WARRIORS are OP in Season of Discovery - Full talents and runes

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two one bro spiffing brick is going to make a video on your build that's how balanced it is you don't even just pumped so much damage with this insanely broken build Ste not only all it took was stealing the C as daggers now if you're doing 250 DPS with a green dagger Christ the ass blast so if if you're wondering what the build was it's basically a build where you go deep wounds so you SPC fully into deep wounds proc and overpower and then one in cruelty to get the 60% damage of deep wounds you then go um raging blow and you go consumed by rage and you go single man of Fury you try to keep your rage around 80 rage all the time so you can constantly be en raged with that 20% extra damage so you sit around 80 rage you spam hamstrings to try to get more deep wound procs and then you just Spam also raging blow you you you send with some heroic strikes if you have overload of Rage uh the reason why it's really good is because you have an offhand dagger that's super fast that basically like procs deep wounds all the time but how it works in sod is that the Deep's prog goes off of the main hand so the Deep wound's damage even though it's proed off of the dagger it goes off of the main hand damage and it also for some reason overlaps like an ignite wood which means that the Deep wounds damage does the full duration of the damage even if it takes again so it it just keeps taking on top of each other so the longer you have deep wounds up the more damage you do um so the longer the fight is the more damage you also do as well right so you want to keep that deep wounds proed permanently right and keep proing keep proing it keep proing it uh at the end of the boss fights some of the bosses my deep points was ticking for like 400 straight up it it was ticking for so much I don't know on Seas they didn't do that much damage here but the average de proc was 200 on Seas it's pretty got Dam [Music] good
Channel: GuzuTV
Views: 50,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WOW, Classic, Wow Classic, WoW, Warcraft, World of warcraft, vanilla, classic wow, classic wow beta, classic fresh, classic wow gold, warrior guide, guzu, guzutv, the burning crusade, react streamer, twitch, twitch streamer, shorts, short, clip, stream clip, twitch streamer clip, livestream, stream fails, streamer fails, streamer funny, wow hardcore, world of warcraft hardcore, wow hc, wow classic hc, wow classic death, wow classic deaths
Id: vsU1EWlCTMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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