WATCH: Biden’s full remarks at 2024 White House Correspondents’ Dinner | MSNBC

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do you think your Irish grandparents are wondering my great great grandparents that get here in 1846 and when what in the hell's going on I want to thank you for the warm welcome but please not so loud Donald was listening sleepy Don I kind of like that I may use that again Kelly O'Donald president of the White House correspondence Association thank you for having me thank you sir kello let's be honest you're way too young to be president it's been a year since I delivered this speech and my wife Jill was with me tonight was worried how I do I told her don't worry just like riding a bike she said that's what I'm worried about of course course the 2024 elections in full swing and yes age is an issue I'm a grown man running against a six-year-old well I feel great I really feel great I'm campaigning all over the country Pennsylvania Georgia North Carolina I've always done well in the original 13 colonies and speaking of History did you hear what Donald just said about the major Civil War battle quote Gettysburg wow Trump's speech was so embarrassing the statute of Robert El surrendered again but look age is the only thing we have in common my vice president actually endorses [Applause] me I had a great stretch since the State of the Union well Donald has had a few tough days lately you might call it stormy weather what the hell Trump so desperate he started read those Bibles he's selling then he got to the first commandment you shall have no other gods before me that's when he put it down and said this book's not for me look being here is a reminder that folks think what's going on in congress's political theater that's not true if Congress were theater they'd have thrown out Lauren bobert a long time ago now to all my friends in the press and Fox News some of you complain that I don't take enough of your questions no comment of course the New York Times issued a statement blasting me for quote active and effectively avoiding independent journalists hey if that's what it's takes to get the New York Times to say I'm active and effective I'm poor it's [Applause] okay I have higher higher standards I do interviews with strong independent journalist who millions of people actually listen to like Howard Stern and I know you're looking around and saying this guy's been doing this for 50 years he's had his moment give him something give someone else a chance to say that I say Lauren ignore the critics ignore the critics Lauren's a great friend who's had eight comedians play me over the years on Saturday Night Live eight and who the hell says I'm not a real job Creator look Lauren's had even more Comedians and actors joke about me like the funny guy in Weekend Update Michael Shay he's hilarious Scarlet Johanson you did such an incredible job in your state of the union rebuttal that you should be weekend to do Weekend Update clearly you're you're the funny one in the family look folks on a serious note in addition to marrying up Colin and I have another thing in common we both find strength in family I got to spend some time with his family yesterday in the Oval Office Colin's dad was a high school teacher in Staten Island and his mom is an incredible woman a family of firefighters was chief medical officer in New York City Fire Department on 911 as a doctor she rushed to Ground Zero risking her own life treating and saving fellow First Responders rushing into danger for others is my definition of patriotism and heroism [Laughter] and so is what all of you do when you report truth over lies that's why I want to close tonight with my genuine thanks to the Free Press there are some who call you the enemy of the people that's wrong and it's dangerous you literally risk your lives doing your job you do covering everything from natural disasters to pandemics to Wars and so much more and some of your colleagues have given their lives and many have suffered Grievous injuries other reporters have lost their freedom journalism is clearly not a crime not here not there not anywhere in the world and Putin should release Evan and and all Su immediately yes we're doing everything we can we're doing everything we can to bring home journalists fellow journalists Austin and all Americans like Paul wh you know who wrongfully detained all around the world and I give you my orders of Biden we're not going to give up until we get them home all of them all of them in the third anniversary January 6th I went to Valley Forge and I said the most urgent question of our time is whether democracy is still is still the sacred cause of America that is the question the American people must answer this year and you the preest play a critical role in making sure the American people have the information they need to make an informed decision a defeated former president has made no secret of his attack on our democracy he said he wants to be a dictator on day one and so much more he tells supporters he is their revenge and retribution when in God's name you ever heard of another president say something like that and he promised a bloodbath when he loses again we have to take this seriously eight years ago you could have written off it was just Trump talk but no longer not after January 6th I'm sincerely not asking of you to take sides but asking to rise up to the seriousness of the moment move past the horse race numbers and the gotta moments and the distractions the sideshows that come to dominate sensationalize our sensationalize our politics and focus on what's actually at stake and I think in your hearts you know it was at stake the stakes couldn't be higher every single one of us has R to play a serious role to play making sure democracy endures American Dem ocracy I more my role but all due respect so do you in the age of disinformation credible information that people can trust is more important than ever and that makes you and I mean this from the bottom of my heart makes you more important than ever so tonight I'd like to make a toast to a free press to an informed citizenry to an America where freedom and democracy endure God Bless America now I'm going to turn it over to Kelly then to hear from a real comedian I think I know what I'm in for you know Colin joose has taken name at me before with his jokes oh I'm sure you ready like saying after winning to South Carolina primary Biden barely edged out his closest rival time Colin when I win I'm going to have a whole hell of a lot of time and I'm going to be watching pal Kelly back to you thank you Mr thank you very much thank you
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 543,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msnbc, MSNBC, Specials
Id: vBtXUXknvtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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