5 Secret Gold Farm Spots In Classic WoW

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anybody but us being playing classic Wow recently has probably discovered how important gold is in this version of the game from the low levels to level 62 an endgame radar you're going to need gold no matter what I have made videos about farming gold in classic Wow but in this video I'll give you guys some farming sports but not many people know about and hopefully watching this video you guys can come up with some ways to get some gold in-game so let's get into five hidden gold form spots in classic Wow starting off at number five is shadow fan keep so I'm sure the majority of you guys have run this dungeon before and are wondering how this could actually be used to farm gold in the game you see shadow fan keep is quite unique and the fact that it has a bunch of really expensive boe blue items that are insanely good for the low level that you can get them and when I mean good I mean people are willing to spend hundreds of gold to buy one of these boe items so the trash mobs in sfk all have quite a big loot table and unique to this dungeon you can get some insane blue items on average there was about two 0.14 percent chance but any given trash mob inves dungeon will drop a BOE blue there are approximately 85 mobs in sfk so that would mean if you run sfk seven or eight times you would have a very high chance of getting one of these blues and the reason why this is important is because the blue items where you get here a lot of them are used for best in slot items at level 19 which is going to be hugely in the bond when battle grounds come out and people will want to twink in this bracket so battlegrounds aren't even out yet yet one of the items that you can get from shadow Fang keep I saw on the auction house on my server go for hundreds of gold this is shadow Fang the best in slot main hand weapon for rogues in the 1920 bracket the mobster sfk have about 0.04 percent chance of dropping the shadow Fang and shadow Fang is the most expensive and lucrative item that you can get but that's not to say that it's not a bunch of other extremely valuable items in this dungeon there's also the assassin's blade which goes who are a lot of gold as well and that has a similar drop chance to shadow fan to be honest I'll move the right class to form this dungeon in fact I'm pretty sure that you need to be a mage to do this properly or at least the most efficient but just keep in mind that if you run this dungeon eventually you will get one of these expensive blue items and hopefully this is one of the best and slow items for a level 19 twink and you will become rich overnight although that being said if you grind this dungeon and you miraculously get one of these drops I would advise for you hang on to air until face week comes out wherever de montfort wink items will be at the highest number 4 on this list is golden pearls so guys this is a form that I've discovered pretty recently and to be honest before yesterday I had no idea that this actually existed golden pearls can actually be formed quite easily through killing aquatic monsters that are above level 40 so guys what is a golden pearl golden pearls are extremely in the month in classic Wow because they are used in a bunch of really high-end recipes this is used in recipes such as enchant weapons spell power ruined arcanite ward and some tailoring epics such as true faith vestments and gloves of spell mastery so golden pearls are very much in demand by max level players with a lot of gold to spare and will always be in demand since the spell power enchant is best in slot for a lot of caster DPS and from what I've seen in the auction house these golden pearls usually go for about 6.5 gold over weigh up to 25 gold each which is absolutely insane but on my server they're pretty cheap so as I mentioned before the way to get this is by killing aquatic monsters beyond level 40 and when I say aquatic monsters I mean monsters that can drop the big mouth clam in classic well a lot of aquatic monsters drop these clams and they're basically an item that you get that is like a mini treasure chest inside you usually get clam meat and some seaweed and that's about air but sometimes you can get very lucky and gets a pearl that drops these pearls vary in value however the big mouth clam has about a 1.7 percent chance of being inside one of these clams so by killing aquatic monsters such as crabs Turtles merlocks and Nagas eventually you'll get a golden pearl from one of these clams and these clams have a 50% drop chance so to be honest it really won't take you that long until we get the golden pearl from them not to mention all the other lutes that you'll get in addition to this again this is counterintuitive since a lot of people playing classic Wow get kind of annoyed by clams since they take up so much inventory space some even vendor them and don't actually open up the clams this is a huge mistake as at least for the bigmouth clams you could have a small fortune that is inside one of these clams that you never knew existed so if you're grinding on mobs and trying to level up you might want to try and grind on some aquatic monsters to get some of these clams it's kind of annoying to open up all of these individually but it's definitely worth it if you get one of these golden pearls okay so number three on this list is the elemental fire so guys in classic crowd there is a bunch of recipes that use elementals these are items that are found from elemental NPCs but have a chance of dropping and elemental that sounds kind of confusing but it's just the name this item has however right now the most expensive elemental that you can get is elemental fire which as I mentioned drops from fire elementals the only problem is the vast majority of fire elementals are inside high-level dungeons and raids such as Blackrock depths and molten core however there are some low-level fire elementals that are in the open world that are easy to form I think the first formable instance of a fire elemental is in stonetalon mountains' but the most consistent way to form elemental fires is Ana Raffy Highlands there's a bunch of these circles that have different elemental npcs that were involved in the quests how are the elementals that we won't be killing other fire elementals that's are near the most eastern point of the map these guys have a relatively small chance of dropping an elemental fire which if drops will usually sell for about 80 silver / way up to a couple of gold each and these will always be in demand since this is the key reagent that is used in the greater fire protection potions one of the most highly consumed potions in classic Wow for now obviously going to be used a lot in molten core by a team of 40 people so there was a pretty much endless demand for elemental fire and a very small supply so as you can guess there's quite a lot of gold to be made from elemental fires elemental fires are also you used in creating the field to repair both a fire resistance enchant for cloaks and the goblin mortar over time elemental fires will just go up and up and value the more people start raiding molten core so you might want to buy and hoard them have been seldom later at a higher price when the demand is higher for burning exile NPCs that you can find here also have a high chance of dropping a burning charm we sell for about 15 silver each on the auction house and have a very high chance of about 50% so to be honest this is a very good place to farm some gold the only problem is if you're any kind of high level you'll run out of mobs take hill and wait for them to respawn however you can't just lay a hope and hopefully go on to a layer where nobody else is there number two on this list is fused wiring so guys this is another item that is very expensive and is used in quite a lot of key recipes things such as the field to repair both Goblin jumper cables mechanical dragon ling and so on all require a fused wiring the only problem is there's very few ways to actually obtain a fused wiring in the open world one of the most formidable ways to get the fused wiring is from the venture coach shredders that you can find in strangle phone veil these guys up about a six percent chance of dropping a fused wiring and depending on the server's age can even go up to five gold plus at the very least he should get one goal for it but this is a pretty good item to get especially for the level that you can acquire it which is high level 30s the only problem is is that their venture coal shredders there's only free ver actually spawn so you might want to farm these when it's off-peak hours to make sure that no one else Snipes these goblin shredders if you're fortunate enough to come here by yourself you can pretty much found these get some good XP and hopefully get a few of these fused wirings to sell on the auction house I'm pretty sure but the price of these will go up over time so like a lot of the things on this list unless you need money now you might want to keep hold of them in your bank okay so number one on this list is for giant egg any of you guys for the level 40 plus would have probably come across these if you've been killing any kind of avian creatures any bird vendors above level 40 will have a pretty good chance of dropping a giant egg and you may think well it's only just going to be used and okaying so there's not really going to be much demand for it on the auction house however this is not the case Vijayan egg is used in a recipe that creates the monster omelet which as of now is pretty much the best food buff that you can get as of this recording so a stack of giant eggs can actually sell for about two to three gold each as I mentioned before to get a giant egg is really simple do two birds above level 40 having a very high chance of dropping them a pretty good way to fund these in the mid level 40s over rocks that you can find in tanaris I grinded a few levels here and I gots quite a lot of giant egg stacks just from grinding the walks here however the regular walks are not the best target to grind a Novus isn't a video about grinding experience however I feel it's worthwhile mentioning that the fireworks fed in there by one of the skeletons and Denarius these guys are a few levels higher however they have about the same HP meaning that they are ideal for grinding XP and gold at the same time while I was here is killing quite a lot of these guys and I gots a lot of really good gray items and of course four giant eggs the only problem is off the run out of them you will have to kill some of the hyenas but it's okay because the hyenas show up some pretty expensive gray items sewer works out in the end well guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you enjoy the video please drop a like down below and subscribe to the channel this is volte signing out
Channel: vaulty
Views: 869,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vaulty, World of Warcraft, classic wow, wow gameplay, classic, WoW, gold
Id: 2qCuGlL5Sj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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