Watch Richard Nixon Use These Hilarious Tricks To Make You Think He Was Innocent – Body Language

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these tricks were used by Richard Nixon to make you think he was innocent find out what they were next welcome back to the channel shakers derek van Schaik here president Richard Nixon resigned from office in 1974 due to the Watergate break-in and the subsequent cover-up but four years before he resigned he was desperately trying to trick you into thinking he was completely innocent and he had no involvement in the break-in or the cover-up so we're gonna piece together the evidence along with breaking down body language to finally reveal to you how tricky Nixon tried to trick you into thinking he was completely innocent now let's get started not only for doing what is right but doing it in the right way to begin understanding Richard Nixon we must first understand how extremely paranoid he was and the crazy sequence of events that had led up to Watergate he always saw enemies he always saw people in the shadows and his motto I believe was do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you I was told the president wants you to get a taping system but the idea was it's not just gonna be a little thing in a desk drawer and he wants it on all the telephones office phones and in the Oval Office and I do believe he needed to know where the microphones were and they were on the base of the lamps over the mantelpiece taping was done or the purpose of having it for the historical record it was voice-activated everything was taken which of course was probably stupid his predecessor President Johnson had a voice recording system that could be manually switched on but since Nixon was so suspicious of everyone around him it seemed that he wanted to have record of what everyone said the Nixon campaigns political propaganda arm publicly portrays two arch villains to the reader like Nixon effort the national media which will slant stories unfavorable to the administration and Democratic last letter George McGovern they are not not with the New York Times or the Los Angeles Times or Time Newsweek The Washington Post I don't respect the type of journalism the shabby journalism that is being practiced in the White House no reporter from the Washington Post ever to be in the White House again and open talk refer either no photographer is that clear yes or no never to be in now that is a total order and he's enraged and he's out of control he wanted lie-detector tests given to everybody he wanted the name of the guy who was responsible he wanted telephone taps who owned a Christmas Eve tour of the old executive office building next to the White House made a discovery that sparked the witch-hunt the president would like you to find out who the woman is who has the two kennedy pictures and him he asked about it once a week at least in every office a little bit of but first publication of the Pentagon Papers and shared the front page with the coverage of his own daughter's White House wedding for a conspiracy theorists like Richard Nixon the publishing of the Pentagon Papers the day after his daughter's wedding was not an accident New York Times expose of the most highly classified documents of the war you mean that that was leaked out of the Pentagon this is a devastating security breach of the greatest magnitude here on June 13th 1971 was a major turning point for Richard Nixon causing his paranoia to run rampant and confirming to himself that it was necessary to use all the power and secrecy of the federal government to do everything physically possible whether it was technically legal or not to protect against leaks Richard Nixon ordered the creation of the plumbers because he was convinced that the Ellsberg Pentagon Papers leak was just the beginning during that period they said operatives secretly to look at Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrists office the conversations that Ellsberg had had with a psychiatrist might be a source of great stuff to destroy his public reputation main balls Ellsberg getting tied in with some communist groups that would be good we got to get this set up you're either Pro Nixon or you were anti Nixon if you were anti Nixon he was gonna get you in this atmosphere of us versus them Coulson's office began an ever-expanding list of Nixon's critics the enemies list its object was to screw our political enemies reporters and politicians educators and entertainers were barred from the White House some were targeted for tax audits others were trailed by private detectives they kept this massive running list of people and organizations they considered their enemies but go ahead and pause the video to read some of the names some are expected like The Washington Post but others on his list were hilarious such as NFL quarterback Joe Namath for real I really I don't bother anybody hear him on that White House enemy of this I don't maybe you were taking the chicks away from Henry Kissinger or something and it was very shortly thereafter the Nixon authorized the plumbers the creation of a special group to stop leaks and they began to take extra legal steps back when I was in the FBI well we would have pulled what is called a black bag job a surreptitious entry a covert operation some of you may be thinking Black bad jobs that's mostly just folklore of the FBI nope you can actually go on the FBI website and read some of their Declassified ones the irony is that he had been an FBI officer and yet he comes out of the FBI environment and he is ready to break laws actually it seems like this guy gordon Liddy came out of the FBI and was ready to do whatever he did in the FBI but now just for the President the FBI especially in 1971 under the infamous j edgar Hoover may have been one of the biggest law breaking organizations in the entire country remember back in grade school the three branches of government the legislature makes the laws the judicial interprets the laws and the executive branch enforces the laws with the CIA and FBI etc but who is at the very top of this executive branch yes it's the president of United v gordon liddy brushed by me and he said Jeff just told me to take care of Jack Anderson I am on my way to kill Jack Anderson he said oh my god go off like a deer running down the hall and I said Jeb did you just tell him to rub out Jack Anderson I said Gordon I was just talking off the cuff I wasn't serious and Liddy looked at me with that stern you know sort of macho look II he said never give me an order for a hit job that you don't mean because I'll do it all so he wouldn't be okay with doing that if he thought he can get caught or spend his entire life in prison it's a glimpse into how things worked people high up in government would make sure it would go away g gordon Liddy put together this this madcap collection of crimes each different kind of operation was given the name of a precious jewel we had so many operations we quickly ran out of precious jewels we went into semi-precious deals and by the time we were finished we were down to coal and break at first it was generally thought that gordon Liddy was the mastermind going rogue unbeknownst to President Nixon but history will prove otherwise these underlings they are responding to the boss's needs and desires and they want to make him happy and he doesn't ask them for the details of how they do things don't care about the details but he's created a moral climate where almost anything goes you might want to send a maintenance man over to that office across the way the lights are off and they must be looking for a fuse box or something cause in flashlights they're keeping me awake the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972 the burglars were caught and tied to the Nixon campaign it was generally believed that Richard Nixon was easily gonna win reelection when this break-in occurred and on November 7th 1972 he in fact easily won reelection Nixon was so overly paranoid and insecure he seemed to believe that if he played it honest he would lose now is more evidence from those who were arrested in the Watergate building comes forward along with the Washington Post who kept pushing on this story public suspicion that Richard Nixon was involved begins to mount so he makes this very formal speech from the Oval Office in his first hilarious attempt to trick you into thinking he was innocent and I was shocked to learn that employees of the re-election committee were apparently among those guilty there had been an effort to conceal the facts both from the public from you and from me a highly preview Hearst reading of a speech at a desk with the speech in hand is the easiest way to communicate a lie no wonder this is how he chose to talk about Watergate for a long time it's not to say there won't be any leakage of deceptive body language in this setting it's just that it'll be much more muted which sometimes turns it negligible oh yeah and we're not gonna be playing captain hindsight when we're evaluating his body language because that's just pointless and just plain stupid now listen to this next part and see if you could spot any signs of deception based on what he said in one of the most difficult decisions of my presidency I accepted the resignations of two of my closest associates in the White House johner to over the finest public service it has been my privilege to know right Nixon mentioned before how his staff was shockingly hiding these critical facts from him and us but then tells us these great public servants are sadly leaving and it was the most difficult decision in his presidency does that make any sense to you yeah we would expect him to tell us that he searched high and wide to find who was responsible and he when he found him he fired them and they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law etc but there was none of that so why didn't he smeared them like that even just for effect to appear more innocent Nixon is playing a balancing act if he's too weak with his accusations the public will think these firings were completely bogus if he's too strong with his accusations his fire staff will get pissed not take the fall and then out him in the media because Attorney General claim based though a distinguished public service my personal friend for 20 years with no personal involvement whatever in this matter has been a close personal and professional associate of some of those who are involved in this case he and I both felt that it was also necessary to name a new Attorney General now he's wonderful Attorney General who is not involved at all also gets fired it's all to try to trick you into thinking he's taking massive action so there's no need to investigate the White House any further nothing to see here the counsel to the president John Dean has also resigned and for good measure he also fires his White House Counsel now listen to this conversation Nixon had just a few days before his speech [Music] [Applause] the attorney [Music] yep Dixit pretty much knew this ridiculous boy wouldn't work but he tried it anyway on you to see if you would buy it talking about chaotically throwing people under the bus to save yourself as the new Attorney General I have today named Elliot Richardson a man of unimpeachable integrity and rigorously high principle yes Nixon announces a new attorney general and Steve's have hired him because he thought Elliot Richardson would be an easy pushover let's keep watching I have given him absolute authority to make all decisions bearing upon the prosecution of the Watergate case and related matters I have instructed him that if he should consider appropriate he has the authority to name a special supervising prosecutor for matters arising out of the case six months later the president has fired a special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox because of the president's action the Attorney General has resigned Elliot Richardson has quit saying he cannot carry out mr. Nixon's instructions Richardson's deputy William Ruckelshaus has been acquired the ruptals house refused in a moment of constitutional drama to obey a presidential order to fire the special Watergate prosecutor I was Attorney General about 20 minutes we found out of the 20 minutes it's not long enough to get your picture on the wall I already had no recourse I've got to refuse to carry out the directive and resign and the third person in the list of succession is the Solicitor General Robert Bork its Bork who finally does the deed and fires [ __ ] Watergate represented a series of illegal acts bad judgments by a number of individuals but he didn't fire any of them because throughout his speech he claims all the people he did fire didn't do anything wrong at all also did you notice he spoke about Watergate in past tense clearly trying to trick you into thinking that because of him cleaning house Watergate is now a thing of the past god Bless America and God bless everyone when he ends his speech his left hand tugs back on his right hand in sudden apprehension because he was likely insecure about saying god bless he doesn't typically say God bless and he said it twice once to America and another to you individually in body language that's convincing and not just conveying effectively he's sucking up to you hoping that you'll be less likely to question his bogus firings because uncle Richard Nixon was so nice the god bless you individually she pointed to the cigarettes and she said oh they're just so adorable I love them he said well I'll give you some and my mother said cigarettes no he said panda the next night I decided that the go to the moon on behalf of the people of the United States I am pleased to be here and accept the precious gift of the pandas I think pandemonium is going to break out right here at the zoo the thing where I've been the meeting darling of course Nixon's bogus attempt to throw everyone around him under the bus didn't do much for him and only seemed to raise more questions this Senate investigation begins and when I looked over this glass petition there was five man standing in front of a desk with their hands shoulder high relie and silent take executive clemency by going off to prison quietly that file there I would receive financial aid and later rehabilitation and a child and the president was pleased that the case had stopped with Liddy Butterfield are you aware of the installation of any listening devices and the Oval Office of the President I was aware of listening devices yes sir the world finally finds out that Nixon was audio recording everything whole long so now it's like why don't we just listen to the audio recordings to find out what really happened Nixon disconnects is taping system two days after this testimony if you're wondering if we're going to be listening to the incriminating Nixon audio recording yes we will be soon surely scared that everyone now wants to hear these incriminating audio recordings what is Nixon do yep he goes right back behind the desk with another well rehearsed own well prepared statement to basically repeat what he said before I need her authorized nor encouraged subordinates to engage an illegal or improper campaign tactic Nixon totally diverts from mentioning the audio recordings does he really think giving another speech will trick you into believing him a defendant is found guilty based on the evidence not based on what the defendant says Oh since Teddy's not guilty so Nixon must not be guilty and of course doesn't work that way that was and that is the simple truth when extra words are added ahead of the word truth it's very suspect of lying because it's over emphasizing the word truth for example my truth absolute truth crazy truth unbelievable truth now we finally get Nixon not behind his desk and without a carefully worded and rehearsed speech but casually answering questions in front of the media see if he can pick up on anything with his body language and then we'll rewind it and break it down I'm not blaming the people down below the man at the tops gotta take the heat for all of them I'm not blaming the people down below the man at the tops got a cake yes when he touches his chest when he starts saying the man at the tops got a take he gets extremely uncomfortable with great hesitation to finish that sentence notice how his lips are pursed tightly and seems to be holding his breath in major apprehension to finish that sentence also notice his shoulders rise at that moment in subconscious defense to protect the vulnerable neck which is sometimes what we do when we feel we're in danger such as when we tell a lie before all of them then when he finally says it he gives a little out of place smirk which was a little duping nervous smile because he as well as everyone watching at this point knows that's the exact opposite of what he's doing he's throwing everyone around him under the bus the save himself sock it to me I have never heard or seen such outrageous vicious to started reporting in 27 years of public life what is it about the television coverage of you in these past weeks and months it is so aroused your anger since Watergate Nixon has changed a lot becoming much more angry and even more furious with the media the pressure to keep the cover-up going seems to be stressing him out a lot don't get the impression that you arouse my anger one can only be angry with those he respects I have no intention whatever however walking away from the job that the people elected me to do for the people of the US on April 11 the Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for 42 additional tapes of conversations which it contended were necessary for its investigation finally Nixon is going to release the tapes and these folders that you see over here on my left are more than 1,200 pages of transcripts of private conversations I participate again nope Nixon strikes again he's not gonna let you hear the audio recordings but you can just read the transcripts of those audio recordings instead even went through all the trouble to have those binders printed with gold lettering and the presidential seal it's all just the put on a show to make those transcripts seem very official in the eyes of the viewers it's certainly not edited from what's in the audio recordings of course the transcripts were edited they include all the relevant portions with all of the subpoenaed conversations that were recorded this is major convincing and not just conveying first why give the transcripts and not the audio recordings if those recordings were exactly what's in the transcript second an innocent person wouldn't make a big show of the transcripts with custom printed official lettering and a presidential seal displaying them all on national television an innocent person would just send the papers over in a cardboard box this was clearly a last-ditch effort by Nixon not release the subpoenaed audio recordings they will be delivered to the committee tomorrow Congress of course still wants the tapes they don't want the transcripts it goes to the Supreme Court in United States versus returned Nixon where the court ruled unanimously that he had to give up the tapes no one in the White House wanted to tell President Nixon - terrible news so they came up with this brilliant solution they died a little sign around his Irish Setters neck that simply said eight to nothing you notice how Haldeman brought up Watergate it's clear that Dave had conversations about Watergate other times before this and this was six days after the break-in occurred now Haldeman is recommending to Nixon to use the CIA to order the FBI to stop investigating the break-in but then says it's not an unusual development meaning this is probably not the first time something like this has happened I just want to know how do you hit this and it's basically given this he will then have the basis he'll call Marco and the two of them to operate mark felt number two in the FBI and a few years before mark felt died he finally admitted that he was the secret informant that tipped off Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein at the Washington Post and guided them on the right track in pursuit of revealing the truth and Watergate clearly mark felt thought what the White House was doing to cover up this was wrong yeah I may have thought the Watergate break-in was CIA because James McCord one of the five men arrested at Watergate worked for the CIA the tracing of money confirms the connection between the Nixon campaign and the burglars which is why Nixon is so concerned about the money link they use this guy Ken doll Berg to launder money to Bernard Barker another one of the five men arrested at Watergate Nixon finishes the conversation agreeing to the cover-up [Applause] no no no the House Judiciary Committee has just approved its first article of impeachment against President Nixon resolution is adopted and will be reported to the House Nixon is about to give his resignation speech he's a little grouchy but as you'll notice he's not as sad as you might expect he actually seems to be in an ok mood letting off the massive and growing weight of having to continuously cover things up and trick the public and Congress for over two years is understandably satisfying you surely heard the truth will set you free that's enough my friend all I always was take a lot of pictures I'm afraid they'll catch me picking my nose no no there will be no picture you've taken your picture didn't you take one just now that's it all Secret Service there any Secret Service in their room out you don't have stadium if you're required to I just kidding it good evening this is the 37th time I have spoken to you from this office I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow Vice President Ford will be sworn in as president at that hour in this office years after resigning Nixon agrees to do this paid TV interview with David Frost so beginning with June 20 then um what did hold him and tell you during the 18 and a half minute gap yes there is an 18 and a half minute gap where Haldeman clearly told Nixon something about Watergate but why was there a gap on that tape well Nyx's longtime personal secretary since 1951 rosemary woods claimed that while she was transcribing the tape the phone rang and her foot accidentally hit the delete pedal for eighteen and a half minutes while she was on the phone even though her phone is on the far side of her other desk yeah totally bogus clearly they didn't want anyone to hear what was spoken about Parliament's notes are the only recollection I have of what he told me you can follow Haldeman's notes the president is talking about a letter he wants to send to the governor of South Dakota and suddenly conversation shifts from South Dakota to Watergate you can see that in the notes in the gap begins there is very little in the notes about the meeting itself Haldeman was a very good note-taker because of course we've had other opportunities to look at his notes an hour and a half there could be as many as five or six pages and those more than obviously than two pages staple holes here which indicate obviously staple removed staple remover staple remove the upper left of page one is a date written and on the upper left of page two is a number two these two bits of information were written in a different ink from the main body of the nose now watch his body language and verbal dynamic when he answers to see if you can pick out any deception and then we'll break it down my recollection was of the note so check the EOB to see whether or not it's bugged obviously I was concerned about whether or not the other side was bugging us I went on to say let's get a public-relations offensive on what the other side is doing in this area and so forth and in effect don't allow the Democratic composition build this up into basically a blow it up into a big political issue those were the concerns expressed and I have no recollection of the conversation except that my recollection was of the notion so first out of place smiles and chuckles this appears to be due to the anxiety of answering the question we involuntarily get nervous anxious and stressed when we lie because we subconsciously know it's wrong and even dangerous to lie check the EOB to see whether or not it's bugged obviously I was concerned about whether or not the other side was bugging us now in this next piece notice how many crutch words he uses I went on to say let's get a public-relations offensive on what the other side is doing in this area and so forth and in effect don't allow the Vixen is usually a good speaker he never uses this the crutch words when speaking Democratic composition build this up into basically a blow it up into a big political issue wires will sometimes increase the amount of crutch words especially when pressed on explaining the details because they're trying to perfectly weave their lie believably into the known facts while also weighing and considering the potential facts that could eventually come out those were the concerns expressed then I have no recollection of the conversation except that then when he says no recollection he specifically looks away from the interviewer which combined with all the other many's prior signs of deception indicates he seems to know more and did you notice that he proactively and defensively shuts down the question of the conversation except that because he doesn't want to keep talking about this question and based on his deceptive body language throughout this question it's obvious why yep i I let the American people down and I have to carry that burden with me for the rest of my life we don't have a good word for it in English the bestest aurevoir we'll see you again the greatness comes not when things go always good for you but the greatness comes and you're really tested when you take some knocks some disappointments when sadness comes because only if you've been in the deepest Valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them and then you destroy yourself many historians have said that if it wasn't for Watergate and all the unnecessary corruption President Nixon would have been considered one of our better presidents I'm listening what's considered some of his greatest accomplishments which largely had bipartisan support President Nixon was a very complex man with moments of greatness we today have concluded an agreement to end the war and bring peace with honor in Vietnam and in Southeast Asia which were quickly followed by moments of confusing corruption get him died in with him that would be good and the corruption didn't even seem to give him an edge it was just a massive distraction for his administration every year this saying you are your own worst enemy yeah that describes Richard Nixon perfectly but also Nixon seems to have this shocking view of the presidency which actually isn't so shocking given what he did watch president can decide that it's in the best interest of the nation or something and do something illegal or when the President does it that means that it is not illegal by definition exactly give this video a thumbs up if you think no one is above the law give this video a thumbs down if you think the president is above the law now in the comments why do you think no one should be above the law not even the president let everyone know in the comments below remember to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on new body language and investigative videos we always shake-up YouTube and I'll see you at the top [Music] [Music]
Channel: Derek Van Schaik
Views: 81,853
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Keywords: body language, body language of a liar, richard nixon, watergate, haldeman, john dean, butterfield, potus, president, president of the united states, frost/nixon, impeachment, watergate history, what happened in watergate, watergate documentary, watergate explained, watergate tapes, watergate hearings, the final report: watergate, watergate in 7 minutes, watergate – truth & lies, forrest gump, nixon in the den
Id: 59jih4b3Cmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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