that a more brilliant version of you can emerge so you think about it you're working right now according to who you are right now which means that you're always going to stay on the same level unless you quit to recharge and recreate yourself so you're hustling and you're grinding and I'm all for it I'm this wonderful hustle and grind but just know you're not gonna get to the next level like that you get to the next level by getting a next level vision and you don't get a next level vision when you are stuck in the moment that you're in I went before I went out of town I went to the beach I went to the ocean one night took a drive pull it over on PCH and I walked over to the sand just about at sunset and I stood there and it was peaceful and I saw the sunset and it was amazing and and it was incredible and just as much as it was amazing and incredible it was all so foreign it's a place I used to go to all the time rest had become foreign it was the weirdest feeling I used to you know at least once every few weeks I would go out there and and I would pray and I would talk to God and and the beauty of creation would remind me of how faithful he is and how awesome he is and it had been so long that even though my soul needed it my soul was longing for it for what only moments of pause can do it still felt like a strange place what do you do when rest becomes strange physical rest is critical for the next level there are things that God cannot even show you like your future until you stop and the illusion is no no I'm working to create a future and God is saying yeah but you're working off of old plans are you tracking with me I know you're hustling I'm not mad at your hustle come on Jesus was a hustler okay sunup to sundown it was after I must be about my father's business I must go into the next town my beat is to do the will of my father I'm not knocking hustle I'm just concerned about whether or not you have the latest plans for your future so physical rest physical rest is key it's everything but that's not the type of rest I want to talk about today primarily you've got physical rest and then family and then you've got spiritual rest and this is what Jesus was talking about in Matthew chapter 11 let's look at it really quickly and this passage of Scripture you know full disclosure for me didn't we did I read this I read this right okay full disclosure for me is I but I didn't really I didn't understand the depths of this text because it's not an unfamiliar passage you've been to church any length of time you've heard a pastor or a preacher speak this you know jesus said come unto me all you who labor and are heavy-laden you know other translations says all you who are weary and heavy burden and then he says and I will give you rest and I automatically I automatically went to when we get to heaven that that was solely an invitation come and embrace the Lord and and be a part of God's family through Christ and that when you would do so you would enter into the rest of heaven and and and I thought that for the longest time that is a very surface level understanding of what that text is saying what it's saying is much deeper and more specifically what it's saying is something that has to do with how you live your life here he says come unto me all you who labor and are heavy-laden those of you who are burdened you're just like you know you just life is just crazy you're anxious you know you've got all this going on you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and Jesus is saying that is not my will for you he says come unto me all you who labor and are heavy-laden and then he says and I'm gonna give you this thing called rest and to better understand that you have to go further in verse 29 it says it says take my yoke upon you I'll talk about that take my yoke upon you and then he says these words and learn from me so come near draw close to me and imma give you something take my yoke upon me that means to link up with me to to be coupled with me to be connected to me that word yoke literally speaks to the beam that balances two sides on a scale so in other words be yoked up with me my strength for your strength until we are balanced until you are balanced okay and then he says connect with me in such a way and then he says learn from me and what I realize is that he wasn't necessarily forecasting the rest you were going to get in heaven he was talking about what he walked in which allowed him to be so powerful and it was rest see when we think of Jesus we think of the powerful miracles that he did and in a few if you don't look closely Jesus's life seemed noisy people getting healed around him demons flying out because he's driving them out multitudes coming in everything around that looks noisy and the things that were happening he was his life was making noise but he wasn't nosy if you study all the prophecies about Jesus it said things like he never uttered a word he never lifted up his voice even on his way to the cross where he could have been cussing and fussing for being falsely accused and beaten for no reason he's not even dealing with his accusers he's just talking to God from this place of rest saying Father forgive them for they know not what they do oh god I feel it see this rest that I'm talking about is a posture it is a positioning it is how you it's not that you don't fight it's not that you don't lay hold it's not that it's the posture and the position that you fight from see here's the issue the issue is many of us are too emotional to be effective and what I mean by that is even godly fights fights righteous fights we fight from a place of emotion and there is another posture that God wants us to live and to do life from and it is the posture of rest it is a confidence and an assurance that God has got this that what God has for me is for me I don't have to fight for it I don't have to cuss anybody else for it I don't have to Moke myself for it it is a part of my destiny and it is on its way to me and so all I have to do is learn how to rest in the promises of God because power comes from my resting place oh I got it I got teach this I teach this Jesus Jesus you never saw Jesus trying to prove to anybody who he was you never saw Jesus defending himself when his haters accused him of stuff I feel the Lord you never saw him saying I am NOT a heretic I am NOT what you say I am NOT because in order for him to do that he would have had to come out of his position of rest see when you are in this place of rest you're not moved by the naysayers around you because they are irrelevant to your future you are resting in all these things that are relevant to where God told you he's taking you and where the promises lived that's living in the promise when you live in the promise you don't have time to be worrying about this or worrying about that you are not anxious you are to focus Oh what God spoke and it brings rest your life is not a maybe your life is not a maybe and your life is not an if your life isn't is it's an is and when you have an is mentality boom you rest I fill it what are you wrestling with that you should be resting the bouts you say we're now in Ephesians chapter six the Bible says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities the spirits part and what you don't realize is that you're arguing my point it's spiritual and you don't fight spiritual with loud words and hyper / hyper act active you know what I'm saying with all bunch of hype you don't fight in the spirit like that you know how you fight the enemy you rest Jesus is like hold your peace come out of him you don't fight like this in the spirit you rest some of you are gonna break some yokes some of you are gonna break some berries against you not because you are loud but because you know how to rest and you're not tossed to and fro with every type of news that comes against you I'll tell you what fake news is fake news is you hearing something that is against what God said I don't receive it I reject it in Jesus name because the only news that is entering into my world is in alignment with the promises that God has spoken to me you to get off of fake news [Applause] rest Jesus's teachings like learn something from me you over you're fighting I've already won why are you fighting would I have overcome already don't you know that I conquer death hell and the grave once and for all and when I was lifted up I need you to lift I need you to live in that lifted place some of you worrying when you need to be resting I feel it stuff gets to you stuff gets to you stuff bothers you that's not supposed to bother you and I think what's happening in some of your lives right now is God is conditioning you oh I feel it I'll be honest with you the place of rest sometimes takes takes a while because you got to kind of go through some stuff to get to a place to rest I get you freaking out when you went through it the first time you didn't know God's hand to deliver you didn't know God's hand to protect you didn't know God's hand to provide you were new in the god thing I get that but when you've saved his goodness and his faithfulness and him come through time and time again it seems to me that at some point you should just rest he's from I'm telling you your way forward is rest I want you to I feel like God's getting ready to move you to a place where your talk is gonna be rest your your walk is gonna be rest you won't let a restless thought come in your mind because it's gonna be foreign I feel it this is what God is teach I never saw this I've always believed that true progress progress comes from the place of peace I've always believed that but I've never looked at this acts that way jesus said come here let me show you how I do this if you study him he was not loud if you study him he was not boys boisterous or boastful although he could have been I mean he was everything came from heaven was there when everything was made watching it he could have if anybody could have been loud and do you know who I am you better ask ask him Who I am okay you better ask him he didn't do none of that look at what he says he says he says he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me he says for I am gentle and lowly in heart now I used to misunderstand what that meant I thought that that was Jesus just providing more evidence and reason why he was approachable I thought that that was saying he was saying hey come to me but I'm like I'm like a humble dude that's not what he was saying I thought that that was a part of his invitation hey come to me no I'm for real I might like trust me I know I'm all that but I don't you can know he wasn't doing it he was saying learn from me you know I'm powerful you've already seen the miracles get close enough to me to see my posture to see my disposition to see how I roll because you don't know what real power looks like and that's why we're seeing shake ups in every industry right now because we didn't know what real power looked like we thought real power was control not enough powers not control power is when you have power you don't have to control people are you tracking with me maybe that's what's happening maybe the world right now is being awakened to what real power is maybe we've been duped we've been duped about power and we've been bowing down to power that really is a power it's false power and Jesus is showing us what real power looks like and real power is not boastful it's not boisterous real power is I Know Who I am and I'm resting in Who I am I know what my father promised I know what's ahead of me I'm good he says I'm gentle Wow it's it's so contradictory to what other facets and elements segments of life teach power is gentle look I grew up in the neighborhood I grew up in what's okay and I can't imagine going to the boys on the block and say hey man I'm gentle no no I'm really powerful man you know what because I'm a gentle dude now we know masculinity has been hijacked from generation to generation and city to city but I'm just telling you my experience I could not go up to the homies and say man I'm powerful really tell me about it man I'm just gentle as a mug in fact in fact can we have a real conversation here in fact in fact it was actually just the opposite you you would be applauded for being hard literally I would say oh no that dude is hard over there and you be and so you would want to be known as hard Jesus the ruler of the universe driving out Devils healing the sick healing the multitudes with speaking the storms and speaking the universe into creation speaking to the sea says I'm gentle I'm meek oh I feel the Holy Spirit and we've been lied to and told that meek is weak how can meek be weak if it is the embodiment of who Jesus was heart is not power power is being hold enough is being convinced enough is having enough faith to rest and to realize that you don't have to be hard the sovereign God of the universe has got your back got your front got your side got your above the azure below he's got you covered and you rest he says for I am gentle I'm lowly in heart that means he's humble and then he says and you will find rest to your souls I'm like ok you talk to this where you talking about rest a lot but then he said I'm gonna bring rest of your souls and I thought about this generation and I thought about how Restless we've become now it's interesting because how do we get there I think it's important and I believe that this is going to be common knowledge in the next 10 to 20 years but I believe that because we're right now in the midst of it things are happening to us physiologically and we don't even know it social media has completely changed the way our brain works because what is happening is we are bombarded and inundated inundated with so many thoughts at one time that our ability to be focused for a second is gone it literally just think about it for a second it's not schizophrenia but you can scroll your timeline and go from happy to sad - mad - jealous - angry turn to all the sort of stuff in 30 seconds and what's worse is you don't even know which of those thoughts or emotions are your own I love so mean I'm on it I use it responsibly but I use it but I also understand the cray-cray in it you are switched first of all sometimes the things that you are seeing are too deep to just scroll down to something else just from a psychological perspective how do you go from 58 people dead and bleeding in the streets to somebody showing off their new outfit [Applause] do you understand the psychological warfare that we undergo every single day on this thing called social media it's crazy and it makes us rest less I was can I talk to you like this I was cool with my dream until I got on social media and saw hers I was cool with my outfit until I logged onto social media and saw his I was cool with my 2pac and said I logged on and dues is like washboard apply the the emotional toll that the average person undergoes the the ups and the downs that the average person undergoes on a daily basis is astronomical and yet this is the world we live in can I speak the truth to you today talk about whoa can we have a walk conversation like I said five years 10 years 15 years down the road people are gonna write books about it but we're in it now and I don't know about you but I cannot wait until some book is written to let me know how jacked up my mind is because of a culture I grew up in insecurity and brokenness at an all-time high that's why I cannot wait for you to read wholeness it is going to change your life it is cannot wait it's almost like I saw something ahead of its time when I wrote it he says I'm gonna bring rests to your soul I believe that this place and we'll talk about how to get there in just a second while have to finish this on Thursday I don't know but but there's this this place that God will bring us to where we are no longer tossed like children to and fro as Ephesians 4 puts it where we're no longer so Restless that we cannot rest and he says it happens by taking the yoke upon you taking my you get close to me study me study this part of me I know you speak in tongues that's wonderful okay no you can prophesy that that whatever that's all that's all wonderful right no you can preach I know you can teach I know you can sing the song I know you can play I know you can quote your Bible from Genesis to Revelation oh that is wonderful but if you really want to know if you're like me I need to know if you can rest if you can live in the spiritual disposition where you are so convinced of all that God promises that all that God promised you that you're not moved that that that things can come at you look at all that came at Jesus things can come at you but you live from this place of rest that's what a power is I think for some of you I'm landing this plane I think for some of you seriously rest is what's going to bring you to the next dimension physical rest but also learning the spiritual posture of rest and not just when you pray but how you live even when you have to fight it's gonna be rest because sometimes like your emotions if you're if you're if you're an emotional fighter you're not gonna be able to win and if you win the victory is not gonna be as excellent as it would have been if you would have fought from a strategy that came to you from the place of rest are you tracking with me rest will have you not just react or respond but rest will have you study your enemy sometimes you have to size up the fight but when you are not in the place of rest when you've got something to prove well you got somebody to tell off you will jump into something and you haven't even sized it up to determine what you're getting yourself into something but from that place of rest see that place of rest as I know i'ma win that place of rest says says that God's gonna give me the victory so I don't have to jump out there and try to fight all I need to do is rest and I'm gonna stand still and I'm gonna see the salvation of God I'm gonna see God show up and fight for me and I will have to do very little I tell a story I told the nine o'clock service today about about an individual who my wife and I first got together went on Facebook and just was just nasty just said some of the nastiest things about my wife and I and if it were true I wouldn't be mad but it was all untrue it was just a narrative that she had concocted straight out of them that the individual had concocted straight out of the pit of hell and it was nasty and it was hurtful I'll be honest with you it was hurtful it's tough when when people in their carnality don't understand a god thing and they speak against the god thing based on their igner so whatever but anyway it was hurtful I'll be honest you know we forgave and we love then we press pass pass and we ignored it but I'll be honest with you hurt it was hurtful and then it hurt even more because of who it came from you should know better you've been there before it is one thing to be hurt it's nothing and you not you I would have expected it from them but not you and the Lord said no forgive walking forgiveness walking love you can't take that I feel that for somebody you can't take that you can't keep a snake from biting you but you do not have to receive its poison are you tracking with me God said you can't take that you can't take that and so we forgave we loved we blessed we forgot all about it on that same social media page four years later on that same social media page at that person violently and and just without cause viciously attacked my wife and I on that same page something happened to that person publicly something really traumatic and hurtful and and and it was posted on that same page it was so horrific that it made the news and and I don't even know what why would you promote on your page something bad happened to you I don't know but I think it was this I think it was for this reason God wanted me to see that he will take care of your enemies if you learned how to grass even when those things are coming at you it was the craziest thing ever I share that with you to say not that I celebrated the fact that that that person arguably got what they deserve I'm not that's not that's not that that's not because I'm telling I had to be real spiritual I had to stay in my place of rest because I know like I almost came out of rest to celebrate them though because I've been out of my rest try to stay in my rest and stay in my rest stay in my rest stay in my rest I'd stay in my rest stay in my rest because it was my rest that made that happen I believe that if I would have got up and started trying to defend myself and all this kind of stuff what are you doing and how could you do it to me and got into this social media war I don't think that I ever would have seen the salvation of the Lord it's either gonna be God's way or your way and those of us who understand the power of rest knows that God can do it better than we can here's what I'm saying I'm done I could talk about this forever here's what I'm saying and I'm meeting with all of my heart your next level is in your business in your ability to rest I think that some of you who are gonna have to take a little rest I think that I think that you're building with old plans and how can you do otherwise if you haven't taken the time to allow God to show you what his new plans are for your life I'm not knocking it I'm just saying it's true I think you're gonna see something when you pause when you stop you'd be surprised to know how we get in this rhythm and we get caught in his rhythm and we think that we're operating according to the latest plans and we're not and we're wondering why we cannot break I fellas for somebody we're wondering why we cannot break into that next thing and the be honestly there is some in there right now and you're actually getting very tired and when you get tired the enemy will lie to you I filled the Lord on this so strongly the enemy will lie to you and the enemy will try to make you feel like your time is up your time ain't up that plans time is up are you tracking with me it's that plan behold I do a new thing two things I want to pray in to come on and stand with me come on baby and two things I want to pray into one is that for those of you and you need to take a moment hallelujah that God would give you the faith to take a moment but even beyond that which I believe is even more more real I believe there's something that God wants to change your life he wants to change the way you do life by teaching you how to rest how to live your life I feel no more fight no more arguing no more seeking validation no more look at me look at me look at me no more knocking the door down look door you got an open door you got open I'm telling you rest is gonna release energy for the door to open by itself are you tracking with me oh I feel it you're gonna be you're gonna be a different person I see it who you are Jesus come unto me all you who labor and are heavy-laden are you are weary and are heavy burden that's the person you're just you're just trying to get it you after you like go I gotta get it I gotta get and I gotta be at this place you got this fear of missing out I've got to be at this spot I gotta be at that's prime I gotta be here I gotta be there I gotta be this is I gotta meet this person I gotta end all this gonna do if I don't do it it's gonna be crazy and I'm tired but still I'm going you know I gotta get dressed although we gotta stop that's not how God brings blessings to you the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and sometimes we call what ain't got god oh my god that was the Lord really he's gonna be there and I heard about it about Tata that's Jesus stop can I kick can I tell you something God has taken me incredible places and he ain't finished with me yet okay but he's taking me incredible places I'm gonna be honest with you there is not one thing that took me to the next dimension that was not a surprise every single next dimension moment was a surprise and it was when I was yeah that right there stillness i trust you lord it's not in the hustle God had to teach one of his great prophets Elijah that same lesson Elijah had gotten burnt out he was tired he studies when you give a chance he had done great things and he got burnt out you find it and Isaac in first kings reach after sixteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen all the way through the revelation you'll find at the point but check this out check this out we're done check this out Elijah was birthed out he had great successes and he had so much behind him and he had been living off of the energy of what was behind him and he goes and he is so burnt out that he goes and he goes and he hides in the cave in a cave God goes to him he says he Liza what are you doing and Elijah starts talking a talk that was not from a place of rest it was from a place of worry it was from a place of fear you gotta study some marvelous story and then God says Elijah come out here and he he makes the earth shake and God says but I was not in the earthquake he sends rain the Word says and God was not in the rain he sends fire Oh surely this is God in fact he just moved by fire they said God wasn't in the fire I said God was in a still small voice your next is going to happen through the corridor of rest arrested spirit I'm not worried about my bills I'm not worried about of him I'm not worried about my relationship I'm not worried about my deal business of Jesus's talking to when he says come unto me all you who are heavy laden he's talking to people who are worried frustrated carrying the weight of the world and their shoulders how is this gonna happen for me how is this he saying come here come here let me show you something just just watch my posture for a while watch how I live you don't have burdens like I have burdens I've got the weight of the world literally on my shoulder but watch how I do it take my yoke upon you link and get close to me my yoke is the balancing beam that connects the two of us so I can balance your life out come and get close to me see me for how I really did things I was not loud in and you know and cantankerous and vociferous ociffer is when I was when I was casting out Devils I just said go from my place of rest in the stern of the boat when everybody thought that the boat was sinking I literally just said peace be still my power comes from my resting place I feel it I feel it my resting place is sustained by my knowledge that God is with me the God has promised some things that my destiny is not an if or a maybe my destiny is set and since my destiny is set and settled so will I be I want to pray for you I feel the spirit of Lord so strong if you're here and you need that type of rest I want you to come and meet us here at the altar right now just come hold on pray just come come on to me all you who labor and are heavy-laden take my yoke upon me and learn from me I'll make I'm gentle I'm God but I'm gentle I don't have to fight and growl and I don't have to be who they say I have to be in corporate America I don't have to be who they say I have to be in this industry I don't have to be that Jesus taught me the most powerful man walked the earth taught me what power looks like and not only that but he says that he will give it to me that was the promise come here let me show you something linked with me y'all got with me this is how I do it I know that you are enamored by all of the success you see flow out of my life you see the multitudes following you see the blind seeing you see the lame walking you see me preaching to crowds and host cities and regions are moved by my presence I know you see my success I know you see my progress but can you see my rest because that is the key to it peace peace I'm good I'm not worried cuz I'm secure you're tracking with me I want that for you so bad and I believe that God's gonna give you a measure of it today anytime you hear a word God does not sell you on something that he doesn't deliver on when God presents something he is not presenting it he's not like this false salesmen like he's presenting it you know and then you get down there oh that was the the base model no that wasn't that that you know what he sells he delivers on rest is coming to you and some of your lives are gonna change I feel it somebody you're gonna get healthier because you're resting you're gonna get healthier healthier because you're resting worried wants to wipe you out take you out we weren't created to worry that's why it causes all sorts of biological medical issues what created we were created to rest come on baby let's pray life has made us so hard so hard that we've been running from fear of insecurities and fear of inadequacy and fear that we're not good enough but God the truth is we're out of breath so God we're at this altar saying we need rest we need rest that only you can give we need a rest that heals our broken heart we need rest that makes depression flee we need rest that breaks generational curses we need rest God we need rest more than we need another check we need to rest more than we need another child God we need a rest God don't send another relationship don't send another friend God send us rest God send us rest until the voices leave us alone God give us rest until we surrender at your altar and we say God have your way in our life because we tried it our way and it wasn't until we got rest that things started to move in our life god I decree and declare that there will be breakthrough over their lives in the area of rest I rebuke right now words that were spoken over them that made them start running and being restless I rebuke it right now in the name of Jesus and I decree where there was pain that there will be rest a degree where there was heartbreak there will be rest i decree where there was wandering and insecurity there will be rest supernatural rest all holy spirit I ask that you would begin to flood this place right now as only you can do and wherever there is an open heart god I ask that you would give them rest wherever there is it's here gotta access you would give them rest enemy you have no power here depression you have no power here I decree right now in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost that breaks strongholds off of the life that chains will be broken in the supernatural and arrests will be given oh God I rebuke Minds being tormented right now in the name of Jesus and I decree rest over our lives oh god rest over our finances rest over our relationships rest over our ambition rest over our connections God give us rest God if you don't do another thing and you just gave us rest that would be more than enough Oh God because in rest there is focus and clarity and forgiveness and peace and joy God give us rest we want to be yolks with you where life has made us hard cut makers gentle again make us sensitive make us loving guy give us peace and hope that we may believe the best in people because we found you when you gave us rest and hope to believe that this world is better because we are in it so let us be seated in that place of rest and let every decision we make come from that place that we are anxious for nothing and in need of no validation from any man because we have been validated in heaven and that has given us rest but this recipe more than just a moment in service but become our new normal and when life comes to torment us and distract us may we be reminded that that is not our truth our truth is rest we believe it we receive it and we accent it take root and bear fruit in our lives and Jesus name [Music] hey my friend I pray that that message blessed your life it blessed me for sure I want to also encourage you to pick up wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is going to change your life god bless you I'll see you next time
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 28,943
Rating: 4.8724761 out of 5
Id: K93WfYqjl_w
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Length: 63min 7sec (3787 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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