"Your Faith is Your Currency" - Touré Roberts

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hey family pastor Toure here I'm excited about this message of getting ready to watch it's gonna bless your life and there's another blessing that I pray that you be able to avail yourself to I wrote my second book called wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is going to change your life it's all about identifying and uncovering some invisible boundaries that keep you from your potential it's a great blessing with a foreword even from our Bishop TD jakes enjoy but for now enjoy this video and I want to try to articulate this the way that I'm seeing it but it's important that you don't understand the richness of your calling in God this was if you study Ephesians chapter one this was the Apostle Paul's this was chief prayer and he prayed that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened and you wouldn't know what the richness of your calling is that you would never down grade or downplay yourself or what you have inherited in Christ what Jesus has brought you into because there's so many things around you that might flash and glitter and and have a false promise of something you ever notice that like and of course we love everybody but you ever notice how no matter what a person who is pursuing worldly things no matter what they achieve in that pursuit they're always after it I don't care that you you rarely say I mean I'm talking about the top the highest they never say I'm satisfied they always are saying man I'm out here trying to get it and I'm like dude what is the it that you're trying to get because because the it that you have right now by many people's standards would be it are you tracking with me but there is always this this pursuit of it and there will always be a pursuit of it if you're empty and and what makes a life and a soul empty is if that life and that soul has not been filled with the essence that created it I'm talking about God you you came from something you came from royalty you came from infinite wealth you came from infinite richness you you came from a place whose wealth and Worth transcends anything you ever find in this earth and that's why until you get it you won't be satisfied you'll always be after it trying to get it I need to go to the next level in the next level and the next level in the next level and you always be searching and seeking and I my heart was I pray that our that our community our family really really really understands what you're tapping into right now what you're pressing into right now what you're scratching the surface of right now it's incredible it's unshakable and that's why that's why Jesus would say things like store up for yourselves treasures in heaven he says don't don't store up for yourselves treasures on earth where thieves will break in and steal where we're moths can corrupt and then it got even deep reset for where your treasure is there your heart will be in other words I don't want you your heart to be after cheap things I know that they see sometimes even cheap things glitter some sometimes even cheap things Sparkle and I don't want your heart to be connected to that which is futile that which is passing away I was praying for him my father I just I want them to really know what they've tapped into it did not second class in any capacity or context that they're there not anybody as my mother in love would say nobody thrown away but that you're a part of something that's rich and awesome and powerful and just when you needed to show up it's going to show up he said my God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus God will promote you he will provide for you he will bless you he will protect you he will make your name great and you will be a blessing he will open doors that no man can shut he will shut doors that no man can open and your gift will make room for you and bring you before kings you get and I want you to know it I want you to know how rich you are I want you to know Jesus was the king of kings and he didn't walk here in this earth needy I feel the Spirit of the Living Christ in him right now he didn't walk in here like a peasant he didn't walk in here like he had nothing he didn't walk around like woe was me he wasn't on this side of the road begging although the same jesus said birds of the air have nests and foxes have holes but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head he wasn't talking to my poverty he was saying I don't need this and that I am rich whatever I need it will be supplied to me according to my destiny and that's why when it was time for for him to ride into Jerusalem for the fulfillment of prophecy and he didn't own no donkeys right he and hold on to that and his disciples were with him and he was like eight go down here and and and and go get me this donkey he didn't give him no money he didn't give him 14 shekels or nothing like that he didn't give them anything he just said go go i need this go go and get it and the disciples were confused because they had a mentality that said if I don't have any money I don't have anything and so the disciples came back to Jesus and they were like well what shall we tell them basically like you didn't give us no money so what would you do our strong guard I'm like what do I tell them and Jesus says tell them the Lord hath need of it are you hearing what I'm saying in other words because I need it my God's gonna supply it because I am rich I am NOT in poverty I am not lacking anything I'm a child of God I'm a royal priesthood I'm a holy nation and I've got somebody's backing me up even in this moment he just put the word out there Stefan he just put the word out there he said I have need of it since I have need of it it's on its way to me because I'm rich I don't have to see it all in the bank all I have to do is needed and he will support supply all my need [Applause] and his disciples left and then the next thing you know you see them coming back with that donkey just just coming into town with the donkey I want you to know who you are that's faith and faith cg is currency faith is a currency it is your means of exchange with God you sing you're saying God give me something and I have some faith God is saying if you show me some faith I manifest things into your life that's how this thing works because here's the truth everything that you now see started in a realm that you can't see there is nothing that you see that did not start off as invisible you think tangibility is evidence of reality no that is flip-flop tangibility just proves that there was a reality that existed before the thing became tangible faith manifested even in the natural this was an idea first this was invisible and then somebody had faith to believe that this thing could be so so they took their faith and they manifest it I feel the Spirit of the Lord messed up the declarations but Jesus is good I feel the spirit of Lord here I think God wants to connect the dots because here you have these promises God says I'll supply all of your need according to my riches and glory by Christ Jesus you have these promises and then you stand in this moment where you have no manifestation and so you're like I got this dilemma I've got where I am and I reach in my pocket and I it does it's not making sense so I I look at my bank account it's not making sense but but I've got this promise so there's a gap now between where I am and what God said and it is what you do in the gap that will determine what's next for you what are you doing the gap what you do in the gap is you choose to believe God you say God if you said it I've got it so show me when I cast my net down show me where to put my fishing rod down show me how to bait my hook and reel in what you had promised me because it exists somewhere faith faith that's how it's gonna happen you want to know how it's gonna happen in your life I'm gonna tell you right now two words it's gonna happen by my faith everything that God has done in the earth for his people he has done by faith I feel like throwing his microphone faith yours the debilitating mystery faith cures it because sometimes when there is a mystery we're stuck and were debilitated and we're not going away because we're stuck when it's a bridge there's a gulf gulf between where I'm standing and what God said and I don't know how to cross it but I got to get over there but I don't know how to get over there because I'm standing right here and the promise is over there and God hasn't said anything other than the promise is there and most people haven't easy too many people get stuck there because they need to see something in order for them to lay hold of something and laying hold is not about what you see laying hold is about what you know and you fight and you crap and you reach and you reach until you have in your hand what God has put in your hearts that's how this thing works that was not gonna give you anything he has given you everything did you hear me he ain't giving you nothing will you fight for it do you have faith to grab it depression do it into your hand what if what he's caused you to believe in your heart by faith by faith let's go answer some questions for you right now by faith but how good heart just don't know how I've gotta say by faith by faith if you study Jesus we're done if you study Jesus if you study him you know what moved Jesus more than holiness you you never saw Jesus say oh I've never seen holiness like that before well I've never seen holiness you never see him say that and holiness is wonderful what move Jesus as it relates to our actions attitude and behavior was one thing faith faith that means that when it says that God is not a respecter of persons it's true but he is a respecter of faith oh I feel the Holy Spirit right now he's a respecter of faith people we don't all most people produce things that God didn't even promised with their faith you know the story of the woman with the issue of blood there was nothing in the Torah and the Tanakh and in the Jewish Bible at the time that says if Messiah comes if you touch the hem of His garment you're gonna be healed there was nothing in the world that said that she said within herself if I might touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole and she presses her way she had her mind made up Jesus is near Jesus is coming to town I need a healing I need a miracle so my reality now is if I can just get to the hymn of His garment I am going to be made whole [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus goes and he says who touched me and they're like everybody's around you he's a nun I ain't talking about that he says somebody touched me because I felt power come out of me he finds her you know the story he finds her and she's nervous and she's like I know I probably messed up the rules and I know I'm I'm not supposed to be pressing in like that she was afraid he's oh no no no no no no you're good he said going piece and then what does he say he says your faith has made you whole it wasn't even in the Torah it wasn't even in the Bible but God is a respecter of faith how's it gonna happen tell you right now it's gonna happen by faith by faith that's how someone happened by faith by faith by faith I want you to know what you thank you I want you to know who you are and what you have because it's gonna change the way you live your life I want you to walk you know the passages in scripture where the Bible calls us a peculiar treasure where peculiar people we're not liked like just you know just beggars and we ain't got nothing better to do and so we come to church and we worship Jesus are you kidding me there is nothing better to do than to worship Jesus then to be in the company of saints that have a revelation we've got our and we've got our hearts and we've got our marching orders and instructions and for some of you I'm gonna say this and I'm done we're gonna break and have communion and we're gonna have a wonderful time tonight but for some of you I'm telling you right now your faith is it gonna put you on your faith how did I get here by faith by faith I got here how did I get here by trusting in God by believing in God by not taking when life gave me an O and the Holy Spirit said yes I kept on go I feel that for some of you the whole trajectory of your life is getting ready to change bye-bye that's how you're gonna do it that's how it's gonna happen by faith not because of your relationships not even because of your gifts and your talents but because but because but because of your faith work your faith work your faith work it put it out there on something what I love about faith is that faith you can't fake faith we can fake a lot of things you know how we are especially in this town how you doing I'm creative doing great you're not you just got a tickle in your car mortgage is due your rent is due and you broke up with your boyfriend but you walk into the room I'm good I'm great oh man stop lying you can't fake faith you can't fake believing in God you can say all day you got faith but you and God know whether or not you really have faith you and God know whether or not you are really believing I can't fake it working here's what you can do sometimes too because sometimes what God is doing in your life requires unusual faith here's what you can do sometimes God I believe help my unbelief that was the disciples being real with God I do believe a little bit but I do not believe on the level that is necessary to produce this I don't know why I'm talking about this their levels to this faith thing and basically where you want to get your faith to is you want to get your faith to a place where you know it's done where you are living in the consciousness of it being done you're already past that thing it has happened I'm on to the next thing that's the level of faith that you want to live in [Applause] it's beyond hoping there's no one it's already done that's what he's looking for and then works follow because it's done you don't mind working towards something that's done are you hearing what I'm saying you don't mind investing in what is done because you are convinced in your spirit that it is done by faith that's our currency family that's all I'm saying I'm saying that's our currency so so that will help you when you begin to size up what you have versus who you may who who you had an admirer may appear to have when you begin to size up your life and when you're tempted to say man I've washed my hands of Psalm 73 man I've washed my hands in vain when I saw the prosperity of those who are not even following you when you're in those moments when it looks like you serving God means you're losing because you're looking around at your life and you're looking at what you don't have and you're looking what others do have and you're like oh my god I'm not winning the devil is a liar yes you are winning you have faith in your bank account and let me tell you something if you've got faith you have got everything it's the only thing that God requires faith I want to pray for you that you would be rich in faith that you would be rich in faith Alleluia that you will be rich in faith see when you're rich in faith you can have joy right now because you know it's done instead of having anxiety you can have a praise and a testimony on the inside of you because you know it's done you begin to shout and worship and praise like I saw ready done when you have faith it changes everything about you your whole environment shifts when you believe that it's already done so I want to pray to that oh you're about to be rich in faith tonight you gonna walk out of here singing zippity-doo-dah Tzipi da oh what a wonderful day however that song goes I don't know how it goes what does it go zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-ay oh what a wonderful day yeah house what set apart some Goods coming my way zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-ay see see y'all learn about that see Google it Google it zippity-doo-dah I want you to hold your hands up like this just cup your hands like you're getting ready to receive something Holy Spirit we honor you and bless you in this house and God you've spoken to us a timeless about you you've spoken to us Lord God and you have told us who we are and you have told us what we have hallelujah and God your word even says that you've given every man a measure faith so faith is not something that we don't have you've given to every man a seed of faith now father I'm praying that you would do something special tonight and the hearts of those who are gathered those who are watching via live stream and father I pray I'm not praying that you would open doors from I'm not praying that I did that last week this specific prayer is that you would make rich and fast because of you make them rich in faith there is nothing according to their purpose their calling in their life that they won't be able to reel in so in the name of Jesus I pray that you would impart faith where there was little faith turn it into great faith where there was wavering faith turn it into solid faith where belief was going out the back door close that door God and pour new faith and fresh faith and fresh vision and belief in your sons and daughters and anoint their hands i decree right now because of the faith that's in their hearts you're gonna put your promise in their hands their hands will no longer be empty God because their hearts are full of faith those hands will be hands that lay hold of everything you promise those hands will be hands that manifest what you have spoken those hands will be hands that bring healing to the sick those hands will be hands that raised the dead those hands will be hands that do great exploits because of a faith revolution and a faith explosion in their hearts may they never be the same again in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen amen make a rich in faith Jesus make them rich in failure make them rich in faith make a rich in faith make a rich in faith say I can manifest anything come on say I can manifest anything come on say speak it out I can manifest anything I can manifest anything I can manifest anything just give me something to believe in God I'll manifested you don't have to go to my neighbor you can come right here to me speak to me tell me what you want to manifest through my life and I'm gonna do it I'm gonna I'm gonna produce it I'm gonna birthed it I'm gonna release it I'm gonna Here I am I'm gonna be like Mary just get me pregnant with the dream just getting me pregnant with the omission and I'm a Mary for your glory I'm a Mary for your glory God is looking for some people who know how to hold that baby uh-huh God's looking for some people who know how to get pregnant I feel the Spirit of God in here right now just give me pregnant Jesus and that birth that thing whoa I feel the Lord some of you are gonna go from being barren to birthing stuff on the regular I feel a Hannah anointing in this house right now she went from being barren people were laughing at her people were joking you know just just calling her out it calling her crazy she couldn't have a baby and she was being mocked but she was loved by her master you like Hannah you mocked but you're loved by your master and let me tell you what happened to Hannah and you study this when you get a chance it's in First Samuel chapter one and two and just keep reading the whole Bible you'll appreciate the whole thing she was barren she couldn't have babies and and her mistress was clowning her clowning her she had favor but she was barren and her mistress was just clowner yeah yeah you might have favor but I'm birthing stuff you might have favor but looky here I did look at what I produce she was crying she had people in there right now and you know you have favor and your life isn't what you wanted to be yet but you know it does favor on your life God has has spoken to you on the inside and you know there's favor in your life so so she had a habit of every year going to Jerusalem and she would go to the temple every year right as a routine as a routine but this time she just was she was fed up she knew she had favor and and there was just more so this time she's in the temple and she's praying and the Bible says that she pours out her heart to God she's just God you know this is just this just held me I can't produce nothing I got favorite but I can't produce anything anybody ever been there before I know I got favorite but I can't I can't I'm trying to figure this thing out and she goes and she pours out her heart to God she's on the altar she's crying out to God and the priest Eli walks in and Eli thought that she was drunk because he was crying and she was talking you know and it looked like she was talking to herself but she wasn't talking about she was talking to God he got comes in and he basically gives her a word he says God has heard you the spirit alar fell on him he prophesied like I'm doing to you tonight and he said God has heard your prayer he says and in a year's time oh wow there's one part that I didn't mention it's important or he wouldn't have brought it to my remembrance she poured out her heart and she said God if you give me this son I will dedicate him back to you in other words this was not a selfish request this was God I want to work the way I'm supposed to work you created me to birth stuff and I want to work the way I'm supposed to work and if you allow me to work the way I'm supposed to work I'll serve you and I'll take the very thing that I wanted so bad and I will commit that thing to you when your purposes and your cause I forgot about that there was a there was a connection there was something it wasn't God give me give me give me it was God let's partner I want to produce and I want to manifest the way I'm supposed to manifest but I realized that that you've got an investment in me and so I don't want to just produce for me I want to produce for us can we get into partnership up in this piece right now I don't even feel worthy about asking you for something so great unless unless we gonna partner in this thing and that's when the priest came in and the priests Eli said the Lord has heard you he's heard your prayer and in a year's time you're gonna have a son and the next thing you know of course in a year's time she had a son that was the prophet Samuel who would later anoint David but what was awesome is that it wasn't just about Samuel she produced seven sons something was unlocked in her and she was no longer barren but she was able to birth stuff she was able to produce stuff one by one she became a manifestation machine and I believe that's what God wants to do to somebody this room somebody he's getting ready to write make rich and faint and you're gonna give your heart to the Lord and you're gonna give your plans to the Lord and you're gonna give your dreams to the Lord and you're never gonna run short of birthing and manifesting things so God make your sons and daughters rich in faith we want to leave out of here on Thanksgiving Eve more thankful upon accident then we were upon entry we want to thank you for what you're going to do in our lives and through our lives in Jesus name Amen if you receive that from heaven that that was not planned that was the Holy Spirit speaking to you about your future love you so much love you so much love them so much I want you to know who you are and I want you to know what your currency is I want you to know who you are and I want you to know what your currency is the currency of this world is sex power drugs and manipulation that's the currency of this world and that currency never feels you never satisfies you it just puts you on the hamster trail always moving but never being satisfied and that's why you got people at the top of their game top of the industry still talk about I gotta get it I gotta get it I gotta get it the currency of our destiny his faith I believe I'm gonna trust you I'm not going to be in a hurry I will go at your pace if you speed it up our speed up if you slow it down I'll slow down but I'm not gonna let society put pressure on me lying to me about a time clock my biological time clock is ticking the devil is a liar mock God redeems the time he restores the years that the locusts have eaten he has time in his hands and he start making bad Destiny's decisions because there's this pressure on you that God didn't put on you you allowed a culture to put on you that can't even figure it out the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord that means that the rhythm and the cadence of your destiny are divinely programmed you can't speed it up if you wanted to the steps of a good man the order they're ordered and the Spirit tells you when to speed up wooden to slow down when to stop when the dip left when the dip right the spirit you can't speed it up if he wanted to hey y'all I felt like God is in here I feel like God is in here I feel like he's in this house is in this room I just love you I'm praying for you every day my wife and I first and I was praying for you every single day [Music] hey my friend I pray that that message blessed your life it blessed me for sure I want to also encourage you to pick up wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is going to change your life god bless you I'll see you next time
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 73,185
Rating: 4.8959932 out of 5
Id: mDMI0XBdm8g
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Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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