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[Music] well greetings everybody from Radio Farda Gracia in this opportunity we have the blessing to speak once again with our brother Justin Peters which he's been down here in Delaware over the past couple days on a conference that one of our local churches here hosted for him to be able to come and talk about some of the you know seminars and material that he has so I'm really glad to be able to speak with you again Justin or a it's it's truly an honor and a pleasure brother thank you for the invitation no problem I've always wanted to express you know to you personally I know I've done it in the past but just a blessing that the ministry has been over the past maybe ten years I got exposed to some of your content back in 2008 when it was called a call to discernment yeah and that material blessed me a lot it helped me clear a lot of the thoughts and doubts and questions that I had concerning some of the topics I was going to be talking in this interview yeah so I wanted to have a couple questions for you and hopefully this is gonna help some of our audience to be able to get some biblical answer concerning some of the topics okay what is cloud without waters yeah well the that that's the title of my seminar and clouds without water is a reference in the book of Jude verse 12 and Jude refers to false teachers in a number of different ways he says they are hidden reefs in your love feasts they feast with you without fear caring only for themselves and that is one of the hallmarks of a false teacher a false teacher does not care about you who does not care about God cares only for himself or herself and then Jude says that they are clouds without water and so the picture there is that false teachers have the appearance of having some nourishment but no nourishment no sustenance no water you know ever Falls from them they just leave the ground below them dry and parched and and so I chose that as the title of my seminar which deals with the Word of Faith Movement the health and wealth naming and claiming prosperity gospel the doctrine that says it is always God's will for a Christian to be wealthy it's always God's will for a Christian to be physically healed we should never be sick or if we do get sick we can be healed as long as we have enough faith or as long as we sow enough seed into some ministers ministry in other words give money sow seed so you can reap a harvest and it's led by people such as spinning in Kenneth to Gloria Copeland Jesse Duplantis Creflo Dollar Joyce Meyer Joseph Prince Joel Osteen Guillermo Maldonado in Miami Florida and Kash Luna mm-hmm who's a very popular yang Guo tamale here in the nation and worldwide yes absolutely yeah what would you consider will be one of the main reasons why a lot of people within Christianity you know Christianity because that's a broad term right why do you think from a biblical perspective is one of the main reasons why this type of people have a lot of followers you know because when you go and look at their social media pages and their YouTube accounts you see that they have millions of followers and and I've always you know I've always scratched my head you know and thinking you know how is it that so many people you know just follow this this is just type of teachings and teachers yeah yeah well I would say a few things to that one the prosperity gospel offers people what they naturally want the prosperity gospel says if you will just come to Jesus and appropriate your faith yeah then you can be rich and you'll never have to be sick mm-hmm well you have almost seven billion people on the planet who want those things almost everybody would like to be rich and yeah hardly anybody enjoys being sick so they're putting out a message there if you'll just become a Christian then you can be rich and you'll never be sick yeah so it's it's immensely popular and so that's the single biggest factor but but also we know from Scripture in second Timothy 4:3 through 4 Paul writes the time will come when people will no longer endure sound doctrine but they will heap to themselves teachers who tickle the ears yeah and that is where we are today there are you know the vast majority of professing Christians have gotten to the point where they do not endure sound doctrine they they don't want to be told about sin or righteousness or repentance denying yourself they just want to be told what they want to hear they want to be told they can have their best life now they can have their Purpose Driven Life you know God's gonna bless them he's gonna give them a better job and a nicer car and a bigger home and all these kind of things and but they don't want to hear anything about denial of self that the prosperity gospel is the opposite of that the prosperity gospel says no don't deny yourself indulge yourself yeah and so that's what that's what people want to hear and also or a there's there is a sense in which false teachers are in and of themselves part of God's judgment on people yeah you know we have to remember that all of these tens if not hundreds of millions of people who follow Kash Luna and Joel Osteen maldonado yeah somebody like them so many like them yeah they they have the same Bibles that you and I've got mm-hmm and so there is a sense in which you know going back to 2nd Timothy 4 people don't want a sound doctrine they want to be told what they want to hear and so it's not that they don't have access to the truth they do they've got the same Bibles we've got yeah they just they don't want to be told the truth they want to have some religion you know they want to scratch their religious edge if you but not with the truth just something that has a veneer of Christianity but is not real Christianity yeah so so based on that you know on that reality one of the first titles I think of before it was clouds without water I think it was a call to discernment that was the name of the seminar right what is biblical discernment because that word might not be a familiar word that a lot of people have especially in Christian local churches and in Christianity for some reason there's not a lot of clarity as to what is biblical discernment and why is it so important yeah yeah the biblical term for discernment in the New Testament has actually derived from the verb Crenna which means to judge and it means to to separate truth from error you know right from wrong and it is a vitally vitally important part of the Christian life that the Bible has a lot to say about discernment we are - all of us are to exercise discernment it's not an option it is a command for the Christian to exercise discernment to be able to sift through truth from error right from wrong one of the things that makes false teachers so dangerous and so popular is that not everything that false preachers preach is false correct some of it is right benny hinn for example is the quintessential false prophet false teacher if Benny Hinn is not a not a false prophet then the term literally has no meaning yeah he meets every single biblical criterion as to how to discern a false prophet but that having been said not everything that he teaches is wrong I have heard Benny Hinn quite honestly preached the gospel present the gospel fairly well yeah certainly well enough for God to use it to call someone to himself but that does not legitimize Benny Hinn that does not mean that Benny Hinn is real of teacher when God when someone happens to be saved listening within and that's just God honoring the the truth that happened to be presented but when someone is converted under a false teacher like that that person will not stay there and once that person is truly converted he begins to grow in the Grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus and eventually may not be right on the spot you may not be that day but pretty soon that person is gonna leave that false teacher so it is that mixture of truth and error that is so very dangerous and the Bible says that a little leaven leavens the whole lump a little bit of error a little bit of poison a little bit of poison and a glass of water will kill you yeah so it's it's that is why discernment is so very necessary so very important my experience with that is that um for some reason there's a lot of local pastors that are well intended but they follow guys like Benny Hinn and some of the others that you mentioned and usually the argument goes something like this well yes he does teach some things that are not biblical but he also preaches some things that are the truth so what I understand of the way their thinking is that because they preach some things that are truth that justifies maybe some of the biblical heresy and an error that they do communicate and and and and my experience have been that a lot of local pastors try to like not look at the not look at the heresy and the error you say which I just want to look at the good things that he's preaching you know yes I don't agree with some of the other things but I'm still gonna support you know his ministry because of this type of things and and usually my argument is well you might want to consider some of the other things that he is teaching at our era see heresy and error because some of those things contradict the true gospel that they might be preaching on other occasions yes because you could say you know yes your own safe through Jesus Christ but then you have a wrong view of Christ right yeah you you could say you can only be saved through Jesus but if you're preaching the wrong Jesus correct what does it matter yeah you know you're leading people to hell correct and when I hear people say that I find it interesting that we would not say that same thing make that same argument for just about any other profession mm-hmm if you if you need surgery so you need heart surgery or brain surgery or something you're not going to go to a doctor a physician who gets half of half of it right yeah you know well yeah half of my patients die on the operating table due to my error it's a red flag right they're not gonna go to him you know you're not gonna go you wouldn't even take your car to a mechanic who doesn't know what he's doing you know who we might be able to tighten a couple of screws here and there but he doesn't really know what he's doing we wouldn't even do that with a vehicle and yet we're gonna trust our eternal Souls to someone who is is reckless with the Word of God and it takes intentionally take scripture out of context yeah so the the the nurturing and shepherding of our eternal Souls is by far the most important aspect of our lives and and we we're okay with someone who gets something right occasionally yeah you know it's not that any it's not that any of us has everything right 100% of the time but you know the kind of mistakes that someone like you or I would make in the pulpit we're talking about very minor things you know who wrote the book of Hebrews yeah when was the date of the Exodus all right no was Mathias a real apostle or did the Apostles jump the gun a little bit you know these are you know these are it even even things like eschatology you know pre mil or mil is not that those things aren't important they are important but but we're not talking about core gospel issues we're not talking about the state of your soul when it comes to the Word of Faith Movement we are they have a different God they have a very a Burin Eicher of God a very aberrant view of the nature in person and work of Jesus Christ they have a very elaborate view of the atonement they have an unorthodox view of man these these issues go to the core of the gospel and so being like Benny Hinn and Bill Johnson Guillermo Maldonado all these eight they they preach a different Jesus in a different gospel we're not talking about minor error here we're talking about core gospel issues I think a lot of our a lot of our people in many places and local churches have never received a solid biblical understanding of some of the truth and I think that's why they fall prey very easy because they haven't been discipled properly they have not landed on a solid biblical church that they can learn you know to read scripture but also interpret scripture properly and that's why they they fall prey very easily to some of these things yes I'm not justifying them but I'm saying that that's the reality of why you know they're easy to follow some of these teachings and preachers there's a controversial topic that's always addressed in many circles and that's the topic of is God given new revelation today I come from a charismatic background where that was normal that was part of the culture that was part of the teaching the doctrine where you know there's always messages from God God is speaking directly to people through visions dreams prophecies all type of external experiences and when you address that issue and you question that belief you know sometimes you get even a lot of trouble but I want to be able to let our audience know what is the true understanding a biblical on the standing up that is god-given new revelation today and and what are the dangers of believing that yeah yeah great question no worry let's define a couple of terms here because these are terms that are really misunderstood yeah revelation is the revealing of new information that up until this point has not yet been revealed so revealing something new that has not already been revealed it's not already a quarter description revelation is not happening anymore God has got God is not giving new information that has not already been revealed to us in the scriptures yeah so we hear people say things Oh a lot I really got revelation on this well no you didn't because God is not giving any new revelation now what may be happening is illumination yes illumination is the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of us as believers when he illumines the meaning of god's word to our minds as we read and study God's Word he helps us to understand what were reading enables us to appropriate it to obey it so that is illumination you know all of us as Christians we can think about times when we have been reading a text it may be a text that we've not really understood before but then all of a sudden like oh yeah catches that's what this is you know that that's that's illumination yeah and so that should be happening in the lives of believers so illumination yes revelation well and the reason this is so dangerous is is that once you open that door to God giving you revelation the camels nose is under the tent and there is no logical or theological reason to stop from sliding right into heresy every false prophet every leader of every major false religion has come along and said God told me something mmm God gave me something new Joseph Smith mohamad both of these men thought they were giving you revelation yeah the guy no wake up the Branch Davidian David Koresh yes you know I mean you think about all these false teachers Jim Jones you know back in the late seventies mm-hmm all of these men say God gave me something new God's giving me a dream he's giving me a vision he's speaking to me let me tell you what he has to say yeah so that that's a telltale sign of a false teacher the real battle today or hey is not so much over whether or not God's Word is inerrant mm-hmm because theoretically at least you know we've evangelicals have supposedly won those battles yeah yeah theoretically now whether or not even just actually believe it yeah personally it's a different matter but at least theoretically on paper where the real battle today is being fought is over sufficiency is God's Word sufficient and that battle is being lost but I would point people to a couple of passages probably three actually Hebrews 1 1 & 2 the writer of Hebrews says God long ago spoke to the father's in the prophets in many portions and in many different ways but in these last days he has spoken to us in his son so in other words writer of Hebrews is saying that in the Old Testament God spoke in a lot of different ways indeed through a burning bush through a storm and thunder through a Elijah still small voice which by the way was not some inner impression it was still an audible voice external to Elijah not internal numbers chapter 22 God made a donkey talk so God did speak in a lot of different ways many portions many different ways but in these last days he has spoken to us in his son Jesus is the final speaking of God everything that God has to say to us he has said in his son Jesus Christ and we have a perfect and arrant infallible all-sufficient record of that in his work also Romans 10 14 and 15 Paul speaks to he says how will they how are they hear without a preacher without a preacher in that passage along with Hebrews one I think puts the brakes on these stories that we hear about Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus and Jesus is showing up and dreams and visions to Muslims and they're getting saved well Paul says they can't hear without a preacher so I think that takes puts a puts the brakes on that as well and then second Peter 1:19 and in 20 Peter says he talks about being on the mountain of Transfiguration where he and James and John were there they saw Jesus along with Moses and Elijah transfigured before them and then they heard the voice out of heaven this is my beloved son and Peter says but we have the prophetic word more certain and what he's saying is we have the scriptures and the written word of God the scriptures are more certain than what he had experienced yeah and you know I hear so many people talk about their experiences with God you know their dreams or visions or whatever you know God woke me up in the middle of the night to pray for somebody or I felt impressed to take a right turn when I normally take a left turn and you know whatever all these kind of something and I'm a full believer in the Providence of God in every aspect of our lives but whatever experience you think you may have had I can promise you it doesn't approach the experience that Peter James and John had yeah up on the Mount of Transfiguration all right it doesn't begin to approach that Ash and yet Peter said the scriptures are more certain more certain than that yeah so scripture is our final and only authority and it is sufficient for everything that we need so anytime somebody comes along and says I've got you revelation God gave me something new no he did that's a telltale sign that's a huge red flag run from that person yeah and also that's an issue you that it doesn't only take place in in Pentecostal charismatic circles but we're seeing a growth even within reformed circles concerning this aspect of receiving you know new revelation in forms of prophecy and visions and dreams and there's a lot of people that you know respect some of these preachers because they're they're theologically sound but then when they embrace some of this our beliefs and practices a lot of people get confused out there because they're like well hold on you're holding to the sufficiency of Scripture but at the same time you know you're embracing other external means a description from Scripture that allow believers to receive messages from God you know the prophecies dreams ambitions yeah and I think it is very important that local pastors understand you know the importance of the sufficiency of Scripture lutely absolutely and that takes us to another topic which is really I know that it happens in Anglo churches but because this interview is gonna be mainly you know broadcast in Latin America there's a golden calf in our Hispanic communities and in our churches and is the issue of tongues you know it's like if you don't have that you know you're either not a church or you're not a believer or you're not even a Christian or the Holy Spirit is my with you what I want to be able to provide a biblical definition of what is the gift of tongues and what was the purpose of it yes I think there's a misunderstanding also between what is what is a gift and what was the purpose of right right great question so several things to say number one the gift of tongues was the ability to speak in a known foreign language it just was not known to the ones speaking it correct you didn't learn it he didn't learn it correct it would be like me all of a sudden being able to speak speak fluent Swahili yes it's a known language it's not known to me correct and and then there would have to be someone there to interpret what I said in Swahili and the person interpreting it would not know Swahili either but all of a sudden he would have the supernatural ability to interpret what I said in Swahili back into English sources yes yes for whatever was a con yo whatever what's the contest yeah exactly these men began to speak in different languages and you even in Acts chapter 2 you see the language is listed there there's like 15 or 16 different languages that are listed this whole of what what we see in the charismatic movement today is not people speaking of fluently speaking unknown foreign language you don't see charismatic saul of a sudden speaking in Portuguese or Mandarin or Farsi they're speaking gibberish this this ecstatic gibberish this is what the Corinthians were doing before they came to Christ before they were converted under Paul's ministry they were in various costs apolinaria and Dionysian cost and part of their pagan worship they would whip themselves up into emotional frenzies and in these heightened states of emotional frenzies they would begin to speak in unintelligible ecstatic gibberish yeah and that's exactly what we see the Corinthian I mean excuse me the correct the charismatic spewing today charismatic speak and unintelligible ecstatic gibberish if this is a pagan practice and it is a practice that is shared by non-christian religions as well it's not just charismatic yeah that speak in tongues a lot of people in Hinduism and then Hindu speak in tongues and Kundalini they space speak in tongues Mormons to Mormons speaking yawns yep yeah a lot of Mormons speak in tongues a lot of Roman Catholics speak in tongues so there's a number of pagan religions that speak in tongues and they do it in exactly the same way that Karris Mattox here so what we see today model that n2 also said that if tongues are done and it's better set the gift of instead of to get the tongues we should say the gift of languages yes but tongues is kind of a yeah yeah yeah the name that is stuck all right so at least the English name for a right exactly right exactly the English name so Paul says it must be done by two or at the most three each in turn yeah not all at the same time and yet what do you see when you go into charismatic churches fifty people doing that at the same time exactly exactly and that's patently not of God all says that there's no one there to interpret letting remain silent mm-hmm and so yeah if you ever see tongues being done where it's just gibberish it's not a god period if you see everybody doing it all at one time it's not a god period now you asked about the purpose of tongues so there's one place in the Bible that gives us a purpose for the gift of tongues and that's first Corinthians 14 20 through 22 Paul says that tongues were for a sign not for those who believe but to unbelievers and what Paul is saying there is that not that when an unbeliever sees you speaking in tongues they will just be so impressed by your ability yeah yeah Oh tell me about Jesus you know it's you know it's not that yeah and we know that that's not what he meant because he quotes Isaiah chapter 28 so then we need to ask what's going on in Isaiah chapter 28 judgment one of the signs that God was bringing judgment on unbelieving Israel is that one day the Jews would wake up in the morning and there would be a group of people in their midst speaking a foreign language generous Babylonians right serious and when they saw these people speaking Babylonian then they knew the prophecies here yeah we're in trouble God's bringing judgment yeah and that's what Paul quoted when he gave a function purpose for the gift of tongues and tongues in the New Testament was a sign of God's judgment on unbelieving Israel Israel had written did Jesus as their Messiah they crucified Him and so when these when these men begin to speak in tongues that was a sign that God's gaze of salvation if you will was shifting away from Israel to the Gentiles yes and God brought a partial hardening to the nation of Israel a hardening that continues to this day by the way so that was the purpose of tongues let me also say this because I've heard a lot of charismatic say well I don't speak in tongues in church I don't know it's just something between me and the Lord praying our language my prayer like this yeah well a couple of things to be made about that couple of points one there's no record anywhere in the Bible of anyone praying in anything other than a known language including Jesus himself yeah they prayed in a known language so this this whole notion of praying in gibberish it's that's foreign to Scripture and also when people say that's something that I use with my own private prayer time on private worship what is the purpose for the gift what is the purpose for spiritual gifts generally speaking for the edifying men of the body right exactly for the edification of the church of the body to build up the saints they are not for our own private use yeah you know if you have the gift of let's say I had the gift of mercy that's my spiritual gift just as an example yeah yeah do I go into my private prayer closet and just show myself mercy yeah it's dumb all right we laugh at that so why do we carve out an exception for the gift of tongues yeah it makes no sense they're not for our own private use they're for the edification of the body yeah and usually my my own personal experience you know because I was part of the movement for many years and and I'm not I'm not saying that this people that practiced this are not brothers in Christ a lot of them are regardless of whether we don't agree with the way they're practicing they're supposed to give what I notice is that depending on the local church where you're going and you're visiting or you're attending you will see that most of the people let's say that you go to a church in 10 yeah and they're practicing this most of the people there will sound the same they're all repeating the same syllables the same expressions the same kind of gibberish words usually from what I've been able to experience is that because the leaders speak like this the congregation's tend to repeat whatever the leaders are saying right if you go to a Hispanic Church you will see that they all speak sort of like the same tongues when you go to Africa merican Church you will see that most of them have like their own specific distinguished language that they use so those are some of the things that started clicking in my head I'm like something is wrong here you know because it's just I mean if the spirit is so wise the Spirit of God is so wise and and all knowledge why is it that these people are very limited and what they're saying through what they're speaking I mean I always thought to myself I said this is a weird way for the Holy Spirit to communicate you know yeah you know the creator of languages right you know with the father the son how is it that these people only speak the same four or five syllables or expression exactly and I say this I don't wanna I'm not saying this to make a mark of it but just were some of the things that started ringing in my head like something is not accurately right that's right yeah another topic that is really affecting our Hispanic communities now more than it did twenty years ago it's the Apostolic movement there's a lot of people claiming to the apostle's there's a lot of people commissioning others as apostle's what is the what was the purpose of the Apostolic office is it is it it's not available today is that something that the church should expect what can we say about that yeah well the the purpose of the Apostolic office is or was rather to to preach the gospel begin churches and lay the foundation of of the church lay the foundation of what we are now in the church age and to be an apostle a true apostle of Christ to hold that office a man had to meet three requirements really for number one you had to be a man yeah so so it had that cuts out half the population right there yeah so you had to be a man but assuming you met that qualification there were three more number one you had to be a first person eyewitness of Jesus you had to see Jesus raised from the dead with your own two eyes yeah nobody left today can say that you know all those guys are long gone they've been in heaven for almost two thousand years now so that's the first one he had to be a first-person eyewitness of jesus number two you had to be directly appointed by Christ to be an apostle you didn't just wake up one morning and think I think I'm gonna be an apostle yeah I wouldn't start calling myself an apostle no you had to be appointed by Jesus himself to be an apostle yeah so that's a second then the third he had to had had to have the ability to perform the signs and wonders of an apostle heal the sick cast out demons occasionally raised the dead mm-hm and signs and wonders were not taking place among believers at large in the New Testament they are there the the signs of an apostle yeah Saint Corinthians twelve signs of an apostle T it was only the Apostles that were performing signs and wonders with a couple of exceptions like Stephen and Philip but these were men that were very close associates with the apostles and the apostles kind of conferred that ability on to them but you don't see Christians at large in the book of Acts performing signs and wonders in fact in a couple of different places in Acts chapter 2 and again in Acts chapter 5 you see and I don't have it in front of me but it says many signs and wonders were taking place by the hand of you at the hands of the Apostles among the people yeah so so and to be an apostle you had to meet all three of those requirements and there's not a person alive on the planet anywhere today who meets even one of those requirements much less all three of them yeah and so there are no more apostles today revelation 21 verse 14 describes the New Jerusalem which is built on the twelve foundation stones on which are inscribed the names of the Twelve Apostles 'm so all these people running around today calling themselves apostle this apostle that no you're not is your name inscribed on one of those twelve foundation stones if it's not you're not an apostle so yeah that's very clear but that's a that's a really big movement right now and i latin america i mean almost in every corner there's an apostolic church with some guy claiming to be an apostille so it's it's really affecting our communities because obviously they claim to be apostles they claim to receive new revelation from God they they easily disease people by visions and dreams and you know all type of supernatural things that they're able to perform but most of those things can not be correct corroborated they cannot they cannot provide evidence or some of the things that they claim how how can local pastors help their local churches discern truth from error because a lot of local pastors feel like this is just but this is a big problem I'm not sure I'll be able to tackle some of these issues that are going on that are affecting our communities but what advice would you give local pastors as far as helping their churches discern truth from error yeah well they were safe things that they can do one is have a commitment to expository preaching preaching the Word of God verse by verse work your way through books of the Bible teach through the books of the Bible and as you teach sequentially through books of the Bible you're going to hit these things these issues are going to come up and you can address them as the text brings them up and this will also teach people good hermeneutics how to rightly interpret scripture as they see how you handle the text as you work your way through it yeah and so when a congregation begins to learn that from their pastor they read and study on their own they learned good hermeneutics and a lot of this stuff they will begin to to learn with your help by listening you do you rightly divide the word of truth on their own so that that's the first thing also I would say you know outside of the Sunday morning worship service from time to time have some have some classes on on hermeneutics or or on the charismatic movement do a pointed study on the charismatic movement and I'm not trying to sell anybody heretic but but the DVD that I have clouds without water actually do have subtitle translated into Spanish yeah and so that would be a good resource I think you could show that you know we're gonna share the link of what people can actually go in and find it on an on a Sunday night you know or something like that whatever you want to do so that that would be a helpful resource and also I would encourage pastors to to do what Paul said in Titus chapter 1 verse 9 he says teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict yeah focusing totally on one to the exclusion of the other is is Error on either side oh yeah so we're to teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict it and and be very clear be don't be afraid to name things don't be afraid to call out false teachers by their name Paul did it Paul did it he called out false teachers Monday Peter did it John did it even Jesus said Herod that Fox so so there is a biblical precedent for calling out false teachers by name so just be prepared that if you do that you will get some slack yeah yeah you will get some opposition you will but that's to be expected mm-hmm you know if Jesus says woe to you when all men speak well of you hood yeah if you're not getting some opposition you're doing something wrong I agree so I agree you got some books that you brought I mean that that we're given during the conference I just want to you know let our audience know I know they're in English with the exception of this one that is in Spanish but there's some books for those that maybe speak English that are very good this one is the healing promise is it always God's will to heal by Richard Mayhew very good book addressing that question in that topic we got health wealth and happiness has a prosperity gospel overshadowed the gospel of Christ by David Jones and Russell Woodbridge and obviously strange fire in Spanish this boy was Tranio by John MacArthur I'm not getting any money for this promo but I just want to let our audience know that these are great materials that they are able to get there is gonna help her maybe clarify some additional doubts or questions that make that they might have yes so Justin I appreciate your time I appreciate the time you spent here in Delaware the past couple days hopefully you know you also were edified with the fellowship of the rose and sisters our was brother L was thank you know Rolla much and uh ory I appreciate you appreciate your friendship and the the work that you're doing and yeah praise God for it man you're an encouragement to me so thank you thank you thank you brother well thank you audience of radio para de Gracia and we keep providing good biblical solid materials and interviews for the edification of the body of Christ and all that god bless you you
Views: 55,344
Rating: 4.8200564 out of 5
Keywords: faro, de, gracia, #false teachers, benny hinn, guillermo maldonado falso, cash luna falso, falsas lenguas, pentecostalismo, evangelio prosperidad, justin peters
Id: WX1PaR4h29E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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