John Gotti to Franzese: "You Don't Buy Me Out, I Buy You Out!" | Mob Story Monday

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we sit down and carly's there again and john is there again i said john i said i don't want anything to do with the market we can't live in this situation your guy is jeopardizing the market he said i'm gonna buy you out he said no you don't buy me out i buy you out that's exactly what i thought he was going to do [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome to another sit down with michael francis hope everybody is doing well and uh everything's good on this end and today is uh mob story monday you know we kind of fluctuate with mob movie monday mob story monday so today i'm going to tell a story because i get asked a lot about different people you know i'm anxious so i'm going to do a entire segment on frank costello it's going to be very interesting because frank was kind of a unique guy he was a racketeer more than a gangster and you know a lot of times sammy actually sammy gavano actually coined this said i was more of a racketeer than i was a gangster whatever but frank costello is an interesting guy that's coming up so stay tuned for that but today i'm going to talk a little bit about my relationship with john gotti i get asked about john all the time and obviously whenever you mention john's name everybody kind of perks up you know in that life at least according to the media and people out there john was a bigger a larger than life figure you got to admit that like him don't like him whatever covered time magazine always in the media he was he was a big name no doubt about it whether he was good for that life bad for that life i'm not going to comment on that i'm only going to talk about my relationship i will tell you this he has a wonderful family i know his wife victoria very well nice people and that's my feeling on it as far as me you know we weren't tight friends you know john and i obviously different families he was a gambino guy i was a columbo guy but we had occasion to bunk into each other quite a bit i had two or three business situations with him that i'll talk about one of them today when we would meet socially nice guy enjoyed being around him he was fun he liked to gamble a lot that wasn't my thing but everybody knew his gambling was legendary he and i met a couple of times in regine's big club in manhattan we had a couple of drinks together with other guys around we had a lot of fun you know business-wise very difficult to deal with john you know had a tremendous ego i'm not saying anything out of turn if you were going to sit down with him over a business situation if there was any kind of dispute involved you knew you had your hands full because john never wanted to lose an argument didn't want to lose so i'll tell you about one particular situation how it came about you'll see kind of the inner workings of the mob stuff how it really went with us you know and this issue that i had with john was over a flea market a swap meet very lucrative back in the day trust me on that very lucrative back in the day and probably very lucrative now there was a fellow around me he was my gumbada i baptized his kids he baptized mine his name was larry carosa you might have heard about him unfortunately larry did meet with his demise he was murdered at a point in time many many years ago broke my heart when it happened i will tell you that he was like a brother to me and we did a lot of things together before you know this happened to him and he had a guy around him who was a partner in this flea market he was actually an accountant he built the market it was in brooklyn so larry comes to me and he had a relationship with the accountant that owns the swap meet this flea market and he tells me about his partner who was dealing drugs who was a drug addict himself and dealing drugs in the market very dangerous you couldn't do that so larry says michael i want to get this guy out of the market he said as far as i know he's not with anybody because you know in new york everybody knows somebody it's you always have to worry about that or be concerned about that or check it out so i had first question does he know anybody is he with anybody no michael he's a lone ranger he's all by himself he won't have any problem i'm going to chase him out of the market i said all right you don't need me chase him out do whatever you got to do and larry was a tough kid he wouldn't back down anything he was a tough kid very very capable that's what happens so now a couple of days pass a couple of weeks pass whatever i get a call from john gotti and john says michael i'd like to see him that's okay so we set up a meeting a couple of days later i go to meet john we were both coppos at that point in time and john is with another guy by the name of carly dipietro now kali was a genovese guy i believe and i had met colley in prison he was in prison with my dad so i met him a few times in the visiting room as a matter of fact my mom and his wife you know got very friendly so i knew carly fairly well and he was friends with my dad well somehow he teamed up with john gotti at that point in time and i find out now allegedly there was a third partner in the market that i didn't know about it and that larry never told me about it i don't know where this guy came from but all of a sudden there's a third partner so carly was there representing this third partner john was representing the drug addict that we kicked out and i got the accountant that's how these things have so i was kind of blindsided when i saw kali there i didn't understand it but then they explained to me it seems that gotti and kali had teamed up they wanted this market for some reason john says to me starts off he says michael your guy kicked this guy out of the market he's with me i'm a partner there and i said well john how's he with you the guy's a drug addict number one number two he's dealing drugs in the market you know we can't do that and just for all you people out there who always make comments when i say we were not allowed to get involved in drugs during my time in that life it was hands off the night i got made i was told you deal with drugs you die that was it that was the rule across all five families now were some guys doing it sneaking on the side yes as a matter of fact you know the story paul castellano was very upset because the gotti crew i don't know if gotti himself the gotti crew allegedly was dealing in drugs castellano was mad you know there was going to be a hit out on gotti so the story goes so i said well john how could he be with you the guy's a drug addict and he's selling drugs in the market he never mentioned your name he didn't know you you know so he wasn't with you and he says no he's with me michael so what really happened is the guy ran to somebody who was around gotti gotti did his research he found out that the guy the accountant was with me that's how he got in touch to me john saw an opportunity to earn does it happen on the street yeah it happens all the time sometimes guys run to me they look for my protection it happened to me with irizo irizo came to me when other guys were extorting him in the gas business that's how it goes so i made a deal with aya rizzo to represent him i became his partner and i was able to help him out so now the same situation was happening with gotti except that his guy was a drug dealer and you weren't allowed to do that we went back and forth back and forth back and forth i said john you know i'm not letting the guy back in the market i said he's dealing drugs there he's jeopardizing the whole operation the whole business it's a good business a lot of substance my guy is an accountant so john said well i want a piece of that i said well you know the guy's with me how do you get a piece anyway he wouldn't back off of course god he wouldn't back off and carly de petros teamed up with gotti and so i had two against one so i knew it was a tough situation i said look i'm not making any decisions right now i said just keep the guy out of the market john said no the guy's going back in i said okay i see we got a real problem here so we leave we don't resolve anything that day i don't give in john doesn't give in carly doesn't give in i go see my boss at the time and i tell him the entire situation so he's michael what do you want to do i said look i can't live with this i said there's no way we're going to be able to get along the guy's selling drugs i don't want anything to do with that i don't want to you know i don't have anything to do anything that has anything to do with drugs that's my position on it you know that so i said the only way this is going to work is either i buy john out or he buys me out and i said you know gotti for some reason he wants that market and if i were to buy him out he's going to look at that as a loss he's going to want to buy me out he's going to want to stay in the market he's going to want to be able to tell people that it's his so i got to go in with a strategy and i'm going to tell john straight out i'm buying you out and i knew it was going to go from there so we set up another meeting i go again and we sit down and carly's there again and john is there again i said john i said i don't want anything to do with the market we can't live in this situation your guy is jeopardizing the markets he said i'm gonna buy you out he says no you don't buy me out i buy you out that's exactly what i thought he was going to do so we settled on a number was a couple hundred grand i forget the exact number at this point in time and as it turned out gotti bought me out i got out of the market i took care of my accountant he got some money he wasn't thrilled with it because it was a decent business but i said there's no way you're going to be able to survive with this guy in there he said michael you're right he said i have a small investment i made some money he said if i get my money back i'm happy so he got his money back he'd already made some money in the market so i put some money in my pocket i gave larry some money everybody was happy so that's how it ended up and uh i got to tell you within three months the market was closed i don't know what they did there i heard stories you know it doesn't matter it never lasted they ransacked it within three months that was the end of the market and i knew that would happen but anyway you know what's the moral of the story there when i went into that negotiation i knew you know john's mentality i knew his personality i knew what i could get from him i knew i wouldn't get from him so my strategy was hey i'm buying you out knowing that he would buy me out so in a way i got what i wanted he got what he wanted that was the end of that it's very important when you go into a negotiation to know who you're negotiating with know their mentality know what they want know what you want know what you'll settle for know what they'll settle for there's a lot that goes into a negotiation which we can get into at another time i've had so many critical negotiations in my life you know even with the federal government with other people in that life and then certainly on business situation but uh this one in particular because it's john gotti people ask me about all the time and you know the way this came about i want you to understand something when you're on the street and you're a made guy you have a lot of associates around you and they're always bringing you deals bringing you situations bringing you problems sometimes good deals and you're always in the position you know especially a guy like me who is very active and very aggressive of you know having a lot of things presented to you so you decide you pick and choose ones that you want to get involved in other things that you want no part of it happens like that all the time you know there's always this kind of fallacy out there that mob guys just sit in our social clubs and we just look at the next business that we're going to infiltrate or buy or attack or whatever it doesn't happen that way when you're an active guy like me and you have so many people like i was and you have so many people around you they're always bringing you different things so that's what this situation was all about that's how it ended up so again i might have told this story before but for some reason i'm getting asked about it quite a bit so that's the truth those are the facts so hey you want to know something you want to know about negotiation i have a free guide here going to give you some skills some pointers that are going to be helpful to you and whatever you do because remember this everything in life is negotiation you're married you're negotiating with your wife you're a father or wife you're negotiating with your kids happens all the time you're negotiating a business you negotiate everything in life to have a skill set and a mindset to know how to approach things is very important i have this guide you know you can get it just click on you know whatever is beneath here and you can get your free guide give you some pointers and tips that you're not going to find anywhere else i guarantee you so that's it for today hope you enjoyed it we got a lot more coming please subscribe you know the subscription rate has gone up we we certainly enjoy those of you a lot of loyal followers here that we appreciate very much and we're going to do a lot to give you the best possible content that we can a lot of good stuff coming up i got a great team working on a lot of things that i know you're going to benefit and be surprised for and be very very entertained so that's it for today jump aboard the crew is growing and i'm telling you you're not going to get this information you're not going to get this benefit of my experience and my team and people just congregating with one another helping one another out you're not going to get in anywhere else but at join my inner circle you won't be disappointed i promise you be a big benefit to you so that's it for today how do i always leave you be safe be healthy i really mean this god bless you all and yes i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 1,054,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, gambino, gambino family, bonanno family, lucchese, lucchese family, genovese family, john gotti, gotti, italian mafia, federal prison, sonny franzese, michael franzese and john gotti, michael franzese sit down with john gotti, mafia sit down, gotti franzese, john gotti sit down, michael franzese gotti, gambino crime family, john gotti jr sammy gravano
Id: EbGEPhvr5j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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