Was Gotti the most authentic Mob Movie ever made?? | Michael Franzese

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you got a worldwide crime syndicate now there's no walls there's no parameters there's no feelings there's no feelings for this country hey everybody michael francis here and welcome to mob movie monday [Music] my name is michael francis and i was a former capro copper regime in the colombo crime family back in new york one of the five new york mafia because of oyster families this movie gotti with armond de sante one of the greatest mob movies if not for me the best mob movie ever made because it was so authentic very very close to what really happened during that time this was my period my era so to speak in the mob i knew all the guys in the film knew every one of them at some point in time i met him for one reason or another so the first scene i'm going to show you uh very authentic scene anthony quinn plays on neil de la crosse who is brilliant in it watch this one then we'll talk about it he wants to see me hmm right now right now and she goes with bring him along yeah just my reputation same here how are you doing this is john gotti how make your crew understand they deal in drugs that's all they die very very important scene we set up a lot of characters we set up angelo rogerio who some of you may know is a close associate of john gotti's he was also a made guy he was a kappa regime when i was a cop regime and yes that's the term that we used among each other made guys right here he was coming to tell john that he was summoned to meet the boss carlo gambino everybody's heard of carlo you know that name i had the pleasure of meeting when i was younger as a kid um you know it didn't really have much to do with him was before my time he died in 1976 i believe but i did have the pleasure to meet him you also met paul castellano in this film in in this scene rather and you know who paul was he was the boss i did have an opportunity to meet paul the first time i met him wasn't a good one was in a sit down with him over some chickens that that i had bought from one of his stores long story i'll get into it another time all these characters are set up here the other thing that's very very significant here in this thing is that carlo gambino is telling john gotti we don't do drugs drugs are off limits he believed that drugs were detrimental to the whole family because of the fact that they would attract law enforcement in a way that we didn't need it we had enough trouble so carlo had imposed that policy on all five families they all agreed drugs was off limits and then of course you had sammy gravano who again i believe it was a captain at that point in time maybe not it might have been just a soldier i don't know but you got a great setup great scene no drugs everything's set up to go let's go to the next scene the bottom line is john cotty clipped a soldier my duchine without my okay that's a flagrant violation the john garner should [ __ ] die no needs a curse ball no need john gotti clipped your scumbag soldier because your scumbag soldier deserved it john gary is casa nostra the rule was broken yes we need all the john gotti's we can get but we survived by our rules if it was my call he would go the respect that was given to carlo it's the respect that's always given to a boss o'neill who was a powerful guy in his own way right you know he looked at the carlo he was going to say something caller holds up his hands o'neil respectful as the day is long just stopped and listened very very powerful scene very very authentic remember you never ever either raise your hand to another made guy you certainly never take his life without getting permission from the boss so this was high stakes at at its most uh in that life this was a a real serious matter being resolved in a sit-down so you know another interesting thing there what does carlo tell paul stop cussing you know the old-timers a lot of them they didn't curse that much especially the bosses they tried to have a little bit more integrity in their dialogue you know i noticed this with my dad too at times he didn't like to use foul language so anyway carlo is listening he's going to make the final decision it's really up to the boss he's always got the final say what he says goes so he looks at his console here and he says conciliary what do you think and the concierge said it look he said we need a hundred john gotti's because they knew what john was made of takes an order does it no questions asked boom but he also says look we we have rules okay and if this thing if the rules fall apart uh this life falls apart so he said if it was my decision john gotti would go kill him the boss had to make the final decision and who knows what it's going to be next scene this is such a powerful scene they're negotiating all night let's take a walk negotiating what your [ __ ] life you're taking out a [ __ ] cocaine be quiet sit down you know i've tripped a lot of guys in my life close friends guys i didn't know i didn't always agree that the guy should be clipped but i never questioned the orders and i never went off half talked and took somebody i wasn't supposed to are you shut up you just listen you know big paul went to doncardo for permission to have you whacked it came this close i told don carlo you were like something touched the old man he told paul to give you a pass but if don carlo had said you gotta go i would have come here today with these two zips and you would go i got to tell you this is one of the most intense and most brilliant scenes in a scene that hit so close to home in any movie that i've ever seen anthony quinn was absolutely brilliant in this scene but he kind of summed up what la cosa nostra my former life was really all about you see how angry he was you know he fought all night to save john gotti's life because john gotti was like a sun fit to him but what he says in in this scene is is what that life was all about we're a life built on rules and if you break the rules the whole thing falls apart now what happened in the 80s guys started breaking the rules left and right left and right who became an informant who was doing drugs when they shouldn't have been doing drugs and that life started to crumble from within trust me on that and mostly because of the intense scrutiny and the and the laws that the government came up with that put so much pressure on guys guys started to flip become informants but the rules you know just like we're saying now the united states is a land of of law we live by the law in la cozunostra the reason it survived for so long over a hundred years not only survived but prospered because we were built on rules and policies that we had to keep and it was all under the the policy of omerta kept our mouth shuts shut and we and we played by the rules another thing that he said so important okay for the old-timers he said i love you like a son but if the the the order came down today that you were to be whacked i would come here today with these two zips and you would be whacked set it straight out because we follow the rules now i got to tell you something this hit close to home because when i walked away from that life and you know the feds told me that you know my dad had went along with not put the contract on my life but went along with the contract because i walked away from that life uh this scene came to mind you know i said matt i wonder if my father would have ever done that if he was the one told to pull the trigger on me and i came to the conclusion that no he would not have i don't think my father would have done it even though my father was as much of an old-timer as o'neill de la croce he played by the rules he died by the rules you know how to deal with him 103 years old never opened his mouth died with his boots on so to speak but this scene really made me think of that this was a great movie people i'm enjoying this i hope you are you know i know a lot of people like to have more insight into that life so i'm doing it through these films we're going to review a lot of them over a period of time we're mixing mob movie monday in with mob story monday we have a lot of people that have joined my crew my community michael francis.com the community is free people are interacting with each other a lot of encouraging things happening a lot of prayer going on sometimes some of my brothers and sisters in christ they knock me you're not talking enough about your faith people always talk about my faith it's not in the closet i wear it where i am but you don't always have to verbally talk about it's just who i am but you're going to get some of that and then of course you can go to a higher level and have more personal contact with me there is a fee involved well worth it i believe because i give you a lot of my time so thank you again uh until next time next monday might be mob movie monday might be smart story monday we don't know but you'll have some things in between god bless have a good time uh stay healthy and be safe [Music] you
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 1,004,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, capo, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, gambino, gambino family, bonanno, bonanno family, lucchese, lucchese family, genovese, genovese family, al capone, john gotti, gotti, american mafia, italian, italian mafia, cartel, gangs, prison, federal prison, prison gangs, motivation, mentor, leader, boss
Id: Dk1sI_iGL0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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